HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-5-7, Page 4THE SIGNAL 4r-Th%urada)• May ILh, 1U3si .,..-,-• ,pops - _.--^ - _ - - -- - � FOR THE BRIDE-TO-BE • Many S.els1 Eu.etietutx in Haase of O JUUv I l netki ds oeshes, S led • Mies Olive N;Ilsabet4 '*hf ole for daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. John Schueu- lila of orge A. who Is shormon tly t� Ere `Horan -Perth League reserved iu yr• George Ase c gue, o e• or - - - - Toronto, war dr lu Cllutuu Arranged at Clinton Meeting Monday Niglit-Umpire Named ft Clths4 Fasluon-Cru The refinement of quality is rigorously p every FASHION-CRAI"T garment. Merchandise that is not only netioaallY kat►ow•u flint has a stational reputation for•qualit1. -F X('MISIVE BUT NOT EXPENSIVE - PRIM -SUITS S -SUITS W1TH EXTRA TROUSERS $23.50 - $25.00 - $27.50 FORSYTIH SHIRTS WITH THE NEW F'tiI.F''SED COLLAR ARE VERY POPULAR. PRICE $2.00 GQDERICHt Q,rr• W . C. Pridham Thi Sq Phone 57 244 & Son - ()editrtah St George's Church Minstrels STAGED It\" THE MEN OF IMIE l'Ht"R('II AND PLAYED BY MEMBERS (t} Ti(F: NARGARET SEAGER l'Ll'B Di'R1NG THE INTEIRMiSSION TDE PIPIT'S OF MISS PATTY will entertain with (Inners in the modern \hl,tanttnrr, is ST. GEORGE'S PARISH H• MAY 14-L5 THE RELIEF COMMITTEE THURSDAY and FRIDAY Iva Have Your Commercial Printing Done at r>L•• r:r RAISE HUSKY BOYS AND WHOLESOME GIRLS MILK.MADE BREAD HEALTHFUL -APPETIZING --NUTRITIOUS MALE IN ()CROWN 11_tKEsItL)I' _ TRY lFOR CAKES AND PASTRIES E. U. CLEVELAND: - feted by bur many ----- and tiuderieb- uu eetrral uccaxluus lu the list week. (4u'1'hureday afternoon Mile) &borer - hall WAS tendered a teacup The the Mune of Mrs. J. B. lteyall ldr enjoyable creat was ayb tendad J ICUs b•hueubals' lellutt -employees at the court Iwu.e herr Nrnass( to sinter vast.' lidded a team! --- f bright. [:triter to IM wu drawn Master James Reyuotds wheeled In a ( nig-lit, a daub% acini i huge wedding cake, which, although 1 up eiteudtug from Ray SS to August inedible, cuutaiued the gifts of tett- I3~ COPS which were prereated to the An uoutncial mows was taken to brlde-to-be. A most eajoyrble dluner reveal that, roughly, Zurich bad twelve WAS reeved. layers in hand, Seaforth thirteen, 'lite Park House was the scene of and wtecellaneuus . bower , Cliutou fourteen and (loderkh nine- ! teen. The Stara repre•entatives were lo 1 a card party which hiss I uu TitUradap night, at unable to provide a list at the time. 4 loeUbtt r war the recipient of wally Umpires were named as follows: practical and beautiful gifts. (;uderteb, H. G. Marney, M. N. Mac - On 'Tuesday night the bride-to-be Donald; Clinton, Wm. Fulford; Sea - Zurich, Leroy - her parents * r1 t l'liutou. A largeO'Brien; Staffs. Oscar Reid. Al - 1 number from Clinton and tiuder.c4 at though t3oderkh was 14e only team ILaw- prepared to name two umpires on , tended the function. Era. 11. C. lelrel at the prettily decorated Monday night, the remaining towns At a meeting of rcpresentatives of the live liurou-Perth Ba.ehen league t Clinton on Monday BAYFIELD inarri14LD, May 6. -Mr. and Mrs. Furter and son, of North Bay• who seat the winter in Florida, were hire a few clays this week with Mrs. Furtera mother, Mrs. W. .1. SUaaon• Kr. and Mrs. C. Berry are spending a few days in London. Mrs. Eric York and daughter Bev- erley,' of Toronto, will spend the sum- mer wltb Mrs. York's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Baker. Mrs. E. A. Featherston has returned trues a vlrlt to London and Sarnia. 11r. apd Mrs. ('. A. Worrell, of To- ronto, have taken a cottage In W. R. Jow•ett'x (trove for the seasuu and ar- rowed last week. Mr. Jowett has already rented a romper of cottages. •t'nta is amen earlier than last season. Mrs. Catherine Brandon, who •bent the winter with her 'toter at Belgrave, returned home on Tuesday. Mies Mary Wldcombe la visiting ler sister, Mrs.. Pye, at WIndoor. Mr. R. al, Washington, D.C..is spending fag • couple of at Mrs. G. Little's• The Badmloton Club ended Its sea -1 son Friday eveulug last, when a travel- ling company presented a moving pic- ture ieture feature In the town halt, followed llow.e by a dance, music being supplied the Bayfield orchestra. A good crowd was preseUt and enjoyed the proceed - lags. lira. J. Edmunds. of Egmondv11le, wee the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson over the weekend. Mr. .and Mrs. Burch have returned to their cottage for the summer. 1 Mrs: J. H. Milne, of'noroa- ADJOURNED TO NEXT MONDAY OW1111 to the small attendance at the meeting called fur Mirada/ night fur the purpose of reorganising church t ken. ruttball league, no 'matte was The meeting was adjourned until next Ml Monday night, May lith. A q turnout at the toren hall 1a hoped fur. son pros will do the same before the neat meet- ling t'mpit'es will be appointed to F piled g will take place QUleal j ' ten table. games icy the president, who will oft Shower at Park Hoose choose the officials from a neutral t airs. Thos. Turner,. of the Park House, gave a party and shower for !Mud. Schoenbals on ThursefaY evening Unit. 'Those present were MM ies T le - 1 meal, Mrs. H. Newcombe. M(*$ *ad the Misses Hussey. Miss Scboeuhals. Mrs. Erskine Kent a beautiful cup. 1 but owing to Risers was unable to at, tend, and from her tow u. 7a r. rue ' It was decided that each club should t family, of Kitchener. are oto pay for its own players' certificates. 1 to, and :(dIUl'lt xF:RvICE-- WM. 1 MEAGAN PHONE 118 WEST STREET Holland Remedy Not 1 FOR R1iEUMATI8M. NEult1 TIS, NEUTERITI!• • Many long-standing e*»PS bare obtained relief. Testimonials are avellable for your-lapectIon• your fan111Y %11I enjoy Thus life much better with a nice patch from which er red Berries'. to The gath tostf beautiful 500 Planta Is only js"110• which will pay you a handesuwe profit the flrot year, as well as give you plenty for your whole family. PHONE 616-84, CLINTON, ice Hngill' a Potato and Berry Faro R. R. 2, SEAFORTH J. OS Ir OLD British Eicttattge Hotel • at Walsun'a eUpytng their Cottage The Schedule (Grose. a flue Following Is the schedule: MI:* Ltwv Woods left on T1i W.A. Miry 2.i- %urich at Clinton (a.m.t tor London as & delegate for the Seatorob al eufor b. nt toe dloeesaa t1Uventton omeAttme- w -('huts„ tit i.eufortb. • wards x4e plans to spewl Stara. Jot --1••-•Zterieb -at •- Go Stara at Clinton. +�(,ewrerrieh at Hamilton. . garden ca a spring t.3"ltre Tm'ttrty t Completely destroyed Robert Penhattest -- _ ._ _. __. .. _.- orae about 10 _ harur. pie had arrived h tt •• and I Underfelt at Clirtlon o'clock alit s u . , " g -Zurich at Stadia while descending from the hayloft fell h with a lantern The hay immediately Rev, S. It 10 am., played and the 4 Seatorth at ''/.urlch" h hl horse, -Doctor Five hundred was oreew and sugar ON + set, prise, o by Miss Martina Huaaey. O1( set, was won by Teo fell the "bear [l } WEST STREET 240111 3.14 This coming Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10 Nothing finer to send Mother than a line bunch „S Flowers oe a Flowering Plant. and ifshe a •„"roc melte a while Fictive in her rent, rc We can deliver Flowers, to ower 410 Nationalities ,We hate a mteitoell:-wf Taney 'Evergreens (foreign varieties) to decorate the home surroundings. GEO. STEWART FLORIST Goderich, Ont. Phone 105. - at 4,atert . 11 -('linter at Zurich. togk rine and although 1� IpaMr.ulArdrl Injured by. Mrs. Newcombe e prize" a slicer pear 12�Stalia Iii lioderiek- erably It r. P I Awung the wavy' eedleWu Kt Stent Staffs. '•.... TfarI•p mated tn"talre the boos_ } =ho bride tit b. were treedleYurlL:_chln odors. i3- liedari•ir gl ,• ' li••.CYtsaw -y , . =garcorke noraea- - t i '•t Zurle5 Ire track ,.l rratu..snd- :� t+r baativt•arkrd rmsttf4`DII�' _ its 'to - ear and large were retain • People from several utiles In the cella- I try were attraeted toy the -blas . ca 1111 Was fortunate that it v- tvbitagia i night. or damage to nearby _ would lave �•ectulted:- '•Tea Many Rachet -T4e play" "Too Many Husbands" was presented • in the town hall W eelnewlaY evening. April 29th. by ,membe'rs. of" the Yount; People's i)epartment of St. .\ndrew 'riled church. A number of the in McClung, Militate, BIBLE SCHOOL 11 am. -Mother's Day Servioe- "First Things First" ..�.... i VAR. .. • tom Ltcnd of Near -Enough" Congoleum Rug FREE -GUESSING WE)EK OF MAY 4th RULES OB CONTEST 1. Simply enter the number you think 1s bidden under the Gold Seal on the Conguteutu Gold Seal Rug on dlsples the 2. The guess nt•arest to actual number will be awarded the rug FREE.. . •In the event of a tle....the tying contest - tants will guess a second num- ber which will he selected. 3 Entries must be delstsited at -414a- atoso-Indur+►" _noun hat- -ur f nest' TYrtmrta><�nt" tier w int- .. - . w•Indows at 4 p.m. of the sural" day.) des L+lotls on �R 4. The judge t. [tattlers pertatulug to the cele test will he limit. 5. The contest Is open to xu1one exeeptiaii the ewptorees of this -<;sWro sad thelr_tewittes1 -- 1T"t'Ifttp arrrFv�tt of -to each entrant•...clot■Bootoe ---;Sts rule will disqualify 0rettder. b.be q, Thr hidde.a number __twee•t' 1 and 5.000.- ....... 8, Should anyone pvrehaoe a " genuine Congoleam Gold Seal Rug of any %ire during the period of this esattest• rat then I1 n, prove, to tw the winner shall ['rise - Aug. 1i! °L--�e have the option of taking the j. ••pr-jtltctrfl-ttrP feta peer chase price of the rug already bought refunded• DROP 1N AND RECORDRi,i'}:tt`t Youths' and TSS Ken'+ oruaweatr and a beautiful sketch of Notre Dame Cathedral done in sewing by Mrs. Turner. Tea was served in the dining -room, with a setting of a table corer of lIandmnde late. Fellow daffodils tw salver %uses and yellow candles. The supper was dainty and delightful as the Netting. t tp and sincerely attached to her and j9-t3eafenth nt Clinton 22-Znrich at (ilei o at Walla. 1*--Seatarik at 6aderieb. fRaffi--fir -Zurich. it--Seaforth. Zurich at Clinton. July Yr-ellatnn at'li.aforth 8...•Gederkt at StaRa- g-Staffs ni Clinton. at ■ p-Srafurth at Zurich_ Miss Schuerety a' associates are (Wep- t Zurich (oderlek- .tett twit bad sever lr•fDre fuer kh 7R Alt a l a play and sad never 'T15. ability e seting. amidst the gaiety there w"as u feet uR • Stara. Thole taking part were JnmP' Stir- ling. of sorrow at lost* her, although all 1:t_7.o�r John Watson,ci 1R "%ori, tt at Charles Suri.. i• hn `were glad that she is going tome hap- 14--Goderkh at Madera'.ting. pity settled. -.,Auld Lang SF Clinton at 7.nrlrh. Fraser Stirling. Eris' Wallis. Fred "'Saes • Jolly Good Fellow" were 1K Sturgeon, Bert Duna. Harvey, Hehner, li •v d Miss Sdtoenhals e:Prc,sed I 17 gtrtfa a/ Gbh j Stevenson Norma ill` r-qr at Stites. nae Snowden Be- tween a \\'el+li end t mie c. and ' Clinton t Clinton. Robert,,,rhe Wedding of .lack and 1 ,7 Zurich at Stara. Jong' was nleelY stung by "Uma Reld.1 TEAM I Zurich at Zurich. h. ]111.•' Sturgeon, hls(e Leitch. Beryl s a9 --Alain at Zurich. i Helen 1 and Dawn& Tont.. The hall On Tuesday afternoon a group of Aug. 3 -Stara at Sestorth. to the baseball team had ng, an ss 2-Seatort t and Castle F 1[za1N th • n 4 ler atpvecTttZhoe of"tTi`e l►baordone her: Clinton at Goderich [ween aMs Mr. sad Mr-. t a J. D. Middleton, ledger -keeper at the ' 'trieh a Zurich. Welsh furnished 1 Roy■1 Bank, Is on Ids holidays. M,%KLNG THE alt cnJoyed the I was well filled end PLOY• `aspirants 11 fuel) 8re■t Workout Id under the mansigen Maitland Leagf ue of Dick Welsh, lileYing toacb-manager• AtthoUgh the majority were last year's, 22 tateht, mere were ice or two new NC Pl, Sr faces -young fellows who hare d1F. 'Opens y_ 1 tingu[sbed themselyep In the " luster" spurt ileld la hockey and so/than. Coach Welsh U contielen • •oac t be will be , able to place a good team In the Gehl this year. It now remains for the people of Goderich to ..how their con- fidence in the team by lending their support. .- --4 Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10th REMEMBER YOUR MOTHER - Gift Suggestions i. GLOVES-Ribtez silk ... • • -r= 7bc pair HOSE -W eldrest Hose, newest shades.. 75c, ;1.00 pair ; SCARFS -Ascots in newest fabrics ;1.90 BLOUSES ---Pura silk crepes, dainty styles 11Lillinery to_s it-TFlrY- '-s• SA_T8-Dn4X-- DsltSa]Ob--Printed silks and chiffons ,in the seasons newest and smartest styles. COATS-chnays tweeds and fine in nys and blacks. Chiffon Dresses NEW ARRIVALS- t•hiffnn in street -length Ilrtise*. F'lowere.I pnit.•rgy: if..dainty 4icrigns. Match- ing slips. Long itnel short' wtirFetia. tight' and\ dark illat1P5. • Your Sumter wardrobe won't be complete without one if these iiterecee. Summer Felts FELT HATS iN :(NAPPY STYLES! WHITE AND PASTEL SHADES! 'WEAR A FELT F'UR. SMARTNESS! - KEN'S AND YOUNG MENS SUITS Spring Sultll-1n light tweeds. greys and browns, sport moth: U:J.,: WOOL T'WEEI)S .CMTS- F.Xi'ELLE-N Itis TAILORED Topcoats English Tweed Topcoats in a variety of styles and pat, tens. Greyr'ttttd browns to ehoowe from. ' Reasonably priced. A. CORNFIELD Phone 4ie "Shop where you are invited to shop" at. Helens at Colborne First Caen of 1936 Schedule-- ' Seven Clubs 1 Play In the Maitland Baseball League ' will begin on May o_" nil" with • game between St. Helen. and Colborne on the Colborne ground- The schedule which has lics•n arranged (' as fol- lows: Schedule May 22 --St. Helena at eolborne. 25-Co/borne at Blyth. Auburn at St Helens. 20-).acknow at Dungannon. Alt--l.acttnow at Whitechurch. tate 1 -1111th at Colborne. 1>,inganaem wt 'fit. Helens. 3--Whitechareh at Aubary 4-_Duaganaon a( ('•olberil. t1. --Mirth at Ltirknnw• Rt. Helen' et Whitechurch. S--Anharn et Colborne" Rt. Helen! at Laekno s"nnon. A-Whitreharch at Dung int__Ltrcknow at Blyth. 12-lenngsnnor)_at Auburn. 13 -nil t at aWhitechar h. 10-Auhnrn. at pmigennnn. 17 --tit. Hellas' at Blyth. Whlechnrch at Colborne. 30 -Auburn nt Lneknow. tech. I►nngnon 23-..4'nfl*)raan* at stub Anrn. 'Myth at Dungannon. -----IFIftterentrett et 4t. Helene. 28 --=Myth at Rt. 1101Pne" -------1.0knhw ntwtAnhtrkn' -- - 'if=-iiung*tlnAt on t eanow Colborne nt i1-lityth nt Auburn. ; ('olbnrnl• et Dungannon. •'_T,ncknoM' et lit. HP1 ,Atl1 •4--,•Wbttechnrch at Blyth. 2-. St. Helene at inina$nnnn. 4•---Anharn at Whiteebarch. fi-1.nrknnw at Colborne" Rt. Helene at Anharn• a -Dungannon at Blyth. w-twhiterburett at Lrn'knnw, 1l}-4.4. tit Rt. tielP s. 14-Anlulrn at 1111th. ' ,officer* of The• Maitland ts•ngn4 are: Pt".Ident. 11. J. 1,. }lefty'. Dangwnnon: Hrepresielent• Win Watson. Blyth: secretary treasurer. it. Marsh. Auburn: e*'txtant secreterr-treenirer. Tivoli. Wilson, Anbttn. The club repre•orntattves are: An-' him). . WIlliem Craig: Birth, WI111■m IWatson : Colborne. Arthur Huy : Pun- , `gennGurdon urdon Kidd : 1ALPknneir. W. Hewitt; Wbite0hnreh. Kenneth Wen- me: At. Helens. W. I. Miller. iYet fair are My* In aitintttert and store fair - 1neM,tt hero /'Firths err amu -1 'e and -there - fly � t for Spring and SUMMIT wear, in brown, grey m sand checks. Swayback style Suits with Extra Trousers M. ROBINS J. R. Wheeler petarral Director and Furniture Dealer Hamat's Street. Goderich PHONIER Store 8.35: Rea. 356 hGoderich Signal Offers ou A Great Subscription Bargain that SAVES YOU MONEN tl l a (/111(4 /Uhf /eu7 'Tulin . tv-Symeof 111 741113 Hans is a real offer that will save you money • • . Gigs yyourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entertainment the whole year through ...This is all you have to do. Select 1111V 3 of these tammis 1\134)a/111C � 41 t /t t 7 II t 1 14 \ e.It t I e,4 'I ` f and you will receive the whole 4 publica- tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon. Here is the amazing combination low price. LJ L] Maclsan's (!s i•aws)1 yr. Li(hat,lains ...... ' 1 iv - EllCanadian "••.••...1yr. National Horns Monday 1 yr, Pictorial r. Pictorial Review 1 vr. flCanadian Hortscukurs and Mame Mesntns -1trr. 4 Amour Our Guarantee N You This wonderful offer is avail- able to old and new subscrib- es to this newspaper. We guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subace pttlonn`aand you have positive ance that this generous otter is exactly as represented. Re- newals will he extended for full terin shown. MAIL COUPON TObAY Please clip list of Magazines after checking 3 Publica- tions desired. Fill out coupon carefully. Please send me the Gentlemen: i enclose $ with a year's sult•crlpUon three magazines checked to your newspaper. - NAME TOWN ANT) PROVINCE