HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-5-7, Page 5• -f..... MAW Gift Suggestions for M'oyther's FRESH LAURA SECORD CANDIES LB. 50c SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY BOX $1.50 - TOILETRIES-DuBarry, Princess Pat, Luxuria - MOTHER'8 DAY CARDS CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 22 The Square We Deliver MEMORIALS To all who are contemplating purcllaslug a Monument, I have decided to give a Ilb:1- discount all this mouth. to make ruou for Inc -outing steak. 1.et me give you estimates be- fore you buy. Cemetery Lotteries i Speciality - A Il Wren* Tivttrnnteed - Clintot Marble and Craaite Works John Grant. Clinton, (int. Mother' -s-0. Do not have your Mother tun and euok -on Mother's Diu. Treat -her to a dinner all pre- pared and daintily served at THE PARK HOUSE - Sunday Dinners a S1ar•ia10 - PHONE 575, GODERICH LetYour Dollar Have More Sense ! by buying )our Redding Plants. Annuals and 14 -getable Plana teem the Itenmtller Nurseries, or from the Storrs that tarry our stork. W,• e.n,.. Nnue It111 the Beet STEWART '$ROB.--- Bentrrtr1el Nurseries -PHONE ('.1R19µ' 233- litimiUSED -CARS • 1F YOU WANT A REAL GOOD USED CAR, WITH SPECIAL .GUARANTEE, SEE US.- *t:•h-Fl!'R ('ABt3-ARK. IN PIRS'EsPLASS eoNNniTle. -A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS 1933 Chevrolet Seiner with trunk, only 7,M/--*iles. - 193:1 Trrraplane Sedate, only 6,1500 mile*. 133 Terraplai a Sedan with "Electra I•tai11V tale 1.111 tinea GODERICH HUDSON-TERRAPLANE MOTORS Phone J. E. Mason, Mgr. Goderich SELLING -OUT SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL ENTIRE STOCK I8 DISPOSED OF EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE ON BALE AT • - GREAT MONEY -SAVING PRICES (, ET 1 ` ON THIS SALE AT W. Heroes Shoe Store Phone 43w eederich • THE SIGNAL_ -' _GQPJ .. CH, ONT. Town May Get New AUBURN' AUBURN, May 4. -Mn. Wut, hemil. and daughter, of Hamilton, who were visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, H. Park in East End (Continued trove page 1.) tercet to April 1st, 19Ytl; that the 1943 business taz on the Hindu Cauulug Co., amounting to 170, be remitted, 114 the plant was 0014p operation in 1932 when assessed. Ilse committee re- ported that 1851.5d had been reeelved from the Toronto General Trusts Cor- poration as the town's pro rata share of re. cane fur the (►.W.S.R. fund. A lurge number of ateduuta were recom- mended for payment, including ac- counts amounting to $1,078.'4 from the if baud. Club. The proceeds to be used for lw- Lprovemeat of the school grounds. Mr. Adrian Dtsher, of Warton, Is visiting his daughter, Mn. Wer' Swau, awd other friends IU the vicinity. Mr. Angus McCauley, of Lueknow, Wagner, have returned home. I 'pent Suuday with his Uncle, Mr. ham A young son has been added to the Ewan tamlly of Mr. and Mn. Nelson Patter- e A report comes this week that one nein' of the local dnirymeu, Mr. Itobt. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. fainter n, who l.Muore, had .had his cows tested for ware been members the winter wunthe undulant fever and T.B. and they with the member of their family, are proved to be free from either of (hese uuw ut their own hones at Wetkerbura•' dlsewse.. Mrs. J. McKnight is visiting her (,.ngralulatluus to Mr. and Sirs. father In Goderich this week. Ilarvtv Attu. tate Hessle McCalw), to Visitors at Auburn homes over the whom a sou Was burn to Guderleh hus- week-end : Mrs. G. Pilgrim, of For- !pita' un Friday, May let. est, Mr. C. Pilgrim, et Varna, Mr. lushes church W.M.$-The W.Y.B. and Mrs. East and two daughters at of the Cubed church .tet on Friday we Yr. E. Phillipe'; _Mt and Mn. Roy (terneas tee-w:�. nine a �,_, Tilt11iiibirc works committeert- Iffr'nobs ' it fv' •w." <tiurch. with a gaud attendance. Mina ported: Regarding complaint of !':d. Roberton'.; Miss 0. McGill, of Blyth, (cella l'eutlsnd presided. Mrs. Gero. Bradley with reference to drainage on with Mr. W. T. Riddell; Mrs. Wm. Bennett street In front of his property. Strainer and Stanley, at Mr. R. D. we recommend that the chairman bring Muuro's; Mr. and lira. Jos. Career In an estimate of cost of making a and Reg.' of Port Elgin, at Mr. Jas. drain it this point. Regarding appll- Carter's; Mr. Mitten l'Iunkett at Mr. (-anon of hell Telephone Co. for per_ \\'m. I'Inokett't mission to erect new pole lines In the Mr. J. R. Ron visited with friends east end of the town, we recommend et Watford over Sunday. that the Mayor arrange ■ meeting of Miss Ruth &reughau and Miss the Telephone Company and the pub- Eleanor Wilson, accompanied by Miss Ile utilities commission to ' consider t Flora Dgirls' of Dungannon, tial will at- jolrtt pole lines on some of the streets. tend the girls' conference held at the We have purchased a secondhand (pees'(" Guelph, May ntre to xlh. Tir Parr-tlartt 1:x30 hep. gasoline tractor Women's , Inatltute are financing the from •Jarues Chisholm for =100. Re- trip.was served at n oe.-k, coin were: That the chair- The heavy rain of Saturday delayed i m Wesi'a Institute. -The Ituuuunun mound man be empowered to rent the town the spring (rop.. •Women's Institute held the no Mr. Aldus Healy, teacher, is sick 1 lot south of Victoria school. and hat c meeting Thursday afternoon at theme' a teak car of Tareo "B" road mat real ins Dorothy Wilson is supplying for I p be ordered from the Currie Prod is the .resident• Mrs. C. Alton. in c)sarg. Limited, to be delivered when r Im !Roll calf was answered with "gardcu quested. Mrs. John Schultz, of Walton, spent 1 hint/." flans acre wade 'ter a joint The special committee recommended the week -cod with her daughter, Mrs. 1 meeting C. ♦'vena with the Junior Institute 1 __-- that garden seed be euppl5t!d to thoseInstituteIh o heed the basement the 1•111t, 1 on relief as usual; that the resolution Mr. and Yrs. John Hanna and non c , church on Thursday afternoon. N, -.y submitted by the Lindsay town roue- "d Nils* Isobel l Robertson. of Wing- 1 7111, when Mrs. Fred Beeper. pre -;dent ell tae approved and that the (;.cernsrr• ,ham, were anent' of Mr: and Mrs.,J. of West Huron district, will vi•lt the-4, be 'eked to allow wider 1powers J. It(dwrtaon CQlborae towgelllp. : branches mud deliver In. ad(re... MI, of taxation for municipalities s4) HA Visa Anna Dobie has returned 10 Bernice R0/1011 was appointed as is 4141, to telllti`lht_ epode' of taco,;„° uulher school at Bluevale after a week's � flititor-eT ID's s- ge f the _\Tt.meu's ..LIteti544 - lu :tom . er'Tropeitp. �,� t i t(•uTtlw-'iris' -.�nterru.•w t.. "t+(e wrW We. are pleased to report•that Mra, at Thr water, light and:barbor cnmmlt- Th the 0..13... (; Lias on its 5.414, 1 C. Beadle, whphas been a patient tee reported some Imprucements made , Thursday ata' Friday of this aw•k, n. Irwlu read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Arthur Elliott mad the devo- tional leaflet. --Mier a hymn Mrs. G. Irwin and ]Ira. 1). Apruule led 10 prayer. A teMper3n.•e reading .waa giveu by Mrs. Jas. iii igen and a pa- per (m medical work In South Africa by Mrs. 41. C. Treleaven. Mrs. Jas. McWhinney, Mrs. J. 3. Ryan. Mrs. J. Meuary and Mrs. lk•rt Maize gave readings from the .study Is.ok. Mrs. l;. C. Treleaven favored with a piano 1 solo. Rev. T. R. Turti.r , 14.41 the meeting with the benedietio„ and tea Thursday, May 7th, 114111-4 Friday and Saturday WILL BE Remnant Days ALL SHORT LENGTHS WILL BE CLEARED AT et his home in Ashfield for a few days. 1 home of Mrs. J. D. Richardson, wit, aI the public rest -room and the earl la Toronto hospital for the last ten freight shed at the harbor. weeks. Is at the home taller daughter, The (cemetery end parks committee Mrs. Allison of (loderlch.- reported that the 13.(55) small trees DUNGANNON ordered- from the' Government_Thretltry.4 ;Ips -lied been r sieitsrk and we ...�; - -..---:..---,...s.---- Leptis-Isel in -it -lisp-eetnetery Nay 5' %l•itorw Itmr j5i. Fnf �lo►p and would be transplanted a. required. with Mr. and Mrs. -Wert Bradford an-rT,t "iliN=prev((ir>fr- afl'r.'Yntle lit-. The committee asked for plower .to 8andeywere Mr. and Mrs. M. Ainslie t `sad vlce-prealdept, Mrs. Burton Ito I, . tonatruet cement curbing along tLetend fatally. or Goderich, anti Mr. aW1se•reary-treasurer. Mrs 1)..11. Popp: walks In Court House hark. the walks rs. Tom Shields and grandson, Jerry ,+,.ranch dlreetors, Mr.. 4'. W. Allot, to be Dlled.ln. with crushed stone with Shields, of Saltford. !Mrs. Bert Bradford 1111)1 Sirs. 3. J a .par dad;s[a top: the east to be Mr. Thos. Ititch has purchnaeTlilli Ryan : dlstrTif (TiW(•tor. Mr+. V W. paid from tnedlt^-amountlog to $66.1 fifty -acre form of Mr. l'hIUp Steele _,Ititoe.:-.piantst. iIrsr_R; A. \.•Kenzie: new on hand iL the Charles Rieke be- on the' find cone/melon of Ashlleld. assistant peanut. Mrd.. 41. C. Treleened-;"" (quest account. Ttie e.mmittee re- fosse-olon was given at once. t !wave . nvener. M-rs. It. Mclh,tald: commended no action on' the cemetery Mr. Fred Ritchie and two soot. of ! ■mlltors. Mrs. J. J. 'Lytle and Mrs - sexton's request JQr an increase w. visited with Mr. and Mitis Hast .ltradford: flower eawmU1ce.']ter. : salary. Jag. Smith on Sunday. ]t 1lteaklpnn . ]!rs 3 n. fri.•)o. ren jae The fire committee_ reported action Mr. Jack Curran la erecting n ba- rn and Mrs. F. Jouees Mrs. W. H. Santh- on the applications for building per- as the property owned by the Driving era offered her home for Iht• Mac oce- . mils: elso that the fire -chief had re- Park Astun•latiuli.ling. when the roll cull will be austtere(1' charged the fire extinguishers at the Mr. and Mr.. Howard McCauley and ! by tetyment of fee.. The meeting wa.r Children's Shelter. • Mrs. Everett Henry and youngest son. i cloned after the singing of the Na-', The industrial committee recede. Kenneth, of Flesherton, ciaited with{ tlo_nal Anthem and a dsintj lunch mus mendesf that -the ehiirmaa-ofi1•lafl - 31f isi*'F-'=1iill 'i Rrrnd'fic- the hn.rrrtec - _-- -- mime be empowered to make arrange.(' .cher rMlatives on Sunday. meat. with George Mathison for the Mr. Jar. Smith Is vielting a few days HOKPITAI. IIIKTIII) t% PARTY' Installation of a frost -proof toilet at In (;oderich this week with his son The annusl.bdrthday party of .lcv take the place of Miss Marjorie Mo. Donald. who lied' previously been pointed and found it luipoosibil: to 1. nth After these matter,s of 1.11.its 1.,m1.1witik.-Dtle•wiwatAD:::,94,7j1144niitt ..1 Capital Deane Theatre SOUND SYSTEM Phone 47 Goder, ch Now Playing Shirley. in "Chatterbox; Added Atiracti..n. Major Bowes' Amateurs. MONDAY. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY- • TINY tiOUNTY" Starring Charles Laughton, Clark Gable and Franchot Picture of the yeer, In all its magnificent detail! Barbara Stanwyck, Preston Foster and Melvyn Douglas ileet -Buffalo 11111- Cody. Sitting and a11 the !WO g1111 IterlIeM 5111. P1/1111!. A 117'171 background for the flaming roman.... of "Annie Oakley,' Shirley TI.Mpl. and John Bole., amThe Littlest Itebel.- Deputy Reeve Turner (mid he did . 1 nut believe ia csittiog down the vote -g-• far rote -work. -The outTying reetse„-- HALF-PRICE WILE ANKLETS, a11 sizes and colors Plitir 9c 700 yards of NEW PRINTS, 36 inches wide, in a large 18c range of designs. Per yard Ladies' Full-fashioned Service -weight STOCKINGS. 69c Reg. 75c value Pair 49c NEW SIMPLICITY AND CHATELAINE PATTERNS NOW ON SALE F. E. Hibbert PHONE 86 hew 111.1 1.1 117.' 177717u Snring 7.1111711479t. I•111 1 unit chiffon. Per Coisage for Itress Or real. Itton 24 up. s itel.lorking awl Remodelling Ilionc 155. The Square COMPLETE THE BQUAIII ant PAINT AuuciArr PAINTS aro WO in quail' and Sew le piss. Ton will And Orot-elans witless In our Mork et • tweitivels mare :you money W. H. Blackstone FREE - FREE FREE \\ every purchase et' 2.).• .Ir to, C011p01774 will be Lti‘cii Kingsley Design English Dinnerware ..t. Rogers' Al Plus Service Plate table fiat ware. SPECIAL 0110 Kingsley Bread and Butter Plate kind VIM - 1111115 FREE to the first fifty customers imr- , 1,4.111...! 1.1 or more of mereliantlise at The Square MAPLE LEAF BAJLERY Phone 110W BREAD, BHIM, PABTZTa.glIOCERIEB, ETC. • minimum Aantf. Tne, Child Ane from coDERIcH CollIngwood. Meafortl. Barrie. Willis. so wand. Gravenhurst. Brace - North Bay. Parry Sound; Sudbury. All towns In Nen Ontario en line of Teml.keming.S. Northern Ontario Rly.; NIpla- more. Sat. May 16 to Toronto • fAZestley. Clinton, • !influent: Exeter, Fermi'', Goderich. tittelph, Hamilton. Hanover, HarrIsten, Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener. London, Listowel. Mitchell, Nisgara 17.7.1117, ftwon lllll Id. Paisley. PaImer,t..... Parl•. Port Elgin, St. Catlin Locally between ImpenanCittetionot at Ich and Sgt. May 16 Exeter/don Tickets are sold--Aitk Tletet gent For Fare.. Refills* Limit's, "Train Information. Tirteft, commit n rest As.,ot see Handbills for eompleto 71.4 of destinations • Tiii4A FANADIAN NATIONAL • he mid, did bot get the attention they deserred. If the vanit could be built without too great an expenditure be Councillor Humber otieerved that there was only so much money to :Tend and If they spent two or three or four thousand dollarP on s vault where would, Ofey he? The relief f`X Pend I ture WAS atilt large and must be looked for another year , The discussion turned to the ques- (intent (do -Ina up the alley le•iible the eleriee office .,;or erecting the vault in the back yard. until. In reply to a question. the clerk said the estimated cost of the vault ..A11)4 $1,300. Deputy Itee0. Turner then OlPfl lin that the chairmen of the public -ori.. 'report as tO (110 0041 end hwatIon Of 1 the vault. and this wtis flu-HP(1 1 The Cancelled Sale 1 , Then there was a little breeze over I a tex sale of furniture which wes Atl- ivertised In the loeal papers but which4 did not come ,,tr. a compromise lin vine 11.0011 renehed snit tbe stile withdrawn. I the town reeelving 6125 in .rcturt. for , the seized furnitere. Councillor !lumber ...Id the 44.111 promise shonld not have been made. the Ante should have been prot•eedell with, and now that it hadn't the tin- nnee committee !tumid have put (some- thing In Ito report to enlighten the people at to; what hint tsken place. Councillor Illueltins was tabloid some people. having -Leen thy edrertIsentent In the pipers. And not knowing the sale had becn ceneelled. would go to the fronble• of attending at the eil tertbed tithe And plate port on the ilispositlon of the furniture The public work. fi,mmIttep was A new brand:tot "told IWO." to le trled out In the repair of the road. else to rent 1 epreyer to apply the This concluded the hominess of the „Jung sett the Mani stuounree. MAICE our hp and be your own judge 1 of value in the low -price field. Rely 'bn what your own eyes, your own driving test and your own comparisons reveal. Start these comparisons in the driver's seat of a new 1936 Chevrolet. That's the wise thing to do, because Chevrolet offers you all the featureti you have a right to expect in:a modern motor car. Check over these features right now, as listed below. Then drop in at our show- rooms and drive the car itself. Compare the low delivered prices . . . ask about the new 7('1,, GMAC Time Payment Plan. GIVES YOU ALL SIX ...MEWED HYDRAULIC 'RAKES . . TURRET TOP 9001ES 9Y FISHER ... VALVE NEM) ENGINE FISHER NO-ONAFT VENTILATION.. KNEETICTION (se Nada Os Las Mee* \ SAFETY GLASS THROUGHOUT r S74 GEO. G. NlacENVAN - OODERIOH, ONTARIO PRICED PROM aloha Soles 1pst Coos\ Mins Width from SAM Naomi farko. 0Mam. Out Fop "V.Irmee Ns wry of. •