HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-6-4, Page 4ArAyW4.+4.40I11. F 6. 1O--1 , ` u.r... - - vr•ratmt. 4-TM.nldal. Jw *, - PRESENTS are particularly attractive, the new bright colors are having a great nm just now. See theta iu_our Tea'• windows. 1'riet - • ..,. - Newest in Straw Hats $1.50 $2.50 $1.00 Ranging in price from HICHOCL SPORT BELTS W ITII EXTRA 'morn=..... • THE SIGNAL TOIWILI GODERICH, ONT. •• n the Realm of Sport :: Locals Take Game • , at Staffa 4-1 Fritaley on the Mound for tlode- rich---Game Called at End of Fifth Innings -��.Oo(`lerich tucked their »wood ache- • Ilur"u-'Perth League 1).li.A.A. game safely away on Friday last, when they won at Staff* 4-1. The game, late in starting, a:y►Jcut short by darkness and ruin and only live innings wire played. Max Frits - ley went the whole way for Gaicrieb against ht. lanky mound rival, Curter Kerslake, a speed artist of nu wean abitlty. Kerslake had sir strike -outs, Max ash �S1riCR. 'witht7i errors, wtifle� romped home when Bloomfield drove a low one Into right field for a single. Bloomfield wade second on a wild pitch by 'Harmer and stole third, but was marooned there warn Worthy and Gdorleh Johnston struck out. Goderlcb-1 'Lurlrh run, 1 bit, 1 error; Staffa- 4) runs, 0 Staffa bits, 2 error. Clinton Stada'r bait of the fifth and last Clint rth 0 1 U Pigskin innings was brief. i Wallace eau (b r41 HOW THEY STAND Huns -Perth Bawl/all League Won Lost Pte. 2 O. 4 • 1 0 2 .-,,.«,„,•„„ 0 1 0 a.« 0 1 0 -hg. ilck out and Harburn wall thrown out. Duquette to Wor Duquette led off to stake first when Wallace threw wild, stole second and reached third when Wallaee made his see 1 wild pitch. Fritiley was throwa out at first by Wallace, Phelan struck out and Duquette romped home twfure Welsh dribbled one to Kerslake for the toss -out at tirat. lioderieh-1 run. 0 hits, U errors; Staffa-0 runs, 0 hits, 2 error . The teams: Godertch-1t. Black, 3b. ; G. Du- quette, s.s. , 11. Frltsley, p.; H. Phelan. ,,.71ti tgx � �.'!•- _fit' " W. C. Pridham & Son PHONE 57 The Square GODERIOH RAISE HUSKY BOYS AND WHOLESOME GIRLS ON MILK -MADE BREAD HEALTHFUL -APPETIZING -NUTRITIOUS !IADP: i', ol-R OWN B.AKESHU 1' TRY V8 POR CAKE S*AND .PASTRIES V� CLEVELANCY WRIT - ;�rps:s:sr-rS1I Capital Phone 4! %ic/l' STSTEN Att.yj' 1:"t{'Is1'tlfg -•Ji-✓1VY Fritaley started olt's1iK1t1►�y, aalkltia �� _ dch POjt11----- en, 1- -- en. an�`!!eKf s _:tomawtttltivt s nirteri7i ll!w.i8 :3"H91 with a neat Slagle. Harmer popped 2b.: Wallace, sr,: Drake. 1.f.; Her- a toy in shallow left field. but John- ston burn' caws lu fast for the catch Stud V3b.: G. Muir and F. E. Willie. made ■ neat double play, catching \e•nf"rth. K'orde•n off asond. Darling drove one 11 Duquette, who toasted to Welsh 1 „ • at second for the third out. ack IM for tJtaterich and went 10 first when a fast pitch caught him on the knee. Ile stole to third while Duquette was tagged out at the -plate by lVorden. Frltsley readied ant when Harburn fumbled a drive to third. Frltsley got to second on • steal when Iinggarth fumbled and be. and Black trotted home when Welsh sown ked one• over the .right geld fence for a three lutgger. Welsh stayed at CREDITS AND CREPES Another big day L. being plauned for Victorians .,..• .2 ' 0 St. George's 1 0 Iia pt i sts 1 0 Foresters ;4t. Peter'v G. Salt 4- 1- 0 Presbyterians Iisechler'r 0 • ! 0 BAPTISTS 1d-•MECHLER'$ While eugrossed la knocking off the Batehier team 12-3 In the first four innings of a scheduled chure•h league softball game on Friday last, the Bap- ey c throti alt 'cue"*." casually adding a few Isere and there y ll' ebrr-2nd � to Irf•s 6. wa Ir gator ilme"4b losing out considerably by having eight Men left un he -es. The teams: Baptists -W. Johnston, J. Grid, Pen- ingtton, Wilkins. E. grid. K. Johnston, G. (:rid. ('ampbell. Sandy. Itaechlers-Sthoeuhala, Elliott. Ped- lar, Farrk,h, Brunton'', I.. ('lark, lla• Ian.. C. !-'lark, J. Johnston. •VICTORIANS 23-S7'. PETER'S 1 1'he Victorians showed a decided sti►a•rlority over St. Peter's in • church league softiall game ■t Vies 1)uminion 1)0y, -July I. torte Park on 1Vwluewlny, winning 23-1 • • • Children's )(times nulla parade writ and thus retaining their position at the top of the league leader. he features of the program, and In the I'he \'i t •rlaus scored in every Isle the tlit rd seek- while llurury -was. a rruesoit Ihir loostlsonerl Zurich -tits thrown out at first. Gcdrricb east: hut;,' and went on a anti spree la tb! 1 bit. u rerun: Staffa--q runs, 1 hit. ('wlrrich Huron -Perth Baseball League-eteuth, notching nine runs. It 'was gargr,w•ill be placed. .t doubleheader in the Rt•rentb the Si. l'rlrf'$ tq•ad may tea arranger. G. C. L Students Gran 'Standing errors Hogtarlh singled at the opening of the second Innings. and Wallace was calle&out whin Murney dropped the ball oil the titled stride. Hoggallh made second when Welsh fumbled and !stoic, third. ....ming iu On a wild pitch !by Fritsley, who then struck out Drake and llarburn. Bloomfield was throw n out at first by Theatre Goderoch Now Playktg-"A Night at the Opera.- with the Mart Brothel's 1111O140A1. Tt'ESIF.AY and V1EDNeAY- ROS ' E MARIE' A magnificent musical romance 1. tranafejred_from stage to perces y. ng Its nrrritrt rE�J11[acDONALDtran[�+. _' ( IJAl. P1t1DA and S.1TFADA 1 - "THE TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE" _ IN PULL TECHNICOLOR Tbia grant) old story. in Its colorful new dress. lino been acclaimed by retitle., everywhere as the year's iwst picture *7lvte Sidney, Fred MacMurray and Henry Fonda Matinees Wednesday and Saturday- at 3 p.m. (`owing-K'lll Rogers --"IN OLD KENTUCKY. - • • ; got tledr sole run. •The adore: There probably will lie athletic con 1'kuorlaus 1 2 2 lasts ..at Agrlcultaral Park la the St • !net's 41 uu Lk. afternoon. • • • The teams: Band 0.11141' wttt We the MIMIC feature. - 13 812-21 u-0 1 t Vlrturiats Sntith. I.,erder, Brind- ley, M F'i-•her. .l. t'. Bloomfield. .l. lelel. SI. rater s --K el harrow, Johnston. t(eh..cuhals. Burk. Rahn on Monday-_ catche•r Norden and \Vorthy singled7urlch rM:.slrrirh baseball elk l I' to third luso right held stealing • • • t - \Yonder and Duquette suc- Johnaton followed with •steal to geed I it Is to be 14».41 it did Dot dampen ond atter walking Black was tagged . I I 1 f tied .i cumis•d to Kerslake'• deliveries. God- erk•b 0 runs. 1 Itit..: errors; Staffs - 1 run. 1 bit. o errors. Drown lel off with a single but was thrown out on a double play- w 'I)ngn.•tte tts.k a deep fly by. \\'order 1 to first. Keralalte was and toes.•" frelight oat by worthy. Fritzley drove one at Kerareke for +y. finrawmor, and Wel+11 was thrown out at first for a fast half of the third. Goderich -4) runs, o hits, 11 errors: Staffs -0• runs, 1 hit, 0 error?. Harmer reached first at the opening of the fourth when be dror• a ball through Weish but he was picked off when Darling hit to P'ritzley, who cut Harmer off with a toss to Welsh. He,ggai'lI popped a fly to Welsh. wbeF caught Marling off first for the second I. double play of the game. Marney opened with. a mtzsler at Harbor/1, who dropped 1t like a hot J_ cake, and after stealing second he Middle School , Who Will Not Be Regdired to Write Exam. Principal Scutt of the Collegiate institute has lssuttt the following re- port: The following stujtents of the Middle Schaal have been granted standing In the subjects ar rhgwn sod will not be required to write .the Ih•partweulal wluatiu tt' --- Adams, K. -41g. 1I. Aitkeu, 1C.-�Phyaicu I•- A uderruu. C.-C.1,111M. 11. Archer, H. -Log• l• M; C. Hist. I: Bents- . 11; Physics Arthur. M --(leo 11$. Ashur l.- g. Wt. 11•; Geost 11, ra AplLolt�e H• -C. IUdt- 1f ; pblgtCt L ltaechi41-(' =C. IBM. 11; 'Geom. 11. Barnes. 11.---A. Hist. -1; AM. 11; Chem. 1; ill. A. 1; 1.11. Coatp. 1; is. .t. 1: Fr. C. 1; Ger. A. 1; 41er. C. 11. Itrun, 11.-4110. 11. Bisset. W.-Alg. I; l'byate• L Blackztuue. R.-4'. Hist. 11. ('rawford, t'. -Eng. Lit. 11. 1 tawtord, K.- A• Iliat. IL l'hyslev 1. Dean. E --A. lllet. 1; .Ug. 1; 'Chem I; Lat. A. 1; Lat. C. 1; Fr. A. 11; Fr. 1'. 11. nd.wke•r, A. --A. Hist. 11; Grow. I:- LAST WORDS TO Y. P. H. - Physics 1. Dunkin, It.- A. (list. II; Alg. 1 ; 1 Lat. A. I l ; Lat. (, II; Fr. A. 11; Fr. p_.e, E'. W. ('rapt Lelaeew Threcr wags C. 11. to the bung People D111ot. Margret. -(h0.'. 1. Thal 1. Pk of Victoria street church Fellows, 41.-l'hyskY 11. ,.0 aluuday evening held lla closing Horton, h=A{g: i; throws. L meeting before the summer vaeatiou, Homaos• F'•-l;ev'm• 1• nod Itrc. F. W. l'ralk, alio takes • Howard, M. -Eng. Lit. 11;,Glom. 11. urea pastorate at the end of June, ad - Johnston, R. -A. Hist. 11; L•at. A. drys -eel his farewell words It the member-. In hit brief remarks he tare three rules 1.1 follow through life: ;p'Irstly to know great men and ere- -me•n; Ass...11y, to do one thing worth- ily: thirdly. to realise that there la no short cut to sue•ear. The program was under the direc- tion of the• f'hrl-teen decd ut lou cuu- *viler, Miss Mabel Brownlee, and 1a- -eluded the following numbers: Duet, •Drlfting••e by Helen and Elva Stall; LADIES I INDIVIDUAL Permanent Waves Regular $7.50, for $6.0.3, on a new Helene Cnrtia Machine OTHER WAVES AT $4.50 AND $3.00 Betty's Beauty Shoppe 64 Elgin Ave., E. Phone 340 LONDON CONFERENCE (tltrttg,Fa 'a. CLerrt�tllt • Huron Presbytery -The Loudon Conference .01 the United Church is in serafon at London this week. Rev. W. P. Ione and Rev. F. W. ('calk- are in attendance, auto Iles/ire. J. 1'. Hume and A. M. Rotert.ou from the :forth street COTP gr gatiou. and Mr. 0. W. I4aet•hler from the Victoria steeet church. Rev. W. A. Bremner of Brucefleld was elected president of the Confer- ence. ('hanger In Huron Presbytery- re-. commended by the settlement commit- tee are as follows: brussels, 11. J. fano sercr'l dtur.'h. 0. G. urtu0, M.A., B.D.: Egmondvllle, A. W. Shep- r1J}e, It. fele-11n1e:";-Tai'rr = V. 0. Buell, R.A.. 11.1). ; Ooderk'h, Victoria street church. A. 1:. Moor- htu-e: Varna. Geroge A. Barnard.__ 1147C 11; Lat. C. 11; Ft. A. 11; Ger. A.,11. Jones. 11-1iag. Lit. I1. Idtile. K.-E.g. C. 1. Mitaduatild. $!ii l0* ll, _ Mae•i..eod. 1.- -Eag. C. 1e- .Eng• Llt. I: C. Hist. 1. • Matlaaas. L -_._- Moody. 1f.-Ptiymle1 1; Cttem, 1. I'laetaer, E. -.-K g 1.14. 11; 4.'. Iib. 1; t:eutu -.11. Plante, V -11tg. IL.1I.. - Saunders. G. -A• Hlsd 1:1; GeoM• 11-: "elections by the orchestra : plaint salt, '•'rhe Burning of Rome," by Vet - flakier. 14. Blom- i': 11 : tier- A. 11. s a Brownlee; duet, -Take It to Jessup lenaset. L. -Eng. Lit:'"! @let. . d., a;rromette. Page. I1: t:w.w. 1i: Physics IL is Prayer." mootby Mary and Annie Mr Mrik'tiRaH, Moore, Snr11, E.-IJng. bit. 13 : C. Hist. 1h KlnntMn :arid rgru select ions try Weir. J. -C. Hist. 11 : 4:eom. I. all! Mew and \Pard Jewell,weland t hhely. -stmt by !'call Htale oral, F'rrn_4'[t - 11.7- t'• 11; ice: IJt. ��• �y the ardor of the a e p, who are .e- termined to wake it three straight bridge with their swimming Its LI-wizen.. D. A. ilia. 11: Clem. ii., An hour's period of games was s•- wtn.. tor promotion scheme. [Wed under the leadership of Miss • • • • • • Wilson, It.- A. Hlvt. 11; IIF- A. III: Mary McKinnon. after which lunch lit. 1'. 1 : Fr A. 11 : Ft. C_ [I. (;oderk•h goes to. 1Qlatoa this Mrs. A. Taylor, convener ofhhe ways - was ttSrtrld 4-Tburwdali after• ■itd tarans t.4.mmlttPr sod ale ,war 'Lk following students of the Upper Itloomfielel. 1'uwtli, hat. .l 11: Lot.C. 11; Yr: Atli; Er. 0. Young. are Interviewing Seboor itav,- tar's granted vtanding Its615 ThnnazidIbmigClub,ialatua Club, ;bout FSe ycetuive. bnul tallows: »= Ad= Y=AK Hoards. Board of Trade. !'saw Club/tifiisi. J--Cbtt�lC postpo•ed Too cold Use tM bays LagriLh. �l -Med. Hid. iL; (Tim Nile - !lets Age $i1�M -----------_�_�:..�_ .-_---_- -- 'L�kD►fl-{'8aplerp� Ft)(M.lir Weratrw'+- - Local lads went 'to Staffs- I'rld•y League and Women's Institute. 111 11; Iii. Com**II; f . iIT wtfrr•4•i sweiswwwwpa.•t� -: .-- dl--J--s - 1 .1•• Ith. R.-Atg 11: Trig 11 At they IL pt1 OL.Qt the pgQt , • • • �r 11 Ls ex{a.4tei tb•+e wide-awake or. Phew :tral�-remTdef.'-r- r•-itlKad beard. held a1 1'ktoria pnirJUons will readily fell in with Barnes, R. -Eng. Comp: H; Eng school on Monday night. a motion was muse to Lase t.nwimating trate ido. 1. 1carrJed-Uruatmou!ly Stettin[ the. retie- - • • • 1 tor at the Leach thisyear.( � -Yid Tfl•t. 11; ATE 1: Int age of teachers of lath pabllc Made the -manlier wed second straight who, britth th writing tiuta abont • • Geom. 11: Phys. 1; Chem. 1. Both defeated te•tlr, fleatarth and Stade. were crippled. " • • • Kerslake, Suda moundaman, quali- 11•s for fastest ball in the league. • • • Stade was abort -handed and played Seventeen -year-old Frank Drake and a R,ftballer, Drown. to held a 4.1.. • • • NW »'roe =lee• PlIEW . s,.._ s caion i.Faa- aOWERPRESSE Just in ---Fresh as the New Month! New and smart styles that are delightful -- Pastel Crepes, Printed 'Silks, Flowered Chiffons, in styles for -,,, Sport or Dress wear.. Select your Summer Clothes from this New Shipment White Millinery Novelty- crepe flats in iarge and *Mall brim stylet` Plain -.T with f)pee etowns. -SPscu L- $1.29 and $1.95 Chil1ren s Dresses r42'„'Wy?►dn•e-Vewein.4w1.,7wwifp.... ,;tyles nth] well made. Great Reductiors in Ladies' Spoof Suits and Coats Entire stock of ('oats and Suits rctiuredl to. give-away prices. Buy sera and save Men's Sport Wear Terre -cloth Sweatcra with collar and zip- per r -f iug. l'etimatt:s,-4.- road gwiitr. - \\'hite and 'ansa' .=rue *so • "..- SOCKS- .t large carie.of Men's Socks. Regular %hie le and the new "Slat Sox," short length Pity tme-*aes(rt eepauel[-t/-iiey ttoa _ Ose(ello. N. -Eng. 1.1t. 1; Md. HIM. see eye -to -eye with the ladies when fT Alg. 1 7111411L-111 !fl' Tr. A. 1; Fr. Comp. 11. Crawford. E:= --Eng. hit. 11. Dean. E. -Eng. Comp. II; Eng. Lit. 11. Lewker. AwdryTr, Comp. 11. naked to "shell out." • • • ('redlts galore to the ladies.: • • • , 1t Itlnkt as though this taut .et'lle • time when -the barn is 1m•iad.•fief (e horse Is stolen. Mat 'Frltsley handled their best. ' ' • _ - though. "An ounce "f prevention • • • • • • Short as the game was, it had its The klddkes will he Riven Swimming mosaenta-a three -bagger over tie lesson. ■• well a. being guarded If tease by Welsh and two double plays hp prevent piano go through. the Ilocals.• • • ms- 1ao'a+s xs� ':. ,t�rese M ,= :Z:tw'71At«apMaat} Veteran Murney, who refuels M • • • • grow old, bi s good stabiliser aced Iii' 6izty-eight tntries have bees re. field general behind the plate. calved for Ihe• fire races. I • • • • • • !Maitland • League going great guns. $2..500 in slakes Is a good drawing • • • tord for the htraemen. All the boys bought their own equip • • • mPnt 111111 let -the ploughing go hang to Mout entrle•. are from Western ()n- oisy hell tarin, but there are two from desks- • • • toe►.t, one from Edmonton and one No hanky-panky lads In that outfit. from Calgary. • • • • • • One catcher reams le wear a chest A Inn program in asenr•d. Hew protector -*mother walls/ -• mask• about the %rather? -- a. -is __Y..._ _ • • • Everyone ha. • 110 tlatN. Davy D.. George Feapa'• . smart • • racer. has pulled hi,. last milky. And Probably nee reaamSOSiffBs. 110 tostent all because of a rabbit. - to stay on the farina Omen d • - • • • • •- -• • they D. was bitched to a d&sc harrow Terrlrb. 11. -Bot. 11: 104_,,,I• ►1. --•-11.std. L-TTtg. 1; eite. 1; 'Luo. II: Fr. Johnston. IL -Eng. Comp. 11: Eng. 1120.700 for public at•hool purposes for bit. 11- 11116, iut'lnding the debenture debt. • tit Marlerod. J.- Eng. Comp. 1 ; Eng• The amount Is about 2201) in excess 1111 1.11. 1; Most. Hist. 1; Alg. 1; Geom. 1; of that of last year, owing to Imfore• lam bat. A. 1 : Lat. ('amp. I; Fr. A. 1; „ren eipenmer. Wig Fr. Comp. I: Ger. A. I; Ger. Comp I. Teachers at both schools are in �e iCensle. ll' Slppir li °,gc,m. I1, re -en a!�l' - 4Er;,r!•st- - c r c]f1<br'M'at1.- llud. iytr'C"YIt�Prl'�'iume -s3larlew II: int. .l II; Fr. A. 11.. The property eommlttee was lir Martin. F.- -Bot. 11; Zool. I1. - .trut•ted to look after necessary re - Nicol. M.-F.ng. Comp. II; Fatg. Lit paha to fence. and reconditioning of II; !tut. 11. roofs at both schools. Plante. V. -Trig. I; Lat. A. 11. An ■pplleation for a pntltlon as Ruffen. W --Eng. Lit. I; Hod- Mat teacher was received from Mims hazel I; Alg. I: Geom. I; Trig. II: Client. Smlllte, of Henpall. I; Lat. A. 1; Lat. Comp. I; Fr. A. 1; The hoard will ask for prices from local coal dealer* for the winter's schools at sixty-five years. A resolution w*. palmed that_.! torla Home and School 1'tub be Its--- nledsi formed that the hoard was in favor of haring ■ lifeguard and swimming Instructor ■t the harbor during the summer month... and that the venture IIIM would receive the wholehearted -moral Rupport" of the tooard. The town round' w111 be asked to levy god provide for board with s Fr. Comp. 1. Ruston, A.-7nioC1t. ' wonder'', G --E•g. Comp. 11. Stevens. 111.--•tA1i. 1; Geom. I: Trig. 1; Chem. t; Ass:. Comp. ll; Pr. A.,.ge attendance 32'..32. or 1/2.46 per 1; Tr. Comp. I; (her. A. 1; OK. Comp. tent: I'enny !tank deposits $20.74. L Central aehool--enrolment 210, over- rating. II.--0.us. 11. ■ge attendance i49.2. or x7.0 per cent.; , Penny !tank deposit'' >F[tt(.t►0 .A H.1RD$IJELL MA('JIiNE - -- - -- itert Stlnires tins the greatest re- THE NEW PLi:ASURE RESORT And It'. 000 natal .bed Is Min per with three other horses when a rah- spnet for his old T model truck. even A number of local business men cent. amateur. bit dashed across the field. The driv- ti gh It 1e not botch to Ita,k at On have made one or two trip. to Hlerk'a • • • er hoppwl down and took -after the WAltie••elny of last week, while he was Point, mite of a proposed new summer No gram. will grow under the Kln- rabbit. The Lorse•s became excited dnmping ashes over the hunk at the resort and picnic place. but nothing eardlne ball club 'way up In Bruce. ettd ttartei off on their own. rt'i end ,,f the rswn. the truck started definite has tern done In the way of • • • • • • to roll and It halbpwl and Jnit'el over 1 prnmoting the protect. They ar+f wangling for a Toronto- ,. The driver manngt•tl to ell a rubbish nod throngh underbrush to the! A meeting was to he held ,on Tne•- Syractfse international league game dangling rein and hung on, ,.winging bottom of the eighty font Intik. The 1 day night to appoint an exe•utl'P. for 01d Home Week In Arrgnat• the horses In a semicircle. They only damage was a rrackel wind•hi,'i l but srreral of those Invited WPI'P • • • crashed into a iarlsd-wire fence anti and it beet steering gear. and It1•rt ; linable to attend and the meeting 'Tim ''aid they have the gaatantee- I the ,harrow flopped ,,ver 'their beets. drove 114 truck across the tint.. up .1 was p,stlatntl. Further develop All they nits' Is the 1nternatlona l iMvr 11) 's MBs were Ia.-Prated and ten- rutdwtn nod .o continued 411:h hi• � men's are awaited with interest by I.Pagtle O.K- supply. Principal«' reports were an follows: Victoria sehcsol--enrolment 354. aver- dons ver duns cut- work. I the people of Goderlch. 11 • • • • • An Ignominious way for a prontl.ing rimer to end a career. • • • Old-timers At the harbor get many • ass _rill-lallaetri' wile tont here to fish. They expect n gate of 7,100. llislory repa•etR Itmelf' • • • -ser 11tR`at 11.' bowling • • • • • • Jas. Bowden, city 1� at Fdmon- brother of a rrrwden, was Brat yet is the man who booked • -e•atov.. W. Wang, and started to play it • • • 1 cautiously as nth$"*Matt 'irtlifitd.' "ra" Ile Isltl oft for year.. tint on a visit • • • to Onderthh In •Z14liU t t" st.a„ttir.farleere frit 1 CORNFIELD • :.t9- ,,..event!, t: -Mkt he eontarsi nirlerfrargirm:'"'"••'` first money- • • • IA at • week •'hi' as here it •`'Ntirti 'fl17i?i 11111" Frei tl"ttniwt'tlilt f.ant week 'hr vi an Uers again-- foamed up with Tom Tailor --and WOO pinion. who demon,trated it minute second prise - r• latter. . • • • Ile hands out • the cash twit Went lie felt it nlhble and heaved with all find "csnhet In" ,in the Pay!. his might. • •• • -• • • VTrI nal[ 1114' mPn of 'teflon." Wintery perch In tie face. MIT COAD t#trmR 1ii?' School Cie He got tett !lane . of +gnlrmtag. USED -C .'.A 1929- -Eases Ooupe, 4 new tires, new batt t .l condition. Its Jailent,aonditkka. tfoupel►,,�,q,¢,•>��, 40. fla -.4 11UDst1 M003eL '111• J. ,E• MASON e+ are • Lit tie water Is pasting mutat the "1W1 -11i0 iatigJi$ ldR..:M4"-"''"- 4 - fl' b, �•r MANAGER PHONE 6S2 4