HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-5-28, Page 8• 11—Theroday. May MItJ,, 1936 FURNITURE Repaired, Ituauodelled and Upholstered WORK GUARANI/EEL PRICES REASONABLE George McKay 8t- David's Street, Otllissieh "We would not dream of treating a strain of race bases tee way we do eureelves."—Herbert 'Hoover. SPRING FLOM= There was a Asa, exhi tulips and utter spring 6gwers in the Star office wtudows on Friday enol Satur- day last, under tbq awilitces of the Goderich Horticultural Society. The display was a must freditatile nue and way much admired, TO PREPARE FOR'; DOMINION DAY Mayor MacEwan calling a public Meeting, to be bet4iat the town hall MI Tuesday evening next, for the pur- pose of orgaelziug a Dominion Day celebration in Goderich. Goderich has alwsye celebrated Can- ada's natal day, abd ft is toped there will -he a targe sttendsuc•e next Tues- day night, at 8 o'clock, to begin pre- parations for a big day on the coming 1st of July. SANITARY - SATURDAY PURE LARD 110 FRESH HAMBURG -11e PORE SAUSAGE lie SHOULDER ROAST BIM. Ile AT MARKET SPECIALS SHOULDER VEAL.... 12c SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS. 15o STEW VEAL 9a PHONE 485 "'GOD _ -eaall rats iMe ss MMIIIIME..-zgmatry Larne. a Public Meeting Towq 3{all ON s__ 7Mesdcy, ,June 2, 1936 Ire o'clock pJIL, ter the periese Ot Ottanizing a - DOMINION DAT CELEBRATION COMMITTEE 1f a Celebration is desired by the citizens it will be necessary for everybody interested td attend and co- operate. - Ooderich, May 27th, 1936. H. J. A. liacZwan, Mayor. AUBURN, May 2r.—Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore and Vida M. Moore, of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Kruse and Billy. of Galt, were elicitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Swell, of Toronto, were the guests of his slater, Miss Small, on Sunday last, also Mr. M. Small, of Stratford. Mrs. Moore, of Guelph, is the guest of Miss S. Blair. Mrs. McLeod, Mr. D. McLeod, Mrs. Rosa and Donald spent the holiday with friends at Lucknow. Visitors in Auburn were Miss A. Meech, of Tertiatn.. at Mrs. J. Mt tcb's ; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, of Toronto, at )jr. W. C. Robertson's; Mrs. W. King and Miss B. Xing, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scott. of Toronto, at Mrs. C. A. How - sons; Mr. and Mrs. C. McNeill, of Toronto, at C. Asquith's; Mr. and Mrs. =-itarrey Morris, -of Toronto, as Mint and Mrs. 11. Walker, of Brussels, at Mrs. Howatt's; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills, of Toronto, with Mrs. J. Mills. Miss Sadie Carter, Mr. K. Dawson and Mimi Stoltz spent the holiday in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Wilson and Miss Sharpe were at Parkhill for the holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yungblut and tuns visited at Forest._. Mr. Clayton Robertson, of Timmlus, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. per g -Y de '3tYlllri° StFe il1PTot - retype Cliff, where he will he employed for the summer. Mrs. J. C. Clark, of Star City, Sask., Is visiting relatives in Auburn for a few weekw in their drat game of the season in the Maitland Baseball League. on Mon- day. Auburn defeated St. Helens 8-2. FIRE lei STIED Fire of unknown origin broke out eeaterday afternoon, about 3 o'clock. 1n a shed at the rear of the halite Of Mrs. C. L. Moore, East street. A door -between the sh(d and the house was open and the house filled with smoke, hut little damage was done. Tfie fire ea, extinguished by the Are department. DETROIT WOMAN INJURED When the r ar in which she was rid- ing left the--Seaforth-Walton road while allegedly travelling at a high Speer ekidded-Iel feet aTongttheillteb and rolled over -twice, Mrs. Wm. Gonr-1 ley. of Detroit, was terribly injured. She was taken to the Seafortli hos- pital with three cracked ribs, a frac; tureil spine and cols and bruises. Her husband. driver of the car, and their grandson. Freddie. escaped with braises but suffered front shock. Constable N. Lever, who investigated, preferred charynw of reckless drielny and consuming liquor on a _public highway. 'DOMINION" x Canada Company Diwlag .t Its Lands in '!tits Moltkt That historic colunlaation organlaa- tluu "The Canada Company," which 1p the early days of Upper Canada, now Ontario, had a large part In the open- ing up and establishment of many of the first settlements In different parts of the Province, has -announced a gals - by -tender program In order to clear up the remainder of its scattered hold- ings. The name "Canada Company" was in the early part of Last century very prominent In the history of Ontario, and to it a great deal of credit is due for the well -laid -out communitlea, and tbe Industrious class of loyal citlsens who, at the encouragement of the Can- ada Company, made their homes in the different sections, and made good. In ,Many localities today we fiud tbe de- scendants et these early settlers taking as settee psis* Iia -!!s aide. at 4i. country. When the widely scattered proper- ties are disposed of, municipal officers In many direetlons will miss from their books and records a name which has had a place In those records from their very beginning. SALES INCREASE Sales of Dominion Stores Limited for the fifth period ended May 16th, 1936, were 81,517,152. This compares with $1,360939 for the corresponding rj!p4 In 1935, and Is an increase of 1eistt it - e r_ own -- WHARF DAMAGED A scow towed by the launch Captain John is busy removing the Brushed section of the wharf which was dam- aged by the steamer Brieoldoc two weeks ago. The steamer crashed against the cement wharf with tremen- dous force, crushing the cement from fop,to waterline and breaking It across the top. It is not known here It the ship was damaged. $TR_ GEORGIAN 1=52. But Blase ExtinguishedBrigade B lrr Shortly- before 5 o'clock Toe -Say morning fire broke out between decks on the passenger steamer Georgian, of the Seaway Lines, which is being painted after spending the winter in the harbor here. It is believed the fire was started by spontaneous eembeation In a pile pf oily waste rags discarded by the painters. About fifteen feet of the side of the Rip was charred and a eectlon of deck ceiling, but the prompt Work of the Goderich fire brigade and the crew of the steamer soon put the blaze under control. ! r The burned section will have to be { 'BRIEFS The Nurses' Alumnae will meet at Alexandra hospital on Friday. June 5th, at 8 o'clock. Rummage sale at the other half of the Old Curiosity Shover, 28 Hamilton street. on Saturday, May 80th. Call and see what you can get for a 'sickle and a dime. The regular meeting of the Woolens Institute will be held at MacKay Hall on Thursday, June 4th. Reports of the district annual meeting at Londes- boro will be given. The Arthur Circle of Knox church intend holding a silver tea at Mrs. J. W. Cralgle's cottage on Thursday, June 250. Hume -made belittle will also be sold. The June meeting of the Central Home and School Club w'll be held on Tuesday afternoon, June 2nd. at 4 o'clock at Central school. Tbla meeting will be in charge of group 2, midge eisesleadoreblp e! 'Mrs. Renese Pridbam. The special speaker will be Miss Flora Durnin of Dungannon. DIED CRAIGIE.—At Alexandra hospital, on Thursday, May 21st, Kathleen Mary Kelly, widow of the late Fred T. Cralgie. MaeKAY.—In Goderich, on Friday. May 22nd, Captain John MacKay, in his 86th year. YOUNG.—At his home, 72 Kilbarry road, Toronto, on Monday, May ask:' Otit Brie 5" Y bis 68th year. n VETERINARY SURGEON DR. G.' E. MTERS, V.S., B.V.8c, VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the University of To- ronto and Ontario Veterinary College. Office at T. T. Murphy's, Hamilton street. Phones: Day 206; residence 249W. AUCI'IONIEMOING TO )RENT TO RENT.—OOMYORTABLE APART- MENT, ground fluor Colborne block, Newgate street. Rent reasonable. Good garden. Also single room in Mme block. Apply ROBT. JOHNSTON, Box 836. Phone 131. PUBLIC -NOTICR HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, The nett meeting of Huron County Council will be held in the contact., chambers, ('ourt House, Goderich, com- mencing Tuesday, June 2nd, at 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations, applications end ether beelaess re qulring attention of council should be fa the hands of the Clerk by June let. J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk, Court House, Goderlcb, Ont. OT COLBORNE. THOMAS GUNDRY, GODERICH, -&—LIVE STOCK AND- GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119 males attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted. WANTED WANTED. — 100 USED TIRES. rr Trade in your used tires for new Ihim inions. BEEVERS' SERVICE STATION, Goderich, Ont. D()ARD11RS. WANTED, BY DAY OR aP WEEK.—In private house, with I mestere eonvenlencee. Only a block from the Square Mrs. M. placed., BRECKENEIIN/E, 48 Newgate street. GODERICH MARKET PRICES Fowl Hens, 5 lbs , 13c; hens, 4-5 lbs., Ile; bens under 4 lbs.. 10c. Eggs -and Butter Eggs; per dozen. 12c -16e; butter, dairy. )b. 18c; butter, creamery, lb., tic. Live Sleek Bacon hogs. cwt., $7.75; beef, lb., —6c; veal, lb., 7e -7%e. Grain 1, per bus.. 00c—!tie ; buck - per bus., 33e -36c; oats, per tie -3(k•; barley, per bus., 35c— GUARANTEED QUALITY We keep only the freshest foods on hand at all times. Ro b ' Cooking Rowwta•..'s Cooking CHOCOLATE -lb. Cake Orange Juice in the Tin Califorange Nutritious, healthful juice obtained from sen -ripened oranges especially cultivated Packed is sterilised sani- tary tins. Glssweed "tlei.d' DICED BEETS DICED CARROTS or SMARTS DICED TURNIPS No.ins 2 £ 5 sq C T These swill values are effective. Me May Pith, 29th and 30th Clark's TOMATO JuicE 3 14` PEACHES 223t1Sq. Y PLAT RS 4P7;142 i wnLaM!A ADA TarcA 31c Pks- 61` se..t>Vd CORNMUTE 311.225 Our awn Fansws Biend RICHMELLO COFFEE Pkv 29` Eig's Ptd. Geawia. Norwesiaa S4 RDINES m Tim 1 OC BRAN FLAKESPki.1OC 2 =1 Mint MI 11.14` LIQUID MACARONI PORK & BEANS SOUPS ZhirliCd"e LARGE FIRM LETTUCE 2 for 13c FIRM CHOICE TOMATOES 2 lbs for 29c SOLID CABBAGE 715^ for 9c I•AROE GRAPEFRUIT 4 SPINACH 3lbs CLARK'S Weston's "B" Pkg SODAS 2 Pkgs. Zig A Real Breakfast neat The country is going wild over PLEWS OAT PUFFS The new cereal in the cello- phane package. 3Pkgs. 25` 3 T:,..25` TOS; oz C Tin. 2 5 SPECIAL OFFER! Old Dutch Cleanser Ask your manager about the amazing opportunityto secure genuine Wm. A. ogers A -i Plow Silverware. 5 T -45c ...STORES LIMITED... (FREE DELIVERY ON ALIj OIRDDiti) e liegtttaMea Potatoes. per hag. "$1:2:1.35; fur_ per bus., 23c --30c. - Flour and Feed ' Bran,.- 100 -Ib. bag, 8110--AL1i.- horts. lOOdb. bag, 81.202-41.25: ILali- osa flour, 100.1b. bag, 82.85—$8.25. 0:Keep GOING with Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes appeal to active appetites. They furnish nourishment for energy and strength. They're crisp and delicious with milk or cream. PEP Bran Flakes have enough extra bran to be mildly laxative. •Enjoy these better bran flakes for breakfast with fruit or honey added. Always oven - Nob at your pacer's. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. THE BANKRUPTCY ACI' THE BANKRCTC?ACT TRI-ISTEE'S SALE OF GOf)ERICH RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY The trustee of the estate of Wil- 1 frill Donaldson will offer by public auction at the premises on SATURDAY. MAY 30th, 1936, at the hoer of 1.30 p.m.: The north -half of Lot nine, Conees- Alon "C," In the Town of Oodertcb, excepting a strip off the easterly end, on whk•h is said to be erected a good briek house. large frame barn and a f rame workshop or poultry house. This property Is well located on the Bayfleld road and Is In good condition and repair. , The prnperty will he offered subject to a reserve bid. Pnssesslon will be given on completion of purchase. TERMS: Twenty per cent. of the purchase price at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days, or as may be arranged with the undersigned. O • D(JST OF REVISION Take notice that the Court of Revi- sion will be held at the Township Hall, Carlow, on Tuesday, June 9th, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of bear- ing appeals against the assessment roll of the Township of Colborne for the year 1936. AU persons Interested are requested to attend. WM. SALLOWS, Township Clerk. PROPERTY REtQt'IRED SUITABLE mero.snwsma-reg=s--;. .i" toreree For a client we are interested in the purchase of approximately 7,300 square feet of land centrally located in Goderleh's business district. The property need not have a large front- age on a main thoroughfare, but small frontage providing access to main area is required. Block plan showing lo- cation and adjoining properties. should be submitted. All replies strictly eon- fidentlaJ. Terms cash. Submit replies to BOX 853, 88meoe, Ontario. TENDE1t8 WANTED TENDERS WANTED. I Tenders for re -roofing Goderich Collegiate Institute. All information will be given to thous tendering on application to P. J. Mace/wan, chair- man of the property committee. DUDLEY E. IIOLMES, ''Tenders mutt be In by Wednesday, Barrister, Etc. Office—court House, Goderich. Telephone 55. SPORTS FOR NAY 25, 1936 GOLF CLUBS AND BAGS GOLF BALLS AT 26e 36o, 60o, 75o TENNIS RACKETS, AND PRESSES TENNIS BALLS at 25c and 450 Cole's Book Store Goderich Ont. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1. W. MONTEITH, Chartered Accountant 89 Ontarioo street, Stratford, Qnt;rj ,,r, s. 'l t merino! ' aete -!sepsis teltb, Tomato, Ontario.) MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, N08E, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Opbthalmk and Aural Hospital, as - aslant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden 8qu,.re Throat Hospital, London, Eng. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 63 Waterloo -Sheet -1k; - Stretford Telephone 267. Next visit—Wednesday, Juoe 17, from 7 p.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, Juue 18, at Bedford hotel. LEGAL June 10, tenders to be addressed to J. 1'. HI'ME, Secretary Goderich Col- legiate Institute Board. 1 TENDERS FOR COAL AXI) COKE ICEALED Tenders addressed to the 277 undersigned and endorsed ',Tenders !for Coal," will lie re eired until 12 lo'clock noon (daylight saving), Mon- day, June 15th, 1930, for the supply of coal and •coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifiratlons and conditions attached can le ob- tained from the I'urchaslog Agent. De- partment of Public Works, Ottawa; and the SupervisingArchitect, 30 Ade - !gide street East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forme supplies by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and ' eow ditions. The right ,to demand from the sue- , (wistful tenderer a deposit, not exceed - Ing ten per cent. of the amount of the Render, to 'secure the proper fulfilment of the contract, Is reserved. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE. Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 18, 1936 - out of as a app o t e an Brit go \I/8 a rrt THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY LIMITED, Trustees, Brantford, Ontarlo. THOS. Gi'NDRY k SON, Auctioneers, Goderleh, Ont. HAYS & HAYMIarristers and Solid- -. tors, (1oderlc Ontario. - FOIMICE DOUSE FOR SALE.—TWO-STORY l brick house on Trafalgar street, In good condition. Modern conveniences. Apply GEORGE WESTBROOK, Tra- falgar street. COR SALE.—TWO GOOD HOLSTEIN 1 cows, doe to freshen about June 1. About seven years old. Apply JOHN TREBLE, Goderich R.R. 5. Tele- phone Carlow 17r7. elOUSE FOR SALE. --TWO-STORY brick house on Nelson street. Eight rooms and bathroom. Good location. Would exchange for"bungalow to cot- tage. Apply at RIGNAL OFFICE. Eli THORN HERD BULL FOR 8A7.E.—Thick and low -set, of Browndale hreeding, five years old. Also young hull of serviceable age. Apply J. C. STOLTZ, Auburn. Tele- elhone 19r7, Blyth. PASTURE FARM TO RENT NEAR • Renmiller, or will sell on ferry terms. Apply to MRS. 1111TH THOMPSON, 13368 Chelsea street, Detroit, Mich., or to HARVEY FISHER, R.R. 6, Ooderlch, Ontario, Canada. COR SALT —CHOICE TOMATO. I earring. and cauI1lower plants. Te. mato 4t eenta, eabham[e io ends par 100; rauliflower, aster and other' pleats 10 cents per dozen. H. P. LASH - BROOK, 80 Wldder street, Britannia road. near Hotel Sunset (turn at Bor- rows' store). L'OR SALE.—BUNGALOW ON f Keaya street. Red brick, good con- dition, seven rooms including three- pleee bathroom. Hardwood floor. throughout, modern lighting. storm windows all round. Frilly heated by t.rweee. Dnehle garage. Fete* let with young frnit orchard. Sacrifice for gnlek gale. Apply 47 Keays LANDS FOR SALE IIY TENDER. Tenders are invited by the Cauda Company for the purchase of the re- maining land of this old (colonization Company In order td clear-up Its scat- tered holdings in each district. These lands In many cases have varying amounts of timber suitable for fuel and other purposes, and many are good pasture lots. These lands are being offered at reduced prices, and, when sold, this opportunity will net occur again; so 11 you are Interested, look them over. Sealer) tenders plainly marked "Ten- der to Purchase" may be addressed: Canada company, 371 Bey Street, To- ronto, and o- ronto,.and will be received up until five o'clock p.m. June 20, 1936. Conditions—Tenders must specify the lands sought ; and the sum offered must be specified for each lot, the same to ire In cash, that le to say, 10 per cent. upon arceptance of the tender, and the balance within ten days; fail- ure to .pay the balance within the speci- fied time shall forfeit the said deposit of 10 per cent. Upon payment of the final payment a quit 'Aim deed will be furnished without chargee, but the purchaser shall pay the cost of reeve tratlon and any transfer tax Incidental, and shall take possession of the land specified at his own cost and charge. I'urchaaers moat assume the taxes of 1936, and the Canada company re- serve the right to withdraw any of- fered lot from the list; and to accept or refect any tender. Purchasers of unoccupied lands may hare powteesien upon receiving their died; while occupied lands will he sold subject to any eontraet thereon. Lots are being offered In the Tows - ships of Ellice, North Easthope and Logen In Perth County ; In Townships of McRlllop, Httlletf, Colborne, Goderkb, limy and Stephen In Huron Connty; end 115 Townships of McGillivray, Nig- sour, and East and West Williams in Middlesex County. Engnlrlee from any interested party in respect of any lands which the Can- ada Company may own.Will he ebeer- fally senewered In reply to an enquiry addressed 'THF CANADA COM- PANY, 871 Bay Street, Toronto, Cen- trals.^ DOUGLAS R. NIt1RN, Y Barrister and Solicitor 0Ake Hamilton Street. Goderfett. Telephone 512. ERNEST M. LEE, D Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Vic- toria ictorla Streets. Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. DRUGLESS PRACPITIONRR rU111OPRAOTOR AND DRL'GLmBS THERAPIST Godericb, Phone 341 fliqulpped with electro-magsetle baths. Electronic electric treatments and chlropractk. Chronic, orgaalc, and nervous diseases. Lady le at- tendance. Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 . to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, FrLlay and Rite urday, and on Wednesday 10, Tet 1i a.m. only, or consultation may be Bad bl ment Mondayappointand Tbursday at Mitchell. A. N. ATKINSON Residence and .mce--Corner .1 South street and Britannia road.. INSURANCE, LOANS, 1R1Y,.' WeKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO.—Farm and isolated town propertt insured. Officers—Alex- Broadfoot, PreeUtot, Seatorth ; John E. Pepper, -Skeins i- M!!! "lilEeeBefd tart' -Treasurer, Seaforth. Directors—Alex. Broadfoot, Sea - forth ; James Sholdlce, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londesboro; George Leonhardt, Dublin; John E. Pepper, Bruce6eld ; James Connolly, Goderich ; Thomas Moylan. Seaforth; W. R. Archibald. Seaforth; Alex. McEwing, Blyth. Agents—W, J. Yeo, R.R. 8, Clinton: James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, R.R. 1. Rrneefield ; R. F. McKereher, R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kin- cardine ; R. G. Jarmuth, R.R. 1, Born- holm. Policy -holders can make all payments and get their eards recelpted at th. Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Ostt's Grocery, Kingston stmt, Goderich, or .1. 11. Reld's General Store, Bayfield. SAVE Money by Prepaying TOWN OF GODERICH 1936 TAXES Taxpayers may purchase Tax Prepayment Receipts for 1034 Taxes al favorable dlermrnts. COST May 11.15 AMOUNT• $10.00 50.00 9.93 49.65 Prepayment Receipts must he presented along with 1936 Tax Bills during the first Installment period. Bank inter -eat Is only 2 per rent. Pnrehase your Prepay- ment Receipts early and have ymtr money earning 5 per cent Interest. June Dieconnta will be allowed In addition. An 1L 1ial rY" . • TAX OOLLBL'TOR. 1