The Signal, 1936-7-9, Page 1Don't Forget that you ,ran save money by ustult The Signal's Newspaper and Magisiue (Tubbing Service. Special rates oa an the leading oew•popers .4 psitodlpla • TELEPHONE 35 a p t Anything to Buy ? ANYTHING TO SELL! ANYTHING TO TRADE? Tell the folks 1n the Classified, Ads. columns of THE SIGNAL RORTY -NINTH YEAR, NO. 28 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1986 Head of Family of Two Hundred Tax Rate Again Is Fifty Mills 1 LLinuktes for 1036 Panted at iris day Night's Meeting of the Town Council Ooder1eb taxpayers will pay on the tame rate as last year tor municipal purposes, namely, DO 'mills on the dol- lar. Separate school enpportera will pay 1Y milts more, or 51j(a mile. The levy is divided as follows: fLs for genera; purposes. mins for CoUeglate- faelka 7sailla der �' "' 10 -mills for separate school 1 mill for unemployment relief. Tales are payable in two theta,- meats, nstarmeats, August 15th and December 14th, with the usual prevision for die - counts and penalties. 'Phe levy for 111136 !nee is made on the 1935 assess- ment sses -ment roll. The estimates of receipts and expen- ditures for 1936 ,are as follows: Expeeditteire Salaries .i 5,900 Printing and advertising 1,000 Law costs 800 Fire department 1,700 Politic works and road oil 8,� Risk Charity, relief and asylum patteats » .... 1,000 Public library 1.900 Oriente .. t...».-....- . 1,800 Bank interest -»- 3,300 Elections 226 Parka 1.000 Part Howse .,.., --- 1.000 Oemetery 1,000 Public schools _.__ 20,700 Separate school T 1,225 Collegiate Institute _.. 15,218 en Beard of health 160 Inanrence 630 Market 25 Debenture account (lou wa- ter and light and schools) 20,322 81 O.W.8.R. interest » 7e� County rates 10.407 37 Street lighting -: Town water account 5,000 2,100 5,000 300 360 000 460 2,706 95 PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. J. T. Newell, of Toronto, Is vlsltlttg �t,)oder friends. hese oiiieeen is eleitisA with r tern In Pleat. Mrs. Ber ard, of Luckaowe was a recent visitor witli Mrs. T. Hunking. Mr. W. J. Tob4n, o! the Royal Bank, Hamilton, Is holidaying et his home here. Master Leroy Potter, of New Balti- more, 14 holidaying with relatives in the vicinity. His friends are pleased to nes Mr. Andrew Pere. out again after his long and saeloss Wtasaa. Mr. Loafs B. Talbot, of Quebec City, *peat a week 1n town recently, the of jigs. C. L. Mahe. is Bareh p- est of , - Testate. x tL1rtlAlidein/MtAi:;.r-nenu. Mrs. D. Down, Huron road. Mr. and Mr.. , Leighton Walker, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mr. rod Mrs. Wesley Walker. Mr. Chas. Searl, of Guelph, Is visit- ing with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. l'. Jenkins, Anglesea street. Mr. Charles Tweedle, of Detroit, spent the woek-end with his grand- mother, Mrs, DeLong, Victoria street. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clarke and Mr. and lira. C. W. l'etter, of De - trait. spent the July 418 holidag la town. Mr. Arden H. Aitken was a recent gaeat with kr. and Mrs. J. 8. Me- Dowell at their summer home at Mid- land. • Mrs. Wm. Waite, Bayfield road, on Saturday returned from ■ vacation gnat with relatives at Klppen and Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lloyd and daugh- ter. (Ilene, 1144 .,eau,•, were guests for a few days at the Royal York. Toronto. Mr. Wesley Welker was at Wing - ham yesterday atteldino the fueeral of his brother Lac. who passed away there on Tuesday. Dr. Peter Vladlt, his wife and daughter Sonata, of Mt. Clemens, Mich., visited at the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Green. Rev. Gee. Leola aad Mrs. Logia, of Phoenix, Adieu, sad Mrs. Allan L17eteJtere.>dstch.er. Wife ife /faun Meweek of Mre. Margaret Warnock, Albert 'street. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moran, Bruce end Lenore, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mrs. Moran'. mother, Mrs. A. O. $g i4 . Mrs. Moro ant the children are staying a couple of dirks. Miss Steed, from New York City, who visited with Mrs. Thos. Huaktng the last three weeks, has left for her old home in Prescott, where she will remain until September before return- ing to the city of New York. Mr. I. C. Hergesheimer, accompan- ied by Mr. and Mre. Howard Clark and two children, Miss Thelma Mickey and Mr Ralph Mickey, of Downers Grove, Illinois, visited with Mrs. Her gesbelmer•at Mrs. C. L. Moore's. Mrs. (Dr.) T. Packwood, of Brown City, Mich., accompanied by her Bon- in -law and d.ughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hassler, of Lansing, Mich., visited last week -end at the home of Mrs. Wm. Jennings and with friends at Saltford. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Long, of Leth- bridge, Alta., !pent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Long, Cambria road, and also with friends In Col- borne and Ast8eld townships. It 1s thirty-one years' since Mr. Long went West and this 1s his first visit during that time to Its old home here. Mr, and Mra. John Green, ot De- t, with their daughter*.-Laretti ins Doris end son, John Jr., made a week- end vtstt to fr;enee 1n town and vtetw Ity. John jr was accompanied by four of his bey friends from Detroit, who spent a jolly week -end In the Green cottage at Port Albert. Demount oa taxes .....: .» Bask :oven mauves .._ Water, light and harbor ..- tall Co. power ,._.................. Are Craft plant Miscellaneous Cemetery Licenses Fines Dog taxes Local Improvement taxes Sewer rentals .... Road oil assessments .. National Shipbuilding Co..... Goder1' h Mfg. Co. Art Craft Provincial railway tie Rants Relief payments from Gov- ernment Income tax from GoverD- went ............ ...... . Taxes-- llollegiate Institute - Pobttc school .........» Separate schoot'»» Relief General ...,» .+.�.... $129,542 72 i 400 1,000 100 300 4,300 500 584 e8 1,200 2,006 06 150 200 46 1,200 3,900 080 16,964 94 21,753 51 1,288 75 2,009 90 70,385 33 The rates as above wart adopted at the meeting of the town council on Friday night. Mayor MacEwen was In the chair, atter his recent Illness, and the other members were all pre - ,,,s ,sat exteatYieeve-Muer, wbo was IU, and Co Mor Baker. II The Bestow Maitland metery ported four Interments In June. The tax collector's report showed collections In Jane amounting to 85,007.11. Applications for bundlei permits were received from Alex. Toung, Miss P. M. Sturdy sad Geo. P. Gould, all for minor repairs or improvements. A request. from St. George's church for the roping off of a portion of North street for the annual garden party was referred to the public works committee. A request from tbe Ouderlcb Trot- ting and Pacing Aseoclation for the use of Agricultural Park for the an- n ual race meet was panted on the usual conditions. Another request from the same attsoclatioo, for the cut- ting of the high grass adjacent to the track, was lett in the hands of the public works committee. A letter from the Bell 'Telephone Company, asking early conaideratlon of the Company's propel for the re- locating of their lines in the eskt part of the town, wu cent to til. special committee, to arrange a conference with the public utilities commission. Members of the conncll Iiprwssed tasmselves as in favor of%trying to :use arrangement wheeabi the Yis apl.ose `Gewgiaw, nitwit - with the proposed work. A request from Chas. Hunt (boo - eon) for oil treatment of .Wright liNet watt sent to the public. works femmittee. CansnMNtss The finance commit recommended that amounts be rendered to the God- erieh Manufarturing !