HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-5-14, Page 3Goderieh's Progressive Merchants aro rwpltwnted in The Signal's Advertising Columna Read their announcements rind shop where you are invited to shop. Maks Your Dollars Go Farther by reading carefully the advertisements In this issue of The Signal and noting the values offered by our progreadve Merchants. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers I—Registered apt ornetrfet Eyes Ezandned Glasses Fitted (17 years in Stratford), at Rebertssn's Jewelry Stere "Satisfaction at Moderate Cost" R. A. REID 1 1 J. W. Craigie Insurance and Real Estate Deeiaios, Provincial and Municipal Bowls PHONE 24 OYDERICH The 0. F. Carey Co. Fire, Accident and Meter Car INSURANCE Representative London Life Insurance Co. Omce:—Masonic Temple, West Street, Goderich Nelms HIR, Manager. 'Posse i3S Geo. Williams & Son DOMINION. PROVINCIAL aid MUNICIPAL BONDS Firar.MI elle sad Gametal lemmas Agents OITICZ, NEXT TO BANK OF COMMERCE Pew w Geier t& 1 Fee She at hit Alert Nlesiy weeded Cottage Lets HYDRO CONNECTION —Also Houses in Town— AUTO, ACCIDENT and nu INSUs:ANCE W. J. POWELL PHONE Mt GODERICH GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1936 EIGHTY-NINTH YEAR, NO. rib Menesetung Park Hotel Destroyed By Fire Friday Afternoon—Near- by Buildings Saved by Bucket Brigade The two-story frame hotel building at Menesetung Park, on the lake shore Litteirt distance north of Goderich, was completely destroyed by fire, along with the adjoining laundry, building and their contests.-est-lYlday afternoon last - The fire blazed forth about 1.45 p.m., and within an hour the buildings were smoldering ruins. There was no chance of saving the hotel buildings, which were dry as tinder, but a bucket brigade, running from • nearby well, managed to save "Red Gablee," the cottage nearest the hotel. and its garage, which wee threatened with destruction ales. "Red Gables" is the summer home of Mr. B. H. McCreath of Toronto, who was also the owner of the boteL Harry McCreath, of Saltford, broth- er of the owner of the hotel, wag working on the grounds and entered the hotel in search of a bat. He threw In the electric light switch, bat the lights did not go on, so he returned to his work. A few minutes later be saw smoke billowing from the build- ing. Mr. McCreath dashed into the botel, but was stopped in the lowige by a wall of smoke and Same,.. He managed to throw out several wicker chairs from the lounge before being forced to retreat by the intense Showering sparks soon ignited the laundry house, a short ltstanee away, which housed the water pump, and no one was able to go within twenty- five yards of tbe blazing buildings. Flaming and smoldering boards were ripped from "Red Gables' and the garage by the bucket brigade. It is believed that had the fire gained a foothold In these -buildings the whole settlement would have been doomed. While a gang of men were combatting the flames on the cottage and garage others removed the furniture from the place. Among those who prevented the spread of the fire among the buildings were Doug. Dickie, W. Symonds, W. McManus. W. Proctor and C. Kings- well. Others were kept busy beating out grass fires which sprang up as far as one hundred yard from the boteL A slight westerly breeze fortunately blew sparks to the east of tbe hotel and away from the cottages. The hotel was built about forty years ago by the late D. F. Hamlin'', who sold out to Mr. McCreath eighteen years ago. The loss was partially covered by insurance. Relatives of the owper in Goderich believe it highly improbable that the hotel will be rebuilt. Iasaraace ad Real Estate AU TOMOBia, FIRE, PLATE GLASS, BURGLARY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT Ou.rantee Bonds, Low Rates with Absolute Financial Strength REPRESENTATIVE Ma1ua1 Life Assurasee Co., owned by The Policy Helder' LOW RATES—Beet of Se�� � llafermatlon gladly given. or phone 1M WX. BEATTY HAMILTON STREET GODERICH N West Street ELECTRIC SHOP WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK 'OF Electrical Apple, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of all kinds Estimates gives ea application FRANK WAFTER Telephone 82 — Goderich . XENESETIING PARS HOTEL Major D. MacKay's Vigorous Address Talks Ont in B. 0. Legislature in Vindication of Liberal Principles A copy of The Dally Province, of Vancouver, B.C., light hand with the report of as address in the British Columbia Wilshire by Mayor Donald MacKay, who apparently was "speak- ing out in meeting." Aa Uwe Major L A Goderlch old boy (son of Capt. Don- ald MacKay of town), we republish The Province's account of his address: VICTORIA. March 17.—On the treat central plateau of British Colum- bia, stretching from Prince George, through Cariboo and Liliooet down into Yale, the air Is clear and brisk, the (Inmate hard, but bracing. The pla- teau breeds a sturdy race. Lately 1t has sten bred an lnteresting little This building, erected by .the late D. F'. Hamlin k about forty years ago, and owned latterly by B. H. revolt to the Liberal caucus. After Me('reath of Toronto, was destroyed by fire on Fmk afternoon last. the early rumbies from Mr. Speaker Perry's Prince George, tbe aeries of VISITS LUCKNOW CHAPTER sharp explosions In Mr. Murray', LH - IF ITB Plumbing, Heating —uR— Eavestroughing WE HAVE IT Repairs for all makes of stoves sr furnaces Prompt aardea and reasonable GODERiCH BRIDGE CLUB CHEBNEY—CONNOILY A wedding was quietly solemnized at the rectory of St. Peter's Roman Catholic church on Monday morning, when Miss Teresa Connolly, of Boru- bolm, was united in marriage to Mr. John M. Chesney, of Stratford. Rev. Father. Nagle ofitciatea. The couple, whit w111 live at Stratford, were at- tended by Mrs. M. Fellows and Mr. lames Lowrie, both of Goderlch. NORTH STREET W. M. B. On Monday, May 4, the W.Y.S. of North street United church held the regular testily meeting in tbe school- room arf cbtrr b, the president, Mrs: W. P. Lane, In the chair sat Miss C. McClinton presiding at tie piano. Mtn. C. F. Clarke, finance_escretary, gave a report of the giving& for the first quarter of the year and In an earnest talk urged that the members realise their responsibility in this great work of the church—the exten- sion of the Kingdom of God. Mew M. G. Robertson took the chair for the devotional program, which had been prepared by Mrs. R. J. Howard. After the reading of the Scripture lesson from I Corinthians, chapter 2, reference was made to the pawing away since the last meeting of three valued members of the church, Mrs. Thos. Bell, Mrs. H. T. Edwards and Mrs. W. J. McNevin, the last two being members also of tbe W.M.S. Prayer was offend by Mrs. J. W. Moore. Mrs. H. L. Salkeld told of in- teresting events in the mission Sea, and Mrs. Lane gave an interesting ac- count of "The Church In Africa." As navigation had opened recently, the hymn was sung For those In peril Ion the sea," and the meeting closed with prayer by Miss Robertson. u�i L >uQ * 'may H. B. M. Tlchborne, grand superin- - ----tendent of Huron district No. 6, ST. HELEN$, May 11.—Mrs. Arnold I R.A.M.. made an °R1.1 visit to tbe harbour and daughter Dorothy, of Fer- Lucknow Chapter un Tuesday night. gun, and Mrs. W. Dougherty and daugh- He was accompanied by 1' Maclksn- ter, of Guelph, motored up on Wednes- aid, F. Dunn and W. McMillan. day. Their mother, Mrs. R. J. Woods, ' teturued home with them and will at- L O. O. F. DISTRICT MRETLNG tend the marriage of her run, Dr. Al- The annual meeting of Huron die vin Woods, at 'Hamilton on Tuesday. trtct No. 8, 1.0.0.F., was held 1n the Neely Toad arae b .-1rum-lontlou tiddteHows' fidi_-1i--611ntoo on Mon - over the week -end. day evening- D1133.3C.; Dr. F. G. 'Mr. Ben Taylor, Mrs. W. Taylor nod Ilrs. E. Taylor, et Blyth, were recent visitors Witt Mir. a4 Meat Chaster Taylor. The Y.1'.C. meeting on Sunday even - :ng opened with prayer by Mrs W. E. Gordon. The Scripture Jenson was read by E. W. Rice. The Bible char- acters, the sisters Ma¢Ld Martha, were taken by Vera Teyter; the topic, "Old Days and New WayA In Angola," by Laurette Miller. -A singsong fol- lowed and the meeting closed with prayer by Rev. H. M. Wright Metber's Day.—Mother's Day was observed in the United church on Sun- day morning, when the theme of the servke was The Spirit of the Home is the Life of the Church." Cuyler Ramage read the Scripture lesson and Marie Swan contributed a recitation. The anthem by the choir and the ad- dress by Rev. H. M. Wright were 1n keeping with the theme. A silver basket filled with beautiful rosea, the latter a gift to Mrs. It. K. Miller from her son, Stuart, of Hanna, Alberta, , was much admired. Wsaaen's Institute Oieers.-On Thursday the annual meeting of St. Helens Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. McKenzie Webb. Of- ficers for 1930 were elected as follows: President, Mrs. John Swan; vice-presi- dents, Mrs. J. Gaunt, Miss M. Murray, Mrs. D. Phillips, Mrs. Wallace littler; secretary, Mrs. E. W. Rice; assistant, Mrs. Fred McQulllin ; pianist. Mrs. Chester Taylor; district reporter, Miss Mildred McQulllln ; directors, Mrs. John Cameron, Miss Annie Durnin, Miss Lila Humphrey, Mrs. McKenzie Webb, Mrs. G. McPherson, Mrs. E. MrPbersun, Miss Josephine Gaunt ; Sower committee. Mrs. Chester Tay- lor, Mrs. Geo McRoberts. Miss M. Mur- ray, Mrs. Wallace Miller. Mrs. E. W. _)Res. las Ganda. _Mrs. Swan and *.ise][Udred McQulllln were appointed to attend the dtstrlrt annual meeting At weekly duplicate bridge tour- Traffic Cases raiment ot held Monday evening, the fol - Johnston and Mr. Jae. Hume, plus 8%; 2nd, Mrs. I. D. Eastman and Miss E. 1. MaeNaughton, pins 534; 3rd, Mr. T. R. Patterson auTYf: T. plus 534. Another pts wilt 10e 1001 sett Mos - day evening. I , DmTEUCT >EEETI> Of IRO Hawes Wesson's istrSiTi t IS Be Held May 22nd -- The district annual meeting of the West Huron Women's Institute will be held in the ('ommunity Hall at Lon- desboro on Friday, Ma; 22nd. The morning wanton will open at 10 o'clock. After the devotional exer- cises and minutes of the last meeting, branch, peace and Federation reports will be given. The afternoon session will open at 1.30 o'clock. A good program has been prepared, coturlsting of music, speakers from the Department, also Mrs. Samells of Alienford. All ladles, whether members of the Institute or not, are Invited to attend these meetings. Dinner will be served for 2,5r by the ladies of the Londesrboro branch. Capital Phone 47 Beark SOUND SYSTEM ►+ Theatre Godsrich Now Playing—Barbera Stanwyck, with a grand cast, In "ANNIE OAKLEY." MONDAYYTUERDAY and WEDNESDAY— SHIRLEY TEMPLE John Holes, Jaek Holt, Karry Morley and nimble Hill Robinson portray an adventurous' romance amid the charm and appeal o1 the old and chivalrous South "THE LITTLEST REBEL" THI'RSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY— Double Feature Program KAY FRANCIS, George Brent and Genevieve Tobin prcw.uting a glamorous romance THE GOOSE AND THE GANDER" 'AXES DUNN, Clara Dodd and Patricia Ellis offer thee!!., love and laeghter"THl PAYOFF" Mauna's Wednesday, Saturday and holidays at 3 pm. COMING-ti10OROE ARLINB, as "MR. HOBO. in Police Court Pia Imposed oq Three--Yagis- ta'lte Lectures Two Young Vetoers Piste woe Iapssal Ia three of five trams Case/ threes- Magistrate J. A. Makin(' on TSUiid y last, -Ind in the Thompson ,waessinniPlatunan. The' following lodgEF sere represented : Brumfield, Exeter, Goderich, Heo/all, Seaforth bnd Clinton. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: 1).D.G.M., Charles Salter, Exeter; district warden, Robert Car- lisle, Hensall; district secretary, Wil - Ilam Dougall, Hensen. There were Sfty-fire Oddfellows present and a social hour was spent after the busi- ness. The next annual meeting will be held at Exeter. Good things befall Latin Proverb. remaining two the boys charged wereat Londesboro. A paper on the sub- ject "Keeping Out of Ruts" was read by Mrs. Lorne Durbin. A paper also nae read by Mrs. Alan Darnin. and a poem by lire Vert.' Miller. Mrs. D. Phllllpa gave a piano solo and poems' on Mothers Day were read by Mrs. Swan and Mrs. A. Gaunt. severely lectured. Lewis Ellwood, of Goderieb, was fined its wad coats tor -speeding on No. 8 highway. Provincial Traffic omcer J. W. Callender said the young man was doing 65 miles an hour. Nelson Elliott, of Stratford, dented driving more than ten miles per hour across the main intersection at Sea - forth. HIS evidence with outweighed by that of Chief of 'Pollee H. Snell, v,ho testified the young mac was driv- ing twenty-five or thirty miles per tour across the Intersection. Elliott was fined $5 end costs. Rex Ostrander, of Imeknow, was f..nnd guilty on a charge of reckless MCEIM'S DIRECTORY Canadian Publications Listed In 11134 Edition. Just issued Montreal, May 11.—Prefaced by a digest of the present -dal condition of Canadian business, in which a steady increase in purchasing power as well driving which was -laid afteran acct- as a cautious increase In actual spend. dent In Morris township on Tueaday,ting Is seas meed, 1 April 28. Ostrander, cutting close edition of McKim's Directory of Cana - around a bend, clipped the aIle of a (Ilan Publications Is just off the press. car driven by Chas. Girodet, of Brit- It reports an increase to the Canadian ton. The cars were badly damaged, publication field, listing the new total but no one was Injured. Ostrander at 1,786. was fined $10 and costs. 0 larger than its predecessor., this Tee Young to Drive Con. Raeebler, sixteen, of Ooderirh, owner of an old touring ear. pleaded not guilty to a charge of permitting a person under sixteen years of age to drive the vehicle. His young broth- er, Bert.. thirteen. pleaded guilty to driving the car without a license. "i have no desire to have a penalty imposed," mild Crown Attorney Holme._ to Magistrate Makin., "Mut i wish you e:nuld point lint to the boys the dan- ger* of driving." "There are complaints of the driv- ing of the boy Cornelius," raid His Worship. "lt there Is any more of this nonsense i am going to anipond your aconite. it is absolutely the last chance. 1f you make 'pother breach of the 11.T.A. this rummer i am going to auk the Department to take away yonr lleenwe," he said to the older boy. "On Iwo neeaainne you tare very nearly run over ehildren." Magistrate Makin* Atomised the hays with a warning to the older one to "see (het your brother deem'[ tike tho car again." edition of the hirectory 1s tbe twenty- ninth In an unbroken annual series that was started by the McKim Ad- vertising Agency in 1915, eighteen year. atter Iia founding to ISM. Diving essential -information about newspapers, magazines. farm Journals, trade papers and miscellaneous publi- cations, the Directory also presents condensed but highly useful market Information about the various Pro - Vince!, and about the particular cities and town+, where publications are lo- cated. Populations, industries and outstanding characteristic* of market areas are some of the features in- cluded. As In past years, this Directory *111 be sent to sn ever Increasing list of manufacturers and other firms in Can- ada, the United States and the United Kingdom, Interested In advertising in Canada. Enquiries concerning the Directory should be addressed to any of the sex McKim Advertising Agency places, at Montreal, Toronto, Winni- peg, Vancnnrer, Halifax and London (IDngland ) John Pinder Phase III P. 0. lies 131 Use The Signal's Classified Columns ;ooet and the faint rustle In Dr. (il- li`' Yale, the revolt of the plateau continued in Cariboo Monday. In the earnest voice of Major M c - Kay, the fourth of the plateau quar- tette gave voice In the House with vigor and conviction. The Cariboo member le an earnest man with high l onvk•tiona and an undimmed faith In ancient Liberal principles which, to some of the cynics of this place, al- most borders on the pathetic. Any- way..tbe Mayor believes in them. He clenches his fists and thunders 'Wein across the House. And when he thinks that the Government is not lir- lug up RQ ,,he ,preceptst of Gladstone slid of tleurler, be lea& afraid to say we. He said so last year when he at- tacked the New Westminster bridge In t. notable philippic. Be said so again Monday when he observed the swol- len portions of the budget—a budget which was not the product of Liberal principles, but of "a developing bureau- cracy." And while sympathising with the good.— the C.C.F. In its recent family un - (Continued on page 7) -[ler T.w. C.•..e.uear- BUS SCHEDULE — Effective May 3. 1956 EAST -BOUND —LEAVE— Goderich ....7.30 a.m. 5.00 p.m. Ho1mesvllle ..7.45 a.m. 5.15 p.m. Ctinton 755 a.m. 5.26 p.m. —ARRIVE-- Stratford ARRIVE— Stratford —.9.05 .9.06 a.m. 635 pm. Toronto .-.1245 p.m. 10.25 pm. Toronto 746 746 a.m. 215 pm. Stratford ..12.10 p.m. 6.45 pm. —ARRIVE— Goderich ....1.40 p. a, LIS pm - itineraries planned t0 all points In Canada, United states and Mexico. CONSULT LOCAL AGENTS t. T. eyes, IWO bans !ilii iCUS 5. T. Tal WIN lis, it 1131 that G W, lila bawl Tat II Control Ontario Bus Lasa !sins TORONTO "-O i; rim $O relieved . we ince getting i -worried Jim missed the last train home; funny at that meeting how time had , slipped by unnoticed. And wouldn't she be anxious. Unhappily he trudged along, killing time. Than ...._the laspirnfi.ni _.Long Distance!., A simple call, quick, inexpensive, and everything was smoothed out, both of them relieved. There's one thing they couldn't bear to be without; their telephone. It's surprising how often you:can make use of Long Distance! On both "Anyone" and "Person - to -Person" calls, Lose Night Rates apply every evening after 7, and ALL DAY SUNDAY. II. S. ()RIFF,