HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-6-11, Page 88--11earache, Jure lith, 19110 1 F,JRNITURE Remoi&Bet ` and Upholstered WORK GUARANTEED Pitt('ES REASONABLE George McKay St. David's Street, Ooderioh 1 Specials LADIES I INDIVIDUAL Permanent Waves Regular *7.60, for $6.00 on a new Helene Curtis Machine OTHER WAVES AT *4.60 AND $3.00 Betty's Beauty Sboppe 64 Elgin Ave., E. Phone 340 HEADQUAR —FOR— Roast Beef.. c Boiling Beef .. 60 Pork Sausage . 2 lb.. for 26c Pure L rd .... 2 lb.. tee 160 Leg, Spring Lamb !Ps Boast Veal Veal Chops 160 iCarket —THOS. LEGO— Phone 486 Hamilton 8t. FURN and PAINT ACLCRAFT PAINTS are bleb If quality sad low is peke. You will find nest -class values in our stock of FURNITURE and STOVER We pusintely save you money 11 Blackstone - Ou the Broadway of Godericb" Upholster;ng FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, RECOVERED AND REPAIRED ALL THE LATEST ('OS FIRINGS -Twelve yearn with leading manufaeturere.- E.11'ERTLY DONE--SATiSFA('TIO\ Q1.'ARANTEED Let us supply you With NEW SOLID WALNUT OCCASIONAL CHAIRS STOOLS and OTTOMANS trade specially for each individual. QUALITY, LOWEST PRICES SHOP OPEN EVF..IN(18 TILL 9 P.M. • 1 10 ATT THE SIGNAL BRIEFS Rev. Canon We, who suffered a stroke oe Monday, is Irotressing favorebty Recording to tenet reports. itesere:e Tbursday. July 23, fur 8t. Georges ('hurchwoman's Guild garde. Warty, to be held on the rectory grounds. The Ahmeek Chapter, I.O.D.E., Is holding • bridge sod salad tea un Judge Onetellu's lawn on Friday after- noon. July 19. The Arthur Circle of Knox church Intend toddling a silver tea at Mrs. .1. W ('ralglds cottage on 'Thursday, June 23, from 3 to 6 p.m. Hosuenaads bak- ing oleo will be sold. The Godertel Township Itesspltal Auxlllnre.joill meet at the home of Visa- ReI,etta, Aaron .toad, ba Thurs- day, Jane lRtb, at 2.30 p.m. A good attAt endance nation gen n ies conducted by Right Rev. C. A. Stager, 'Bebop ut Huron, at Grace church, Brantford, cm Sunday, Lyall H. •('rawford. of Goderieh, with five otbtr young men, was ordained deaeou. • The regular monthly meeting of the Victoria Home and School .Club will be held on Thur. -day, June 18, at 8 o'clock. Tile will be a social even- ing, with a muslral program, and re- freshments will he served. The Ladles' Aid of Zion church, Tay- lor's -Corner. Pre-1utilliu/t. A. Dir• R„1nd salad supper• :b the acrtooi Aro ads - r Jprne 10"`-1. _ _ entitled, "A Regiment of Two." will be given by the T.P.S. of 8t. Paul's church. Clinton. supper and play w'111 be held under cover in ease of dimgreeelde weather. Everybody come and ,•ol,,v a good .upper good laugh. Admission, and • a 33c and 20c. SILVER TEA You are invited to attend a silver tea at the home of Mrs. A. L. Cole. 8r/tennis road, on Thursday after - HOOD, June 18, under the auspices of the Womenfs .laeirlatlun of Nortb street United church. Tea served from 3.30 to 8. Everyone welcome. OODERICB MARKET PRICES Hells, :, 11..., 12e; haus, 4-3 lbs., 10c: hens under 4 lbs., ties. Eggs and Batter Fars. per dozen, 14c-1tle; butter, dairy, lb. 18e; butter, creamery, 11)., 22 e Live Stark is Rams Imp, cwt., UM; ; beef, ib.. �OeS1 TS4c. Wheat, per bas., 60e -416e; buck- wheat, per bus., 33e -.38e; oats, per bon., 2:+c`30e; barley, per bus., 33c -- 40e. PVesedabiea • otatoes, per bag. 81.75•-42, Bran, 1� and Feed shorts, 100-18. bag.b$1ag,. L� 1 i toba Dour, 100-1b. bac $ j2 N1110141, VALUES You CAN'T pv$Rlom. SAL/ -.ON 3 -1b. 25c CRIMSON w�, u m n Red _R�`�►se Tea Z6` FANCY BETA FANCY BETA Peg BAY$1DE- .PLAIN Irtee-os. Jar OLIvEs JUlt80 QUEEN 25C SOAPFOWERS 3..k1-3c.- Mar.LARENII 26-m. Jar • Butter 24e ASPAGUS CUTTINGS Cok:"4 DOMESTIC Shortening : 47 JELLY PDRS. 12 -es Tin . 1 OC r WESTON'S BISCUITS CHOCOLATE FINGER RUFFLES 2 29 GODERICH, ONT. OIt&TUARY 1,1418 GRACE JOHNSTON The death of Miss (Ince Jo1lnoton, a former re.Meut E tide town, or comae ea Wednesday, June Srd, at her home, 140 Lakeshore cream, Centre Island, Toronto- Deceased was a daughter 0! the late Mt. and Mr.. James Johnston of Brussels, but, with two older sisters, the Miaow delle and Arne Jobaston, both now deceased, spent most of her early years to God- erlcb, living for some time with her aunt, Yrs. J. E. Tom. Since rescbing mature yearn she had lived mostly at Toronto., She had been in poor bealtb for some time before her death. } T. he'ata_eeRsge_ tent* !lure • • • MR8. 11AIIY JANE T. JENKINS ]nary Jane Elisabeth, Cox, widow of the int Edward leak's'. of Col- burne townaAlys, .died at her home on Anglesey street en Saturday. Ai- thougb she bed been in poor health for years she bad been able to be about and attended church regularly; the Anal illness being a brief one. A na- tive of (luderich township, she was a daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. John ('oz. About forty years ago she THE FAMILY Oli ma' sled Hr. Jenkins and farmed with THE LATE E.H. him at his home In Colborne until he I heartfelt k thank1/1 s for h t t tender their Mud- died in 11►W. She [time to Goeioai�.sissy k4 the erg death of her husband. 8be iil1�� �&r. Walters d for the t a fa)thhI j es o[ Mr. Walters and for the member of North street United �church. maul bereavement. artmtget to ?".coir Surviving are two sons, Captata Earl Jenkins, with the Imperial 011 Com - of nGoderich. ca Mrs. Jrukd rcy lns was the youst and of a family of The flu eras se� a conducted on Mont - day afternoon by Rev. W. P. Lane, was largely attended by friends of deceased from town and from Col I� RENT.-0phyptoRTABLE APART - borne and (loderich townships. 1n- I PENT, groeet. Door Colborne block. ferment was in Colborne cemetery, the 1 Newgate street. Rent reasonable. pallbearers being rl1 nephews of de- !Good sedan. Also single room in same Bozk83. Apply R()BT. JOHNSTON, ceased. • • . Pbone 131. Three highway trucks have bass work the last few days oil at Water htghway south from ibe Blue Ooderich. D1ZD WA1/rERE.-At • Benmlller, on Mon- day, June 8, Edwin Hoary Walters, tar lases 49th year. JENFEIN8.-In (loderlch. on Saturday, June etb; Mary Jai E. Coz, widow of the late Edward Jeuk)ns. GLEDHILL -At 3450 West Phlladel- pMe are., Detroit, uo Monday June 1st, Blanche Charlesworth, beloved wife of George Edwin 'Gledhill. IN IMICRIORIAII MUIR.-10 luring memory of Donald C. Muir, who was drowned In Lake Iijneoe "'1 Jam. 11 Mak Tbree years base passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away. OW took him hoe -it was His will - Forget him -ns, we never wilt Badly missed ise..,.. GRANDPA. GItAN'DyfA (MR. AND ER8. BERN- ARD WILSON), MO'111I0R, BROTH- ER AXI) 'SISTERS. CARD Of TISANES TO RENT 'OR RENT. -8 -ROOMED HOUSE: rent reasonable. Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. E. H. WAI/Ti+:RS Edwin H. Walters, storekeeper at 1 Beamllkr, passed away at hits home •I GENERAL homework. Apple MISS GENE the re on Monday afternoon, after bwnth's Illness. The news of death was received with regret many friends and acquaintances, ceased being widely known and vernally respected. Mr. Walters in his alztyninth year, having born at Benmiller In October, 11167, • of the tate Charter. Walter. and his wife Elias Vaastonee. Before Pur- chasing the Benaliler store In 1904, be was In business at Collingswood for a number of years, and It was white living there, 1n 1898, he wad carried to Mlss Serene rinser, of Co borne township, who survives h( with their only child, Harold E. Wa tens, of Toronto. Brothers end air ters wh WANTED NAID WANTED. -FOR GEN hi' CONNOR. Dy I ' ' gone 348. Do- uai- '�'RADD IN YOUR OLD TIR LIB - been LiB- wts ERAL allowance made on new Do - been minion:. BEI+JVERt; SERVICE RTATIOY. iTAN'TED.—YOrNO general housework, -1./Dr- FOR perleaced and ca Yuan taking er charge. Apply SIeGNALIOFFIClull t- J MEDICAL 1 F. J. R. i oaBr , 1DTE, m. U0usx. THROAT. -. �A ad I Irate House Surgeon New Yerk IOpbtbatmlc sad Aural Hoepttal, as - °I' at Moorefield Eye id land Golden $quore Threat London, Eng. HoapltalRospital E7 E8 TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 63 Waterloo Street 8., Stretford. Telephone 267 Nett visit -Wednesday. June 17, from 7 p.m. to 1 p.m, on Thursday. June 18, at Bedford Hotel. e are (larenee a Lester Walters, both of Benmlller We. Arable Dewar. (Charlotte), Plekford, Mich.; Mrs. Wm. ne (Ethel). of Omega, Bask., and -Ere. Wks. Oke (1110, of Benedller. Mrs. Dewar and ditngbter, Mn. May Hop- kins, of PfektVred, Etch., and Yr. and lira. Harold Watters, of Toronto, were with deceased in his finaI illness. Mr. Walters wee oat. of the organis- es of the Co/borne !Municipal Tele - one System some twenty -sire years ago.' He was a member of tbe Ben- iller C.O.F. ledge, and six Foresters ted as pallbearers at the toners hteh took place yeeeterday (Wrdues y) 'aftereoo. to Colborne reme- ry: Arthur e$trau(then, Joe. Stew. , C. A. Vaastone, Ambrose Ysn- one, Albert Good and Ed. Holt: - limn. The funeral tiers -ire* were nducted by Rev. (Geo. Wylie of Ben- /ler Patted church, assisted by Rev. J. Patton of Lack.ow, a former tor. Pb m lee +a ala to Iha ice, IR. Ipas 1P10s SALE 1 I,bf BALE.-IiIIDSON CAR, good condition. Victrola In mahog- 1 any eats. ('all at 92 East street. UUr$E Pint R SALE. -TWO-STORY aabrtck house on Nelson street. ,Eight rooms and bathroom. Good location. I Would ezc�tsnge for bungalow or cot_ �t•=e• App1Y at SIGNAi. OFFICE. i MaCLAREN'S OR SHIRRiFF'3 OEL MAIZ NIBLETS 2 12roz 25< sin, FRENCH'S PREPARED MUSTARD Jar Jar 2,25c 5Pkg.24c SALTED PEANUTS - 1b. ZN : HEW PACKAGE CERT° lepra Jen bottle BN-. DOMINO P A C iloAP 10 bars $ • TISSUE - 2 rolls ltd White -Liquid 2 IN 1 CLEANER Coffee MAXWELL HOUSE Frnm en ty GOOD HUMOR • Standard Qualit PEAS 11 No. 2 tins 25e 3-07. Parka a tt pat TEA bottle 14d 44- 1-18. t�" RED LABEL -18. tin `ye -1b. Pkg. 1-1b. Pkg. Pk,- 25c 49c TETRA SPECIAL! 0.•-.gms. , .... dos. CSR Large Ripe Pineapp�.. . each 1* Firm, Ripe Tomatoes .2 lbs. for -29c Large, Fresh 'L t' L-ttoce 2 for Re Ifew Cauliflower ........10 Choice Cantaloupes. ..2 for, 2be Thews prices are efteettve for June lit h. 12th and 13th nom mink �- - s (PREF DELIVERY ON ALL ORDER 4, • . Keep GOING with 0 14,4.1 BETTER BRAN FLAKES Bs .URE you get genuine bran flakes that contain enough bran to be .nildly laxative, Kellogg's PEP- Bran Flakes 2•" *nap It,4*e' 1+.0..0 ffo!tot eC Popular with the wholefamily. Delicious, Nourishing. Ready to eat with milk or cream. Enjoy theirs batter bran flakes often. Always oven. eriap at your grocer... )lade by K.•1- in Lori. ' (ion, Ontario. 5 )R SALE. -T ! ()ENCS property, barn, both to good well on property. prietor. Apply to Nile. • AUCTION MIAS UCATION SALE ANTIQUE 1lODID1tN 11013811 Fvt'H 18H1NO8. he pare received instructions to self by print: auction at the home or the let* Robert McLean, Huron road, God- erleh, ea W8DNICBDAx, J1'NE 24th at 1.30 o'clock, ail the content of premises, including: Sterling .quare Wane and stools; organ and stool; large gilt framed mirror, Sin ft.; two walnut rotas; two walnut rockers; twelve walnut !Ivieg- room chairs; marble top table; what- not; two bookcases and contents; three foot stools; 4 -ft. marble vases; a num- ber of Multi tables; carpet; curtains: tW ARUM single beds ; (Ike* 1011 - two tall leaf tables; wat- ant b{trwa, eight drawers; bnagest drawee; Washstands; tour old-time clocks: massive antique sideboard; dinner gong; dishes; glaaaware and cutlery; oral dining table; glass cup- board; three candle moulds; stoves; pipes; lawn mowers; sewing nue-bloc; two refrigerators; leatber (lets; pil- lows; Ave lawn vases; dower pots; two mush ex robes; Tree antique mir- rors; phaeton: speed sleighs; boggy pole; power clippers; ploughs; double harness; set of harrows; several used vehicles, tad numerous other articles. Everything is sod about the plan watt M geld. //altamo.,r. 1 The projwirty .inisi acres of /and with dwelling �n m num- erous outbuildings, also the property alobarn and and ide the slaugl slaughterhouse, will( be of- fered for sale. Full descriptions of these parcels w111 be furnished and terms announced at time of sale. T. GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND 1.OT AND I90USEHOLD EFFECTS. At the premises, Village of Auburn, OD MONDAY, Jt'NE 22nd at 1.30 sharp, as follows: Two bedroom spites; three tresses; two feather ticks; bed "tend: sideboard; wood heater: stove; dlning•room table; bre bottom chairs; banging lamp toilet sets; Ilcherty 4 Gibbon ton organ; two arm chairs; 4 lag cbalrs; two upholstered settee; ore small tables; seven Ins; couch ; sewing machine es: two umbrellas; ten Wes; four bed springs; for owl; a number of cushions two rugs, about 981014; t bedding; q.lits, etc.; to cutlery ; dinner set ; dishes e; new one and a -half re table oilcloth; cupboard grindstone: .lawn mower: es, hoes, abot+er}k; etc.; sc7t1e. tools. ate. ; wash holler ; wr ben •tearib; smoothing en table; sit or seven co hard mud soft: elg/et-piece set; three-piece tiring -room Nee, wkker set, bed, d ng etsir and table to d and ivory; oak dresser; t; mahogany rocking chair two library tables; floor lamp: mattreatree. RMS -Cash. re mast be sold to settle late W. le. Patterson. 3.30 tate ma property, Iota 92 altos Surrey. Maacheater, ■ Irick hon*., will be off le, *081.4 to a rere'rre bid. MS ONI )I'ERTY- Ten on day of sate, belae In t , mueig , (f. It. ELLIOTT A uc•t io aha ebai fro pill mop pets ens cloak was bed; Fat bar. kite Web wood room tbree- rockl orcbl cabins chair table T21 Aho of the At 96, F wh1, 8 for ea TER cent. days. R. D. Exec mat- : wash - kitchen leather three n, re rock - chairs; kitchen three picture ee pair ; dust wo ear - hie Un - two yard day forks, crow - Inger; Irons; rds of I dining set : 1 sewer, match, music easy Tamp ; feta le and )n ered t acDer I hlrty JJ b wear. SPORTS FOR SUMMER GOLF CLUBS AND BAA GOLF BALLS AT 22c, 360, 600, 760 TENNIS RACKETS( AID PRSO828 TENNIS BALLS at 26c and 46e Cole's Book Store wswrsen Ont. CAARTICRED ACCOUNTANTS d W. MOklElTli; elf Anta C3 street, 8t n t .. io (Member VIretbrork, McLeod Toronto, I.eod & Mon- teith, VETERINARY SURGEON DR. 0. iE. ALTERS, V.8., B.V.ac, VETERINARY SU1tO3pN Graduate of the University of To- ronto and Ontario Veterinary Melee& Omcs •t T. T. Murphy's, Hamilton street. Phones: Day 206; residency 349W. AUCTIONEERINO THOMAS GUN -DRY, 00DERICR,, a LIVE 8TOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No 119 Sales attended to anywhere a.d every effort made to give satisfaction. Fanners' Wet notes d lsr•aatase. DUDLEY E. HOLMR8, Barrister, Etc. Vie -•-('oust House, Goderkb. Ttrlepbow 55, DOUGLAB R. NAIRN, �~ IBarrister and Sollcftor •e Hamlltoa etysst,1sa. Taleplooe 67Z - - --- j'RNEt)'P M. LL'1e, Ban Barrister and Bollcitor Line Building. Adelaide and Vic- toria Streets, Toronto 2 Telepbone Elgla 6301. DROGI Et9R `rrrsosss H11tO aecrOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Godeticb, Phone 841 19Vulpped with electro-magnetle baths. Electronic electric treatments and rhlropractk. Cbroalc, organic, and nervous diseases - --'.7 81 at- endane•e, Office boors '3- to 3 and 7 0 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Friday sad Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 .m. only. or consultation may be bad 7 appointment. Monday and Thursday at Mltcbelt. A• N. ATKINBON stag j RaWear•* and omrf-Cora of WO A('RF.VEC RESP- ,Egni(frame bo0ae, me T OR(oW repair. Orcfrahard, Jas. Oliver, pro- We a NEL8 PEARSON, of the apt. lots •• t'TORB' SALE OF FA 'K, IMPLEMENTS A 1\G ('ROP$. re instruct.d by the asset* estate ,.t the tate L. H. Ma Mask ND' South street and Britannia road. INSton �NCE�, LOAN& 8'm. to sell by publb• ,notion, at the fa ' d 4. .•oneemelon 3, W (toil( way between (god Ben:hillert. on -•+e EDNt;,yL.t1', JUNE 17t1i et 1.30 acl,'k aha_•, Me draft gelding. adz yea pair grey mares. .-One Holstein cow, doe before sale; one Holstein co Mar -b; two notelets eo April; two Holstein rows, 4 one Durham cow, due in o .e Durham cow, doe In Jai 1 QHORTHORN HERD BOLI, as SA LE.--sytek �I� left Colborn a1N�'R'.' Asow felt sad e adals_dreatinR.. lire •#tans old- ' __W , Ate) ectal --1011 of serviceable age, �teetmencing Apply J. C. STOLTZ, Auburn. Tele- i 1ior !phone 19r7, Blyth. old: one R QUICK SALE, -A C'034- Cable hen £TtHt'Y, FRAME HOUSE vents all bred -4. , conveniences. Good garage; double bred In • lot with garden sad fruit trees, tike to July ; reaeonable. Apple to JOHN SNELL, month; o 8t. 1Mvld's street, Town, 11LANTB FOR SALE.-CABBA41i., good strong plants, 40 cents a bun- dred. Cauliflower, petunias, soap- diragon, Catera, sweet and hot pappen, 10 rents a dozen. A few tomatoes. left spring ea Tet JOHN FELL. tg 1pep, — - and Iamh AUCTION RALE d/ U\71 . EBVED A1;OPION Marsh an rtzar-,.e....... _._ $ALE r sow (yom 18u ; slit biaOer, s7-1 Moaner, _gi eey-11; A Wood mill; two hay reeks .'ifl sharp, ail the contents, of the-. hole. , Inctuding In part : i :°nYnse;iiCa0abebe0ver1:11 l'priRhtpianoend stool; batt wa - thine; on, nut bedroom 'mite, three piece*. cost oeret 18183; w'alntrt-nnbth+aedroom suite, two lnne doublet pieces, mattresaee and spring..; white I le r double enamel bedroom smile, three ler: one hs mattresses and springs; Victoria drop- enter: a1q heed sewing machine; dinIng-room l6 -in. tile; suite, eight -Weems, test 114.6 ; davenport ; - eadlo, Irrpnsts; two two large �'�"ta'(t lnstrnnie•ei~; jdnrs M,f per ge rugs and merest small ones; single harm+ pals wicker don chairs; pair wicker lawn "halm; pair large upholstered steel frame chairs; posh. heart' oak chairs; three mahogany chairs; pair mahogany-Anisb chairs; forty planta, a great collection; oak sautes table; mahogany combine tlos table; floor lamps; nlaeteen-volume Rook of Know- ledge'; electric pieces; bedding: china ; glassware, cwtlery, etc. ; lawn meek ; 'MY( roll,lh hiSie; X1f'hljh- uip6irtli hors '*e3trffr 1fMt �•r�,, , a Metes. Everything mast be disposed of. TERMS- --(`ash. T. t7L'NDRY k SON, Auctioneers. re to w, wet m ne one lrmrhnm cow, bred In February; one Durham row, bred In April i one Guernsey cow, doe in August; one Jersey cow, lust 1n. T',ese cowe are a carefully "alerted lot and have prov- en to be good. Sit yearlings; calves. ng toms Ham, Pig, eta. --Four ewes one Collie dog; one pair o tJ hens; two York sows, br r1 Aprll ; one . purebred Yor ngI ; !Tran pigs, about 100 nen yonng pig. a, ate. --(ane Massey-Ifarrt 1 cut, practically new; on* rrte corn bla4er ; one Mas - fertiliser drill ; One Frost m.wer, 7 -ft.; one fanning walking plows; two good • one 11g1t epNng wagon; let track, 1930; one top bug- ght sleigh: one spray ma - let of power clipper's; one tter; one extension ladder; or; one set of disc harrows; row ev'nffler ; one steel rol- l' rake; one wagon box; Mot; set harrow6, 4 -nation; enmity of hay; about 1210 about 110 ft. S -in. *ten sots de.ble ts��so� D stela t• Of, , M/cKiLLOP rm ! IQ MUTUAL Fllit` IxBUR ANCE CO, -Farm and isolated town property insured. O Afez. Broadfoot, President, Sas of o a E. Pepper, Vice -Presi- dent. Benefield: M.. Tire -Treasurer, 3eyt6e -- Directors-Ales. Broadfoot, 8e. - forth ; James 8holdiee, Walton; Win. Knot, Londesboro; George Leonhardt, • Dublin; John E. Pepper, Bruceneld: Jaei�s Cobnoll7, 00derlcb; Thomas Moytn, $eaforth; . R. Archibald, $eafortiay Mex. M wing, Blyth. Agents --W, J. Yeo, R.R. 3, Clinton; James Watt, Blytb; John E. Pepper, R.R. 1, Broceeeld ; R. F. ilcKercler, R.R. 1, Nihilist Cbas. F. Dewitt, Kin- cardine; R. G. Jarmuth, R.R. 1, Born- holm. Policy -holders can make all payment and get their cards rer'Clpted at the f Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cntt's Grocery, Kingston street, Godericb, or bred 1J. H. 11etd's General Store, Baytkid. .l). er- FURNITURE AND EFFECT'S. We are Instructed by Mr. Jolliest Doe- sltbson, who het leaned hes home, to i seri by public auction, at the preashies, North street, Goderich, on I SATURDAY, JUNE 21ants ha mese 6318 seta flea ye ss; .o,.e ng hat - nem; one light 'sleigh; one set heavy; Otse Froat & Wood mower, 7 -ft.; two farm wagons; fork.; shovels; chains; whiffle/rms. end numerous ot her Growing Creme --Twenty-one acres mita; thirty acres hay; tan serest Mixed groin; ten arrest velvet herley Everything mum be dispoesel et will aorti Twi sat ate 104 snored. 1/4 HATS HAYS. Solicitors for Iffsme- tort 'Pat Tar C.awiamo.re' BUS SCHEDULE Holmeswilie _7.45 ALM. 5.15 p.m. Stratford _1210 6.45 p.m. Itinererlea planned to all points In, Caned% United States and CONRULT LOCAL Animist 1. POWs Mk WA/ Ma 111 Caitral Qatari, les Liss Lid.