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The Signal, 1936-5-21, Page 3
Better Printing Ser Better Business New ideas and prosperity are does re- lations. Integrity and Intelligence should be our watchwords! Ho let us help you in your Printing Problems. We are here to serve you at all times. Signal Printing Leaves a Geed Impends° The Meet Important Step Toward increased selling power is a dis- play advertisement in The Signal_' Sne- cessful merchants find our lineal and dls- striet newspaper coverage must adven- tageoua. It Pays to Advertise in The [Signal THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers 1� R., A. REM —Registered Optometrist— Eyes Reaatrsi Glomes Fitted (17 years In Stratford), at ReheetnJewelry ewelry Stere "Satisfaction at Moderate Cost" J. W. Craigie Insurance and Real Estate Destinies, Provincial and Municipal Beads PHONE 24 GODERICH The 0. F. Carey Co. Fire, Accident aad Motet Car INSURANCE Representative London Life Insurance Co. Omce:—Masonic Temple, West Street, Goderich Nelms HIM, Manager. Theme 23S Geo. Williams & Son DOM[L*IION, PROVINCIAL aad MUNICIPAL BONDS h P1rs, AeaNeat, Antaamebile and General Lesesne•-Blenls OrY10E. NEXT '10 BANK " unthaw • Gdsrfah Dee cin Signal's Classified Columns For Sole at Port Albert Nnaly Wooded Cottage Lets HYDRO CONNECTION —Mao Houses In Town— " AUTO, ACCIDENT and FIRE INSURANCE W. J. POWELL spout 2e2iCB Insurance and Real Estate ♦YTTOMOBILE. FIEL PLATE OL%BS, EmaGLAEY. SICKNESS, ACCIDENT tlkarantee Bonds, Low Rates with Absolute Financial Strength REPRESENTATIVE afmlaal Life Assurance Ce., evened by The Polley Holders LOW RATES—Beet of Settlements isfermatlun Madly given. Call, write or phone 194 WM. BEATTY HAMILTON STREET GODERiCH County f anf Preece of Boys and Girls Over Two Hundred YDIDg rolls Meet for Inspiration, Organi- sation and Recreation More than two hundred young people attended a county gathering of teen- age boys and girls at North street I'nited- church on Saturday. The meeting was beld under the auspices of the Huron County Girls' and Boys' Work Board. The boys and girls atteeded In groups from Grand Bend, Exeter, Clinton, Bayfield, Brussels, Blyth, Wingham, Dungannon, Londes- boro, Auburn, Ethel, Benmlller, St. Helens, Carlow and t;oderlch. The conference opened with a service of worship led by the Wingham group. A. Scripture reading was given. hymns were sung and a reading completed the service. *The delegate. were welcomed by Rev. F. W. Cralk, of Victoria street United church, after which the boys and girls separated for the election of officers and group discussions, the boy going to Victoria street United church. The elections resulted as follows: Girls—President, Mary Howard, of Ooderlcb; secretary, Laurene Beavers, of 14xeter ; treasurer, Ilene Webb, of Grand Bend. Boys—President, Alvin Corless, of Clinton; vice-president, Ralph Brook. of Blyth; secretary. Joe Patton, of Lucknow ; treasurer, Wm. Barlow, of Goderich. Speakers for the group discussions of the topica Clean Thoughts, Clean Speech, Clean Habits, Clean Athletics, were Miss Mae Skelton, of Brussels, Mrs. A. W; Gardiner, of Londesboro, Mies R. E. Pollock, of Wingbam, and Miss F. E. Hunter, of Exeter, for the girls; and Rev. C. W. Comm. of Clin- ton. licton, Rev. A. W. Gardiner, of Londes- boro, Mr. Harold saeTz.._- T.7wder boro, and Rev. J. B. Moore, of Grand Bend, for the boys. All reassembled at North street church about noon, when the Seers were installed by Mrs. (Rev.) W. P. Lane. Dinner then was served in the basement of the church, and It was a happy affair. with grouper bresking out Spontaneously with their fnvorlte songs• Unfortunately, a (rip to the summer school site was postponed owing to the coolness of the day, but a program of sports and group games at Harbor Park provided an interesting anemone. Rev. Geo. Wylie, of Benmiller; Rev. J. B. Moore, of Grand Bend, and Mr. Harold Snell, of Londesboro, had charge of the sports. A picnic supper and singsong, with Rev. C. W. D. Comas, of Clinton, In charge, was held at the church at 6.30 o'clock, and the conference, which was an unqualified Success, was brought to • close with a sunset service conducted by Mr. Cosecs. The registration was as follows: Girls Dorothy L. Traqualr, Olive M. Stev- enson, Exeter ; Betty Moore; Iienmlller ; Isobel Habklrk. Laura Campbell, Wing - ham ; Frieda Barbour, Edith Barlow, Hazel *dote, Verna -Barbour, Helen Lane, Goderich ; Fanny Levis, Shirley Henri, Lois Hanley, Katherine Turn- er, Dorothy McIntyre. Helen Kennedy, Clinton; Ruth Franklin, Helen Bate- man, Elizabeth Barton, Eva Penrose, Ethel ; Margaret E. Melville, Ruth GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1936 Taylor, Lauren Beavers, June Tay- lor, Helen Boswell, Irene Van Camp Joan Appleton, 'Neter ; Eveiyn Camp- bell, Ruth Hamilton, Mabel Fothergill, Wiughaw ; Evelyn Lever, (live Finch, Marie Plumsteel, Clinton; Patricia Parker, Ruth Mitrhett; Edythe Camp- bell, 1)unelda Mclean, 1lkingbaao ; Lil- lian Elliott, Helm Miller, Clinton: Mabel Campbell, Durothy Mellor, Caro- line Wellwuoe, Evelyn Edgar. Verne Walker, Wingham; Ruth Robertson, Ruth Daer, Goderich; Alen* Munro, Margaret Scrimgeour, Blyth; Evelyn Carter, Betty Saha. Wingham; Beth Shobbrouk, Ruth Lyon, Londesboro; Ina Maskell, Phyllis Jewell, 'tenant - ler ; Mrs. J. T. Knox, Eileen Knot, Londesboro; 19. Ruth Pollock, Wlag- tum ; 'Ethel Hoekart, Londerboro ; Dor- othy Moore, Jean Hill, BenmUler; Pearl Lindsay, Betty Stirling, Bay - Geld ; Faye Lindsay, Clinton; Beatrice Greene. Ella Mousseau, Eva Baker, Doris Baker, Helen Walper, Mrs. Laura Grieve, Helen Grieve, Orva Bas- tard, Grand Bend; Mr.. W. R. Gould- ing, Exeter; Jean Franklin, Blanche Dobson, Edythe Spelrau, Annie Frank- lin, Nora Henry, Ethel ; Mrs. N. Tre- wartha, Helen Herman, Lorna Plum - steel, Shirley gutter, Eleanor Covens, Clinton; Helen Howard, Goderich ; Eloise Gill, Grand Bend ; F, E. Hunter, Exeter ; Ruth Hieborn, Annie Philips, Kathleen McGill, Helen Shaw, Jean Yalreervlce, Blyth ; Lorna Roach, Ferns Alton. Alma Anderson, Alberta Currie, Claire Pentland, Winalfisd Swan, Dungannon; Jean M(4)&1111311.. Ruth Brook, Irene McCallum, !Myth; M. M. Gardiner, F. Thompson, Londeaboro; M. Baird, Wingham; Mrs. Alice Shaw, Blyth; Margaret Fothergill, Londes- boro; Edith Meld, Wingham; Edythe Martin, Wingham; Joyce Pfaff, Gene- vieve Tiedemann, Grand Bend ; Barbara Disney, Doris Harvey, Aimlra Brint- nell, gameter ; Mario Williams. W ing- bata7Alla mwe, Iva Loves, W1onl- fred TNdemes's, Grand Bend; Merle Sanderson, Mary Baker, Mary Davi- son, Betty Best, Barbara MLchle, JMeete Ball. A11st dtllea, Logise Stiles, Isabel 8tepbeaso , Jeanette Sandbrson, Louls Plum, Bdaa Davisou, Mae Skel- ton. Brussels; Mary Tborneloe, Marian Chapman, Florence Price, Ruth Nicol, Miss M. Bailie, Goderich ; Jean Mc- Kenaie, Marlon Gladnan, Ilene Webb, Ada Geiser, Grand Bend. Sys J. -Dewey. Exeter ; Gen. SLraugh- aa, Ambers ; Douglas Holland, John Holland, David Mood, James Mood, David Aitken, Harold Skeardown, God- erteb ; Charles Wellwood, Donald Adams. Jack Fraser, Rase Orvis, Ross Howson, Wtngbam: Tom Steep Don Perdue. Homer Andrews, Joe Patton, Tom Patton, R. Benson Sutter, K. C. Elliott, Raymond Finch, Jim Lockwood, Dan Colquhoun, Clinton; Norris Webb, Grand Bend; Rev. R. M. Gale. Bay- field ; Erwin Beaterd, Burton Greene, Isaac Bestard, Willis Gill, Grand Bend; Bill Barlow, Goderieb : Rev. W. G. Wylie. Benmiller; Frank Eedy, Ir- vine Eedy, Bill McClure, Raymond Currie, Harvey Culbert, Laverne Cul- bert,' Gordon jt'innegan, Rev. Theo. R. Turner, Dungannon ; Warren Sanders, Gordon Brooks, Bob Denny, Exeter; Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Londeahoro; J. W. Penrose, Ethel ; M. T. Coring, Clin- ton; Graham Mason, Carl Manore, Alan WalpeeJ. B. Moor'', Grand Bend; Kenneth Brook, Ralph Brook. Rosa Tbuell, Blyth; Harold J. Snell, Lon- desboro; Walter Barlow, Ted Chap- man, Goderich; Wm. Tiffin, Wm. Da- vidson, Wingham; James McManus, Edgar Stoll, Carlow ; Alvin Cortese, Clinton; Bill Singings, Dorrell Biggs, Mac Habklrk, Wingham; H. W. Love, Ethel; David W. Miller, Brussels; Robe. Cook, Wm. Powell. We.. Reddy, Gordon Herman, Clayton Campbell. Jack Butler, Clinton ; Rev. H. M. Wright. Angus MacDoonaltL.-.31tic4.1W Buchan, St. Helena. 1W. M. S. of Maitland Presbytery Meets THEIR ASSETS—Health. a few securities, and hope kr the future. THEIR PROBLEM --To raise money for • temporary need. and still retain their securities. THEIR SOLUTION—They talk it over with their h••ksr, arrange to borrow against their securities. Within • reasonable time they pay off their loan (for they are Witty), and will get back their securities Intact. • • • • • Thus the firm of Mr. and Mrs. have established • rine of credit. Perhapo went whiner important, they have discovered Mask lomat beak arestaeer is more than • banker—he 1. their friendly councilor too THE ROY ---AL BANK Or CANADA 000 UICH BRANCH • • 1. D. EASTMAN. Manager PORTER'S BILL PORTER'S iJILL, May 20. --On Sun- day, May 24, a special servlee will be held at Grace church at 7.80 p.m„ un- der the direction of the building com- mittee. Rev. G. W. Wylie of Ben - miller will be the speaker and a male choir under the leadership of Mr. P. Young will supply music. On Tuesday evening. May 26th, the Men's Clnb of Goderich township is having a splendid program. A good attendance 1s expected. A Golerkh township hall team has been organised and has as 1U captain Charlie Wilson and manager Wilmer Harrison. Mrs. Reed Torrance 1.. not as well as we should like to see her. On Sunday last Wilmer Harrison at- tended a meeting at Klppen in connec- tion onnedtion with young people'. work. Communion bereft* will be held at Grace ehnrrh on Sunday, May 31st, Anyone wishing to loin the church or he baptised may communicate with the pastor. Rev. R. M. Gale. Pre- paratory serviee will be held on Thurs- day evening, May 29, at 7.80 o'clock. A good number were out to the Y.P.1'. meeting on Thursday last. Eleanor Cox had charge of the topic. The Sieh L ,—Mr.. Allen Bottles, who ha■ been ander the doctor's care, Is slightly letter. Olive Young is staying with her aunt for a short time. Mr. John Blair, who has been quits 111 at the home of his slaters in God- erk•h, Is about eke same. Mr. Blair went to town to be near the doctor Mrs. Milton Woods, who has Imo critically 111, was operated on 1n Lon- don hospital on Tneaday last. Friends here are pleased to know she Is as well as can be etpected and hope to am a complete reeeverp. They who ernes the res. change their sky but sot their disposition.— Horace. At Winghani—korniag and After- noon Sessions—Next Meeting at Whitechurch The annual meeting of the Presby- terian Wumen's'Missionary Society of Maitland Presbytery met on Tuesday, May 12th, in Ht. Andrew's church, Wingham. Mrs. Kenneth Mclean of Wingham, presid?at of the Society, presided. There was a large atten- dance, representing each Society in the Presbytery. Greetings were extended by Mrs. W. J. Henderson ut Wingham. The devotional period of the morn- ing session was In sharp of the Dun- gannon W.M.B. Prayer was offered by Mr... R. LMvidsuu and au earnest wesaage calling fur greater cousecra- tlun war presetitcd by' Mrs. Bennett. Detailed and, encouraging reports were received from all departmeutt as well as from the executive. A most grattfying stateatent of the Society's finances was presented by Mrs. R. Mar tyn, Ripley, la which she stated the amount rent to the provincial treasur- er was $2,930.87. A review of the year's work of the Presbyterial was given by lira. C. H. McDonald of Lucknow and a report of the Provincial meeting, held In Ot- tawa to April, by Miss McLeod of Kin - lose, In which she paid tribute to Lord and Lady Tweedsmulr for their inter- est in 11. Greetings from Maitland Presbytery were conveyed -by Rev. K. McLean. At �S�cwlea The atte 7BOopened with a devotional period 1a charge of Kin- loss and Klnlutagh societies. Mrs. D. Graham spoke bf the need of "Greater Oonsecfstkra" This was the theme chosen by the Presbyterial for 11115 year's messages and the Speaker's pointed queatlun was: "Do we conse- crate ensecrate our tldh—those spare momenta otherwise not profitably spent?" The president lq her address further stressed the sub$dct of ',Greater Con- . ecratiou" of both talents and time 'to tis Maker's work, to labor with Clod and with Christ planting the Gospel seed. of truth and Ilght to bring forth beautiful flowers of re- claimed lives. A much appreciated number on the program was • quartette sung by the ladies of Calvin W.M.B. The Provincial president, Mrs. 11111. of Toronto, conveyed greetings and re- viewed the mlaeton work of (be W.H.11. In Canada. Resolutions were passed deploring and condemning the present liquor legislation and the growth of divorce in our Province. A delightful item of the afternoon meeting was a "Model Mission Band Meeting" conducted In excellent .tyle by members of the Wingham Mission IIs rad. Prayers by Mrs. John McRae 'of Ashfield and Mrs. John Linklater of Tet.water closed a most helpful, in- .plring and encouraging meeting. Officers for 1937 The next annual meeting will be held in Whitechurch. Following are the names of °filters for 11011-7: Hon, president, Mrs. A etrachau, Brussels, president, Mrs. K:McLean, Wingbam; 1st vice-president, Mrs. A. Leggett, Molesworth; 'Aid vice-president, Mrs, John Linklater, Teeswater ; 3rd' vice- president, Miss N., Malcolm. Holyrood; 4th vice-president, Mint 11. McGee, Wingham::ith vice-president, Mrs. R. Davidson, Dungannon; corresponding secretary. Mr.. J. R. Oretg, Bloevale; recording secretary, Mrs., W. J. Morri- son, Klw:.ardlne; trea.urer, Mrs. R. Martyr]. Ripley; Mission Band secre- tary, ins. J. S. Armstrong, Tee.water; Y.V.A. And girls' secretary, Mrt'. T. A. Currie. Wingham; home helpers' secre- tary, Mrs, (Dr.) Simpson, Klntall; life memtwrs secretary, Mr.. W.A. Wil - Ilam.. t'ranbrook; Glad Tiding. secre- tary. Mrs. 0. Kreuter, Ethel; supplies secretary. Mrs. W. Douglas, i.ncknow; welcome And welfare secretary, Mrs. Guthrie Reid, Teeewater ; library and literature .ecretary, Mrs. Janina Par- ker. Itrussels; press 'ecretary, Mrs, John Pollock, Whitechurch; eonvener of nominating committee, Mr.. A. Leggett. Molesworth. BENMILLER EIWl l'Y-\INTIH 'YEAR, NO. 21 HORTICULT 3J$T$' MOT H eys and Ghia iniaaarlfRaifi Imp prove meat d School Onsesi is A meeting ut officers, directors and members of horticultural societies In Huron county was held in the board room of the Agricultural omce in Clin- ton lio-ton on Wednesday evening, May 13th. Representatives were present from the following societies: Seaforth, Goder- kb, Brucefeld, Klppeu and - Exeter. The Clinton citizens' Horticultural Society, while not at present under the •usptees of the Department, was re- presented at the meeting. Mr. George S. Foister of Owen Sound, who 1. secretary for the D(s- trlet Association, acted as chairman, and both J. A. Carroll, director of Agri- cultural and Horticultural Societies, and Mr. John F. Clark, of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, were in atten- dance. Both speaker" Invited ques- tions and those in attendant* took quite an active part In the dlecus.ion, Mr. Clark emphasized the importance of Juvenile work with boy- and girls la public and high schools and ex- pressed the opinion that many socie- ties were more or less neglecting this phase of the work. He state[ that the improvement and planting of school grounds was an excellent means of interesting boy. and girls in hortP voltam,---- - Several members mentioned that the importance Of premiums was, in many cases, over -emphasized and that too many societies were prone to for- get orget the idea that the Horticultural Society should be of service, to the community. Other members pointed out that It would be le dlepeyt to secure new members un'1e4 the Society featured ■ substantial Menem list. Before adjournment' 'a . h tarty vote or thanks was extended td'Y1'.'C.rroll- and Mr. Clark and tholeWfteent ex' pressed the opinion tout a county meeting next year wayhlattract a much larger attendant(" GODERICH BRIDE CLUB At the weekly duplicate bridge tour- nament ournament held Monday geentng, the fol- lowing were winners: 1st, Mise B. Hunter and Mr. D. D. Mooney, plus 7; 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coulthurst, plus 3%; 3rd, Mrs. W. Ir. Saunders and Mr. P. F. Carey, phut 2%. Another game will be bell next Mon- d ay evening. Jitney Dancing' go aeric/ Pavilion SATURDAY, MAY 23rd MONDAY, MAY 2tlth —2W BIG NIGHTS— TONY � TON 1 FARR'S MUSIC FREE TAXI SERVICE FROM SQUARE AT WEST STREET EXCELLENT RESTAURANT SERVICE AT PAY! Plumbing, Heating --4)li-- Eavestroughing WE HAVE IT Repairs for all makes .f stores or furnaces Prompt service and reasonable tastes. John Pinder Mane 127 P. 0. Boz 121 RAISE HUSKY BOYS AND WHOLESOILE GIRLS ON MILK -MADE BREAD HEALTHFUL—APPETIZING—NUTRITIOUS MADE IN OUR OWN BAKESHOP MY. "1144-- C AK E S ORS—MAKES AND PASTRIES E. U. CLEVELAND WEST STREET PHONE 114 Capital Phone 47 O Theatre ..souNp urns Godeirch Now Playing—Kay Francis and George Begat, In "Goose and the Gander," also James Dunn with Claire Doid, in "The Payoff." Manny, Tuesday. Wednesday— Matinee Mom and Wed ad R p —. George firllss Master of faultiest' characterisation, discards the crown and silk top per for the battered derby of lovable "All took publishers rthy of the name are somewhat 11 them- eelves, and hence mors r less In- eane."—Bruce Barton. I W1111e—"I wish 1 hadmillion dollars. Fd go to picture allow. every 1 day then." Jimmie—"You'd take me with yon, Wouldn't you, Willie?" Willie—"law. If you'te(too lacy-isl wthh for yourself you can day it home," "1V1 r. -lobo" THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY— Charlie Ruggles, Ethel Merman and Bing Crosby with a pulchritudinous galaxy of chorines, in a lively, liltlag, tun - and -music show "ANYTHING GOES" "anuses Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 8 pm. Coming—Ann Harding, In "The Lady Continua," with Herbert Marshall. • - sem- .once. ` b 'ftiI mer CANADI. S AND TH11E INDUSTRIBS ANi11FSIR BANL BEN -MILLER. May 10. --Mr. F. 11, Walters Is slightly improved, but still eerioualy ill. We. Rohr. Pett is visiting In De trolt for a week or no. Mr. E. Solomon and Miss Solomon, of Lucknow, were Sunday visitor. at the Moore residence. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Van.tone, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. A. 11. Vanatone and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sturdy and family, of Goderich township wee!' Sunday visitors with Mrs. 13tnrdy's parent., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Straughan. Run•. G. Wylie baa gone to Windsor for a few days. Special service* will he held in Ben - miller church on Rnnday next. At the morning service the pulpit will be oc- cwpkd by -Rev. A. W. Brown of Han- non, a former „pastor hew, and at the evening service Rev. Mr. iawaon of Toronto will preach. The Kenmiller united church will Meld 1t* anneal tea meeting on Mon- day evening, May 21kh. The pro- gram w1H1ne'tsde a play by Gerrie tal- ent, along with other numbers. Ad- mleelns--40; and 20r. • TOBACCO, G-R©N1-N$ • TOBACCO FARM OWNER: "Henry, you and the other men are doing fine work and 1 hope you know 1 appreciate it TOBACCO FARM WORKER: "Thank you; I figure you know that we appreciate our steady jobs and good pay, too." OWNER: "Oh, well, Henry, i don't deserve all the credit. 1 never could have started or carried on this business ptbperly, without the assistance of my bank, the Bank of Morton!. Like hundreds of other tobacco growers, I have borrowed every year from the Blink to pay for plants, fertiliser and labour; and soon after 1 began the Bank loaned Mt money I needed for barns andother equipment. Of course, I've kept up my end by paying off the loans when I sold My crop. There's nothing like good banking credit for making a sound business. regular profits—and giving employment" WORKER: "So it's your bank, tool I think most of my friends in this district keep their savings at the same bank- Some of us have safety deposit boxn there, too." in the development of the tobacco industry, as in other new aad old Canadian industries, the Bank of Montreal has played an important part From the time the plants and fertilizer are pur- chased in the spring and on through the growing season when money is needed for labour, equip. ,neat and buildings, the Bank's loaning facilities are at the disposal of in hundreds of tobacco - growing customers. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1917 • HEAD OPPICI, MONTREAL Goderich Branch: A. A. NICOL, Manager . �, ▪ t tun moi,. +nae rsn.esr/M.. MOD.aN, IPTICiINT BANKING stavics Tn. OYTCOMI Or els Y1Ats' sugc.ssvet OPIIATION - 5