The Signal, 1936-6-4, Page 7I 11 THE SIGNAL — OODERICH, ONT. County and District Mims Frances Brydone has resigned. her position on the Clinton Collegiate Inatltute staff and will teach at Toron- to, where ber home is. Ree Dougla. C. Hill, Jii.D., of the Presbytery of Belleville, has received and accepted the tall of Caveu Presby- terian church, Exeter, The Baru ou the falin of C. 1). Simp- son, Brueefield, was deetroytd by fire early Saturday morning, May ::3rd. Neighbors prevented the spread of the Ore to the house and other bull4inga. The death of John (lugerieb,. Brun Mtn line. Stanley township, occurred on May 24th. Deceased was seveuty years of age. lie was not married, but lived most of his lite with his brother, Christian (augertch. Mn. Chas. M. Lepard, for Iitoty-, three years • rtepected resident of Winghanm, died at ber house there ou Sunday. May 24th. Deceased was born in Stratford but moved to Wing - ham with her husband. He died eleven years ago. One on, twu broth- ers and a slater survive. Nurses Giadtsale at Mecham The graduation exercises ot Wing - ham hospital were held at the tows hall ab•iiVidaa morning last. • yens. nurses received diplomas: Miss Jeal) (7oulter, N'luglaw ; Mira Marie Mr Kenale, Parkhill; Mbar Lelia Hilltop Arm. WiewapplaPdied 'fins Italatnt'1APILl3 Teeswater. Neett-Rewelife The wedding of Audrey Belle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Row- cllffe of Uslorue, to Murray James. son of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Stott, of Stephen. took plate ou Saturday, May 23rd, at the James street parsonage, Exeter, Rev. A. Page officiating. The young couple alit reslde lu Stephen. Death of TMs. Me('Le eewt, Howkek Thomas IIS lenient. a lifelong reel - dent w shl died M■ dent o( Hun' 1 k too u May P. 19tb In St. Joseph's hospital, luudou, it the age of sixty-seven years. Ile is survived by his wife, a daughter, Mrs. (hutrrou Stewart of Moles- worth, and a sou, Thomas. ou the homestead. The remains were in- terred In the Fordwlcb cemetery. Fishing ter Carp Fishing be reported to have been better than usual at l'utut ('lark early Last week. The carp were in apawn- log and they were bring taken out of the shallot water by waders wbo clubbed and sometime% %hot them. A pair of carp weighed after being dragged In tipped the scales at over fifty-three pawed*. Peeler -Esse The marriage took place at Brae- . sets on 'Saturday, May Zird. of Louise. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. al- ter Rose of Heua.els, and ' Ilam N. Porter. son of Mr. end W. LI. .ya.,,... Porter of =-IlaoMte.•.-.•Thi-.t'.lrlso `KOs was performed by Rev. C. J. Moor- house. oorhouse. Afterw■rda Mr. and Mrs. Por- ter left on • motor trip to New York. Theywill reside at ToseaNv.- Breaks 1110 Jas. Handford. ntnety.selleteyeer"old resident of Exeter, had the misfortune to fa11, on Tuesday of last weak, sad break his hip. The Beide ut occurred in his home while his daughter w'as ab- sent. The aged geutlemru attempted to walk across the room, bqj tripped over something and fell, 'striking hie head and fracturing the leg. He Is said to be doing Si well as could be expected. l'susual Aetldemt Mrs. Ww. lhcugles, of hot -know. met with an uuusull accident last week when she diecovered a bleeding from her wrist without being able to account for It. The wrbt swelled and becoming painful she had It X-rayed, rnit7 to -diem -ter the- tratt-Of et brake& darning needle Imbedded In the arm. The unweleowe object was removed and anti -tetanus rerun' administered. No 111 effects are expected. New Rud Stand ter Ilmoall Ileusall will have a nee bandetand ma soon ■s a cttwmittee headed by Reeve Owen Geiger can make the n..-essary arrangements. fiereral stands In other towns were inspected and the ('hauler of Commerce. which 1r spuuaoring the new edifice, decided at a westing held last week to go ahead with the work. Hensel! claims to have a good band and considers that a suitable stand Is only fitting. ,• tj.•uid Richards -ea rbrl.ew-""'� {'!SES 1116 • aaesd arm Tam a. • 64.11 esti► remiss bailment tie piles et hemenbotda M Dr. ChasaTs Ointment TIM LEADING WUNIIIIAL acrons D 11311111Al.aEBR Ambulance service at all hours. day or sight PfO2-a6we41106 ism. 317 GODERICH -feeler !>taNR 1 Dlreetor and Embalmer All Balls promptly attended to day or night -AMBULANCE SERVICE -- PHONES Store 335 Residence 1155w Hamilton Street, Goderlch Grey township has lost a pioneer resident in the person of Donald stardaat voress ., +l` .ray adled l� home tit boa dauugghter, Mrs. Archie Griffith. on May 25th. Deceased was in bis 'delay-nluth year. He was tarn in the township and lived there all bis life. Hls only son was killed overman during the war, hi+ survivor being his daughter. with whom he re- ided after the draft (.1 his wife in 19:1'2. op Barn Burst In Howlett The wlusuelly large baro on the farm of (:. dud S. Edgar, on the 2nd eonee%slon of Howlek, was trotally destroyed by tire on Tuesday of heat week when It was struck by lightning. I'ractically all ut the fjtrm Implements, fifteen pigs, .44 calves, four brood sows. hundreds of bushels of grain and two hundred hens *ere lost. The horns were saved. The two owners were Just putting their horses away after the day's work when the bolt struck. A water tank was ripped to pleen and this rendered it Impossible F! _fgpt tbe dames. Some Insurance was carried. Walter Dalton t'NI)KRTA Kb R Huron Old Roy. Graduate Ooderieh Collegiate Institute 13510 Weut Warren Ave. DETROIT, MiCIH. Telephone Oregon 8568 Dr,, Hooper Saved Ethiopian Emperor's r } Sop -in-law from Death or Capture NRS. HOOPER INTERVIEWED law. They hurried north, affil pus ON ARRIVAL AT NEW YORK ! sued by aerns. They set up camp, only lo learn that the Hall/ins were again close behind with 200 (Front The Torouto Star) trucks. New Turk, Jeue 1. -If lir. Ralph I They tled ou camel'', leaving evert' Hooper, Toronto) medical missionary thing, food supplies and lorries. Days later they reached the mountains north and head of Nil. 4 lied Crust' unit of Ogaden, from which ler. Hooper of the tate letbpplen I/my...Amid not sent word by letter to his wife and met the pitiful retuuTut of lis tit'• s Ad4M. lsobS. tetl1R fur". lu the only spot lu the tacky he was sate. It was the first word Abymislau desert road ip which Dr. they had had In two mouths. Hooper could turu his lorry around, Charge. Hospitals Bombed Rsa'Y7t'sta hutnself, Bou in-law of the MrsHooper confirmed reports that exiled emperor, Hallo Sellassle, and leader of the Ethiopian army in the north, would have been killed or cap- tured- by purveying Itallaus . So said Mrs. Hooper, wife of Dr. Hooper. who landed to New York today of his staff were ambled. I have with ber daughter, Helen Brown, from nothing to say about Italian actions. African suns and eager to visit Can- Our mis lonarlea are still in Ethiopia, ada again after five years in the in- carrying ou their work; but I cannot terlor mlasion statlous of Ethiopia. see that any harm is done by telling Mother and daugbter looked forward a story of what other white persona to speudlug their summer in tete quiet In Addis Ababa thought of Italy's at - of liroute, Out. I titude to the Red Cross. Today for the first time was told "Outside our mission hospital at the story of Has I)esta's amaxlug l Addle Ababa we kept the Red Cress escape from the Italians; bow. biding II toying. One day Mrs. Small, u[ the day and travefileg-ya'aight tny�...riatfunal organtaattoi iall. the company with Dr. Hooper, Captain II fare of children at Geneva, pointed al Eyre, Belgian -born military adviser to the lied Cross and asked us why we the Liu} ,of Judab's troops, ap 4.14..w► promtnetttly. _1 told traltao i l' R,,t Mieslonaty who -was -her at it was to stgniey 76 iteltra Mlh Dr. Hooper and twelve badly airmen that our building was a hos- wounded Ethiopians, Ras Desta kept pita!, protected by the Red ('rose." out of Italian clutches. ••A Red Cross to Italy le as a red After the Italians had bombed the rag to a bull," veld Mrs. Small, at- Swedish e-ilwedish Red Cross hospital teuts at Malka Lhda, killing one physician and wounding others, Dr. Hooper set out fur the front to meet Ras Dema and News of the Farm Notes and Oommenta on Agricultural Topics More Soybeans Crews The production of soytteaus on a commercial scale W Outsrlu commenced about six years ago. I p to that time Wheat and ,mat Is listless Oats. It will not control smut in grain with a hull such as ordluary oats or barley. This treatment will not prevent loam smut of wheat. Material needed: topper carbon- ate dust; dust mixing machine; a shovel for hrudllug the gralu. Direction: This dust should be applied at the rata of two owner per bushel. i►ust mixing machines are now ou the market fur applying dust rapidly to large quautltles of gralu. there were only a few lsolgted grow- I ('ut the grain and copper carto,twte ars, principally In the counties'of F duet into for mixing nutchlue and so- sex mid Kent. Although the acreage tate for lulu or three minutes or until {{11pp IndlwyaIditaalfie fares hat. lu moat canes dam:rain 1s thorough! ' covered with to small, it is estimated that the evert. dose It w lotwraTer total area anon amounted to 10.000 mask or wet handkerchief over -they atter hi IIIiS. evenly tice per trot. mouth and nose while treating the of the crop was grown in rows and grain. if a dust treating neachlse is harvested for seed, while the balance not available a home-made dust mlxlag machine Mai lie. ➢►n4e .fhal► barrel Owe - types ut cement misers may be used for treating the gri. The advantages of tbls treatment are that It dues not Injure germination and the seed tau be treated when con- venient and stored without Injury. The chief disadvantages are that It 1a sowewbat expensive and if proper care is not taken to see that the dust does not become caked In the seed drill, luJury to the seed may result. Lia1laas had flus 1 d Red' Cross hoe . Vitals. "My husbaud's tent had 488 wee moms .f-ers ai bullet and ebrrpnel boles In 1t," she Crops NM by Prost said. "It was a miracle that he was Mid May fruits caused couslderable not injured. A. liw.rdirh £be141r, as aters the world kuows, was kilted and moot drmtgr Oa .11* tarilaeially 1• revived Ontario. Alfalfa and clover revived as severe setback and in some eevtluus cording to Mrs. Hooper. Mrs. Hooper naw' none of the sights her husband did: bombed hospital tents, mangled Ethiopians lying in his army. Haiti Sellaasle, an old screaming agony, victims of high ex - friend of Dr. Hooper, rent the Can- plosives; blood -drenched bands; header adieu to act as personal physician decapitated try machine-gun bullets. to bis eon -in-law. Dr. Hooper hid She was in Addis Ababa while lir. ''-by day and at night travelled by Htoper's hospital wee bombed by tlf- "eamlun," • type of motor Torry best tern Italian aeroplanes. One tent rutted for crossing African deserts. with sixty-eight patients' had twenty - Italian ltowhing aeroplanes could not eight klllel In ti few minutes, the fly at night. rent mangle! be) 1 description. For Twelve et LOAN Survive nine days the Italians returned and- returns. Fut the mixed farm general • violas t the field hospital •tent, obit- Our{arse breeds such as the I'lywouth EAST WAW_tM)IIH As Or. Hooper's lorry toiled through !to'►s, which are good both for laying mountain passes In the (►Kaden deser4 cions t.. the Ked ('noes flying outside.(bpnell met at Belgrave on June and for the production of market pout- 1st as per adjournment, all members large bright lights suddenly team 'Teo Gruesome M DeseriM I try, are recommended. a Hoek of t !wing present as a court of revlslus from around a corner, the first alga She will not repeat the teles r huudrtd smelt birds carefully managed The court being eunstltuted the Reeve of human life he had wen to days. honor w•bk h Or. Hooper told her The lights were from Has liestr'u's tor- leiter. One reason for her silence, ries, grinding at top speed over the moo was. 1* that the details are too rocky road. . They lurched to a alo Srueaomee Tof t anadiIn readers; the and Captain Eyre leaped down. other is that Italy now bolds coutroJ- "Fly for your lives," be shouted_ In of Ethiopia and the Soudan Interior Suits ipring Spring Samples for th Men are hem They are the very best. Everything that's new in Meng Wear at this time of the year. (:has. Black East Street and Square GODERIOH Nene Disswtiti r A near drowning w ith unusual at- tendant circumstances threatened the life of Allan E. Frets, of Toronto, who had a narrow escape to the creek on hti farm near Fordwieb. Mr. Frets was fishing for trout. A clump of willows Interfered with his casting and be paused to tear them out by the roots. When he gave gasaigbty b awe, the Illowt suddenly came away and 0162(VMed^Ole tidal Into tbe creek. He lost consciousness through the shock of tbe sudden Im- mersion and lay helpless for a moment In the '.hallow water. He revlted In time to trawl out. otherwise it is prole able that he would have drowned. reel clover was ruined. A large acre- age ut strawberries and many apple orchards were hard hit by the frost. lu Prince Edward county early peas were frown badly, while all clovers and wheat were also burnt. About one-half the cherry blossoms were in- jured and in some orchards apples also affected. In Leeds county, thousands of cabbage, caulltlower aud tomtit() ntr.atere-wiped tin entirely, wblte strawberries look like half a crop or leas. In Prescott ■ud Russell, most ot tihe_altalla and ctoweeeiaisigttr'.:a practically burnt out. The damage was slight In Southern Ontario and favored by warm. sunny weather dor Ing the latter tart of May. 'Hereto bate made rapid growth. • • • The Farm Poultry Flock Poultry 1, at last definitely recog- nised us one of the essential depart - TOWNSHIP COUNCILS EAST SVAWANOSH A speelar-Meettng tt41m1Mowpabip council mus held on Thursday even- ing, May 14th, all members being pre - :zoos: ~,eQ..:v` seG.ii .CiG °�-sr•'" The clerk, A. Porterfield, iutlmated his desire to obtain leave of ■beenee for six weeks from May :.htth. 1t was agreed to grant bis request, the Reeve Intimating his w'llllugnes* to attend to the corrca{oudewe of the clerk told perform any other duties of this official requiring prompt attentiou during his ab,ence. wents of every up-to-date farm wbere l Councillor Redmond was by resolu- ta program of mixed farming is car- ried on. Not only Li It rex gtl6.. •d as a u.texsary department of farm %ork tion appointed as clerk pro tem. to record the minutes of council meeting or meetings during the clerk's absent*. but more and more farmers are cowing Au Informal 1Is.•11sslnn took plate to realize that for the capital Iuresltd regarding work to be dune on bigh- ting" labor involved there are few if war lu the town -hip during the year. any department's the( give as• high A. P(1R'1'EItrirLI►, Clerk. Is returning to many u farmer a profit over coat of feed from 1.510 to >J,iuu a year, which to something nut to be dlydalued by eveu the wont suc- cessful- farmers. • • • French. -the enemy 1s after us. We Mission is still In active operation Clever and Grass Seed* haven't a moment to kale. Vile, rite." there. Regard for continued *aces 1 Reports from central Seed* a IndI- In a few words, the tale of the of the work in that field demands I rate that most of thea• sods have slaughter at Coolmlre was told. Ras tact of • high order, It was espy to 1 rauced from growers h, the trade, large - twelve was in the first lorry with deduce trom Mrs. Hooper's refusal to 11v to tfr foal retail (rade. Most of twelve wounded Ethiopians, the tiny disrusa irtride•nts of the war. the the toy Seel In the St. Lawrence remnant of 10000. The rest had been When I)r. and Yrs. Hooper lett counties has toren sold. There still shot, combed or bad their throats cut starAddis .Ababa- April 1, they had no remains, however, some 830,1100 pounds. ��j.,�[hr nater troops from Italian Ides that the qac would De over so t f r uautity of timothy ie still avail - "There Olga. rues a} -m ...s+rti' ' . .that t. ,.r f3�•-:..�eover s- V "There wasn't another int In that i stabler Offesti n t Ttioryt iltese point "lf the F.thhree days here held � ars in South-western Ontario sUl� hold whole stretch of desert road where - hthe l my husband could have turned to go tack," Mrs. Hooper told The Star. "Had he not met Ras Dela at that point, both would have been caught. Ras Deets could not have gone ,bead; CREWE he would have been trapped right there." d �• wWplles..aud _ (;Rl ,luitc ;.-Mr. and Mrs. El* eve �.o a ��ke room for the mer Shackleton. orTletrott, called at wounded men. Water and gasoline Mr. Matthew $backleton's at the week- std wounded Ethloplana-and Ras Desta-were his only freight. At top .end. Mrs. Monkmann, of Moose Jaw, spent ■ few days last week •t the bomr of her nepbew, Mr. Orville Derain. Mr. Matthew Shackleton 1s attend - Ing the United Church Conference In London (hie week. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Higgins and son Jack, of Detroit, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. .1. Menary. The members of the project "Being well dressed and well groomed" held their meeting last Tuesday evening at Miss Frances Crosier's. On Saturday the girls of the Garden end Canning Club In her group also held their meeting.ab+b•r hx - - Mr. and Mrs. H. Finnigan ala Sill- ily spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. J. Chamney, Marnoch. Miss Beatrice Treleaven spent the weekend with friends in Lucknow. The farmers are looking for a good crop of hay this year, the frost having done very little damage. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, of Port Elgin, spent a day or two last week at the home of the tatter's brother, Mr. 11. Shae•kletin. TOM MARKS 18 DEAD Tum Mark' Is dead, and there will to ■ number of adults all over the Itominbm who will know what that means. Some yeerr ago Marks Bros. 'Beene, to he the one show on the rued which went every plate. Often they would stay a week In Walkerton, There used to he two .bows which came to town. Marks Bros. and Guy Bros. Minstrels. and In their wag they were both good. After Guy Bros. tame with the baud and parade and with the drum major tie Wing a baton, every small boy In the place would be twirling ■ broomstick fen several weeks' aftt•r, trying to fiord nut how the man with the phew had done 1t. After Marks tiros. had played for a week' It was a general topic of enarer- ..ation In the plate for a good many weeks 1.. follow'. Marks Brost. played the wort of show* mend.. .(Sebe d 0. want ter tree. They had a villain and a hero altd PI heroine: them was s dear young ledy often coons/II who needed reecuing, lend she PIN apt got rescue! -.Just at the last moment. People use! 10 bIps at the villein and we believe that M ntteptel as meaning he vias • good , t'Itlain. Ills beisinese was t* make shows at first by a wilting or wither- peep of the (Teens people hate him and defeat him. Aa•IIIg of the foible. For sucking peotl ! Plant them for a quick (over for an we recoil It, there was considerable chief of which are the aphids or plant unsightly fence, or to ellmb neer a gar Interest as the Marks Bros, company Ilee, spray with whale o11 soap, a quer- age pliteed too much In the landscape strnuel around the streets'. and when ter pound of soap to a gallon and a (►n a lark porch. obey will climb tip they eros•wl over from the hotel to hell of water; nicotine sulphate, or wire• nr strong+ too the ro,f. The) the town hall In early evening It Was •'Itlsck Loaf 40," or any other repel- need no attention. Fur •hnrt'ratline Iquite worth while to b• atandtng nn lent set•nas�iMm M reliable seed store. plants. portulsca 1s reeommended. It college. the loan hall %tees and hare a cisme- Fungus I is a free bloomer, like•% a hot dry place comer Carbonate Dust TPoatawmt: tip look at them Walkerton Herald-' When fnne'tu attn. k% the plants the and when once started thrives 011 nag- his treatment Is re'nmmendetl for the Times. foible. usnally turns yellow ur brown, lett prevention of Bunt or Ilrlkfng Irnut of speed tbey retraced their route, leav- ing • motor lorry 1s the narrow pass to Mock pursuit by Italian automo- bllee or armored -erre, When dawn (-awe, 'Dalian aeroplanes roared over- head, but Dr. Hooper and his motor- cade otor Cade were well hidden. Back at Nugallle, they were bombed by thirteen Italian aeroplanes which were 'searching for the king's son -In - out •int er three a ra ea about one-half of the red clover and would have come and greatly hindered timothy crops, or 7,10,000 pounds and from No. 4 highway to slderoad act Italian operations," Mrs. Hooper said2,(1011,(1110 pounds respectively. Buying Tuts 39 and 40 during eonstructton of 1 "Once they got well mired In, the Hal- ill the wholesale trade has dee-third a culvert at tut 42. Teudera were 1 owing to large stock* secured already. Most of the alfalfa, alslke, sweet clov- er and Canadian blue grass has beeu sold to the trade. It Is expected tbM-alseb of tbe timothy seed and per - baps acme red clover will be carried over by growers to next season. Reports from North-weutern (►ntarlo Indicate that there are at least 10,000 pounds of red clover and 15,000 pounds of alslke still in growers' hands as well as about 75 per cent. of the tim- othy or approximately 200,000 podads. Prices being paid growers, per pound, basis No. 1 grades, are: For red clov- er In Eastern Ontario, 12c to 13c; in South-western Ontario, 11c to 15c; for alfalfa 12r to 18c; and alslke 18c to 18c; sweet clover 3c to 5c•; timothy 3c reported that no appals had been re- ceived by the clerk. It was moved by ttmnit1bors__Slavk,and Ruddy that flet court be now chard and the mules.• meet roil adopted for 11135. l'arrted. Council then resumed. The min- ute% of meetitik% of May 4th and 14th were read by Councillor Redmond, act- ing as clerk pro tem., and confirmed. A tommunhatiun trolls the 1Vorkme0;p OrmpenaatIon hoard was read and given to the road superintendent to be dealt with. Ten dollar+ was promised to Brandon. cemetery fund ut the request of a de - It wN, nututlmoualy "greed to (lose the road between emceialons 10 and 11 Before it is too late NOW a the tarto buiteh'y ibisla lt•R'- Yss� 'aa.- attaidaWY melsot.d farina dopr s.ios tim... (let rooting with its permanence sad to upkeep -and save 1 R..t.rn 8Mel Products offers two ``rat values In Metal Rooting I RID Roll and Th.- .p I Earn It.. endo... (.entree games - Melon wtatls•v.oehtaase 3=.1 w • two. Tb.y do not �ar� crack, curl. Or bwlg. Ask also about YAP earn.. made by the foremost Com ppaal� Built Bora mewut rtu+er In l:aaad. gab Cason mm/1Mmms ad d1906 - Wen M ...art sa.tame•t B"' Wi'a.°` GwM tiros! • . Norm, Or Pasaaf.i also at Taranto and M..traal DONNYBROOK - [1fiY1fYRR1It .Tune L --The Y.P.II: of Donnybrook United church will meet on Friday night, with Miss ffi5itord..ln Eliaege;' t Mrs. Kane and son, of Toronto, Mr. and ]des. Joe Thompson and family, if Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and Iran, of East tVawanosh, were recent vlslturs with Mr. and Mrs, Nor- mau Thompson. Miss Jean Robinson returned home on Sunday after spending several days with her cousin, Mk'.. Edglar Pattison of Weights'''. Mrs. Theis. Crippen, of Sarnia, U visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy. o n7. The wedding of Miss Mary Boyle to Mr. Gu. Devereaux will take place In St. Augustine church ou Wednesday morning. Mise Olive Jefferson. of Woodstock. __ visited her mother. lettersets. ou Wefneselay late. Monuments To those contemplating erecting( a Monument :- GET IitY PRICES BEFORE BUYING -Y',lmetPTy bettering a Specialty -Ail Work tivaranteed - a ... Marble aid Granite Wart • Jahn Grant, Cmton, Out Rocressnr to Hill k Zapf* lane would have been delayed In their advance a full month." When she left, the Italian ■rmlea were 250 miles from Addis Ababa. They missed the doting---iMLrb-tu&l.ked.. sews of the Italian victory. According to the latent word received In London. England, two weeks ago. Toronto and Ontario missinnarlen were well and carrying on their ac- customed rcustomed duties In Ethiopia under the Italian regime. Mrs'. Hooper ex- preened x- pree d surprise, however. that there bad been no direct word from any of them since. "Even In a king'+ life there aro mo- ments of sadness." -Carol of Rou- matrla. e ar -Gordon Lindsay Smith - to 5c; timothy 3c to Stye, and Canadian blue grass 3%c to 4c. • • • Ontario's Barley Situation That barley is aesuming n more im- portant plate In Canadian agriculture and ('anairIVVIdelrOa4W-e fden(ed by the fact that a National Barley Committee has been set up and was 1a aesskos In Toruuto last week. With these facts In view the following brief paragraphs from "The Ontario Agricultural 1)etkoea for 4938" should Tender »vegetables are those whicb or white spots like mildew (over tbe be of speelal Interest and value to have been grown quickly. Especially leaves. Fungus Is most common in Ontarto farmers' who are Just erre with such things as radish, carrots and warm, murky weather. Spraying laying their plans' for this year's crop beets Is 'low growth disastrous, as the with Bordeaux mixture. or dusting production. roots become woody and filled with o1,- with .busily finely ground sulphur Is I "The 1935 barley crop In Ihttario Jcetlunable fibre. But this rule also advised. Sulphur dust will also pro- was the largeer since IMO and is estl- npplie' to everything used for salads. tett hollyhocks nod phlox from rust, mated at 111.s441,000 bushel... In 11(34 On this' amount experts advise push- if applied when the dines,* first shows I the production was 14.741.7(M) beehels. Ing growth with frequent cultivation, Itself. An ordinary tin tan with the The acreage war increased from 484,- which x4,which In addition to ebeeking weeds top perforated like a salt shaker makes19041 etre. to :,23,(1451 and the yield per abet conserves molsedre. Cultivation a good duster. Isere nt :12.2 bushels was 1-1+ lwahels alone will often keep the vegetables ('ut worms, which eat through newly 1 higher than In the prevlonr year. going through a dry spell, but, of pet out pinnts nt the lase of the steni.1 The Canadian trop of 83,1175,0(X) course, a a.a• palls of water or an hour are vitreous! by spreading sweetened bushels In much higher. showing a or two with the hose at tbl' time will limn mixed with Paris green or spm- gain of 20,2t3.I1M, bushels or 31.7 per lend further aid. Where the supply of (int mixtures shout the plants.. Where 'vent. over 19(4. water Is not an convenient •s 11 tight there're only n few Idntlts to protect From the 1111.1 Canadian crop about be,'tt Is a good plan, in toying out the the same may le provided with {miser 0.250,000 bushels were exported to the garden, to plant those things ms,at In collars. United :betels whereas' in the yearn need 01 extra molature, 8,101 as radish. There are now many chemical weed 14131F:15 Inclusive the export to this lettuce and celery, cheated to the telmp killer+ un the market. which have market was negligible. Fertilizer Is another way of hurrying proved very sieensfml In Wiping out The average price being timid for growth and therefore Ns'uriug vege small plots and for cleaning up drive- the 1935 barley crop Is 40 (-ent% per tables of the highest quality. wnrs and paths. For poison Ivy, tine bushel. Cum pa rel with :,(► Ccnis per Insects and Diseases application nny time during the grow- I Waite' In 19`t4. Garden insect enemies are divided 1Ing '*S non 1+ effective either 'w'eed% There Is n'stralble anneal fly Pineal into two groups --those that ant holes1e•Inalnaltd In this 5555 ore ox -eye market for user 2,231(14(44 bushels of In the foliage• and those that .lurk not 1dal»y, bindweed. ('nnnda thistle. anal Igood Clean malting bnrl,). An la- the jukes. For the 11rnt-nemed, poison motet of those things like dandelions (Tease ht Ilse stork holdings would 11e festally applied while the antlers I which tusk.. so many lemons unsightly. trate a denuind for tonstdcreb1, bar - are attacked with a burning spray(itimb Grewerw ley for feed. Barley yl•Ids well In which penetrates.. Often when loth ( }-ewe flnw-er+ grow as luxuriantly or bushels per etre and It I+ n good (TN) are present. a tombtnatiun of poison 'quickly Re morning glories. They are with which to seed down. The' pre- lim] something flat burns, mull an lime prwtlgio11M hbomers. Their dark and wart a.'r,-nIre 'honk! be m5lntnhied with aulpbur end arsenate, giver the best light blue, pink. rose and white color- more nttenlinn given 10 the Inlprove- tresnits. The damage from the biting Inge, produced In stitch nbnrolance, wit; mens of 1111111110 51141 yield per sere." Inse.ta it. usually quite apparent, but make a ahead of eolnr on a line• simmer • • • the returnee of the other kind Is only morning that Is as cheerful an the firm Dud Treatarntr for (.rain Mints "Many farmers arc notions to use dust 1reetnent5 to prevent grain smuts," says Prof. J. E. }tocsin of the Ontario Agri(ultnrel College, and he recommends the following trent mento es having proved very snlesfs,' tory In experiments eondnete..l at the received for eon'trnrtion of said cul- vert and 4routract awarded to Arthur Moore, H.H. 5, l.urknow, for 9577.50. being the lowest tender, on modus of ('ouncilluta Black and Ruddy. The following ar.ounts were (.'sed and paid: C. Logan, underbrusielag road 6, 912.110: S. McNerney, constru(s tion road 12, $41; S. McBurney, eatery, etc., $41: W. Gorier, filling and grad - Ing. 919.20: A. I'urdon, work on road 12. $10.911; G. Oodkln. trucking, $36.23; C. Robinson, crushing gravel. $.55.39; S. Hutchinson. repairing grader, 910; W. Boyle, ten gallons oil, 94; Rearle service station, one gallon oil. 90e; 11. A. Pollack, fuel oil slid nails, 91.99; J. Johnson. felt for crupher, 33c; Pedlar 4'e'ople, steel pipe. 94.10; 1). Murray, welding, 91.50; D. Mur- ray, halanee of etlery an eolle•tor, 91S; H. Ho•hanan. halts and nuts, 88c; J. Burns. tile. 222.50; N. lt'aisb, tile, $3: Chatham Planet, treasurer's supplies, 913.51; M. McDowell, se lacy as asaeaaor, 910; R. 3. Currie, sheet kited by dog., 97; Geo. Walker, .beep valuator. 91.30; A. Patterson, laiaaeis of salary es .ollectev,-$15. _ (lonaMl adjourned to meet on July 3rd, at 1 p.m. IL it--IM(4Nt►, 43erk pro tem. PETER W. SCtlYIT, Reeve. • rogrrilinfturon rsr ...-; ,✓ wow.. ..-..= --r_. '� •-�L' • ' �V�..v LL I „--tr..e.:'w1 worn Alkm.:-.. y� w... --.ruse — . . 'Per Tn',. Crrn• oln BUS SCHEDULE - Effective May 3, 1938 - EAST-BOL''ND -LEA VE- Goderich ....7.30 a.m. 5.00 p.m. Holmesvllle ..7.45 a.m. 5.15 p.m. Clinton 755 a.m. 5.25 p.m. -ARRIVE-- Stratford -.9.05 a.m. 8:35 pm. Toronto ,..12.43 p.m. 10.15 pm. -LEAVE- Tnrooto 745 a.m. 2.15 p.m. Stratford ..12.10 pm. 8.45 pm. -ARRIVE- Goderlch ....1.40 p.m. 8.15 pm. Itise Arles planned to all points to Caaada, United States and Mexico. C(TTlstflM'=a.SCAL AGENTS It T. Plans, hal hilt. MA It IN I. t 1JI1, Bawl Ila It 323 Mat Lm, O.hi Inset Tat 73 Gueral Ontario Bea Lima UA. TtQairsi tics When You. •Buy COAL let? D. & H. CONE -CLEANED ANTHRACITE. the Inn -ash, eltRke#- 1•'ss fuel that masters every weather condition. We not Moly reeomrend It, we guarantee It. ('one -cleaned mean% a pewees of flotation; the elate being the heavier nnturally sinks and the, cal floats, therefore you are buying coal. not slate. Our Pocahontas ('OAL Is from the No 4 vein of the nines owned and operated by the Palley ('amp Coal Company and 1a of very flail structure, low• In ash and free burning, Mayo Is a ('oke with the Vise. lett; In and has become very leveler. Try some. 1'roml t courteous delivery. CI-IA6. C. LEE -COAL YARD AND OFFICE AT THE 11ARROR— itttonsa-Of11ce 22. House 112 Goderich HOW TO "KEEP EDIiCATED" Need Drily the Head-WIda Gom.trweedr. News i• TUB CRIMISTIAN wriantCE MONIT•R .4a lowerwadawi Dolly Newspaper It owe. as w ...MruMlt.. world .•.M •.t a... w maws wIr sae s..aia * m. W .arms. *The new•. tare' --e••. .t • flan.. t• 1%. Mer Warr. 4 Ms rr.war_ NOM.MO. / . .a H.ub • 11•••11,se 114•414114•41414,1, ani... ..Imm M m.ta.l.sa.a ..u..14144. es YU- MMY.. mama sol /'Mara r.••rma. Moa.. SWIM, .I sero .Nen. — Mm.The Christian •asses hYlahtne asatMy _ One. Norway Street. neaten. Iiamaehnrlts Pharr 55155 my sototrtattmt M The Chrlstlen •clave Wanes ter a rise of r $011 • sand. N m a .tenths q M t month the Wareellay Imam. Irawdlag moguls.OMtton 1 year 11.11. t lamed 51. Rear stem . ,......_« .................. L 11 Camp w Muss' * -1-o:. .moi 'y,y: