HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-5-21, Page 2•
$—Thattatae , May 31st. UN
Ibiremiesa tgaa
Member et Ciesedisai
iaaWester esompepeve
Published every Thursday morning.
Subscription peke i2 -OO per year.
$1.110 u geld t■ advance. Ba• s,thhere
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tar postage.
W. H. Rossirrtsom. tater and Meager
I.i epoeas «. Cssairiclk Oat.
Thursday. May haat. MI6
z;nzroz zAT. Iii0T
The weatherman L carritM a IazM
nage of samples this spring.
• • •
Again Ooderlcb tuwuahlp rime, to
the ears with all resident taxes paid.
must be a good township to live
It la said that last week's unusually
warts weather was caused by the
blushes oft the tea parliamentarians
picked by Uwe McPhail as the hand-
somest mea in the Howe of Commons.
• • •
Earl Rowe, M.P., is talked of as a
possible successor to Mr. Henry as
Provtaclal Conaert•ative leader. But
would an "Earl" hare apychauce with
the democratic voters of Ontario'
• • •
The remarkable succeeds of the Ger-
mans with their lighter than air Zep-
pelins la likely to revive attempts to
Social Credit and 0. 0. T. Parties Both Have Amendments, but
Neither Party Votes for the Other's—B. N. A. Act Amendment
Sought to Give Provinces Additional Taring' Power—Personnel
of Natiolllal Employment Commission Announced—President
Roosevelt Expected to Visit Ottawa in June—R. J. Dee,chman's
Speech oph the Budget
IJustiec, informed the shouse that ata
(By J. A. flume, Special Correspoa Iawendweuts to the H.N.A. Act are pro -
dent of The Signal) posed this year, outside of that which
Ottawa, May 1L1.—Conservatives would enable the Government to aet up
voted with the Government, so it was Its proposed
loan council scheme. De-
easy to record majorities of '182 and I batt ow fhb proposed amendment pro-
pOsiti ou Thursday. amidst great op
202 agglnrtthe Social Credit and Co -
from both Mr. Bennett sad
Operative Commonwealth Federation Hun, C. H. Gallen. Conservative, Mon-
amendmenM, respectively, to the bud-
get, which was thou adopted by the
House, on division, without a recorded
vote, last Wednesday.
Late In the debate, tee Social Credit
group submitted a budget amendment,
setting forth the clews of Its party. but
the saxudasent was defeated 1115 to
16, only the Social Credit members
supporting It. Theo the C.C.F.
amendment was defeated 210 to 8, only
the seven C.C.F. uembers and Miss
Agnes Macpball, 1%1%0 -Labor, Grey -
Bruce, supporting it.
Tbe Social Credit and P.C.F. groups,
while the most ndk•al In the House,
appear ■a far apart In their viewsi
and as strongly opposed to each other, toms or excise duties are at a high
as all other parties. Mr. Bennett led rate. All of this, of course, envisions
his Conservative group of 38 members more tastes and very probably small
In voting solidly against both Social cent taxes on all turnover sales. auch
Credit and CC.F. amendments: their as have already been invoked in Mon -
programs are much too unorthodox for treat.
him. While he spoke against the bud- Employment ('osssaission Appointed
Young, es-M.P. for Weyburn, Sana. Mr.
Purvis has aaaettYF*d a nation-wide
co-operative effort to Lace squarely
the problems before the country touch-
ing unemployment. The commission
seems to have been carefully chosen.
1t has • trewendous task ahead of 11.
The budget debate took up the sit-
ting days only litter Mr. Dunning
brought down the budget ou May 1.
It was oue of the shortest debates on
record. No Cabinet Minister and few
Government supporters spoke. The
debate was carried on moistly by So-
cial Credit and C.C.F. awakens who
were advancing the programa for
which they stand. Hon. Dr. W. 11.
M,iebeewell, LlbexaL )Iclvlilt.. Sask..
former Minister of Agriculture. lauded
the budget because it contained no
"phoney money" stuff. 1)r. A. Mao°.
Young, Liberal, Saskatoon, while •p -
proving the tariff reductions on farm
implements, automobiles and gasoline.
sounded a warning to the companies
concerted that they sbould drop their'
treat former Secretary of State. and wee. accordingly, or further action
recognlaed constitutional expert ou the as to tariff reduction would likely fol -
Opposition side. Tbe propo(red amend- I low.
meat embraces authority t6 the Pro- H. E. Brunelle, Liberal, Champlain,
%nicer to widen their field of taxation. I Que., urged a committee of party lead -
Mr. Beunett warned that the Prorineel ers to agree on some policy to lift the
might hand on this authority to the country out of the depression. He
municipalities, with disastrous results. was not suggesting • union govern -
Mr. Lapointe justified the proposal of
additional taxation authority to the
Provinces on the ground that they have
not :sufficient revenuer from the use of
the taxation powers now granted them.
The Provinces would receive the power
of Indirect taxation with retard to mile In the H
plored alternate attacks on the C.N.H.
faille beverages, spirits, malt, tobacco,
meat, be explained. merely an advis-
ory committee of leaden.
Comma Co• Besse. Leas PartlsasaltrP
Mrs. George Black, Coervative,
Yukou, pleaded for a little more com-
mon sense and a little Tess partisan -
Mrs. Black de -
sales on retail turnovers except alto
cigarettes and cigars. upon which oue- and the C.F.R. "Attacks on either will
create similar maehiaa- ♦M! theget Mr. Bennett to move se The ,Government finally announced
United States and Great Britain. There amendment and the Government did the p•re uuel of the new National Em -
seems to be no good reason why the not force a recorded tote on the bud• til„anent Commission, as follows: A.
Germans should hate a monulsily
technical ability In tills held.
• . • • _ :--
Prices of cattle ire influenced down-
wardr by the large holdings in 18. ada and some other unldentt par
country. What tbey would be but son or persons to modify the B.N.A.1
for the new outlet provided by the 'act to put Canada under the control
trade agreement with the United state%' of Wall street. Vi'beu be retuned to
baa-lelconjectured.-Caaadss export � give the came of his informant. or
ro assess es,tpooaibtitty himself for
of UN animals la April Iwo. °1 r'• the accuracy y of the charge, Mr. Black-
doubled the value of the export more withdrew it. Deputy Speaker
in April, 1935. Cattle to the calor' F. G. Sanderson thereupon ruled the
of $1$73,196 proridetYrttm Iu 7*ertemeat- aho.Li be expunge' from
of these exports. I Hansard and thus it does not appear
• • • In the House record.
Europese Maks
There will be a general re ofg of James S Woudswort*, C.C.F. lead -
regret at the destruction by Bre the er, w.aa anxious for the Government
Meaeaetung Park hotel, Many pe°P1e to allow a fuft dtavuasion on European
In widely separated communities will affairs and the League of Nations and
yewamber the old structure kindly as to osecure ementm the t Canoverneder policy some
the /scene of their honeymoon or of lobe. mattes. !'rime Mlnlater King
*appy days spent in sound of Huron anggeste t that. In clew of the delicate
waters. It is to be hoped that Mr. 'situation In Europe, to precipitate a
B. H. McCreath, the owner, may lie 1 discussion in Parliament bere might
of get itself. It. Purvis. Montreal industrialist,
-11F-Blackmore quoted an unnamed chairman • t V. McLean, St. John bust -
person as {teeing tdld him an Intrigue nese man: Alfred Marcus, Quebec bril-
ls now uudrr nay Between financiers nese man: Tom Moore, Ottawa, labor
of the 1'nlgd State., the Hank of G4 . representative: Prof. W. A. Mackin -
took of Queen's University, Kingston;
Mr.. Mary M. Sutherland, Wells, B.C.,
a former newspaper woman with the
Grain Growers' Guide; and E. J.
able to rebuild on an even more pre-
tenuous scale, as the site Is a splen-
did one for an hotel of its character.
• • •
United States "G" men under the
leadership of Edward G. Hoover are
redeeming the reputation of our South-
er neighbors by their extremely able
sad fearless handling of the nation's
public enemies. All Canadians wish
them well, particularly in view of the
gigantic task ahead of them. Re•
spoosible public officials say that there
are 150990 murderers abroad in the
Cleated States and if the "G" men are
!spieled to pack them all up they will
be busy for acme time to come.
• ••
p Orendaga, the summer home
Mand by the Y.W.C.A. of Lon-
- _t isAls pm= girls of tbat city, is to
Be mewed trees its old site at Port
Recce to a new one 011 Lake Ilnrou.
The old site was a beautiful one on
bye woo.l."d hanks of a winding river,
het 1t sa-. hot in summer. the ricer
wsa dirty and the !ale bathing danger- Isound one and one tending to minimise
nes. The girl. %Ill find a much sup- lopes when .5 lawyer "god wrong."
ergot' spot on !Ake Huston. where 18,' Vortnnately tench a thing happens very
winds are always cool and invigorat-seldom, In spite of the ancient stock
Leg. the bathing delightful red Mt'jokesjokes about member' of the profes-
prsple warmly hospitable. i sloe. probably there are technlesl
• • • I dldculties In the way of arranging a
The world I. enjoying e. temporary leatisfactory bond and undoubtedly
cessation of war talk. but no one knows 1 there would be opposition from mem-
when the next outIurat will come from here of the profession itself, hut there
E stops. Mussolini told one inter I should to no more stigma attached to
viewer that Italy is now one of the Imuch Insurance In their case than 1n
satisfied nations. Because it wishes 1 the muse% of other pepsins occupying
to do so the world Is likely to aeeept positions of trust.
h is word in the matter, and even lr I • • '
the League of Nations declines to re -1 There ban increasing tendency on
cognise his conquest of Ethiopia the the part of the law enforcement oft!-
rest of the world will protably accept errs to keep to themselves Information
ft as an aceompIishod tact. The regarding crimes. An instance is
world is Eke that in too =any asjli't41that of the alleged conl'eedon of Harry
of dally life, but there {O'Donnell of the murder of Ruth Tay-
• • • l for at Toronto. The man went
The Hepbura Government Is not to his death, setording to information
overlooking any nounsof possible re -handed to the press, without admitting
venue. For years truck drivers have j his crime. Many people had some
purehased Ik-enees for loads less than Idoubt of his tq
guilt and consuentl,
they commonly carried. Nothing Wastherewas Some lowering of respect
done about It and highways. suffered. for the law. Now, it appears, he did
Tbla year the Provincial revenue% will make a confession, although there are
be increased by many thousands oflhalf-hearted denials from some pollee
dollars es a result of the Province- omcials. It might not have been de -
wide checkup undertaken by the Iib- 'treble to publish his whole eonfes-
partment of Highways. 1t Is not like-Ialon, hut It ought to be remembers'
ly that offenders will risk being fitted 1that the public Ix vitally intereat.ad
In future years and PO the government In seeing Justice done and there
Income will be permanently Imprcired (ought not to be any attempt to hide
• • • le+lsentisl facts from the people. Ila
Tho a who Lace noticed the absenee addition. the pollee might remember
of bees around the fruit blossoms claim that that are the warrants of the
tat- _bill : Jslf'-rary- Salle 414olt 11t 'De'el k'.-rmpbrycd to do�lrertafe
mane eesatl this year. The belief wary kind of ..ark The tweet means
1a that the beery .now of the Md win- hof reporting to their employers, the
taryed many hives, with the re- Ipaople. nn their work is through the
• t there are eM *sough bees to . enlumns of the press. While thee
dortillae the bkowotns. Not all kinds ought not to Is hampered In the ear-
dt trait treed err f*rtYleed by Mas. tying on of their jobs they ought t•.
M.. aril 1is1f-fertilhdwg and will pro hear In niiAtl their true pisttlon in
:dace tJgir as al camp bat experts the .ommnnity
not solve our problems,' Mn. Black
remarked. "As sensible people. as we
value the future of our country. let
us think of business first and political
sniping afterwards.”
'Hon. Norman Rogers, Labor Min-
ister, announced that the Federal
grants-in-aid to the Province for dire.•►
relief will continue for May and June
on the same level as for April. approxi-
mately $2,550010 per month. The
MlQlater has been bury lately In inter
vieiving Provincial repreatntatites to
allocating 99.20o,4I00 for new plops
works to be undertaken on a basis of
dollar -for -dollar expenditure by the
Provinces. This would mean a total
of $18,400,000 of a building program
throughout the Dominion. in addition
to many other works undertaken en-
w et
l -
JUST RECEIVED. A large range in latest
designs and styles. Fine all -wool Suits, in
a full range of Summer shades and colors.n
Sizes 16 to 42. Knit -to -Fit and $10.95
Dutex. Each -. •
Mercury and Circle Bar. All new Sum-
mer shades, in chiffons and service -
weight. Sizes 81/2 to 10. Pair...
Barryraoor Axminster, heavy deep pile,
in new Oriental patterns. Delightful color-
ings. Width 27 inches. Special$225
Hit and miss centres with fancy border.
Fast wash colors.
24" x 48"
28 x '
Bine ' Heavy-
eavybrush. Regular 59e, each
See w 1114111) display of new patterns, in
1, 2 sn11 :i yards w Slit hoer 45c and
square paril • ranging . ,
ttrely by the Government to ease the
unemployment situation.
President Roosevelt Expected
The visit of President Franklin D.
ttooserelt of the United States W Ot-
tawa bas been tentatively set for
Monday, June 8, dependeet entirely 011
the American Congress concluding its
wtwalon. With Parliament in reaaion
bere. !'resident Roosevelt undoubtedly
would he accorded the rare honor of n
sperlal.seat ou the Iloor of the House.
Amongst the amendments. to the
Criminal lode likely to be Intr,nluc•r.l
by the Government are those W a udl-
fy ws•tiuu t)tt w•hk•h fi* I.Ilerals vow
sldc•r ..lojoy tlonaMO. and provisions fi.r
greater penalties in curbing re•kles.
driving of automobiles. on aceognt of
the ever Increasing number of seri-
dents on the highways of the Dominion.
Announcement that His Majesty
King Edward VIiI has conferred a
manpuisate on the Earl of Willingdon,
Just retired as Viceroy of India, was
heartily approved here because of his
great popularity as Governor-General
of Canada !926 to 1931.
The Member for North Hires
it. J. Deachman, Liberal. \ort* Hur-
on. speaking on the budget, character-
haracterIred the members of the Social Credit
party a;' "the dissenting minority of
the House." He confessed -he rather
liked to bear J. H. Blackmore. S.C.
member for Lethbridge and group
Leader. because of the freshness and
vlvaclty of his presentation and the
sincerity of his speeches. He observed
(Continued on page 71
Mr. and Mrs'. George Drennan and
Herbie visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Barger of Fort Albert_
Mr. and Mrs. David Little and Vera
and Mr. Wm. Waring were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alton
of HackettOwn.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson. Jean
and Jim visited with Mr.' and Mrs.
John Mullin of Belfast Sunday after -
-- Mr. Albert McQnold, of Luk w,
spent a few days recently at Mr. Jas.
Nothing It impossible to industry.
—Latin Proverb.
not be the best contribution to a solu-
tion of current international problems.
ler. King made It plain he would abide
by the wlehes of the House in the
matter and Indicated an opportunity
would he provided before the session
closed fur some discussion. Mr. Ben-
nett agreed the House should abide
by the Prime Minister'•' judgment, be-
cause he is in a position to receive
information not available to other
members. The House did accept Mr.
King's advice sad the discussion was,
consequently, postponed.
B. N. A. Act As eednewts
Hon. rrneat Lapolete, Minister of
claim that bees belp them all and
there Ir eertain to be • bortage in
many Hata Limas PM just watt'
and see bow its turas oat.
• • •
With the drfakatien of a Seefortb
lawyer to the tune of scores of thous-
ands of dollars, there will once t;pla
arise the agitation for use bonding of
all lawyers sic handle estate*. sad
Moat of them do. The idea ascan a
Feoat the ftlp. to the Laur.ntIans
Co.*nsShell's Experience
TN every gallon of Shall gasoline
there is something you cannot see.
It is the experience gained through
Shell's study of driving conditions
on practically every road in Canada
and throughout the world.
You can bel this Shell world experience.
however. in the performance of Shell in
your car. And you can see the saving in
your gasoline costs—for Shell is so effi-
cient that you get every last mile from
every gallon. Only genuine Shell can
conte from Shell pumps—they're sealed
against substitution.
TOW C'AW1 11 'Mill 01 saiLL