HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-5-28, Page 5BEWARE THE MOTH ! ! PROTECT YOUR CLOTHING FROM MOTII l)AMA(Ig GARMENT BAGS . PARACIDE KILL$ 11011114 AND THEIR LARVA Clomps 1n two grades, one for use in duties. closets, rugs, up- . lettered [orbiters., etc., the other for yuur vacuum cleauer PER LH. TiN Ne —IAKVEX MAKES FABRICS MOTIF-PROOF— Non-htjurious, odorless, nun-lnfiumwable PBM 16 -ca. BOTTLE WITH ATOMIZER....f1.5O Per L6-oa. Bottle without .iluodzer ft.N CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE PHONE fN 22 THE SQW'ARE WK DELIVER ASHFIELD ASHFIELD. May Y6.—Mr- Mayyl• Mael moan. gat J3arrle, spent tbsftt1esk, eat here with his mother.._ Mr. thud Mrs Archie MaeUurcby, of Detroit, visited among their friends here last week -end. Mt. and Mrs. Wagner and children, of Detroit, visited with the former'. stater over the week -end. Mr. and Mr',. Collinson, of London, 'peat the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. (olllnson. Mew Annie MacKenzie, of Sarnia, visited et the bora. of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Grant. Mrs. Allan, Margaret and Jack, of (lamlacble, spent the week -end et the home of Mr. John MacLeod. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn, of Mani- toba, called on friends here last week. The meeting bf the W.M.S. was held at the borne of Mrs. Hector MacLean Most of the (cottages along the late were occupied over the week -end. Mr. Darr 'Marfunisr-y re„yetyed-altJ-_ sen on the 12th ronee'aseou, died on Welne•fdny morning. He had iNen In falling health for ■cess. time. For tbe past four years Ile resided at the hoax. of Mist Barbara iiueglass, where LADIES! INDIVIDUAL Permanent Waves Regular 17.50, for 16,00 on a new Helene Curtis. Machine OTHER WAVES AT 14.50 - AND 13.00 Betty's Beauty Sheppe __ 84 Elgin Ave., E. Phew $40 he nam tenderly eared fpr. Ile was very quiet, unusmuwlllg and a good nelgblwr_' The funeral was held from d Presbyterian church, the servh•e,. beteg eeedueipasser. J- K. MacGilllrryry. DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, May 27,--1t was a lovely week -end for the people, but we wonder what the fish thought of It. About every third ear 011 the roads on Monday was decorated with fishing tackle. Mr. W. A. eme- cession of Aahtkdd, lately sold two Ane pedigreed Shorthorn rows to the Hep- burn farms at St. Thomas. Mr. and Mr'. Milton Stutter. and Mine Jean Stothers, of Toronto, spent the week -end and holiday with their Iareuln, ]dr. and Mrs. Thos. Stothers. Mrs. !toot. Moore 1.s spending a few days v[ap]our .her 111044-, Mra. Stanley ttlnll, un the Dtrislon line in West R awanush. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Heford and two ioys and Miss Winut(red Mc- Clure, R.N., of Toronto, motored up and spent the holiday wlih Mr. and IT Mrs. W. H Mct'iitge--attd -]ars. Arthur -4 (% Roaeb. t lir. and Mrs., Wm. Robb, of Luck- D now, spent Mobility with their slater - In -Zan,. Mrs. Elizabeth Robb, In the qulagr. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McEachren and children, of Lobdua, Visited Mr, and lire. 14 A. McKenzie last week-en4. Someone of little sportsmanship' tettwced. cl►e acorebosrd at the balm- 11011 ases1 ba11 ground): UT ieyues-red10 THE SIGNAL -- GODERICH, ONT. PARAMOUNT PARAMOUNT, May 2t. -11r. Norlal Rldwrds bas commenced working at 811verw•,sttd's pinut in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Spindler, of Lueknow, were recent visitors with Mr. and Sirs. +' Wm. Mac01I1. (Continue[ from page 1.) Mr. Lloyd 31arAniey, of Dungannon, ua ay at m home here District Meeting Women's Institute hour, and iter. 1)r. Barnett, of (]oder spent St d hl len, made a ISM ring appeal to the nu - Mr. John and fir. Goldie Martin "nett to lend their valued assists—so spent the week -egad at London. to the worthy cause of helping to ��t L+ provide homes fur motherless children WESTFIE D uuder til care of the Society. After - Nerds a committee was appointed to co-operate with a eumwlttee composed Wi STiPIELD, May 27.--11ra. Wei- of one member from each branch, to ter Cook %vas a Seaforth visitor o4 be appointed by the branch, lu further- 5rtyrd•y lug the good work. Mr. and Mrs, WIn. Graham, of in the afternoon the ladies of Stratford, caljed on Mrs. it. Buchanan Loudestwro led in community singing fur the opening of the second mention, Mt*s Yoe Tyne*. oC'I.ondeeboro, Aa the hoar wan ..a .M .lbs. president 'pent Sunday with bet 'amain, Mrs. dispensed with Ler address, only slat: W Cook• Ing that Me had visited all the Miss Edna Ralyd and Master Don- branches during the year and thanking "-Clinton, were visitnra In the district for tbe confidence they had Westfield over the week -end. piated'in bee asw►.isopeaying their car , operation during the ensuing year. KINGSBRIDGE miss Redmond, of St. Augustine, fav- ored with a pleasing plan° solo, apd KING8I11tIl3GE, May 26.—Mr. and responded to a hearty encore. Federation Represattative Mrs. -amens, of Allenford, the Federation representative, brought comparted on their return by Mtn and in a eery Ane address endeared greetings from the Provincial Hoard, Agnes, wise bag been spending a while with her, et, ]drat Martin.-; herself to her hearers. She empha- Mr.'and re. A. Hebert and Andres- in ree- sized We Importance of branch srcro- c Hales' being explicit in their reports, of Detroit, spent the weekend at M. upon which the department judges the J. O'Connor's, where Mrs. Hebert and work the branehee are accomplishing. children intend remaining for some In referring to the work of the stand - time. ing committees, she made a special Mesar,. Thos. Wallace, ot.. Holy- appeal for ht'tork'al research, as the rood, and John Wallace, of Luck Mrs. King and eons, of Teeswater, chilled Mr. and Mrs. Maize Martin on Ascension Thursday and were ac- CARLOW CARLOW, May 27.—Mrs. Wm. Green watt taken 111 yesterday and was re- moved to the home of her mister, Mtn Jos. Ration, in Goderich. We trust she will make a speedy and complete recovery. Hydro lights have been totalled in the central telephone office here. The ferment are planting euro this week. Fall wheat and clover are in fine ev+ndltlon and crop prospects no far are excclleut. CREWE TALBOT & CORNISH GODERICH ('HEWN:, May 2t1.-- Mr. Bert and Mbca Mabel Reid visited with Mende lu Whitechurch on Saturday. ]Ito: Yui SIS►, �1t[tlfty_.lvtle alt (' u- oru, vlstted uu Monday with the lat- ter's ulster, Mrs. Bert Finnigan. Mrs. ties) Cranut, of British Col- umbia, is vlsltlug at the home of het brother, Mr. Orville Donna. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. held and sons, Jack and Douglas, vlaltcd un Sunday with relatives in Wawauoeh. The auuual garden party will be held on the eburcb lawn on June 19. Mr. Cameron Geddes of l.uckw,w 14111 supply the program. Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatriel and famlty, of Lucknow, spent Monday' IL this vk•Inity. COURRIE'S CORNERS O(NJRRIIs'8 CORNERS, May 2t1.— Mr. attd-Mrs. Alf. Armstrong, of Lon- don, spent part of the weel-end at Mr. spent tbe week tend with their brother , pioneers to whom we owe au much ure David Little's. Miss Mary -11ton, lent, apentence. generally being called away, and soon had been visiting there for 'owe Owe, We are Riad to see Mrs.q'Xell 'b we 'ball have no tourte of lafarma- returned with them. tion from which to draw. She railed Movers. k'rank and Jim Drennan, of venturing one again atter her long .lege of illness thattention to the new song sheets Ingersoll. spent e week -end at their available, also the new hand books, Miss Ilea Foley, of Godertch. floated home here. her home here on Sunday. and gave valuable hints for relief Quite a number Of the ncho•ul ehild- There watt quite a reunion of the , work. She painted a glowing picture ren and sumo of the growu-ups bane Iron. Garrey family when Ref. Edwin of the value of institute work among been quite 111 recently :With a very bud hos G r eyR.aand Mr. and Mrs. woe the people of, the moat sparsely settled ivold. districts, especially 111 the North, 11 Mr. and Mrs. Warner Smyth and :encu and family, of Toronto, andwhere enthusfa.m In tJi-r'it•hyk fa -aril children. of'1'ttmA water, ud Mr. Albert r. Leo Garvey, of Guelph, event the ' e : high .pitch. Their (Infirmities only I ltt:tjuold. of I.u(•kpow, visited on Sus - :eek -end at thrix home here. ]bra. Thea. Regie, president of the • i serve to make the members more ape I tiny at Mr. Jas. Little's. Mittel, branch of the Women's in prer•hrtice. She appealed to mothers k Miss Anna_31ae Yarrtsh, Mra. David to begin nr home•, and not to ?pend Little and MIss Vera, and Mr. William Mttute, with her e(-r,.y,MisMaryis• time oft untmportu t thing' and miss 1 q'aring were at 1,nuaulwm on F'rr Emily Brown and ]foe. Drennan, O'MIS.Oan- out on things that are worth while. day, where Vera attended a meeting Chaldron should he taught klndnese.l-of tete garden Club. nor, attended the district annual meet.; nig of Went Fibron Women's Institute apd' consideration for dithers.., She ! Mire Sadie Famish, of Hemlock stresse,i the vague of junior work, and • City, visited her coupons Miss Jean aLJirndesboro last EFIde ''.• :urged the seniors to give leadership Ne hen, on Sunday, ---' The May meeting gat o- . es last/Lure- wH$o slectie.r of to the younger girls. -- ._ --�----- ------- . etiam vUctur. repretttnt_iag tete de - officers fnr the ceHning year, waa-1Nld toes at the home of Mrs. 1t. McKenale With w-spreent"t crave • very run uplani Dirge attendance. tits of the co-operative program nt- Mrr. J. it. Whitely and daughter Ra-�I' ed kby the department, and toe- ' • Jitney Dancing AT THE PAV I EVERY SATURDAY NITS —TONY FARR'S BAND- -Prep Taxi from Square -- ALSO DANCING EVERY TUESDAY NiGHT ADION. - - - 35 cents Grand Bend DANCING EVERY SATURDAY AND WEDNESDAY beginning May 30th, 193C lin popular demand we again bring you Gene Fritzley AND HIS 10 -PIECE • ORCHESTRA --FEATURING "ACCORDION AB" "IVAN ROMANOFF ACID HIS VIOLIN" "THE MANOR TRIO" Furnished cottage•„ fur rent. tv rite or phone •.('A i 1 N,, . (.RANI, BEND. -Me.-en4 Sts', l�illarf. iioiitm, f E ter, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Menses and daughter Betty, at Toronto, swear -- the 24th with Mrs. /lotion's sister, a Mrs. Sam Roach. Messrs, Jack Richardson, Sam Swan, 1 m Wilbur Johnston and Leslie &•holt, ! 3* book In the races at Mitchell on MOO- 1 hr day. Mrs. R. McDonald and Meas Ferne Robb. accompanied by Miss Marjorie McDonald and Miss Myrtle Slllib, •sited the slitter of tbe two Int - named. Mrs. Gordon Ritchie, and twin T boys at Wtngham hoapltal on Saturday, l' Mr. sod Mrs: Joe Prior and family, Ju of Guelph, v(alted the latter's sister, H neellial.—An inn -reeling piano one, of Godereoh, visited Mrs. Moss i*a ,•rs Sertice" was deified upon recital by the pupils of Miss Gladys enerday. the holiday. I Sts the pert to he adopted by West M. (]ale, A.T.('.]f., N'as held in the The dale for the next puny in Kings- 1 Huron. Iwsement of St. Andrew's church on idgr Is Juno ]Oils Don't forgetIL Junior Werk Friday evening last. The plano nnm- Yiss w! -lire Durbin, of Dungannon, bers were Interspersed with dellghL w'edlarnown county each, outlined Ful solos by Miss Margaret Onley, GODERICH TOWNSHIP Junior work In all Its aspects, and of Toronto. Mrs. Moorehuuae read an shows.] what was being accomplished interesttug sketch from the life of (4ODFRICH TOWNSHIP, May 28.— along this line. Beethoven before Iris Sonata I'ethe- be Jung meeting of the Dramatic Mra. Phillipa, Blyth. entertained the tique was played by the teacher. dlf- hub will be held on Tu(•sdoy evening, gathering with a pleasing solo. Re- the coarse of the eveuing a beautiful ns. 2nd, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ablutions endorsed by the gathering bank of tulips and other spring flow- arvey Fuller. — itrdei 'Mjs. Stanley Dennis, for tbe week -end. ]tial► ^f?iarn Sproule and" Mr. and 1 Mrs. J. I).-•ilrsaott.- of Stratford, spent Sunday and the holidny with Mr*. 1 1/avid Sproule. (►n Monday, Mrs. L' Root. Wllsun, Rube. 11'llson, 7r.. sad ilMildred Wilson. LEN.. of Gorier' • teh, also were visitors there. -- __lupe —_lupe 3felltlelnhn, of Harrlatoa, wo'�o�1t�. was lecturer at toe-" ng Ii~1rrxrrKpn Gardening and Canning Club held In Yo the Presbjtersn ehurch• on Friday, I' was a guest with Miss ('ora Finnigan. Tb Mr. and Mrs. Laing. of Toronto, are Ju 'pending an extended visit with the latt•r's 4st,r. Mre. Nellie Stewart, he Among improvements around the (' village wr note that Mr., Harder I haring her house painted; Mr. hoot, se Armen -one's house Is having a ,tnreo bel flnisb : Mr. Milford Pentlnnd is het log Ida his shop and garage painted: Mess lot 'Pb Graham Johnston and Fart McAI- to return to the two weeks' nt era wes-.pre-aented to Mies Gale by Iter spentyMr. 11'hlcomiw, through the kindness Monday (o iondon. In preference to the Ace -day roars,,, Victorta street softball team plays !as .o,itggeatel by them at present: en- by ]the pupils was ase ft Mows: Sohe il-- alum team on Thursday evening. The . pervlslon of the scboot noon -hour by tilers' Merril (Schumann), Avalanche, upon clam play* at. Taylor's Corner , teachers; temperance education in the Patsy Atklnaon : Buzzing Bumblebee, 4ezt 11'elneselay evening. 'hone to circumvent the bad inflnenee Lorraine Talbot: Trumpeter's Seren- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Co.:, Cod- I exerted by present temperance leges- ado, Ruth Middleton; Ding Ttr'e1A Ile , t h Fuwttabip, announce the engage- f lattnn : a hearty rote nt appreciation Juat a itnnrh of Flowers, Ethel Wat- ent of their second. daughter, Anna Ito• the Londp,tu,ro ladies for their son: Galop from WI111am Tell (duet), to- >w. -i` uo..I.enk (Ij .ho,pltatittvwh)rb made the Ruth and Myrna Sflddt,'(p»_;_TheCir- ungest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert divtrlet annual of thie year *o,uueeews-rote Comes r"tfietl, Xflha Reid and earson, also of Goderieh township. I cul. The Invitation of Auburn to bold ;Gladys'(Rile : The Surprise Symphony. ,• marriage will take place early In the next annual meeting there was Alma Reid; Sing, Robin, Ring. Pretty nr. '� accepted. "'-, - Rtrdle�Z'hild', Goodnight. [tort, ]ars. Wilson, gat Iatedon, Is making r McKcwen; Minuet in G. On the Merrl- r home with her son, Mr. Triads. BICi•CLE AND CAR COLLIDE gnround: Church Bells hinging,. Phyl- hisholm, Cinddp Murray. who watches over ' 1) MId,11Mon : Laughing Rondo,'.17ff ' A meeting of the telephone Pub- :Dr. J. R. Whitely', string of harness' the Merrigoround, I'riecllla. Anna ser on the 4th cuntessien was! racers, was strnek down In a cc/Melon held: Goodnight, Little Girl. Marla d In the Orange Hall last Th,rsel with an arttomobile late Monday night. i Hehner; Home Again. Mlnnet (Boe- y evening to discus,, the dividing llie was taken to Alexandra hospital ',eb,rinit, Londonderry Air, Floyd Me - nue' circultIn (i(►dert, which has twenty-three' with cuts' on hemi and face. but was I Ash: Handel'. Largo, Spinning Song, . releas,•r1 wbpn his w•^•e• F:lhaheth (vers hops• Is being stuc- co ed and Mrs. itoht. Treleaven's house ehlrtgled. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Nicene and family, of 1V1nghnm, weep SundAy visitors with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. wit Robt. Mosrre. II (per -"Mr. and Mra. Harry Manwerrtng, of i T Leaving. North Toronto, were visitors ' Tay on the 24th with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. !of Bray. On July 10th they mall for aft England to spend three months. wee( f see "One of the moon difficult Nooks of was government today la to Arold the the astgrandisement of any nate group and wit to keep the main ol+je-tire of the for ge'rwrnl gooNd dear and nuimpalrel."— mile Franklin D. Roosevelt. the. Mrs. Gordon Marwood and family 'tee Ecolssaises (Beethoven), Vera Pease Riven mcell(al attention. -• Murray was Donee of the Ladybirds, Itndervon,, have returned hoose atter spending a rifling n bleyele along Britannia road, I 011re Frrntt • ■ hit • nen rA t'atnetiq r u G(slerleh, - and the accident occurred at the In-; (Beethoven). Gladys M. Gate. ra • G . Falconer visited recently , terecction of South street and Rritan- h her daughter, Mr.. Jas, Horton, i eta rood. The bleu -Ie was badly urn damaged. he ladteds' Aid „t 7.t nt church, lora Corner, will meet at the /wine IN THE HOT SEAT Mrs. H. O. Walters on Wednesday Prank (Mick) Mero broke nut In ernoon, June 3rd, at 2 o'clock. a ra'p't as he drove an aneteht truck Rpeael Wp�aenger, aged twenty - up Netesr-The May Itp the hill front the Mnitland Golf rots•, who toe -aped (he second time Dog of the W.M;S. of -Union church Club on Tncsdny morning, It became fn six weeks tram thw Wellingtnn entn- held nn Wednesday aticrnoon it?'y(n�eet4Y warm as he neared the ty gnol, at Guelph, on Saturday, home of Mrs. George 3fcllwalin, brow of the hill, and Mick, suspecting eluded capture by a matter of minutea b eleven ladles present. The quilt "'omething ons "nil". leaped from the „n Runday night at hayfield. the bale was finlsbed during the seat, He bbd no sooner dismounted County Constable John Fergnsnn, of rnoon. Mrs. Rohl. McZlw•,In led than a colubnr of Are shot up In the,G,rk•rich, awn called to Itarfield when devotional rieRisee. The Scrip- air. A bucket brigade from Mike Ken- is ynnth, ielltvp4 to by Wce,enger, was re leniK (I'salm 27t was read re- •nedy's soon put out the fire.caught In the act of looting n cartage The trb,k, used to rut tete grass 0* owned by Mr'. (Desi ]crown, of CH4- er. The roll call was resp teles the talrwnyr at the 01114,, had 00 ex- ton, Ohio. Mre. Brown called Con- Ith the text word 'Sacrifice." At haw pipes find Apparently a spark Is - dose, onside Hayfield, when, of the meeting seeress/11441'4s nitei the cpshlou an the sent, under- she hotrod the - door of her restage e served by the hostess A joint neat» which the gas funk 1. situated. open and a green coupe (outside. The 2lreeting of the Women's lllaalonary Sir The gass+llnw-slautt'ri l cushion wap man disappeared before the arrival les of Union church and Leeburn Aoor1 consumed by the flames, but fur- of.the otlicer. bet the o'er WA* found be held on Encore afternoon at Cher di' mage wan prevent/4i by those leper home of Mee. (Rev,' James milli_ who were ne•nr pit hand. In (he Oaf were n quantity °f canned . Newgate *treat, Orslpr(gh......The ... — good.. Identified As the property of rs.gitler serrice was bold a1 Union PICTtiBEB AT COLLEQIAT= ► Mr, Brown, btu! a .22 rifle. The church on Sunday. The pastor. Rec, t•nr Out rifle were found to be the F. W. Craik, occupied the pulpit,. Portraits of Two Forster Prkneipitio property of FL S. Vance, of Tinl.mhnrg, preaehing a helpful sermon from the Added to Collection C'onstabl'e Frrguaon pieced n wnt•h. text "When (hon saldet, Seek ye my in the assembly hall at the Geier- on the tiiolen rear *IMP he petr"Ucd face, my heart said unto thee. Thy lch Collegiate institn►e there now hang the rondo, hilt ii 3ntmg tileffiffrtrtfir tills. Lord, will 1 seek" 1I'ealm 27:51 pictures( of the prin•ipuls of the lumps- slipped an•ny In a rear he r•omnran- The reviler 1 1)A g r meeting g of the ' 1.1'.i' Inc sl c • woos n , Its rem * grammar chant days, duped In the flllagw. Ile mndp ids w111 he held on Friday evening nt the Recent ndditionr are the Ilkcnp,apa gctnwny In n Dodge, 1)T9,O, owned by chub'• of Dr. J. ]i Fl4Id, prhs•ipal from ]i: ss ,:extrude Rankin, of Stratford. 190.1 to 1911. and Mr. J. P. Hume, f We.-vngcr w••,4 5.42). w1th the preen Rev. D. J. Tann eine/Dried service,' principal from 1tt11 to 11135. coupe previous to his (•.•A45' by a In the Santo J(1)mia Presbyterian Other prin•Ipnls whose photographs 1tay6eld hardware, merchant. The church on Sunday. Rey. Dr. Barnett adorn the walls fire John llatdane, ,youth Was at -scribed a* nearing a deli, took the services in Knox church. f0144•418; James Preston, itelS-71, and 'suit, brown hat and light overcont. WORK ON TAE HiQitMAiA Dr. H. 1. Strang, 1571-IWWI. I Pollee patrollers Me 11lne Witter iiy a recent purchase• three new pie- , route from Barfield to ,tmterley on Work on highway No. 4 at Myth , tures, repulo,lnetlons of the work of , Monday, but without sighting the and between Gnderlch and Rayfield on i ('anadian nrtl'ts, will shortly be seen , wanted man. the hie, Water highway probably will let the Collegiate. The pictures, two I Headed North ‘ begin Mann the third week of Junp. of *t!feh are Meg Unnoted by the The ynnth sne•eedpd In breaking The Department of Hlghnays hue I I,Iternry Society, were pureh„el trent i through pollee linea In file dtatrtel called for tenders to pave A S.2-m11p the t'nruldl4n Art (hulbI. of ['Anrltton. And 'welded north. lip 0s0ape1 Pall* stretch north from Blyth on No. 4 I -_. i Hire 1,y n hnlrehrenllfh near Mlollann highway: In iii p :,,3 mile* of Prcmis ,w,,,.„ three i, w• flinch talk of , when he pent/led wit' n pollee ear retread moth from Bayfield; to emelt war, generally It does not happen.' 'driven' b)- Provincial ('onstlhle Robes. 5.000 tons of gravel for the (lolerich- Harvey D. Gibson. Real) Bayfield stretch. and to lengthen *even i bridges• on the Rine Water highway. WAS IT WESSENOER? • District Pollee conking for Man Who Looted a Baydekl Cottage Meadow Glade Farm BABY CHICKS Meadow Glade S. C. White Leghorn Chicks aro. becks.] by 111 years of breeding and culling for lg0duetlon ty1N• and else of birds, 10 yours of breeding for high production pedigreed roc e e e k r 12 years IIiMNt-teWtlilg and 2 yearn under Government in- epe•tlorl. It very ('hit•k we self In from oar own stock. They In- herit an abundance of health and vigor. They are hatched ander ideal conditions in nnr new E4* -tris. incubator. Their growth and lIvsbllity are excepionallr gos]. Several e•nstomers have had more ('hlr•ke at 3 week,. oil than the number they paid for (we pnt'In 4 Extra Chicks my hundred.) Tole MAV RAVE; A DOLLAR per hundred by accepting (•hicks. of In- different or unknown aneestrc, BUT V(11• MAV LO►(►•; *10 on the eggs von ought to get and don't next Fsll and Winter. JUNE CHICKS at 8c each We 4411 n, l 111, r t„e, grs le. of ('hick• W,• rl.sp (ogalr larges fop-grod e Vealof 1„'. n t gR± s nl nnr top -grade of (7tlrks. Compere our price with the prlr of top grade* of other hatcheries %V,• have anon a few etert,el Chicks. W. HUME CLUTTON PRONE 1413, CARLOW. R. R. 5, GODERICH spon*tvely. Rev., F. W. Cralk led In pray to w the Ryer clef will the Ilton it Is said Wos.eng,•r told A r•ompan- '•1n no other thing 1s the divine Ion 014 h1- northern flight. They !nature so surely s,'•n In any men. ; headed towards O1111ia and it 1* bee - "A venae of humor Is in unerring nu In his lore to. AnA p'tlenee with. Ilevpd they w111 take to the bushlanl *reap ,►f proportion." —Emily Poet. Iliad nun.- itr. Whyte. In that dlattlet. • 1 n "Polishing Papa" COMEDY DRAMA IN THREE ACTS by the Kingsbridge Dramatic Club — IN KINGSBRIDGE HALL WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 10t SOCIAL All' EltTILE i'I.AY lloGAN's ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 35c, children 25c. • y WHAT e candor you Custom Make your Clothes from our large stoc OR SELL YOU OUR MATERIALS AND HAVE THEM TA1LOIiEIi BY A SPECIAL ORDER HOUSE AT A SAVING OF TEN DOLLARS AND WE HAI'E A WIDE SELECTION OF. SAMPLES, FOR Special Order Clothes as low as $19.00 we 11 Reline your Suit or Overcoat, Dry Clean and Press, Alter or Repair your Garments. Frank H. Martin PHONE 317 TTA LOR -- WINT-ST.- { Commercial Printing Donea_t The Selma Office "Aron -Knit” and "Ballanlyoe KNITTED WEAR For Occasions Comfortable and cosy for boating and motoring. Always popular for Ladies' Sport Wear. Dressy and stylish for Afternoon and Street Wear See our new range of Boucle, Botany, Boulaine and Silk -Reit Suits, two and three-piece, at $8.50 TO $25.00 "Jantzen and "Wavecrest” Swim Suite, in the new 1938 style. F. E. Hibbert The Square' -� Phone 86