The Signal, 1936-5-14, Page 7alaaltgs`t10a.4•..,•
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IICounty and District 11
Muriel Frances Spooner, widow of about a potato grown In thatnelghbor-
('harles McGregor, died on Thursday e•ood last year. It appeals that a
last at her home in Hutlett. Deceased Mr. Osborne grew many large ones,
was born In Clinton and war married tet the biggest of the lot was one
over forty years •go to her late bus- which prodded elgbt meals for a fare -
hand. One 6011, Rorg McGregor, Ily of tbtee' people. If tbey were
survives. manual potato -eaters thle is about the
Mr., and Mrs. George E. Earl of test story of the kind for some time,
(hitter annouuee the engagement of etre If nearly a year late in coming
their youngeet•daughter, Myrtle Irene, to light.
to Norton William Brock. only sou of Aged Resident Passes
Mr. alnd Mrs. Milton Brock
keoftt e otter borne, Menno Batehler, aged resident of
the t OddI01 Sarich, died et his home there oa Wed -
part of May. eesday of last week after a brief
Preset in in Feet H war In his eighty-third
Chu. Fisher, of I'aburue, had the
misfortune to drop a sec•tou of a bar-
row on his foot, ale ago, one
a the prongs pen g for some
depth. He will be Incapacitated for
the next week or two.
Rim Irene MBreaks• 1 Ingham, had
tha misfortune to break her right
ankle while walking down a hill near
Ler home. Ligaments t5 the leg also
were torn, with the result that the
young lady will be laid up fur the
(arming month or more.
Stairs Break
When the cellar steps in his home
gave way. Frank Monne), of Wing -
Lam, fell to the cement floor and sus-
urtuned a broken arm. It is feared
that be w111 be Incapacitated for some
weeks as a result Several cuts about
the arm are progressing favorably.
Game Preserve
A part of the township of Kinloss,
to Bruce county. has been set aside as
a game preserve. There 1s to be no
hunting of animals or birds there and
un one is to enter with a gun. Tbe
action of the officials of the Depart- Wolf Into a somersault, lauding On to brig
sant of Game end Flrherles le genet- its rktlm, breaking a bone In Yr.
Vigorous Address
(Continued from page 3)
' leaaa tif:we., lee ' added wltb clear
meaning that It was not only the rank
and file of various parties which should
neearon*ll paddUng�deTbe trsuneeded
benches looked as if they got it. To
make sure about it, Major MacKay aecrral amendments were made to the
ua.dbudget, a tate said, showed
ef c own. Muulcipal Act, also the Assessment
Tbe he sold, showed clearly Act, Scboot Act, Sheep Protection Act,
that there pe really ay public eon- etc. The general rate to acbewl• will
troy 'w expenditures through the now be Q per rem• of the original
people's refreae cit,n no scientific rete instead of 75 per tent., which
the a of deficits, of
to stop
the ever mounting cost of vacuum "" :«:s that actoob *111 receive
general rate. The Dog Tal and uncap
new. a And while there was plenty o[ mince) Protection Act is amended to include
year and had re.lded In the district for frills, the eettlrrr of the country, cattle killed or injured by dogs. The
all his life, having been born on the the real strength and fibre of British Voters' I let Act is amended so that the
Goshen line just (Doth of the village. Government, were lett to "stew in clerk not send nde to defeated
lie was married on April 17th, 1877, their own juke" and the mining lo- clerk
needed for Perda tats
to Magdanua Kropt. who survives dustry, which started In els Cariboo, taxt0cPar, Mr. Howard 8tnr-
h11m. In addition be leaves one son teas grossly neglected. Lneideutally, dy,The ted b4 official returns show -
and there daughters. he revealed e little family gossip when tag only 3188.28 of ci*L resident taxes
Deatk et Mrs. LCawtebsa he complained that tbe budget would unpaid, all resident ratepayers having
The township council met at Holmes -
t Ille on May 4. Correspondence from
the Workmeu'e Compeusatloe eioard
read and filed. Department of High-
ways acknowledged receipt of bylaw
re expenditure on roads and R. M.
Smith, Deputy Minister of Highways.
notified the count:I that there will be
uu rebate on gasoline used on road
uunchluery except stationary.
At the last session of Legislature
Janet Rutledge, widow of Leonard
Cantelon, }lied suddenly on Saturday
at her home 19 Clinton„atter a brief
illness. Deceased way born in 0oder-
kb township forty-six year* ago, the
elder daughter of the late William
Rutledge. and was a nurse by profes-
sion. In 1919 *be married Mr. Cante-
lon, who died twelve years later. She
1s survived by her mother, living in
Clinton, three slaters, one brother and
three stepchildren.
Tee Active Beast
Jos. Northcutt, of Hay township,
was knocked down by a steer be was
shipping to the Toronto market and
severely Injured. The accident oc-
curred when Mr. Northr,rtt was loading
a number of animals. . One objected
to the ride on the truck' and bucked
Lave been different It the Liberal caucus
Lad been consulted—the first intima-
tion that It hadn't been.
On motion owas passed to
s. Corey and Cox
a cute of appreciation
the collector and treasurer for the et-
hctent manner In which they have dis-
charged they( duties.
Accounts paid: Sutter, Perdue &
CARLOW, May 13.—Rev. James 8. Prattle, Indigent funeral, $60; Goder-
and Mrs. Roe, of Woodbridge, spent lch Star, printing, *1.20; H. C. Lew -
Tuesday of last week with Mr. and son bold, g5; H. Sturdy, peo*lties on
Mts. Jacob Fisher and on tbeir return
of taxes, giF5.74; C. G. Lobb,
were aetowuanlel by Yrs. (Rev.) W. relief account, 33; F. H. Jenner, re -
W. Stoddart, who bad been vistting her lief account, $6.28; eupertntendent pal
.later, Mrs. Fisher, for several days. voucher No. 6, 3138.70.
Mrs. ritoddart purposes making her Council then adjourned to meet on
home In Toronto for the present. Tuesday, May 26, at 10 a.m., for court
The warm weather is bringing on I of revision and general badness.
vegetation orgy rapidly and tbe coon- R. G. TH(OMPSON, Clerk.
try 18 looking beautiful (grin, with • • •
cherry and plum trees in blossom and EAST WAWANOSH
the little dandeltnna doing their best cfl ton May 4th with all the
----a • r.-CA611149=Z-14..a- tom:'' 16.y. -.4444414..41114C «..p•i
TAneaday, May 14th, 1186 --
News of the Farm
Notes and Comments on
Agricultural Topics
Reducing Fars Pewee Goats
Farm power costa may be reduced
by making needed. repairs aad adjust-
ments on tractors, by using proper
bitches and operating with au optls
mum load. Horne labor costs may be
reduced by having harness and imple-
ments In perfect adjustment, by using
prop hitches and loads, by economical
feeding and by uslug mostly young
horses raised ou the farm.
or level with the seed. In the case
of peas, the fertiliser abould be sere
arated slightly from the reed, prefer-
ably below the seed with one-half to
one Inch of soli 4etween. Good re-
*ults have been obtained with fertiliser
or potatoes, both broadcast and In
drill or row. 11 M recommender, how-
ever, to apply fertilizer In bands at
either aide of the row and level with,
or slightly below, the rets or grid.
Utinebw•er Situatlos
Au luteresting and Important meet-
ing of coruborer inspectors war held
lu Loudon In April, with 1'roteasur
Lawson Caesar, Provincial Entomolog-
ist, present. With him were Robert
Thompson, aaalatant to the Provincial
Entomologist; W. R. Reek, director of
the Experimental Marne Rldgetown,
and George 8tlrrett, superintendent Of
rine lee i3ritl.k lllstksi the Dyminlon Entomological Laborite
try at Chatham.
Professor Career announced that
owing to favorable weather last year
there was a tremendous Increase to
borers and that cleanup measurer must
be thorough thls spring to combat the
menace. Note was also taken of the
fact that much corn in southwestern
counties was left standing. There is
considerable unused corn In etook,
and more than the ordinary quantity
of waste In barnyards.
One prickly problem discussed was
what to do when a farmer sowed fall
wheat on corn Nubble last fall without
ploughing. This was tborougbly con-
sidered, and the Provincial Entomolog-
ist later gave the following ruling:
"Wherever wheat was sown on corn
stubble unless the corn had been cut
level with the ground the stubble must
be removed and burned or else the
wheat ploughed under. To allow such
fields to remain as tbey are would be
The steady job of providing food
for the Brltlah market depends upon
supplying that market with what it
requires and a regular supply of qual-
ity products. Wbere Canada has
fallen down in the past is probably
not w much in the matter of quality,
although there 1a still room for Im-
provement, but more particularly in
the lack of a regular supply. For a
country producing a surplus of farm
products, It is a source of satisfaction
to remember that there V *tin avail-
able a market which spends dally
around five million dollars on Imported
ally approved by the people of
Lases Placers
Charles 1.1o7(1. mf Windham, suffered
the loss of two fingers of his right
hand when they were caught In the
shaper at his factory last week. Thew,
Graham. *bo is -employed at tbe fac-
tory, also met' with a slight accident
the previous week -end. when his finger
was crushed. He will not lose the
r ember, however.
Mrs. Catherine Bennett
The death of Mrs. ('atherttte Ben-
nett removed • familiar and beloved
figure from Brussels. Iieceaaed
with her brother, Charles. for more
than twelve years and while In poor
!smith for some year,. was acutely
lher tor only eight day pr
ing.ior With her husband she farmed In
Grey township for many years. One
daughtrrr and two Men. mourn bar pan-
A Bk Owe
A belated boast comes from Clinton
Brophey Bros.
Ambulance service at all Miura.
day or night
PHONES: Stere Iia. Res. 117
J. R. 1iheeler
/fiscal Director and Embalmer
♦U ails promptly attended is
day or night
PH01fIlsBldaoce i5fiw
Ston itfi
Hamilton Street, Oodeelrh
Comb Grass Eradication
After harvest cultivation is one of
the most effective methods of control-
ling couch grass. This method con -
slats of plowing the infested arta Im-
mediately after the first cut of hay
t..s been harvested, thoroughly worklhg
the land during the remainder of the
season and replowing in the date fall.
In the followtug sV
must be followed by an intertilled crop
or a smother crop such as buckwheat. I
' ch grasa le a most persistent
hien the landscape. I me o mbere et
Minutes of last I avee1 and Its growth must be kept •
Y.P.U.'met at the home of Mr.
mtfng were read and approved. down for at least e1x months in order
Northtott'r right knee and tearing a John A. Young on Thursday evening. mea clrwrd the location of a cul -
in his right arm when a hoot filler Hazel Youug had charge u[ the Having to torture complete eradication. Thlr
vert now t' need of repair on eancee- I requlrr. treatment during two seasons
landed herd. 71e and given
emu was meeting• which opened with singing
token into Exeter sen Pr"wVl shin 10, a ehoSt distance west of the where crow are being harvested each
it.. I and all repeating the Lord's Prayer. highway, council to eructed
The 3cripure Iesuoq was read by three ayear.
rttrntluu. Ile is r:ptelterd to be in- highway,
Ith the coutionncil decidedonew culvert d
apacltated for some days. • of the members. Newton Fowler gave w
Meeting by Tel4keee the tapir. "How _ (Int Our Bible," ` this particular place this season, of a
and W- W, Walters tbdt diacumiee. am° feet- apse, - according le sfa (-
Tile recent severe winter, ut Gtr -� • the Highways
memory. cow an ono T11E meeting "rfm`en'•1'” _--- - - _
nn Brutes county. The members of the „t11edlet ion. Refreshments were gaTwo tenders were received for the
De -
eel 1 otos I clotted with the )[izpah tPa�-°
United Cburch Presbytery there were served by the beidesawr, Misses Ru y construction of the Ycljutllin drum. to get together for a replier tied Hazel Young The next meeting The tender ofthe
H. Jansen 318(1, err
meeting when the snow blocked the .111 be held In the church. being the lowest was accepted. at C made exceptional growth and bright lu�tlte
[The Ladies' Aid held their monthly I` for these crops •ppr�[
teleph ne they held their meeting by tract to be completed by Auguet t. majority c e Mottled. The warm
A three-way connection was Clarkmeeting at the home of Mrs. John The following accounts were pat rales have had a vert lernThe *Reel
arranged by the telephone companyproceed-
1., It on Tuesday, May Stn, *118 the
and business proceeded as usual. Ow- After ebb Mrs. Errington, in the char.. Advance -Times, advert, acontracts, 1 and the whole eountj)side gives el-
l -its
to their Irregularity the proceed- After the devotional exercises, Mrs. 32.83; C.O.F..-Beigrave, hall rent, 340; cellrnt promise. Fdtrye seeding has
l cgs had to be approved at the sprintS. McBurney. salary as road super- McBride and Miss Ruby Errington *t intendent, $'22.50; W,'J. McGill, drag- I been under way 1n t e majority of
y This was doneI counties. In South (intoe one nun -
Presbyter meeting.I gave readings. The ladies worked at ging
road 2. 318.80: J. Vincent, drag- of certified Katandin on pota-
wlttout much debate, as the members , a guilt and at the close the hostesses, g I dyed bags 1n road 2. 326.90; G. R. Vincent, roes have been rtlhlebuted among tier -
the dlmcultfes ezperlenced Mesdames, and
served dainty/ as dragging road 4, 327; L. VlIghtman, ty growers. This hI a new variety
by their executive. [te.hmenT and a social timee was dragging road 10, 328.40; J. Currie, and will ler tried out this year r tl
Icb g Rr.d w08( spent. The next meeting . to be at dragging road 12, 321.50; G. Wight- ants in
gaoling road 6. $15.2D: ezperimeni. Send -cleaning PI
Rata which ptawed most of the way ,Yrs. Jacob Fisher's hganokes�Mother'$ mon, R Fred I many parts of the Province have been
through a twelve inch team at the I M*ther'e Dat Toll, tilling
at culvert, conee(ttlon running to capacity for several weeks
plant of the W. A. Stuart mill at Mit- 1 Da) was observed by both congrega- 2 Si : D. Murray. welding, $2.50' and report considerably increased
shell have caused a she belt of the 1 Bar ontt Sunday charge
Rev. Dr. A number of were
plant. The win drive belt of the 1 Barnett was in charge of the Presb)-
mlil's large chopper was attached to I tertan service, and gave an interesting the township for 4 Illn[ snow and
'he beam and lately has been sagging. I and forceful sermon. Mr. Harold l ter A
reusing eo.stant damages and tempos- Walters sang as a solo, "'My Mother's team The P>omoiun Horticulturist
.ey shutdowns. When a millwright Prayer." At the United church, the
1*vest 'gated he found the gnawed Sunday school and church
h rchv. G Wylie
were combined.
presiding, assisted by Mr. Alex. Toung.
honorary superintendent. Readings
were given by Misses Ruby Toting,
Ruth Ltiwson and Mrs. Henderson. e
male quartette led the singing.
were good congregations at both
Current Crop Revert
Ihtri°g the past week or two of
warm weather: fruit buds have de-
veloped -very tepidly ln• the orchard
districts and the first spray has been
Ifed. Fall wheat and clover have
it is too late
Cie roods.
gastorr awl Products
two gloat ..loss is Marl
1 618 R u anti TTr lags 1
..aa• boater.. sn.rrt
• :i; _--= ! veer
tos1. or bolas Asti
- 8.rn�.. Gaol.
t. C.�n.dauitt
bslsr .i l..w•r��.ed�ar�sar.
Gmbh hind • Aum, On
Fsat.A...8. .t Toronto ..d
Unfair to flee surrounding corn crow -
The meeting agreed that .1008.d
cora could be shredded and stored Bial
thereby destroy any borers It contained.
Hr who gives what he would as
readily throw away, gives without
generosity; for the essence of gener-
osity is In heir-sacrlttce.—II. Taylor.
!wane which Is i Bated in the basement.
Repairs now under way call for the
substitution of eement pillars in plate
of the wooden beam. When the work
i• completed It 1s expected that there
will be no more trouble, from rite at
Led Week's Stems
The southern part of the county was
visited by a severe storm early last
week and considerable minor damage
IMP done. The barn on the farm of
Noble Scott le Stephen township was
careered. Two trees In tbe orchard
o• the sane farm worwas blow up tlown own.
and a chicken coop picked
its foundation and scattered about. A
wagon, loaded with grain. was hurled
Peron tbe barn boor and spilled 1*
Ips mod On a nearby farm tbe pig-
sty. at the time unoccupied. was de-
molished. Trees were blown down in
many sections mod the creeks. rose
rapidly to great heights as the excep-
tionally heavy rain poured off the land.
Some thousands of dollars of damage
in all was done before the storm
Walter Dalton
Huron Old Boy. Graduate
GoderIch Collegiate Institute
13510 West .Warren Ave..
Telephone Oregon 8668
Spring Suits!'
Spring Samples for the
Men are here
They are the very best.
Everything that's new 'in
Men's Wear at this time.
of the year.
Chas. Black
Two men were talking together in
a public library. One of them said:
"The dime novel Is gone. I wonder
where 11's gone to?"
The other man took a glance around
at the "recommended new novels' and
remarked: "It's gone up to 3=-"
WESTFIELD. May 12.-.Congrata-
lotions are extended to Yr. and Mra.
Norman McDowell on the birth of a
baby boy. born In Goderfch on Friday,
May Rth.
Mr. and Mrs. Mnn'el Cook, of Zur-
ich, vidtel on Sunday with the lat-
ter's mother. Mrs. W. Rodger. -
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sihthorpe and
Dimity, of Blyth. visited on Sunday
e Ith Mr. -Wm. McDowell.
Mother's 1)sy wad observed on S'n-
day. Special music was rendered by
some of the mothers of the congrega-
The German measles are going the
rounds In thy•• community. several of
the children (wine absent from se`
Iwith them. W Ila
Next Sunday Miss C. a meal.
other account,
presented from the southern part of
work on roads last winter.
difference of opinions e:•x1'ttng among
the members as to the wisdom of pay-
ing these accounts, the same were lald
over for consideration until next
meeting. to ascertain If similar ac-
counts for work of the same nature
would be presented from otber parts
of the township.
Council adjourned to meet again on
Monday. June 1st. as a Court of Re-
vision ou the aresrment roll and for
ordinary township
Neighbor—"Where Is your brotber.
Freddie-"ife's in the house playing
a duet. I finished first-"
-Gordon Lindsay Smith -
interior �eeorifors point out that
it is quite posetnkt Indeed it 1* a com-
mon mistake, to crowd too much
furniture Into a living -room. Pertl-
culaely to this true when that room is
inclined to be small.
Now the same 1s true of the garden.
It is said. To the casual observer
the peculiar thing about It le the fact
that, while the *pace devoted to flow-
ers, shrubs and lawn seemed ample
In the first few years, later en tbe
appearanee of a jungle began creeping
The explanation, of course. Is *simple.
Tender-hearted and naturally- expert -
mental, the owner has allowed his
original perennlets, shrubbery and
vines to spread. regardless of room.
1 He has added more probably, and the
greatest fault of all. every little 'eed-
ling has leen encouraged to grow up
lin the hope that it w111 turn into some
i wonderful new flower or a rose that
will take the world bl.. Koro. Ilut
Ithe odds are greatly against such
, chance finds and in the meantime the
garden quickly keen Its air of spacious
missionary from China. will be the
speaker at Westfield.
Mr. Stanley Cook had the mlafor-
'� time to los. a valuable horse on Sat -
East Street and Square 1 urday with the hent.
it is constancy
business over last year.
Early Sawing lTsTesrecom-
mends early sowing of tomatoes and
the use of early maturing. good varie-
ties. Sowing should be done in time
to bay. stocky, well -grown plants
bloom and ready for planting out at
the sign of settled weetber. Solis
*118 low nitrogen end high pboapho
acid content and a, medium amount of
potash are essential.
The Imitsrbsillee et Alfalfa
• r df enthe forage
Specialistshave been cropstudying
the species and mixtures best suited
for pasture in this district. Among
other things It has been found that
the inclusion of alfalfa wherever pos-
sible. on land to which it 1 dsptte
Increases the yield of good quality
and produces an early second gaed tit
which may be cut for bay
or grazed
res zstd at
a time when the older W
a minimum level of production. The
importance of this tact cannot be over-
emphasized, because good
hay goad pastures are very nece7r
the maintenance of high production
The use of some alfalfa has also
been found to prolong the lite of the
primroses, phlox field as pasture for an addltii`ai lD so r
cif -lir -valley. evening p mor t.wo. fot:, bring pe
dianthus. and such thinga. alfalfa persists after red clover has
are inclined to spread out, leaving the dlsappeand.
centre weak and *teen a snug reneges to Simple bisect Control
for weeds. Beginners are urged to
keep perennial's
p titbit bounds an The control of nioat vegetable insects
repfew gat up *lumps and is not a very dlmcult or eompliceted
repllay nt. In small
sgardens one is also matter If the grosier will bear In mind
to stick to ung or two specimen( one or two simple facts which can be
"quickly learned let watching the habits
Cook With Electricity 1
Drop in at the HYDRO STORE and see tre latest "Hot-
point" Electric Range.
The local Hydro Commission is making the following
offer :—
"A consumer installing a new three -wire service with
an Electric Range from now up t,. July 1st, 1936, will be
allowed two months' electric current free of -charge."
Public Utilities Commission
From .11 Stations in LeRws Canada
GOING DAILY — MAY Lt to 28 Inclusive
Return Limits 41 ivy
• commas .t free wyyamwww r t' Dew was. Ills M fila
• TOURIST atarlt I mss aaapeadaimelb Imam 14i• sag ere.
• atarcnAsn ettarurC
OeST SO ACNtimeOM MM m stmtww 3g sown»rota.
eaot7A0a (Them Sona... es M Mem samosa. Chisn.•ad ass►
ruin. Stone Ca►..wnwint.wad .adieso or from ass nod- LIE Ma "LJWDILL
of each kind, adding braudtts•w varie-
ties rather than tilling all spare with
of the pests cawing the damage.
I -
uffsheotr of the original cings sects, according to the type'
1Mase Several each
the do, can be divided lute tea gen-
sowings n each ce•ture at
arc advls.d. Othenciw• all mature at eral classes: thole known as Mting ,
the same timc. 31141 then there will inserts, which in 'feeding actually bite
lie a (cast or a Gmine. After a11, a ,piece out of the plata attacked, and
Mints. -.w filch
with suet, thing: a. radish, spinach, those known as slicking Mint.
peas, corn or practically anything suck the juices out of the leaves eos
a else for' that mutter. the time they II !their outline. For keati17 eche changing
th • (eat -
lore reellc earth 411 Ing Is w hen they ' erpillars, cutworms, etc. t titre p
err fresh. that i- Pest teeters., and :are commonly recommended, arsenate
miters right out n( the Barden. They of lead arsenate of lime, and Paris
I most be quickly they
have and ureached gre ll. Sucking Ineectl (aphids, plant
(8.' pro warn they butt". leafhoppers. etc,) are custom,
!will.• prutrI. .lee. herTilete y are lets arily ,'outrelled by nicotine sulphate,
deteriorate they are haft . either In liquid or dust form.
in storage or ripening
Fertilizer In the rem,
table rue. To avoid this sort of I �{eMIes%
I r goo,
::ardener has his vege-
The 'secret o PUMP Gess thing tl R
of purpose•—IN*raedl. Resin L Necessary
■sol DJIy the World -Wide Cirseniad.. News 1.
Ar t.rww.tiswal Dills I4• w.c•rar
S Ow Wm w.....w� ~II
word•• -ften s. a.
r tor. twmt*s raw• - .o-
s+sar.t fir •� ��
A. OlriNtt.n S.I.ed. Mlfilry sae•My
Oak U•rw.r 51.11, W... Yar..ew
Maw"Wapo tar warrM*. r The Ohrutts. sewn*. Mansur for
1 rSt
leM runs. Nm Aswan pim t'nentht rhe
SNOW tow W M.. *Woos
Shag.. .
fru t
N tiller coming *lung eontinuonsly, ad Experiments have
Even the tiniest flower must have few feet of lettn,e end baby carrots In Easter' and Western Canada for
ample room to develop into full love- and Leets ready for the table all sea- revers!
aflon rt coneerning nial'berflidlaeof
i line* and grace, and the same Is st111 ,on. i with particular tirulxr commercial
in the Diese-
1 more true of shrine* and trees. The I A Help
lawn should not be crimped. No ,t good seed catalogue *111 prove ment of the fertillre•r In relation to
matte how tiny the epee at one's 1 Im..epensable. Heigh of the flowers, the cartons wr•d'. It has lawn demon_
dispersal, experienced gardens Insist 1 times of blooming. wLether they are trate! that for wheat. oats and barley
on • tittle [marl turf In t e tore ii
aultehle for nneh special p'trp>se' fir' more eeonttr
olrnl yields may he ob..
Rrounl. Title provide, a wetting for eAgInR. screening• cutting and frag- I tslnerd by f pplyln6 commercial fertile
and 1 ranee all tnentli,ned and are vital leer Ittrreffy in el -intact with, or slight -
the 'hrulr'. Along the fences,
wells, theme people plant all the iahrutr1 ,r
tette In laying out a setIefaetnry gar- I Ic below, the ed than by applying It
lacy wanted, but they strongly ad- 1 den. In the vegetable lige the eats- brnadeast. In certain crop*, the ger-
against cl•v aRelnst 'pn•edlnR it all over the ogee eontinoew 1815 u'eful service by �•med tnstlon of the sele choked aby
1 plecr•. Irregular Clump Planting' I tbding httading of early. late afferent nd tnedl m.limier t no contact with cases commercial ompletely rferHtlse J
rather than straleht rows or odd heda
- * here and there are urged. that a ntcc•e"lon of vegetables Is pegs- While this does not apply to wheat,
ftp With n f• and hurley. If Is not advisable to
ATE _ �=nrIer, It Is
' overall* gardener Is advi -jbe nmitutal sorts, special erriv-T ^� prepare- sinnM he appllel InM bands about own
rather heellearted. These things,
given In regard to tare and preps I Incur' to the ,tide and alightly below
1 r.yieliAlT- MOW tike ices. pa007. 1117 tion for flee fable. 1
Iwen con
When ,
XOu -guy COAL
buy Il. & H. COA.E-CLE.A?'tD ANTHitACITE, the low -W, clinker -
tem fuel that masters every weather condltlos.
Re not only rr-eommend It, we guarantee It. Cone -cleaned means a
prmess of flotation; the slate b dine beefier
fly sinks and
the coal boats, therefore you g coal,
Our Pocahontas (Y)AL Is from the No. 4 vein of the mines
owned and operated by the Valley Camp (lost Company and L of
very arm structure, low in ash mid free brewing.
DiSCO Is a Coke with the gases left 1n and has become very
popular. Try some.
Prompt, courteous delivery.
Phones—Diene 22. HOW 112 Ooderich
Meadow Glade Farm
Meadow Glade S. C. White
Leghorn Chicks
are bark,rl Icy' 1' year:. of breeding and 41111112g for production UM'
and size of bird-• 10 years of breeding for 111111 production pwligrerl
eo kereis. 2 )ear' busy -testing and 2'year. under Government in-
sper•tium. Eey ('hick we sell 1' from our ow. stack. They in-
herit an abnudance of health atwl vigor. They a re hatehd under.
Ideal eonditlon' In our new Electric olnenbater. Their growth and
livability are exceptionally gooey. Several cost .r. pace had more
114.k. et :t weeks old than the number thei paid for tee twit In 4
Extra ('hicks per hundred.)
YOU MI.\V NAVE A DOLLAR per hundred try am -elite * ('hleks of in-
different or unknown ancestry. RUT VOl' MAY LONE 519 on the
gg• you ought to get and don't next Fall and Winter.
Price 9c each After June 1st, 8c each
with ev.•n• 1(10 Chicks ordered a week' In advance ,•re(Rrria2 *.
oI 4) .t 4'. ('111ck Starter Flee. We here til-
Dime I',s•11 ''1'.
– AR. 11 5, OODERIOd