HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-6-11, Page 5THE SIGNAL • — GODERICH, ONT. SMOOTH SHAVING WITH NEW Bahl* INT tihaver $1IJN WW1.lame Razor 13.01 • 1$I./5, 15.11 (jllletle, one Blade ter, 35c rrfl tt r .$peelal, 5 Blades% peva Razor, ". Blades 35% Also SI16. i1.5e. Wardonin Rotor, 8 Blades 51k --$HliT'INS DAl, JI NE lith -- Matte somebody happy with Laura M4.e ord land) L'ARIIH fpr Shut :its Putthday 811,1 %Il tkt'aMnus Eel • Mir Ib. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 22 The Square Goderich DANC —TO Tony Farr's Band Every Saturday and Tuesday at the PAV! QADIZIWH w�Ifa.3ty,YErr-:"elstlk ='�--.'>•,� EVERY WEDNSIWAY-%t THE GROVE PAVILION, HAYFIELD Bird Supplies Justrite MI a.% Honey Roll, food and treat . lOc Imported Bird Seed 1 lb. 20o Silver Bird Gravel pkg. 15c Lioe Powder Cuttle Bone Song Restorer Moulting Food can 15c 50 can 15c can 15c Vitamin Health Food 15c Treat Cup.. each 5c Glass Bird Bath each 10c Glass Seed Cups each 10c Bird Cage Springs 10c OPPICIAL APPOINTMENT A, B. 'Sturdy Confirmed in PaM of l'. N. K. Town Agent A. It. Sturdy, who for the last Glx years has brill 1u the employ of the (' N.It. at the express and telegraph of- fice ou .the Square, was ou Friday last utth•lally tppahltsd-agentat the town office. "Bud" had been acting agent the last few mouths. With him lu the ofnce Is Reg. Newcombe, another Goderich young man. Mr. Sturdy's many frieuds are con- gratulating him on his 'appointment, whlch 11 le felt Is thoroughly deserved. CKAUCTER1 111CW111.14k;&-- The Goderich Mnndhabt Shop is In laetd8t'B:'"���E^ signed to suit your own particular plot, at a very reasonable price. Why? Because we have no agents to pay commlesluna to, no long-distance tra- velling and selling expenses, no long- distance hauling and trucking ex- penses. You can save all this money by baying here In Goderich. It. A. Sl'oTTON, Monument Works ou St. Andrew's St. County Veterans at Town Council (Coutluued tr page 1.) and on Barry -over lochs It would be 5 per cent. instead of 51. Interest pay- able to the town on Monthly balances would be reduced to .14y per ceut. The Goderich aerator ('u. wrote regarding the .vwditiptt of the wharf east of the elevator, he Guverutuwut, It stated. deepened the water Slung - side this wharf with 1< view to provid- hoe aIltI'l(tlwyal moor! r spare for win- ter stolpge steamer but with We wharf tits It Is the area Is unsafe for tying up steamers and therefore In no way serves Its purpose, and It pre- sent* a hazard to people passing along the portion of dilapidated wharf, The enmetenieMtMQM Snesr4led.. t#lt;t. (it`t;!!B. Ise taken for the protection of the pub- lic and also to have rep1alrs made In time to have the mooring area made secure for the accommodation of herded vessels before the close of navi- gation. tserrewpendenr•r atrbatttted=tn connec- tion onnertion with this matter indicated that the Federal Government pia uprnslblllty for the condition of this portion of wharf upon the C.N. Rall - way. The matter was referred to the wa- ter, light and harbor committee. A letter from the city council of Windsor, seeking co -operation -4n.. honing the Federal and ProvInclsl .Mts�ltr in order Specials FOR SATURDAY Rolled Rib Roast ...... 18c Rib Boil 8c Round Steak 17c Pot Roast 12c —VEAL— Leg Veal .. 20c Shoulder Chops 2 lbs. for 25c —PORE— Ham Roast . ... . 20c Shoulder Chops .2 lbs. for 35c A full line of Smoked and Cured Mesta f et Gordon Tebbutt Phone 36 We Deliver WEST STREET PIIONS 411 38 Hamilton Bt. Goderich FREE - FREE - -SEE Wath every purchase of 25e or over, coupons AfflOe given . for Kingsley Design English Dinnerware oti ' Al Plus Service Plate table flat ware. spEcIALOne Kingsley Bread and Butter Plate and coli - pont FREE to the first .fifty customers pur- chasing $1 or more of merchandise at 714.,err The Square MAPLE LEAP BAKERY Phone 1IOW BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, GROCERIES, ETC. SELLINf OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FOOTWEAR, --- EXTRA SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1 . . Women's White Tse•., rntap• and Sandals. Prices 9 . to $ 48 range from, per pair L fJ'gtJ Women's, MedL iSeya` sed - Gala -Sport SM-amilJte ening `hoes all priced to Blear. Special for Friday. Saturday and Monday. White Cleaners. 3Q„ Regular lir. prier pre 2 for Jtinn TAKE ADVANTAGE, OF THE BIG SAViINGS AT W. Hern's Shoe Store Phone 43w Goderich Liberal Meeting ! Ther gnnttal meeting ..f the Liberals of. Sall iluroll. as eonstihu'ied for both Federal and Provincial purpowes. trill be held in the . . Town Hall( .Hensall Wed.,June lith at2p.mi. }tt egINK ,--irleetion of Officers and General. HON, A. W. - ROEfti'('K, Attorney -General ; W. II. OObDING, M.P.; JAS. itki1LANTYNE, M.V.f'., and others will address. the meeting, - - A eordigl 'invitation is extended'to all Liberals to Rttenal. CHARLES ZWIt17ESR, /SANE PINOLa»6 fie. Pede ref Aas'n, }'r(v. Federal.1ss'n. .•(i. OTAXBU&Y, J. L call , (1Oi) "• }lee. elfin. AssNi. Pres. Prov. AM. 01) I KiND !” SA�'Fi_TIJ4_ 1LPIP , WEDDINDS1 DEVEKISAI'X" 'eM�OYLE An Interesting weds*[[ wig solemn- ized at St. Augustine church un Wed- nesday; June 3, when Glary Moyle, daughter of Mrs. 1}nyle and the late James Royle, of East tVlloauosb, be- came the bride of Mr. Augustine Der- creaux„ sun of Mr. and Mrs. k'iauk Devereaux, alto of Kale N'awanosk. lice. Fattier Dosuellau performed the ceremony, assisted by tier. Father Pa- quette, of Wlughaat, Miss Garvey, of M. Augustlpe, played the wedding music. The bride was gowned to pale blue georgette and carried a bou- quet of pink roses and waldeuhalr fern. The bridesmaid was Miss tteleu Kurtz, of (:alt, gowned in [auk chit - tea Gad earrying pink roses and fern. Tae lirteegrooln was .a„ pcp.;rted by kis brother, Mr. William Devereaux, of Detroit. Mich. After the ceremony, the bridal tarty motored to Walker ton, where the wedding breakfast was John, of Windsor, were sammoaed to her bedside at the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ihvld Glean visited recently at the home of their nephew, Mr. Wm. Jacksou of Ripley. Mrs. Valid (aryls. ninety -four-year- old citizen, is bravely battling a very severe cold. Her many friends are anxious and will be glad to see her back to hes usual health. ' Mrs. Geo. A ddwauu. ulaauis.- , inti Who spends her w•luliers 1n i.uckuuw and petrol, Is home for_the roamer and is visiting • few days this week with friend, In Goilerleb. Mr. Mel. Culbert is rattier ludls- posed lately and le under the doctor's care. Mrs. laVerne Peutland, of IA•trolt. who was here for the I'rntlaud-Silllb wedding, Is rca,alulug fur a vt alt with her hualwal's tier, stn. A. B. Pesat- laud. The muuthly meeting of tit. Paul's Ladies' Guild was hold Iasi Th arsd_a! int the Taoiiite-a Mrs: -tial MnTe. nn the tith concession of Ashfield. After the usual devotional period, the ladles quilted. Tea was served cud a few served xt the home of the arldes broth remained while air. and Mrs. Moles eauz arc little daughter Lois was christened by endingi`heiri-jYra honeymoon a the rector, Rev. J. H. Geoghegan. spending their atravelled at Hitler Pentland-SiRib. A wedding of much rstr The bride travelled in a says t dace -la the-Duugnuutuu United. church on itatui'vlaf une- dth, •t 3 p.m., when Ills.. Myrtle Mll- llh, only daughter of Mr. and airs. N'm. Silltb, was united in marriage to Mr. George Fraukltu Pentland, son of Mrs. Ada and the late Alexander I'eut- 1 • • • t . B. Turner, tar of MI'RDiF—NIXON tial the church, ,okmciated. T,�iystrains �y morning at o*ply��c�� ' iA6 u terse to match. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a pearl rosary and to the bridesmaid an emerald ring. On their return they will re- side at Donnybrook. works programprrivt IC rue work. was sent to the epeeist commit- home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Nixon, , ter of the groom, the bride entered tee. - 1 Lueknow, wben their daughter, Pearle 1 the church, and was given to mar - Tu the same eommlttee was sent aAlfreda, was united In marriage to: nage by her father. She son•+ very 1 communication from Hon. D. A. ('roll! Kenneth Campbell Murdle, son of Mr. I charming in white satin with Is•arl setting forth the position of the On- and Mrs. Witham Murdle, all of Luck- i trimmings and white wedding evil with tarso Government with referenee to now. Rev. J. it. Geoghegan officiated 'orange blossoms. Her eorsae,• bou- unemployment relief. at tete service, which took plaee In the quet was of pink carnations NMI uuaid-' • • Committee Reports , living -ram aluld a profusion of peon- lenhalr fern. The bridesmaid. all. - The finance committee recommended les. Iris and Illiee. Only the home- I.t)lh•e Jefferson, R.X.. of \Vo,slsto, 1, that as the Huron canning facture is dints relatives and friends of the arida becomingly attired with a pial not now In operation the 193b bull- and bridegr.om altne utcd the cava- lace Ilse s and felt hat to uuuch fwd netts tux be struck off the pay roll. The nanny. The bride4 who was gtr•en In ;parried a bouquet of .napilrngoo. The sale of the house furnishings of the txaar1 1 i ' by her father. sax lovely int groomsman was -Mr: Allan -Pentland ssf Robert McLean estate to W. M. McLean a beautiful white chiffon gown. fa- Loudau, brother of the groom. The for $12:5 Wile reported, the 1125 having shluncd on :gag fitted lines, and. ,church we -a prettily decorated a it It (leen paid to the tax collector to apply wreath of orange bluesoms entwlrhd- large banks of splren and ferns and In the centre n slicer basket of cnr- on taxes. The sum of 111(1.77 was In her hair. Mer bouquet was of reeelve,h from the Ontario Liquor Con-. pink• rosebuds. She wan attended by 'nations. While the register was !wing trol Board, being twenty -per cent. of her only sister, Mrs. Gordon Fisher, I Apnea Mires Claire I'enthund, sister of the "authority fees" from this town - for the period November 1. 11135, to March :11. lila[;. Accounts of the wel- fare board amounting Ig $47sk.a-t were recommended for payment. The public works commltiteseported that the special assessment roil for road treatment In 1031. ■' prepared by ('has. B. Kidd, showing epeeist assessments amounting to $584.68 to be assessed against the properties benighted. had been examined, and bride wore a pink chiffon suit, white the recipient of matey ■Ill,snitttlal polo cloth coat. and white accessories. cheques and other valualse gifts. of On their rentrn thegp,rwlll reside In which . many were ether. Ammo., Loci -now. The bride la a graduate of them was a Iwatt Iful-lea service, a London Victoria Training School for gift from the groom. 11e pianist and IdagMa, - snlptst received -silver Nall 111.1 pepper ' -' - 'shakers, the hridesmilfia pretty silver EXAMINATION 'rum dish, and the gr000tteman n set of mill- ,. Departmental_ examinations Wave „tart_ brushes in a leather case. After emantencetiai tau ( mala a las(jtute. the 'titttl I if tat YS'fiffinsd' a pt'e',""0 Middle and upper school opened with tp orcntit crepe a neemMe- with- whites- •• Greek yesterday : lower school exam- ae essories to match, and the happy (natio is begin on Friday of next we*, eonple left amid showers of confetti and entrance exam) sons will be held and good w!.•hes' on an extensive trip. the following week, Imne 24-5-6. On their return they w111 resile on the groom's farm month of tlw village.1 TO PARADE AT STRATPQRSI They have tit” very best wishes gf,the community. who wore au ankle length frock of :the gnaw, gang In a pleasing yoke. yellow chiffon with a corsage of pink !After the seretnony, the party roses. Clarence Marone, of Lutkuow. ; returned to [tie -home of the !oriole's a brother of the bridegroom. wa• .t-nrents. where as snmphtons repn•t groomsman. .after the core y. N son•, served to about Jhlrty-lire guest wedding brcnkfast was served to the The eulur scheme was sprrissi out In guests in the dining -room. where table ,yellow and white with silver caudle decroration' were of pink shades. Later holders with yellow candles and a Mr. and Mrs. Murdle left on a motor three-story weddtngl cake with_ white trip. includini Niagara Fails icing and silver trimming Pet An the and Detroit. For travelling, the centre of the table. The bride was adoption of the same was recommended. The town lot south of Victoria eebool had been rented to [tam tlheardow■ for N:• for the year 1938, as ons-. mittee reported. The special and relief committee re- commended the usual rebate of 110 to Time. -J. Anderson era" -hie -- peddler's flap' -net erne i•rmnrtt appwmr-ot- the registration of the plan of a sub-dlvl- el..a of part of lot 2. Lake Shore west, township of Colborne. the property of R. V. lawuan; that the euggeattan from the Kitchener city council regard- ing eontrihatlons to be levied on min- ors who are earning in relief homes tea endorsed and forwarded to the lo- cal member of the Legislature; that the resolution from the Clinton town (-ountil urging the development of coal mining areas In Canada be en- dorsed and forwarded to the mem- ber for thin riding and to the Prime Minister; that the request of Hon. D. A. Croll that arrangements be made to have men on relief employed on farm work tea approved and adopted where possible. The fire and parks eommltteee sub- mitted routine reports. The water. -light aril harlslr com- mittee reported that the public pay telephone had again been installed In the bath -house and restaurant at the leach, and recommended that the chairman of the committee be empow- ered to fill in part of the wharf In front Qt„,t1 freight .Ah' • el it with the Governbte portion. These reports -Mere all adopted. A motion In accordance with the Local Coffman) of Huron Reglgnse Will Join in Large ('oneentratlow About thirty-five men of A Company, Huron Regiment. tinder Major A. H. Jane, with a detachment, from 1) Com- pany, Seaforth. under Major T. Mor- gan. organ. of Clinton, w1,11 take part in a monieta r parade at Stratfofd on Sun- day, June 21, In which 3,5e0 militia- men and 1.000 returned men w111 par- ticipate. articipate. The event. the annual church parade of London Garrison. w111 be attended by detachments from Sarnia, Guelph. Galt, Kitchener, Wind- sor. Chatham and London. The Goderich and Seaforth compan- ies will join with two Middlesex com- panies at Stratford for the parade to Queen's Pork, where a drumhead suer %Ice will be held. •e gathertnaait 80-� largest concentration of atlUtlamenn.din thlaggtrlet since the dof thy_war. �alro and CHURCH BOYS' LEAGUE The anal meeting of the ('hureh Hoye' League before the aummer holi- days waa held 1n the parish hall of St. George's church on Thurwiay night last. Mrs. H. Palmer. president of the League, bad charge of the meet- ing. Donald Vickers received a crest from I Rev. A. C. Calder for haring nu•mor- Ized passages of the ('.8.1. work. and badges' were presented to Philip Cal- der. Wm. Vickers and Wm. Beatty. A program. in charge of Philip Cal- der. was. presented as follows: Plano Imola, Gordon Harrison: recitation. Wm. Vickers: solo. Eeriest Kneeshaw : piano polo, Donald Vickers: mouthorgan selections. Bruce and Basil Bradley: skit, "Spook 1direr,ntl." ander the dire of lip- ('alder, st of Rohit ite Leslie ttfT•r. A catsbsli3 nn.l Donald Vickers. .Ieutenant 11, r[. report of the special committer, ap- of A Company. Huron Regiment, will proving of the registration of thea leave on Saturday for the ranges at f t d I ea•1• •o. Lawson plea of lake shore lots, was adopted. Better lighting for Park Councillor Haciclaa-propoawl an im- provement in the lighting of Court House Park, and this woe referred to the water, light and harbor commit- tee'to take up with the ptiblic utlll- - tier commission. The councillor ales mentioned the Sunday morning condi- Iron of the park and proposed that a couple of men be put to work cleaning I It up before people went to church. 5'ounclllor Baker proposed n cont of paint for the harbor freight Mhed,' not same' other elenising up arohnd the hnrisor was suggested. )bylaw No: N, confirming the road 011- ainpssment'e. was passer, ata the council went lot. coonnittee of the whole to silal•11sN the cushing of the I oniks In ('hurt House Square, and later adjouraesl baa Toewln.- evening. (In Tues.laly evening the emanci1 worked. on the estimates for the year, but did not get to the [Mind of fixing the tax rate. T.et ar pr nit_ 11 (WO a.. practice.•--•+nlwe. ight. Mit,the,P-knwss few waF_- -. D� /� Side by stile they sat In the (art, CARLOW which went nlong at a good pare. They-wtwg,_arotunl n Kole peon 111 an alarming manner, Intuiting It hi .h eRes 4nniverear)' Se'vie.*.—.one teeruary I "Steady. Stun. steady." Fnitirmursrl Thursday: June lltb, 19A8 --i Suggestions in Ladies' Sport Wear Season for the Summer Holiday FOR THE CAMP FOR MOTORING FOR BEACH WEAR "Jantsen" and "Wavecrest" Swim -Suits- New styles and new colors Slacks and Shorts in hrotw, navy and. Rot htus. Terry Slack and Sweat Shirts KIDDIES' Sun Suits and Hats L:ldies' Case.. 533 SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY-- Wool ATURDAY—Wool Suits, two and three-piece. Ito sal: ..t See F. Phone 86 20% OFF our window of _these attractive Suits E. Hibbert USED CARS 1935 Pontiac Sedan 1930 Pontiac SpecialMin . 1930 Plymouth Sedan - 1928 52 Chrysler Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coach 1928 Ford Roadster 1928 Buick Poach 1927 Plymouth Sedan 1926 Star Sedan 1932 Dodge Two -ton Truck with phttorm and stake 1930 Chevrolet 11/2 -ton Truck 1930 Ford 11/2 -ton Trunk with platform 1930 Ford 1'z -ton Delivery Truck REG. McGE E DODGE AND DESOTO SALES • HAMILTON STREET PHONI 3711 Two farmers had been to the local fair and had a fegttye time. They had a slx-mile drlre to get home that II# CH.tRGKI► WITH 4'ONl'KRM ION K. G. NisicWhirter, Toronto stock .ulesmen, appeared iefore Magistrate .1. A. alakltw rat the county gaol here on Tuesday nftertmon and ens re- manded until this 1Thursdny l ntorn- Ing, to nigtenr at 1VInghnm .at 11 'aieleek on there charges of cower- -Ion and theft. MacVs'hlrter wee drought to Gaslerlch on M lay night 11 Is alleged tint, during the month of is'; ember. 1134. he received $:list for McKellar and Company, Toronto brok- ers, upon terns rsptfring him to de- liver same to Mrs. Norma Parker, of Hingham, and that he framiently enn- eerted It to his men [tor: also that he Aide from the setae complslnant one share certifieate of McMillan valued at CIO ata one share eertlaeatg...ot Tselt- Bemires will he held by the Smith's Jose. *Take cure. old main IIIA Presbyterian congregation on Sun- "hat .." amid Snnn. nnulzed. day, Jeune 21st. Rev. ('. H. Mellon- thought yon were driving." old of Lneknow will preach at , both I _ . _ —_ - — serrl.es. rat 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Music w111 be furnished by the Lucknow stale Quartette. tin Tuesday, June 'viol. a 1 etrawherry soalal will. Iso held an the 1 - lawn of air. nod airs. Melvin Tyndall..' ' .t g,NNI program iMll be given by 1 1'nmerun Geddes, wlloist. of Lneknow, I -r sire. 4'011. )1yak. of Vainghatn, render,! ctoilu: sntophone and ptfnno. Supper ' served (rem 11 to 8 o'clock. DUNGANNON . • Di'NGANNIIX, June `10. --Mr. and Mrs. Itich, Elliott, of Holyrnod, and !Ars. ,los. Corbett. of Uuaketuwu, acre vi•Itors at the hutne of Mrs, Eliza - Lith Robb on $nrtda:, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Nlyena and Canadian manufacturers famNv..ef N'Itnthnun, slatted the lady's seeking to enter new mar- 1nrentnrdn,r, and airs-. Knot. )Lore, lets in the West Indica, Mr, and Mr. Ge"s. Irsela.-ldr. and Central and South America, Mrs. lamald Fowler :and slaughter Mel find a helpful ally in our boa were Sunday guests at the -home of Mr. Tom Irwin. Paisley. Trade Department. Messr'. Wm Mule and Alert )[rows, Through this bank's Resi- attended the rovnt Conservative con dent Managers, information %within at Toronto. Friends are very sorry to know that can be supplied on current Mrs. 11. Fowler, wife of the late filar trtarket opportunities, and ' • Fowler, of the nth rnmtloghsu of trade connections arranged' A Ashfield, tofferd Wither 'drake about ' & week ago, and tittle hole is held if desired, credit informs - for her 114n1cr}. 'M r.. Fow;wr hu- tion can also be }tarnished, been In falling health for tau years' GODERK;M SRANCH • I• D. EASTMAN, Merger stn,.,, she was .trlcken with the first ' • L . •....,,....... , FREE! FREE! FFEE! ! Dow many people realiar that thelr,fnrnaee or'Utilise deteri- orates very much during the summer If It Is not properly (leased In the spring? Th.• service representative of the 1h•law•are A Hndsou coal ('om- pslo} out be is. 4aslerfch se Mouda)'. June Tend, and w•111 remain for is few +134,s. Ile will clean your furnace aar boiler with a vacuum for the par {awe Anil *leo, as he Is an expert on hs:s.ting, any bee tfihrklirritllFFil.#tlat you may hare. Tal..' aaii s tags of Oils offer aril 'plague In early. wa Iso e.sn start the w," 6 "u his arrleal There, Is absolutely II., 1•h:1rg,• for Ibis Peer- I. r - We handle. exeivaifely, the Delaware a Hudson ('one-dared --jahraelte Coal, whkh is a square traetnet ('sal and free from slate soil high In heat units. Take a.Ieautage rat' the -present prla-e of ('Bal noir wive nooses by getting hi your winter'- supply. G-tiASa Ca -COAL YARD AND -OFFICE -AT IS HAI4W) L Phones--Otflce 22. House 112 - Goderich 1 SOUTHERN MARKET /. TNi ROYAL 13NK 0? CANADA • 1 •