HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-5-7, Page 8mare- T'121, 1148— FURNITURE s1 Repaired, Remodelled and Upholstered WORK OUARANTk;ED PRICES ILEASoNAB1.E George McKay St. David's Street, Goderich WARNING Riding bicycles walls is strictly Town Bylaws. Offenders will .-:L C. Postelethwaite, c'UIEI- cel' POLICE. on the side 6giinit the be prose• Meat Specials FOR SATURDAY Kress( young Mutton Ib. le Leg loung Mutton Ib. 11te ('bops, young Mulles .2 the. 25e Freels Head ('benne... ..Ise Pure Pork Ramage Ib. Irk Choice Boll Beef Ib. lee Shoulder Roast Beef Ib. Ile THE SIGNAL "HER HONOR THE MAYOR !'lay SuceessfuUy Pre ee.ted Last Week at MacKay Nail "Her Honor ]'ht Mayor" made her taw to citizens of (jederhh on Thursday sod Friday nights lad, when the play wax presented by the Victoria street 1'ultcd church Mayer. In MacKay Hall by a well-chosen cast. The pregentaticsa wife under the au- .plces of the Women's Association of that chusl•h, and was directed by Mrs. George eehlrrr. The •e• re action of the play of 1i ing-room of Mayor Eve Oncnna home on a tnorn- p, the town of Goderich. Sanitary Meat Market I curred in —THOS. LEGG— hag in M Phone 485 $a�miltOII St. The WO °Vend with the entrance ianc�,od. It r es, pr madly, the meet- Phone — GODERICH, ONT. OLD LBNDMARK GONE FROM EENKILLER Visitors to Beautifier note the ab - WIMP of an old landmark, the Tem- perance Hall which stood near the school -house. This building has been removed to the farm of William W. 11111 to take the place temporarily of his hours which was burned a few months ago. For a good part of two generations the Temperance 11.11 played a very important part in the life of tbe com- munity of Benmlller and the nelgh- 1 d -of. -tutee-. - .-. -I enmitr-thz .isce et the • "f Te.^.peresx, t I 1 fo — i McNabb, Doris Denton and Rosalie but t was used also r church tea t Myers, wIto were indignant stud pro- 1 meetinga, for political meetings and voted with Lester Pam:newer, condi- usher gatherings, as a polling place • • date for the mayoralty, because be on election da), and as a social centre Jitney Dancing had auummeed that he was making a 11 rpeticb that afternoon against the right of women to vote. '!'hey con- vineed L•ster's fiancee, Eve Greenway, that the speech was au ln..ult to her. and she joined their ranks, finally per- euadltig Lester not to make the speech. His political togs, Mlchacl Mt't oon, decided to make the address himself, and, when Lester announced his in= tention of ,tttakiug nue In favor of wo- men's voting, bribes! N:vc's colored maid. Elisa Goofier. to drug Lester. I. But Lester hadn't time to drink the drugged coffee. aqd Eve thought she would. Just before she dropped off !would. sleep as a result of the drug she i remarked how funny`it would be if , women ruled the town and she -were elected mayor. Then, that which she thought so EVERY SATURDAY NITE at the PAV! ADMISSION 10c— —Free Dancing till 9.3D Free Taxi Service from West Street SPECIAL DANCE MONDAY, MAY llth £dmiiiion 35 cents -Used-C-ar Specials! 1-1935 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN. 1-1934 CHEVROLET COACH. 1-1934 DODGE COACH. 1-4929 FORD ROADSTER, with Rumble Seat. 1-1928 WHIPPET COACH. 1-1928 ESSEX COACH. 1-1927 CHEVROLET COACH. - 1-1930 CHEVROLET 2 -TON TRUCK. 1-1330 FORD 11/4 -TON TRUCK. 1 real good Team of Heavy -draught Horses, 6 and 8 years old; sound; weight about 2900 lbs. REG. McGEE --11)I)(;E AND 1►EStl'1t) Phone 379 -- Goderich r+mas.ns...asawcac-; 3•. , t�amusing came true. she waif nasals - I aced and Hoary elated sira�ur. H*[ husband. Lester, stayed at home to run the house. and mind the children, w9.11e she and the ether women rat tLe town, Later the curtain goes up to dis- Dort Ere soundlaNeeep onithe eonch'�distrlet governor; Gordon Mow of To-• Take notice that the annual gen- awaks that ronto, district secretary; Dr. Wylie, of era! genera y. The Sons of Temperance lodge was organised at Benmlller on January WANTED' TO RENT.—SMALL /SETTLED OUT OF COURT The Supreuw Court oses1 n last week, Mr. Justice J. A. McEvoy pre- siding, was concluded on Thursday, when the two remaluing cases, Dew - eon vs. Dawson and Furter vs. Under- wood, were /settled without a court battle. In the former ease J. E. Dawson, of Stephen township, asked immediate payment of 12,000 willed to bins by Margaret Davison, and In the letter case Mrs. Mary little Foster, of Gor- rie, war ruing fur caucellatlon of pro- bate of a will made by Mary. A. Ceder - wood, alleging undue influence. BORN HA!_r�! �`—.e Mr. sad Mn. Charles Hal4>:; Aiburn, on Friday, April 24th, 1966, a eon (Leslie Charles Donald). WANTED Pith, 31172, with the following charter members: John Stewart, Helen Stew- art (Mrs. John Stewart). Andrew Heddle, Thos. Kerr, Lev. D. Hubble, E. Baer, James Gledhill, David Fish- J(00 er. Fred K. Cook, Jesse Gledhill, John "[rime house. convenient to Square, Elliott, Pawl Morrish, T. Gledhill, all modern conveniences. Apply J. E. rah Gledhill (Mrs. Jesse Gledhill), HARNIVEI.L, 27 Kenya street. [rouse .or cottage, modern; prefer- ably with garage. Apply to BOX 16, SIGNAL OFFICE. ME'R8. WANTED. — I.ARpE ary J. Kerr (Mrs. Thos: herr), Mary J. Nigher ( Mrs. D. Fisher). Most of these. like the old hall, have 'been removed. but, again like the old hall, they filled their place in the communal for a time and their in - PUBLIC NOTICE TYPING DONE QUICKLY AND AC- CUItATELY, at home. Rates reason- able. P. 0. BOX 81. *thence remains. GUESTS OF LIONS M Dinner Meeting—Revert of Pre - mods frog the "Jellies" LAWN MOWERS !'OWER GROUND and repaired. Reconditioned mow- ers and bicycles for sale or exchange. General repairs. A. OMR, 107 Que- bec street. The Lions -Club at its dinner meet- mmOTICE Ing at the Medford hotel on Friday III - evening laat had as guests several men TILE GODERICH ELEVATOR AND prominent in the Lions organtzatlou-, -- TRANSIT CO, 11TD, These were Reld Murdock of Toronto, she had pa�swl through was Just a Windsor, and Organizer Vernon La- meeting of the shareholders of dream. '.ester is elected to omoe, and Chance of Ottawa. the company well! 3e bald on leek . I everything enc- hapidiy for a11. t diff, ter 1 n. I 1936, at 2 all. North ! The Cast tariff, of Goderlch, introduced IAD*treet. Godericb, Ontario, for the elec- t--The-east aY as--- chows: Lester Mlutiock, who gave an addresa—t Parameter, Lawrence Harrison; Hon. Mike McGoon, George Bats -filer ; Clar- T_ once Greenway, John McLean; Eve Greenway. Mabel Brownlee; Mn. Mc- Nabb. oNabb. Gertrude Worthy ; iwcria Den- ton, Marjorie Prouse: Roselle Kyers, Annie McKinnon; Eliza Goober, Mrs. Geo. Baecbler. The acts were mualcally introduced by Miss Mary McKinnon. Hiss Gladys Brownlee played the opening music each night. On Thera - day sight Miss Ana Stewart, of ton. and Mr. L. Hanna sane several solos between the acts and on Friday night the Misses Mary Howard and Ilelcn Areber gave instrumental duets and Mss Leah Gr1ff solos. Ie•v. it F. W. Craik and Mr. Geo. !Eat -Alit introduced the play to the ltttcntife audiences. r ti These special values effectivetoe May itch se lift . Raaip�.t Balk Macaroni 4 l 17- .e Glas.ea'. Pure Orange C !Marmalade J-32-21 Sliced Singapore Pineapple 2T21 Catellis Cooked SPAGHETTI 16•oa. Tim 10( KRAFT' CHEESE 204. 29c VELVEETA - CHATEAU CHEESE HABITANT TOMATO SOUP ft 11` Glaasee's Plum Jam JreL�3< DOMINO BAKING POWDER Wesson's Ginger NEw CANADIAN SNAPS la IO< Cheese 2 ►k.. 2,9( Special Strong BROOMS I 25< BAYSIDE PEAS Choice T1 7` PEANUT Butter McLarea's 25 -oz. 21C Jar Rulk - 10AP FLAKES 3 the. 20< Ogilvie Minute OATS --i-44,2-3( Millionaire Sardines,'�rTia25 Ready i o I a WHEAT Tt>D 2 Pkae 23< No. 4 t� Ot No. 2 Sieve Tin KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 3 Pkg;` 29( Lihby's. Clark's, Aylmer Tomato Juice 3N014c Tins Tender.Leaf TEA Selected and packed by Chase & Sanborn distributors 12 -oz Pkg. 49` Hawes' Lemon Oil 12-oa Bot. 22< • « SPECIAL 1) Oranges 23c doz. OMINION STORES which he set forth clearly tare and the alms of the Lions organ-' non oe usreetors Lor the inning year the strse4and for the transaetion of otber busl- isatlon. The other visitors also spoiii .... y properly he brought briefly. hetane the meeting. Lion C. K. Saunders read tbe report R. O. SAND14R1,ON, Secy' on the recent "Jollied" performances.' The net proceeds, including a con I PM EM QR RENT button of 319.55 from the Donnybrook Farmers' Club, were $236.53. which j�0Ual3 POR BALE. --TWO STORY goes to the Club's fund for health and brick house on Nelson street. Eight welfare work- rooms and bathroom. Good location. Would exchange for bungalow or 'cot- tage. Apply at SIGNAL OFFIC& Maple Leaf Chapter rummage sale will be held in MacKay Hall on Fri- day, May 8, from I o'clock, and Satur- day, May 9, from 10 o'clock. Knox church Mission Band and Girls' Circle will bold an afternoon tea and sale of baking at the manse, Colborne street. on Saturday, May 16th, from 3.30 to 6 p.m. Awnings for your hoose or store. Tbey keep your home mol and add to the appearance of the home. Low- est prices 1n town. P. A. ZIMMER- MAN, corner Ntaleon street and Cam- bria road. Mrs. Harrold Newcombe, who for Immo time was court reporter at the County Court clerk's ome•e, is tempor- arily taking the place of Miss Olin ltehoenhals, who will he married on i Saturday to Mr.,Oeo. A. McCarty, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Thompson, of Listowel. Ont., announces the engage- ..intekt 9t their ._Pell _daugbler.. r else, to - r. Robert Scott liethering- I ton, of Wingbam, Ont., son of Yrs. Iletherington and the late Mr. Isaac i Hetherington, of Goderich, Ont.; the 1 msrrtape 10 Take place Quietly le GOAERORI MARKET PRICES • r • nrr-*Ms! Hens. t ib.., 13c ; hen% 4-5 lbs., 11c ; henstta+r d.3bs., lee Egga and Nutter Eggs, per dozen, 12,-16e; butter, dairy, Ib., 22e; buttes,creamery, lb., 22e. Live Stock Bacon hogs, cwt., $S; beef, lb., 4c_ -6e; veal, lbs., 7e -71c. • Grain Wheat, per bus., 65e -70e; buck- wheat, per bus., 33c -36c; oats, per bras., 2:.c -30e; barley, per baa., 83e - 36c. PASTUREFARM TO RENT NEAR lienmUler, or will sell on easy terms. Apply to MRS. RUTH THOMPSON, 13388 Chelsea street, Detroit. Mich., or to HARVEY FISHER, R.R. 6, Goderich, Ontario, Canada. L`OR BALE.—BUNGALOW ON 11 Keays street. Red brick, good coa- 1 dition, seven rooms including three- 1piece bathroom- Hardwood loon throughout, modern lighting, storm windows all round. Easily bested by furnace. Double garage. Extra lot with young fruit orchard. Saerllee for quick sale. Apply 47 Keays street. NOTICE OF BANHRUPTC`Y THE MATTER OF TUE BANK - IN RUPTCY OF WILFRID DONALD - BON, of the Town of Goderich, in the 'County of Huron, and Province of °uteri°, Plumber, Debtor. Notice is hereb • �• y given that Wilfrid Donaldson, of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron and in the Province of Ontario, made an Author- bedAaalgumeot on the 22nd day_- April, 1936, and that tbe fir4t Mat - log of Creditors will be held on the Sth day of May, 1936. at the hour of p.m., at the alms of the Q cial Iter, in the Court Hold at Lon- t7ntarlo (Standard ?la.!) 1E/1'8' vote thereat proofs .f claims and proxies must be filed with tta prtor thereto. Tho.e having, claims , {galnat ,tbe' estate must file the same with the Cue- todian os Om -Trustee when appofalaO� before distribution le made; otherwise the proceeds of the estate will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, without regard to such deimte. � a Dated at Brantford, this 27th dei o1 April, 1936. THE TRUSTS AND Gl'ARAN?BB J 1 COID'ANY, LiMITED, 114 Dalliouafe street. lira ntford, Ontario. Custod la n. MRD er THAMES BERT MacDONALD, WHO HAS started b4 sew launch, the "Anna - mac," on what 1a hoped will be a pros- perous season, wishes to thank all those who assisted In any way with the building, launching or christening ut the craft. AU(,TIONEERINO THOMAS OUNDRY, OODERIOH, LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL Au(,TION'EER Telephone No. lip Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted. VETERINARY AUROEON DR. G E. MYERS, V.S., B.V,St, VETERINARY BURGEON Graduate of the University of To- ronto and Ontario deterinary College. Omce at T. T Murphy's, Ilamllton street. !'hones: Day 206; residence 249W. USED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS RiNO CLEARANCE OF USED MI'SiCAL INSTRIt¥I ^Tl. sue] as Saxophones—E flat Alto, Tenor and "C" Melody. Tratnpets, Gultare and all Band Instruments of well-known makes. Reeonditloaed and fully guarrnteed. Write us about further particulate of pricer. No obligations. D'ERINA DEACON a(1'SIC S110PI'E, Helntaman Building, 242 Dundas street, London, Ontario. !'hone: Met. 6072. Open evenings. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all persons haring claims against the Rotate of William Hill, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased, to send the same duly verified to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of May, 1986, after which date the Executors writ -proceed to distribute the said estate-amoajtbe persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall bate bad notice, and that they will not be liable for the proceeds of the estate so distributed to any peraoa of whose claim notice ab*U not by thea have-besa received. -------- I►. L_ ROW, OoAaeleb, Ontario, IMIlilkot for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice L hereby given to all per- sons having claims against the ea tate of Jane Mcl.arty, late of tbe townablp of Oolborne, in the county of Huron, widow, deceased, to send the same duly verified to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of May, 1988, after which date the executor will proceed to dlstrilwte the as id estate more the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which be then *hall have had antic's. and that he will not be liable for the proceeds of the estate so distributed to any person of whoee claim notice ,bail not by the° ha re been received, R. R. DARROW, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. AUCTION SAM WALL PAPER SEE OUR SPECIALS EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DURING MAY New Books IN OUR LENDING LIBRARY Cole's Book Store Goderich Ont. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W. MONTEITH, Chartered Accountant WA Ontario street, Stratford, Oatary (Member Firatbrook, McLeod • Math telth, Toronto, Ontario.) MEDICAL R. F. J. IL FORSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE, THRbAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural hospital, as- sistant at Moorefield Eye Hoepltel and Golden Squ,.re Throat Hospital, London, Eng. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephoee 287. Next visit—Wednesday, May 20, Prem f p.m-. to I pm. on ]Lay 21, et Bedford Hetet ��� IXGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES, Barrister, Etc. Office—Court House, Goderleb. Telephone 55. i+OC"OLAS R. NAIRN, YY Barrister and Solicitor _ Omee Hamilton Street, Goderiea- Telephone 512 ERNEST M. LEE. L Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Vit —_ torla Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 6301. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONEM iCHIRd'RACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Oe/erich. Phone 341 sindird with electromagnetic baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic, orgsale, aad servoua (Messes. Lady ta at- toad/wee. once bourn 2 to 5 and 7 W $ p.m. on Tuesday. Friday and Sat- ; and on Wednesday 10 to 12 SM. only, or consultation may be had by appointment. Monday and Tbursdny at Mitchell. A. N. ATKINSON Residence and 'once—Corset of South street and Britannia road. RESERVED AUCTION SALE OF H(N'SE T RN1SHINOB AND (YFIiPIR ARTICLES. We Ere Instructed by Mrs. Thomas Mcllratten and James Green o t�•Jl. ,1-"1reIn Seaford, ou firATI'RILAY,• MAY 16th, at 1.30 sharp, all the contents of tbe home, Including: Emerson upright ptatro; f jeaQ l0 etruwent; antique walndt sofa; live large upholstered chairs; library table; rug, 3'4 x 4 yards; number of small tables; satelog dieing tablet dining chairs ; couch ; four congoleam rugs, 3 x 4 yards; pictures; carpets; curtalns; hall ract; threw antique chairs; antique bedroom Nolte, mat- t ecw and sprfegs; three bedroom suites, mattresses and springs; walnut all leaf table; six kitchen chairs; tdeboard; chest of drawer.; wanner washstand; White drophead sewing machine; Met'lary range and pipes; Quebec heater and pipes; kitchen' tore; Magnet cream separator; large barrel churn; lawn mower; glass kit - hen cupboard; lamps; crocks; jars; igbt team wagon, with pole and shafts; two -section harrows, and num- erous other articles. Everything must be disposed of, as the property is sold. TERMS—Cash. T. GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. Vegetables 1 Point/ie., per hag, $1.25; turnips, per bus., 25r 30e. Fleur and Feed Bran, 100 -Ib. hag, $1.10---$1.15; ehnrte, 10014. bag, $1.25--$1.30; Mani- toba flour, 100-1h. hag, 32.85-33.25. FOR SALE The beat .ort of bravery fe.-the COR SALE.—PERMANE`T WAVE crncrcgc to do rlRht.- t,oulsa;-iL.'-Al- mac1,lge, and dryer for sale cheap. rat. BOX 22, SiGNAL OFFICE, Goderieh. SEX COAC'o 1 FOR SALE AT MINUTES—or //ssBradley'. {wage. Excellent condi- tion. Two new tires, battery and top. Newly /minted. 330 cash. HOURS? - f . LtZED. BARLEY FOR eALE.—o.A.C. $i. grown from, registered aced. A Ample. FRANK L. !DUNG, R.K. li, (ioderlch, Telephone Carlow 208. The breakfast your family likes hes is the easiest to serve! Kel. _ Iogg'a Corn Flakes— crisp and - wholesome — are fully cooked' and toasted. Ready to eat in an instant- Save hours of toil with this tempting, economical en- ergy food. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Nothing takes the plata of fedgWe CORN Waxes UOi'SE FOR SALE.—TWO-STOR2 brick house Mt ThaTalgar -street, 1e good condition. Modern conveniences. Apply GEORGE WESTBROOK, Tra- falgar street. FARM FOR KALE.—BEN) LOT 89 nn highway 6, one and a -half miles from Jlolmeavtlte, consisting of 100 acres more or leas. There Ie a good frame house; excellent hank barn; pig pen. driving shed, and chicken hone, all in mid repair. The farm la In excellent condition and 1s con- sidered among the beet In the dlatriet ; watered by creek end never -failing spring. Hard and soft water In house. The property 1e being sold to close the estate of the late Wm. MIL ror further pertlenlars apply HARHTATT M. HILL,, IFTTI " $ILL, eYY. W., WILL (lnderleh, eentors of tits lrfu tete Of Wm. IHII. xiREKN7RVED SALE OF HOUSE- ' uHOLD Fi'RNiTURE, CARiNET- I MAKER'S TOOLS, ETC. Mrs. E. J. Rumball will sell by pub- lic unction, at her home, Fiat street, Goderich, on SATURDAY, MAY 9th, at 1.30 sharp, all the content., consist- ing In part of: Nordheimer piano and stool; music cabinet; pedestal tahlea: jardiniere stands; what -not; upholstered chair.; settees; neenalonal chairs; living -room rug, 10 x lx; curtains: Minds; plc- turee; stair and bedroom earl/Pie; co°ehea; walnut tables; secretary and bookcase and books; large wait mirror; Locking chairs; heating stove and pipes; hell railer hall table; dining bible; dining chain; sideboard; fall leaf table; kitchen chairs; lawn ham- mock ; kitchen stove and pipes ; new Per- fection o11 stove, three burner; lamps; dtshea; glassware; three handmade oak bedroom .uide, mattresses and spring*: two vanity tables; hall tree; toilet sets: lawn mower; new and need paint brushes; work bench with vise; large number of cabinetmaker', thole; garden tools: clamp.; verandah chairs; screen doors; t obs ; hose reel; lawn spray, and nnmernns other articles. Everything must be anti. as Kr,. Rnmball Is leaving Godertch. TERM.$ --Cab. The property is for sale privately. T. Gi'NDRY & RON, Anetlnneere. -----was INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. IleKILLOP MUTI'AL FiRE 'NSW?. AA ANCE CO.—Farm and isolated n property fainted. Omeers-Alex. Itroadfoot, President. Sesforth ; John E. Pepper, Vice -Presi- dent. Mrurt tteld ; M. A. Reld, Beare- • tary_Treaaurer, Sea forth, ors—Alex. Broadfoot, >1mt forth ; James Sholdlce, Walton; Wm. Dox, Loudee oro'; George' i.eonhardt. Dublin ; John E. Pepper, Brucr0eld : James Connolly, Ooderi,b ; Thomas Moylan.' Seafortb ; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex. McEwing, Blyth. Agent.—W, J. Yeo, R.R. 8, Clint..: Jame. Watt, B1tfn; -Jahn E. reprEr, R.R. 1; Btuo.Oeld ; R. F, McKereher, R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt, K1.- cardtae; R. G. Jarmutb, R.R. 1, Bora- holm. Polley -holders can make all payments and get their cards re•eipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Outt's Grocery, Kingston street, Goderich, or J. if. Reid'a General Store, Rayfield. Hydro Store 17 YOU EVER HAD ONE MIA OF INSTALLING AN' £Iectric Range NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY The loeal Hydro Commission is making the following offer :— "A consumer installing a new three -wire cervib with an Eleetrie Range from now rap to •July 1st, 193¢, will be allowed two months' electric torrent free of charge." —Cook with ]ieelricitr— Quiek, Clean, Oool and lliconomical Public Utilities Coosiiaia11 GODERICH