HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-6-4, Page 84. .v+sss<sstsaaci taje..,. - w► •_t *Raw :1041 `r $--71•slday. June 4th. 116 FURNITURE Zs.o4 and • ilidiolstoni • WORK QUARANTR.D PRICES REASONABLE eo rge..ht U$. ave'. Otiose, aoderleh THE SIGNAL - BANDIPIPSII HURON HAMA 'INJURE East !Rammed. Ma Held Up and Holme Reisneked Oa Tuesday eveniaS two armed mea entered a bars on the East Wawanuab term owned by lett Ttd for and kdr.1 the point of a min ed man. Stewart Lamont. to let them In tbe house and show whorre mons),ade and valuables were kept. e off with two watches, a child's bank, fir► me tin silver, part of wtifcl they toot[-fma Laneint. Pro- vincial ('unstable P. E. McCoy and County Constable J. Ferguson are in- vestigating. n- rest[gatiug. ' eves at Haman Thieves ►mashed the loch tmei-11e otll.•e of the Hensall owsed Cook Bros. oa Tuesday night and took $) In silver from theca Ill. ere smashed Before leaving. the night tIIt cork ire - " filled up the tank of their. car. r� Hmborg Stook ...11c e 'nre Pork Sangria.....17c Breast Veal 9c war steak 22c Lima Corned Best 12c (Niee to slice cold, 1 -Ib. Liver and %-lb. Pa Meal Baran. The two for 28c Pore Lard Yrs. R. C. Pt stelethwdte, Bal4eld road, yesterday atternoou caught her rtgbt band in the wriojer of the wash- ing machlue. One linger wasas bores wangled, but, fortunately, were broken. 7111N WEATHER OActal tewpetatunw of the last week and of the corrbsponding week of last year were as fellows: 1936 1985 Max. Yin. Max. Mln. Thurs., May'.('[}; - 51 40 6Y Fri., May 29 . 54 88 64 Sat., May 30 ' 60 40 62 Sun., May 81 68 45 66 Mon., June 1 74 54 70 Wed., June 8 .. 63 46 77 CEMETERY MEMORIALS The Goderdch Monument Shop is in •.paattbo to supply you wtth.Aotutk ful modern, art(ttk -memorials, de - 'signed to gait, )opr own particular plot, at a eery rlaotinable price. Why? Because we have no agents to pal commisslo*$ to, no long-distance tra- velling acid telling expenses, no long- distance hauling and trucking or' a8 47 44 47 45 62 THE Baptist Church Rev. S. R. McClung, Minister �► .ars. BIBLE SCHOOL.. 11 a.m. "The Baptist Cause penises. You can ave all this money by buying Dere in Goderleh. R. A. SPOTTON, lifietienetirltorkm on St. Andrettrf $t PORT ALBERT _ pests ::a rs 3aee: PORT 'ALJHF:BT. June 1. -Mr. and Niro- Solley. of Kitchener. were visit- ors with Er. uud )firs. James McKen- zie on Sunday. Mies Flo ewe McKenzie, R.N., of visiting for a short time �ueuts. Druce Crawford Is ill with f influenza. We hope be GODERICH, ONT. A rI.Y11Na VIBE' Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hough. of Detroit. Sew to Ooderich this morn - Ing to visit the lady's parents, Dr. Wesley J. Reid and Mrs. Reid. They will return to Detroit In their trim live -passe ger plass this 'Hermes. BRIEFS Reserve y .fay eveulag, Jane 19th. for am. supptr' aid play at Taylor's Corner school -boom. Furtber parti- culars later. The regular meeting of the Ooderieh Women's Hospital Auxiliary will be held at the public library es Monday, June 8, at 4 o'clock. The regular monthly meeting of the Ahmeek Chapter, 1.O.D.E.. will be held at the public library on Friday, June 3, at 4 p.m. All members are re- quested to be pretreat. Mr. Ormand Burkina, Palmerston street, uuderwent a serious operation for appendicitis in Alexandra hospital last week. He is as well as can be -impacted_ Themembers of L.O.L. We. 182 ani" Princess Mary Lodge, No. 448, L.O.B.A. are requested to meet at the Orange Hall, corner of North street and &ware, at 6.30 p.m. ea Itltuday. Jam 7th, to attend divine service at Pt. George's Anglican church. VYtttLrg brethren ars cordially invited. OBITUARY BORN ANDERSON. -At Ottawa, on Ma/ 'sed, to Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Ander son (Amy MacHattle), a das.piter. Dna Jo aTDai---L (lodertch township on Monday, June 1st, Jambs John- ston, la his 78th year. JEWELL.-la Colborne townahlp, on 8attrda7. May 30th, Elisa Grace Mileheii, wldaw -o1-4he lair itaebeed JewdI, 1a her 88th year. IN MEMORIAM WILSON. -1n loving memory of Wil- liam 0. ,11fUsas. who passed "ay May 31st, 1983, in Butte, Montana Ntaone knows the silent heartache, 0.17 [base who loved can tell The grief we bear in alienee For tbe one we loved so well. -Sadly missed by MOTHYCJt, FATH- ER, BIWTER8, BROTHMM8. MIGNON Wt. ETERINA*S. SURGE ONl. Gradiett of tbe. University of To- ronto wronto end Coterie Veterinari Odlhs Once et T. T. Mnrpb7'A Hamilton street. ,Fboaes ; Day 206; resident* 249W.'v' d ,1 AUCTIONRRR M TSUNDRY, OODERIOH. LI STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119 Sales oded to anywhere acid every effor made to give satisfaction. Farplers' ale totes discounted. i TO RENT L'OR EN T.-8•ROOMKD HOUSE: rent reasonable. Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. . TO RENT.-O0i81bORTABLE APART- MENT, ground floor Colborne block, Newgate street. Rent reasonable. Good garden. Also single room 1n same block. Apply BORT. JOHNSTON, Box 336. Photo 1111syf -THOS. LEGG-- Phone 485 Hamilton St. 7 p.m. "SIN AND GOD" Upholstering FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, RECOVERED AND REPAIRED ALL THE LATEST c'OVF:ItIN(:14 -Twelve Fears with leading manufacturers.- F:NPE1MTI.Y DONE- SATiSF'A('TI' N GUARANTEED Let us supply you with NEW SOLI!) WALNUT OCCASIONAL CHAIRS STOOLS and OTTOJIANS trade specially for each individual. QUALITY, LOWEST PRICES SIJOI' (N'EN EVENINGS T1L1. 9 P.M. WM. REID GODERICH HAMILTON STREET �.,.- file EDWIN KENT BACON Word has been received from Cleve- land, Ohio, of the death of Edwin Kent Bacon, son of Edwin K. and g. ec.1slistdrum Bacon and gra of the late Dr. Andrew B. Meldram. The death occurred Friday aoraing, _Host 7 ;29th, at the borne of the paresis Illness. Burial took pace at field on Sunday afternoon. Kitchener, with her p Master 1 an attack will soon lire well again. The eungregatiun of the United church lutknd holding their garden party on the evening of Wednesday, July lith. ° Full particulars will be announced; later. GODERICH MARKET PRICES Hens, Sibs.. 13c: hens, 4-5 lbs., Plc; hens under 4 lbs.. 1(k•. Eggs and Butter Eggs, per dozen, 13c -17c; butter, dairy, Ib. 18c; butter, creamery, lb., 22c. Live Steak Bacon ogs, cwt., 1s; beef, lb., 4c -5c; vial, lb., 7c --7}4c. Graig Wheat.. per bus., 60c -65c ; buck- wheat, per bus., 33e -36c; oats, per bus., 25c --30e; barley, per bus., 33c - 40c. Vegetables Rotatoee, per bag, 21.75-42. Fleur and Feed Bran. - 3O0.1b. bag, $1.10-•-61.13 ; shorts. 100.111. bag, $1.15-41.20; Mani- toha Sour, 100-1b. bag. $2.8b�3.25. 1 GLA,SScO'S. Pure Seville Orange Marmalade L J� 2 11` QUALITY FOODS at DOMINION SANTA CLIUtA Plesp Meaty Prunes 3bs.25c BAYSIDE In Light Syria PEAR Y � at Tins32 oz HEINZ Wine, Malt. Ohm Vinegars ii k12C Prices effective for June 4th, 5th, and 6th. CLASSIC CIEANSER Tins 5< COWAN'S PERFECTION < COCOA - Tier 234 Libby,: Tomato Juice sc FIVE ROSES FLOUR 24 -ib. Cotton Bag 89( Kellogg's With Free Shopping Bag 323 Pl(iC Corn Flakes CHASE & SANBORN'S Coffee Dated C Tins • • • JAMES JOHNSTON A highly regarded resident of God- ertch township In the person of James TENDERS WANTED. Johnston, passed away at his home on the Huron road on Sunday night- His Tenders for re -roofing Goderlch health had been undermined by 1n- Collegiate Institute. All information juries received in two auto accidents will be given to those tendering on in the last three years. Mr. John- application to P. J. Macll)wan, chalr- ston was born in Stanley township man of the property committee. of Irish parentage, and was married Tenders must be In by Wednesday, to Miss Margaret McNaughton. He June 10, tenders to be addressed to was [;ural mall carrier for nearly J P. HUME, Secretary Ooderlch Col - twenty years. He was a member of crgiate Institute Board. the United Church. Surviving, be -1 sides his widow, are two children, WANTED John Jobneton and Mrs. Fred Middle- I ' ton, loth of Goderlch township The j WANTED TO RENT. --A PIANO; idneral service will be conducted this vi must be in good condition. Apply (Thursday) afternoon at his home. ' to TUN: PARR. Interment will be In Maitland come- tery. • • • I WANTED. - 100 USED TIRES. MRS. U( iAR1) JEWELL Trade In your used tires for new There passed away on Saturday ! n Domtnlons BE79VZR8' SERVICE morning. May 30th, Eliza Grace Mit- 'STATION, Goderlcb, 0.1. cbell, widow of the late Richard 1 WANTED.-TPLNDF.RS UP Ti) JUNE ]swell, Colborne townDece In her I 10th for digging ditch across blgb- elghtJ-etghtb Jear• Deceased wail" as way opposite 8.8. \0 3. Colborne, for barn 1849 to nth concession of Cb he, la and was married In 18916. She � the purpose or plplsg water to school house. Lowest leader not aeceasartll resided contlnaously In Colborne I accepted AMOS ANDREWBeee H.R. townahlp with the exception of a few N e 8, Auburn years spent to AstSeld. Her hus- band, who died twelve years ago, was prominent in the municipal life Of the PUBLIC NOTICE GStishtw-tone M.- ass - CARD OF THANKS -THE FAMILY OF E LATE MR8. 1 RICHARD J L wish to Mak their many friends and neijhbors fur their kind expreseloua of sympathy 'Yee die 8611* --lar their recent a6. bereevement- DAUGHTERS AND SONS. TENDERS WANTED ea lboro Reese's chair. Mrs. Jewell was greatly interested .in church Ing a member of the Bediiler church. She Is survived by four daughters and two sons:' Mrs. William Phil- lips (Maria), of Ooderlch ; Melva, and William H. 'Jewell apd Mrs. I td - ward Martell ( ana), of Colborne snarl and EMand West Williams in township; Yrs. Robert Rogges (Min- ins appeals against the assessment roll Middlesex asoahta.!, nye►, of Goderich township and Mrs- of the Township of Colborne for the Enquiries any Interested party J. Prlddle (Pearl), of Goderlcb. She year 1966. In respect of any lands which the Can - was predeceased by one son, Samuel, All persons interested are requested ada Company may own will be cheer - and two daughter*. Mrs. Albert Good j to attend. fully answerer' In reply to an enquiry (Maude) and Nellie. There are 1 WM. SALLOWS. Township Clerk. addressed 'THF. CANADA COM - twenty -one grandchildren and fifteen I PROPERTY RBQ( IRED SUITABLEi'.►Nl, 371 Bay Street, Toroght, Can- great-grandch lid ren. ■da .. LANDS FOR SALE BY TENDER LANIJ$ -YUA ,` TE,NDER.. Tenders are invited by the Canada Company for the purchase of the re - Company 1n order to clear up Ito scat- tered holdings in esuh dlatrkt. These lands In many cases have varying amounts of timber suitable for fuel end other purpo.ec, and many are good pasture lots. These lands are being offered at reduced prices, and, when sold, this opportunity will not occur again; so if you are interested. took them over. Sealed tenders plainly marked "Ten- der to Purchase" may 1. addressed: Canada Company, 371 Bay Street, To- ronto, and will be received up until dee o'clock p.m. June 20, 1986. Conditions ---Tenders must specify the lands sought ; and the sum offered must be specified fur each lot, the same to be in cash, that is to ay, 10 per cent. upon acceptance of the tender, and the balance within len days; [all- ure to pay the balance within the speci- fied time shall forfeit the said deposit of 10 per cent. Upon payment of the Goal payment a quit claim deed will be furutsbed without charges. but tie purchaser shall pay the cost of regio tratlon and any transfer tax Incidental, and shall take possession of the land specified at his own coat and charge. Purchasers must assume the taxes of 1936, and the Canada Company re- serve the right to withdraw any of- fered lot from the list; and to accept or reject any tender. Purchasers of unoccupied lands may have possession upon receiving their deed, while occupied lands will be SPORTS FOR SUMNER GSL? CLUBS AND BAGS GOLP BALLS AT 25o, 35c, 75e TBNNI1l BACtUTB, AND TiBq>K. TBNNIS BALLS at 26o and Cole's Book Store Goderich Out. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT.': T, W. MU EMII!TS,.. -r -. Chartered Accountant 89 Ontario street,ea�Stratford, Ontario K+ Oetar, -ion' •. "4 ;- e' WStt3ailp- QOi39sa'1Je road 790T" t° contract thereon MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FORSTER, BYZ, EAR. NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital. as- sistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Gold 61teetv!` London;' {4atlt.^., EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 43 Waterloo Street 8., Stratford. liteplione 267. Next visit -Wednesday, June 17. from 7 p.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, June 18, at Bedford Hotel. LEGAL DUDL" Z HOLDIES. Barrister. Ete. _ wk. -court Hong, Ooderieb. Telephone 55. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN, Barrister and Solicitor (Mee Hamilton Street. Goderleh. Telephone 512. ERNBBT M. LEE t8' Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Betiding. Adelaide and Vit- toria ictoria Streets. Tomato 2. Tslepbo.e Elgin 6301. Loth teeNing *red In tbe Town• d: •wttm� COURT OF REVISION- ships of Ellice. North ]Eai and Logan 1n Perth County ; In Townehtps of McKIIJop. Hallett. Take notice that the Court of Revi- sion will be held at the Township Hall, Carlow, on Tuesday. Jane 9th, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of hear - Colborne, Goderkb. 'Hal and 8159110. in Huron County; and In Townships Of McGillivray, Nis- i The funeral took place on Monday FOR THEATRE. I from the borne of deceased's son, WIl- Ilam H. Jewell, Colborne. where• she , For a client we are Interested In nhad resided for the last live years. the purcha-..stf approximately 7.500 l The services weft and 9 vTtN h, DUAL1.1tt,\Tri F. W. Craik. of Victoria street church, i in Goderlc•h's business district. The GItOR'1NG CROPS. Go(lerich, assisted by Rev. G. Wylie, property ne•d not have a large front - of Renmlller church, and Rev. D. J. age on a main thoroughfare, but small We are instructed by the executors Lane, of Knox Freebyterlan church, frontage providing ac•c ass to main area Goderleb. The pallbearers were *ix :1* repaired. Block plan allowing lo - to the estate elf the late i. H. Masked grand*ona: Lorne Rodgea. Reginald ,cation and adjoining proLertlee should to sell by p0141. a(uctian, at the farm Jewell. Arthur Haskell. Harold Good. be snbmltted. All replies strictly con IK. 1015 3 alai 4. wntet cslon 3, W.D. Ralph Jewell %sd .ioseph Prlddle. j fidentlel. Terme cash. Submit replies Colborne t halt way between I:uder- ' --+r-aPotsli ..... ,highs 55._ ,__---,,,,,,O,240404461414o4. (ilei Lltt's Grattan Patch was fourth _------ -- -- '` commencing at 1.:10 o'clock sharp: fa the 2,10 pace at the Listowel race +'i POR BAIT • Harrsre. -41te draft gelding. six yeast meet yesterday. Oliver Harvester, I old: one pair grey marts. - from the Whitely stable, was fifth to LC()R SALE.-ijl I)80N CAft IN Cattle. -One Holstein cow, doe to the same event. Litt's Guy Pointer i good condition. Vlctrola In mahrtg freshen before sel!;_one Ho tin cow, also ran. art? raise. •' Call at 92 Pstft street. '�Lrel In Man a ; two Holateln cows, DRVQL� PRACTMTIONMi CHIRO/CHIROPRACTOR AND D1k81LiSS PRACTOR Godakb. Phase .a1 Retlppee with electro-mapstie bathe. Electronic electric treataeeta acid ebiroprectie. Chronic, (rgaate, and nervous diseases. Lady in at. tendance. Omce hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.a. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. ou17, or co.agltatlon may be had by appointment. Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. A. N. ATKINSON Residence and once --Corner of South street and Britannia road. RXECI'TORS, BALE Ex SAIF: OF FARM INSURANCE. LOANS. RTC. r noted h Rev. square feet of land centralli located �c AND 1-1h. Bag 35c CHOICE QUALITY Bayside Peas L21 Cr CAMPBELL'S Pork & Beans2l9 Large Head Lettuce BahNew Stook Each Sc Pineapples 19c Fresh Green 2 lbs. for CANTALOUPES 23 A WKLL-EARNED HOLIDAY Mr: and Yrs. Alex. Porterfield. of East Wawanosh. left last week on a trip to the Western Provinces and the Coast. The following note to The Signal from Reeve Scott is ex- planatory: Commencing )January, 1908, onr clerk, A. Portef'Seld, bas not missed attending a Meeting of the township council and we, telt be was deserving of an opportunity to take a trip to the Pacific Coast. He ha* been a painstaking and 'courteous official and of great assiseihce to each year's council. and we hope be and Mrs. Heins KETCHUP Porterfield will enjoy tide outing. Beans CHICKEN HADDIE X14 -oz. Tin 2 Tins 2 5` STRAWBER8in , C Wax Beans, Peppers IP TOO) filum to sleep restfully, try a bowl of crisp Kellc m Corn Flaks and milk before rome � ie � btAnd thatmatch!w leas Kellog flavor makes them everybody's favorite. At a116ro-- cers. Served in hotels, restau- rants. dististg-cars everywhere. N.l iskNNap�ot llOt'8F. FOR 8 -TWO STORT bred in April; two Hoi*teln cows. due brick house on Trafalgar street, in In July ; one Durham cow, due 1n sae la mouth; one Durham cow, due in July; good condition. Modern conveniences. one Durham cow, bred In February; Apply GEORGE WESTBROOK, Tra• one Durham cow, bred In April; one falgar street. Guernsey cow, due In August; one Jerre poet In These cows are 01 SE FOR SALE. -TWO-STORY a Il:wick house on Nelson street. Eight rooms and bathroom. Good location. Would exchange for bungalow or cot- tage. Apply st SiGNAL OFFICE. VOR SALE. -TWO -ACRE RESI- DENCE: property. frame oust, frame barn, loth in good repair Orchard, well on property. Jas. Oliver, pro- prietor. Apply to NEi..% PF.ARSON, Nile. • - IiORTHORN HERD BULL FOR }S MALE. -Thick and low -set, of Browndale breeding, five years old. Also young bull of serviceable age. Apply J. C. STOLTZ, Auburn. Tele- phone 19r7, Blyth. PASTURE FARM TO RENT NEAR Itenmlller, or will sell on easy terms. Apply to MRS. RUTH THOMPSON, 1836$ Chelsea street, Detroit, Mich.. or to HARVEY FiSHER. R.R. 6, Godericb, Ontario, Canada. VOR SALE. -CHOICE TOMATO. i cabbage and canitaower plant.. To- mato 45 refits, cahhage 30 cents' per 100; cauliflower, aster and other plants 10 cent* per dosen. H. P. LASH - BROOK, 30 Wldder street, Britannia road, near Hotel Sunset (turn at Bur- tows' ur tows' store). y rnw, un carefully selected lot and have prov- en to be -good. Mx yearlings; four spring calves. tamp, Hem, Pip, eta. -Four ewes and lamp; one (blue dog; one pair of geese; fifty hens; two York sows, bred March and April; one purebred York sow (young) a seven pigs, about 100 h . ; sixteen young pigs. Impish enta. ate. --()1e Masucy-Harris Milder, 7 -ft. cot, prartleally new ; 055 Massey -Harris cern binder; one Mas- sey -Harris fertiliser drill; one Frost & Wood mower, 7 -ft.; one fanning mill; two walking plows; two good hay racks; one light mitring wagon; one Chevrolet truck, 1930: one top bug- gy ; one light s8Mgh : one spray mar (kine; one net of power clippers; one ensilage cuttt•r; one extension ladder; one cultivator ; sue net of disc barrows; one double rnw acndier ; one steel rol- ler; one hay rake; one wagon box; one gravel box ; set harrows, 4-sectloa; cutter; a qunntlty of hay; about 150 8-1n. tile; about. 110 ft. 8 -In. steel posts: two sets double team harness; one net plow harness; on. set heavy single harness; one Net (frlvtng bar - nem': one light elelg1S ; One net heavy ; one Frost. & Wood newer, 7 -ft. ; two farm wagons; fork"; shovels; chains; whlffletrs'es, and numerous other articles. Ot'ewb,g Crap .-Tl►enty-one scree mita; thirty acres hay ; ten scree'Llxed grain; ten acres velvet barley. Everything maid be disposed of There 11411 he n6tptng referred. T11R119-CaAO. All sonnet* must be settled before perches*. are re- moved. ,.!._91.2. ,--SOIltttors_ for �Itu' W SON, Aeetloseers. COR SALE. -BUNGALOW ON [ Kesys street. Red brick, good mo - dittos, seven rood* Including three- throfloors bathroom. Herdwood throughout, seeders lighting, storm se *tadows all reseed. Easily heated by far.aee. Doable prate. Extra let - vs yrs : toe quick date. 'Apply 4? Bays ie.srt - ren COW rums 1 IcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO. -Farm apd Isolated town property Insured. 4M -era -Alex. Broadfoot, Preatdeot, Seafortb ; John E. Pepper. Vice -Presi- dent. Brucefleld ; M. A. Reid, Secre- tary -Treasurer, Seatorth. Directors -Alex. Broadfoot, Sea - forth ; James Sho14t .,.WJ8pw4 • Knox, Lonil koro; George I n ardt, Dublin; John E. Pepper, Brumfield; James Onolly, Goderlch ; Thomas Moylan, Seatorth ; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth ; Alex. Metwing, Blyth. Agents --W. J. Yee, R.R. s. Cllntoti..._ - James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, R.R. 1, BruceSeld; R. F. McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; Cbas. F. Hewitt, Kin- cardine; It. G. Jarmuth, R.R. 1, Born- holm. Policy -holders ran make all paymeata and get their cards reeelpted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston street, Goderich, or . J. H. Reld's General Store. Bayfield. SAVE Money 1.7 Premiss TOWN OF GODERICH 1936 TAXES Taxpayers slay purebase Tax Prepayment Reeelptd ter IUI Taxes cit avertable dbessat. COST AMOUNT May 1 to 14 110.00 .... 50.00 .. $ 9.93 49.65 PrreepPeyment Receipt...mast he presenter/• along with 1996 Tax 1011a during the first Installment period. Rank Interest is only 2 per rent. Purchase your Preps), *est Reeding early and have your mosey earning 6 per cant. Interest one Meetings *01 le sneered in oddities. NEIL s. ItaatAT. TAX OOLi.B(TiOS. • s