The Signal, 1936-5-7, Page 1:7AriigJ.aa,M1,11. 4 41141a,{$a.t=:.w.amaaber moo* ;lie 1--y n.wf4loii,.. "- v - . _!• . -. •�r�i14.1Y.VM�tw. -• ..+ri i READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE SIGNAL AND SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP! READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE SIGNAL AND SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOPI DloHTY-NINTH YEAR, NO. 19 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1936 744E SIGNAI. 1'ItIN'l'I\e; ('u, LIMITED, Publishers Town May Get New Park in East End Proposal by R. C. Hays for Trans- fer of Vacant Lots to the Town -Council Meeting The town council met on Friday sight last fur the first time in the redecorated council chamber, which looked •pick and spat. with panelled ceiling and walls and gleamlug re - varnished furniture. There was a full attendance of the members. Mr. Clark of the Huron Canning Co. was heard In a request for remission of the 1936 business tax on the Com- pany. This was referred to the fin- ance committee. Mr. H. O. Sturdy addressed the council In behalf of the baseball club, requesting assistance in putting the diamond at Agricultural Park in shape for the towing season. This was left In the hands ut the public works committee. to act to conjunction with the baseball executive. • Tbe sexton of Maitland cemetery reported eight interment* in the month of ApriL Tbe tax collector- reported cones !lona of $3,181.17 RI, April. -The col- lector also submitted a list of arrears of taxes. This was laid on the table for further consideration. filet George Beacom reported on the condition of the Are department -igaipmenL.-- Referred to_kedepart PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. G. B. Itobson, of Walkerville, has arrived to spend the summer here with Mrs. M. C. Swanson. Mr. Stewart Hastings, of Chicago, spent the week -end at the home of h14 uncle, John Graham, Gloucester Ter- race. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kickley and their daughter, Sire Loy, of Hamilton, visited relatives In town at the week- end. Miss M. G. I'eterkln returned to Montreal on Saturday, after a vacation spent at the home of her deter. Mrs. F. W. Craik. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gallagher and daughter have returned from Parkhill, where they spent the last five months. Mrs. Agues Swanson returned on Thursday last from Detroit atter speu(jing the winter at the home of her son, Mr. Morris Swanson. Mr. M. G. Nicholson, of Sandwleh, visited friends In Goderlch last week. He la a son of.tbe late Dr. M. Nichol. son, wbo was a well-known Goderich dentist. Mrs. C. A. Nairn and Mrs. II. Keith Revell accompanied Dr. D. 8. and Mrs.' McHaffie when they returned by motor to their home at Duncan, B.C., via Los Angeles. Mrs. Nairn and lire. Revell will rentals In 'the West for some tints) Mrs. A. C. Calder. Mrs. t W.--1*-- rle, Miss A. Burrett and MtssX.AptnessBrown, of 8t. George's Aptness church, church, are attending the forty-ninth annual meeting of the Women's Auxi- ,llttry_ 3 9.4 eon, et Louden, bta..week, _ Wtf. 'WetT,- of-Rtrntsvllte, Was in town for a short time this week on a Visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Weir, and went on to Toronto to attend a Synod meeting. He was accompanied by Mrs. David Bailey, Mrs. Blackburn and Mr. Jack Bailey, all of Huntsville, the party making the trip by motor car. •sent. Appleati.m ter Building Perla* Applications for bulkling permits, as follows, were sent to the fire commit- tee: Tbomaa J. -Page, raising fonds tion and general repairs to dwelling, Victoria street; Wm. Brownlee, r► pairs to dwelling aed garage, Waters toe and St. Patrick's street; H. R. Bali, sun room at dwelling, Agfa Ctrs 19.- J. -!eager, reabinglfati-- dwelling. Britannia road; A. .7. Knee - repairs to dwelling, Maple r otreet; Reg. McGee, re -roofing garage. Hamilton street. An applleatlon from Colborne street residents for the oiling of the road- s way from Church to Neiaon streets was sent to the public_works commit- tee. J. Ie. Match, secretary af. the- Are department. wrote asking for /some im- provement In the fire alarm system, the present siren being considered too weak to be heard at any distance. Re- ferred to fire committee. The secretary d the board of Alex- andra hospital asked that the annual grant be made to that institution. This was pasised-ea-to the finance CAM !A It tee. P. Donnelly wrote In behalf of W l- iJium Longmire to the effect that owing the condition of the drains on EV street his property was frequent- .--Illelleoded and suggesting that an open dHeh be run along the street to re- serve the cause of the trouble. One of the members remelted that It was queer that people would not come themselves to lay their complaints be- fore the council instead "f engaging a lewyer to "bold the gun to our heads." The communleatiea'---was referred to the public works committee. • Thos. J. Anderson applied for a re- newal of his license to peddle Boal toll abd ga'olHae. Referred to special csmmittee. .New Subdivisisa In Ceiboree 1 Carey submitted plans of a stir- eey of part lot 2, Lake Shore, Colborne township, adjoining the United Church tubdlvUbn, and asked the council's avaL_ Referred_ to . epactal 'tom tee. - ,Two communicatlone from Kitchener, king cooperation In Improvement relief condttlons and regulations, ere soot to tbe special committee. A resolution from the Clinton town council, asking for Government action ;o bring about an Increased use of Qanadtan coal, was sent to the epeeist atom m l t tee, :Proposes Transfer of Lots to Town A letter from It. C. Hays wltb re- fedrence to the estates of the late R. C. Hays and Senator Proudfoot set forth the proposal that a Klock of nloe tats surrounded by Park and Bridge streets and Elgin avenue be deeded to the town, and that In consid- eration of this the • town gyre the e*tates a receipt for secrred taxes on other lots on Bridge street, on property over the bank from the C.N.R. Station, and on certain Iota in the Hutchison survey. "It is the Intention then of our estates to divide the either pro- perty equally between the two estates and we will then be in a position to beep up the taxes," mid the letter. Mr. 11Sy* pointed out that the bio k of lots which It is proposed to trans- fer to the town has some valve as an Indoatrtal site or a base'Irall park and to about the only evadable group of lnts.aader one title. The 'eommnnieatton was referred to filo finance and parka rnmmltfa. a brother, Rev. Clayton Moorhouee, Is An normally large sheaf of enmmnnl- preaching at Bruissel?, and a son, Rev. cations from Governmental departments i Anson Monrhnuae, who was ordained bringing 'arsons matters to the Atten Inst year, is preaching at Yarmouth Oen of the enuneil was parrelkd out ('entre. neer Kt. Thomas. A second to the appropriate committee. son will le nrd*lnel this June. Committee Reports all transfers are subject to the ap- of the settlement eromml r e,l :11 flee committee ecomrnen 1 ,e� cuter Th e flu{ a grant of Phi to the Board of Trade but the removal of Mr. (calk la a towards the east of printing 5000 pro,tical .wrtalnly. Mr. ('rank's home lorries of an lijestrateel booklet for town is Thnmesvllle. advertising the town; the booklet to Both he end Mrs ('rete, who fakes bre approved hy t)no chairmen of the an Imp' rent part In the Work of the inane., and "'perils] mhhmltteeth. Other chnrrb and It' mimedeletins, will he mimed _.-see" reementenelatlons vrpy�., 1j.11rs. Meth • , 'lbe heist of triewets they blit., Moore be paid' a firth* see et $1e0 Ia Goderieh and vicinity. ea the wood farm, together?►7(b-iii-eraeeeiryear-old sOa;"—Noritias,, (Ctontinned oa page 8) ...mpleeed at Mostneal. ' BIG SHOPPING DAYS Community Event Friday and Setua- wday Livens Business* --- In spite of a heavy rain on Satur- day afternoon which kept everybody indoors, the community An le put on by the Goderich merchants on Friday and 1lamedia last made shopping around the Square quite lively and the event watt successful from the standpoint of both merchants and aboppera. Special prize+ were offered by some of the merchants, and the winners in the various drawsewere as follows: At A. CornAeid's: Ist ($.i in mer- c•handLe). Ml:- 3L McKinnon, Tra- falgar street, ticket No. 161; 2nd, ($3 in merehaadiee).-_ Glenna Johnston. Rues street, ticket No. 408; 3rd ($2 In merchaadie), Mrs. Howard Squire, tlaeganlion, debt $o. 423. At M. Robina'-: IR (sultca.e), Roy Muoday, Goderich; 2nd (all -wool sweater), Ray Lawrence. Goderich: 3rd thuya' whlpxsrrd breevhesl, Geo. Pentland, Dungannon. 'The People's Store: One prize ($3 In merchandtee), Mr.. Geo. Garrick, Hume- read. ' • • Ordination of -=—_ - Rev. William Weir At Service in Huntsville Father Present. Son with Gift of • Home Church William Weir, B.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Weir of Ooderlch, was or- dained into the ministry of the Pres- byterian Church In Canada and Il-_. ducted Into the charge of St. Andrew's church, Huntsville, at a special lam* lug of the Presbytery of North Bay_ and Timiskaming held at Iluntsvlli. on Friday night last. In the large congregation were the proud parents of the young man, also his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Weir, of Stratford; a . P071 11011 chum, formerly of Goderich, Mr. W. C. Snazel, and his wife, of Brace-. bridge, and two former fellow -students, D. C. H. Rayner, of Burk's Falls, and Robert Troyer, of Maguetawan, who are student ministers. Rev. J. 0. Ralston. M.A., ,of Parry - Sound, interim moderator of the charge, presided. Mr. Ralston, who is known In Goderlcb, warmly con- gratulated Rev. Mr. Weir, both on attalnlug his charge and on having enjoyed a 'splendid spiritual founda- tlou In his home Ilfe. The sermon was preachers by Rev. Herbert J. Scott, of North Bay. A most Interesting and touching pert of tilt- that - ITIS? • CAN 1'Ol' NAME HIM? We are disappointed that no one identified the picture of the soldier boy published In last seek's Signal. We bare a large number of "cute" of leen lq uniform, mostly hogs who went overseas during the Great War, and we should like to have the name for each one of them. Later on we may give readers another chance to name the youug soldier whose' picture was published last week. . Can anyone tell us anything about the clerical -looking gentleman whose picture .Ja'-nbIIwn -spat_ and _son to gush eth er Al¢ jsolati. platform. It was the pleasant duty old' of the father, Mr. F. G. Weir, as re- 1144 presentative eider of Knox Presbyter - Ian church, Goderlcb, to present to the newly -ordained minister, his eon. a reference Bible, the gift of the con- gregation of Knox church. The Ay leaf of the Bible bears the inscription: "Presented to Mr. Wm. weir; 11:37 --"by tfle ongregartbn' - of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, on the occasion of his ordination into the Christian ministry, May 1st, 1936." Mr. F. G. Weir expressed his pleas- ure leas ure in having been chosen to deliver the gift Into the hands of his son. He told, with no attempt to conceal hie pride. of the popularity of his son and the esteem Ip which he Is held by the peopte of (lode -rich, and gave a brief resume of "Bill's" progress in his chosen work in the church. At the conclusion of the service a soelal hoar was enjoyed in the base- ment of the church. On Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Weir conducted his first communion service and his father, who for years bas tak- en part In the communion services IS his home church, had the pleasure of assisting the elders in the dispensing of communion. There were seventy-two eommani- cants in rite HunhvIlIe church, inelud- Ing nine new members. manaccuhent it did a thriving business. Rev. Mr. Weir ban proved himself to the people of Huntsville In two having a large patronage especially years as a student minleter, and he takes over his -charge not only with the conlWence of his congregation but - with -the fervent good wet -lee -44 many friends In Ooderich. PR1i.1ti'ItlTKRIAL W.M.S. The annuit meeting of the Maitland Presbyterial V,'.)I.S. will be bend In 'Nt. Andrew's Presbyterian c'hgrch, Wingh;)m,g4 Tuesday, May 12th, with sessions -at 10 a.m. end 1.30 p.m. Mrs. r• , 4,4 11-14141 Ma is Ann .° W Re . ,}s •� Presbyterial preatdent, stiff preside, re Htttz of Toronto: Provender president, will be tilt' eneat_ eeker4 All missionary organization* of the, Presbytery are cordially invited to se•la1-zsegasett"attSC,.,s..,,.. -- ._-r Saults House s Being Wrecke May Years a Perdu' Hotel, Seen Vacant Well -knows and P It Has acant Launch Annamac Duly Christened "Queen of the Jollies" Officially Names the New Boat after a Series of Speeches The thirty -fart launch '•.tnuawae," ' designed and built by Ilarbortuastcr -AT-T3-WATERFRONT With the departure of the steamers Cedartou, Ontadoc. Donavan, Druwa- hoe and Superior in the last week and the Foote and .Ilanna the preceding week, the harbor Is beginning to take on a deserted aspect. It will not the deserted lung, how- ever, as the Wlndoe arrived at the elevator today with 245,000 bushels of wheat, and the Kingdoc arrived light from Chicago for wheat for Montreal; also, title week -end, the Iachinedoc is Bert MacDonald during the winter i expected at the elevator with 40,000 mouths, was utlleialie HNeuel on bushels of flax' Saturday afternoon by Ml-- llurtiuAt the W.C.F.M. the Coaling malt arrive this week -end, also a. grain car - Hussey, chosen '(Duren of the Jutlits" rier for the Mill, a coal boat for the Goderich Salt Company and an oil tanker for the Imperial (Ht Company. The passenger steamer Georgian, whlr•h was berthed at the north side of tbe harbor all winter, was brought to the south side this week, but will not be leaving for some time. In connection with the musical show reeeutly presented here uuder.the au- eplces of the Nous Club. A large number were present fur the event, In spite of a chllllog mist and a heavy rale which fell butermit- teutly during the. tfleruuun- Judge 1'. M. Costello was waster of ceremonies for a brief program of speech -making by pruullueul local citi- zens. "it is a new experience for nae to act as waster of ceremonies un such an occasion," said Judge Costello. "1'w a landlubber and know nothing of boats. I hesitated to act at first but when the occasion was coupled with the name MacDonald 1 could not refuse. 'SOCIAL EVENING On Tuesday night about twenty young people attended a meeting of the A.Y.P.A. of St. George's church 1n the parish hall. A social evening wad enjoyed, with Rev. A. C. Calder In charge, and a "hidden name" mu - tat -was held, the winners being Mies Agnes Campbell, J.J. D. Middleton and Gordob I.1s.sembe. "The name of MacDl nald means a great deal to you people In Goderich. Bert's father, John MacDonald, was a well-known and favorably -known man. _ _-_ _ -. ..n..� a..sA.rr - e 'To the boys anti `gir 11Wmt l,i the last word of what a man should be. The boys and girls all love him and have implicit trust In him. 'As long as Bert fa there-' be a byword among children who frequent the duet." Mayor H. J. A. MalEsve i -n a short address, balked back to the days when his own and Bert's father sailed schooner together. His Worship edngratulated Bert on his trim craft. "I do not need to say that Bert is , .std the speaker, 'for et es) nue loves and admires him, but Inert Is also a poUkaKaarc--ia ebwrge of the har•borfront„ and If anyone comes down to the beach .y-earleg too many clothes be can arrest that person," said the Mayor, to the accompaniment of laughter. Mr. Mac assured the parents Of Goderich that their children were safe with Mr. MacDonald. "There have been fewer mishaps in Goderleh t the harbor than at any other port n the Ickes. whk•h speaks well for e supervision and oversight of rt," he concluded. Recalls the "Sephie" 'Ex -Mayor C. C. Iee, president of the Bvaud-of Trade, reminisced down the years, to the time William Marl- ton built vessels on the beach. He recalled the launching of the three - masted &'phie, which operation took eight hours. He spoke of the great many changes of the waterline and along the harlorfront, where, once stood a elllls-bcwae fur tbe- men. Mr. Ise then beartllT+eottgratulated- Mr. MacDonald on his sehwotttMy- u nrh: A building velieh ler seventy -Ave years was the Arlt thing to strike the eye of persons coming to town by the C. N. (formerly Grand Trpnk) Rail- way 1s now in.the bands of a Loudon wrecking firm. Known at different times ' . the Maitland hotel and the Saults House, It bad a large trtaa) formanyyearn, but fur the last fifteen years or so it has been vacant. Mischievous boys hare broken the windows, and with the passing years the building showed increasing signs of age and disuse. Now 4t --bas been sold by the owner, Mr. B. J. Saujts, who, however,, ,rsisbte the Ate. The hotel- was built by .Edward '-Hosker--it _ i-_-wseji-tnown bonl- face, and thirty-six $'totes ago was purchased by B. J. Saulta. under whose REV. F. W. CRAIM TO LEAVE Will Aeeept Incitation to Occupy a Peterborough Pulpit Rev. F'.. W. Craik, who for the last five years has been the laced pastor of Victoria street United church, bas accepted a call to St. James' United church, Peterborough, and will leave to take-over hit new charge about the first of July. It was five years ago thjs coming July that Mr,-,yrgik came to VkMame omal United tbatiei„'.> At the annual meeting of the church In January the congregation demon- strated their regard for Mr. Cralk by extending to him aa-Tevitatlon to re- main with the church as long as he desired to do so; and it was a recipro- cal feeling that vatted Mr. Cralk to reject three previous -calls this year, In order that he might remain with his dock here. Mr. Crllk, a true minister of the Gospel and a tine speaker, was or- dained at the Methodist church at 8t. Marys In 1915 and in the some year took over x Charge at Walton. Since then he has preached at Dawn Mills, Putnam and l;orrle before coming to Goderieb. Me L a graduate of Wesleyan Theo- logical College, Montreal, and was as- slatiat.-tit a student, at West End United church, Montreal. The call to Peterborough was nn- sulmone on the part of the congrega- tion. Mr. ('rack will the trsnsfeired from the London Conference ..to the Bay of (Juinte ('onferente. Rev. A. E. Moorhouss', of the Peter- borough church to which Mr. Crslk has leen called, has been linked to take over the charge of Victoria street United church and Union ehureh, God- erich township. Mr. Moorhohue shone] feel quite at home In this dletriet, as among the railway people. Later the hotel was conduetcd for a few years by Robert . C. King, now of Toronto. ARM PIACTCRED Mrs. Thos. Hawkins, Itaytlrld road, suffered an unfortunate ae•idemt at her home on Saturday, when she fell from e chair and fractured her arm. Al- though Mrs. Ilawklns was alone at the time she gianaged to ruck a neighbor, who called medical aid. The injury • Is mending nicely. - COUNTY COMMITrEB8 A'rr-ad8 fit Vt $10000' of iffi(rTf17'e was placed on the court house, through J. II. It. Elliott, of Blyth, by the pro- perty committee of Huron county coun- cil at a meeting at the court house on Monday. Thqueomanittee decided to leave the matter of redecorating the lower hall at .the court house to the council at tlid June session. Tea..pruposal also was made new locks and a steel door, also spring beds, be purchased for the gaol. All committee memhers were pres- ent. repent. They are Reeves G. M(Nall, M. Matheson, G. Westcott, C. Mawhinney, F'. I)arfdson and Warden R. J. Bow- man. The roads eommission also met nn Monday, and after pissing accounts made a tour of the sotera part of the county. JAOZ1 W1i1R 00=ES TRIM — t— When members of the town council and ethers gathered in- formally on Friday last to con- gratulate Captain D. Hndann on being the first skipper to enter the harbor here In the 19341 Pea son. Mayor 11 .1 A. MacEscan celled teen young Jackie Bell for a speeeh. Thome present smiled at the boy's excites) enthlMIA sm, end when he cnnelude'rl by hoping that Captain Hudson would get "more silk hats this year" there wan a burst of toughing Applause. But It so happened. Capt. Hudson took the Superior to Wallsrehnrg, where his was the Arai ship to water thio year, and nn Mona, ftrlarched his ae'e- Itest'atit hat ef'tttw ..uaoe. THE OLD-TIMERS WILL ENJOY THIS Malcolm r,. Nicholson. of Sandwich, member of a former well-kuoven Gexler- -tesei se-tathez-lwt..g • the late I)r. M. Nicholson. dentist. w -as in town for a day or two last week on busl- nese. In convereation with The Sig- nal he endless' an advertising card .which wast issued forte or more yearn ago by Itslilday's restnttrnnt, which old-timers say was at the corner of the Sgnecam neon sr r I KI g t street On •OM. side of the card ons the follow- Present• bra, which recalls the names of many of the.towna business moa R J. wI{,ran, .rf the hank of theme staff, is holidaying at Pittsburg. 51 RPIUSE SHOWER Thursday night last a surprise shower wak given at the home of Dr. and Mrs V N Atklnsa� in honor of aa- MtIAer . Retiedge-ooff Aubulen--NCI ;itstlwWtirseit of lowzrandltUdil6F1e Prtilham of Cromarty acted as bride and groat in n mock wedding and carries) a basket decorated to pink and white and tilled with many lovely gifts. The,r• were opened by the guest of honor, atter which some time wax spent 10, playing earns. A dainty lunch was then served. There were abontenty guests present. TO HAVE STRONG BAND Former Bandsmen Will Turn Out Tho Sueemer=J. E. Rucking to Lnad As a result of a meeting of lands- men with the executive of the Goder- len-Mualce! Society on Tuesday night, ati a good band is assured for the sum - _Met mouths. _.There will be -at twenty-five men In the unit, severalI old-timers with the band having agreed to return. Mr. E. R. Wigle, presi- dent of the Society, was 1n charge of the Meeting. A meeting will he held shortly to draw up a w'Ihelule for enncerts. In tine meantime Mr. .1 E. Iluc•klns has consented--ta.earry on atf leader of the band. BIG LIONS CONVENTION May Be Held !fere in 1937—Would -e Hundred People - If the hopes of the Goderich Ilona Club materialize. this take town- rift be the scene of a monster three-day %on in 11137. Tbe Godeilcb Lions are campaigning to have the dlstriet- .t Lions convention here next Mr. ('.K Saunders, representing this year. Niagara Falls slao has es- Goderich Lions Club, extended an in ended sn invitation fu. the eotcen- citation to the popular harbormaster flan and fhe decision will txs. Made ret to join the organization. the convention to be held at Ottaes i "I know of, no other man who thea year, Juue 14 1({, ; peeling. would he a trotter Llon," said Mr. It Is pointed out Tunefully by the'' Saunders. "Bert never boasts; be does big flange 'qu1etty~amt is inter- ested 1u Anything that _appllea t.Q children." - hlessing for -the Ship. Mlles Martina Hussey . O/dales,. Meer eterentreetbeery, trim blue salt with yellow hat and 'ac- cessories. and tarrying an arm bou- quet of lilies, roses and narcissus, re ('Fired n herthtamed bottle at charm pegne froth the mas4er of tercmonies. Leaving the protet-tion of the bathing house, where the interested group had been gathered, she stepped down on the deck of the haunch and broke the bottle over thew- ew' with the words, "1 name lost"l„lmamn•" The name "Ann unto " was Chosen hy three jddges from mmong 117 names submitted In a recent retest for the naming of the (raft. Souvenir 1- nrds..cemmemorating the occasion eery nutngrnphel by the speakers and rllstrtto tel among those Presentation to Capt. D. Hudson Hope Expressed that Package Freight at This Port Will Grow Captain Dalton Ilud,ou, who piloted the package freighter Superior into Goderbeh harbor ou Wednesday night of last week. apparently need never worry about keeping abreast of the -1n men's headgear. On Friday afternoon, at a pleasant Informal gathering at the town hall, Captain Hudson, wbo was the first skip- per to make Goderich this season, was warmly congratulated by Mayor Mar Ewan, who carried out an old sad honored custom by presenting him wltk a silk hat, w-bleh was afterward. ex- changed for a modern fedora. The occasion was the 'third of the kind for Captain Hudson in as many years. In 1934 and 1935 he opened navigation at Wallaceburg and was presented with a hat on each occasion. The Superior toot o* _ _ L 00 tons of salt and three tons of beans before clearing on Saturday for Walllaceburg Ind Fort William. "We are here today to offer con- gratulations to you on being the first skipper to enter (hie port in 1938," said Mayor lit l'33wan to ('aptala Had. eon. "It 1s a real honor antEgLagall--- test of seamanship, and we of -the tows of Goderich are glad the Brat ship wan. the steamer Superior. It 1. the arse package freighter we have had in many years, and as a -tows we awe - elate the fact tbat tt is coming here. The merchants derive a certalg bene- fit from it and 11-1111--eertataTj a Teen to men In the labor market." His Worship praised the Castaln' Seamanship before presenting the silk "topper" and then the fedora. —fir-l�Itisleos- with Gsdtrieb "It 1s very kind of you to assemble em_ggpd tire ua,.thls reception," said ('aptaln <Hudson. "I have enjoyed business relations with Goderich and appreciate what Goderich has done for us. We are given the greatest assist- ance when In port,- _ If. we reedited the same'asaetance elsewhere there is ne doubt but that we would have more than one boat running." "I would like to eonvey to, the C.p taln and the owners of the Superior that we do appreciate having the package freighter come here," said Councillor J. E. Ilucklna, when called upon by the Mayor. "Now that we have the Superior we do not want to be satladed with one ship. We want to develop business and trade in Goder- leh as a lake port town and make it a special feature." -- Councillors Craigle, Bingham and , Town clerk Manic and "Tit -- Collector Nell MacKay all added con- gratulatory remarks to those already expressed, and Jackie hell. well-known juvenile, live a surprisingly coherent and nicely worded little speech. The hopeaso was expressed that Captain Hudson's brother Alex:, who hap been Ill. world shanty` regain his health. The groip their gathered outside to bass, for news photographers before die - Supporters of Goxlerlch that t6hi town 1 would be' an Ideal -plate for a Juror -convention: with its fsellith-s for batb- tis hotels. the passenger ,steamer Ian and golf, Lawn bowling. tes- tae eanim and dana•ing'facLitlea. Four hundred would Attend the Con. Geer that time: W I st iziFFeing imu'riil ZTie`L'1m1e the other duty I met Jeo-IFCattle ane Frank Humber in earnest discussion over a very Important subject. it memo Frank M,11rega told Gcso."Price that Harty Ita11 heard Jim Stoke* tell Malcolm Nicholson- that J'Adie Cam - Wine told, 'Heck hays that Donald Johnston 1tie•ara Billy ligan tell Tom Nairn that Tom Brophy said Lige Curran heard Joe Itrophy' tell Eddie ik,rnn that. Harry Watson said Bert Tilt told Bob McLean that Bob Thomp- son heard Ilarry MCKenzie tell Dave Munroe that Billy McVicar told Billy Welter that Jack Platt said Ilarry Videen told George Crate, that (trent Waddell heard DIAE! Cattle tell Oliver Rhynes that Sam Curran heard Stew- art SirreltnnAnd :Font Martin tell 1 1 IIIIIIer that Harry Martin told Harry c'Incns that Art Stratton maid Billy Y010n0110 told .lack Acheson that Al - Ile Mclean haunt Fred I'ridham tell Frank iwwrenee that Harry Gataka told (terry Armstrong that (Siarlle Rhane wnub..Wilitetr a ,S'w hat that "Sim" llsllidayia l-(' M tweet was the two i kle atter In the eonnty. Yon ran r : them at the "Imperial." WHAT'S THE TIME? ('1111 con give MO the correct tinny. please?", aev'ms 1n Ie' the query en many tongues these.. days. and the answer wuald be' •' mewhet like this: "1f yen are gni ug to work or to school by the town clock It Is seventeen minutes after one; If you want to tune In a radio program 0 Is ten minutes after one. and If yon want to catch II train It Is thirteen minutes after one" in ether words, if you are working. trnvetting or loafing-+ take your awn time. That 1., until the available time* are synr'hronieed Until flint time harassed remittents of this town ere scurrying to and fro, early far work, tato for tram's, inept, - Ing plaintively, "(en ynn give t1r the eorrert Mete, pTlsgnlT" - Quebec. CHILD PSYCHOLOGY Address to Central (tome and School Club by London Guest An tnterewling and instru•tiv'c meet- ing of the Home and School flub of Central achool was betU on Tuesday afternoon - Mrs. W. F. Saunders gave her re- port of the meeting of the Federated (Lome and SC11001 ('lube held in To- ronto recently. It was an exception- ally good report. being both instruc- tive And hnmorons. Mrs. Raun(TPR Anil that ane of tbe thinga on which much stress was laid at the i:tnven- 11nn was the teac'hleg of mush. In the *Imola. She thanked the Club ter the privilege of attending the mating. A hearty vote of thanks was moved to' "Ira • Sauotters by Hiss f[hnrinan, Mrs. Gregory Brown of London with the guest speaker. Her subject was "Child 1'sycltohigy." !Slue empha- sised the pole' of co-peratloiranaong the parents. In every group of tenth= era there are some wise Ae wwell as some fonlbch one", find much can be learned frolp .eacksll - Parente must try to en- eouraT`e •-the. hest In their children. "Every child don Bottle one thing well; let, its hunt for It," Said the speaker. "Try to take away fear and build rep confident* Id their ec hoo1 work." Some ached libraries, mid the peaker, were lacking 'in enough good books. The ('anadfaa and National Gmr'erngralled. .'ide M.gaslnes were recom- e Mrs. ltedditt spoke a few wards of apprtr•lation of this Splendid addrean, and Vlrs..1 A. Graham presented Mrs. ,Brown with A hoognet of pink earna- tlnna and snnpdragonn, Mra. Sutcliffe, accompanied py Mee. W. Troller. sane i pletafuR Mr. Shackletoua rood.racel n4_;ae banner for the largest number of ttsotheee -present. RELIBT W01111[ CONCLI'DED Civic ether came practice'', ..(u ja en,F tlt)b f3a =int o[ May..---- The Wel- fare boerd will hold its dual meeting evening next -to- -close in. Its busbies' for the year, --comrrort IN TRAINING On Monday of this week "C" com- pany of the newly -formed Huron - Middlesex Regiment began a ten-day training period at the armories o■ IlAmiltou street, under the command of Major A. It, Jane. There are thif- ty-Ave men In the company. They will, 9n all probability, train nos nights a week and will likely work out at The kink In Wire; HOSPITAL BENEFIT 1'ndcr the auspices of the ii'omen's ilosplt111 Auxiliary, the musical pkv -tura; "Coronado," WA s ehnwn fo a large and appreciative audlence'a1 the ('aplte! 'Theatre last Thursday night. "Lucky Stars," a colorecll cartoon en- titled "Somewhere in Dreamland," 'Ind a novelty reel, "Mock Melodies." completed the program. The \\'omen's Ativillary are von grateful to Mr. I1. .1. Sutherland for bis generosity In making It possible to add a substantial sum to (heir Janda._• _ GETTING WARMER Summer Heat st Weals -end Cid Sheet by Saturday's Rah On Friday' last residents of Goder- leb aoeitercl in the hottest day of the year, wIlen the official high was 79' In the shade. The hent continued until Saturday morning. when 72' was registered, but heavy rain in the after- noon cut :bort the hot apell. Friday's maximum temperature waa 28' high- er than u the maximum f this time last year. 1930 1935 • May. Min. Mar. Mra Thnrs., April 30 ....53 43 .10 50 Fri, May 1 79 32 44 34 111._,May 1 ._72 54 30 Ari beet;--Mwy 3 -- 9D 10 "-1t'' !Mos,, May 1-....,.,rs:1$ 37 58 82 Tues., May 5^���_" JR 41 45 M Wm., May E „Fn,,„tif c 4A M