HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-5-14, Page 51•17 -
iri'7rfW"r.,'. "i amt•winnow
Comes In two grade*. one for use In clothes chisels, raga, up-
' holstered furniture. etc., the other for your vacuum chattier
PER LE. TIN 41/e
\uy-WJurtuus, odorless.. non inflammable
16 -ox. BOTTLE WITH ATOMIZER ...$1.50 •
Per 16 -ea. Bottle without Atomiser $1.00.
Admonish your friends In private:
prelim them lu public.-l'ubllgr My -
A joky often settles things mere -
thoroughly and better thau aerimon/.
Inspected by the Loudon Du-
stitute of Public 'Health and
found absolutely pure.
For prompt delivery and rea-
t}Ssable prices try
Ott 81. Phone 382W
Wet lake t'uutratts by mouth or
sessbu at desired.
Attempted Suicide
Seaforth Law-
yer Disappears
(Continued, from nage 1.)
town and hi preeldent of the Sesforth'
Athletic Assue•latlon. Timer who kuele
him said that he was a "good wirer"
socially and always ready for a good
time. He fitted in well wltb the so-
etal life of the town. they mild.' 11 -
gurd was also active lu the tow t
howling and curling clubs. Th
years ago he was mimed town sol 1,
tor, a position he held tar one year
14ttgklua Aroused
A strange point lu the case is t
a small mum of money, $30. led to t
investigation of Itugaard'e affairs,.
Joseph Grumutett, in whose name the
complaint it made against the missing
lawyer, told pollee his suspicions had
TUrn e been arouaed by the failure of Hug-
J Is .l i-ili/C • &Ord .to pay him $30 which Huggard
was to have collected for Mm. Sever-
" ' al times be went to tbe lawyer 's otMe
11 Brafrinusx MEMORIES II
The article to last week's Signal or
the old Temperance 11a11 at Beumll-
ler "tined up memories for me. espe-
clall tbat list of the charter members
07Z''eetreat I)tvlslon, No. 308, Sous
of Temperance, to give 1t the full title.
I knew them all, and I know now of
only one remaining of that group be-
side. myself, and that is Mrs. Thos.
Kerr (Mary Hart), now living with
Luer daughter at Urbana, Ohio, eighty-
seven years old this month.
1l'aul Morrish, tion of Thomas Mor-
rUh of the Division line, andI were
the junior members. LIC
In the trade of blacken (thing with
WHITECIII'RCH, May 12. -Among
those who have clanged can thus
spring are Wes • $Leggatt• Gibson
•ud A drew Wllwn.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGee and (ior- gates from this section are Miss Mur•
don spent Sunday at the house of Mr. doth and Mrs. W. 1'. Lane of (loder-
and Mrs. Roy McGee of Wingham. Irh and Miss M. Rutherford of Mt.
Wad tinsel Hybtue, who epeut the Deleuos
Pant week at the tonne of Mr. 'Phots. The Eureka class of Victoria street
Henderson, returned to her home In United Centred met at the home of
Listowel on Monday. Mrs. Byron Wilson, Wolfe street, on
kir. Lorne Webb. Mrs. Brigham and Tuesday night. The president, Mrs.
lhrd r
led on Sundathe omeofMr., titre lesson byMry. H. Breen
Chas. Wtghtmau. and the ereretary and treasurer gave
Idttle Betty McNeale, :laughter of the monthly reports. Contests were
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McNeale, oli Fritter held at lube a ouclumlon of the meeting.
pulled the teapot off the stove. and and refreshments were sePced by the
n L over on herself, severely scalding her hostess.
theHllw and
The courentton of the London Con-
ference breach of tbe W.M.S. of the
United Church of ('.nada will be held
at Sarnia on May 19 and :h1. Ile1e-
William Ittlbet'twa ea o o tars., nrrk. x1d ' -- was -
I had tet out to learn a trade' with( taken to the hospttal, where she ..petit oats CLUB' OPENING
Thomas Kerr, the shoemaker. The pe
George Cox, foreman printer of The
Signal and bn °Meer In the Goderich
Sons of Temperance. came out to in-
stall the first etair of officers. attd the
meetings were held in Andrew Heddle'..
1 ed out
came ter.
withdraws car R
twferred to Goderieh
Temperance In October, 1875,
and I value It. signed as R tr by Peter
W.P.(my old teacher),
Wm. R.oberteon. R.S. (uncle o A.
son M.P:P.). it stn
war admitted a member on January
date n the charter.
societies' are largely a
of the past. Other agenelee have tak-
en but they exercised
d culture influence
their day.( Other men have reaped
the week -end. and was able to return
home on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. -John Falconer and
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin WellwoOd and
Richard. of Cate.fon, spent the week.
rtes shop. which was cleared o end here. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
, l$eiostt Arrested sed k It the recount bid been
col- 'tsps P• feel er ar Falconer. Mr and Mrs. John
STOMP to Trial
to Cecil
Falconer are staying for the summer.
that Hugg La t Thr hall the la 1 d granted Miss Jean Johnston. of Ashtk•Id. Is
'Pace ilial y 1 have the visiting with Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
- - phi n I bl me (when 1 ter OMp,aryr-Mrs. Gown. of Tteawan•r. SWIMMING SEASON OPENS
Caswell Hackett, of Turnberry town- nns of Temps palmed away on Sunday afternoon as
whip, Le held at the eou.0 gaol here the vault fn the ed When
d and the result of a stroke suffered en Sri. I. The bright. warm sunshine of Thurs-
tbe bore Dr 11 Cantelno. I ( 1 t C A day. She was formerly Jaue Gaunt, day last, which coaxed the mercury In
with attempting to commit he found 42.000 its that D' only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, the (Arial thermometer up to the
at till Lome uu Tuesday- tie Robert James Gaunt. and sister of Thus. and 1 se•veuties. was Irresistible to the young -
t0 EA. Gaunt of ICluloas, titre was mar- 1stt rs, two of whom opened the swim -
!led twice. First to the late George ming seast,n with a dip at the harbor.
These 1 1 thing Madntowh of MMus... who petdets•asett 1 Although the water was rather
meat. cos\erxlon (t.%ltt the lays, Wilfred Greenwood
H rd Ice a her twenty-six years, ago. T.. theta
Hackett is believed to have swill- a short time ag en the... plates were horn six daughters,,,Mrsrfimrdou.l end Kenneth Pennington. basked In the
lowed about three Donee, of empty be on tat his great moral an I 1 fi nee 1. Mltehell of Winnipeg. Mrs, Thos. Moon. I warn' sunshine and enjoyed a pleasant
1\tttialay morning. An bottle lnsurrnce and 'btrnd bualnees in Sea- I of llteyeuscllle. Mrs. \Wilbur Erb of .dry•
was found beside his unconec•l.ws form h j 1 M . In Green and Mrs.I A do lir two predose h, their In-
by Dr. W. M. Connell, of Wingham, of
to as and fitted up weekly for that purpose.
lec•tell. Each time he was informed
and warout of town. a
Saturday worolug. Grumwett, his sus-
picions s fullyaroused, took his troubles
to Mrs. Huggard and asked to bate
office Open en
was opened Grummett said
In bonds miming.
Including a $1,000 Victory bond, a $5()11
Victory bond which had belonged
father's estate, anda
bond. He said he pur-
chased the latter bond from ugga
The late John Rank conducted
official opening of "Maitland
("Soli flub will take place os Mouda),
May 25.
An addlti I feature at the Capital
Theatre on Monday. Tuesday and Wed-
nesday uext will be pictures of the
Moose River Mlle rescue.
ermanent Waving!
- MAY 27th, at
-- British Exchange Hotel
53.50, 15.00, 58.50.
Special 510.00 Wave for 57.50
('Moue J. E-r3Jutt•h. at :Aa), earl'
for applointmetit.
Who was called by the young wan s off
frantic wife. Ilackett was revived by` It
the doctor.
Sea -
forth for many years. Wbeu the luau;(( when' t e sowed.
l eslross, Mrs. c •
Comthey l ft their to move l be new London. Ont. JOHN ELLIOTT. Claire Keene of Owen Senna, and eugnration of the lake swimming sea -
Mrs. s► It Harvey Lind. of Ilenotrr, and; son a group of boys hod a swim In
was right next doer to John n -
Ices, they tett their big vault behind
Mrs. Hackett told authorities her dee
husband 11811 threatened to do away fibs
with her cud then commit suicide. lee
Cohnty- (•onstatrti J. - Ferguson wa`R
called and Ilackett w•aa arrested and ltractlre widow and fiver •h`Ild1 ren. tthrtee ltul►t. Lucre L tin the ricK list. Nr It
1 iter 1
rs. e '
7 1 Ila DUNGANNON I one Mn. James, of ([well S,nud..\ft,•r. the river:- --
1's office. e. ro he enlarged his prem !wards -h.• marries( )6r. /:n"•u of T'-. ' ANGLICAN SYNOD
Ul'N A\N(►\, May 13. -Mrs. Gtr,. ; water. who 1s tett to mourn her. She-!:
a to take In the vault and prodded
their vuK ells-. with nafrt! boxes Bradford, of 4i,udcrk•h, Is a visitor title; we. In her slxt;-fottrth_year./ Tlw I The seteuty•eighth annual Synod o
their * -era. When John RAD- held the Itioce-r of Huron met on Monday,
was snrrfced by fir aur wt V with her sou, Bert Bradford. veined was adaT fireitts'I1itTl This' T lead ty.and Wednesday of this week
died 1P We are sorry [u rr{s,rt that Les ; tt•1urtery__trn pithy to Mei at Croayn Memorial Hall, Loudon. The
t ti t yrnl
bruuglut to (toderich Tor-. ay a lsomr --rank asstxtant n e 1 t we her reutt>id ...aro.
noon. He was picked up by the Aber
trot(; Edward. a teacher their wit fury and alter { l ra\.•. of 1. trrtan nR
era district. and Jack. now a student visitor' on atttarlla7 with the Betty,
j lire. Jowph F nrman w• - e.uuful•y
h Collegiate: two dough- I ll' [ or i injured 10 Monday 11/111 g. wlu•n slu• set Synod were presided over by Hix
hl f Fort Eri! d injured
common 7 ! !
lu+rraci`(1 "1a tam11►.._ i rtyyc'd opened with divine srrvicc In
L}- FiNGICIBI MANGLES) prrw•her was • ,,•u. Are 111140.011 11111-
, -St. -.141111'.
A('L('RAFT PAINTS are high in
quality and low is price.
You. will and first-class values
in our stock of
We positively save you money
W. H. Blackstone
•'Ou the Broadway of .:,afrrttJt"
The residence iu Salttord which be-
longed to the Gxrrn family has been
purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wil-
liams of Colborne township, who will
occupy it.
Cathedral, at which the,
trek: • uf. lbs lord hog4tpl In De- 11Ox . and Mrs. Chas. Elliott, with
rt1t 1 in the \ISR Ott]
at Wingham. -
- In November. last Hackett was sent„
hp for that on. °alon knowing . barge of ' them
i hides in his poc•te.•
,144) he stiffen goods. it 1a alleged the
..tdde8 _were 'foam from Joe Heffron
10111_011sewillit_ 8s sn with trunk, only 1,811BIS mils..
• ygs Sedan. only 6,811 mudttw
11135 Terra5rs Sedan wink "Electric Hand." only 9,000 mileg
Phone 632 J. E. Macon, Mgr. . Ooderich
GET IN ON TRIS SALE 1.:" W. I4prn's Shoe Store
•••,_ r Qoded
with outgra
{ V OU have a pleasant aur -
j prise in store for you if you
have put off purchasing an
- electric ref figeretor simply be.,
mum you felt you could not
afford it: -
This Westinghouse Refrigerator
will Mal you more than its coed
Not only can you reduce food
cow by quantity purchases,
week -end specials and by elim-
inating -
food spoilage . .
in addition, lower depreciation
and amazingly low operating
cost effect funkier economies!
Conte in right away and get the
details of our ,racial low -pay
ment terms. Pot only a few
dollars monthly you can enjoy
the comfort and convenience of
this beautiful and efficient re-
f n gersfor t
w -err t h 1 he• st seluua
at the tleatort er'a brother, Mr. Jas. Iq alt o Nile. W or the fingers of her left hand in Lord -hip Bishop Meager.
5 e are gladR 1 blot
ter., Mrs. Olive oe o t we Mrr ElliottElllutt .row' wlsile urtlemptiulR The del Lutes attending from St.
and Meier, who had been employed! egnln ante nhvt lung tont-blued tour 1
In i
Mures her washing
to nuc
tr. rxirirntr a thread- from the pr .: f w:i'(r+ enrTl. f:oderk'lt•,werw' RPr.,
a law offke is Toronto.
, tit lttt(tttEmi (rtes- ihee'tltsh .seas-sluers►_EE• 11w Valuer i J.JtB c
--••all's.= OvetcltaokiR monism t MI" Emit/ Yt(_'Lme; frim cls - }s..}tttffa'1C ;fii T . fi•. . 1'i6t .
Meanwhile the young Mr. Haggard h Sun- of her Artery.. ^ T --'w'eTM`_
Lluye1 i Goderlch, was owe u°
to cfsft her (argots. Mr. and lir.:. i mangled. No honest were broken.
had been practising Ira lu SeYfutih. Ir
At the time of Mr. Ran►1n's death, he
e. I ._ ___- N_ . -- announced
a ,t -tad
was boarding near to B.tOcta home Mr'''Jas IS ,nehotstie s{nerrt» w
Tana he mood In to poste with iee.ru.1 with her sister-in-law, Mra. Jo A despatch groin Ottaw■ last week
tbeala and two y to theter married li mlma' Bernie of Exeter, and niece,
lire. widow. 1'riur to the marriage, I Mrs. Chas. Thompwoo of London.(teen replaced by Norman MacKay 11s
Rankin had au agreement with - We eateod sympathy to- lura_ 1t A.1 harboriaueter at the port of c;ealerieh.,
the young ,uslioesr to asst t d WE-0We, -whose"brother, Mr, W ta.4 Bert had -been -MEN-tem-aster since
1.1 facie buelhtr.a her h.lsl,rnd had 11'Idnkett, Auburn, passed away the 15181. wttei6']tntrotnr3Iacir.'nabl retired_
left her. But when the marriage took l lt[al u[ for Werk from the post.
place, Huggard. tilling the rule of husr-4' Mies Clara Sproule, of Stratford. Another change 11t tl , larbor ull ,wrlle the
band, souk business
complete rv,ntrul of the place of J. R. Kelly t 1 look after tin t
family's bpalttesa affairs. !spent Mothers' Ura with her mother, I appointment of eahn
!Mrs. D. Sproule. I hydrographic surrey instruments at
AwistIs tbe pollee to the inrank Wei bops to see Mils Sally Polley
around again soon, but at the present 1 •the harbor. 1'hs•-r.,poings of water I
Ireton la HugRarA's etrpw,n. Frank,
of Detroit. Gttie ea t, the l at be time•rhe quite poorly. 1 tk'pthe in the harbor are •ii aordetl
complainant In the case, says that Ice Miss Pearl T h is em -dally by the mnehlne and entered h1 a
laid the Information before the Justice I ploy at the
fir_ j' -
Thompson, who
tlun of the home of Mr. ('has. log by the noire in charge.
of the Peace at Her ta.m, s I Elliott, spent the week -end at her huwe
Detroiter, b bad Ieea risltlnR at sear Iielfrat.
w o tic
111s mother's home and has delayed MeiMr end MrsAddha Dialler, of
return to Ito see his mother 9 Wlartot, who were telt/4114friends
through herer trouble.
I and relatives In this dfMrlct, have re -
Pollee say that Iluggard attempted turned to their home.
to allay ,auph loos concerning his tit. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Stingel and tam-
aence from the town by oceans of ill were Werk end visitors in London.
phone cauls to his s.I 1. r.pber, miss Aim -0. Lombard, sister of Jas.
Isobel Lowery. MIs I treceivedfyed lbert, of Goderteb, 1s visiting her
several meKsages tiiln from him in which
cousin, Mrs. Sam Swan.
he gave a variety of excuses for his Mr. and M1 ileo. Irwin, Miss Celle
continued sbeeoce. Biteve that of these Pentland, an Mn. Donald Fowler and
calls, police do not believe Hug- aunt Melia were Sunday visitors with
Lard is far away. allhowgh the let- friend' at Fler erton.
ter to his wife iadlcater that he has Mr. Geo. Hodge, lir. sad Mrs. Thos.
crossed the border. (sliest and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cul-
bert Evident* were Sunday insets with Mr. and
Haggard'. business metwretty took )Ire. Fred Cu$bert,, a! IJatowel.
him into the stock and bend Geld. so They, say trouble testier ctowel..gly t
authorities are suspicious that five Mr. Frank Jones and family would
missing securities may have n used almost be led to believe so. Atter
to cover op lousee 10 definite.
just getting over a siege Of. "red
This b not at all eatest h in hie
measles," the family has started in
as there has been no trace in his to the "German" kind.
office accounts of any such deallnis. !ties Jean :Motilers, and two friends,
laresofar n 0l the boxes iii the Misses Con and Fthel Rulet, of Toron-
cault *o tar has revealed that "nil' t0, all of the Toronto teaching staff.
secate a have disappeared. rare week -end visitor' with the form -
Those mite hive been able to ma parent.. Mr. and Mrs. Thi.•
chert of their belongings state t
registered bonds and Important papers Hewer, MMies.have not been touched. None of the JuneMr. andFrank Savage. Mrs. HeCarolyn Hewer, of Ill 1,1
bows had been forced open. Duplt-away were in the c(((age on Saturday.cafe keys were apparently used in Mr. Fred Mixon and Hrs. Jas. Elliott
every Inetanee. Eand son Kenneth. of Toronto, visited
the former's daughter, Mrs. J. D.
The Women's .ts-oclaHOn meeting of
the United church 1- being held at the
home of Mrs. Nellie Stewart. A ten -
cent ten will be -creed at the chew
Im Million has arrived home
There was a hint tonight that the
Huggard family will be left practical-
ly destitute. Mout' of their valuable
holdings were In the safety deposit
vault. Investigators.. however, re-
fused to state whether or not the fam-
ily box had been checked for loeaes.
Huggard'" father was formerly from a trip to 'I'orontlit. and NI11Rnrn
postmaster at Parkdale and le now }ells.
living retired to Toronto' Morning wet -hip at the 1'nite.i
rhnn•h .•111 V01111111.111.11 hereafter at
AFTERNOON TEA 10.$0 a.m.. with Snrttlny school NI -
1''. Sounders ll
• Thl.-' Is
will ' given a trial for
Horne Delightful Event at Hoe of Mrs. 3S. n few w•k-Mia,' M. JoveRoils, who spent the
The home or Mrs. 5W. F. Sounder. w'later wl.lh relsttitrs
Cambria road. was beautifully deem..tltrmld a wet• a n lrnInd Tis.nndnn. •pr•ndtre
attsl on Friday afternoon. when thea few day. with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
nieml.crs of group. 1 tsf the Centre) Bray. -. ,roars mretlnR wa'
Home and School Club held an after- - The weekly 1
noon tea. held at the htr)tt•' of Mrs. Jas. Vinton
Little !flea 41.11 Saunders. dressed Toe -day rceutt'R.1sst weekend w"
In teat•h organdie, was in charge of , A Cantraatr
the door. and the guests were reeek.d certainly a real till of summer. Tree'
by Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. J. A. Graham., and grans h11,1. almost attained
enptatn of group 1. and Miss McDow- tner green. By %sot of vane y e
ell. The laving -room. In' which the snapshot is the n llny 10111. 11ron 1
guests were received. wee 6ttractivt'ty ' 1 rttntlire Wire
ill* trees
n 111
covere ...sortedets were by with howls. of 1) w
t of
Mrs. 1). . ttemanse laden 1 `\ and covered the;mewith
Mooney to the dining -room. which wail n,ow•• F011ow1nR l*
beautifully ■rranged In a flue, rose ! FInarwldl Statetowt•
e -
and cream color scheme. - A howl of la shttemenl of Dungannon Amateur
rose hyacinths adorn( th. mantel,' Athletic Association, tie pee May it.
and the table was .entrcd with a blue 1030: L•
(awl of cream hyacinths, around I 1.Iahllltlee-Limber hill. tt82.04.
which were arrange( tall cream tap- I Alset ' ('ash t1 rl',itiil $4.111:
ere In •'Iver holders. (rink lnrlOKnre, j15:
Mrs. L. ('. Chapman end Mrs. F. 11. mrnf.*13: ttghtiif Wit•
11111. who were to charge of the dining- , tow•key player pctifi•nt and ander thud
room, were ussleted by Mrs. H. A. i81:o: baseball nolforms.
Young, Mrs. J. 1'. Ilucklns, Mrs. M. diamond equipment, Bel Intal $224.10,
Sutcliffe. Mrs. U- F. Campton and I i eprer•tatlon enlisted In nhoce e'tl-
' Mre. K White. Mr. If. Shackleton , wet's.
and Mies 1. E. Sherman poured tee. 1.....______
During the afternoon plane spier- Content ha the phllo'oltter'e
Hon' were played by lir. .1. W. Fraser Ihit tome ell It touches Into gold.-
Ind Miss Gene ('oneon. .. • 114 proverb, .
Youths' and Young ((Len's
Tweed Suits
for Spring and Summer
wear, in brown, grey and
sand checks.
Swayback style
Suits with Extra Trousers
Sigel 35 to 38
Awebt f..r 'I'll, •fol, '1'atlors
Phone 384 Ooderto
With every purchase of 2rM• or over, coupons will be given
fir Kingdsy Design English Dinnerware or Rogers' Al ,
Phis Service Plate table fiat ware.
r,QI One Kingsley Bread and Butter Plate and cow
tea~' pons FREE to the first fifty customers pur-
rhasintt ik1 or more of nu•rehan.lis.• at
The Square MAPLE LEAF BAKERY Phone 110W
►i a✓c
New Summer Wash Fabrics
in a new_range of weaves
and colors
String Lace
Linen Suitings
Stub -lin -flex
Plain Pique
Fancy Voiles
Floral Dimity - •
Novelty Ruff Crepe
Plain Dress,Linen
Novelty Weave Silk
Bernice Voile
Wash Silks in attractive stripes
Friday and Saturday ---Remnants Clearing at Haff-pr,ce
. F
E. Hibbert
The Square Pho a 86