The Signal, 1936-5-14, Page 2Thursday, Mal 14th, 11MM
ladeaarra.o- ns
asst. s( Oesaillims aWeekly lrsssipw
Published every Thursday morning.
r$ebecrtpttoa palm woo per year,
WOO If paid la advance. Bobecr1Yaes
hi United States will pious add figs
Der postage.
. W. H. Bo.0X. sitter sod Meger
Telephone 36 : Goderich, Oat.
Thursday, May 14th, 11815
barbed wire entanglements 'tented PUBLIC MIND BEING POISONED
with rlectriclty.
"bonne, Ytwo, Ythree, Ytour,
I3,.," are the names of five lambs
bora on a South Dakota farm, Thus
does the tame of the "Quints" spread.
• • •
Some Alt? towns In the area served
by the Georgian Bay Hydro system
have received notice of substantial re-
deetlons In their rater. It fent safe to
predict just what would happen if
Godsrtch received such a notice.
• • •
May's unusual warmth has been
hard on farm horse's, and our corres-
pondents report the death of several
in tbla district Rather "soft" after
The course of European diplomacy
is full of pitfalls. France cannot
offend Italy for tear of losing her
support against !Germany. tHritalu
has to be careful about checking Ger-
many for fear that Hussite will take
adea.tage of au Angio-Oertsu° dispute
iaarwhelm Europe with Commun-
Ism. If Britain belps Rusata against
Japan abe may have trouble with Nip-
pon to the Pacific area. And so on
and PO op The whole thing is like
la house of cards: the nations are
afraid to pull out one card lest the
whole structure should fall In plea of
it a war once begins In any part
Europe It 1s liable to draw alt
diplomacy na-
-tions Into It So
eternal game of half -measures, with
no anal security in sight.
• • •
American news commentators appear
to be getting some obscure satisfaction
out of what they are pleased to term
Hriteln's loss of prestige over bee
Whim to eptePal Mussolini to give
his Ethiopian venture. Prestige is a tented aad then the House will pro-
ceed Iled cd to consider the tariff changes item
by item.
Conservative Leader R. B. Bennett,
speaking two and a -half hours, took
a most pessimistic view of the Cana -
Effort Being trade to Terrify People into Sacrificing a 'Valuable As-
set -Opposition Leader Bennett Criticizes Trade Agreement.
with United States and Japan -W. H. Golding, Huron -Perth,
Advocates Low Tariffs in the Interests of Consumers -Notes
from the Federal Capital
(ity 3-1 Hume. S•einCl orre.pea-
.,.r: . f The alt
Ottawa, May 11.- Not UI official
Couservatlre Opposition with thirty -
Line members, not the Social Credit
group with seventeen members, but the
Co -Operative Commonwealth Federa-
tlou group of seven members proposed
the only amendment to the Dunning
budget. While approving of the tar-
iff reductions, the amendment pro-
posed by Angus McInnis C.C.F., Van -
mover, characterised tlw budget as
entirely inadequate In the face of the The situation. amendment,
•( comae, will be overwhelmingly de•
peculiar thing. It may be seta
thatBritain's prestige was a bit low
when she was unable to stop the
French Revolution, although her aris-
tocratic statesmen of that time made sitars National Railway situation. He
tepresentatlona to the oew powers in pleaded for "a bold and determined
the winter to their halls, the horses Paris *bowing them the folly of their policy" by the Government "to deal
are under a severe strain when put cronrse Later, she tailed for aolsllheroically with this cancer gnawing at
to work in the fields under a brolling i years . bold Naduleoa In check. Helly the '�'ery Mr vitals Bennlett raid. "The Oocern'
sea. ran wild all over Europe and Britain's uxat, fresh from the people. has the
prestige was a bit dim. t'Ittmately, majority, they have the power and 1
however. a tattle occurred at a pito* trust they have the inclination to deal
called Waterloo. a spot on the map of}wlm this problem: let form proceed
Inclination and
• • •
Lord Tweedsmuir Is said to regard
either "Huekln" or "Bewkin" as a
proper pronanrlatlon of his family Europe which he` received tome put► to fire effect to their Lr. 1(runrtt malmtaiuret no lose
name, but, according to the same au- and tF.i. will receive the ?npport of there ll.' laid bevcharged by the Government
Betty during the }est ceetnrJ pyeraabera of the House who are inter -
ties wheat until the supplier were 11-
thorlt7, he "rather prefers 'Butlin.' i more, and after that tleere was no, eaten in the solution of this problem qudaterl ultimately. Simmer !Ma-
shall waft for a definite pronounce -more talk of Britain', f I*elt °f Prestite I and who are concerned about It as a later C. A. Dunniug interjected the
Govern -
meat, however, until His Excellency tints Several incl- I c,rsstant stela and drain upon our a drnnit.e loss to
fpr _qu1tC�* -t
nater► Mall has' . - _ WAIN imposed by the Bennett Govern-
-ea". airs _WAteli .-,.nn-F i_".__. _ -,ani } .- j�1'ifiYtAtg44-sod ba�aw�t,,.�••There Is nothing touching
l"�ab1a—blit6lr�ilgaMl--'441"--indtrarn clTiltail _ 1( t w•s f'^
eonwmer was actually beuetltted, be
�tviuteI. 1'! the bttn on
tariffs ou ba
and eburs, farm lwpletueut.s, electrical
products and printed matter under his
'The high tariff, we !wooded ac-
complished tie purposes for which
they were enacted," Mr. Bennett said.
"It was proposed that. in the end,
there tariffs would be reduced." The
fact that half Canada's exports were
to Empire crountrier be held to be
temple Justtflcatlon of the Ottawa 1032
agreements. He reiterated earlier
criticism of the recent Japanese trade
.greement oo the ground that it gave
to Japan what be termed tbe ttnpre-
ndented concession of allowing ap-
peals to the Cauadian Tariff Board
over duty valuations, allowing Canada
to be non -suited on such appeals by
the process of time consumed in delay.
Under the United Stater trade agree-
ment. be remarked. a sbrtnkage la
customs receipts is already risible. He
fraud that the provision fur Canadian
touring to bring back $100 of goods
free of duty would result in the Impor-
tation of upwards of 1130.000,000 of
free goods. He would like to see such
a provision. he admitted, but he did not
think the country could afford it at the
present time.
The Venture 10 Wheat
JUST RECEIVED. A large range iu latest
designs and styles. Fine all -wool Suits, in
a full range of Summer shades and colors.
Sizes 16 to 42. Knit -to -Fit and $10.95
Dutex. Each
Mercury and Circle Bar. All new Sum-
mer shades, in chiffons and service- 69c
weight. Sites 81/2 to 10. Pair...
Barrymoor Axminster, heavy deep pile,
its new Oriental patterns. Delightful color-
ings. Width 27 inches. Special. $225
Yard .. , .._..-•.•-•� T
Hit and mite centres with fancy border.
Fast wash colons
24'• a 48•'
'„18 " 1 56"
Size about 14" 1 22". Heavy 49c
brush. Regular 59c, each
See window display of new patterns, in
1, 2 and 3 yards wide. Per arrellic
square yard, ranging
that the Government should issue
credit and currency without interest;
M sore the Government will go as
tar as it can and as far as it is wise
to go la that regard."
Mr. Golding expressed the hope that
the Government would reduce the tar-
iff on essential articles to as low a
point as poe«lhle. He gave some in-
tereetlog figures to show that farm 1m-
p'ement companies were more Pros,-
' 1 erous and employed more men under
Liberal Governments than they hare
done In recent years under the high
_ r _ - I s need
-, - -- -— tie t7 riffs about which worker
ease with' which ace Lis IMO campaign speech at Winnipeg.
MacEwan. was toeing ber grip and calamity howl- I very much greeter to the cud. Yr• tet, esthuefastic," lir. I:sliding con -
ever: amalgamation I Bennett admitted the loss may bt �„jed aad Indeed the workers are
• • • eel rse tt•o end of her _Pro*tige., Aa 1 ...3LL Bennett studiously avoided twerp- ga�iK. hut Lo Mated nu pretty well ted up u° that
Announcement Is made from Ottawa 1 one citizen remarked. she la stilt orf ercu
mentioning such words as amat-c„Old yet be charged up. sd rt of talk.”
that the Quern's Birthday holiday will Ithe point where she coo lose Dne•tlae• . t l,mntfon ur untAeatlon or public or I The pawing of D. B. Plunkett, Core .
ra 11
be observed this year on Monday, May
25th. No official announcement was
needed, however. This is one holiday
that 19 so firmly imbedded iu l'anadian
coaeciousness that the people
ereas it laquetttoaable if any other i,riFate ownership. It ds gree 7 I servative, Victoria, B.C., marked the
the world really has any to i" pp/ed that Mr. Bennett's personal i htst break by death in the 245 mes--
eso�7l� -- inclinations tarot amaigattutiom un- I beta of the eighteenth Parliament
lose- As edor Woltt, the famous j
1 der private o hardly
ata But the come 1 e,ected last October, though there.
editor of the -Berliner Tageblatt. once, t.1. would hardly stand for that, and
have been four other vacancies caused
ed, perp John u goes ttZtparestly the problem em a not b7 appointment of members to Govern -
(Toronto Star)
The one item In the budget which
afoot Liberals will regard with regret
know Bull into 11 1 n t eoneid is the Increase of the sale. tart from
what to do about It without any official a •
wear, even if the whole world goes 'teed desperate enough yet to justify went poetUoo+, the bench and the Sea- six per tent. to eight per cant.
guidance. Canadians young and old 1 ate. The poeelbflity is that Bev. King The policy of the IAberal party has
op In flames. F.■Rland will survive ted }even •maltamatlun tinder publk own-
look forward with eagerness to the le victorious.. That 1. the kind of er•hip. Gordon, son of Dr. charier Gordon ever been to oppose the sales tax when
first outdoor holiday of the year. ", prestige which ottxttter a Mtsesollnt nor ' VIt Ik Mid "mg Poieo ed 1 ("Ralph Oonnor" r. «he' 'Yea -Locoed to in oppodtion and, 1n orate, to educe
H. H. Stevens Reconstruetlon, 1 Mr Plunkett last Ocular tag C.C.F. ' it stead117 wttb a view to its abolition.
fliinnina re-
• • was adopted at a Hitler can entirely submergt.
The Dunning budget —
Ottawa on Tuesday after the defeat . THIS HAPPY CANADA --
of two amendments by overwhelming
(Ottawa Journal)
majorities. The Social Credit amend- Canadian
meat was defeated 198 to 16. and the
amendment moved by the C.0 F. party
was snowed under by a vote of 210 to
8. Liberals and Conservilltes hued
up together against both of these ,, parading in Germany. out C N •R. grously overstated the case, •Yr. There V to be a royal rommls'sion to
ama.dmeata and the Copserntices' demonstrating in Belgium and Spain. Ittevems warned, though be did not icqulre Into all phases of the prob
dict to attempt an amendment of Here In Canada May Day was just name the critic's; the Canadian people,
with all the psromise of Ism. now so vital to Canada's Interests.
their own. The budget is still to be another day, peacefully be said, are helot terriMd Into • seer 11'Iw agriculture committee has begun
considered la detail, bowerer. spring with men at work pa■ f tender of a valuable asset at len thaap bearing witnesses on Its inquiry tato
Do Canadians ever stop to this
what a raven of peace their country 11, m over oe private hands at a trac-
ts? On May 1 all ores the world' tion of Its fust. That meant Fascism,5 re -
there were mllKent demonstrations: contended. leading to a bondage of
Red armies marching In Meow' a more aggravated type than hitherto
strikers marching in France. Nests believed possible here. Critics of the
East Kootenay, took up the cudgels on !candidate, may run to the by-election in a former budget Mr.
behalf of the C.N.R. The public mind 'new required in Victoria. duped the sales tax from two per cent.
fit being poisoned against the, I Miss Agnes Maephail, U.F.O.-Labor, • to ooe per cent.
he said, and he wondered if some I Grey -Bruce, was told that $1.017,304 The raising of this tax from ell per
Ic plot 1. •toot 10 turn the syw has been spent on R.C.M.1'. barracks cent. to eight per cent. indicate., we
std omc•ers' residences In the last think. more than anything else could
titres. years. 1rte necesafty that exists for the rale-
laveetigstlams Ing of new revenuer. It could only
The special wbeat committee bas be an extremlty which could drive the
concluded its bearing of witnesses. liberal party to this course of action,
and one feels that this sales tax will
be reduced at opportunity as
quickly as elrcumatanees will permit.
What this country needs Is Pales
above all else. To tax and penalise
sales in to discourage. retard and dim-
inish them. There is no taxation pol-
icy that Impreasea us so unfavorably
no matter what temporary advantage
to the exchequer may be derived.
Tie sales tax Is foreign to liberal
thought, its abolition la a Liberal de-
sire, and one can feel sure that its
reduction and removal will ocean ea
quickly as possible.
• • •
Tea days ago spring seemed to have
lost her way to these northern parts world.
and some expressed the fear that we
were In for a aummerleas year. How-
ever, she was just droned the-i`brlllf
all the time and when she was ready she
fairly bounced out at ns. Inst Satur-
day's near ninety in the shade Aad the
.remarkable growth of tbe foliage b: a taxparer them_ br spending. less
matter of hours must have set some than be makes, by investing in the
kind of record. We may have some (tome town. To do it he has denied
cool days yet, but it la to be bond
that the summer, when It comes, 11111
(sot greatly outdo spring In the lilt -
tae et kip temperature.
• • •
Mine Agnes Macphall In her crop
Dodos to the budget debate at Ott
intimated that shute there were soft burden that others shirk. many times
things in the Dunning budget she liked ¶ without tomplatnt, which he would
i etfetl tom yedttaed in rotting• He is,
the lacrease to the sales tax was not I thing's The Genanoque Reporter. de-
mur of them. She pointed out that the serving of a monument -4 tall, endur-
mlea tax bears most heavily on those ing monument—for he, like Atlas of
who spend their entire income 041 o o1d,rars the world upon his shoulders,
1t 1 had never seen t willows throw
Their thin arms out t the touch
of Spring:
If 1 had never heard th wind blow
Or goers a pair 01 irds on the
Then 1 might take miracle of
ls In easual manner, without wondering.
it Interesting to note that the
experts at tlw Dominion weather bier- But how can 1. who'know the nearby
eau say that ire in the lake. does not
affect the climate. Most people have
taken it for granted that wide Ice
Gelds in the *prim chill anyIttdie
which may creep up from the IOU.
That was often given an the extllana-
Oen of tbe cool' April we experienced
In factories and on farms sod leo I cod
flees. and children happy in school. Hon. C. P. Fullerton, C.N.R. trustee
Truly. we are a .oay corner of [De board chairman. remarked to the
Bowie railway committee. Immediately
_ Bennett's apeeeb. "tktme
like eti^feteeap-deficits to make
;.N.R. picture as bad as pomibie.
The cash deficit was 41 millions last
sompne abould ,tort a movebea
build a monument to the average tax.
payer. He la the man who keeps the
home fires burning and makes the
wheels of government go around. He
has got himself Into the position of
himself pleasures and luxuries that
the spendthrift had 1n plenty. In
every community he 1s abused and re-
ferred to slfghttngly on many occasion*,
but In good years and bad years he is
the backbone of the country, and
' without him there would be no gorern-
a went and no relief. He carries the
"consumptive" goods, itaiFtboir
spend only a small portion of theirA
come on such good* pay a relatllly
small sales tax. She might hivee
on to show how such a tax bur ens
the man with a large family. *bile
the man with a email family or jioue
at all feta off comparatively easily.
Where shy hepaticas down their
melt, joining in the eagerness' that
lta wavering Itromi-e on the garden
Until the cowslips In hrlght gowns of
the price of farm implements. That
committee is first getting a picture
of present-day agriculture conditions
,trd getting data on comparative prices
of products tbe farmer has to sell and
t • buy. going back twenty years. The
committee is securing material from a
:similar investigation by a United
yesr. Mr. Fullerton pointed out. Mr. States Congress committee to which
Bennett's overall deficit of 8115.251.00 has been voted 5150,000 to conduct its
trcleded a lot of figures that 'devoid exhaustive survey. It 1s likely a sub-
rot to included, he claimed. and It committee will be continued atter the
included Os* abest 25 millions of session with the powers of a royal
v. oro -out equipment which the C.N.B. r,mmisslon to complete the Inrestita-
wrote off last year. The C.N.R. and non required here.
,:;P.[t. aaved about 51,900,000 on pool- Hon. C. D. Howe. Railways and
mg last year, ke added. "sushi Minister, announced a twenty -
C. N. R. ha MHO aMi1iM five per cent. cut on insurance rates
S. R. Fairweather, -director of Ili* ou the Hudson's Bay route for the
C.N.R. bureau of economics. told the coming navigation season, which bas
coutatttee the eflleieney of the C.N.R. peen extended by eight days to run
le high. "It is my special job to tom- [tom August 5 to October 10. Inst
pare the C.N.R. efficiency with that of year only nine vessels carried grain
all other railways," Mr. Fairweather from Tort Churchill.
obserred,""aad I'm here to say I have Dr. J. K. Blair, Liberal, North Wel-
yet to see a railway more efficient flxrtteo - hopes shortly to mews* the
than the Comedian National." co-operation of the Agriculture De -
Mr. Stevens characterised the item of partment in importing some Danish
$3,100,000 for special railway malnten- isendwebrhogs
o -mie
b r
.nee -of -way work to provide employ- purposes to develop e ba
ment for 10,000 single unemployed men 1 copular is the British market, to off-
year as "a straight subsidy to the set severe Daulsh competition.
two railways." Mr. Stevens said It W. H. Goldin, Howse -Perth
was about time that the Canadian W. H. Golding, liberal. Hurom i'exth,
people realised that the Canadian Na- *peaking on the budget. held the toutt-
tional has been vilified up and down try fortunate to have a man with bon -
the country for the pest six years. or, integrity ■rod sound business judg-
The C.P.R. >K held to to two fears ment as Mr. Dunning as Finance Min-
hehinl In its maintenance -of -way work 1• ter. Ile referred to Mr. Dunniag's
Lod he claimed Parliament Is contino- practical expertenee as a worker,
ing to play the part of It pretty' goxwl :firmer and business man. one who has should he his. When Mr. Kresmeyer
}friend, a fairy godmother, to the Cana- I the confidence of the Canadian people. replied that it took a lot of silver
,flan feriae Railway The C.N.R. he Speaking of PremierWilliam Aber- to buy transportation tel Alberta, Mr,
characterised as a good plant and a tart of Alberta as a native of Seaforth, 1 Fisher promptly sent him 5.300 for ex -
valuable asset and It should he remem- Mr. Golding remarked be was anxious
bored, ton. that the Canadian Pacific' .,, see him make good. Ile hoped for
crit over-extended. Mr. Stevens also a gond hearing for Social Credit mem-
11014) 0 Mr.•Q the "pitiful" vote of 51,000; hers of the Federal 1101194,, beesuse. he
1(for the elimination of grade tell- Paid, Parliament should take the best
way ernions. : It thnnid here here nt collective Ideas. The wonderful
five millions. Both votes were doll (majority secured by the Lllersia In jest filled with gratitu-
dethey're just
approved. majority
last election brought great respon- naturally partners.—ehrietian Science
Mr. Ile.oetCa Speech i sihillties, Mr. holding went on. He Monitor.
Mr. Bennett. while justifying the I looked for the inauguration of policies
ho.11cy of Ma Government 1n loaning I nt'proved by the people by the election
upward. of 119 millions to the Mur Of the Liberals to office.
Western Province*. made the slgnla- "it Is ntter foolishness to kid our- PORT ALBERT, May 12. -Mr. and
cvnt remark. "At times '1 have had selves that governments can ware some Mrs.R L. Ravi T.mored to Port Bur -
grave dotthts• se to whether it was n.agk wand and transform things over •n . 1 . Rey.
wine to enntlnne it beyond a eertaln night," Mr. Golding warned. "lyes ltleeea Alma Dougherty end Irene
point." But he did not specify the people do expert, however, sound, sen- l,,rfrr are I11 with measlea at their
certain point. The ('onservatlre Allo bn,Inesi administration. We leapeetlre homes. We hope they will
leader predketea that an eight per rent. should endeavor to reduce the cost if Senn to well again.
Such eerie loveliness I[ It should testi
.eye. tax world rip apart the economic g. eernment and lessen the .greed ter Mr. and Mra. Read hare 50 their
fabric of Canada and hasten the end tw•en wpat the farmer hes to sell nest Mr. Need's es'4moth*er, who spent
Weald you become just eemmonpi*e. o, the capitalist 'y -•tem. The ('.C.F., end what he bas to buy. We ehonld t
and plaint he remarked. would rejoice in that. remember that the revenues of the 'he winter with relatives In Detroit.
Von. who or•me now with hesitating The mnnfrrralling
tattoos on eggs, Fedora! Government eot°e from the Mr. and lira. Frank Donn and Mr..
tread: p.tatnes and cut flowers Mr. Bennett seine taxypaayets whom the Provinces Jo•sad. Otter, of lioderIeh. vleited with
Ton, whose voice echoes in the Atrll cued as -the re.hlt of cowardice on , and mnddpalitlea ey they eannot air and Mrs. James McKenzie on
the part of an Adminl•trattnn which Ing any further. • We should retinae ttnnda7•
PR afraid to raise a duty." Frankly !there la no reeertoir In the Federal aloe Annie Inner stent the weekend
admitting his Government had raised Finance Department nut of which all n1 her home in Blyth.
,l.e tariff. Mr- Bennett hekl such se- ennui take sufficient to satl.ty their Mrs. Rehina CampiwR is vtatting
tion was na•es.ay la an emesps.r} weed* mid astet.,toueh bottom. The � icer slater, Mrs. Thomas Dnngh.rty.
setweEMw-tee-7f.eeree week- ewe-f'awe•tsaom.r we gat rid at _tial Idea. the j ]flea Clara Wf(ii.. wf Gn.Iph, 11
,'.lens and prevent the country frog defter for all concerned. So lititIMing her racal'Qttlf nigh her par.
being divvied with foretell goods. The I pc•csple .ay we should orbit money and •r,ta. MI. aad Mrs. Frank WItUi.
WILL NOT USE COERCION years champion stutter of the world.
(Cbesley Enterprise) I at the fifty yean ago asst regatta held at Oreille over
_-d wee defeated w.
Dr. Simpson. Minister of Education,
says he has no notion of trying to
force a township school board system
on the rural communities. He didn't
take as long as the Hon. G. Howard
Ferguson to find out how unpopular the
ex -Premier's discarded scheme was. Foley was a good beginner but never
outstanding. It will be Interesting to
TWO AMBITIOUS OLD CHAP_ lateens a contest hetweee tical! aged
(Milverton hunt Oarsmen who stilt [retain iNt spirit of
Thomas Foley. of Collingwood, aged youth and harp Do doubt kept their
eighty years, who rowed against Jake woven, supple and pliant by cooatant
Gaudaur, aged seventy-nine, for ten :aquatic exercise.
biro. has issued a challenge to match
him again. Gaudaur has accepted the
challenge for a matched race and de-
clares that be will meet Foley any-
where oft at any time. Jake says that
sumac FOR SiLVER
Professionally, 7onag Harry Kres-
meyer of Waldwyck, N.Y., is a truck
driver who joins to that rugged In-
dividuaftst occupation a streak of pare
philanthropy. Hailed by a hltcahik-
er, he gave him • friendly lift. The
impecunious wayfarer toad of a us
of silver owned by him In Canada,
whither he was "hoboing."
Trnet drivers on country route,
meet strange gentry. This, added to
an ingrained conviction that toe much
highway is weakly glees up to private
' motorists, gives them a dant verna-
cularly described as bard -bolted. Young
Mr. Kresmeyer, therefore. grinned as
he ifateoed to this embryo silver king,
and silently added Jack Fisher to his
collection of "nuts." And, observing
that Mr. Fisher was weary ad broke.
went fifty-fifty with hum on his only
remaining dollar.
.'The other da), Mr. Kresmeyer, then
jobless, received a missive posemarked
Edmonton, Alberta. It was from the
erstwhile - htteh-hiker, inviting his
truck -driver acglalntance to come and
help work the mine. halt of «bleb
Me year. The weather men, how- Nod Ravin to tile a
.,.n the wood -thrash
ever, slay—i6itthe water is so cold any>
way that some cooling el the windti
maidd take place even without i but Ah, Spring. It your would stay your
the winds tbemeelses originate 1 tar' steps awhile
places and their aatare is always de
Sothat the red -buds nerd not tall wt
fast ;
termined loaf before they arrive here. So that the lilacs growing thickly by
• • • the stile
Newt not burst Into bloom and then be
Vet, while i speak, I sl•onder: could
we bear
Dr. Defoe. the famous medlesi guard-
ian of the quintuplets. predicts a great
rush of visitor. to Callender this sum-
mer. but doe* not regard this a. an
*unified waiting. Souvenir hunters,
he says. are no respecter. ,f property,
and last summer they removed chunks
of woad from his wood -pile and took
pieces of his fence. He la a
The moral of tblg modern Samarl•
tank episode seems to -be that when
the Irre.istibl'-torce Of the milk of
human kindness (it was i milk truck,
by the wayl meets an immovable ob-
little apprehensive ;if what this year's rain?
crowds will do. "1'm rather afraid 1. 1 would not have your wonder pats
go away for en7 length of time,', he instead,
t tale my hoose *n. May yon come trembling In yonr tonal
els ; "Doe1 m way
.e#tThIag•'''. Vw 'With atrit-inwiruflttforgsrrtrstreers**,
doctor moot 11e, peoteeted, cava if `a - Eleanor ti. R. Young, In The Chris -
b. ooeadgar7 to est ftp a "TIMM WI tlan Selectee Monitor.
Summer Clothes
FLANNELS, all shades for Snits and Trousers.
-They are Cool enol t •..ntfc.rtable—
$21.00 to $35.00 SPECIAL ORDER
$40.00.1--$65.00—CU s MADE
Frank H. Martin
Retweesr veils In Coda ad to serials ikethmtiens 1. the
L'•flted States
Fare and O.e-Teatk Fare and Ole -Tiled
la despise shad poster ora.
Geed a washes stab l pt.a deet of berth charge)
Geed going any time Friday, May 2t tsst 1 2.38 Ti MMday. Mai Mg— --
g-_---Retesa Unlit tearing dddtl.elha we le sedmises. Tees g. Mel 1 N•
I. aMlten the repair week end 'Fan dad O.e'Ofaetar «98 ke r
else*. deism. Menial ii re--AMi We. CWlie. 25a
Por Tares and further information appty 50 Aran
Prices Nay Be. Advanced
due to increased Sales Tax—Buy Now !
-Prices for Week of Nay 14th to Kay 21* inclusive--
riourtimx iN
VIALS: 25e
is ss. beetle Doe
z5e and 51r
18'1'8. rte
CREAM with
Sample Peat,
Liquid, 25e and 55e
491 Sheets 15t
FLAKES, be lee
bee sod 51.18
SALTS. de E. ea.
COMBS. 15e
25e, 4/e wed ase
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when testaiIItM, bren-
ling ice, heelds sod
tbesat trenistea mets•,
it safe. quiet mad
eeenewsleal. modes
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it works, try K
Dunlop's Campbell's Lauder's Wigle':
DeweoAoe. Drei.e.r.