The Signal, 1936-6-11, Page 1Don't Forget that you can save money by using The Signal's Newspaper and Magazine Clubbing 4ervice. Special rata on all the battle; ueespapwrs and periodicals. TELEPHONE 35 *le • ionat EIGHTY-NINTH YEAR, NO. 24 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1936 County Vete-rims PERSONAL MENTION H ' at Town Council • Mr. Donald Cameron, retired engin- eer, of Detroit, visited hie brother, lir. Joint Cameron, on Friday. Musa Jean Proctor has returned home after spending a,lata.. sM..Ylth her sister, Mrs. W. Rlchardsor,• Port Albert. Miss M. K. 1ReCurlldndate, superlsr pendent at Alexandra hospital, la holt- Neighborly Visit train Reeves Scott and Geiger -Contri- butions to Museum r. At Its regular meeting on Thursday night --last the tuwn_councfl had two vialters who were warmly wedelial4 by Mayor MacEwen and invited to address the council. They were Reeve Peter W. Scott of East W awa- y nosh and 'Rc TE Owen Geiger of Hen- li, two-veteraus of the county mun- ch eILl"s aeataed over attar -Me meeting of that body and dropped In 'to see how the town council does its . business." Reeve tkott said be kept track of tbe doings of the Goderlcb council through the newspaper re;sorb and was always learning wmethL... Ile spoke briefly of some county council doings and said that the Dunlop tomb was to receive some attention from that body. Reeve Geiger quickly earned the plaudits of the council by °barrel'. that be Lad been coming to Goderlch quite a while, and the more be came the better be liked the town. Ile paid a tribute to the Goderlch representatives at the county council, who, be said, were always willing to co-operate with him. He said the county body was trying to hold the county rate as low as possible in these lard times. Ankles far the Museum Liter la the proceedings mention was made of some "refits' which s Root bad offered to donate to -tui Meet messes ;_Ya Scott said -tsars rfIii (vstMbtF There was jam dinebek musket which was be- lieved to have been used In the Battle of Waterloo and was brought to Ole country • few years later. Another article man large spinning wheel with reel, and still another was a• Indian tomahawk that had beets picked up In Halton county. He.only asked that these antiques be well m taken care of, and be was sure they wl d be. The Mayor expressed the cou•cill appreciation of Mr. !►colt's generale-. offer. In reply to a query : "When are we to have the official opening of the museum?'. Coundllor limber observed tbat this could be lir ilistese se OM Home Week In 1917. All members of the council ..were present. The cemetery sexton reported two interments in May. • The tax collector reported collections of $4,254.19 in May. Mayor MacEwan stated that be had an Invitation to attend the conven- tion of Ontario Mayors at Orillia on Jane 11th and 12th, but wee not cer- tain that he would be able to attend it. An invitation from Windsor to the fire chief and memlera of the council to attend the annual convention of the Demi/110o Association of Fire Chiefs, to be held in that city August ere on Visit froAcquittal in BANa ' • Ro13E j1tURIL1 Peking, China Miss Tom Tells of Her Tour Months' Trip -Will Return to China 1800 TIMES To Charles Meaklua, internationally- hoses-kmks,ne who 1a mew Ilvtug 1n Gcderleh, the playing of "hose Marie" at the Capital Theatre this week was f rticular interest u pa During his musical comedy career Mr. Meakin+ smug "Rose Marie," the Indian Love Fong and the Mounties' marching song no fewer than 1,800 t Imes. the opened with the show' as Ser- geant Malone at the Imperial Theatre, New York, In 1925 and stayed with It until It completed an engagementnl Mimi- TiW: London, England. to 129 11. -T'r_ POLITI('AL GATHERINGS The annual 'fleeting of South Huron iJlwrala will be held at Heusall on laud of her adoption, for various sea- Wednesday next, June 17th, and will sone, the chief one bwing that she in- he addressed by Hon. A. W. Roebuck, Robertson Case Judge Costello Discharges Accused of Oou1 sl after Hearing A:gaement (laying at the home of her sister, 1[re. J. Howard Robertson, whose trial on J. Laidlaw, Claresholm, Alberta a charge of fraudulently converting to Ra it- his own use $7,500 of municipal funds itTEbar, and 7[f'4vtt:t abler, - occupied seven days In the latter part Wm. Austay, spent a week In Det visiting the former's son, Mr. R. !< poo of May, war dfroharged by Judge T. 11. Costello in the County Judge's Crim- inal Court en Friday last, after the Miring 4kmaili►st- -do. fence counsei, G. N. Shaver, K.C., of A v?sltur here after au abaenee of years spent In Peking, China, na, uow vi' e . m'e, M1 ss Mabel E. Tom, daughter of- the rate J. E. Tum, inspector of public achools, Doak. ,souriruuely gjrautad The 131gur1 an Mr. and Mrs. R.R. J Ichd Teta: intensive at her home on Wellesley fly, nt'•(iuelpD, xrtreet + _ ..,. Greg on Wednesday. On their re -Naturally .„ 'talent. situation In theiraunt, MlsMO" beth m ih. *Mielm&.11 •e '1bfIF ilS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jeffrey, of God- preferred nut to talk of things poll- erlch, and Mrs. Win. Mdiulre, of Bay- tical* or to express any view's whatate field, spent the week -end at Detroit. ever on conditions. la the troubled where they were the guests of Mrs Jack Clifford and loss Laura Jeffrey. Rev. S. R. MeClung, of the Baptist church, has returned from a c onfer- enee al MaeMaater University, Hafnil- tou. at which were present two hun- dred Ontario ministers. Addresses were given by a lecturer from Glas- gow and by several of the t'nlversite staff. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. I'rot•tor, Gibbons street, on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Berl Forceb and Barbera Ann, and Mrs. Sidney Scott, of Prwemo, Mich.; Mrs. Guy Jones anti Mrs. Kenneth Jones and daugh- ter Edith, of Clinton; Mr. Russel Brit- ton and Miss Deltrlch, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mitcbell, of Strat- ford; Mr. and Mrs. George Richard- son and Mr. and Mrs. W. Richardson and Marion, of Port Albert. INURED AT GUELPH JUNCTION Fred W. Lecky, of London, formerly of Goderieb, was painfully bur not seriously Injured last week. was braining on a C.P.R. train os. Los - don -Toronto run and fell -from 111141 train .1 Guelph Junction. The in- juries included a fractured pelvis. 014 HURON COLLEGE COUNCIL Mr. 0. 8. Middleton has received hotted of h4 appointment by fltabop Steger am • member of the Council of Iluron College, London, as a repre- aentaUve of the Anglican Synod of the Dioceme of Harms. Yr. Middleton !s also a member of the Council of the Provincial Synod of ()uteri°, representing the Dfoeeee of Huron on that body. He attended the recent meeting of the Council at Toronto and was appointed to the com- mittee on community welfare.-- - tends to return in a montb's Owe, there to remain indefinitely. All that she would gay was that the Japanese, having taken over the destinies of Manchukuo and now seek- ing to stretch out still further and in- oorporate five more proriner's to the south, were wonderful organizers. There she halted, definitely and firm - 1y, with the remark: "Let's talk about my wonderful trip." Peking, or Peiping, an historic city, is located in the Province of Popel, one of the five prdvinc•es which the Japanese seek to govern. It to sit- uated directly south of the Great Walt, which separates It from Man- chukuo, or Manchuria as it was once known. Miss Tom speaks of the an- cient city an a fascinating place in which to live, so much so that she plana to remain there "at leant until 1940." She will gall from Portland, Oregon In July on the return voyage. The Trip Home POSITION OF THE TOWN WITH REFERENCE TO THE ROBERTSON CASE In clew of the many and widespread misconceptions as to the position of the town in the matter of the proceed- ings against the former lax collector, 21127-2A, was referred to the fire com- d H '1► Signal 1 asked mlttee. A repreeentattve of Imperial Ott gave quotations on meet material and the public works committee was em- powered to act. (Akan. M. Robertson was heard with regard to the walk alongside his place of business, which he said WOWS. But with regard to the trip "home" -and Miss Tom still has a rery ten- der spot 1n her heart for Gtalerk'h and lis folks -she was full of enthusiasm. With five friends she left Peking on the 28th of January, this year, going Hoeg Kong, _ to Manilla, in the Phf liDpitxra, demise TOIraaiiIif,-In file Celebes, and to Ball, off the east coast of Java, one of the great attractions in the Orient, owing to its primitive beauty. .Ow this island, under Dutch control, abs beard and saw enchanting native orchestra music and dancing, all connected with religious life in the temple. Five wonderful days were spent at Bali, and then on to Batavia, at the western end of Java, and to Singa- pore, there to view the historic pal- ace of the Sultan of Jahore, who, by the way, has only one wife-a_fair- Attonwy-General. South Huron Conservatives are meeting at Hensel' on Friday of this week. PRESENTATION TO MRS. CRAM the regular monthly meeting of the Eureka clads of Victoria street church was held at the home of Mrs. Percy Barker, Bruce street, on Tues- day evening. The president, Mrs. George Baer•hler, opened the meeting with devotional exercises. Mrs.. 11. Breen read the Scripture lesson: Mrs. Byron Wilson closed the meeting with prayer. The Wiwi committee then took charge of contests, solos and readings. A boudoir lamp was presented to Mrs. Craik as a farewell gift from the class, accompanied by an address con - THE WEATHER Official temperatures of the past week and of the eorrespondtng week of _last year were as follows: 1906 1935 Max. Min. Max. Min. 'Thurs., June 4 64 41 71 50 Fri., June 5 ---.73 47 -61) 40 Sat., June 6 77 52 57 50 Sun., June 7 78 55 60 51 Mon.: -J urfe--iS r 96 5i• --•d7 43 Thee., JIM...19 - 73 53- 68 45 Wed., Jun.. In 85 57 70 48 haired Scots girl trod Glasgow. From A Busy Time at - r the Elevator ' r wt Teri Holmes, who presented Ole Crown's t the *Weiler of Joseph Scdg Anything to Buy ? ANYTHING TO SEW ANYTHING TO TRAIIEi Tell the folks In the ('lassifie1 Ads. eoiuwua of THE SIGNAL THE SIGNA1, eltlN'1'ING co, LIMITED, Publishers PERSONAL MENTION UnitCouncil w°ltiiwher he p-'tlday for Ter Concludes Session rumpus where he expected to take I Co position. • Mr. Donald fans, of Shaw's Col - Education Torment, is hums fur the rummer COulsty Rate Remains at 5% lion. ret. Orville Oka los T11t: His >Sitt.. Education Costa sett visited to Hamilton andsTeronte) His - Criticized over the weekend. - -- Miss Kathleen Stewart, Reg. N., of Huron county counell concluded Monkton, Is visiting at the home of the June meeting at neon on Friday Mrs. Wilfred Larder. last, after a busineesltke session melee Mrs. I). Graham Salkeld and daugh- ter., Barbara and Charlotte, of Iaham, the direction of Warden R. .1. Bow- Sask., are visiting relatives on the man. Bayfield road. At the opening of the morning see - Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Andrews and siou on Thursday last George James, children, Arthur and Donald, of To- ronto, spent the week -end at the home caretaker oet the court house, told the of Mrs -and Mr* A. Taylor. council that In Itla a>yl ve"'rttwtra'Mrs-and v „pt Hamilton, the building last year were responsible vslea1lon in. tri"'" 'TZ..»I s•,... - and is the guest of his aunts, the twelve tons of ural over the pre ryas carr n a Misses Campbell, dueler sAeet. year. The repairs included caulking l'. t Toronto, who prosecuted Mr". Robb. Good and daughter Nor- around windows and renewal of woof wick, K , u- . during the trial. ma have returned home after spend pork. "1 have some reasonable moral ing a pleasant week with the former's I Reeve Owen Geiger was la the chair doubt," said Ms Honor, before dig- !sister, Mrs. Thomas Brownlee, of when the report of thelegislative bleons- oaq ,charging Robertson. I Thanlesford. mittee war taken up, Mr. Shaver presented his argument Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Millian and two and adopted. In ode hour and fourteen minutes, and . FMR, Kenneth and Ronald, of Bald- Th.. committee agreed with a reso- ('rown Attorney Holmes spoke tweutyt I wore, Maryland, are spending their lotion from the Wellington county sis minutes. ! vacation with the former's father, Mr. council, that traffic should be made In his summation of the case Judge Andrew Mullan, Britannia road. to stop at every railway crossing, in Costello remarked, "1 can find nu fault Mr. John Kennedy, manager of the an effort to cut down the level cross - with the town auditors' audit. They Bank of Nowa Scotia, Chatham, New ing death rate, but was not In favor did a remarkably good job, and if the Brunswick, aceomp•nted by Mrs. Ken- of Ilcen"ing travelling grain choppers court should reeummend auyvue 1 thluk nedy and their son. John, are spend- or the bonding of county officials by they should be recommended. ing two weeks holiday in town, the private Mrodsmen. It was recour "The audit of the Johnston company, guests of Mrs. Kennedy's sister, Mrs. mended that no action 1* taken on • conducted by Johnston and Oriiy, I am' Alex. Smith, Canadian Bank of Com- motion that the county pay for burial nut so well pleased with. The task meree apartments expenses up to $30 for Indigents of going over Ole books of the town Executive Committee Report of 4oderlch from 1928 to 1034 was one HOLY NAME PARADE The executive committee report. art On Sunday afternoon the annual ,'bleb w•as adopted, with amendments f II win reromenroda• • Eleven Grain Cargoes In and Ont in Little Over a Week - Waterfront News Singapore the party sailed on the new Ily the end of this week, with four German liner of the Orient, the Gneissgrain boats expected, nearly 1,Otl(1,000 ensu, to lturcelunn, Spain. They bushels of wheat will have been taken passed Italian troopship, in the Medi- terranean, CO route to and from the from the Mns of the Goderleh Eters- Ethiopian war zone, and viewed Brit- tor and Transit Company In a week. loth men-of-war at Port Said, but out. - --Vessel movements at the elevator In that required very great painstaking enure. For the purpose . a'......._. parade of the Holy Name Society will rontaluwl the o o [ a very careful audit should be made, be held at the Roman Catbolic church thins: That a grant of $15 be made For the purpose of a crlmtnal trial I at St. Augustine. 1t In estimated to the Lueknow library board and that would say a more'eare-ftf au ' ,• ' , . ' sly .three hundred pili 4s. will be 950 be enntrtbuted to the Rural Tres- tle made. teed and Ratepayers' Assoclatlos present from G.derlch, Clinton, Wing- "I have not bceu able, after Mum money ham. Hlagabrlige and St. Augustine. The committee recommended that itis with the btsrks, to conclude where that be sent We Hospital for Sick ChIId- money has gone. SALARY INCREASED ren, Toronto, but an amendment was ---I had an idea at the beginning of The Idstowel board of education rt made that the council watt until the the trial that au effort was being January awaken. The clerk was M- ita meeting last week increased the strutted to end out what other coat made to show plot other employees of salary of Mr. E. Smith, principal of the town would benefit by the defalca the public (e'brad, from $1,200 to =1,400. ties are doing witheegard to the hoe tions But my mind was relieved of plt'al. The East Huron Women's Ia- in ■ppreclatlon of the excellent work stitute was eked for information, t• that by the admission of the defence he has been doing. Mr. tialt•h'a be presented at the December suasion, that nA. 9t_-fiitB.46t411etteSl.-and the to tioderk•h, where he wu statement of the accused that 6e does formerly on the staff of Victoria when the request for a 1100 grant wilt not accuse anyone else." be considered. Reboot, will he pleased to learn of the Ills Roma read parts of the sola sck,r•ew he I. achieving. Education Costa ismer given by Gray, the auditor, In A Mr. Taylor, of the Yrovtnciai which be thought indefinite answers L-NIFYIRM$ FOR GIRL GUW Agrfcroltural Connell, addressed the were given. "On that audit," he said, council on Thursday afteawoon. He At a meeting on Tuesday the Maple r teat, "1 believe the liberty of the nceosed Leaf Chapter, 1.0.11.E.. established a said that forty to fo s,ie should depend." fund 1 equip the Girl Guides with of taxes of the farmer went to the "If I am to find the aceucel not payment of education coats. He re - guilty 1 must find him must locum uniform". Seventy Ririe are training famed to the high salaries of teach - and eel take their te,A0 soon. Oa {,tent. 1 am not enquiring into the Tueslac next the. petrol leaders and ern and stated WeTencberf Federation question as to whether the bookkeep- i was reseye•alleMAsrtLe11 for the high a(r°nds. Slimes Nnrgnrrt Wrts°n, ing methods 1n Goderk'h are all right crest pf adne-Non• lie also was of or not." truth. Tillers Helen Lane and Ger- the •opinion that the county should Judge Cosiell° pointed out that the trade Wilke+, with the captains end have more control over teachers' sal- Ilelrtennut'. will be examined by Mrs. late William Campbell, who inanities h'IIzaletII NleKim, district commis- arks•. aped the bookkeeping system, had loft Rev. Canon .\ppleyanl, truster of the office with a clean slate, us had stoner, of Lucknow'• the Seafurth Culleginte and the coul- 81* successor, If. T. Edwards. "Rob- ....,,an :RLU. W. N. S PLANS ty's representative to Western 1'nl- ertson must be a Mid bookkeeper," he versify, London, also ...dressed the e e'd rsery I'taur for the fall rally of Huron council. "I'osslhly the best et''Idenee fur the Presbyterial R'. M.S. of the Presbyter- 4leorge 1,11 Guelrlcb accused was the fac•t_that he wow there Ino Church in Can11 111, 10 be held at towvshhp, ode iced t Ancil that Robertson, Tile gnu s s warily, It least, all was quiet and the feet week have been as follows: only a year or F. and found:himself to make the following statement: serene. = N►ndcM, Saturday, with 239.1110 bush-Ilehlud several hundred dollars, Ile The town was not a party to the its Spain and France els of wheat ; Ontadox•, Sunday, with i was unihle to account for It, the midl- and prosecution of 11 r. Robertson ,",11171► bushes of wheat and barley: flora coukTnTai(ount till"tr; and the and had no erwt4 or expenues is con- Of Spain, Miss Tom says that 1t 1 J -It. Eads, Sunday, to load 180,:x00 ;next year there was the sante state of nectloo- therewith. deeps not compare in beauty with Daly The complainant, Mr. J. l . Huck- and other parts of the globe which , bushels of wheat for Toronto; Troia- nffxire." - da, Sunday, to toad 94,3110 bushels i have some reasonable• moral tacW In the hands she has visited. It Is so barren, she wheat .tor rMuntrea1; (a.p•audoc, doubi.,._.he d rt to- tlw summer cam at KlntalL to a, 'I:i; as a priratt eflT'llaj'*• If there.Wtss s revolution seesi Sunday. takintt:'efw*1"." ° lruRMdn , se( , Stand up, n r - ing when she _was -and thereSarnian, 1/'ed' oe are discharged." the same as last year. was -it ram a "private one," True, riff t for Montreal; I r 1A;- luatred 220000 bushels of il,illellors tRking }Met r6 the -ruses Tbe.Me.wttotadluit the eztrutlrc meet Exeter in Septenlla•r, were dlw•upsd jaekrabhtts and apple maggot were be. at it ueeting of the ilnron Pre•b7toodog n manses ill the township. Int executive ut Clinton on Tuesday: 1'reperty ('essolltee The executive derided. -to_ have a The property -er.wmIttee-advised that Mission Mud rally at Exeter In Ortn- $10,4)01 had leen added to the Imur- Is•r. and if silk, fielded that each year Iliad ▪ on the court house: that the gaol the Presbyterial Soolety will send n had been fusee fid and the committee ccunawendetirepentttz th r awl - 17ftuitddltinn (1 0 gra a "Trl new lock. The repair of the slate roof of the revert hoose was• ordered and it suggestion that the main hall he re eelratert was considered. This was left, however, until the Decem- ber *cation. it tens recommended tbat the fur- nsce at the gaol be repaired at once. Dunlop Memorial With regard to the appeal of C. A. \wluith, to have the tomb of "Tiger's. I►nnlop kept in gaol repair, the cans mIttee 0 - miltec advised that "something sbouli be done in respect to making . this g rave a memorial, and we recommend this Iso taken care of at the earliest convenience." The committee further suggested that "the euunty property committee Mist! an effort to lease the plot of land surrounding .Dunlop's tomb for a term of forty-nine years at t1 ler ▪ annum." Reeve Key" pre*ent d eke ',port, whleh was adopted. An account of 8104 for Misfit Mary of t to be pinking. allowing water to come ren. into his cellar. Ile thought about The tower-i(_Williette, had nothing fifty feet of new walk was required to whatever to do with` the many. .•hd remedy the condition. journmenta of the case. • Vila was referred to the public works The settlement with the 1'nitel committee. YtattUF'P7dellfy and (Taaranty Company v11terelordova end -Granada, all Lie - Building Permits which bonded the former asae*sor, Applications for building permits. as was unconditional, and is not affected follows, were referred 'to the fire come by the result of the criminal proce•ed- mittee : Mrs. J. Lynn, Angleaea Inge against Mr. Robertson. street, re -roofing dwelling; Jag. Con- The Guaranty Company had sixty nolly, re -roofing dwelling on Britannia days after receipt of the town's claim road; Henry Hales, re -roofing dwell- to investigate the case, and put on los Ing, Huron road; L. E. Whaley, re- pairs to dwelling. Went street; Alex. McNevin,, sun -porch, Brock street ; W. 3 Andrew, re -roofing dwelling, Brock street; Mrs. Margaret ,Johnston, im- provements to dwelling, Waterloo street; Sault* Coal Co., reroofing Morehouse, Nelson street: Mrs. Geo. Williams, re -roofing dwelling, St. Vin- cent street; E. C. Belcher. r•e-roofing garage, Brock street; Char, J. Gib- bons, new verandah, Haron'road 'Im- perial 011 Limited, gasoline service station at Victoria and Nelson streets, estimateel coat $1800. The application of the Goderieh Musical Society for the 'taunt grant was sent to the special committee, Miro Julia iewi* wrote asking that the road opposite the Lewis property on Wright /beet, from Britannia road to Cayley struts be given a thorough oil treatment to keep down the dust. Referred to public works committee. An application from the Collegiate Institute board for a payment of $1800 to meet expenditures due ,lune lst was pent to the finance cmnmittee with power to art. (loon. Humber "inked If this payment would commit the council In the mat- ter of the Collegiate institute esti- • mates and was Assured by the Mayor that it would not. The respllsiliou of the public school hoard for $20,700, Including the deben- ture payment, for 1 M Wall referred to the tinanee committee. Intervert Rate* Reduced The loeal manager of the flank of Montreal wrote stating that in view .1 present enndition' the Rank would twee the retro of intermit on tows tIfirrevrimp. On lose loetne the rate wenld M 4'4 per cent. Instead of 5, (Continued on page 5) she heard the natives muttering, but xeou ' she knew not what It was all about. wheat for Toronto; R. 1'. Durham, were cringratulatel by IIT" Flo She visited Tarragona, Valenta, Se. Thursday-, with 230.1010 bushels ofthe taWlble manner in w'hl.h theyhad wheat from Fort William. The Sarnia- I conducted the ease. They were 01 N, dotslatvnldoe, -Farrand a and Superior 'Sharer, K.('., of Toronto: and Gordon are due to take on cargoes this week Ford. of le.udnn, for the defence: own auditors who spent many days itokl into the books (this in addle to the "old land." p for went over I of Princess limey ledge, 1..0.11.A., f S f tis spending a few years abroad,and a Wednesday. The crew were out for the Clinton lodge, whore a degree spent cos.f r i conferred. • day each in Oxford end Stratford- noon. , unser the leidernhip of Worthy Min - torte spots, and thence to Alhambra, with iia old Moorish palace, and on to Madrid. The medieval email town of Careas*on was visited, in the *Doth Of France, and much interest was tak- en In the great walla, turrets and em- battlements. Four days were spent in Paris, then the Channel was crossed end. • • • On Friday the Government ani Misener deposited 500,(001 front fry from the Southampton hatchery In the hike off this port. • • • Joseph Sedgwick, K.C., of Toronto, and Crown Attorney D. 11. Holmes, wish prosecuted_ VISIT ('LL\TON LODGE lin 'Tuesday night fifteen members c m ,olerieh were Mrs. D. J. inns, president ; ltrs. H. C., Dunlop. seeretary: Mlw Ann MacDonald, sup- ply seeretary ; Mr.. J. C. Cutt. presi- dent of the Arthur f'ircle of Eno: ehnrch, Galerlch, and Mrs. A. Taylor, president of the W.M.S. Mrs. Lane' and Mrs, Dunlop attended e seetI°nal meeting at helgra3* on Wednesday. Mender* were present also from Anlntrn and Myth. The Signal made a slight slip lest ng n tarn to the work of the town's raga• At ionium Miss' Tom called nn Miss A Government Uoderich, with members o 0 week in referring to Miss Beatrice lar and special auditors), and after Rose Strang. of ('oderieh who is the larsoutor steamer Georgian o• Blyth and Stratford lafges, attended Campbell's success et:McMaster 1'ui this d investigation the Companydad- versify. MIs" ('nmpbell has now com- mittet the man's Balm and paid $7,000 dtllghtfu visit was 1tail. 1}lae ! t Ili 1 1 Pnutlu on IiedncRduy a to was l ralerbeb ladder were Meted her third eenr, not her first. in settlement thereof. The town Mill has n ckll action on -Avon and two days in Edinburgh, The Georgian Is all ,decked out tress Mrn. Deo. James. At►erut seven against the former assessor for any sailing from Southampton on the S.S. trimly In Nark and white and the. in- ty ladies attended. When the i.usl- lose over and shoes the amount act Washington for New York -and on to fcrlor les hien redecorated. The I\I,Ic1 was ("""luded "'Iamb"' 1 the forth In the claim presented to the Go*lerielt. ship will leave next week, prolallrly Ilk Clinton *oi were hnateases of e No Gaarnnty l'om(atlry. Her Heart in Peking Tmesdny, for W1nd*or, to prepare for ,bre and "VW' party, after which Miss TOM'S heart 1s in Peking, for, her MI1111nPr +ch du e. • lunch wag served. 1 \t the opc•ning of the June segalon the sight-seeing cruise complete; the of ('ucinty Court end General Sessions anal F:1ltcabe•th Tobin, clerks In the re - that promptly returned to The hatliIng 890,0e ts.heing cleaned ATTEND MEMORIAL f9RRVICE Iof Ole I'eaee on Tuesday aftern°nn, phot oily. 11 has a dry climate -only np in preparntinn for the summer sea' Ristry Daley., for the transferring of one m°nth rainy ',Patton. from the sin. The loath has been painted end Ou Friday last Mr. 17. 1). Mooned ' with only one, *0sy os. the ' docket, documents to new tiling ferrtnwnt. commit - middle of July to the middle Of Aug- hardwood counters built In: Bert and Miss Florence Mooney attended a Firmin Attorney t5. E. HtIlmes in. ,as referred by the fluence cororoil- ust. Everybody who e'er lived there Ma L10Itnld has purchased 1,50 neat memorial service at llnebec city for formed Mr. Justice R. L. McKthat there „ return, Ale says, for it fa troirdefl boxes which are nurolwre1 to tbe•Ir brotlnyr, Ur. M.J. Mooney, whoiwf eGnetph, who easespresided, that there( tet; to open council. After some dip wants t r tI suasion the account wa* struck out. hlstorlcnlly and culturally most Inter- f 111 t the handling of bathers' diel on May 'lath while on a iiuRincse were no erlminnl capes to toter before The committee nt Wail true that as the court i estinR and has a charm all Ha own. Th sl oth Is being stocked Yes, she likes Gotlerlch, loves to re- turn for summer visite, think* people women of the World was accepted and here take great pride In their homes. plans were made for transportation to Sova 1Y* a shame we gave our water - Guelph. front away And ielleves that the bunks Arrangefnwuts were e°mplefed to Re- overlooking the lake should ever be !m- aid 1n a demonstration in cottons in proved and hcantlfled. MacKay Hall on June 19. Mays Tom, member of a well-known Mrs. A. Taylor, of . the Victoria Goderich family, was horn in Rt. Home and Scheel Club, *poke",b6 the Mnryr and came to Goderleh early Institute of the proposal 'to ask alis In life and was Pducat*d here. She town cowbell to appeilnt a Iifestiard is a nurae by profession, much tra- for the beach. The plan wits: 17earf1S veiled. of eonrse, and one of the most endorsed by the members. Interesting conversationalists one Reports of the district annual meet- ing held at iemdosbarro were given 1.y Mrs. 0. Young and Mrs H. Tlr•hlorne. Mfrs. Ohms. Young was re -appointed *5 representative to the Children's Aid Society. Mira. N'. Pelee presided and the host - GENERAL SESSIONS Criminal Ceases -Judgment served M Civil Actiou TO VISIT GUELPH Women's Institute Arrepts Invitation to Luncheon at 0..1. C. At the regular meeting of the Wo- men's institute in MacKay Hall last Thursday, the Invitation of lir. Chris- tie to attend a Iullc•Iloun at the U.A.C., Guelph, and meet the foreign repre- sentatives of the Assca'iatel Country - cm11d desire to meet. Pt STMAEFtEE GAIT Ill. Postmaster John (lalt suffered a seders heart attack on Saturday even- ing. lett rallied and 1s reported as much letter, though still confined to MOWS a pere,Meac,8„.zeb carne, Mrs. R. hi* house. He wIll probably he nn - Trafford. Mrs 4), Yonne. Mrs J Stew- 1 able to attend td 1110 Antf>ht fere w art and Mrs. C. Worsell. I month or more to toe l tel o to Japan. clothing. The " The service, in Trinity church, was today. ronducicd by the minister, Rev. 1.. M. s • • Harold Turner:a fourteen -foot out- t'epgerdene. Rssist*41 by Viso. Arch - board rnnlllsolt, "Meander," which deacon 1•'. G. Scott. -\ beautiful ad - took ten months to build, with the help turn*a ono deH crrd by Anhdoacrro of Gorge Graham, was launched suc- cessfully l(1(11, and during the service the on Tuesday. The launch, hymns -Nearer, My 4iod, to Thu," with twin rrs•kplis. I. 81(11 along mod - "Abide and Evening Star" and ern remises line'. Harold built ft in "Abide With 314" were flung. During a frames anal heart MacDonald: boat - builder of note. soca the ship 1. a thing of which any Loy or man should he proud. it is a •.Ilm and itracefnl (•raft, wtbh gleaming white hull. It Is bulli of British ('olulopi"i eerier and a daughter, Miss }yfhlce Mooney; foul weeks. white mak. and Is powered with a alders, Mrs. John MacDonald, of The attlnn was for a $500 judgment twintytindrr °utlo"ird motor. it hag an auto wheel control In the forward Scnisban, QnP.. Mrs. J"imea W. Me- plxlnflR had obtained against Mc- cockpit, and is tapable of doing at Quay, of Bnrl.nnk. Calif , Mies Vim- Inr"1 for wroncfnl arrest. it wap least twenty-five 'nIIPa per hoar. once Mooney mei Mrs George John- alleged that to defeat the jndgbnent This la lharald's MYrond venture In `Mn• °i Gnlerleh, and three brothers, McLeod marls a hill of pale to Hares boot mower. he havlwg sent the ver li K. Mooney. of Inverness, Que., John burgh for Ike stock and also fring- ing rans k JtIljIai11tstsi 11--r' g asl nei.,.9je, A ft i{. and D. ferrel all h1• chattel property to h 00007. n met s """ ° ?erred ,..s••• 71rw-e.ww0to Aaaa1 ..•+e a gn. Judge McKinnon congratulated the action be taken with regard to an ae- Cr°son attorney on the peppy stele of count presented by L. E. Dewey f affairs In the county. doctor's bilis amounting to 111E 111* weer luformed tet„ Werslre, Harold Kaitting who frar-tnred a peg aged twenty-seven, that he would res In the yard at the gaol. commend the young man is. accepted County Este ns n liritlsh subject. Otto. a Stephen it was mored by Reeve Mawhinney, township farmhand. 1s a native of seconded by Reeve Lovell, that the mill Danzig, (lermany. a • rate for the year 1938 be 51/2 mina, to be made np as follows: General to- rnun1, 3.33 mills; Provincial blab - ways, .9:. mills; county hlgbw'ays. 1.26 mulls. 0n Frictey morning Warden Bow - t the playing or the Dead March by the After hesYing evldenn the action organist the large congregation stood of Wm. l4avklson, horotedealer °f 1n silent tribute to Dr. Mooney. Matheson, Ont., against Leslie Mc-- Deceased e-Deceased I. survived by his widow, food and Walter J. "Itorshnrgh, both three sons. Dr. Malcolm C. Mooney, of tlnw•fek township, Mr. Jnstle* M. - Colin Mooney *nd McKIllop Mooney, Kinnon reserved judgment for two (Continued on page 4) ON RIP WAY A University of Toronto st•deal. Frank Jones, aged twenty-two, passed through GoderIh on Sat•rday on a leisurely "see Ontario" Merle trip Janes pedalled the 100 miles tress TIII*rrnbnrg 1n seven hours, He lett