HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-5-28, Page 2Joe
$-ThavMaj. May 28th. UM
N 4•^•r 1.4.
-mwhirel lm'•a�w w h tourereeare
r. AmeeiNba
Published every Thursday saoring.
Subscription price 12.00 per year,
$i,g0 If paid in advance. Subscribers
to United States will please add 60e
flat postage.
W. H. Koaswraost, titer end YewegUr
Telepboae 35 Gotierteb, IAL
Thursday, May :8th, 1016
already has been the subject of much
comment. The sudden death of 1.'.
Kerr Stewart, ut The Goderlch Star,
was followed only a few days later
by that of George 11. Mitchell, who ea
publisher of The Hanover root ea.
nue of the best-known and most cap-
able among the weekly newspaper men
of the Province. Among the men of
the dallies also there have been several
recent fatalities, the death of harry
Anderson, for many years edltorlu-
hl t f The Toronto Globe, having pre
Conservative Leader Seighen Strongly Critical of Government Re-
solution to Give Provinces Additional Powers of Taxation -Fu-
ture of Quebec Premier a Subject of Loud of CapitalKember for
North Wellington Proposes to Change Method
ment, but Mr. Bennett Still Favors Hanging
c r u
Celled by only a few data that of Rule (By J. A. Hume, Special Correopon-
let J. Cromir, foctsllshPr of The Vila' dent of The Signal)
men were I 'Otistlid. 7ff " 20•_Soeettlaii
router Sus Most of throe to the Senate
In the prime of life,so far as fears las to what will happen
go, and were
ff lu tie !Wet of to the Government resolution to amend
` V wminsemis• the B.N.A. ,A•1 to permit Provinces
ImITOBLI. I10=5: their .ctltulep- taken.
Godertel's Innumerable flower gar-
ardens are 'making a great show et color
'base latter days of May.
• • •
It is said that some of those who
used the so-called safety deposit boxes
la the office of .1. J. Huggard, the miss-
ing Ssatorth lawyer, were Influenced
M do so by the fact that the price was
a dollar or two less than is charged
by the banks. As It turned out,
was a dearly -bought saving. Bl
may once in a while abscond, but the
hank remains to stand good for any
along, of course,
torches which they let tall; but each
had done his part iu the world's work
and w111 leave vacant a niche that will
never quite be tilled.
Pa.•ltic Railway to the Quetta' Legis-
lature fur a new ratlway,lnt0 the mint
erul area of northern Quebec, pa
rt winch, wt *set. b
('.N.R. and T. A N.U. hallway lines.
The Outeri° Government, on behalf of
the T. & N.O. Hallway, te opposing
Oaapplication and It is expected UW
tske DP tae t° tett' ►adlr. laxatkta and to per I C N B, will do likewise. no much Das
WESTFIELD, May %I. -Messrs. WS.
and Norman McDowell visited at Loa-
ordon on Thursday• and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor
ily visited on Sundayat the home of
Mrs, J. Tamblyn,
Miss Sturdy, of Wingham, spent Sun-
day with ber sister. Mrs. L. Cook.
Mrs. Bert Vincent and hm-
A dollar saved is Mr
low by its clients, o •""
mot always adollar earned. fly of Belgrave were Sunday guests
• • • at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L
The weatherman provided us with
ideal weather for the holiday week-
end and most people took advantage
o f 1t to finish their gardening, to take
that delayed trip to friends, to fish.
for to demonstrate their prowess on
the golf links. Nature seems to be
bent on compensating for the rough
treatment, during the winter. Slnee Mr.
spring really rcet in we have been far-'Ily, of London,
�reawe end Walterguest'
orad with weather that, on the whole, I at the h
of could hardly be Improved upon for the t Mason.
time of year. ,;, p• R, Wants Lain
• e to
Ontario Conservatives are meeting'
in convention at Toronto this -w
A box social will he held In the
basement of the church on Friday even-
ing, June 12. Everyone is expecting
to have a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shackleton, of
Tomato, spent the week -end with the
latter'• sister, Mrs. Wm. Anderson.
Miss (irate Redmond. of Linwood,
was home for the holiday.
Mrs. W. Everett and fam-
It the Federal Government to guar been heard in recent years of t'a
m ue
debts by holding back past [oilier. !o overbuilding and dup11-
antes Provincial
services that the
I'roelncltl subldle$ as security. 111• tYtion of railway eewill be
Hon. Senator Arthur Melghen, tender ouaonie of the application
of sixty-one Conservatives, as against I amendmentawed with interest.
Anthas been made to the
budget which exempts from the sales
tax gravel and crushed sten for pro-
vincial, euunty and township highways.
The same cones -radon has been ex-
tended to municipalities.
dl The rep ot Confederation. reconflicting.
Yat Mr. Taaebere•e's Future
The reports are conflk•tln-.
hear from some sources that Mr. The death of Senator Emile Fortin.
M i -ben will lead his followers in vat- l,... i.. may lead to the elevation of J.
thirty-four Liberals in t
House, was most caustic In his tuu-
demnatlou of the resolution, envision -
In g the erection of nine tariff walls In
Bade ss a blow leading to Inevttabte
1 eek �o ! M
t pee td Et -1 imps T
!deet 'i►' k *der. its . v - �. . _ .IC_
Premier Delay.Some .dozen name:
1 down and throwing out the resole- E. Fatard Liberal member for on -
n : you '
kenste King is questtonlug now in hie' nae of Premier L. A. Taachereaa of
own mind the advisability of pressing Quebec has been mentioned, but he la
the iudirect taxation phase of the re- unlikely to retire for some months
solution, and that the Government may yet and then he may go either to the
not, to the end, press its approval by I bench or to Paris as Cauadlan Mln-
the Senate; and then you hear that the I titer to succeed lion. Philippe Roy,
resolution will be approved in its en- now in Canada on holiday.
tirety by a small majority. The sit" Dr. 0. 1). Skelton, Under Secretary
uatlon may be clarified this week. of State for External Affairs, has been
What Dees a Bachelor Knlrw? appointed temporary chairman of the
ial Insurance
Bt. Hon. t t Bre mostnett, Conservative
of Hon. G. S. Harrlfgttoiesion, in on former er Nova
leader, protested mosto Hamilton, and Rev. Vim. Lawson. o
eeriest the budget supplements. He I King Government t came into power. the Toronto. were visitors In the neigh -
ke with
on eat aurV b rbood for 0,0 week -end. The two
spoke with great assurance bad
of The by-election the to Victoria, B.C.. ,aeocerend gentlemen conducted the seri
what he considered the bed effect ou oa•asioned by the recent death of D. B. vies lu the church Sunday moray
Children of the "tunnies." Icon. C. A. I Plunkett. Conservative, has been set for I Mr. u the Oke, Mrs. Oka and fam-
Finance Minister, {pointing I June S. There are reports that Hon. and eve°lutt.
out that tariffs would not atop the eir i Dr. Q. F. Tolmte, former B.C. Premier I Toronto. spent the holiday In
try of comic supplements, remarked , and Federal Minister of Agriculture, daughter Don
that as a father he admired Mr. Ben- may be the Conservative candidate.
nett's bachelor knowledge of the sub- At (east rue farm implement mea-
l. A MT. Dunning remarked, pany has recently reduced its prima
j �`O'- mea increases the ! ou 180 of its Imported mach
emandf eoselT--
demand for the thing prohlldtol. The ,ole Herr. Tile tompernf said it -6
Ottawa Journal, Conservative news I passing on to Inc customers the saving
Its a slap at Mr. Bennett by the reduction in duties effected by
n- ° hear Prime Minister Mac-'tagny-L'Islet Que., since 1917. The
rem er
are mentioned, but to-es-ouulder it Ontario Government Opposed
looks as if the choke would be among I the Proposal --Say C. P. R.
Had Its Chanoe
Earl Rowe, M.P., Ex -Mayor Stewart
of Toronto. Wilfrid Helgbingtow
Y.P.P., and perhaps George A. Drew,
E.G Then. again, 1t may be some ernmcnt consistswill eapture
Toronto, May 27. -The life of a gov-
of dealing with one
-dark horse" that
Clearance Rugs and Runners
Some very fine qualities and deserts in Axminster and Wilton weaves.
Early shopping is important.
M New patterns heavy quality, 4 yards wide,
114.00 at per square yard 81%c
6 9'x8'
6' 9" z 9'.. - DVILi/LnL a 4GOLaFnI1JlM
9' : 9' ;22.00 AND FELTOL RUGS ON �S(ALE
9' z 12'
$3040 II 3 z 3 yard* $4.45
3 i 4 >ai t= :+, :: «..�:-$S.9
Fishnet, new weave, in choice patterns,
heavy double thread in ecru and ivory.
designs .'•7 in"' wide. 36 to 38 inches wide, 2t/; yards long. Reg -
sale, yard
New Oriental
Regular $3.00.
$2.25 ular value $1.95. Clearing, pair
BEN MILLER, May 26.-A success-
ful tea -meeting was held In the church
on Monday evening. the entertainment
being provided by the young people 9f
Rev. A. W. Brown. Mrs. Brotrp. the
Misses Ethel and Bertha Brown. of
visiting at tbe bogie of her sisters,
the Misses E. stud M. Proctor.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Williamson,
Russeldale, were very sorry to learn
of the death of their little son, Bruce.
The little boy was quite a familiar
figure here, baring frequently attended
church while ,vIMtltsg with his grand-
father. Mr. W. H. Lobb. The deepest
sympathy of the community Is extended
to the bereaved parents.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Ward and famUy,
of Brucetield. spent the week -end with
Mrs. Ward's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Cudmore.
Mr. Herbert Black. of Toronto,
visited over the week-eu1 with Mr. and
Ili, of iron u, I Mrs. J. W. Herbert.
the r Ralph Million Miss Edith Herbert. of Toronto, was
Mr. Ralpu from end au at her home at the parsonage over
per crme up from 8tnffnrdrflle on I Sunday.
Saturday. Mrs. Minton and chlldrea.Omsk rs• Will
who, had rlweneturned
staying with Myr. on., Yr() presided ovet'-t- W.M.S. meeting
J. M.,orr, rr[unrol whh them on lion -'which was held at ler home on Two-
deT day, May 19. After the opening hymn
Mr. Ite•n ritnughan, of Toronto. and 1 cud payer, the Scripture verges were
lin 1T o t j 1eS� grohlem after another. That
laity oT rue j
convention. The pwslbl � tis one reason why there are few
re-entry of Hon. G. IL=- TergU» 1 ffic
youthful-teoktng men in public oe.
former Premier, Into active politta II A Cabinet position means a lot of
has been discussed, but Mr. Ferguatia (grief• no matter how capable a person
may be.
has given
no encouragement to tThese remarks are prompted by a
serious situation which hes arisen In
detdmltely oat of the field. I Northern Ontario with regard to the
idea and It Is understood that be la
• • • , Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Ball -
There was something particularly way. With an eye on the profits to
tontemptlble in the action of the in- I be fieldsof(heom oorthe theld and Caaadlancopper
p T
R In breaking faith o rte Ung to obtain
Pa -
charter from the Quebec Government
ramous "Red Jan clfic Railway attempting
with scores of kindly friends who had I a
timely and condemning comic supple- paper• texrr yu
editorially for taking blmselt w ser the The
budget creel leeks have annctunecd Miss )Irlrn ritranghan, of Kltrbene.
spent the holiday with -they parents I read by Mrs. Wm. Glenn. Miss Ada
Finlay Race • reading, and lire. Fred
nce • further cot In the interest rate see here. F•utter and • re Norma favored the
deposits from two to one and - pleasing duet, Mrs.
a -half per cent- t Wag
dist_ a Iimw_n Aga
meats wltb such comp..__ __--
Matas Agnes Macpbail. U.F.O. Lbtr, I *wee per I assembly with a pat
G Bruce made her annual onslaught ST AUGUSTINE Tru accompanying.
e to extreme lengths to assist him to build a line which would duplicate
,t.a hn nano
in reforming his life after hisreleaseexleting lines and three en --- le -
that the AgrlculturP,
from Kingston about a year ago. He !of the T. h N. �. and of the C.N.R. boast Defence Department be redoesd
won their confidence and goodwill by i The gold mines of Northern Ontario I by $1.000.000. but his motion was del the annual meeting of the Wester
'and Quebec have been sources of profit i ed b IC' to 11 voter Mr. Mae- lire Stock Association at G Calgary
!Inlay and Mary Grigg. It was
decided that the last Sunday in July
be set aside as Bible Sunday, the col-
lecting to be done the folbwing week.
rayFurther readings I
on the_ork. t•sletlu motion
tis I were contributed by Miss Charlotte
cadet work. Her motion to cut the The re- 1 Trewartha and Mrs. E%{drld Yen. A
vote to EI was defeated by 109 to B. Figures celesaed touching rutted - RT. onthly !meet. May 28• -
States trade for the next four months gnlar monthly meethrg of the Women a' 'flee and toi Clete report of tbe W.M.S.
Incldeotally her companion woman' I'reoobytery tneetlnR In ('llnton recently
weather, Mrs. George Black, Coaxer, showed notable Increases In complain- I Institute will he held at the home of was given by the delegate, Mrs. S
vative, Yukon, remarked that most flea covered by the recent agreement. 1 Men. Gus Kinahut ° Miss I1ora I Walter. Mn. E. A. Teo, W.A. presi-
people who talk critically abut cadet I Exports of horses jum{ted from 1list,. ]nue 3rd, at 2.]11 p.m.will he the �,
training have had no practical exper- 000 to $1.023,000: swim.. $3,000 to Duthie, of Dungannon, dent. took charge of the remainder of
fence of It. Mrs. Black said she had r I the afternoon and topics of business 1
g390,I11M); cattle. >Z2._'tl`2.tN)0 to-.':.ttt:c,• -nest 'speaker.
IBer Thompson, Mrs. Miss Mary I were brought up. The roll call was �
brought up three boys and she was MO; cheese, 821,000 to $407,000; maple 1 A. Brophy, were
oro to by an The roll
of flower
always glad they had bad the benefit I ,.ugar. $7,000 to $492,)15); turnips, DnDCan McDonald and Miss Jean Par- I balm. slips or seeds. the hostesses.
and discipline of cadet training. i173,o to to $3'13.000: live poultry. $1,A00 don.Mrs W.Red
"A Military Aristocrats" to $4ti,500. Very large Increases were Mrs. Gus Klnahan,Hrs.
E. A. 'lrbo04 Mrs and Grp war-
ond, Mrs. Fred
, iliss
Grant Mac\ell C.C.F., Vancouver, achieved also with regard to the ex ®and and Miss J. 1. McAllister
t- I ins tea before the gathering dispersed.
who was wounded overseas, mored port of lumber products. Bible Soek4J
Hon. James G. Gardiner, Minister of I tended the district annual meeting of I �(la Tuesday
In the West to attend 1 the Women's Inetttote at Londesboro Mr. 1.. D. Tiller took charge of the
Friday last annual Bible Society meeting of this
community and those 10 attendance
were privileged to hear a very fine
address. After tbe opening hymn,sa
Mr. Tiller read the Scripture pasge,
led in a short prayer *04 delivered
iv reedPottes
inspiring message.
secretary. read the minutes of the pre-
etrons meeting, and Mr. 8. R. MacIlatb
took charge et the business period.
The oftkere were all re-elected except
in cases where the persons In quew
Goa were absent from the comt tunity.
The list 1a as follows: President. 8.
R. MaeMath; secretary, Elmer Potter;
treasurer. Norman Trewartha : collec-
tors: Huron road west. Charlotte
Trewartha and Grace MacMath; Hur-
on road east. Ruth Potter and Olive
Mair; Maitland concession. Miss Min-
nie Proctor; cr.ocesaton 11, Alma Tre-
wartha and Gay Whitmore; Cut line. t
Taft - V. S. fae+r..ee
n I unMrs. Gamins, of I.ocknow, who for
i the last three weeks had been OUTS -
hypocritical means and lacked thee -
Ito to the Ontario awned railway and now
teeny to appreciate what he had won. theIs a real danger of competition
He betrayed, also, unnumbered fellow 1 hamn the C.P.R.
movies who may wish a chaocs to I Premier Hepburn has said that be
1 of allow the T. & N. O. to be subIs -
fest J
Nell pictured Canada's y," with
forces bas las returned to her home at Klrkton, 1Ing Miss Beetle Thompson. returned
as en mltsry arbet nicer, with only
seven men to one oflker, whereas. >1 near Exeter. Ont., after spending the to ber home 1i1�e�Odof here11eLYr� Will
Holiday 1 h Yr and
the war, there were twenty-four men winter with Der
of Au Mrs.
to an corer.
pa sora( -ht. There t lend er that 'will
1 fo sack unfair competition Mr. Dunning, on the budget Item
parole laws will he stiffened after this without. a struggle to the Ilmlt. 11 I touching gasoline and petroleum, said
and many a man who might hare bar'. I is safe to ow3 that if the C.P.R.per- I he had asked the Tariff Board to keep
hie freedom and a chance at rehabilita• 1 state In It attitude there will be a In touch with developments welch fol
don will remain behind prison bars• bitter fight between Ontario and the
The whole cause of penal reform ha. Canadian Pacific. The Premier takes
received a setback. It will not toe easy the are atnetitude
ett latf11or theh T. & Nway .
nsi and
to trust any convict after so glaring 1 the C N.R.• to build them, not the C.P.
s broach of frost on the part ot Bcuu• R which for years has been charging
that the C.N.R- has been wasting huge
That United States Congressman who !sums In duplicating services. The
1 i petroleum schedules seem to call for
suggested union between his country }C•l' lt. Meme years ago refused to enter t.rirP adjustments In all parts of Can -
and Canada mny take heart. We may the mining district" and it, was left to i parts riT- HELENS, May 2.1. -Miss Irene
he a tutnrlu railway and the C.N.R. I oda, except possibly the populous Woods and her friend Miss Myrtle
yet ei w•tate a consider letting the to pi..nrer in the north. of Quebec and (Woolf),' Mr. Dunning Wlltong, of F.Imlra, were guests with
'Vetted Stet beemms a part et Ceti- Public ..ptn1n is --behind the -Prete -1 _.. it the reatrttw saaich wo talicf
COQ Mrs. Robinson Woods over
ler in I i. attitude. The T. & N. 0.pate do not follow, then we will exp»ii t^ria iMr
oda. in . or lir generation ave when the-•
e(;" men. ..r Beeth, hare eliminated Railaay is In much better financial tube II 1 Mrs John We W Taylor,
some of the murderers; when some -(shape todny than 1t was three years
one has Rolm! the eoiored problem; I ago, hot it h..s not yet reached the
when their courts convict on uoquer lstnge where it can meet Its commit-
menta in full ('onstrnctlon of dupll-
tionable evidence of groin no matter c•aling lines would result in a draatle•
what the local political boas may ray: falling off In Its freight business and Jnst a ePt'a
when graft Is in a fair way to being Its Ilnanclnl !Nord for many years starch F i I a f me born aPventf seven years ag
eliminated; when their newspaper could be written In rent ink. I forth. Wellington, M have the lethal i Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore i Wrn .e1 ch township, near St. Angus
T. & -
need for capital pnulahmrut ;and children of Hensel'. floe. She was of ragged
retrain from making heroes and hero -1 A great AOI of t. a ime and elood
ffort has{ etnck, daughter of Thomas Ft°len° and
ince out of the current squalid Rex Ixe•u spent In patting the T. & N. O. instead of hanging. stated an ollldai On ThnneclaJ •ece+olnR. Jutw.4th. In' who had emigrated
murderers; in other words, when the on n sound [noting. While it has not
of his Department had recently slatted Rt. Helena t'nitpd church. Mr. Tiller, Fallen Donoghue. millions of splendid and highly able', 'been a nmrrrn of profit to for Province, flee States of the l'nited States, where the rPprelyentativP of the Bible Society. 1 to this rnnntry from Ireland about the
h lethal chamber to I Id Ali are wet- 1 kIdIP of the Iept century She had
Americans take over the rule of their
own country, than Canada may M
wattling to madder the posslblllq of I ton fs neteelPd an man +s instlhtte w
I sun
taking them into ber family told.
low the changes to those duties, pe,
Ocularly as to the price situation, and
as to the performance of the major
companies In rectifying the uneconomic
conditions of distribution, and to study
the relations of railway
transportation to the pet 1h the
try. -The changes proposed
son here.
Daring the week. P14.01144'
Aherhart of Alberta. a native of Sea -
forth. expressed keen regret at the low
of the service,' of Dr. R. C. Wallace
as president of Alberta,t'nlrerulty, ow-
ing to his appointment as principal of
Queen's i'nlcerslty, Kingston. DT,
Wallace le a brother -In-law of Mrsc
William Wallace of Goderlch and Is
eonti(tered one of Canada's outstanding
edeve tloniats.
able on the Information supe et
by the Tariff Board, to come to proper
beter, Mrs.
condnslona as to the course ioree•n and Lois Webster were visit -
ors In Toronto over A Ictorta i).y.
he pursued.- Miss Anal Stuart. of Toronto,
A 9rneattlde for Hanging rislted with her brother George and
Hon. Earnest Lapointe, Minister of ;Mrs. Stuart over Victoria Day.
{r king on the hill Intro- I Visitors over the holiday with Mr.
h I)r. ]. K. Blair, ra • nd Mr*,. Harvey Webb were Mr. .n
Auburn w t •
Mrs. J. R. Thompson; Mr. and
Will Andrew*, of Dungannon and Bob-
hie Mole of Ashfield, Mr. Jas. Jack-
son Mullett, RIcha nen of Toronto,
Hanna, Mr.
and Mrs. Mrs. N.
MesrJ• way and
Richardson oDchildren. Billie
�. Lwwal
and Marian. of rs.
W. Grindley. Miss Marian and
of Otselph Mr•, A. Messer and daugh-
ter Margaret of Blnerale, at the borne
of MT. David McAllister; t fr.ch. with
Mss, --los: McNertn of Gods
Mr. John Dural° ; Mr. and Mrs.
Pattison and children of
with Mr. and Kew. J. C. Robinson.
Mr. andt Mrs. Joe. several days withofriends
ton. ,'pea
here.The Late
Jd MM Farad A long and
arduous life came to a peaceful close
on Tuesday. May 12th, when Mrs. An-
nie Foran. widow of the late Jeremiah
Foran, died suddenly at the home of
her daughter. Mrs. John McGuire of
Godlrich township. Deceased waWens
They are no adaptable for Reeds.
HaoginR-baeketx, Boxes or
Bouquet a.
Our Giant i apdra-emti Fluff y
Asters (WBt-r.sldwsa l . and 'e er-
Oare unsurpassed.
ur New a,
florid* sad Zlwofas•--ere beauti-
iul aad biddy decorative.
Bltilttither Nurseries
he had found the e a Ill glee an address. m
it hag been of IarRtlmaMe value to the 1.1• efficient and economical. However, ex riPnewl more than bar share of
'mining Industry of Northern Ontario I Mr. Lapointe added, further intfstter- 1 c11Tbe June meeting of 111e.Rt. HPIPns•-Wer t►npecarea and tolls of herspioneer days.
Without thlc railway, it is sate to soF A a committee of 111 be DPId at Mr+s. E. Married In Vial. she raised a family
■ and oAx
that dem
elopment of the Industry would
not have bceu more than half of what
' • • :It Is today. So It fa no wonder that
Great Britain's attitude towards Premier Hepburn' in prepared to fight
Italy Is at►ffenlug, mach to the pleas- toott and nail against any encroach-
ure of those elements of the txrpule :meld on believed1(0pe rhe* oftf thcehe l'Goverm
filo who have dlRnpproretil 11,. sus,1 -Wein
Into the picture if the
eillatory ■ttit•ude of recent montha.vlaenf w•111 step
ostler is not ndjnsted +shortly. On.
It lea boon maintained by many that I which
the Ethiopian venture would never
lave occurred It the Foreign Office hard
would not too tolerated. Mussolini la The privately -owned rnll-
wt. I toy a toted next sea- oma. Mrs. Oster, Alstrlej of ten eflildren-fnur
I artlament I pp^ W W. Rive h
k that study before any • will he present.An Incl ilaughtera- two of whom predeceased
tatinn I,' extended to the ladles t Icer : EYmlT J. n iso
'don to make a _ prealdPnt. wtl
change is
meds. of he 1 11128 and Mary Elise -
Mr. Bennett aground opposed any community. I beth In 1929. Her husband had •
,•triage• on the ground that too much Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MrRuloprts, )1r.Iprwlereatwd ber 1n 1901). Five dna-h-
Is wasted over murderelf Fru- tern surcls0. Ella, at borne; Mem• C.
and Mrs. J. M. SnowdenRnwden and Mrs.
for end that the Pete is Incline) t^ Prot spent Victoria Day with friends at J Kennedy, ot New Tock ive d
forget the unfnrtnnate victim and his Orangeville. W. Winter, of Islington: /De. Jahn
suffering family. When a murder has PortJldiulIntre, BafflelA, and Mrs. M. Cronin,
larin bac a moral argument w r can torn committed. Mr. Bennett remarked, ilnrn - •At Arthur, Vera Woods).
of New Toronto; and three Mons:
not he dlapufrrthese who support ahnul,l he paid without Mrs. A. F. Tyson (tree
the position of the public -owned tall the penalty 1 a Mon. John J., of Vanronrer: . on the M., e
oxrtlrnlar regard far the fine feelings I Mr. and Mt,'. Percy I1JAe and tam• of
Toronto, and Thomas C., on home -
lad warned Italy definitely that it time Rattling mneh supportforalts ^f the mnrdorer, and history has fly, Dorothy. Margaret and Jennie, and stead at 1{PI-rave. Also mourning
sekeete, shown the Ignominy of hanging has �Jrxelyn Bag+Aaw, all of 1Cincardlge, hPr loss are tbrerP sllyteTM: Mrs. M.
said to hare mislnterpretel Britains I J 1 Inthe been a reel deterrent. were visitors over t'Irtnrla Day with J Mc('onnell of Rahomher-: lira. P
k d I J y W o odsworth, C.C.E. HTdP F Krcon of Buffalo, Ira had IM big opportun tf e • (•. F. leader, P '
I..Nj days of the north rnuntrf a rand Mrs. D.
apparently half-hearted
gland an wen Winnipeg. stirred up by this theory Ot Jas.
lltrplaenf, and M Mr. Cherie.' RPid, en ermMreld. was 011leeepie, and two brotherly: Martin
nem and hen been busilyengaged In aged it up. it 1s e•n e+sncP. made n plea for the great' I a dlyltnr with his slater. 1(rx R. J. J. Flnleon, of Detroit, and Patrick ].
up trouble In Egypt and In IT IN. 0. t^ "muscle ( In" on the R' Wnctdly. last week.. Ftnlenn, of Denver, Colo. Solemn
pyle•aflnP. tin Monday .\nobony E:,b•e. T. & N. O. end the ('.N.R., which t.. �t Itnl utnlahment IandlPTpressesl mf 1 On Randal evening. Stay 31. the I reclolem high masa was sine at St.
with Icing rr�{p.nniblt sera co Dare opened up the coat north P {
rharped Its!} era country welt as net nnfavnnMP to +sterilba
tion of mental detectives. !Triple Trl P V Hasa. of WlnRbam. will have
Augustine church with RPI. Father
theme of the scenic In rit. Helena
I I'. Donnellan ^the sting- Rev. Father
M. Rnlllcan of Clinton acted as deacon
and Rev. Father Fallon of GOAertch 1
as anis-derma. The Interment was
In Rt. Angnatlne eemetetTY.
for the trv,erlolra three. A nation does I And when this Issue is settled, .here I Dominion iturean If .
sot openly ore"' another power of an Iwlll be otaern cropping up to tax the \cmrdlnR tow United church. RPT. J F. Andersen
Rtatistics report, tourists In Canada In 1
those at the i If ited eh to will be the eq 'kyr. The
u nfriendly act unless s on � 1fM5 spent ^ mmmuntty I■ Invited enjoy
M be, �� Government will he blamed 2(12,7114: 1 Program.
tilt Mnr+col n w
fee nit laving A something a ---
Donaloit to the actual threat Of a
That Is way
1 she I s p. in do brains ami energy
^f fh $70000,4 10 more than the to s good
a4 1 Ilei Ye matter what the decision
tilt ▪ Ml s labour
1111 It. It U Cos e e me 'redoes yi ar Tourist expenditnrea
I Ili reaprwpl more sea y bt to Canada were estimated et $
(Inconi f �e ' IMMI compared with 1129.974.000 In
of with all "NPw UrdmRTles and wider useful
DP i.lhe111 or ens- lf)Rt. TC pP established I dnsfrtea art
mailed fiat. grnerwmea$$, be t S
• • • aPrcatlr hPr political stripe.
The death of George K. Hudson,' Bnf !ea j'mpithy brill
kr Herald. an- ' Politicians, it *,hnnld he remembered
so a, her or The Resp' wit I the: these men knew toll well they re-
ennnewl Iw yerterdal'a daliles. spnnslhllltlee Ind the worries of ot-
reclafr• Alarnaakom Oe Ile wan of mnF �. They salted for It. and now they
Willy among 5e*spap•'r mos which Isere It. lint oh, the headache'
ndltnrre of Canadians in
other reentries In 1938 were pollinateld
ceers.Oq{� •r Inon.a•w of 323.7 ;,
000 neer IMP prevtnme Tear•
C. P. R Ap lie bars
Considerable concern boa ban ecl-
deuced here over the applirnton M a
milrtdisry company of the ('anadian
neva of n
heeknntng."--David 2arnoff.
"We ore apt M inott too far awif
for the sieeompllshment of reform*.
improcemsrrt le generally a personal
nod local matter ('harl4a R
sr$1111 /ENV II, 1.E. Msy 27- Mins
fleece V*.4onwld, of Toronto, Was *1
week end guest with Mr and Mrs. E:1 -
mer Potter.
Mrs. Freher Lowry, of Toronto, is
Bird Supplies
Honey Roll, food and treat-
Imported Bird Seed 1 ib. Zoe
Silver Bird Gravel pkg. 15c
Lioe Powder can 16c
Cattle Bone 5o
Song Restorer can 15o
1[oniting Food. can 15o
Vitamin Health Food ....15o
Treat Cap ...
Glass Bird Bath . .
G1a.. Seed Cups.
each 6c
each 1Oc
each lOc
Bird Cage Springs .. ...100
Gordon Tebbutt
an t?ou
Interesting Values- LResisY
--Prices for the Week of flay 211th to June 6th ----
Cake 25e
NOXZRMA and sake
of ROAP, far 540
1 et. DsNle tee
see and 81.0
ee Hair
Wei oilerss Setae*
841111FS TOtI/PH
II 'Mee ter fele
Wk. 0e R
Pkgs. lie. 82.10
Keep due lands. awe.
'seek sad anis wet
and white
25e, 5.r
Pair Zee
ter Sere Fleet
4w. beetle 56r
Tonsils hurt. err are
you roughing? Use
REMEDY for geed
qulek re*iKs.or mon
ey hark It's 10096
safe. quirk and 'tow
•miral, 1t works, try
Me Ile:
1g er!s-Dunlop's Campbell's Wigle':
Drugstore Dret•t•' • Dreastore