HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-5-14, Page 8Meat Specials t Freta Itlambert Sleek ..1 Ibis2M Pere Pork Serep 1St Rosin Mage Deei 11liLt Babe Reed ..as ice.. 15e Sleek Rios Bleakt e l la Neat Market -Time IioG- Phons d86 Hamilton St. WARNING Riding bicycles on the side- walk in strictly against tbs Town Bylaws. Offenders will be prose- cuted. R. C. P.stdet`wailte, CHIEF OF POLie . W reeking ACROSS PROM Cog RTA'rrON Lei*, LATH AND BUILDING MATERIAL TOR - SALE CHEAP-- Pim* Frame Barn for Removal, 30 x 45 ft. APPLY TO SALZMAN AT JOB - FURNITURE Repaired, Remodelled allla Upholstered viR OY GUARANTEE!) PRICES REASONABLE George McKay St. David's Street, Goderich THE a' Baptist Church Rev. 8. It. McClung, Minister I6 a.m., BiBLE SCHOOL 11 ■ m. "TSE HOLY SPIRIT AND CHRIST" 7 p.m. ••0 TASTE AND SEE" Jitney Dancing EVERY SATURDAY RITE at the PAVI -£DNDISION 100 '-Free Dancing till 9.30-1- Free .30•-rtree Taxi Service from West Street SPECIAL DANCE ON TUESDAY, MAY 19th Admission 35c Mother's Day in Goderich Churches Voda and Services Appropriate to the Occasion at Sunday's Senior Services In Goderich churches on Suuday morning were devoted to the honoring of mothers and to the mem- ory of mothers who have passed be- yond. as tbe tenflrrgationa toted in the observance of "Mother's Day." The day was warm and bright and large congregatlooe attended the ser- vices. Pulpit platforms and altars were beautifully bedecked with dow- er. and special music was provided by full choirs. At Knox Presbyterian church the children of the Sunday scb of attended the morning aeryke in a body. Rev. D. J. Lane spoke fittingly on the sub- ject, "Holy Living, Our Tribute to Mothers," and Mims Dorothy Green sane 'an appropriate solo. Attendance diplomas and seals were distributed by Mr. E. C. Beacom. superintendent of the Sunday school, a,. follows: First-year diplomas -Robert Moore. Nancy Hallows, Irene Stoddart. Jack Felt:ley. Nell Tbompeon, Jack Hamil- ton. Elgin Fisher, Louise Morrison, Frieda Barbour, Noreue Morrlsou. Jock Young. Second -year seals -Joan Buchanan, Irene Milne, lolly Newcombe. Jim Saunders, Fred Stokes, Don Rivers, Molly Bisset, Ruth Butt. Betty Du- quette. Lech* Black. Betty Mellwain. Third -year seals- Ordetta Fisher. John Schaefer, Fkf Itraughan. Robert Maskell, Lllllas Milne. l'na MacDon- ald, Douglas Orr. .._ Fourth-year scala -Mary MacDonald. Helen Muir, Noreen Mcsay, Ale:. Butler, Frank Hawthorne. Fifth -year seals-Marjork Daer. Marjorie Tufford, Eleanor MacEwan, Shirley Marwick. Robert Hawthorne, Billy Lanaway. Jack Tufford, Beeate Glidden. Max Cutt, Phy1W Hawthorne. Peter MacEwan. ' Sixth -year seals -Harold -Deer. Al- bert Gauley, Margaret Lanaway, Rdth' Doer. Grace MacDonald. Robert Bisset. sett -tear sells -Ruth Sbepberd, Jack Laureation. Hamel Gaaley. also annooaeed that twe member* of the Sunday school bad completed the junior memory course, reciting all three parts. Mr. Beacom out that the ronrse was no easy task, and stated that the first part consisted of reciting. at one class, the 1st Psalm. the Ten Commandments, ten verses of the gospel of St. Luke, one hymn and a abort parer. The two winners of headsotne diplo- mas for their efforts were OrdelL and Elgtn Fisher. The little hey also re - Salvage & Supply Co. Value Shoppers! Quality Shopper. 1 r: FARTHER FOR YOUR NEEDS Terse valises are effective May 14th, IStl4 16th Lard 2.25` 'Pah 2 -25` Chocolate Covered Bisects Emery Peek7` Shrimps Tt. RECKITT'S BLUE P� 6c SODA BISCUITS KRAFT VF•LVEETA CHEESE CAMADIANsCHEE E Plain or Pimento Plain or Pimenss Chateau Cheese Plain or Pimento 2 27` CHRISTIE'S, M.CORMICE. WESTON'S err McCORMICK JERSEY CREAM 'B" Package TEA 3y(-oa- Pkg. =o< YAW. Labial tk 29c Riehmelle Win Omer. Psk« meg- 1-1b, Tits 69C CHERRIES 225c PERFECTION ••;.�..i4•aw. Cowan's Cocoa ren 23c HOUSE-CLEANING NEEDS Cleaseer BABBITT'S • 3 T- 13( Star or Ilandy Powder AMMONIA Good Quality BROOMS - Pkg. 5( Each 25( Arm & Hammer Washing Soda 2Pkgs.13' Peri ec twin FLOOR WAX 1 -ib. Tin 25< Round }Nib CLOTHES PINS den- 10< Spring Clip I0 -Pin Pkg. Clothes Pins 3 Pkge. 25< CLOTHES LINES 30 ft. 1St! : SO ft. 2$4 EON -AMI, Cake or Powder 2 for 250 !LOA. 4 -pad Pkg. 14e ; 8 -pad Pkg. 234 Ni1W-. larse-Tt - . �, 11 Perf'n 12-0:. Bot. 111! Perf'n S -oz. Jar. Mkt PENN-RADD r Pauuarlea.ia MOTOR OIL WHITE SATiN PASTRY GILLETT'S LYE Tin Cath Pr Cam 1 FLOUR 24-gp. 57C Au Canada Garden SEEDS Small Pkg. Large Pkg. 5< 10< Hevueel 6 -or Tin Chicken 27< A LANDIWARE DISAPPEARING TLL L a picture of the old Banits House, opposite the C.N.R. station, which 1s now in the hands of the wreckers. Aa stated to these columns last week, this was originally the Maitland hotel, and was erected about seventy-five )ears ago by Edward Honker, who conducted It for maay years. Afterwards It waa purchased and con- ducted by B. J. Saults, who retired from the business some years ago but retained ownership of the property. Evidently the original en- graving to this office wan mortised and the words "Smelts House" in- serted at tbe time of the change In ownership of the hotel. OM residents may be interested In seeing this picture of a land- mark that is now disappearing, and possibly they may be able to recog- nise the figure of the biedrlver as that of the late A. M. Polley, a famous character of those days In Goderich. mired a special prise from hla Sunday school teacher. • At North Street Vatted At North street 1'olted church 1 choir of mothers led the service of praise. The hymn "God Give 1's Homes." arranged as an anthem, was sung, Mrs. Mond apd Mrs. Lane taking the duet part. 'Mrs. R. F. Player sang ■ solo. "Father, Our Children Keep" Rev. W. P. Ione spoke from the text "Salute Rufus and his mother" (Romans 16:13). Beautiful flowers on the pulpit plat- form were contributed by the members of the W.M.B. evening auxiliary. . At the Baptist Chorek Rev. S. R. McClung. of the Baptist church. preached on the words, 'Seek ye first the Kingdom of God." and gave a *bort eermonette on "Mother," for the children. Mrs. McClung sang 'Hymn* Motber Used to Sing," and recitation. wt -re given by Wm. Johns sten aad Miss Verna M111er..- 61, €e.srge'e Moak. - Ise. ilia L Roberta, jf Winghasa, rural dtaa of the Deatry of Her spoke appropriatety at ;-8t. G Anglican chore+ at tee Amorning ser. rice oa the subject "Aid the Mother of Jea.mw Was There." aid a fall chair rendered the anthem, `games it Times a Stilbeas.' Thesis St. LLY.I Amrek At Victoria street Caked chervil the Morels" twrvIee was la bailor of moth- ers, with a fell choir of young men ben the Christ*, Service Group tee*. lag the monied of song. In the even- ing the .device was b Mace of lathers, and the chair wee esu poled of yeas wosuez e . Be'. !. W. • thin sermons 011 o topics dsuw� lit_ the day.. Tie wheel Oat at 10 elder k. sad the programs mum wappSad Ow tie Religions. remotion n(' ..._.�r_L. Mew waa 1i w iskee/rt, , The Pewee* monomial rep Was se far tete drat tient ane will be pre*eatei at Adenoma to the r-:ame that follows mom Hoeft the rde- set down by the sands, wheel lard we manaaemeat and will be wanted by the clads for a year. The regular monthly meeting of the (;oderice Women's Hospital Auxiliary will be held at the public library on LASE LEVELS Shrum Gem Three bailee Higher than a Year Age Ottawa, May 11. -Water level In the St. Lawrence River In Montreal harbor was 77 Inches (ower during April than In March. but 14 inches higher than April, 1935, according to a report issued by the Hydrographic Service. Department of Marine. The level was 181 tnches lower than the highest April (18871 since 1860, 35% inches higher than the lowest for that month (1961), and 88% Inches lower then the average level of April for the last 76 years. The level In Lake Superior was 1% Inches lower than April late year and 3% Inches higher than the average level for April for the last 76 years. Lake Huron was Silt Inches higher than April, 1935, and 2814 Inches lower than the average levet for that month - In the Wt -76 yfirs! Rhlsifheel of Lake EH. was 10 inches 'finer than April last year but 18 Riches lower than the average for the last TS years. iyrlo was 16% Iaek a blabs than April. 19116. and 15% inches lower than the average for tbe month In the last 76 years. BRIEFS The regular mediae d Ooderlcb Township Hospital:aazMary will he (-*ld at the home of the Ritmo Salkeld, Bayfield road, on Thursday, Maw 21St. at 2.30 pm. Knox church Mission Band and Girls' Circle will told an afternooa tea and sale of baking at the masa Colborne street. on Saturday, May 16th. from 3.30 to 6 pm. The regular meeting of OS &Tiber Circle will be held at Knox church oa Monday, May 18th. at 8 o'clock p.m. The report of the Provincial meeting r eentir held at Ottawa will be given. The next regular meeting of the VIrtorfa Home and School Club will be held Tburday. May 28th. instead of May 21e. on arenunt of the Bog ic'ouu meeting to he held on the lat- ter date T. t:. O'Neill. of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff. was taken to Alex- andre hospital no Thnrsday night last. Nenday. May 18th, at 4 o'clock p.m. for an emergency operation for appen- Clcltla. During hie abseure C. F. Co - lean. of the Strattnrd branch of the ht, will he stationed here. Hoop GOING with - - GODERICH MARKET PRICES (PE(' I Al.! Large Juicy Oranges 25c dozen Extra Large Pineapples tic each - BETTER BRAN FLAKES Tuna brae flakes are pre- ferred by active people. Packed with flavor and nour- ishment. Crimp and delicious with milk or cream. Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes have enough extra bran tb be mildly laxative. Insist on these genuine bran flakes at all grocers. Always oven - crisp and ready to eat. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. :.; Yawl Henn, 5 lbs,. 23e; bees, 4-5 lbs., 11c; bens under 4 lbs., 10c. Ego rad Butter Fkgs, per dozen, 12e -161e; batter. dairy, Ib. lsc; butter, creamery, lb., 22c. . live Sleek Bacon hogs, cwt.. 47.75: beet, ih., 4r -Sc; veal, Ib., 7c -7%c. Grate Wheat, per bus.. 65e -70c; buck- wheat, per bus., 33s -31k; oats, per bus., 25e -30e; barky, per bus., 33e -- Vegetables Potatoes, per bag, 41.25; turnips, per bus., 25e -30c. Flour sad Feed Bran, 100 -ib:- bag, $1.10--41.15; shorts, 100 -ib. bag, 41.25-41.30; Mani- toba floor, 100-1b. bag, $2.85-$5.25. AUCTIONiBRING THOMAS GUNDRY, GODERICH, ja LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL , AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give ettlafactfon. Farmers' sale notes discounted. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. 0. E. MYERS, V.8., B.V.Sc, VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the University of To- ronto and Ontario Veterinary College. Office at T. T Morphy's, Hamilton street. Phones: Day 206; residence 249W. PUBLIC NOTICE LAWN MOWERS POWER GROUND and repaired. Reconditioned mow- ers and hlcycles ter aide or exchange. --Ar' Il i(ft Qua NOTICE I HAVE BOiI(lHT Al!Impordd Clydesdale stallion and In - find petting him on the..roed. Pee trNr JAS. CHIS iOL.M, Jr., Goderich R.R. 6. WANTED WANTED TO W;T.-r. GOOD USED piano. Mui he In drat -class con- dition and rowdiest'', priced. Apply SIGNAL QYTICE. R(►OMERB WANTED. - LAS(i)l� frame bomlt, coaysaleat to Square, all modern eeaveatencea. Apply J. R. BARNWELL, 27 Keay. street. WANTED. -LOCAL SALESMAN TO Gell directly to consumers 100 per cent. pure Pennsylvania cerUAed mo- tor lubricating oil at au attractive price and which will net to an active salesman a good living. Cash trans ii aloe. tuiose.Wt. t/typ&7 to DVA 25, THE 'SIGNAL. NOTICE TO t2EDITORB NOTICE TO CRISOTORS. Notice Is hereby given to all persona having claims against the Estate of William Hill, late of the Town of Goderich, .n the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased, to send the same duly verified to the undersigned on or before the 28rd day of May, 1936, atter which data the Executors will proceed to distribute the said estate among the persons entkled tbereto, taving regard only to the claims of which they then shell have had notice, and that the) will nut be liable for the proceeds of the estate so distributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not by then have been received. F. R. DARIROW, Goderkb, Ontario, Solicitor for tbe Executors. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. ANL► IMPLEMENTS. At the farm of Lisle Ufilftaa, hat�M4 Lake Range, at Kintal _�! Neth SATURDAY, ILAY at 1 o'clock p.m. Everything to be sold, as the pro- prietor 1s quitting farming. WELLINGTON IHENDERSON, Auctioneer. LOUIS DALTON, Proprietor. jjNIUMIREVED ANiON SALE OF VVHOUSE FURNISH INOS AND 0Ta ARTICLES. Wire Instructed by Mrs. Thome* Mc0ratten and James Green to sell by public auction, at Melt Srme la Ialtford, oa eA'a DAA -MAR-- Mae at 1.30 sharp all the contents of the home, including: Emerson oprlght piano, a good in- strument ; antique walnut sofa ; eve large upholstered chats; library table; rug, 3% x 4 yards; number of small tables; gateleg dining table; ate dining chairs; couch; four coagoleam rugs, 3 z 4 yards; pictur4s; carpets; eurtalas ; hall rack; three auntie* chairs; antique Iltdroom suite, mat- tress and spHAgf: three bedroom mites, mattresses and springs; walnut tall leaf table; six kitchen chairs; Sideboard; chest of drawers; walnut washstand; White droppead sewing macbine; McCrary range and pipes; Quebec beater sad pipes; kitchen stove; Magnet cream separator; large barrel churn; lawn Mailer; eau kit- chen cupboard. lamps; crocks; jars; Ilght team wean'. with pole and shafts; two -section harrows, and num- erous other articles. Everything most be disposed of, as the property is sold. TERMS -Cash. T. OUNDRY A SON, Au. t)oneers. FOR SALT L`OR SALE. -PERMANENT WAVE machine and dsyee ter sale cheap BOX 22, SIGNAL OIITICE, Ooderkh. SMALL f/IV&ROOM HOUSE FUR aaie as -easy -term; electric Ugh', water and excellent cellar. Apply to L. E. DANCI6Y, L'88EX COACH FOR SALE AT is Bradley's garage. Excellent condi- tion. Two new area, hatter) and top. Newly painted. 450 cash. FOR BALE. -FRAME HOUSE ON ■ Brock street. Also piano and a number of other articles. Apply at residence et T. T. MURPHY. Colborne street. UOUSE FOR SALE. -TWO-STORY �3aabriek house on Trafalgar street, In good condition. Modern convenlencee. Apply GEORGE WESTBROOK, Tra- falgar street. $JOUSE FOR SALE. --TWO-STORY brick house on Nelson street. Eight rooms and bathroom. Good location. World exchange for bungalow or cot- tage. Apply at /11ONAL p4"FICE. PASTURE FARM TO RENT NEAR Benmiller, at will sell on easy terms. Apply to MRS. RUTH THOMPSON, 13368 Chelsea street, Detroit. Mich.. or to HARVEY FISHER, R.R. 6, Goderich, Ontario, Canada. FOR SALE-R1;X10AL.AW ON ■ Keaya street. Red brick, good con- dition, seven rooms including three- piece hatbroom. Hardwood floors throughout, modern lighting, storm windows all round. Easily heated by fnrnaee. Mottle garage. Extra lot with young frust orchard. Sacrifice for quick ole. Apply 47 Keays street. New Books IN OUR LE»'Dllra LIBRARY Cole's Book Store Goderich Ont. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1• W. MONTEITH, Cbarured Accountant 89 Ontario street., Stratford, Ontario (Member Flretbrook, McLeod • Moo- telth, Toronto, Ontario.) MEDICAL R. F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, as- sistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital god Golden Sputa, Throat 1304011111. Loudon. En EYES 'TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. Next visit -Wednesday, May 20, from 7 pm. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, May 21, at Bedford Hotel. LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES, �I Barrister, Ele. Office -court House, Oodericb, Telephone 55. MG -"BB R. NAIRN, ar Nanlster and Solicitor ages Hamilton Street. Ooderlea. Telephone 512. FRNEBT Y. LEE, 1 Barrister and Solicitor Bun Lite Building, Adelaide and Vic- toria lrtoria Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER rHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Oodrteh, Pout 341 Equipped with electro-dagmetle baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic, organic, aid nervous diseases. Lady le at- tendance. Omce hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 pm. on Tueday. Friday and Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. only, or ronaultatloo may be dad by appointment. Monday and Thursday at Mitchell A. N. ATKINSON Residence and omct--Cerner of South street and Britannia road. I INSURANCE, LOANS, RTC. lMsa3tB11i KILIOP MUTUAL EIRE INR- A.NCE 'CO. -Farm and Isolated town property Insured. Officers -Alex. Broadfoot, President Seaforth; John E. Pepper, Vice -Presi- dent. Itrueefield ; M. A. Reid, Seese- Mury-fressu rev, Sea forth. Directors -Alex. Broadfoot, 8ea- ferth ; James Sholdice, Walton; Wm. Zaire, Londeeboso; George Leonhardt, Dublin; Joh■ E. Pepper, Brueefield : James Connolly, Goderich; Thomas Moylan, 8eaforth ; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth ; Alex. McEwing, Blyth. Agents -W, J. Yeo, R.R. 3, Chutes; James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, R.R. 1, Brucefieid ; R F. McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt Kis- cardlne; R. G. Jarmuth, R.R. 1, Born- holm. Policy -holders can make all payasen(a and get their cards recelpted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Citt's Grocery, Kingston street, Goderich, or 1. H. Reed's General Store, Baydc1d. FARM FOR. SALE. -BEING LOT 89 on highway 8, one and a -bait miles from 1lolmesvllle, conalstleg of 100 aeres more or less There is a 'nod frame house; excellent bank Karn : pig pen, driving abed, and chicken hoose, all In gwoed 1r. The farm is Ill exceUeat �n and la coq;. atdeeeet nuns the In thee diene e4 ; r watered by creek and never -falling spring. Hard sad soft water In booms, The property Ia befog sold to elms the estate of the Into Wm. 1'1111. Per &intuit particular* sppi/ HAREIA'rr M HIf.h HUGH HILL, WM. W. HiLL., Onderkh, Ezecntsrs of the Es - tete of W.. Hill. SAVE Money by Prepaying TOWN OF GODERICH 1936 TAXFS Taxpayers may portfolio Tax Prepayment Rerelpte ter 1934 Taxes el favorabk discounts. COST AMOUNT May 1 to 13 =10.00 50.00 $ 9.93 49.65 Prepayment R.eelpte moat be prevented along with 10.16 Tax BIN during the first Installment period. r Rank Interest Ie only 2 Dar rent. Portent* yen'.Prepay ilkeW' akketutplit-Wet, atxd 11.11l,1,,a your pump). ewrNag pe ., t nterdt. Jude nnnta will be allowed / ` in addle "ra NEIL L MtaoLT• :-._ TAR (7AtLidDLTOK