HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-5-7, Page 211--T eraday. May ?Us taw --- TILE SIGAiAL GODERIQH, ONT. Msmissssaoa tau allemMr we Comedian Weeklp N.w.p•eae aseeseewa OODRRICH : CANADA twhllabel every Thursday morning. Illlabrcription price $2.00 per year, ILIO it peld in advance. Subscribers 1a United States will please add 50c tee postage. TWIT SKINAL.PRINTING 00, LTD. W. R. 1.0nailtrIPON, Editor and U.%sg ► Telephone 33 Goderlch, Ont. Thursday, May 7th, 1936 Just bow Mussolini oau extract any glory from butchering unarmed and Ignorant savages la beyond the com- prehension of the decent people of the world. . . . The Batten, with centuries of ex- perience of warfare among the "blacks," recognised the possibility of the anarchy which would develop should the Ethiopian defeuce crumble, and had a company of Sikhs on hand to protect their nationals at the lega- tion In Addis Abaha. The result was safety for the ment.ers of the British colony ao or some. hundreds of citizens of other countries when THE NEW DUNNING BUDGET I the tribesmen broke loose. Without British foresight, the few Canadians Mr. DIInnfat s budget will tie rye- in the black capital would have had to celrad by the country with ati,i depend on the doubtful protection of feelings. As et Toronto, so at Ot French or United States flags. tawa, a new Liberal administration Is On Tuesday Rome and all Italy faced with the tisk of overcoming the celebrated the "most colossal victory le6dLa of the previous Conservative in all history." according to the Ita- (iopernmeet and balancing the budget, Ilan volt* which came over the air .p that tbe alarming growth of the when the proceedings were broadcast peDlk debt may be arrested. The to the world. Mussolini assured his chanter of Finance it is announces to natism flat peace and prosperity now chimes which it is hoped will haat- lay before them. What more likely Orate the return of more healthy bust- Bee before them 1s more wars brought Wes (Oedttlons, with consequently lin-on by his mounting ambition. He has 11roted revenues, and at the same lime defied the world, including tbe British • {Imposes additional taxation on cos- Empire. and the advantage. tempor- peration incomes and an increase in arily, appears to be his. It is bard the sake tax from six to eight per to believe that the world will Ile down cent. quietly under the feet of his march - Trade within the Empire is assisted Ing Black Shirts. To give credit by numerous reductions of duties and where credit is due, It must be ad - additions to the free list. The Bennett mated that his organization for the plan of bargaining with the Pother African campaign was excellent. His vectis Country Is discarded in favor of the war machine lacked nothing to- make United States trade agreement was New may Pedley traditional Liberal policy of encoarag- the otcupetlon of the difficult land of eonclnded. The intermediate rat* on lag Empire trade by voluntary redue- Ethiopia quick and complete. it ap- agricultural Inipiemeut-s was redmeedi Hon. C. D. Howe, Minlater of Rall - tions of duties, trusting to tbe good- pears to have been a model of eft- to 714 per cent.. whereas prior to Jaa- ways and Canals, Introducing the Gov - will so engendered for return favors eteucc. a fact of which the rest of the nary 1, ]11 41. it was ' ,per cent. and efnweat's bill to replace the C.N.R. under the Awcrkan agreement It was trustee board of three members With While the consuming public will world may take note, even If his mlil- 1'2', per {vat. The changer 'with re a board of seven directors under more benefit by the reductions In customs tory victories do not impress. gard to automobiles are rather dlldenit direct control of the Gorerument and p #n the sales sp to explain, in short style, but tbe tax Parliament, said the Government hoped tax will add to a burden which is al- A RICO h- - . and automobiles, particularly lha business.- vitality. The l;oreza :. {ready a heavy d . _ra i _r-$rioed vara.. should_ bo -cheaper. galas to it' ilrs.r'oafi-arthaMl the one hand the «overrrevettt le(q.es =" -' - -} The corporationrine me tar ie- sin s-Larinew uosseen-to-go out and the bonds which have shat►led bust- Move at Toronto creased from 13% per cent. to 13 per build and to get traffic," Mr. Howe nese, while with the other hand It ' eent..and on consolidated returns from I remarked. gives business a nasty crack on the + 13 to 17 per' cent. No change was I The Minlstcr-was sharply critical of bead. Liberals hare aiways old diet Transfer of Northern Roads to' made 4a--the-theIncome tax i the truateaa, Hou. C. 1'. Fullerton, taxation impedes business: the greet- the Department of schedules. chalrmap, J. l . Labelle and IF. K. The SIN Ezeumtiea I Morrow, fur having failed -in their er taxation the less trade: the lower Highways task since 1933. No real progress bad Canadians returning from the United taxation the more trade. With im- States and abroad may now Import n made by the trustee board, he OVER ONE HUNDRED TARIFF ITEMS REDUCED BY DUNNING BUDGET Agricultural Implements, Gasoline and Automobiles Figure Promi- nently ip List of Reductions -galea Tax Increased to Eight per oent.-Trade with Great Britain Encouraged-Ifeer Railway Ad- ministration Endorsed by the House --Mr. Bennett Is Pessimistic By J. .4. Hume. Special Correspon- dent of The Signal) Ottawa, May 4.-A real Liberal bud- get, elth fitillf' r' i etiona on1 I04' Items, embracing cheaper gasoline, fares Implements, wearing apparel, and automobiles, lust to mention a few articles of particular benefit to con - au hers all over the Dominion, was delivered by Hon. C. A. Dunning, Fin- ance Minister, in the House uf Com- mons on Friday. It was the sixth anulvereary of his last budget, which preceded the 1930 election. Increaaes in the British preference on numerous items, featuring parti- cularly textiles, potteries and iron and steel, should promote still greater {umpire trade, and contribute to lower- ing living costs. The increase in the sales tax from rix to eight per cent. was considered necessary as a start toward reducing the $102,191,000 over-all deficit re- ported for the past fiscal year. This increase is estimated to bring in about 23 million dollars additional revenue. but, even then, Mr. ytinaing budgeted for au estimated ds of nearly 100 million dollars for the current year. The intermediate tariff on gasoline was reduced to one cent per gallon. compared with 2'i cents before the h*(,(K•3, an increase of 24 per cent. over tbe same period last year. Dearit M $132,191,33A The year's tOzIl -'revenue was $37'2,10001w, an increase of $10'^"..9' .000, the income tax bringing in $82,700,- 000 of this total, and the sales tax about 77 million. Ordinary expeudl- tures totalled $373.9N7.ttt10. The in- terest bill on the public debt was cut by 13,983,000, - but the Interest burden of $131,530.000 still uses up about 36.2 per cent. of the Dominion's total re- venue. Special expenditures, relief. C.X.B. deficit, ete., were placed at $102,777,000 an increase of $41,040,- 000. The over-all deficit of the year was $1412,191,000. while the uan atured funded debt and treasury bills of the Dominion outstanding on March 3.1 last totalled $3,207,000,000. The total funded debt Increased almost one bil- lion dollars in the last five years. Mr. Dua ning spoke for two hours and a half. The reductions in the gasoline and agricultural implement duties drew great applause. Four Provincial Premiers who listened from the gallery, Premier Hepburn of On- tario, o- taro, Premier Bracken of Manitoba, Premier Patterson of Saskatchewan and Premier Pattullo of British Col- umbia, ■11 voiced their approval of the budget as a step In the right di - 1141100. the uet-r. uq. no autowtddle is to exceed $230, to lift the system out of bankruptq a es held, and there was unrest amongthe proved business conditions the sl' per Toronto, may K.-.\ long -considered tree o[ customer duties goods to the cent. sales tax would produee an !n- economy move was made by the Hep- value of $1080. provided It is for their I employees. who regard the trustee sys- c burn Government a tem with suspicion. The board chair- creased hair tax will tend to check she tApr•ve- are, briefly, a two-day stay sod e'er- man had so much power that 4t was Premier Hepburn announced the *boll- really •one-man board, De Indicated, tion of the Northern Development and S. J. Hungerford, veteran presl- onoe in each t(oIIr-trsonth period teased revenue; the eight per cent teat week when personal use only.1be requtrewents i went of business wblf0 hi idled epos rise of the privilege not m0se than to produce a larger memo. __The i 5Lt tti rwW ti- r,P .eta riled. and It is to be hoped fiat Imbue Retist- will be so strong that It will be with- drawn. in another column of this issue The Signal's correspondent at Ottawa gives a comprehensive review of the budget announcements. EDITORL&L NOTES The Italians seem to hare got time Ethiopian out of the wood -pile. • • • After this, we presume, segue will be spelled without the capital letter. • • • Perhaps v/b(. she bas had the neon' ezperleoee of nations attempting to rule ,emi,elvillzed peoples. Italy will sot be so biddy over the outcome of tie war with Ethiopia. • • • It In possible that !Wept' will ac- teeny s teeny he materially betttet off under its new Italian overlords. but Rota no eredit to the United Rtates or any other civltlsrd country that no band Wks ralleett to prerefit tlfa_fholeaale massacre at the antOrslel ate IMople• Both DT. Robertson sed lir. tcad- ding weer cetera na of tbe great war. It Y probable that their experiences overseas belted them to beep thetr betide during tho.e long hours in the blick bokels of the earth when lesser men might hare gone mad. Esdur- anee past the possibility of endurance mut one thing men learned In the mud burrows of the Western Front. Branch and the transfer of the north- efi roads tO tbe-8t4artmeet eP Ilfigle ways. aNer wzamenia in Ocala gave considerable thought to this -pro postal, but all dbs•arded it for various • • • Prospects for Great Lakes traffic are said to he much brighter this year than for some years past. increased transportation of grain, ore, Mat and other commodities is expected to bring many freighters out of the berthsIn which they have been lyitig idle. This will t* good news to many Ooderlcb fantlles, for this town breeda many of the men who sail the great fresh water is _ % • reasons, most of them political. Preferential treatment is provided 'dent, an expert operating ofAcer, was 'reduced by the chairman to a subor- $or--* pore• tobaecoa from Rhodesia House Fumishing Specials CURTAIN NETS Deep -frilled, dotted and figured Marquisette, in ivory and white. Fine quality; double thread. A special purchase. Yard...23c COCO MATTING Heavy quality, for your front steps. goc 36 inches wide. Special First quality. New patterns in 3 annd 4 85c yards wide. At per square yard BORDERLESS OONOOLZUM sad /EXTOL BUGS A large choice, new patterns. 2x3yards 3 x 8 yards 3 x 4 yards... - 3 x 5 yardarm'' $2.95 $4.45 $5.95 $7.45 LINOLEUM RUGS 4 z 5 yards. On sale. Reg. 92'3.00, $17.00 fur T AXMINSTER RUGS SEAMLESS BARRY/MOOR 21/4 x 3 yarils 3 _g ;i. yards . 3 x 31/2 yards 3 x 4 yards GRASS RUGS ;19.00 71.00 25.00 $30.00 For your sun porch or veranda. Two bales just opened, in every size. Pleasing designs and heavy quality. CONGOLEUM RUGS See the new patterns and colorings in our window display. W. ACHESON & SON ST. HELENS ST. HELENS, May 4. -Those who, attended the Presbyterial W.M.S. meet- ing of the United Church beta at Clin- ton Tuesday of last week were Miss M. C. Rutherford. Mrs. Jas. Ramage. Mrs. W. Gordon, Mrs W. I. Miller and Miro Isobel Miller. Rev. 11. M. Wright attended the Presbytery meet- ing held at Clinton the name day. The Harrta Mission Band -will bold Its monthly meeting on Saturday, In the church. at 2.30 o'clock. All the girls are invited. Mr Hugh Rutherford and Mr. W. I. Miller were at Tiverton ou a business 11 rip. Retest whetters with M. Mind Mrs. Chester Taylor -Yrs. lobo Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Art Yerguson and Stuart. of Auburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor. of Blyth. Mra..Waa. Gallagher, of Norwood, Sad ters.-'H. Y. Mymes. of Peterbor- ough. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thom over the weekend. Mr Goldwin Purvis is leaving this week (or Fergus. Ile bas an engage- ment with Mr. F. W. Kruuch to work in his apiary for the season. The Y.P.U. of the United church itinday evening was In charge of Isobel Miller. The topic "How Did We Get Our Bible?" was token by Miss Mil- anmanu(accured, ne tie sn_enned_Tore_ ( dingo position of authority. Under ler," and the Scripture lesson by iafrlype: 'lbs prrfereoce III furor of<?' etl'the DOE Boyai Commbec4tlsrrr Swan. The- UMW ebaraeter, Australian raising and currants la cion on Rways, it was intended the l Eei-kslasticus. was given by Goldwln restored to four cents per pound. 'trustees should confine themselves to . Forme. I matters of policy. with President Hungerford having a free land as to There Is no doubt that tbe Liberal Countervailing nacres are csuyusa.. . u Government, Do • matter what it may eggs, cut Sowers and potatoes, to ac; I THE nu EQUIPMEIfUT effect[ last- dies products but Inviting other administration and operation but this i had t been followed pian 00 Editor The Signal. 1 1 Says 93r. Bem.e4t lk, certainly la bent n0 ng N. ali• . T lug savings to the Province. Even countries to reduce the4t duties on Dear :(Ir, --Picture tbi. scene some oneervatlre '-rpapK1, while de- these items. Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett. Conserve- Tbe intermediate tariff Is raked 011 tire Opposition Rader, argued that the certain glove leathers and boat the : bill offered no solution to Canada's intermediate ■nd the general {arid vexed railway problems, since $1.73 rates are raised ou day-old K'1Np each second was required in taxes to chicks." meet the Dominion's railway debt and bleID1 nouncing the Government in bitter language for imitate action.. have nothing but commendation for its acts of economy. Tbe word economy in gorernment was little heard of In the palmy days of old when motley was plentiful and every man on the street had paper prolts on Mock transac- tions. Goteminent* were spending (ieserassest'a Wke 4 Polley Por the first time, officially, the loss to date on the Bennett Government's wheat operations was given as 822.- bodles and nothing elec.. and the pat N0 000 including $15$ .943 debit be ronage systems came huge and cost- halaoce In tbe bank account of the 1y machines. Canadian Co -Operative Wheat Produe- Wkoa /ke Plank Cor ars, Ltd., guaranteed by the Gorgrn- se when ern days came and revenues went, as of December 2 last : $13,000,00(1dwindled, Governments of Canada, paymeut to primary producers In among them the Ontario Adm11114ra- equalizing the 11150 pool payw.eta; tba, faced the feature with depleted and :17'0.130 loos on oats transactions. treasuries sad the hungry patronage Mr. Dunning stated the Government's system to feed. some Governments policy regarding, wheat when he said decided to keep their supporters ant- the Government does not believe itself (seed, n0 atter what the cost. But warranted in assuming respensibtltty tale Liberal Administration, wails tak- for bolding such coloeeal quastltfea of 101 care et ewoy of {bete supporters, t wheat- as hare been held during the (*Wives In North America,,, igdtcated have not lost sight of the fact that la last few years. "Without resort to the Government intends Am mo bpm these times governments nowt face dumping, the Government's policy will 1 u the c'Ombined president add chafe - the falls and Hgbteu up.Lavish ex- be to market sarptt. wheat 1n an or- man of the new C.Y.R. bared. Mr.urea sora thleg et Me oast - annual deficits. Considers Rage, peewit: y 4,000 miles, should really be turn up It the problem were to be successfully met. ice felt. Cooperation between the C.N.R. and C.V.R. had been defeated by political agitation and n.wllli geese on tate pert of both roads to take the initiative. Mr, Sen - time In the near future: The tire hell rugs ami -4rens cut the air with their high-pitebed .creaml.g. Immediately all traffic converges on the fire hall and the bees and ladder trucks roar forth. As they dash along the streets one of the trucks strikes a car, or a telephone pole or a tree. The truck L wetted and mesterei persons are injured. An investigation follow., and wbat do we find? That some young man with ab.ototely so coasectlon with the Are departsseet was the Irresponsible nett observed. Canada's mileage driver ne the emelt. were • dragging legacy that threatened gush a dtsatlo. la brand to arise tie life of the oawatri, and unions one of these days. the C.N.R. succeeds Canada Can't I bappeped to be on the Rg4are oa maintain her solvency. 1(r. Bennett fsunday wbee the he heal nag. A Warped. etre containing several yowls wen lir. Hawe's references to Mr. Him- ( lambed up and tbey wade a bsadleeg aerford. wboM thehe described as ad- dash her the Ire hall. The brat one there Jumped ow a truck and lows It out with bis eouprniou. Imaging on tbe aide. These trusts are ea- Pensive wpensive Playthings for thrlileseekevs and could easily boom* a ssnance 41 the hands o4_aa. Lexperlemed person. Pay 4. 19As _A.. ofsittRVER. The Northern Development Branch involved a dupikation of other ser- --deri.-pganer as rapidly au world torr Ansett remelted he, too. has a blgb ditlotii"Rm permit, with due regerd to Tegard for Mt. RlheR1td, though be the progress of the nest Canadian 'feared his temperamental Iasi ilty to vices. It was a retie of more pros- I crop, and at the same time endeavor' roust pressure. perous times. The work Involved in I Ing to restore and expand to every The railway bill got second reading. this department, or most of It at least,: possible way th,e demand for Canadian on division without a recorded vote. should rightly come under the De- wheat and wheat product* In world , and now standa for further considers - markets." Mr. Dunningdeclared. tion is committee stage. Reports ate poartmeat of Hlgbwayr, and till's Is The 104 tariff reductions were out- I that there will be quite a flight over lined by Mr. Dunning as thirty-seven . this bill when it rear hes the Serrate, reductions 1n all tariffs. thirty on! where tbere 1s a pronounced Conser- Britlsh preferential rater only, twenty I entire naiority. on British preferential and interme- ! Mr. 'Howe annonneed that the Gov - where Premier Hepburn has placed R. The saving to the Province will total hundreds of thousands yearly. Some people wonder what effect a saving of hundreds of thouwnds of dollars means • • • From Walkerton comes word of the sad CARP of a man who suddenly he- .am. faint to church and had to tw escorted from the edlfke. With him ostensibly to render aid, but. In the (opinion of same, for other reasons, went a fife Inenrenee man. a banker, a druggist. end finally an nndertaker. ft is rumored that when he same to and recognized his companions he went off Into another swoon. • • • Who can blame the untutored Ethic view for running amok when they fotemd that their beat efforts meld not dreet sae machine Enna, siege gums. serial bombs and all the "ciellized" horror of warfare as sweetie/AI sroiera "rebored" white rare 'Ile ruder is that any whiten ..caped alive ts hidis Ahaba. All whiten Net *1(k. b baw and in their finery 4gwlj/ermselt tbig struck ont blindly. when a total expenditure of fifty mil- dlate rates only, eleven nn Interme- ernment has sold the remaining ten lions or more is considered. But it idiate rater Only, and MIX on 'uterine- 'Canadian Government Merchant Mar - must not be overlooked that a saving • Mate and general rates only. The In- one vessel.', which. lately, have leen of a few thousands here and otherlcreases in Britlah preferences were engaged In a freight route to Anstra- rew thousands there make+ an Impo., I instanced as Indk'ting Canada'. spirit ' Ila and New Zealand. The Australian the sum when added up. Add to the toward Britain In regard to the ap I companies, who bought the balite tot picture the Inc•reaswf revenue's. part{--( proaehing rsvielon of the Canada- strap purpoaPh, undertook to .nbsti- eularly from suecesslon duties and I. 1'nited Kingdom Ottawa trade agree- 1 tote newer and faster boats and con - gasoline tax. and the outlook becomes ments due next year. flout. the service, without subsidy. for much brighter. PgsPlortad R a period of five years and also to take over the Canadian crews of the VP*, A Good Record III Floanees y Emptiest,' was laid also on the targe I spin purchased. (►rlgineily thene were ifet. upeurlty and tmprovemeent in all The Hepburn (ItGent, probably and important tariff reductions, top- sixty vessel. In the CO M.M. ordered the affairs of life. and there are many more than any othherer Government to 1 toeing SO rlo+Ply on exten.'lou by the I during (he war. though 7)004' were the past, not forgetting the Drury Ad- I Gocernmeut of the Intermediate tar- d4'11vered until after peaty was signed. 'ministration. has been criticised ind IR rates to the United gigaton, which Chairman Fullerton told the railway attacked on a big scale. This Grits. 1111 itself. it was stated, ennatltarif I committee that snow, floods, ice and elsm may be justified In some cases. a great Put Is the Canadian tariff flower tonnage traffic in the past three No (knrernment Le infallible. \o I schedules. months hare re.'lrlted 1n a drop of Government has ever done ally- I Mr. 'sunning pointed out that many I $2,000000 {roto the hndgeted C.N.R. thing worth while without committing 1? the tariff changes dere made fol- reyenttPs for the current yPer. errors. And the Liberal Govternnwnt's wi lowing end In accordance with reports le made up of human being's areI of the Tariff Hoard. after eareltni and Premier Refuses re Re Excl4eti Just as prone to make blunder" ar the exhaustive Investigation of different 1 The ghost of A.anhartois starved prndnets, s acros the stage of Parliament one day Canada's Imports" were given as 1 when 1.4..1. Coldwell. C.C.F.. Romstown- WILL SURVIVE HOLMBSV$aLE HtLMESITI LE, May 6. -Hca (Captalu I Johnston Is at present at Iter summer home near Holmesvllle. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. M. Stock. whose father passed away In Mllvertoo last week. Mr. Jack Mulholland has been with relatives In Detroit for a few days. Y. P. 1'. N•taa-ebout twenty-six were present for the frlluwahlp meet- ing of the Young People's Union which was prepared and taken by Miss Alma Treeartha. Misr Ad, Finlay acted is pianist for the hymns which were sung. The chairman led In prayer end Miss Grace MacMatb read the.8cripture. After the topic, takes by Miss Ruth Potter, the president, Miss J. Webster, took charge of ■ short business discussion. The meet- ing coectuded with the Mlapah bene- dirtioa......4 special program which will be+•E--iaterest to everyone will be held this Friday when Rev. C. W. U. ('oseM, Clinton, will be the speak- er. All are cordially Invited to attend. beginning to wonder 1f the lwreball fan doesn't get a0 even greater thrill than the players." -Rabe Ruth. Editor The signal. My Dear R4r,-In today'. (:lobe, we read The Signal's eomments upon Europe. and also on Prime Minister Baldwins statement that another Europese war would destroy civiliza- tion. What you say regarding conditions in Europe is completely correct, but you stop before you lintel) the subject. You say, "Egrope may pertah, but civilisation *111 not." Neither will civilization in Europe perish. What will perish In Europe is the economic uncfvllization that exists there as conditions atanu today. There to in Europe. just as here to Canada, a clammering. burning deirre for re - Conservatives. But in matters affect- ing finances the Hepburn Administra- tion has a good record. It it refresh "Yes." laid the candidate. "I'm going among the farmers today, to a cattle show. or jackass 'bow, or something of that sort; not that i care for cows and Jackasses. but 1 want to show the people that t'm one of them." do that displeases sections, of the pub- eord some protection for such ('ata- entllions of people in European eonn- tripe who are fully cone Iona of the came of, and means of relief from, their trouble*: end ahould another enn- flegratlon break over the world these people will survive. and their method, will prevail at the end of the strife. The agony *111 he equal to. and prob- ably worse than, that through which the people of Russia passed. but Eur- ope will survive and a better and Juster civilization w111 rise from the pn I Rigger. asked what the (Inrernment ruins after hatred and envy and greed n - gold. ,05 exports.. excluding/ have ennattmal thlssaehe. In the in - Ing to note that even opponents of the gold, a• $77A.0A7.222 In the last 3*-mb I IeMneled to do shunt a letter written evitahle struggle I1E1 w 11: we are Queen's Park regime are sporting year, with exports being Inersaaecl by .1. R. Norma, president of the BPhil - enough to admit tbla fact. 8111.4901,265. In addition. Canada sold 1 harnola power Interests, to company With bent regard*, and kindly mem- " If um"If L to be hoped that the work of 110 million dollars of goldit we. 1 'shareholders that the Beanharnota orlon of GcMalch, 1 remain, pruning down expenditnr.a and cut- (estimated elm (Mnada (secured 201 project tied been submitted to "entire - ting away expensive and unnecessary million dollars In the 1933 tourist ly unwarranted and wholly pontleal Very truly yours, accessories of the a.rviee will be con- trade as against 91 million dollar* of attacks In the Parllam.nt of Canada J. II. TROMANHAUSPIR. Untied In the future. All eampeign Canadian expenditures In other conn- In 11441." Mr King merely r.ptic'd the Toronto, April 2Y, 1003. promises are not kept by thole* who trios. HOaa. of Commons 1s 'neater In Its made them, but H Premier Hepburn Pixpnrta to the United Rtat.s own house and h. wo01d Pear, It 10 Landlord (to a wouM4ie tenantl- ie stole to fnlfil him pledge of eronnmy amounted to 21* millions, an increase • the H(onw to say whet alweold be done. "Bat are you really quiet p.np4.Y' eswilltieflt done Well. So far he hes M Sett t■ fa the1 Mr. 1Ssnnett theft took up the rad- ^TPic. 1 ran promtee you that Ton kept his word The future hs umbel Fleet.* la Ho trot throe. ranotheet dfma. claiming that Parliament had won't he aware of one coming sari watts. I under the sew agreement, were 4, (Costtan•A oe page 3) t;lltng et all " 5, WASH BOARDS Zinc Boards 29c Glass Boards 49c SCRUB BRUSHES 10c and l5c GALVANIZED PAILS ... No. 12 iiia. Special 23c FLOOR or WALL MOPS Bee it. Complete with Handle CLOTHES LINE WIRE IT'S ROST PROOF Se -ft. 7-etraed, heavy Wire ' IMtt. 7 -strand, heart' Wire l 133 -ft. 7 -strand, henry Wire .744 00 -ft. 7 afraid. bey Wire .334 i CLOTHES PINS 40 for lOc I Gordon Tebbntt WEST (STREET PHONE 433 This' is a store for thrifty men whp like value The Clotho it --The Prices prove it 4 Made -to -Measure $19.50 up Custom Made $40.00 up RELI N 1 NG -REPAIRING -MITERING--PRESSIha Frank 14. Martin PHONE S17 TAXA; !VIM ff. iiraari-Yfa ear ! Ai. at The raj &Gm IT 'MA* k .. f - yy ar- own sake or TM sago TOP 11411:1 sero You& DRUG - Etat -Wag vzo* US - Prices this wsm-lay Ilk to 16th, ls.iMie - 22c PEP,ODENf UNITE PARTS tit TH ALLS FLAPB1{R OR i fee CANDY fee Mather! Fresh Boxes We and $IM SI.OAN'S I(JIVNCHEN SALTS LINIMENT Ola■{ size 3fe Mena Se NaMstaal Sttwwmr. YEAST' Us BLACK ;AAP' N 1 es. !ie %ASSUME Sime Seel. de ENGLISH HEALTH MALTS. W. 4WD See Woodhowes Call or Ville Glamis 2de. MOTH moor BAGS Me. 1Ae ?ORMALDRHYI/R Os lb. It Works, Pest SYRiILA NPAHR'S Reseed worlds smirk - if. sedaiy sad sure- ty whoa trris`t iM magi"rads, fastant. broutd its. anrniWis, ani threat troubles is weeid. it's Just bitter. try It. Commoind Syrup of HVTOPHOPPHiT1N Wes. bottle 00. DEVELOPING, TRINTINII Rot ter - BUT DRUGS AT THE DRUGSTORE - Lauder's Dunlop's Campbell's Wi=le's Drugstore Dnureter• DtsIDMer• Drugstore ti,