HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-5-28, Page 31 1 1 • Better Printing hr Batter Business New ideas and prosperity are close re- lations. Integrity and Intelligeuce should be our watchword& bio let us help you In your Priuting Problems. We are here to serve you at all time& Signal Printing leaves a Geed Impression 1 £ziirn4L • • The Most hopertamt Step 'I'nw'ard Increased selling power 1s a dis- play advertisement in The Signal. Sue- a-essful merchants find our local and dis- strlct newspaper coverage most advan- tageous. It Pays 1• Advertise In The Signal THE SIGNA(. PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers R. A. REID -Registered Optometrist - Byes 6xassred Glossa pitted (17 years in Stratford), at 'e s-.-all.i t r "Satisfaction at Moderate Cost" J. W. Craigie Insurance and Real Estate Dessinies, Provincial sled Municipal Beads PHONE t4 GODERICH The 0. F. Carey Co. Fire, Accident and Motor Gr INSURANCE Repreeeatative London Llfe laminar* Co. (?dice: -Masonic Temple, West Street, Goderlch Nelsen H1H, Manager. ?boss 235 Geo. Williams & Son DOMINION. PROVINCIAL ami MUNICIPAL BONDS Fie. Aeeident. Aet.osbne aid General Insurance Age OFFICE, NEXT TO BANK Or COMMERCE Phew u- - Galeria Use The Rfgaal's Classined Column For Sale at Port Albert Nieeb Weeded Cottage Lsts HYDRO CONNECTION -Also Houses In Town - AUTO, ACCIDENT and FIRE INSURANCE W. J. POWELL PHONE 22 GODERICH GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1936 EIGHTY-NINTH YEAR, NO. 32 DR. R. HOOPER, WIFE AND DAUGHTER INTERVIEWED IN LONDON, ENGLAND Iesaraece and Witnesses of Ruthless Invasion of Ethiopia by Yuma ' -s Armies— Bombed in the Bleak Desert without Even a Tree for Shelter— Swediah Red Cross Unit Not Spared by the Death -dealing Bom- bers—Stirring Tale of Hardship aad Danger Told by Missionaries Well Known in Goderioh By M. H. Halton, In The Toronto Star London, May 11.-A Toronto mfr aloeary and his wife enjoyed life for five years in the beautiful town of Ad- dle Ababa, preaching their ChrisWn Gospel to au already Cbrtstlan people, treating lepers, slaves, workmen and the emperor's daughter, watching the sunset from their fine home in the hills above the town. Then civilisation came, in the form of winged angels of death, dropping bombe and poison gas and scourging with bullets the black man who dared to defend his home; and the missionary, though sixty -Ave years old, left his preaching and formed • Red Cross unit and hurried down into tbe black bell of the Oga- den desert on his errand of mercy and heroism. Dr. RalDb OThe Toronto missionary, Hooper, with bis wife and daughter, who were with him during the historic events which mark the end of the Abys- sinian nation and the disgrace of the name of Europe, sat in a little Blooms- bury hotel here today and told me the story of his brave though futile ad- venture with the Red Cross in the ter- rible desert of Ogaden. VMS Greater Than %inks A bronzed and wiry man -who looks forty-five ratber than sixty-five and told me he was healthip�ro��and more side now -Abair youngster -he came somehow un- scathed through the death that rained uu At; relate and killed 10,000 men ons in a day as Grazianl led his ex northward. Day after day Tor nine days the Ital- Dr. Hooper lett Addis Ababa • tans returned turn Ull nothing cod Q t Red ed month ago and --arrived in Ise do° end with her sister In Detroit. yesterday. His eyes dashed when be alive in it -and then they told the The young people's meetlug will be forgery by ranking a false document, y Kidd : "Tell your readers that H•111 world the bombing was 'uniutentiunal' . held at the church on Friday evening to wit, a paper in writing purporting Selassie is a far greater and nobler On the eighteenth day the Swedes left' and the pastor will begin the study to he a power of attorney and trims - man than his Roman conqueror." one of their doctors killed, the rest �bouk. A good attendance is requested, ter o['Ipamd. I)ominMr4 of Canada, No. voice his voe was quiet, modest, wounded." Mr. Bob Bradley-, accompanied by • when be described his own part in the Somalis Threat -tatters few boy friends from t oderleh, mo - work of the Iced Croce. Mussolini Undeterredbi this terrible news, lured to Niagara Fall.. on Sunday. has besmirched the name of the white Dr. lbouper and his little unit, badly Our iongratulatiuns go to Mr. Inert man's civilization with his poison gas; equipped and without motors, started Freeman, eldest son of Mr. Harry the }ted Cross and men like Dr. Hooper out fur the front. They had to travel Freeman of \Va,Infleet, well known have redeemed that name a Intl.. at night and hide all day from Italian here. whip was married on Saturday Leader of lied Cross t'nit No. 4, air scouts and baiubers. "The hiding evening, May 10th. Dr. 'Hooper, w ith two other mission- was mighty lour," said Dr. Hooper. les, a number of natives and dozens Then they ran into the decimated rem - Some climbed up posts -and were riddled with bomb splinters and ma- chine-gun bullets. Some threw them- selves fiat on the sandy -and were blown to pieces. I threw myself fiat un the sand, too -and for some reason I was never touched. Sand Blood -Drenched "One tine December muruing," be continued, "fifteen bombers roared down on us and before they left there was hardly a wall left standing aud hardly a creature left alive or unhurt. From dawn till sunset that day 1 tended the wounded 1 cau still hear the screams -men and women shot to plecea-dlaemiowelled-arms and legs blown off -beads clean decapitated by machine-gun bullet? -hideous wounds -blood seeping through the sands." Wheu his guides deserted and when his camels ran away, he raid, It seemed that the end had come for him and his little mission. But one morning five great lorries roared into the camps. They were a Swedish Red Cross unit with their five camiona and wonderful supplies of all kinds. They hurried on to Malka Deda, right down at the front. "They were there nine days," went on Dr. Hooper, "with the Swedish and 'Red Cross flags flying plainly from their hospital tents. But on the ninth day the Italians flew down In squad- rons and bombed the whole encamp- ment.. -literally to syinew. One tent with sixty-eight paflenti had twenty- motored_ r.rltagara Ie3li_ea Sunday, they never bombed Addis Ababa, and they nrdd only once. That was the day when they swooped down on the Addis aerodrome and destroyed the few Ethiopian aeroplanes. From the house we could see them et work." I asked Dr. Hooper how the Abys- sinians byrsinians toot to the neuters. `,read of Christianity. Not too well,- he ex- plaiued. "But 1 suppose you were too busy with medical work, saving their skins. So do much about their souls?""Oh, no," replied the missionary, 'the message always came first." 1 rode with him in a _taxi to Si Paul's Cathedral. He looked with the interest of a child on the sights of London. A lithe, quiet man with big, dark brown eyes. A tine, youth- ful old man who seemed to think no- thing at all of the tact that a few weeks ago he was risking his life every minute to help his fellow men. BAIL FOR MaeLAREN Gordon G. MaeLaren, Toronto brok- er who was remanded for a week by Magistrate .1. A. Mathis on Thursday last, on a charge of forging and ut- tering a power of attorney of Alexan- der Campbell, of Seaforth, was re- leased on 85,000 ball on Saturday morning. His fellow -broker, Robert S. Fletcher, held on a similar charge, was unable to secure ball. Toronto Men Here on Forgery Charge $.mwwdnri to ?ail fora Week— Other Cities in Magistrate's Court LEEBURN LELIBURN, May p.-Mlsi Dorothy LintJater 1s home from Toronto for the holidays. Mrs. Alex. Clutton visited her sis- ter, Mrs. A. Monteith, near Hensel', on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Horton, of. Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mesar and daughter Betty Ann, of Torouto, called on the Misses Horton on Monday. They were on their way by niolor to near Dungannon: Messrs. Kenneth and Rob. Parrish, with several young folks from Nile, eight killed in a few mtnptes and the Maycand other sights. rest mangled beyond description. One Mrs. A. Bennett has returned from tent had 450 pullet holes, another 31b(. Iletruit and 1s now with her daughter, Mr.. T. Hunter. Mrs. Harvey Fishen.spent the week - Robert S. Fletcher... and Gordoa 6. McLaren, Toronto bond brokers, who were arrested on Wednesday of last week on a charge of forging and ut- tering • power of attorney of Alexan- der (limpbell retired farmer, of Sea - M 137554-5-67-8-9-00-1 to the value of 48,000, and purporting to bear tbe sig- nature of Alexander Campbell, know- ing the said document mud signature to be false, and with the intention that the said false document should be acted upon as genuine, contrary to the Crim- inal Code, sections Meg and 410; and that, at the counties of Huron and York, or elsewhere within the Province of Ontario, on or about the ITtb day of October, 1935, knuwiugly used a forged document, to wit a forged pew- er of attorney and transfer of IJomia- fon of Canada bond No. M 13753-4-5-6- 7-8-9-00-1, with the forged signature of Alexander Campbell thereon, as though it were genuine, contrary to the Criminal Code, section 4d7." forth, were brought to Goderkh and on The men will appear before Masts - Thursday afternoon were remanded to enoa, jail for a week by Magistrate J. A. Charge Attempted Suicide Mss(kswH, Hughkln. Jones, young lawyer of the ship youngell manackett, elected trla1Turnberry by Judge Toronto firm of ('. Frank Moore, K.C., and jury when a charge was read that represented the brokers. He asked be attempted to commit suicide on and was granted an adjournment, but I May 12th. He was found in a rpom failed to get holt. The brokers had at his home, unconscious and with an been held on $7,7.00 bait as material empty bottle which had contained poi - witnesses when Investigation of the son, which bas not been Identified. affairs of J. J. liuggard, senforth law -1 }lackett was sent up for trial last yer, pointed to the Toronto bonding tall when he appeared before the firm as having had dealings with the Magistrate on a charge of being in Seaforth man, who is wanted on a Io,ssession of stolen goods, namely charge of the theft of $'2,000 from a hides, the property of J. Heffron, of i1tyth. The hearing was adjourned a week, the f'rown's case not being complete, and Hackett was released on ball of client. "I am not opposing ball," +aid Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes, "but I must ask for a subatantial amount. The police more or less have only scratched$1,000. the surface in the Iluggard luvestiga- -- Other Cases tion. Other registered bonds are miss- John Payne was remanded a week ing in the Iluggard affair and we have for sentence' when he pleaded guilty reason to believe they have passed to freaking and entering the home of through the hands of the same ac- (Continued on page 7) cused." The brokers are charged with ob- taining a 41,000 bond by the use of the forged power of attorney. Mr. Campbell dlseovcred his loss when be .earehed hittsafetydepestt boLin the °Mee of the mussing Seaforttlt lav-Wyef.---- -- - - - The charges wire read against Fletcher and Maei.aren as followa: "That at the counties of Huron and York, or elsewhere wltbin the Pro - TIDO. of Onturin, on or about the 10th day of (letoler, 1114, they did commit UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR INVESTMENTS We will be pleased to send you a statistical report on the following securities: O Can. Bail and lkeilvem Terminate_ _ O Western Canada Flour Mills O maple Leaf milling Co, O Empire Natural Gas Limited Kindly send me your report on security marked X with- out any obligation on my part. Enquiries invited Name Address Coeplaed-Jarvis & Co. LIMITED investment Securities 34 King Street, E. Toronto "You've got to use psychology to the orchestra busluess. If they enjoy themselves they spend more money." --Rudy 4'allee. of mules laden with medical supplier and food, set out last November from Real Estate Addis Ababa to join the army of Ras Delta, sun-lu-law of the Negus, com- -- -- mending the Abyssinian armies in the AUTOMOBILE, FIRE. PLATE GLANS, south. BURGLAR(', SICKNESS, ACCIDENT "We set out for Wodia," said Dr. Guarantee Bonds, Low Rates wltb Hooper. "It took us nine days to do the 140 miles on foot and Mule -back. When we got there we found Has Desna Policy and his army were gole 0n to Nugal- lyutuaI life nee Ce-, untiedby -. liea name that 1s famous now -end The PPolley Healers we pushed on to overtake him. We LOW RATES -Best of Settlemeata never did overtake him. AU we ever saw of his fine army were the twelve men who weren't killed. Absolute Financial Strength REPRESENTATIVE laformatlon gladly given. Call, w or phone 1116 WM. BEAITY Desert Deathtrap HAMILTON STREET GODERICH "We came to Nugallle and found Ras Deets had pushed on another 200 miles to the Italian front. Nugalife 111 merely a village of fiat -roofed mud houses, just on the edge of the worst part of the Ogaden desert. I have seen many wild and terrible places in Abyssinia, hut never such a deathtrap as that desert. It your camion loses • wheel, or 1f the radiator leaks, you are haat an dead as 1f you took a re- volver and shot yol1rself. There is no water. It's the ash -heap of 'Crea- tion." "You were bombed in Nugallle?" ' We were often bombed in Nn- gallie by squadrons of Capron) bomb- ers from Iamb; and, boy, if you want a place to be bombed in, don't go to Nogallie! There Is absolutely no place of shelter. There Is nothing there, nothing there at all but the dark, flat, hot sands etretching away for miles. There la not even a tree to rower against. You duck -but there is no place to duck to. You are as convictions as a goldfish in a bawl. Plumbing, Heating —OII� Eavestroughing WI HAM IT Repairs for all ekes of stoves or furnaces ' Prompt serviee and reasonable rates. John Pinder Plasm i27 P. O. Beg 131 CapitalSOUND Phone 47 Elvctrk SYSTEM Theatre Coder. ch Now Playing Charlie ltuggies and Ring Crosby. In "Anything Goes." Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday- A picture YOt' will enjoy! Ann Harding, Herbert Marshall, Edward Ellis and Margaret Lindsay A grand little lady and her equally grand faith are eombin..I Into the theme of an appealing modern nuance "The Lady Consents 111 Thursday, Friday and Satard$Y you're In for the season's Unst off your rhuekler, Inhrleste your ribs, 1 moat merry etreteh of laughter! ! ! "THE MARX BROTHERS" are earrying their buffoonery Into music's highest temple "A Night At the Opera" Metineeca Wednesday and Saturday •t R pm. Cueing -"Rome Marie," with Jeannette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy sante of the Abyssinian army -the remnants of the army of 10,000 men all but twelve of whom were killed at the battle of Coolmtra. The strag- glers told them the Italians were com- ing and advised the mission to retreat fur their lives. The missionary dumped hist supplies to make room for wounded men', and hurried` north in retreat. Back at Nugallte, they were bombed by thirteen Italian aeroplanes who were looking for Ras Desta. "We left Nugallle and hurried north," said Dr. Hooper, "but were still pursued by aeroplanes. We established a camp again only to learn that the Italians were bot behind us with 200 trucks. We had to run away on camels, leaving everything we had -drugs, food, tents, everything. I shall sever forget that terrible re- treat. At last we reached the moun- tains again and were safe 1 have no apology for that retreat. We were unarmed; and the Somalis don't take prisoners. They cut the throat of every man who falls into their hands." He saw none of the awful events on the northern front, where ten* of thousands of Abyssinian men, women 'and children were overwhelmed with tombs and tortured with poison -gas. But in those three monthlyIn tbe parching Ogaden he saw civilization at its worst and did his part Ile got back to Addis Ababa two months ago; and a month later he and his wife and daughter, after five years of work away from Toronto. went down to Djibouti and took ship for home. Empress Gracious Woman Mrs. Hooper, an energetic, pleasant woman with the missionary's light of battle in her eyes, and her daughter, Mites Helen Hooper, told me of their life In the high mountain capital of Abyssinia. "We went there expect- ing every kind of hardship," aald Mrs. Hooper, "and Instead we had a moat pleasant and enjoyable time. Flonent- ly, 1 hated leaving Addle Ababa. We had a fine house and a car, loth given to us by wealthy Canadians well dis- posed toward our work." "And the domestic problem? Could you get the Mode you wanted?" "I had never eaten shredded wheat till 1 went to Addis Ababa,' laughed Mrs. Hooper. "We could gef anything we wished for." The Empress of Ethiopia, she said, was a gracious, charming and intelli- gent woman who would adorn any civilization, black or white. As for Holli Selassie, "he 1s a man whose noble and powerful personality fills every room he enters." ' Helen Hooper told me how she used to sit on the veranda of her home and watch Italian aeroplanes hovering over Addis Ababa. "We never knew when they wield start bombing," she said. 'Thera what made the laat months so terrible for everybody there. We would hear the droning of their en- gine. and wonder whether this time WHITECHURCH WHITECIII'RCII, May 2t1. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray, her mother. Mrs. (lector Mackay, and Mrs. Gordon Mackay, of Wingbam, on Sunday mu- tored to Stratford to see Miss Itertba Mackay. Mi... Mackey has returned to her home there after spcndl-ng- the past two weeks In Stratford general hospital after an operation. Her many- friends are pleased that she made such a splendid recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Sprung and family, of I.ondesbpro, visited on Sunday at the borne of her sister, Mrs. Clarence Cox. The Laidlaw relatives held ■ fam- ily picnic on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Coulter, and at the river. All enjoyed the outing. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson, of Kinloss, visited at the home of his mother, Mrs. A. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben TIMn and Charlie, of Kinloss, spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Rus- sel Ritchie of St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee, of Wing - ham, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGee. 31r. Gordon McGee on Friday bad the misfortune to step on a nail, which went almost through the ball of his right foot. Mrs. Jackson and Miss Margaret, of Toronto, visited at the home or the former's sister, Mrs. C. Laidlaw, and with other rel.•rtives over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Hendershot. of Hamil- ton. spent the week -end at the home of their datater, Mrs. Fred Newman. Mies Annie Moore and Mr. Basil Thompson, of Orangeville, and Mies Rath Moore•,-nf--Lurknow, spent the week -end nt the home of their parents, Mr. and are. Arthur Moore. Mise Addie tions and Miss Ids bake, of Toronto, and Mr. Malcolm Ross, of Sarnia, spent the week -end at the home of the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross. Miss Winntfred Farrier, of Zoronto, Miss (live Farrier, of Dungannon, and Mr. Carman Farrier, of Prosperity, spent the _week -end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Far- rier. Mr. J. C. Reed spent the week -end at the home of his sister, Mrs. Al. Dowling. of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Mr. Jas. Falcon- er, Mr. George Falconer and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Falconer, of Culross, Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, of Wingham, and Mr. and Mtn. Wm. Falconer, of Rluevale, were to London on Satur- day attending the funeral of the late Wm. Hogg. F'njnet rule never endures perpetu- ally. Pewee. "The promotion of good will In domewtic business and internatlnnal affairs is distinctly a jot) for every- body. for every man and woman with a kern Reim. of responsibility. -Alfred they were going to atrlke. However, H. Smith. . RAISE HUSKY BOYS AND WHOLESOME GIRLS, ON MILK—MADE BREAD __ j eTHTUL _APPETIZING—NUTRITIOUS al:\IOF. IN 01 it OWN; BAKESHOP TRY US FOR CAKES AND PASTRIES E. U. CLEVELAND WEST STREET PHONE 114 `I'm so glad we have it back!" "We thought going without a telephone would be easy economy. But we missed it ... terribly. We were out of touch with friends, I couldn't reach the stores. With Ted at the office, I was lonely all day long. "When we realised how much our telephone menet, we decided to have it back. Now we appreciate how inexpensive • telephone really u." 11. S. (1RiFF, Note the O OW COST 1 of Residence Service (lWaff-Type Tolephorsa) Two subscriber. os a lis. f I .Rb per mouth A Yse t. yourself 42.415 Par sasasseb Have You a Telephone 1M YOUR Haase?