HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-6-11, Page 4Pridham's PRESENTS Sportwear -AND UP-TO-THE-IMEINUTE COLLECTION OF NEW COLORS AND FABRICS FORSYTH'S are particularly attractive, the new bright colors are having a great run just now. See them in our $2.00 Windows. Priee Newest in Straw Hata -. Ranging in ilt+•e from HICKOCK SPORT BELTS SPORT SUITS BY FASHION -CRAFT, IN GREY AND TAN SHADES PHONE 57 The Square GODERICH RAISE HUSKY BOYS AND WHOLESOME GIRLS ON MILK -MADE BREAD MADE IN 'Wit OWN I:AKE:8114W CAKES AND PASTRIES E. U. CLEVELAND WEST STREET PHONE 114 Capital Electric Theatre SOUND SYSTEM Phone 47 Coder ch Now Playing---"Tlw Trail of the Lonesome Pine in full I .111,11-, star- ring Sylvia Sidney. MONIMY, IVES- DAY and WEDNESDAY— Into the blue -grass estuntrY., with the whbasteal drollery of inimitable "In Old Kentucky" A delightful feature Is the dancing of BILL ROBI N So iN Thosnglhat Friday and Saturday— A great coned, Mt! "IN PERSON" • A [wavered ,pet of the screen. fleeing from fame. runs smack 11110 Dan Cupid +with Wariest. result's. GDWGER ROGERS and GEORGE RAPT Mminees Wednerulay. Saturday and holidays at 3 p.m. THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. :: In the Realm of Sport :: Seaforth's Errors Prove Costly Locals Take Monday's Gama at in Ono Innings Gotlertch chalked up the third vic- tory In rimy steets-In-Lbe Moron -Perth Baseball League on Monday, when they defeated Seoforth at that town. 5-1, In n slk-itinings game. Seaforth used Rennie saki Shortreed HOW THEY STAND Mora Softball League Woo Lost Ins. St. Peter's 11 2 0 Tho Victorians (talked up their third win last ulght when they swamped the Foresters to the tune of 31-2. Witotwr scored for the Fore*. ters In the third and Arbor in the against Max Fritzley, %h. had six ninth, but the Victorians, ais la tbown strike -outs and allowed nine ling. by the score, had so difficulty, and retired the Foresters P-2-3 In four of the nine innings. The score : FORESTERS 17 Playing a poatponed game in the. church league on Thnrsdao--innLs-tha Renate allowed six bite aud had two Goderich had a tough break in the second innings. when Johnston struck out with two down and the bases loaded. The game was scoreless un- til the fourth. when Welsh's lads got the hang of Rennie's pitching and smashed tont four teso.111111rent. -which. Presbyterian- had a 14-0 lead •t the Johnston and Worthy did the acoring- Seaton,' sae robbed of an equalis. end of the third killings and by the to Entitles. for the put-out at first. retiring the gide and Waring three men as against 51 for the Foreaters. on Immo... The remainder of the game The scoring: The GmlerIch fielding showed a big Foresters 0 0 0 2 40 2 3 4-17 improvement, only two errors being scored agalust them. Seaton!' bad five errors.. The teams: Goderieli Worthy. lb.:. G. IMF P. Murdork, r.f.; R. Black. 3b.: 13...non of the fighting spirit of the teams. the last three timings, but St. Group's lb.: E. Rennie, e.; Willis. 211.; Hilde- tallied nine to_eke otit a hard-earned brand. La.: Sills, Rankin. I.f.; Rant. Dunlop, r.f.: .Suell, Short - Err. GeonGrs 211—BARCHLEWS 23 When Bitechler's knocked Jerry Cal- I der out .of the box on Monday night, and (lord Liscomin replayed him. Itaerh- run lead over St. George's in the sixth With ten runs,, it was the most es.,1 'citing game in the churvh league so 1 far,. with Mt. 1:pomp's 'winning 211-25. • MO LIT DOWN Locals Trimmed 14-1 in Huron -Perth' Galeria' lost the third selo.luied 1 `,. League 41.arne at Clinton Huron -Perth 0 B.A.A. game at Clinton on Thursday last. 14-1, making a de - Haile break after the first two win.. • • • CREDITS AND CREPES Pride goeth before a fall. The game Was. called at the end of the gizth lowauvo et darkness. widerably by eoutributing twelve er- rors. The Goderich boys endentlY were taking a day off and made a very poor exhibition. Clinton started I In' with three runs in the first and held GoderIch score - les. until the fourth, when nurwei romped home for the lone tiny. Mar- ney. by the way. worked hard through- out the game. and the poor showing was not his fault. Clinton doubled their score In the fourth. added one In the firth end doubled it agaln In the sixtb, with Falsity on the mound. -Rob" Carrick wan in the box for SUMMER Clearing all Straos (lark shades. 1)11[14, Itrown. Regtilar %eine *2.95 's Sale Price _ With two wins to their credit the ton `on Thursday last, looin_11-1,7 l'a-1001kagnoil tail. hard nt A snappy recuperation at Beatorth on Monday when they won a third game. 5-1, pat theta'. in the running The way the s• oftball league is at - nights a week It ould seem sOmetbing might be done to accommodate tbe It would lie a p▪ imple awl inexper sive matter to ereet blesehera along first and third base Hues. The league is deserving of awns Rest game of the season en far In the church league was the St. George's- Baechier's tilt on Monday. WIN FREE PURRS TROPHY Fred Hunt taid I. D. Eastman were the winners of the London Free Press trophy at nit Invitation lawn bovilIng tournament at Kincardine last night. Twenty-eight pairs took part In the event. Others from Goderich were Geo. Ilan:arson and Howard McNee. Wm. Powell sod J. W. Raker. Messrs. Hunt and Eastman will bold the trophy for a year. George IlaclEwau we* the winner la a tient ot forty-two contestants In the Jitory Irish trenle• tourney at the lawn bowling greetus on Monday night. The event woo. eonsidered very suc- cessful. and new members of the club are taking an active intereat lu tbe gatue. -Bill" Ross ia one. Ile non fourth prise attar only a few sights: praetice The winhers or the eight prises %ere as follows: Geo. MacEw•ne Ross, L. Knox, Sendy Rawden, C. K. Saunders, J. R. Wheelnr. LADIES* YIELD DAY The first of the summer weekly field es --to be held at Maitland Oolt thirty players on Tuesday morning. prises donated by 31ra. R. L. Lloyd. The putting eontest was won by Mrs. W. A. Coulthurst and tbe hidden hole contest by Miss ()Ilene Lloyd house at 1 o'clock, •fter wind' the club "pro," Jack Amon. spoke to the ladies on the loyal golf rules. It was decided to bold the Geld day eiery Tueeday morning at 10 o'clock. County Council Concludes Session (Continued from nage 1.1 tuau addresead the council, stating he nes of the Opinion the clerks at the registry unite were entitled to some remuneration for their work. A mo- tion then was earthed, tlutt the clerks reeelve 21c per hour for their work. They had asked 40t. per hour. The following resolution was read: -Wheretta we eousider, in reopen to high school and coullnuation school th• ey have the reaponallality uf raising the necessary moneys, have 13() Con- trol over the VlaillniatratIve bodies co• llected; resulted, that the munici- petition the Government to mon leg- islation authorizing cosmic council and counting of high school. and con- tinuatiou school titntr1eta to submit requialtions for grants of high ockool and continuation school boarde and 4,_boartla of edueatiou for money to the utunicipal board for adjustweut whet' they deem it ueeressary to do so. Re- solved, that copies of thls reaolution I* forwarded to the neighboring county councils, and the Honorable the Min- ister of Eduestion," The revolution nes adopteti. Warden Bowman thanked. the coun- cillors for their co-operatIon and con - !BAPTISMS it —Gamma" SALT 20 Itapt1.4. won their liecond Inter- church league nxture on Friday last, 20. The Baptista non 111111114 don't from the anti pitch and held the Salt lads Poorness through four of the eight inning.. although they showed up to a ‘lecided threat in the fifth. seventh noel eighth lioniug.. when they scored set tatter!' runs. The Itaidlats did not take their half of the eighth innines. when the game was called because of The georing: St. George's won 211-25. Calder vacated the mound wheal Itaechler's took him for five runs in the fifth. but they rode Lia,s4tottrithLir ten in the Summer Sports Wear SWIM SUITS BY PENNI A N'S Smart styles, new knits in, the latest Colors. brown. coral. bine, row, orange. Priced.... OF Summer Dresses! Printed Crepe% soil Striped Silks. Light .fiaden and bright flowers. tumor -tint -tit of liew and smart stykw.- SPECIAL — Slacks • (.;Qttoti Slacks in navy and brown, made.. Pair -Terry Slacks in navy, brown and yellim New and smart. Pair Inetead of dooming, the Anglicans IN THE NAUGHTY -NOUGHTS Over Editor. -1 have Waked with . much pleasure the attention you are 'giving to bri.eliall in your eidUllina this Iyellr and hope that It will produee i reault.. for the sake of the game It - for the Auto. call that it Ts Illioat thirty yeara sins* -the good old too n started the agsembling of a teem that in the mace of two or three years proved to be !the champions of the old Lakeside League. composed of Kincardine, Luck- ; ▪ in thiew days large gates weren't l the atyle, and apparently that habit still exists. If we finisbed the seams fifty dollars to the good we were do- ing wonders. Pnaillny-s brief sketch of tbe team would be proper : ..o with your petiole - shot I will hand ton the line-up in place of former managers Berne,' and Pitchers were Jack Tait. Harry Bel- cher (Hurrlease Hank) and Jim Wig- gins. the first having a very fast ball and the latter two haring better than fair curves. First base was looked after by Dan Nicholson. a very smooth fielder. Second biome wair cared for by either Bill Barnes or was attended to by Colin Devine. imam, belie Hank Reicher or Cliff Webb kept the bot corner Intact. .Our spare infielder was Bert (Kaiser) MeCreath and lie sure was a handy guy to have around. The outfield was cotnposed of: Left, t'llff Webb; centre. Orlando Dean. allfl right. Roy Walter. the pride of Colborne township. Leeds Elliott was our relief in the outer garden. How those four boys used to drng down finial). was vent. Behind the hat exception of Bekher and Walter all the re.t of the gang are still living and I suppos. they often recall the dnye when n trip to WIngliam meant an all -day affair. It sins noloody'a busineom whot real fon we derived on It hag alwny• •eenieil 1. Ille that both Walter and Reicher were two of the old town ',endured. My oWl11 Chore in those days was scoring ntitU1 enjoyed to the full the einditio tee awl frietel.hip olf the old My one hope is thin the hionch of come on and b.) history repent Itaelf. Enthiosiags le ▪ well worth watching-, ifillksAnglican pep -talks norkea wonders. spentine of enthusiasm, It eertsinlv not lacking in the surrounding din • • • In t`nitworne township the Farrlsh elan have a anfthall team of their own. All the player ere related. j • • • 'Ti. ,nid they neiept nil challenges :uel hand mit n few. • • • They are versatile. too. One of the outfit has s --lathe and they turn' not their own hAMr---Y • • • 1►nhhln hn4 Metter watch his hide or he will he losing It to make gloves and to corer softball's. • • • Fortune I. s fickle dnme. ' • • • All ttntnrdnr moraine taco men ant on the nary With hest ni•hes for a ehnnpinn a fish. tenni this year. • • • lours t'o• real sports' snke. They el.nneid to the north break- sFI. 1•Iu:S+.Tr1X NTR.%�tl wn.tor and nn Her •duple took thele !esti \\est hunl Ale. fiat nnalllon• Toronto. $1.35 Beach Robes $2.75 $2.95 Men's Swim Suits• Two-piece -Suits with detachable top. tipper - fastening: Smart combination of colors. vine SHORTS—rib-knit, specially rein foreed tViry boy and hasoball tam win want this up-to-datil 'book, "Baseball—and How to Play it", by Frank J. (Shag) Shaughnessy, Man- ager of the pennant win- ning Montreal Royals. Pitching, batting. Inns running -all the fine polio ts of the game are clearly explained and illustrated. Here's how toast It. 81m - ply send in to the address below a" CROWN BRAND' or "LILY WHITE" Corn Syrup label with your name and address and the words "Baseball Book" plainly written on the back—and your cow will ha mailed to you right CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP Ina CANADA STANCH 0011110111V Wow closed vrith the singing ot the Na. Grand Bend , t lour I Anthem *ad "Auld Lang Syne.". CHURCH NOTES The regular meeting of the Arthur Ciro* of Knot church will be held on Monday eiening Jun 11 at s o'clock !Members nre reqtlealted tri bring their -sots•hine hag.'" to this meeting The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. 1.1' Knox Presbyterian churelt will he held in the leeture room of the chary,' oat Tursday„ June 10, at 3 o'cltwk. Mrs. J, it; Barnett 'will glve n 'patter oit Me totudy hook. lira. D. J. Lane will give gleanings. from the animal council meeting of the W•11•8. held nt Toronto. Those from Goderich who •tter•led the livelier). meeting at Trivitt Mem- orial church. Exeter. on 'Monday were Rev. A. C. Calder and Mrs. Calder, Ven. Archdeacon Jones -Bateman, Mrs E. W. Carrie, Mrs. J. A. Graham, Mrs. John Hunter. Mrs. F. WhIttingbam. Mrs. Foster. la% EL rainier. Mra. Geo W, Holman. Hill Burritt. Mr. BABY CHICKS IVO: 'White Leghorn Baby Chicks, 17 per hundred. C. White Leghorn Baby Pullets, $1.b per hundred sired by registered male birds. 4trilera gri Or over delivered WALTER ROSE BRUSSELS 01fT. Baptist Church Rev. s. R. McClung. Minister m "Mt Moral Neutrals" Canadian Order gr Foresters In "Has OW Gale oNli Spoor DANCING EVERY SATURDAY AND WEDNESDAY beginning May 30th, 193C bring you Gene Fritzley AND HIS 10 -PIECE ORCHESTRA "ACCORDION AB' ' HIS VIOLIN' ' "THE MANOR TRIO' ' Fit ridaheil I tam ter rent HOTEL HEDIFORD WIICHNID41/%1, .11 NE 17th WILL lasPLAY LAMES' and f:F.NTS' BAWLS HAIR GOODS Telephone Hetet fee an Appointment Addeo lb Scalp. Hair Tinting etc.. etc W. T. PENBER STORFS tidied IRO TONGS ST.. Tokovro Men's Straw Hats A. CORNFIELD "Shop where you are Invited to shop" Phone 418 .111941hire ;air • remninder of the div and couple No 2 1111 Ow tomtit bri.akitrater sifter three hoot, 4%1111 tvore than thirty pound, Fe;rtnne miod have been out of *1)11 recently when Illehop C. A. man. RPC. A. C. Colder and tion. Jerrp Colder visited their termite atreatia. All they 1111rIna attelM*114111'11 frog woo dampened ton. • LEEBIJRN LIMITIO TO WIN NIPEG• EDMONTON•JASPER CANADIAN ROCKIES PACIFIC COAST • ALASKA • the Canadian National's crack train, the Continental limited, from Toronto to W i n n ipeg, Jasper, Vancouver sod return, leaves each terminal daily. (boss Toronto 1010 P.M., E.S.T.) Travel on the Continental limited is practicality and economy de luxe —every 1936 last-minute comfort; low summer fares; common-sense prices for mals; special coach lupch service; able d'hote mals in the dining car at special low prices as won as the regular a la cane service. Stop off at Jasper in the Canadian Rockies for golf, trail riding, hiking, fishing. swimming. Rata at Jasper Park Lodge are low— from 117.00 a day including meals. JASPER GOLF WEEK—SEPT. 6.11 Ato Peeking softball game was played on Isoeharn dinnyinft 'riven the Parrish nnd Fisher tenm played footmen. the acore being 20-23 for F. & F. This WW1 the second -gni. of no. • 1 first KAMP ended 311-16 a F. day, the *core being 26-10 in •favor flin• t' first game. on Monday ehegnem totalling more than 016010 erne malted by Quail._ ippierw ter .w dre or— Moro: nod, in liny. • • • •