The Signal, 1936-5-14, Page 4inige 4 TI uredaJ. 1t4 lett. 1915 Fashion -Craft Clothes ! The refinement of quality is rigerouely preserved in every FASHION -CRAFT garment. Merchandise that is not only nationally known but has a national reputation for qual4ty. —EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT EXPENSIVE - PRIM -SUITS WITH EXTRA TROUSERS $23.50 - $25.00 - $27.50 FORSYTH SHIRTS WITH TI(}' \►-:\V 1' It1:I �F:U COLLAR AitE VERY 1't)1'1'1..‘1( PRICE $2.00 W. C. Pridham & Son Goderich Phone 57 4 Square St. George's Church Minstrels STAGED BY TIIE MEN Or THE eiluncii AND THE RELIEF COMMITTEE PLAYED BY MEMBERS tile THE MARGARET MAGER CLUB DURING THE INTERMISSION THE PUPILS OF will entertain with dances in the modern manner, in ST. GEORGE'S PARISH HALL THURSDAY and FRIDAY MAY 14 —15 RAISE HUSKY BOYS AND WHOLESOME GIRLS ON MILK -MADE BREAD M IN OUR OWN BAKESHOP TRY UMW CAKES ANICF-PASTRIES E. U. CLEVELAND ISIST STREET PHONE 114 GODERICH TOWNSHIP, May 14.— The Y.P.U. of Colon church will meet in the church on Friday evening. Next Sunday there will be no church /service In Uniou church, but the regu- lar Suaday school session will be held Mrs. J. B. Graham of Goderich spent a few days this week at tbe home of her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Orr. LEEBURN LENRURN, May 13.— Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robt. Bowe and her sou Doug- las. all of Stratford, called on their relatives here on Sunday afternoon. Misses SAW amid Elizabeth Horton sent to Clinton last Thursday and spent the day with relatives. One of the ladies In our burg who has three geese has raised a' flock of thirt. -tvio goslings. Who can beat burn church ou Mother's. Day. Sunday ',Lew team is the second admitted to At a baptismal service held in Lee - last, the rite of baptism* lit performed ,the lestgue outside a the churches, on Beryl Elisabeth, the younger deugh- the Foresters having been permitted ,te Join last year. but the name will ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freeman. remain, as In previous years, the -Church :Softball League." Upholstering ! AUTO TRIMMING AWNINGS FOR YOUR HOME OR StORE THEY KEW YOUR HOME COOL AND A.LSO 41)D TO THI APPEARANCE OF yoviLitopu LOWEST MCI= IN TOWN P. A. Zimmerman CORNER NELSON AND CAJCBRIA ROAD GODERICII GODERICH, ONT. -SPORT NEWS - Church Softball League Organizes New Entry by Team from Gode- rich Salt Company—Exec- utive Chosen AUBURN AUBURN, May 13.—Visitors at the ihome of Mr. and lira. A. Rollinson on Sunday were Messes. W. Ferguson and Adams, of Windsor; and Mr. and Mrs. A. Klan, of Goderich, and Mr. J Tyndall at Mr. E. Halthhy's. Mr. N. Hamilton la erecting a resi- dence at the eastern limits of Auburn, Mrs. 5. Keyes is visiting her mother near Guelph. Miss Mildred Scott, of Stratford, is holldsrllig at her home in Wert Wawa - M W Robison has commenced MO building of his new house. chere3L, gorthiras reerglia- test at G. Taylor's store Mr. Keith The Goderich interdenominational In the Cougoleum rug 'peeling con- ised at a meeting at the town hall On" Amur wen the rtrg; guesa bola; Monday 'light, with C. H. Humber as 3841. aad 3846 being correct. At H. president. Rev. D. J. Lane and A. lucky wee. Taylor were returned ias treasurer an addl- home early Monday morning in his tioual teani in the league, from the seventy-eighth year. In failing health Goderich Salt Company's plant. The for the last five years, be war faithful- ly nursed by Lis wife. ills first wife, who was formerly Miss Mary Hamil- ton, prethweained twenty_eighf jeers ago James Hewett was married E. Cox. of North Dakota, who sur- (itenstaire' g"tiand' "e tahiled el" GRADI'ATES AT NT. JOSEPH'S Other team* in the league are those Miss Margaret McLean, Cioderieh 'I • is street United church yuung lady, was one of a class cit .1935 champions). Knox Presbyterian Hallett; Mrs._ Lorne Johnston, of twenty-three nurses who reoelved di- church, St. George's Anglican church Nile, and Milton Plunkett, of Tomato. plomas at the graduation exerelswe otisnd St. Peter's Roman Catholic church. There are nine grandchildren; also St. Joseph'', hospital, Landon, out -Although North street United church three sisters, Mrs. Weeley Pattison Thursday last. and the Baptist church were not re- and Mrs. Jouathan Pattison, both of In addition to receiving her diploma presented at the meetihg, they are said Wingham, and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie, Rt R • M r Mahoney., vicar- to have signified their lineation of en- of Duggagnun. The funeral was held genertil, who acted for Bishop Kidd. ter ng • tery, the see, viees being conduit )7 Miss McLean revived the liespitai t It was decided to have an executive Rev. H. C. Wilson of Knox United ., as n led tw was there. He is stir Auxiliary prize a 8:,....1 fer general pro- lummittee of one repreeeutative from ehurch. of which church Mr. Plunkett t ',VIA by his wife. two daughters, Mrs. ticiency. The AllKilitirY award was ilieli team. preferably the one chests Percy Manning of bunderboro, and WAS a member. presented to Miss Mitean by Mrs. le as manager. Golden Waddling Celebratiesi—On • Mrs Hugh Chesney of "Roscoe Farm." I 311,1. slums. Immediate iiii-t president An executive meeting was culled for Tuerda Mav l' h h I this Thursday night. to draw up a rs. Joss ph ( arter was the scene refl. Phyllis Manning, Marilyn. Grant Howson, Dater, liciirien, Sherman said Miss Small, save tee aelretions. Little Marie Raithby sang "Jesus ves Me," mutilated he Mrs. Phillips on the autoharp. Mrs. Jasper Me- lt/len gave the topic on 'House" and played "Home, Sweet Home," with harmonica and harp accompaniment. Mrs. (Rev ) Shersinn dismissed the meeting with prayer. A short social swriod was enjoyed over the della, ten -cent tea served by the borates. Death ef James D. Howatt.—One of lb* umet esteemed redideuts of Au - tura mooed away at Clinton hospital at 3 30 Sunday afternuou in the person of James 1). Howell lir. Howatt took acutely 111 on Saturday morning. Au operation to relieve hie condition was performed but without arall. Jame@ D. llowatt, 11011 of Ale -seeder sod Margaret Hewett, was born in Aterdeenshire. Scotland. Jaguar,' 19th, DM. Ile was educated and *Rent the early part of his life there. At the age of twenty-four he and his brothere John. George and Darla came to this country together. David pureed away when be bad bees here putt three years. Almost forty-three to Margaret Elphinstene, also of Aber - years. aud iu 1914 he married Miss bis life, making a great success of elves him. Four children mourn tbe ...lured that line of work •t Auburn. and for loss of a loving father: II ante years at Seaforth Horticulture Pluniett and Mrs. Fred Plaetser, of *as a special hobby and in the sum- eter the beauty of his home In Auburn lis,a been the subject of comment of au passersby. He was • member of tte Presbyterian church and gave freely of his thee and energy to that cause. The last plece of work he did twfore hid Midden II WM'S wits around the church. Ile war aleo • Forester and a village trustee. When help of the Auxiliary. AT TIM RACE TRACK Acheslute, appoint committees and ar- of a very happy family reunion. It — wed,,innil Carol Chesney: •tel two brother*. twas the occasion of their go—rti-.. 1 range fur the purchase of equipped:I.- , -- — ding. Ali tin, simoilnern of nit:lanai. !George, ,,f Auburn. and John, of Dun- - ' gallium. The funeral was held 'Nee - were present. including Mr. aad-Mtiv, The horsemen at the track are bus, THE WEATHER _... 1101V Illft4.7114,017 from his late residence, getting their horses ready to go to the - - °trivial weather tetutwratures or the 7 .0eeph Carter. Jr.. of Sault Ste. Mane. Mieh. About forty gueets were seated Iter... W. T. Mille and Rev. Wannest races. and all the horses look a ell I 18'4 week. re9°r" bel''w. &how l' TaylOr. Isis. of Goderich. officiating. and 'In prime contlitlon. .- The track residents of Goderich experienced far for the wedding supper and were , has i n 10 good ,Ilape met the nw.,,,,,,,..x_sartner weather this year than la the tastefully slirved. Many !Ike z rhe lallbearers were Messrs. W. T. wouhl look to be A month 'ahead of ,eorreAlleuilinn week of hist Year- The were on display. An win -Intl feature , meihi. latest .tratining, in other parts it the,/ irranerstarea—af lair • week -mid w_ererst ewrs: the pareseece of the wbrids.j'ais itnuoth- ... near tlie 1 reeling Peciat... years hegee. expreseing the view th t r THE STILtiti'HATBEAFION turned out to grass. Oliver Herres- I titingerototlY Dr. Whitely beset: in t • and-1.daY _afternoon, however. the weather. asked her sun -in --law to 1 11% ite her to , a bunch of colts that will mein he , took the diamond wedding i e'ebration tinn.: trio, were preen, . a sudden chill and dropped to . 1935 gibe would likely he pre-ient Bax1.9:1116in. Max. Min. Carter replied. -Yon will lw a pretty , . .. about ready for the word to lea. Ha- I ; 'It, heat of the last Week nrougnr.. mona Grattan has a tine telt by -Barge I Titers.. Ilay- 7 ....----61 111 50 41 oiti (Iii. -ken.- and the tine old lady : Lullwater. I -Fri, May 8. Kt 60 d3 Bil answered quite sharply. "Y.o..0 w_i" '* on Thursday laet. Alf. Tebhutt was hieken eourseir -- 1111111 dae ...III tiresome persoh who/ opened willies. cud -more ot iloof.-th alai tiiit7 star 9 -s. a•I 5S Sti irt am ota .. • • • hid parer training here. Pir'e-te Rdf- I own.- Mal•Taz--.-34 60 M -de friends. remetnbered the happy -amp 73 56 SS OS 'wills good wishee for the future: - ledge has Mac Melieugalt and two i Duo aY -vette _that look •nd act like ram. '14;conc.es., May 12 70 54 eratameat Ware Special ON A NEW Helene Ourtis Machine Betty's Beauty Shame 64 Elgin Ave , E Phone 340 Keep your temper, the beet re- miss, he ',ave.—Anonymous. Beautify Your Hose by planting • bed of Scarlet or Pink Geraniums, Cannes. or dur new MIME. that blooms In June. add greatly to the Beauty. We ftll baskets •ild boxes or can 'supply you with the plants. STEWART BROS. Benmillor Nurseries —PHONE CARLOW WS— MEMORIALS To all who •re contemplating purchasing • Monument. I have decided to give • 10%, discount all thin month. to make room for ,Ineorning stock. Let RIP give you estimates he - fore you buy. Ctaletery Lettering a Speciality —All Work Guaranteed— Oates LAI, sea Granite Works Jelin Grant, Matsui, est. Mcilantm has Cash Harvester' in a 43 Baptist Ladies' Aid.—The molar at 46 nionthiy meeting of the Baptist Ladles' the 1936 straw mason It Is 'believed re lie a we early record for the wear. lag of tbe straw. At least one other tba streets lea weekwad. Bedding Specials ! steel Bed. Spring. and Pelt Mat. Steel lied. Spring, and Spring • nattrust. SUM Steel Bed. wide *met Spring Maltreat, 332.014 AA grade% al Spring Mattreasee treat Site, up. sob *esp. Chasm Espnbr sew. Mal— swim awn MAN Om ter Wet fine shape and be should he a —hig G. C. I. Cadets Earn Tilt. . itl. a good attendance. Severs This, ix i. in he wise._ _mhos yos ti. nin• were sung and Gladye 4 1100d MI 1/4`1111 your MIMI {11 Will;gAIWIA Altar- '''T wiener this year. Gid Litt has 11111 licl.Sougairs Pa,- Inspector s raise . then dealt with satisfactorily. The era as well as some good ones of hie beet meeting Is to be at Sirs Frank Den auil no doubt will win his share ' — ,Itaithbe's. The program conosted of of races this season. • 1Captain Foster a London Msg. the following: A reeding by yrs. a Bit of Criticism with Mb 1 ,F;e,,orgur„nd.in'its'A Voice from Ilearen:" by Mrs. Deere "The -A. Steven...1i' has ii nice two-year- nad thvi 95th Psalm. Several led in tion eiri•umstatteee 'nay PINIIIITIL ....' old that looks like a real pacer. 9 til • Fr , nd the business of the day was Terence. 4.--,01...4.- Ily horses. Claude Murray still has his monkey, which helps to amuse the 1-- Geo. Feagan ha% not commenced training his horses yet. but Davy ro, - expected at the track soon and should do well this year. Geo. Caldwell has conrerted his trot- ter. Ruth Harvester. to a pacer. Dick McLennan has not begun training hie colts yet. but says he will be there when the bell rings. Goderich doubtless will have a ban- ner rare meeting on the (irk holiday. es the trick never was better and the classes and purses are the very best. Gordon Ramsey is drfring the Wilite- SALE OF LADIES' PRING S k SALE AT THE RIGHT TIME—IN THE SEASONt Smart Tweed Suits, expertly tailored of imported tvreeds NEW STYLES, TAILORED OR DRESSY Sale Price 14.50 DRESSES ! FLOWERED PRINTS! NEW SPRING STYLES! Short or long sleeves ruffled collars. fagtrotted necklines, shirred shmilders. etc New and dainty stylea. SIZES 11 to 20— Special $3.95 Striped silks 111 tailored styles. white grounds with colored stripes: button trimininr% • Youths' Sport Suits Tweed Suits, fancy haek, New tan shade -in- eiteellettt--r- wearing tweed. 3 -piece Suit 58.95 EXTRA TROUSERS $2 00 A. CORNFIELD "Shop where you are Invited to shop- Phone Commendation I WaAherwoman:" by Mrs John Rattle I by. "The Watchers." and by Miss Small. "Opportunity." The orches - A large corps of 0.C.1. cadet*, after ' vies through Abele- military man- oeuvres and Dilliblik eierciovA at the auntie! inspection at Victoria Park. Me Monday afternoon, were congratulated en their work by the insipecting officer, Captain Fader., who had been re- viewing school units during the last few days. told tbe Goderich corps they were "well above the others." Tbe boys were trained by B. E. Twamley, physical instructor at the C,olleglate. Under the capable leaderehip of Aiurray MacDonald. company comman- der. tbe cadets, seventy-six strong. marched past for the salute in column of platoons. In close column of pia - Von. and in rolumn of fours for the opening manoeuv res. Tbe platoon commanders. Keith Cutt and Gordon McManus, tben drilled their units and later the sections were drilled by Jack Kershaw, Jack Weir. Gerald Fellows and Clarence Miller. the Danish exercises. which were exe- cuted in a most capable manner. Other officers of the come were Joe teth Cutt and Don Wiggins. platoon sergesnts; and Corporals L. Rutledge, Bert Harkins. Jack Snell and Nell Thompson: Bud Worthy. drummer. •Although the inspector etingratulated the boys as a whole on their work, he Room tor Improvement "As far as your cadet work I. con- cerned there is room for Imprioement." he said. "Firet of all. you haven't nniform.. but an 'attempt is made for eelformIty by the wearing of short- sf:eered shirts and dark trousers." Ife turret' greater uniformity by the wear- ier of either bracea or bolts. The marching was' good except for gralf14. /11111 rflptnIn roster Willow! the boys to keep In step by ear. not by eye. "You have a good drummer. - 1 The boys were eongratulated on their lalendine.1 in MP ranks doting limper- ' l'an. hot they were eritletred ',severely Ifor their talk and refitle...nes. while i, ''At ease iii Just s• mileh a eommend !fir steadinews ns attention." he de- i' Captain Foeter also pointed ont the Is! rreet preitInn of attention. "Don't ' seek your elbows out like an Ameri- icon pallor or pair arms forward like ; ar,. American marine." he slid. I In physleal trainine Yon benefit Ile- :‘, °riling tn the emonnt of energy Ton i41 ' the amonnt 'ton put into this exercisep." i mot on rood dhow.- ealil the tuspectnr. In core bision. "rind 1 11111 418 Lnitrp 1.114"Pr4 frtt Titntn ?wort. tb.ronchir woi with eon" were Oren br the eorp.. whir.% then !marched beck tn the school for the rstisl lie cream treat. BACKACIIE the Liver and Kidneys es anima Irt Dint WI J. R. Wheeler F uneral Director and Furniture Dealer . The Goderich Signal Offers You SAVES YOU MONE1 gest isda Here is a real offer that will save you money . . . Give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year through • .• This is all you have to do. SeleCt ',111V 3 of IR and you will ireceive from the date we the whole 4 publica- $ tions for one year receive the coupon. Here is the amazing combination low price. 0 Maclean's (34 bastes) 1 yr. D Canadian 1 yr. 0 14sliersal Howse Monthly Canadian Hersieulsure and Hoene Magazine 1yr. Our Guarantee Ies You, This wonderful otter ls avail- able to old and new subscrib- ers to this newspaper. We guarantee the fulfillment at all magazine subscriptions end you have positive assurance that this generous offer is exactly as rearesentell. Re- newals will be extended for full term shown. MAIL COUPON Please clip list of Magazines after checking Publica- tions derived. Fill out coupon carefully. : enclosed Plasm send me the Iciiiiigar newspaper. TOWN AND PROVINCE