HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-6-11, Page 6a`-orbareial, Jane 11th, ISM JnV aof >r113111 Sport Oxfords In white kid or brown suede leathers. White Z1d Words . Flood at.., *eau Iambs: ti 75 pried st " Sizes 6 to 1u. M. ROBINS Agent for Tip Top Tailors Else The Signal's CLAMP! Colima. THE SIGNAL ' REPORTS TO COUNTY COUNCIL • The following report of the county road commission was presented at the meeting of tbe county council last week: glace the January session of the county council, the roads have best malatalasd as usual, and as the toads anticipated tor road work were ex- pected to be tbe same as last year p permanent improvements of any las- pretence ha re been contemplated. Moreover, this year the county is !seed wkh extra obligations respecting sales tax, gas tax aad lack of relief vests while extra cost was Incurred on ac- count e.count of the severe winter. Consid- ering also that sixty-six allies of sew rood nave been added, It is tsp.c!ad that Iktle of a permanent nature can be accomplished, sad that malnteeasee work will need to be restricted. It was found necessary to replace an old power grader. and a new one wag moored from the Dominion Road Ma- chinery Company, Ooderlch. Zit metoerycie-•v the franc talker was exchanged rdr a new -'One. Two claims for damages were settled by the commission: one of Mr. George Lane for 4230 and another of Walter Woods for $83. One damage claim was defended in t, and the chiles was disallowed. In regard- to requests for additions, aetsCSs_„.41181. tem, in slew of the financee of the county, we recommend that considera- tion of these matters be left until next yesr. Regardingrequest of delegation from Bluevale, your commission will look over tbe situation and make such fin - /movements as are immediately re- quired. Re motion of Messrs. Geiger and Ilellfck that the Province be asked to assume the Zurich road, and motion of Messrs. Pryde and Bweltzer that the Dashwood road be assumed as a Pro- vincial highway, we recommend that this application be made, and that the Department be also reminded of the wish ot the county to have the Aar berley-IJstowet road and the Wfnghao- Harriston road assumed, too. 8ince the Department of Highways is now willing to maintain the con- necting o-secting links on the Provincial high- ways, we recommend that bylaw No. a 1927, be repealed, and that bylaw No. 12, 1925, be amended by taking et road No. 2 of the schedule from the county road syutees. `Your commission has considered the rebate situation in tie town of Sea - 'forth, and we recommend that of the 46471.88 grant received by the county from tbe Proallet os amount of pav- ing Main street, Seaforth, la 1927, the town be credited with $4016.91, which will balance the account at the esd of 1935. • • Water for Lawns and Gardena MAY BE USED ONLY FROM 7 to 8 O'CLOCK a.m. AND FROM 5_0 9 O'CLOCK p.m. Before water is used for lawn service or for gardens, application . must be made in writing to the Public Utili- ties Commission. Use of hose during a fire alarm is strietly prohibited. Any Infraction of _. the above will be dealt with according to the By-law. P.I& Utl ties C..11111issi.i OODZRICH Listen To Dur IrY THERE 1N A IIIIIPTiNG OF PRIM DUE TO THE MAIM PAOTUR)U RANDnra ON THE IIGREASED SALES TAX, WHICH I8 NOW 8% -THiB WEEK'S PRICES, JUNE 12th to 17th, inclusive - STOP PAIN ! 1. ANACIN 23c, 75c 11.25 NEW ASSORTMENT OF LOCAL a.r■.rTIRW-- - :., COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE 11e Rai fie CHARM NERVE Y000 PING, - TRE REAL CORN RZILEDY tie MEDICAMRV'1'('M I betties Lie LL"IO CHAMOLS tis mrd file VA8ELLNE HAIR TONIC 41e WRR'INO PAD AND PILO. 0NVELOPRB, 13. SAL HEPATICA Segall Ws CARYNNII E ilVZR MLLE, tie WHITE CROW. TOIIi'rf PAPER. rtlmsaf_=NYS► 1We_._. " A,► n JQ"r HOUSEHOLD TALCUM LII. 0.(,111 We ENO'S FRUIT SALT Largo We W VORIS The pieemet tasting tie, firr. SIM T00T* BRUSH SPECIAL EACH lie Dunlop's Campbell's Lauder's Wigle's Drue•t•r• Drugstore Drmgstor• Dngatore Mad ated receipts and expenditures. 1021,.4sq as follows: EXPIONDITIUft 00 Weeds lishatsaases i 3.101.► Grading - Dragging Culverts Bridges ...a Tarring lisow 1,500 10,000 1,000 2,500 2,600 10,0110 Guard testes .... 380 Qticlum chloride 10,000 Balt 1,200 County bridges .. 400 Resurfacing 18.010 Drabs 3.000 100,001► Camstrnegkee Rebates 00 Bridges -".. 4.0 .� 4,000 Grading - .. ],6011 2,000 - 11,700 tlaDRtete•diai'0 .... ....... ..... 4.600 Machinery 10.000 Testae Patrol .... 2.1001 lasersace 300 Lights 70 Legal fees, cleft's ..... 800 Interest charges - 3,500 Ouaaiiese M* lima, 800 Deficit Dectatre• 311925 000 RECEIPTS Levy 1.2 mills 453,125 41 Subaldy . 46,900 00 Gas tax refund 600 00 Sundry receipts 1,000 00 Trams fines 1,000 00 1102,970 1102,823 41 We recommend that the insurance policy otered by Lloyd. through Nel- son Hill, covering liability up to 420,- 000 for a premium of 1308, be accepted, • • • TRZASI.'RERB STATEMENT County Treasurer A. H. Erskine presented the following statement of estimated expenditures and receipts for leo. These estimates show.increases in hospitals, $780; old -age pensions. 1005; mothers' allowance*, $4,800; equipment, 11,800; and reductions In schools, 11,300; administration of justice, $300; County Home. 13,400; Children's Aid, 3000; postage, 4480; county property, $1,300; registry once, $600. The treasurer observed that wills care (be estimated delleft might be re- duced before the close of the year. mates f.porslar., 001111141111 As - swat, 1176 KIPIMIDZIXTEK 1 4] 88 • es "dionage !f! t t Zetatent resat, sec. Printing. Adv'[ Portage AuditOlsee Corn Barer Impactor lanchamge _. 7 (reg, °Meg ;i pd.) Plus Overdraft Jan. 1 Less Sat. Receipts To be raised by Rates 3.88 Gals on Ansi .11 ISY0Jib 1118134.611 mem 806000 "wee 7000.00 MVO AO 1410.90 1019.88 700.00 79000 700.00 110000 300.00 Velars 00 7396.00 1144R?1AOl 10110.00 1181011.001 143315.44 Estimated Deficit . .,1 0706.56 111111i11ATH) R1iw Admin. Jowl ice ttW . 1 3000.00 'Pines Licenser !0 .00 t 700.00 1 ' 1.0 Corn Bo I{Itf 00 Re Division Courts c A. 8. Grants to Apr 130.00 Sundry 700 00 i 24.94) + a1.aAccoming 1834 Ac -t ci$ ammo,, fi 1 � Off 7880--W i� les. $94.70 • .� �gJlg 14440.45 I To 1.x raised by rates 4ga7U2 .95 Mills on met_ _ ...d- S.16'81111 hi Estimated Deficit to Total Estinsated Deficit 1 7777 to GODERICH, ONT. WHrrECHURCH (IaW. *r last week) WIHTOCRURCH, Jaw. 2. --Calvin eburt•h anniversary hr blas held on tlunday, Jame 7, Whlteeberch Presby- terian asalversary on Sunday. Jape 14, and the Gaited church anniversary ua Jnae 21. IVAN Annie McQuotd left last week for r home at Calgary. Miss Wtnnlfred Farrier remains an- otber year at her school In Zbroate. and Miss Olive Farrier bas been re- engaged et Dummies. as *ISO bas Mr. aerates ',Farrier at Prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. ()Melee Halve. :et Waseca, Sask., andthe r daughter, Mier Marion, amree-hetratkdng la a Winer peg hospital, arrived os Monday to visit with Mra Hfad.'a parents, Mr. and lire. 'Frank Henry. We welcome Mem home.. _'tarra*11i'IELD wasTrizuo. Jane 9. -Mr. and Mea W. F. Campbell and Mir War alfred Campbell visited at Beafortb on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gardiner, of Lockaow, and Mn. I11ta.erald and Mrs. Barclay, of Daagaaaoe, were Benda, visitors at the hoar of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell. Mrs. Barclay 1s remaining for a visit Mr. Cecil McCarty and Ids mother, Mrs. Wm. McClarty, of Round 11114 Alberta, are visaing old 'Mende and twenty-eight years dace they lett Westfield to make their home la the West. They And many changes have taken place, bet are delighted to re- new old friendships. Mia Winifred Campbell Is vein- ing her aunt, Yrs. T*mt, yn, of Lon- desboro, tits week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook at Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stonehouse, of Godericb, visited Mr. Jos. Stonehouse on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell and family visited Stratford on Saturday. Mks Marjorie Campbell, narwe-tn- trafaing at Stratford hospital, meow pulled them home to speed a throe weeks' vacation wader the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. reed 1. Cook and fam- ily visited Mr. and Mra. Geo. Cook, of Belgrave. on Suede,. The Women's Ilsslonary Society beld its June meeting at the home of Mrs. Norman Radford on Tuesday. Joao 9th, with a good attendance. At the close of the Beefing a roe tea wig nerved and a social time spent. Broker Goes to Face Charge at Toronto (Usetfaued from )tate i) the road. The triek e.Wded with a ear driven by Remelt Ctaytoa. of God- erIeh, three =lien snub of bere on the Else Water highway. Clayton's ear wee forced late ilia ditch. Laker was Aced 32 and callie for having Improper lights and 45 and costs on the second W. Gourley, of Detroit, left a $50 cash toad with the court when charged after an accident on the 8eaforth- Walton road on May 24 with reckless driving and coneuming liquor in a public place. The cash ball was entreated when be failed to appear at the court The tine. were $25 and costs for reckless driving and 410 and torts for consuming In a pablk place. Harry Walton, of Teeawater, Wood- ston McEachren, of Grey townshl and Cornet Hart, of Atwood, paid *10 and costa for driving without an o per Ior's permit; Arthur Elliott. of Ooder Him eb township, paid 43 and costs for 174.00 falling to stop at a atop sign ; Isaac _he 40.00 Papernlck, of Kitchener, was assessed :3 and costs for speeding, and Peter MacDonald, ot Hallett township, paid and costa on a "road bog" charge. Il $10 and costs for being drunk nd $5 and costs for obstructing an A Csndld Maung l5a As court wits about to adjourn a oung man walked In and Introduced emelt as Pred McCabe, Ooderfch wnshlp. He expected a charge Sudsy Afternoon • • • By ISABEL 1iAMILTON Godericb, Ontario O'er every foe victorious. Ole oa His throne shall rest, From age to age more gloriosa, All blessiag and all blest: Tbe tide of time shall sever HU 0eve♦sat. renew; His sale shall mead forever - That same to us la Love. --Jamas Montgomery. PRAYER Grant unto es, Our Mather, as we star* Thy Holy 'word, as galdane•. of the Holy Spirit, that we may sit' Era ossoto and Mem the minim off Christ US MIHis name MS leaf•'" • •• a, &_ Loom Passage -e 14[)843. BeMm int'-?Wl4piene 2:11. Christ's lint appearance after We resurrection was to Mary, to whom He said: "0o to My brethren, and say to them, 1 am 'weeding to My'rath- er, and your rather, and My pad. and your God" .tile next appearance waa,&p.,the other women who had game !it_th Mary to the tomb. Tho tbtrd werilix*atreWas tuiti ,cst. t>Jte 0 -':Ste of it are wholly unknown to us. They may have been of a nature too personal to have been revealed. The fact rests on the Express testimony of 8t. Lake and of 8L Paul (Luke 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5). His fourth appearance was to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus; and In today's lesson we read of His UM appearance when Mese two disciples had returned to Jerusalem and told to the otbera how Jesus had appeared to tbem In the way, had entered the house and ac- meted seepted their invitation to dine with them, and "how He was known of them la breaking of bread." • As thfa lutormatlon was beteg passed on and dlacossed Jesus Himself stood la the midst of them, and with onto time. "Peace be unto you." His apparaace was changed. They tboogbt It was a spirit which was standli( before theta. They were much troubled, so Jesus said to [beat. "Why are ye troubled and why do anxious thoughts rise in your beartar To reassure Oleo He ad "Behold My hands and My feet, that 1.t L_1 rysslt_:mM)e me and see; for a dirt hath sat 1100 and bones as ye we Me bare." Asd then, while joy, aaaoeaent, incredulity, were all atruggitag it their harts, He asked thea if they bag there Mottling to eat; and yet further to assure 16em. He ate a piece of broiled ass 1s their presence. An He had done to the twe disciples earlier la the day, He opened sato thea 'the Scriptures, showing how Christ bad to surer and to eater into His glory. Later on H. appeared to seven et the *pasties by the Bea of Galilee [tad it may have been on this occasion that He told them of the mountain when He would meet all wbo knew and loved Hies for the last time. Forty days bad now elapsed dace the crucifixion. During these forty days Mae times had He been sees by hams° eyes mud touched by huasa bands. The time had now come whei His earthly presence should be taken away from them forever, until He re- turned in glory to judge the world. lie met them In Jerusalem and ted them out as fatBethany. The In some eeclud*8-�n not He gave His farewell messages and bleseing. And, even as He blessed them, Ha was ted from tbem, and, as He passed of their eight, a cloud reeelred SO Limy women say Kmfl. 's have as adtutsmd goo& rise they never find is ether brands. Ohs rwmos le that Kollogg'e are always - sad fresh as the day they mirage from the big tosonnrorogss, They're pocked by an ezeladve Kel- logg 1n a he. fraled WAX- TITI bag, inside the porkies. That's why they reach your table stoas4reeh sad Sa►.tt ileriest. rah year grocer for . Kellogg's. . The arty Corn Flakes Kellogg 1a Logsdon, Ontario. 040 CORN FLAKES Nothing halms 1.h• plum of fed.40 CORN FLAKES young men. was being used la selected centres. 'The last Sunday we were at IA Chia Omani. tit. tent staff arrived late la tbe afternoon to report that la the neighboring low. over tklrte alga bad confessed faith la car1st, seas of them mea of wealth and 1s. Spend. 8tandimg la the church courtyard with bowed beads, the mess - hers of lb* eoagregatlon bad a service of thanksgiving, and then they brie Into song, apomtaaao. and respite Rho. If there was Joy 1. the grew pesos of the angels of God, there ems - was joy la U Chia Cbuaag y. It was then plated set be _stew disciples a was tee e� of Moan coagreptton.members-or-LI n oI' T.1 Chia Om of the most outstanding and b• terestlag members of the test staff this year le Mr. C. 8. Wang. He le a resat convert. Is 1962, when he was thlrey-two years of age, Le Will at111 a latter opponent of (bele tfaaity. Afkr having studied foe eifeea years la a Confnedaa Wheel ear completed the memorizing of the /War Bootie sad 11ve Masks, be devoted himself to gaasbllag; be travelled widely, vldting tows. and ette.dklg village fain as a prefsadosal gam- bler. After a tape he added to talk the Hikit bestrew et selling bawls and morphia. which he also began te ase himself. Finally be joined a gang engaged la smuggling and selling fire arms and aamualtlon to tbe num- erous bandit Lando that Infest North Hogan. This clandestine trade would bare coot 61m hls lite had be been caught. yet he was engaged In It for three seam and received large amounts ietween us and His visible presence I tween us and that glorified Re- deemer who now sllteth at the right bend of God -that cloud still rolls. But the eye of t.1tb can pierce it; the Incense of true prayer can rise above oRANGI CHURCH PARADE At the evenlcg service at It George's church on Sunday Rev. A. C. Calder preached. to the members of Orange Lodge No. 182 and Princess Mary Lodge. L.O.B.A. The men and *o- ften marched to the church, heeded by the band. Z. U. Cleveland, W.Y., waw la charge of the Orangemen and Worthy Mistress Mn. George James led the members of Princess Mary Lodge. About Afty-Svc attended the service would be read against him. He was told there 'war -no charge, so he ex- plained be had been driving in to town to get new license plates for 6!s car when a policeman stopped him. He explained the situation to Ow of - Acer, wbo retorted: 'Tell that to the Magistrate." "And there you are," concluded McCabe. He was told then was no charge et the time, and the Magistrate die - mimed him with a commendation for not using the back roads on his drive with the old markers, Grocery Specials our Superior Store STANDARD PEACHES 2 TINS 2 Squat size Tina z[_ Melanie. Piot- Large Jar rronnt Jelly Powders 5e I BUTTER 25c NEW 020P PRIM SULTANA RAISIII6, 2 Ibs. 23o Manning's Olinger NUT amCU/11 About 100 to the pound 2 lbs. 25e "=Nlm'g" RIO* PASTRY FLOUR Maude Pink Salmon �LSQ( ,�'(' IOC 7-R. Rag Lle lada 1-. Tim 11e jK. gigs. Rag file 2 til -lb. Tim l9e Hillcrest Shortening 2 1-1b. prints 270(mates -AWRY/ldn. No.2 Set- eke tla ile 26c Libby's Jumbo Perk A Beans Lg., tin 100 Royal York Orange Pekoe Tea The greaten value on the of 110111 %-lb. Pkg. 21to ' Aylmer Tomatoes 3 Squat Tins SUPERIOR STORES • 'Norfolk " Rasp. or Straw. insLarge 32 -os. Jar J. Calvin, Cutt Phones 1 16 or 216 J, 3. *Ewen Pheno 46 descend." To the serpent the world owes its wars and discords,- aiid tine sin which' Is their source. Disguised as a ser- pent, Satan brought in sin; and whet sin entered on the scene, peace de- parted -peace between God and man, pace between man and man, peace between man and himself -the peace which, with all its bte s1nga, He de- scended from heaven to restore who is our Peace. It was but for . tbirty- three short years of a short life -time that He lived on earth; 1t was but for three broken and troubled years that He preached the Gospel of the King- dom ; but forever, even until all the aeons have been coed, and the earth Itself, with the heavens that now are, hare passed away, shall every one of Hie true and talthfnl cbtldren find pace and hope and forgiveness la HIs name. iii* name shall be called Emmanuel, *bleb is, being Inter- preted. ,Plod With 1.11."!(Condensed from ('anon Farrar's Life of Christ). • • • WORLD MISSIONS .Ogee a Drug Racketeer W. H. Grant This year one or two trends were very apparent and significant in the rural church west of Changte. The young people tare taking their place In the church. A few years ago when a clears was announced, we found the mothers, grandmothers and great- grandmothers sathered together; their 1o6venee 1s not to he despised, and we were thankful for their prewence; today we find the children, boys and girls Jost entering itfe, sons, dangbters and danghterw-in-law coming and re mining a month la regular study, singing with Joyful abandon these na- tive tunes they learn so readily and rove so mech. Which brings us to the second trend the inerrsingty Indlgenons nature of the Chinese chard). We found a class In a remote mountain village, which on over arrival already bad been gndng 1.m for a month, bartb* been organised sad led by a young Chinese evaag flet, with one or two voluntary helpers. The Gospel Test, with a ate, of sae for what be add to the beadlis. They sums, however, were quickly masa- dered In gambling and drugs, for after taking beroln for Ave years be was spending 011 daily to satisfy W craving for this drag. In the early spring this haggard and emaciated young man came to the meetings that we were cosductag 1a one of our coagregatloo, tear j1r ' Some. H. came at the Isvltatfes of 61s elder sister and its brother -is -law. who Is as eider of Me eettrersttoa, They had often pled with kin before 16hb but he had *corned their apal& This doe, however. he Herded to titre lasitetfoa. and he wee eisssbrt.d by Melee power. He asked the ehrYktaao to pray wkh Ida that the Lord sight deliver him from his boa - dare a hovels. After seer days of terrible straggle be was gives victory over its appetite, and he has sat touched drugs sines. as massed gambifag at the same time. (Ow1ng to extreme dangers that were threat- etlag Ma, be had dropped the smog - Ogg of arts mos aenfltt previous to his rosvereles.) After the meet- ings he retained home dastropsd s11 W gaabtfadrsg outtta, 4. me gnat 30f of its wa- nes be bsgaa to pled with 61e brwtbera, W60 alio amid dregs, to glee up the habit; they haves dame as We believe there is a bright future before Mee 1a tis Master's service, "With all your travelling about the world I expect you're a bit of a Ilse gubt r" "I should just think 1 am, air. Why, I can ay, 'I don't mind If i do, sir,' !a Shwa different languages." NIT TNI NiSN SPOTS THIO VACATION SEE IN TNI taw Ow - Favus to JASPER Ow ale J 15 Regan Soot 10 Coisolan. N.44.4.44 • it.P.44,44 Moos rod.. s .i`c1.a.rawa Once a year,you're fret. Letour 1936 nation be the adventure ofy your life. Come to as Caned' Jasper National Parkin the C.n. uP Rockies. Play golf on a chalent roads, ride trail,' motor over excel - hike, climb, fish, swim it the heated outdoor pool against a background of snow-capped peaks. Jasper Park Lodge, rendezvous of dis- criminating holiday makers, with accom- modadon for 650 guests, offers an enjoyable social life, music, dancing and every forts of recreation. Rates from 87.00 a day, including meals. Open Jane 13th to September 15th. Jasper it otly to reach by the C,ossisosuol Liwritsl, folly bosses Termite god V. eavoer. Sptci.l til• d'h te stools is insist cora. L.w sawsper forts. Jasper Park Golf Weep, Sept. 6th -12th. ri1-IV/