HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-6-11, Page 3• • Better rri.ti g fee Better Besis iss New ideas and prosperity are close re - tattoos. lutegrlty and intelligence should be our watchwords. Su let us help you In your Printing Problems. We are here to serve you at all times. Signal Malin( Leaves a Geed Impression THE SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED, Publishers R. A. REID —Registered Optometrist— ayes iY-mbled (Masse. Fitted (1T year. In Stratford), at `aberMe.'. Jewelry Sere "SatietactIon at Moderate Cost" J. We Craigie Iwrasce sad Red Estate De.i.i.., Provincial aid Meslcipal Bests rooms u GODIDUCH 74%e tt: 4p. catty co s Fire, Accii.st end Il tar Car INSURANCE Representative London Life Insurance Co. (ice:—Masonic Temple. Weal Street, Goderich Nelsen Hill, Maeage % Those 231 Geo. Williams & Son Utes The Sigall's Clarified Columns GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1936 The Meet hareem Step Toward increased selling power L a dis- play l►play advertisement 1a The Signal. Suc- cessful merchants fled our local and die - strict newspaper coverage most advan- tageous. It Pas to Advertise be The Signal HIOHTY :NINTH TEAR, NO. 2e Graduate Nurses Receive Diplomas Interest Ceremonies at Mac - [y Hall—Many Presenta- tions to Graduates The beautifully decorated stage at Mackay hall was the setting of an interesting event on Friday night last, when the graduating clear of Alexan- dra Marine and General Hoepltal was presented to a large audience. Bas- kets atkets of purple and gold dowers Used the edge of the stage, which was fronted with a fernery of lovely roses. Many persons. late In reaching the hail„ -=Ere unable to find even standing r M.Jd r turned gws7: 'Mein-. a .aies'and !waft'� vestibule throughout the whole pro- gram. The four graduating nurses were Miss Ida Grace Mason, Miss Mildred Viola Wilson, Mia Mildred Norma MacKay and Miss Mary Greene, all of town. With them on the platform were G. L. Parsons, chairman of the hospital board, presiding, Rev. A. G Calder, who opened the proceedings wttb prayer, Mayor H. J. A. MacEwen, R. J. Deachmau, M.P., Dr. J. M. Gra- ham, Dr. J. B. Whitely, Dr. John Wal- lace, J. B. Reynolds of the hospital board, Miss Matheson, asslstant.hot pita' superintendent, Mies Chambers, night supervisor, Mrs. D. J. Lane, re- gent of Ahmeek Chapter, I.O.D.E., and Mrs. D. E. Campbell. regent of Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E. The front row of seats was occu- pied by alae uniformed nurses-in- training. urses-fatraining. Four little flower girls, Peggy Bro- pbey, Betty Smith, Clare Blank sad Barbara Cuts, made several trial 1 the graduating nurses with lfellegn Nicely Weeded Celikegs Lets HYDRO CONNECTION —Alas Houses in Town— AUTO, ACCIDENT es1 FIRE INSURANCE Issarace ad Real Estate AUTOMOBILE, FIRE. PLATE GLASS, BURGLARY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT Guarantee Roods, Low Rates with Absolute Financial Strength REPRESENTATIVE Ilisteal Life Assurance Co., *weed by Tim Pelky Holders LOW RATES --Bert of Settlemeets Information gladly given. Call, write or phone 131 WM. BEATTY HAMILTON STRRST GODERICH Plumbing, Heating Eavesfrouglung WIC HAVE IT Repairs for all makes of stoves or furnaces Prompt ounce and reasonable rates. John Pinder $4.00 for your old lamp ! The tosnufacturer has given um She privilege of offering you te.00 on your old lamp. Now le the chance to get one of the new TRILITE LAMPS with In direct lighting. The lamp also has the three -candle light,. The shade is of homeaptin. hell ahapc THE VERY LATEST IN LIMITINO We have • aseandband ICE BOX FOR SALE. J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and &maw Street, World' PitoNir.S Store 3.45: Rea. AM 4t their meeting on Monday, June 1, the W.M.S. of North street United church heard an interesting report of the "Branch” meeting recentle held at Sarnia. From •Il the eight presby- teries or the London Onnference re- ports were most encouraging, Mrs. Lane said, and she was happy to and that In increase ot givings Huron Presbytery led. Mr.. A. Buchanan presided for the devotional program, which. besides Mrs. Lane's report, consisted of a Scripture reading by Mrs. P. W. Cur- rie, current events to, Ma. R.. 3. How- ard and prayer by Was Robertson. Tbe treasurer, Miss Emilie Buchan- an, reported that the Easter thank - offering hadireached the sum of $100. Esnrelope (fringe, donations, fees, etc., fur May were 125.40. Judge—',How could you swindle people who trusted liegaur Prisoner—"But, Judge, people who Broker Goes to Face Charge at Toronto Cases Before Magistrate Making in Weekly Court Thurs- day Last Robert S. Fletcher, Toronto broker who was remanded fur three weeks on May 2b on charges of &sugary ant uttering, appeared before Magistrate J. A. Makins on Thursday last with his counsel, C. Frank Moore, of To - Mr. Moore explained that Fletcher wait to appear at Toronto to face a charge on June 10. An attempt would then be made to turn's& bail. and if it should be obtained Fletcher Fo—nlil not be obtained tbe accused could be returned to Goderich. Fletcher was at Hutt time on bail of 17,500 on the Toronto charge, but he bad been un- able to obtain $5.000 additional cash bail for tbe Gederich charges. Fletcher was semanded wall Wed- nesday, wbetilier-erws taken to Toronto. Stanley Dutot, of Brucefield, was charged with non-support. An ad- journment of one week was made and accused was released on his own ball Chas. Bell, of Goderich, pleaded not ratty to a charge of keeping leper for eale Illegally, and the ease was adjourned a second time. Police still are on the lookout for a witness who disappeared mysteriously, and Bell was allowed out on his own bail. Max Laker, Windsor fish peddler, was found guilty of falling to have clearance lights on his truck and of Felten to give a car room to piss ors NILE NILE, June 9.—Mr. •nd Mrs. T. Mc- Phee visited relative' at Lucknow on Miss Marjorie Brindley spent last weetvead wits Mtn Vents CaldwelL Mr. Isaac Tatrb and the Misses Min- nie and Jane Tabb visited relatives In Goderich on Sunday. Mrs. D MeGratten visited at Lon- don one day last week. Mr. E. Nixon and Miss Stella Mc- Adam, of Donnybrook, spent Sunday at the home of the former's brother, Mr. T. Nixon. Visitors at the home of Mr. John Tabb on Sunday were Mr. Harold Squire and Miss Pearl three of Clin- ton, and the Misses Ida White, Ida Elliott and Vesta Tubb of Goderich. At the evening service in Nile church next Sunday Rev. Mr. Walden of llgthans will be Ma special speak- er. He will give in address in the ITo those contemplating erecting a Monument:— OW XT PRICER BETORE BUYING Cemetery Lettering a Specialty —All Work Guaranteed— Mates Marble sadGrsaite Works Jam Ores& COMea, OM. Successor to Ball & Zapf* 4 GODERICM BRIDGE CLUB At the weekly bridge tournament beld Monday evening, the following were wioners: 1st, Mrs. W. T. Saun- ders and Mrs. E. C. Beacom, phut 10%; Hume, plus 10; 3rd. Mr. and lira_ IL I. Dean azirMre. I. 11 Darman and and gifts from their riends ti Tee. There were more flowers than the graduates could hold, and many lovely bouquets were placed on the platform at tbeir feet. Mayor IlacEwan congratulated the graduates in behalf of the town coun- cil and the citizens. "The hospital is • town institution and we are more than proud of it." he said. "It has been built up by the town and country people and we feel it is one of the most modern and best equipped in tins pert of Ontario." His Worship commented on the ca- dency of the staff of tbe hospital and! on tbe good work of the hospital board. "Tbese nurses," he said in conelu- sion, "have worked hard in the last four years and now success is theirs. I feel sure they will be loyal tcetheir old hospital and their town." Miss Dorothy Greene and Mr. Her- bert Greene, accompanied by Mr. II. N. Livens, sang "Staying" and "Smiling Through." Dr. J. B. Whitely remarked that thirty-two years ago a hospital was opened on South street, •nd since that time tbere have bete sixty-eight grad- uates. "Ail have done remarkably well," be said. "Bizty-seven per cent. are married." , Wen Trained Referring to the graduates, Dr. Whitely stated: "These girls have passed their examinations very credit- ably aud I can recommend them as being most resourceful, capable and competent young women. They have been brought to a high standartl of pledge was administered by Dr. J. M. Graham, after which Robert Barnes gave a humorous recitation as "Colonel Chillingworth Chubb." It. J. Deachman, M.P., gave interest- ing comptrieons of nursibg and hoe - pilule of today aria a centurleg -ago, and remarked on the tremendous ad- vance medicine has made. "These ladies," he turned to the graduatee. "who are starting out In this work ire starting nomething which will bring them more happiness than anythieg elee they might under- take, for that which brings most hap- piness is not work for self, but work for others. "What these Orin are going out to do la to •try to help other, and bring jrist a little elm*, the brotherhood of Harvey McGee, of Auburn, aceom- Denied by Mrs. R. Phillipa, sang "The End of the Road," and "Wait Till I'm as Old as Father." Presentatiens te the Graduates Presentations to the graduates were as follows :' Diplomas, by Assistant pins, by .1. R..Reynolds: syringes, by Dr. John Wallace. In behalf of the medical profession: dressing forceps, by Mina Vesta Tabb. In behalf of the hy Mra. E. W. Carrie, In behalf of the by Mrs. D. J. Lane, In behalf of the Ahmeek Chapter, 1.0.D.E.: sterilizers. hy Mrs. T1. E Campbell. in behalf of the Maple Leaf Chapter, 1.0.D.E.: re- ference books. by Mrs. J. W. Mac - Vicar. In behalf of the Noreen' Alum- nae Mita Mason expreased the gratitude of the gradneting class for the inter- est taken in them hy the public, and after the singing of the National An- them many went over to the Masonie Temple, where refreshments were iserved and a danee was held In honor of the graduate. 'Where hare you been for the last font yea re v" "At college taking medicine." NIed dig you finally get well?" THE of Motor Oil Perfonnalite knife is treated to resist This new motor oil is treated to resist sludge —the "rust" of motor oil. Sold Only hi Tamper -Proof Bottles that art Delivered to th• Dealer Filled and Sealed Nature provided; art in- stant lubricating film to protect your eyes. This new motor oil provides an instant lubricating film to pro- tect your motor when MEP vo. The increased efficiv ency of modern tire construction adds at least a year to the life of tires. The increased effici- ency of this new motor oil adds at least a year to the life of an engin*. You will see from these pictures three of the main advantages of the New Shell Motor Oil—an oil perfected for modern motors through Shell's world experience. Now on sale everywhere at no extra cost. Chang* to the New Shell Motor Oil today. You can save hand- somely on oil and repairs. SHELL MOTOR OIL YOU CAN BE SURE OF SHELL H. J. Fisher HAMILTON ST. GODZKICH att SHELL DEALERS 4) H. Baxter KINGSTON ST. GODSRICH Barker Briis: BAYTIELD ROAD 00D141.1011 IT. Randall HURON ROAD R. D. Munro OODERICE ACBURE A. Hamilton SALTIORD