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R-llanitV. lone 4t1, 1180
This Business o Housecleaning
By , lIV• b. •
Acres people enjoy KelloggV
PEP Bran Flakes. Eneeaaelie.'
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There's enough extra bran to
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Enjoy PEP Bran Flakes
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Hello. is
West Street
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring v1 611
%1_tn d►ei as appariti n
Telephone el - Goderich
Water for Lawns
and Gardena
bio 8 O'CLOCK a.m_..
FROM 5 to 9 O'C'LOCKp.rn,
Before water is used fo}
lawn service or for gardens,
application must bemods i
writing to the Public Utili-
ties Commissitm.
Use of hoar- durinpi a; fire
alarm P1 strictly prohibited.
Any infraction inf the
above will be dealt with
according to the Iiklaw.
rablic Utilities Commiuioa
1 here been u{lrat and In a duster!.
There was scarcely • place in the
house to sit down, end wherever one
walked In this room or that 1t wee
done only with • rattier severe dont
tic reminder, "Now be careful, lb
floor has Just been done. Deal mu
up sn,►thing!" Through the winter a
the early spring one could come and
"upstairs, downstater, or In my lady'si
titesei,fe," teem cellar to OW, and feel
comfortable. But the edict went
forth a few days ago tbat there was
to be spring cleaning. Goths and
Huns of ancient story never Invaded
a ore a -•^••ops and thoroughly the ter-
erritory they• itai•-e 4 eyes and hearts
upon than our womenfolk did with
mop sticks, browns. palls, varnishes
and polishes the respective rooms of
our domicile. For a few days every-
thing was Inside out and upside down.
There war nu order anywhere. 1t
made one think of a revolution in
Spate when the people don't know
where they are at. Of course, at the
first onslaught I retreated to my den,
where l keep iii desk and hooks, and
thotrgbs- 1-cuuld aeeslyde myself there.
Aar lite the Ethiopian monarch who
wthe >.r4 sir Ivrea bks Addis
bouliecIegning time? Here is a mar
paasegr 1 read 1n the midst of all
euuftisiwt as one book was opo
"It is one of the saddest. If not u
the meet comforting, things in
tlst when people have caught a gllm
.e) the best, the second-best can
again content them. It they b
oncee it only for a moment -w
the bast robe and sat down to
feast, they will never more really
joy the husks of the far country; e
though the citizens of that coo
prepare the pine with their noe a
este arts, and serve them up on gc
piaje. Unwise men do not c•oosld
this. and fools do not understand
so that the former and out too 'la
that tbelr souls mast fie &tareed
death for lack of that better bbl
which they once so carelessly thre
away; while the latter enjoy t
husky diet in peace. ignorant the
afire is any better thing at a11."
trawl reading that over soberly an
drinking In Its truth and then .coil
down to ruminate upon It amid a bete
ogeneouj pile of books. mats. corer
papers, magazines and cleaning par
pbernalla, and being rudely roused ou
el the -reverie wait -•'lies. -hetes s
two,and let as bare done some tint
Ded :
one of
beI r
had to surrender that sanctum to del/eget ihelMstftlis -`'►k siellaMeemigegyr
- fir thing
wielders of domestic 'visitor a
that my den might be spared from a apfber In yon crevice on the wall, Ili
sole survivor of the domestic tornado
-uthless upsetting, but all to no avail, who baa decided wisely to wait a llttl
or only must I consent to disorgan- before be again tons and spine. H
tuition, but I was commanded to take got such a fright that be is palpitat
out alt the toots on my sbelees and ing yet His Is a hungry outlook
nit, papers out of my desk drawers and
submit them to dustingthere Isn't a lire or deed fly to right
and replace Then the moose In the wall has no
them on rhely es and recep• hove for such commotion and lavesti-
taelt•a. gating eorners and hales that he con -
we had a minister named Daniels alders bis domain. Temporarily he has
preaching at our church last Sunday. gone to rsummer retreat where In tbe
A bury bearing his tame asked. con- fresh air and sunshine, on soil and
netting the Biblical name with the amid grasses, be make; him runs. And
den of the old story, It he was bring- tbere's myself, so glad beyond telling
Ing the lions with him. In in den that this topsyturvydom of house-
tbat housecleaning day there were cleaning copes only once in a long time.
neither Daniel nor the lions. Nat tbere
was more titan one growl and mace TOWNSHIP COUNCIL
muttering. It was no little task to take
several hundred books out of their
shelves and put them back as they WEST WAWANO' n
were before. And as for the desk The West Wawanosh council met on
drawers, don't ever tell it, tber^-were ay rub wise ail 16e members pres-
done In a sort of way, not thoroughly. feat and Reeve Stewart presiding. The
One or two were left for another time. eninutee of past meeting were and
What was the use of making such a .and accepted, on motion of Councillors
tremendous disturbance? Dust and Gammie and Aitchison.
dirt don't get in papers thrust into Mr. C. Alton. collector of taxes, pre -
drawers -well. not in the same way as seated the 1935 tax roll, which was
they do among artklee left lying around accepted cod arrears of taxes noted.
Wben the books were carried out on The clerk was instructed on motion of
to the balcony and given the bestial Councillors McQuillia and Gammie to
to bang 16e dust out of them endear correspond with the Workmen's Com -
tied back, and the biographical rot- pensattoo Board re protection for work-
man were in their shelf and the his 'men employed by the municipality. On
.erica' and poetical were in their•, I motion of Councillors Aitchison and
and so on, and there was in view a Gammie the ropd superintendent was
semblance of order out of the chaos, instructed to advertise for tenders on
1 laid myself down on the conch, that prices of power maintainers.
also had angered the domestic cyclone, ?6e following accounts were pre -
and I was asleep In two minutes. grimed and ordered paid: Goderich
While the upset was on in my study Star, printing, $1.20; W. A. Order,
I was reminded of course, though 1 was wood 14.50; W. J. Stewart, telepboae,
trying. 10 la•ll r4,art.tla this contppualaory $145; It. Phillips, relief Inspection,
order of housecleaning, that Ti/Etr as $1.3151-1". Alton, retfpf tilose:"%1208.
whet a-neeleaece a, bedp,;,;jp gnn
w3e-=lrt>ct1°A.t Gogn sei,4 ; W. YcClnre
here was mutual eladnees a MP relief, 04; W. J. Stewart, m`1iene
Int was over. Beading an adven- 1230: C. E.Mrt)onegh, clerk's fees
roue story the other day, 1 became and bylaws on Girvfn drain, VI•
ferreted in a Torres Strait boy whn j The council adjourned to meet June
d the weird experience of diving into ,8t6, *1 1.30 p.m.
shark's month. Evidently It was a! DCRNiN PHILLIPS, Clerk.
rprise to them both and they must I
ve been equally glad to part. The
y pre•1phtate-d the parting by the ST: HELENS
usual method of putting his flngere
o the shark's eyes. He lived to; 8T. HELENS, June 1. -Mb. Doreen
I the late with twenty-seven stitches Webster. of Carlow, and Miaa Dorothy
hie neck. So after the commotion ! Webster, of London, ammo flied by
my den and in adjacent rooms there • friend, Mrs. McGregor, and boys, of
a taw' unpleasant remembrances London. sprat the week -cud with their
knuckles scrubbed and necks mother, llrs. John R'etx:ter
i ha
PARAMOUNT, June 2 -Mr. and
](rs. James 1i/chards, of Flasherton,
and Mlsa Lyla Richards, of Toronto,
ejoeut the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
R. Richards.
Mr. and Mts. Wm. MacGlll were re-
cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
George Bell, Culross.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle MaeDlarmid and
frailly, of Jamestown, N.Y., and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy MaeDlarmld and son,
of Cleveland, were week -end visitors
with frteuyds here.
Mrs. Mary Mat•Aulee Is nursing Mrs.
Pete Cook and her baby boy at the
home of ber parrots, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Reid.
Hrs. Elmer Retsrjr o1 Meld's Cor-
orners, spent last week with ber sister,
Mrs. Grant MacDlarmld,
Mrs. MacAule7, Jean and Aagtes
were recent visitors with Mr. sad
Mrs- George Swan. tat. 11
Mrs. Nelson Raynard was taken to
Goderich hospital on Monday morning,
when ber condition was considered
serious. Latest report is that she
Is doing es well as can be expected
and we hope far a steady! improve -
On Thursday evening last DHJEtre Victoria
street church team played a game of
It aerate tkaehate8- Meme - Thu
score was 14-9 in favor of tbe Union
Sunday Afternoon
a e ns , wiuiaor
aWhe. our o
• • •
Go4ericb. Ontario
Spirit of God, deemed upon my heart
Wean It from earth, through all its
pulses mauve;
Stoop to my weakness, mighty as
Thou art,
And make we lute Thee as 1 ought
to love.
Haat Thou nut bid me lore 11tee, God
and King?
AU. all Thine own. soul, heart.
strength and mind;
I see Thy cruor -there teach my heart
to cling:
O let me seek Thee. and 0 let use
--G. Croly.
e. •• •
8. 8. LEN80N FOR JUNE 14. 1810,
Lessee Torte-•Je.tm Crucified.
Lessor Passage -Luke 23:33-40.
tield.r Text -Ream 8:1.
If we read the account of the cruci-
fixion of our Lord with the scene im-
pressing itself upon our mind. and
spirit.' as It should at every reading.
taller&cu LJ .teE.aiegele',J ,yuest1o0
why Jesus died. That baa•to be treed
and anrw•ered by us all, before the
Cross can have any meaning for us.
Veto fi4 tlied'l rC» "ftt His
mind. He chose that road deliberately,
Mrs. Ito, Black and Harold. Mr. and kuowing there was death at the end
Mrs. Ed. Horuey end Pat, of Goder- of it. But why? 81. l'aul gives as
lch, were Sunday visitors at the borne tbls answer: He died toz all flat.
of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McAllister. they wblr6 live should sot Use titre!
Tbe band of Rlverston Lodge has themselves" (2 Cor. 5:15). 'He died
hrguo pr.ctlstng for "the glorious tor all .bat we rhuuld sop Urltug to
Twelh6.' ourrrlves-He and 1110 purpose should
The June meeting of the,Iiritmatk be the centre of our lives- Most of
Club was held on Tuesday evening.at: nn. do Uve for ourselves, a good part
the home of Mr. and Mrs. agree', of our time at least. We may, of
'course, my that we live for our child-
ren. But that la often living fur our-
selves. Family love eau often be a
very millet thing. As fur the rest of
lite, we should possibly defend this
way' of living by saying if we du not
look after ourselves and our interests,
no one else is likely to do It. It we
Union (lsurrh Neter,-Tbe Tegoler
meeting of the Y.P.C. was held Id the
church on Friday evening, With a'
small attendance. Rev. F. W. Craik
had charge of the meeting, ]'be
8eripture lesson (St. John, ehapter
1) was read by Maurice Harwood.
Mr. Craik spoke briefly on "Fellow- do not fight for a place In the sun or
ship.," A missionary letter written by by the fire, we shall probably be lett
Rev. leo. E. Darby, M.D., of 13.Na out in the cold. So runs tbe popular
Bella. B.C., was read by Miss Nora creed. But 1t we look and think •
Sowerby. Mr. Craik closed the meet- little more deeply we shall end that
lag with prayer Tbere was a good- the habit of living for ourselves hi the
shed congregation at Colon on Sun- root of almost all the misery and evil
day. The pastor, Rev. F. W. (rate, of life. It is the habit of living to
delivered a helpful address trove the oneself that destroys real happtaeas,
text, "Jesus salth onto bis, 1 alp the A self-centre4.iIfe is like a stns trying
way, the truth tad the life! no man
cometh unto tbe Father bu` by me"
($t. John 14:8) Next Sunday, Ser-
vices will be aa natal -Sunday school
at 2 p.m., preeehing service at 3 p.m.
to grow by twining round its own
Mein. The msalt 1s Jost a shrivelled
heap of twigs 'and foliage. That was
why Jesus said that if we would Bad
oar life we mast lose it. Tbe work of
F.rtleth Aaativersstry OhseevedrOn fits Cross and Pension In our lives Is
Friday afternoon the Women's - Mia- sePc/n our stopping Uvittg to oaraelyes.
.ionary Societies of Unten chores. A man sight rescue us from drown
Goderkd townahtp, and Leebnrn tag without raking os willing to do
church, Colborne township met at the the mine thing for other.. We might
borne of Mrs, (Rey.) Jamas Hamilton, be relieved and j.hankful, but Just as
Newgate street, Goderich, In bonor seams aa before. his cannot Is..
of the fortieth anniversary of the So- with any .al,atlob that Christ brings.
cleats. • About Arty ladles were pre- For to lis saved at all means to be
saved from settab .1lvins. There la
power in His dying- It Is a miracle
that He could lovesus at a11. It fa
still seer o -aired* tilt moths. Cross
sent from the two churches. Mrs.
Hamilton led la the devotional exec
cisco and Mrs. G. Harwood presided
t the 'Piano, - The opening hien war
McClure, at the Inaugorat meeting 1 He could go on 1 if H1. love
In 1IMA, 4Alf People That on Firth I bad been onty 1 wtft(t.e.4 (lslvaey
Dwell." The Scripture lesson i would bare killed it. But His love
(Psalm 1031 was read responsively, 1 is the power of God In action. The
with Mrs. Geo. Falconer loading. Mrs. result is that lie casework this miracle
('Tutton, sr., one of the charter mem- , in us. The centre of llle is changed,
hers from Leeb.rn
Mrs. Geo. Mcllwain sang a onto, Ichannel. Our hearts find a new Mas- ego.
led !n prayer The forces of our t find
Salads Orange Pekoe Bland
has by far the finest flavour
fr AI IP Ilf
from 1924 to 1027. The hospital was
removed to a healthier site gad en-
larged, mikTag"l much more useful.
"A Garden o1 Eden" was planted to
serve the hospital, es fruit trees are
nut atoriglna} In the forest. Papaya,
mangoes, coconuts, plantains, bananas
and many other priceless fruits and
vegetables were imported from the
Wert Indies- In 1929 be returned to
Africa for his third period of persona
service, completing his book on the
"Mysticism of St. Paul" on board ship.
"1 wanted. to be a doctor that I
might be able to work without bawling
to talk," he said. Few are called 110
extraordinary Individual labor such N
his. Because be caught • 'talon of
tbe-heed ter-fi rInt,- -.& gt - tk b wel Wr
felt constrained to alter the entire
course of bis life, to study medicine.
leave_ fur college life la Ida
bet h nr'g thatverally,•
nounce the organ, his cherished inter
est, and relinquish the thought of in-
dependence, Like Abraham, be was
spared ler sacrifices. Ile lectures now
in many universities, his organ con-
certs are enthusiastically welcomed,
through concerts and writings he has
regained anenctat independence. He
bar mapped out a wide programme for
himself to take his share In the revolt
against the spirit of thoughtlessness
and materialism In this •ge, and to
8T. AUGUSTINE, June 2. -Mr. and
Mrs. N. Wilson, of London, and Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Wtlaoa, of Auburn,
called on friends here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan u'l]nllaban and
son, Mr. J. O'(kllahan, of Detroit,'
spent the week-etid with kneads here,
11 re11m' 8 '-On Friday,
May 29th, Hie Excellency John Thom-
as Kidd, Roman Catholic Bishop of
the »foveae of London, conferred the
sacrament of confirmation la Flt. Au-
gustine church. At 8.30 masa. was
celebrated by the pariah priest, at
which the children, their parents and
sponsors assisted. The confirmation
was held at f0.86.-'Tiefore befngt"tea•'
firmed, the children were questioned in
regard to the preparation which they
.' o ase tofltl tem.
deltve a sho7T discourse t0 em,
on the sacrament which they were
about to receive. Following the cosi-
donation, a discourse was given to
the parents on their duties, in which
they were urgently advised to provide
good reading matter for tee cblldren.
Following this, benediettun was cele-
brated with Father Paquette a the
celebrant, and Fathers Quigley and
Donnellan as damn and sub -deacon.
help to bring deliverance from some of
the world's misery, and he wonders 1f
his strength will bold out to accom-
plish all his alma, -(Condensed from
The Missionary Monthly?.
A much appreciated reminder of as
old-time friendship came to me last
week from Goderich old boy, Geo.
R. Gordon, now et 1109 Barclay St.
This 1. Jubilee year for Vancouver,
and he seat me a copy of the 82-9age
Illustrated golden jubilee supplement
of Tbe Vancouver Daily Province,
From It 1 learn .bat the town site of ,
Granville (the old same for Va.eou-
Ter) was proclaimed In March, 1870;
British Columbia entered (.o.federa-
Jaly. 1871, Veacoover was incor-
porated a • city f1 Aprils 19861.411.
city was destroyed by are June LI.
1886, and la May, 1887, the first C.P.R.
train arrived at Vancouver. The popu-
lation In 1986 is gfvea as 947,366.
Tbls euppiesoent entente a Roll of
Hiner of "Before the Fire" pioneers,
from 1868 to 1886, and among them la
Geo. R. Gordon, He 1a mentioned as
one of five whoas cooperation did
amen teammi ,. the .lie L pspstslQjg, r,
Gordon went to British Co/amble a
Mart*, 1804, ants to the prewar city of
Vancouver a short time before the
greit. are. Another.-Gordon•, James
son of Daniel Gordon, furniture deal-
er, went from Goderich to B. C. in
but he died a number of years
George Gordon Was the son of
sato • new ism.
Building for Eternity." Mrs. For ter.-(Coodensed freiM a sermon b
7 James Gordon, carpenter. He and 1
were school fellows is the Goderk•h
School In the old days under Mr.
H. 1. Strang. Loftus Dewey, K
and Dr. J. R. Whitely were cladhm■
and two of the girls of that clow a
also still In C,-oderfcb. George 8- w
back to (loderfr•h for tbe Strang
!union in 1907 and he has been bo
lto Ontario Once that time.
"``'s'7RI tzrzls pRZBUrE
est 11' -(lure, present president of the I Rev. James Reid, D.i}„ In the British
Union auxiliary, gave the report of Weekly). `-
the fort _ the
J Tears' progress In that So-
• s • e _
clety, of which only two charter mem- f WORLD M18810N8
hers are living, Mrs. Hamilton and t Dr, Albert SA' weitser
Mn. McRrlen of Crystal City, MaAI By
Mercy E. I[c Silloch
t ha. ![les Helen (`lark t tit ""
n , we ltlght
Up -
ears secretary of Leebarn a>jz111art, I Albert Schweitzer w Morn In are the report for that Sotdetj', of per Alsace oil Januar 4, (fir. the
bleb four charter memDpn are living non of an Evangelical minister, His
n memory of those member. whd bad delightful chlldhaud a be calla It,
seed on into hleber sairhl'8,' i ►a'a5 -09ept,rr+t!•a.,►.L , "tbtte$t.1yd !#
tors Ib as etmospltere of cut ore 10
twisted- to say nothing about tempters ( The Triple V class of Wingham 7
-and some aching hones and stiff i United church had charge of the meet- w
joints* •< «' - 1amolt,Ys are not at.ali,; „itor Y.1'.I'. on Sunday evening,
serious. And now there is lleanll- w UF' s. 7T( Resile and Gordon l r
neves and a cairn that made all theBuchanan as soloists and lir. E. C. + pa
pother worth while. Copeland fie the speaker. It
Of emirs,, there were com(w'rtsntions
even to the procees. hooks were dl.-
eai-ered that one had lost eight of
ydh.w the last moving. Ti linger agnin
rbc„• wricnme and w-antel pages was
as delightful n+ flnding a few nye-dul-
ler bills In n forgotten Is.x or purse.
That letter one had looked for high
and low of course turned up. And
!Fevers otic cherished and thnnght
had iwen destroyed were reoirreeted. !
,.\ud how could one take looks out oil
shelves and carry them here and dust
them there without taking a peek at 1
stone of their insides, and get en 16ral1.4
kir a pas.age here and (wonder over an
obsrrration in another place? 1 got
reeding marked passages-paseagrs
marked rears ago to one of the
feminine kind who wet. armed with
'brush and mop, until I was given the,
hint that this was not n university'
lecture. Didn't I realise this was'
Mr, Robert lfclJulUle, of Toronto,
is spending his holld-ila Al SU home
1 bere. - --
Rev. H. M. Wright, Misses Vera
Taylor, Iona Swan, Mary Irwin and
Laurier 11111er, and Messrs. Stanley
I Todd, 1)ick Weatherhead and (Myler
Ramage attended the convention of the
I Y.P.U. at Meaforth on Saturday.
Mies M, E. Salkeld and li
Salkeld, of (iew)erlch, were visitors
with firs. Gordon and Mrs, Miller on.
Mr. Wilson Woods and his mother, 1
Mrs. R. J. Woods, were visitors with
Itruc•e4Pld friends on Friday.
on Monday morning, June 1st, a
message wee received of the death at
ltosetnwn Sisk., of Rkhard
ler (-1)11-1"). which occurred after a
revere heart attack on Sunday. De-
ceased was a son of the late W. R.
Miller of (;ewlerfch.
:an "For Alt the 8.101. Who from ,
Tr labors Rest" was sung. Mrs.
WJ. Greer, of Wingham, president
he Huron Presbyterial Society.ght greetings from that body; and
helpful message from the text,
or who will hearken unto you In
Is matter? bot as his part 1* that
goeth down to the battle, soar (1 his
• he that tarrleth by *Of:
y shall part alike" (1 8a i t10:
241. A solo, "The Stranger Gall-
fee,- war sting by Men. Hamilt Clot -
?ton, of Leehnrn. The bras., 11 the
Way My Saviour Lada Me," ti song
and the meeting closed with pr Iger by
Mrs. (Ree.. Henderson. The ladles
went Into the beautiful garden of Mrs.
Hamilton, where photographs 'fere
made of the assembly. Lunch was
served and a social time spent by all.
"Faith is a imp ahead In the direc-
tion In which reason ban pnlnted."--
erw'(;,4 Eddy.
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When he was twenty-one it was
deeply Impressed upon Schweitzer
that be had no right to so happy a life
while so many about him were in titre
sad suffering. He must give something
1n return for hls happiness- Facing
conviction, be decided to live for
have and art until !Awes thirty In
fir to devote htmselfi'ote that time l
to the df•eet service of• humanity. He
tried to help in caring for neglected
tblldren and for tramps Ind 'discharged
')*Tlaoners, but felt be most work In an'
"absolutely personal and Independent
activity." In 1904 he read en appeal s
by an Alsatian, Alfred Hoegner, pawl -
dent of the Paris Missionary Society,
for the work in the Gaboon, the north-
ern province of Congo • Colony. Dr,
Schweitzer laid down the article, be-
gan his work of preparation, knowing
tbat his aearcb was overt.
1t was not. .however. a lllWple matter
to answer this can. Ile had to study
medicine for six years, combining let-
erLuring, preaching. orgun-pluyfng ■od
writing with a difficult course, and be
had fairly to bombard the Paris MIs-.
mionary Society to accept his services.
Ile n -au not orthodox, did hot conform
to their shibboleths. He offered to go
10 Africa at his own expense, and, with
the aid of Nome German frlenda secured
funds to equtp and carry on 1 hospital
for two years.
In June, 1912, Dr. Schweitzer mar-
ried Helen Breslau, cud the following
llebtuary they sailed for dike (Jpper
efltasl(n. Conditlr,,,vtare loky. primi-
tive art_„ unenmfortable., ' Besides
medical work he had to plunge Into
planning and building. Patients were
soon atreamfng to seek his rare, .and
in the alleviation of their sbreringa
he found keenest satisfaetlon. To see
their relief cnmpenaated him for all,
the dleagrewahle conditions. Work
steadily Increased among whltea and
black. alike. NI•O'IS came mlle•a br
rano" on the River ergowe for tr,.at-'
monk. Then camp a rude interruption.
War broke nnf, and the Alsatian doctoe
and h(a wife were interned.
"i felt after the war," 110 141,610
"1111. a coin that has rolled nwder a
piece of fnrnftnre• and rentwine thsrq.,,
Hie second period In Africa was
KINIIIIRIDGE, June 2. -Those
who visited among their friends here
over the week -end were Wilfred
O'Lougblirt, Mr. and Mrs. O'Malley and
family, Miss Irene McCarthy, Mr. 81(1
Dalton, Miss Belem Foley, Mr. and
Mrs. Jur O'Reilly and fatally, Mrs.
Glazier, Mia. !deli Grillo:, Mrs. Cecil
Griffin and son Ted, Mrs. Tho•, Joy,
Jr., from Detroit ; Miss Gertrude Joy,
trout slew/gaud ; Mr. tamest O'Neil.
Mrs. Md. O'Neil, Mr. sad - r—. -_-
lYNetl and ehildren, Mrs. leW--asgr-.. -.
from Jackson, Mkb.
Mrs. Vitalise, from Calgary, N apmedshog a few days with ber sister, Mrs.
8. Assns.
Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Johasto.. of God-
erich, visited at Ed. Foley's oe Sunday,
Misses Reda Dalton and Marcella
O'Connor, of St. Inmat'. Sebool of
Nursing, London, are at chair hems
Derr oa botidajs at poria'..._
Mian. Loretta Meyer la in GoJetieb
nursing Mr, Wm. »Lana wbo is ser-
iously ilL
Deal Ids TW -The tbreew t
domestic comedy entitled "PolIahlag
Papa" w111 be presented la the tinge -
bridge hall Wednesday evening. Jame
1016, by the Kingsbridge Dramatic
Club. Rehearsal for this play has
Dem.In-ylpgreee for some time sad a
spleudtd evening rtihtertitiimest f► -- _ 4
Mired"' Tbere are tee rbargeeeea hs -
the esat. are men and nee glrla, and
then. -alb may their. outs admirably,
Andrew Martin, who was a prominent
figure in must of the Kingsbridge plays
of ea tiler years, come* to the front
again with alt his old-time pep un-
diminished, and acts the part of a
wealthy sausage manufacturer, • .elt-
made m11liunalre who gall retains the
'C^ rough-and-ready manners of his ear
lier working years. The efforts of
re pia Mon and daughter to "polish" DL
as manners, and place him In a business
re- more in conformity with their high
me .o-lety notions, crate a variety of
amusing slhulloaa which will delight
• the audlence from start to finish.
There will be • dance after the play.
with Hogatia Urcbaµga In attP
Thi entire evenings eoterta nmea
promises to he of the best, so don't
forget the date -Wednesday, June
111th. Genera adaslotion (including -412_
both play and dances, 36e, chllthea
25c. Everybody welcome,
Rev. Coln G. Young, D.1)., secretary
of the committee In the United Church
of Canada which has oversight of mis-
Ston work among new Canadians, was
himself one of the finest products of
lie was the youngest son of Mr.
Alexander Youbg, one of the -Young
brothers" whose farms In the townsb'
of Colborne were part of the rich
main bought from the Crown by t
celebrated Canada Company. Id
elder brother, Dr. John Young, w
also a minisRer and Is ngw retired 1
Two men, meeting In a club, begs•
to exchange conedgneea.
p, Dk, you know," said the young man,
tby wife is absent on a pleasure
h., eruise, and she writes me from every
ls port she touchee,"
a• "You're lucky," replied the elder
tan. "My wife 1. also absent on a
the United States. Both were bon
ored graduate@ of Queen's t'niversit
in the "golden age" of Principal Gran
and champions on the football field.
his splendid ministerial stand
ing and •ervire Colin Gordon Yoon,
was granted the degree of Doctor o
»trinity by els alma mater and hek.
his own as one of the flet leaders in
he Church. He had made his mark
e a home missionary under the Pres-
yterlan f'hureh and was alien grater
esepongibtlltles by the United Church.
The eacrlflees of high office greatly
bortened his life and his recent death
e • heavy loss.
Dr. Young was one of Dr. Strang s
bore" In whore success and character
r (sol t•nn+idPrahlr pride. Ile was
truly handsome man. genial In maD-
er and strong In his derision,. HI.
ddresees at the General Assembly !e -
me a fester,. of metal meet -
g. not only for the important falls
eloquently presented hut also De -
use of that eatbtle gift he pnsaeaa.d
"the legislative manner."
Hence the following lines:
pleasure cruise, but she touchers me
r from every port she calls •t."
They brought him home. servant of
Ws sitent path to the open sod,
am laid twmide his kindred deer-
rewell! ThPTI. 1101'd not he a tear.
life*. proud morn he had the dream.
Igh reedit for Youth In cm h embearn
e fared him forth, a etalwort son.
scarce a prise he has not won.
noAlaman ' hie cannot die,
lpft and press have meld. Goodbye'
lives in every Huron heart
&artily dUrsemis bat skirt.
Bird Supplies
0 90
Honey Roll, food and treat .
Imported Bira Seed .1 lb. 20o
Silver Bird Gravel.. pkg. 15c
Lies Powder
Cuttle Bone ... 5c
Song Restorer Olin 15c
Moulting rood. can 15c
Vitaanin Health Food 15c
Treat oup each 5c
Glue Bird Bath each 10c
Glass Seed Cups oath 10o
Bird Cage Springs 10n
Gordon Tebbutt
lig. eras= PHON114•4