HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-4-30, Page 8B--Z'hm sday, -April 110114-1966 FURNITURE Repaired, Remodelled and Upholatered WORK GUARANTEED PRICES REASONABLE George McKay St. David's Street, Goderich i seek TOWN OJ GODERICH 'NOTICE AU owners and occupiers of premium are hereby notified that all garbage. etc., must be re- moved from their premises by May lat, 1936. F. G. WEIR, Assistant Sanitary Inspector. PRAISE AM) BLAME I praise loudly. 1 blame softly,- Catharine 11 of Rus-ia. THE -•-- Baptist Check .Rev. S. R. M('Inng, Minister - PS ,iia.. BIBLE SCHOOL 11 a.m. "TIM . HOLY SPIRIT AND y THE SACRAMENTS" Z $m• r "WHO AIR- THE LosTr" 'TBAB S16fNAL GQDERIOH, ONL. BRIEFS AFTER THE PLAY CHURCH NOTES GUIDES ORGANIZE The regular uontbly muting of the (Rurchwoman'. Guild of Bt. George's church will be'held In the Guild room on May 5, at 3 o'clock. 0 Rev. H. 1). Cameron of Strathroy was elected moderator of the Presby- terian Synod of Hamilton and London, meetlug at Niagara Falb the; week. Ile suceecda Rev. Austin L. Budge, M A , of ltagersvllle. LEEBURN LIDEIBURN,. April 29. -The. sacra- Lord's Supper will be ob- ( ser• n ul'n e�laren rt0 flay- ir'li;. In eonusetlon with the morning rer- vice. Ou May 10th Mother's 1)a7 will be Unnerved. The Youttg People's Sodety are in- viting the two other societies -la the tlrcult for Friday evening. May 8th. They are holding their mertingg this Friday eveutng and will be pleased to have a good attendaute. Mr. George Stewart, from Rochester, New York, and hi. ,.I>h'r. Mrs. A. Chestnut. from Luckuosv, also Lura K. McKeusie..aud Miss A McPherson were In our bore for a few hours on Sunday afternoon with the former's niece; Mer. -4i.- Clutton. \Cho • leli,•ved will never wholly doubt-Alfred Anatln. iSEALED :IN STEEL —011—sestet in. Refrigerant 's why the tically- w tea trimtrembled see service nMebtid TAiBTf & CORNISH Goderich Ont. over -Sixty (ibis to Take Teets-- ' Eight Patrols !C'a'ned On Tuesday afternoon more than sixty girls between tbs ager of eleven and sixteen years sissified their lnteen- titu of taking Girl Guble tests when they "signed up" at a tueetlag at the public Ubrary. The group was divided in two cone pander, and each company war sub- divided in four patrols. It is be- lieved still more girls will be desirous of becoming l;;lr1 Guider before the ae- fuel tela are taken, and all those eligible will be wekumed. Oil Tuesday the fbllow'fng oEcers took charge: Company 1 (girls 11-13 years of age), Captain Margaret Wat- sun, Lieutenant Gertrude Wilkes; Company 11 (girls 13-16 years of age), Captala Edith Taylor, Lieutenant Helen Lane. The patrols were formed of six to eight girls and eacb patrol appointed a leader, who chose a "seared." Each patrol also chose a name. They are as follows, with patrol leaders and seconds: Company 1 Oornflowers-Mildred Leitch, Mil- dred Lewis. __-< Ret Inose -Joan Buchalitn, Betty Mellwai Ore -hl -Phyllis Stewart, Olive Bradley. Pimpernels -Pauline JohasW4, Kath- leen MacEwan. Company II ' Forget -Me -Not -Evelyn Doak. Max- ine Martin. Bonglltyrtleanor Nelson, Dorothy Medd. $earlet TYnager-Elaine Mero, Pa- tricia Caaig. Fuchsia -Jean &teeter, Elva Wor- thy. Atthougle the mummies are now or- ganized. no member is a full-tledged Girl Guide. The leaders of tbe move- ment are studying the rules and will have special classes with the patrol leaders and their seconds. When there have mastered tbe tenderfoot rules they will prepare the patrols. in the meantime Company I will meet at the library on Tuesday atter poons at 4.30 QC1osl13nd:C911apanL jl., $lila meet. 9n. at. the rams how. -- LN THE MONUMENT BUSINESS Clinton News -Record: Mr. John Grant, wbo has been stonecutter with the Bali & Zapfe people for the past four years or so, has bought out that department of the btulness and will conduct -it-Toi'bTmeeTf. Mr. Grine Is a tlrst-class stonecutter and has turned out exaeHent work during all the time be has been here. He will no doubt also have time to work up the business a little and Clinton citizens wish him continued and increased success in his venture Into the monument bustneaa In Clinton. F R V:• a., Aye o 1 t -ii'‘ oto Q.: i ACM� � - . s:a� �� A .....„. ,.0, .. _ ,.....„ :. ,� .YLMER.. i✓ e / � ¶'C? r. ! ® P'OOD S • .0 T '-- ' DO a „7,17 }f�. f air roil to• or These. values 'are effective for April 30th, \fay est pnd 2nd . i rritf', Jelly Powder Aylme, Fancy Cured LUSHUS 3 ears _d As<orted Flavors Aylmer Fancy Jumbo PEAS Pineapple 2 T ,r 31c Aylmer l honer Cherries PiE 2 Tinsr- 23< Aylas.0 (h. ace own...... _. ra ortritil nns ..,Mt rant.. a < •••••••. Classic Tin V Cleanser CRAX 8 -oz 12% -oz < Pkq. �e Butter 14 -oz. 2 No. 2 2'alle .' Peaches PIE Tint _14 -Pier. ••�st • Aylmer Soups VEGETARLE 3 TO , 2S< • • Aylmer Tomatoes 221< WLSTON'S ven F,esh GINGER SNAPS ro 1 O` ROWNTREE'S Cooking Chocolate Slab 17`. f'rfection %-I! Tin Cocoa 15< A •Imes Choice COrit White Aylmer Choice Peas No. 4 Sieve Aylmer I.r,ry �L'hole Corn Kernel - 2Tns221< 2t.221( er10< Tin Aylmer Catsup 2 iz-na, 25 Rots, Aylmer l' or Tins Chili Sauce - 7< Aylmer Infant Food 219"119< SOUPS AYLMER ASSORTED Celery, Chicken with Rice, 104'25 e Asparagus..Clafn Chowder. T ' Tins Pea. Oxtail. , • CHASE & SANBORN "Seal Brand" Coffee Ib. 35C SURPRISE SOAP War 46. I1111k `napa� Chips 2 Ihs.15( • Aylmer Wax Beans 2 T° ;1,223( • • Aylmer Peaches (h°ire 2 i'cn:33( Ha,•ft • EXTRA SPECIAL Mayfield Creamery Butter 23c Ib. Macaroni Et Cheese Loaf SPF(:IAI WEINERSib Ib 2O< 16( 4QMiNioN Walnut Pieces Ib. MEATS 2stt Diced 2 -lb Pkg SUGAR 19e GRAPE NUTS 2 Pkgs. 3st DOMINO 3-02.. Tin RAKING POWDER Baptist Ladies' AM bake sale in 8turdy's atom, Saturday, at 2.30 p.m. The Nurser Alumnae will meet on Friday. May 1, at 3 o'clock, at the hospital. Catholic Women's League will hold a sale of home -baking en Retard, y, May 2nd, In Basch er's store. Cobbler potatoes for planting at $1.10 per bag. Improved Dunlop and (filen Mary strawberry planta, 140 for 51, 500 lob for 33. .HUOILL'S POTA- TO AN'D BERRY FARM, phone 616r34, Clinton. The regular monthly meeting of the -Central Home esel oebwi bub will be held at Ceetral school on Tuesday, may 5, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Jeffrey Brown, of London, will be the guest speaker, ber topic being "Child I'syebo- bgy" Group 1 of Central Home and School (Arab are holding a tea at the home of Mn. W. F. Saunders, Cambria road, on May 8. Tea served from 3.30 to e o'clock. The proceeds will be used for musical instruction and welfare work 1n the school. The annual meeting of tbe Women's Inatltute will be held in MacKay Hall on Thursday. May 7, at 3 o'clock - There will be the election of officers, and roll call to be answered by pay- ment of fess. Tbe hostesses are Yrs. Geo. Mathleson, Mrs. D. Mellwein, Mrs. R. Good, Mrs. W. Lawrence, Mrs. J. Howrle and Mrs. 8. MaoPhali. 'THE SWEETEST MAN" The Signal abaft again extends a vote of thank., to David McAllister of West Wawanosh. Dare and his sister, Miss J. L McAllieter, were In town on Fri- day btu and letve brought a treat of home-made maple sugar, of the AI 3,1e.Vilater brand. for everybody In the other. It 1111e appreciated. and will ue,( he forgotten -until Just about this time next .year. DOCKET SHORTENED Two ('aces Settled and One Adjourned at Court Sitting Three of five cases called by Mr.l Justice J. A. McEvoy at the Supreme Court session on Tuesday and Wed- gsoday tete week -have-been dieter- sed eft-wltboat at battle. Charles A. Lockhart, of Clinton, ob- tained a divorce decree nisi from his wife, Emma Susan Phillips Lockhart, of Toronto, who offered no defence. Custody of a twelve -year-old daughter was given to Mr. Lockhart. Two cases were settled out of court and one was adjourned until the next I 11101111101i et the 911111111.---- i Is---.-----.- The principals 1i an settee. David- son v. McLeod et ala, were given an opportunity to arrimeet an am4eabie settlement out of court. If a settle- ment 1s found impossible the case will be proceeded with today (Thursday), along with two eemaintng eases on the docket: Dawson v. Diwson and Fol_ ter v. Underwood. OODERICH MARKET PRICES Hens, 5 lbs., 13c; bees. 4-5 lbs., 11c; bens coder 4 lbs., lOc. - rugs sad Ratifier Eggs, per dozen, 12e -16e; butter, dairy, Ib., 20c; butter, creamery, lb., 24c. Cast sf "Joules" Entertaleed and Congratulated upn Perfertoanses After the closing performance of the "Jollies of 1936" uu Thursday night Let, welch, like the opening per- formance on Wednesday ulgbt, had a large audience, the cad, with a few friends and a number of the St. Marys cast of the show, who were here for ties presentation, enjoyed a luncheon and dance at the Masonle hall. Lion C. K. Saunders in a brief ad- dress congratulated the cast and called on a member of the 8t. Marys group to speak. air. Edgar Bell, of the Rt. Marys Athletic Society, which sponsored the "Jollied" at that town, responded, con- gratulating the Goderich cast on their eplendtd pigmentation under dimeultles. Miss Martina Hussey, "t.)ussn It the Jollies," also spoke briefly, t alining those who assisted her to obtalte"that honor. Mrs. W. F. Saunders was called upon, and after her few words of commendation for the cast the floor was cleared for dancing. Lions C. K. Saunders, W. F. Saun- ders, H. 8. ()tiff and Nelson H111 kind- ly supervised the luncheon dance. ACQUITTED AT SARVIA Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin, who were arrested at Blyth on Friday hy County Constable Ferguson and Chief Cowan, on Information f Sarnia, were ac- quitted at that elty when charged with the theft of bedding from a Sarnia boarding home.. • The couple satisfied the eamrt the bedding belonged to themselves. MAY CONTINL'E PAVING The hopes of residents of that part of the county that the paving of No. 4 highway will he continued from Blyth towards Wtngbam this year, have been strengthened by the pres- ence of surveyors on the road near Blyth. The surveyors have been working for some time now. - The road ha. been paved from Clinton to within a mile of Blyth, and there is a stretch of about twelve miles to Wing - Lam. CREWE CREWE. April 28. -Mr. and --MIs, Cbanbers, of Woodstoek, and-- Mt. and Mrs. Gray, of Goderich, melted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Met - thew Sbackleton. - - Miss Anna Mae Treieieen, of Luck - now, spent the week -end at her home here. Miss Oraee Cempbe 1. -et Lanes, visited over AA_ Week -mid with her mend, rectt1w .te------ Mr. M. Shackleton Is attending the Presbytery meeting in Clinton today. A nus" ---ii of the W.M.S. ladles accom- panied him to attend their Presbyter- ial meeting, which is also being beid in the same town. "Tbe Challenge of the Oross," which was presented on ilunday afternoon last by a number of the young ladles of Dungannon under the leadership_ of Yrs. (Rev.) Turner, wan very apprectated by all who bad the prl.I- lege of listening to R. Mr. and Mrs. Herble Begley, of Ham- ilton, amIlton, visited over Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Men- ary, and other friends. KINGSBRIDGE Live SMek Bacon hogs, cwt., 58; beef, lb., KlNCSBltll)t;F.. April 29th --There wan a large attendance in Kingsbridge 4lee- -,s•; veal, lb., 6c -7e; lamb, IMMINENT= EY CLINTON TALrRHT On Mooday evening a large audience new a eplendld presentation of the humorous play, "The Old Peabody Pew," In the schoolroom of North street United church. The play was presented by the Clinton Dramatic Club, under the auspices of group 1 of the W. A. of North street church, Rev. W. P. Jane was chairman and Introducta tjy. play, whish was well received. Vocal solos by Mrs. W. A. Oakes and Mrs. P. [learn, accomeanied by Mrs. M. J. Agnew, all of Clinton, pleas- antly occupied the lnterm1wioos. At the conelu.ton of the play the members of the east and thele friends from Clinton were entertained by members of the W. A. at luncheon. BORN WOOD. -At Woman's hospital, De- troit, on April 13th, to Mr. and Mrs, Earl J. Wood (nee Madeline McKa7), a daughter, Carolyn Jean. DIED SWITZER.-At Guelph, Ont., on Fri- day, April 24, Mary Ann Taylor, widow of the late Benjamin Switzer of Goderich, aged 91 yearn. KUNTZ.-At Toronto, on Tuesday Apell 28th, Retts Kuntz, daughter of Mrs. Theresa Kuntz, of Toronto, and the late Frank Runts, aged 17 years. MORTON.--Spddenly, at • Mlmteo, as result of strident, Sunday, April 26, Horace, dearly beloved son of Philip H. Horton and Eva M. Acheron, 8 Ellie Park road, Swansea, aged 25 ,years. Dinner Sets 95, pieces SEVERAL PATTERNS TO CHOOSE ?ROM ATA SPECIAL PRICE OF $14.95 each Cole's Book Store Goderich Ont. IaOR SALE COR SALE. -PERMANENT WAVE a- machine and dryer for sale cheap. BOX 22, 4S1GNAL OFFICE, Goderich. CS4EY Ct)A011 P011 SALE AT &s Bradley's garage. Excellent condi- tion. Two new tires, battery and top. Newly painted. 450 each. LOW' OR FOUND EED HARLEY POR $ALE.-O.A.C. )r,OUND.-AUTO RUG. OWNER MAY 60 21, grown from registered seed. A ■■ have same en proving property and good trample. FRANK L. YOUNG, Paying for this ad. Atrpty at BIG- R.R. 5, Goderich. Telephone Carlow NAL OFFICE. 208. PUBLIC NOTICE LAWN MOWERS POWER GROUND and repaired. Recoodltloned mow- ers and bicycles for Nle or exchange. General repairs. A. GUHR., 107 Que- bec street. aAKD of THANIan -- CARD OF THANKS HT. EDWVARDS AND Y188 MABEL AL EI)WARDS wish to. tender their grateful thanks for the many kindness- es eztended.during the )mess of their beloved wife end mother and kiss fur expressions of sympathy assistance in the time of AUerIONKEA Telepbooe No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give wastes-ties.Farmers' sale notes discounted. CaEED BARLEY FOR SALB.--o.A-C. No. 21, grown from the competition tlrst-pregis- tered crop of 1935 and from re tered seed. W. L. YOUNG, R.R. 6, Goderich. CHAMITss1D ACCOUNTANTS 1RiFNTMITIC ___�' Chartered Accountant - /3e Ontario street, Stratford, Ontario (Member Firatbrook, Mcleod & Mon- teith, Toronto, Ontarla) AUCTIONEEZINO and kind TH theirbe• 1 LIVE STOCK AND GBINCRAL OMAS GUNDRY, OODIRICH, JOHN REDMOND AN'D FAM- rLY, Mita. 7. 3. BELL, 3(788 GRACE REDMOND AND Yin. R. R. REDMOND, wish to express their gratitude to their neighbors and friends, also the Women's Institutes of Auburn and St. Attgnstlne, for ' the many acts of ktndneas received during the Illness of Mae: Redmond. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTilll TO CRKDITOBS. Notice is hereby given to all persons haring claims against the Estate of William Hill, late of the Torn of Goderich, In the Oternty of Sarco, gentleman, deceased, to send thi>Rae duly verified to tete uuderetgned on or before the 23rd day of May, 1936, after , o., et•-et•.which date the I•)xe•utorr will proceed Grain hall last night to are the play 'The to distribute the said estate among the males of Andrew," presented by the Wheat, per bus., 63e -70c; bock- males hrlsh Dramatic Club under the di- pen)ons entitled thereto, baying regard wheat, per buL, oete, flet only to the cIiimm of which they titers ' :' neake' of Ed. Sennett. All eu ilei boa., 2--30e; 5erlel, lams.. 33t-- It very -Much. The play was int of rha(t•have had notice, and that they '• •mystery 1941 laughter and the .a,3lrng will not be liable for the proceeds of Vel ~' wag eiPlptfonsIty good. the estate eo distributed to any perann Potatoes. per bay, 51.25; • turnips, A large. number from this neinhbpr-• of whose claim notice shall not by tben Lint tea.. 25c -30c._ '•baud en}uyel the-'J(tlllsfe' prKort�tefloe have been' received. • Fleur sad -yet which was put onin the .l}ed1tr141,. F. $.,ARROW, Goderlch, Ontario, Bran, 100-18. hag,-=l.ld-41.15; Opera House Wedaesdae: ttttd '!'hors •Boflcltor for the Executors. day nights of last trivet, aborts, 100.1b. bag, $1.23-4120; Mani- toba flour, 100-1b. bag, $2.85-$3.25. To tine good is east. I'Inutune. , Press ou,-but remember that .the swifter and deeper you advance, the -more important l xome .pour linea of comniunbatlon.-R. Pyke. -- The (net that our joys rarely COMP Cry to anticipations Is more than e•earnte rbalaoce1 by the fact that our _ troubles are never as bad as we autleipate. CHANCES i ''How about asking PoOk to ' euro' neat time ounce their arrival were pre- ls ken party?"Centel wltb a one Holler hill for their With the wife he's gotf Seri He savings atrount. They were Joseph hat as much Chanes of going a alae Arnold, tittle son of Mt. and Mrs. T. as one of the Siamese twins." • .1. ihennan, and the tifhnt denghter of Mr. and Mrs. Bain McDonald. Goal dmay many doI- A larges number t'. friths!' eon% partied the Joy family from- Detroit for the funeral of the late IRon Joy, which took place here last Wedneteley. Rev. Father Dalton of \Tindsor gave a tine talk to the large assembly atter the solemn mass. Mr. Norman t r'('onnor and 'his par- ents last Sunday visited Mr. P. M. O'Reilly, who Is critically 111 at his home -le •Eden Greve. Some members from-tter, errerrdrd' the meeting of the Kintall Women's Institute which was held at the home of Mrs. 11111 McDonald last Friday evening. The babies whose mothers itmtte met fns the attended the Inst to any person of whose claim notice *hall not by then have been received. F. R. DARROW, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. • CNOTICE TO CREDITOR° Notice la tlerebry given to ■11 per- Barrister. EM. sons having claims against the es.Ot6ee-4'ourt HOtttfe, Ooderfch. tate of Jame-lieLarty, late of the Telephone 53. ' 'd= - township of Colborne, In the county of 'Huron, widow, deceased, to send the DOUGLAS 1I)SNAiRN. an ss duly verified to the undersigned Barrister and Solicitor on or before the 14th clay of May, 1936, Ogee B*i llten Streel. Goderleb after - which date the executor will 1 Telephone 512.,, .Proe.ed to-distrlbwte..the -saki_ estate among the persons entitled tbereto,s having regard only to the claimof 'which he then shall have had notice, and that he will not he liable for the proeeeds of the estate so distributed VETERINARY SURGEON DR. G. E. MYERS, V.S.. VETERINARY SURGMON Graduate of the University of To- - -- rooto and Ontario Veterinary Odlegs. Once at T. T. Mmrphy'a, Hamilton street. Phones: Day 206; residence 249W. MEDICAL �t 1.7.1. FORSTER. MYE, EAB, mtiO -JR. THROAT. Iate Amuse Surgeon New Perk Ophthalmk sad Aural Hospital, as - ye tloapiMl and Golden 8gte.re Throat Hosp;tal. London, Eng. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 58 Waterloo Street S., Stretford.o Telepbue 287. Next visit -Wednesday, May 30, ,, �-• from 7 p.m. to 1 m. on Tburnlay. May 21, at Isedtbtd jiotel. i• LEGAL —_-- DUKY 1. II DLOLIi1B,�' SPREADLNG THE GOSPEL The Gideon, report that ft takes about 25,000 Bibles annually to replace Ones. stolen from hotel rooms. On which side of the ledger does the re- cording angel enter the act of stealing a Bible? KITCHEN FRFEDOM Kellogg's Corn Flakes open the door to leisure -save hours for dings you like to do. Every- body loves their crisp, delicious flavor, and they're readyto serve. No cooking. Get el- Iogg's today at your grocer's —oven -fresh. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. NotANI takes dee place e1 feehh#1 comma= luck to the babies, an larahe thrown at them In their journey r,OR RENT. -HOUSE ON TRAFAI. through life. I GAR street between North and Vie- torta. Hardwood floors, garage and 1 garden. Apply M. W. HOWELL. FOR SALE OR RENT THEE SILVER WEDDING Mir. and Mrs, W..1. Reddest Married at Leaden. England, in 1911 Mr. anted Mrs, W. J. Ituddo•k, es- teemetT residents of Goderich, on April 18th celebrated the twenty-fifth snot- ettlrodding. They were married in 1911 at Lembo', England, and Came to Canada n year Jater. They Came over In the stenmer Teu- tonic, sinter ship of the 111 fated Ti- tanic. two weeks after the tragic inking of the latter ship. The Tsu- tonle stopped in grid -Atlantic at the point at which the Titanic had monk, and the Crew strewed' flowers over the water%. Mr. nod Mrs. Ruddock lived at ['ort Albert for six years; then %lien war tttokc out Mr. Ruddock enlisted and spent two and a -half years in over.eas service. On his return they made their home in God- erich, where they have sinew lived. They have a.Tamlly of three daugh- ters and twd sons: Mrs. George Ilowra,. Cameron street; Mrs. ^Dona. more Willis, South street; Yrs. Robert Barre., of Toronto; William Ruddock, Ilincka atreet, and James Reddock, at Loyal. All ekcept Mrs. Barrie were lxmrent al the *flyer wedding cele- bration, wwhieh was a quirt *rale. but w.11h tkt. Ague' accontpaaltaaata of wedding cake, messages of eongratnta- tlon, good wishes and gifts from Mee- tly and Bleeds. TO RENT.-MACFARLAND FARM on Bayfield road. Immediate Poe - session. For further particulara ap- ply to HAYS & HAYS, Barrister& see.. Goderich, Ont. , u)Clin FOR SALE. --TWO-STORY brick hone. on Nelson street. light rooms and bathroom. Good location., Would exehange for hung*low or cot- tage. Apply at RIONAL OFFiCPi. PASTURE FARM TO RENT NEAR Renmlller, or will sell on easy terms. Apply to MRS. RUTH THOMPSON, 13368 Chelsea street, Detroit, Mich., or to HARVEY 118111414, R.R. 6, Goderich, Ontario, Canada. R RALE. -THRIVING BUSiNESS. ■f operating four pool tables, two snooker tables, two bowling alleys, In Western Ontario town. Gond reason Mr selling. First-class location. Ap- ply to THt ATONAL, Godcrich. FOR t4At.E.-BWWNGAf.OW ON Resys street. Red brick, good rne- ddtlon, recon rooms 'minding three- ploee bathroom. Hardwood floors throughout. modern lighting. storm windows all ronnd. Easily heated hy fumes. "'Tnnhle-garege: - Vries lot with yeeng halt or'c'hard. earrinee for quick sols. Apply 47 Remy' street SEsT M. L, - Barrlster and Solicitor Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Vic- toria Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Bigio 5301. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER rHIHOPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THRRAPIST Goderich, Phone 341 Equipped with electromagnetic bathe. Electronic eleetric treatmeatw and chiropractic. Chronic, organic, and nervous diseases. Lady in at- tendance. Ofllce tours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Friday and Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. only, or consultation may be bad by appointment. Monday and looney at Mitchell. A. N. A KiNSON t Residenee and office -Corner of BOOM street and Britannia road. • INSURANCE, LOANS. tiTC. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO. -Farm and Isolated town property insured. Officers --Alex. Broadfoot, Prealdest, Seaforth; John E. Pepper, Vice-Prssh dent. Brueefleld ; M. A. Reid, Secre- tary -Treasurer,' $e'atorth. i)reetors-Ales. Broadfoot, Sea - forth ; James Sho101ce, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londe*hore; George Leonhardt, Dublin; John E. Pepper. Broorfield : James Connolly, Goderich; Thomas Moylan, Seaferth ; W. R. Archibald. 8eaforth; Ales. MrEwing, Blyth. Agents -W. J. Yeo, R.R. 3, Cllnten; James Watt, Myth; John E. Pepper, R it. 1, Rruecfleld ; R. F. McKereber, R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kia- cardlne; R. G. Jarmuth, R.R. 1, Born- hol m. Pelk7-hoWlrs ran make all payment and tpf heir cards recelpted-et "the aayal(D61. 811t1k, f tuft sleet, Oriderleit. or Ordesry, K1aR� 3. H. Reed's Qeneral Store, BaMield. Meat Specials `_ Shoulder Roast Beef J0e Lean Pot Roast Beef ........11. Claire Rib Boil Beef tie Brirdte( lotus( Beef re ' Sirloin Steak 2 lbs. for 350 "Home Maid" Head Cheese...., 2 lbs. for 25e Stewing Mutton tie Roulet Mutton (lean) lee lag or Lk Mutton I2iie Sanitary Meat Market -THOS. LEGO-.-- .. Phone 485 Hamilton N. 'TBAB S16fNAL GQDERIOH, ONL. BRIEFS AFTER THE PLAY CHURCH NOTES GUIDES ORGANIZE The regular uontbly muting of the (Rurchwoman'. Guild of Bt. George's church will be'held In the Guild room on May 5, at 3 o'clock. 0 Rev. H. 1). Cameron of Strathroy was elected moderator of the Presby- terian Synod of Hamilton and London, meetlug at Niagara Falb the; week. Ile suceecda Rev. Austin L. Budge, M A , of ltagersvllle. LEEBURN LIDEIBURN,. April 29. -The. sacra- Lord's Supper will be ob- ( ser• n ul'n e�laren rt0 flay- ir'li;. In eonusetlon with the morning rer- vice. Ou May 10th Mother's 1)a7 will be Unnerved. The Youttg People's Sodety are in- viting the two other societies -la the tlrcult for Friday evening. May 8th. They are holding their mertingg this Friday eveutng and will be pleased to have a good attendaute. Mr. George Stewart, from Rochester, New York, and hi. ,.I>h'r. Mrs. A. Chestnut. from Luckuosv, also Lura K. McKeusie..aud Miss A McPherson were In our bore for a few hours on Sunday afternoon with the former's niece; Mer. -4i.- Clutton. \Cho • leli,•ved will never wholly doubt-Alfred Anatln. iSEALED :IN STEEL —011—sestet in. Refrigerant 's why the tically- w tea trimtrembled see service nMebtid TAiBTf & CORNISH Goderich Ont. over -Sixty (ibis to Take Teets-- ' Eight Patrols !C'a'ned On Tuesday afternoon more than sixty girls between tbs ager of eleven and sixteen years sissified their lnteen- titu of taking Girl Guble tests when they "signed up" at a tueetlag at the public Ubrary. The group was divided in two cone pander, and each company war sub- divided in four patrols. It is be- lieved still more girls will be desirous of becoming l;;lr1 Guider before the ae- fuel tela are taken, and all those eligible will be wekumed. Oil Tuesday the fbllow'fng oEcers took charge: Company 1 (girls 11-13 years of age), Captain Margaret Wat- sun, Lieutenant Gertrude Wilkes; Company 11 (girls 13-16 years of age), Captala Edith Taylor, Lieutenant Helen Lane. The patrols were formed of six to eight girls and eacb patrol appointed a leader, who chose a "seared." Each patrol also chose a name. They are as follows, with patrol leaders and seconds: Company 1 Oornflowers-Mildred Leitch, Mil- dred Lewis. __-< Ret Inose -Joan Buchalitn, Betty Mellwai Ore -hl -Phyllis Stewart, Olive Bradley. Pimpernels -Pauline JohasW4, Kath- leen MacEwan. Company II ' Forget -Me -Not -Evelyn Doak. Max- ine Martin. Bonglltyrtleanor Nelson, Dorothy Medd. $earlet TYnager-Elaine Mero, Pa- tricia Caaig. Fuchsia -Jean &teeter, Elva Wor- thy. Atthougle the mummies are now or- ganized. no member is a full-tledged Girl Guide. The leaders of tbe move- ment are studying the rules and will have special classes with the patrol leaders and their seconds. When there have mastered tbe tenderfoot rules they will prepare the patrols. in the meantime Company I will meet at the library on Tuesday atter poons at 4.30 QC1osl13nd:C911apanL jl., $lila meet. 9n. at. the rams how. -- LN THE MONUMENT BUSINESS Clinton News -Record: Mr. John Grant, wbo has been stonecutter with the Bali & Zapfe people for the past four years or so, has bought out that department of the btulness and will conduct -it-Toi'bTmeeTf. Mr. Grine Is a tlrst-class stonecutter and has turned out exaeHent work during all the time be has been here. He will no doubt also have time to work up the business a little and Clinton citizens wish him continued and increased success in his venture Into the monument bustneaa In Clinton. F R V:• a., Aye o 1 t -ii'‘ oto Q.: i ACM� � - . s:a� �� A .....„. ,.0, .. _ ,.....„ :. ,� .YLMER.. i✓ e / � ¶'C? r. ! ® P'OOD S • .0 T '-- ' DO a „7,17 }f�. f air roil to• or These. values 'are effective for April 30th, \fay est pnd 2nd . i rritf', Jelly Powder Aylme, Fancy Cured LUSHUS 3 ears _d As<orted Flavors Aylmer Fancy Jumbo PEAS Pineapple 2 T ,r 31c Aylmer l honer Cherries PiE 2 Tinsr- 23< Aylas.0 (h. ace own...... _. ra ortritil nns ..,Mt rant.. a < •••••••. Classic Tin V Cleanser CRAX 8 -oz 12% -oz < Pkq. �e Butter 14 -oz. 2 No. 2 2'alle .' Peaches PIE Tint _14 -Pier. ••�st • Aylmer Soups VEGETARLE 3 TO , 2S< • • Aylmer Tomatoes 221< WLSTON'S ven F,esh GINGER SNAPS ro 1 O` ROWNTREE'S Cooking Chocolate Slab 17`. f'rfection %-I! Tin Cocoa 15< A •Imes Choice COrit White Aylmer Choice Peas No. 4 Sieve Aylmer I.r,ry �L'hole Corn Kernel - 2Tns221< 2t.221( er10< Tin Aylmer Catsup 2 iz-na, 25 Rots, Aylmer l' or Tins Chili Sauce - 7< Aylmer Infant Food 219"119< SOUPS AYLMER ASSORTED Celery, Chicken with Rice, 104'25 e Asparagus..Clafn Chowder. T ' Tins Pea. Oxtail. , • CHASE & SANBORN "Seal Brand" Coffee Ib. 35C SURPRISE SOAP War 46. I1111k `napa� Chips 2 Ihs.15( • Aylmer Wax Beans 2 T° ;1,223( • • Aylmer Peaches (h°ire 2 i'cn:33( Ha,•ft • EXTRA SPECIAL Mayfield Creamery Butter 23c Ib. Macaroni Et Cheese Loaf SPF(:IAI WEINERSib Ib 2O< 16( 4QMiNioN Walnut Pieces Ib. MEATS 2stt Diced 2 -lb Pkg SUGAR 19e GRAPE NUTS 2 Pkgs. 3st DOMINO 3-02.. Tin RAKING POWDER Baptist Ladies' AM bake sale in 8turdy's atom, Saturday, at 2.30 p.m. The Nurser Alumnae will meet on Friday. May 1, at 3 o'clock, at the hospital. Catholic Women's League will hold a sale of home -baking en Retard, y, May 2nd, In Basch er's store. Cobbler potatoes for planting at $1.10 per bag. Improved Dunlop and (filen Mary strawberry planta, 140 for 51, 500 lob for 33. .HUOILL'S POTA- TO AN'D BERRY FARM, phone 616r34, Clinton. The regular monthly meeting of the -Central Home esel oebwi bub will be held at Ceetral school on Tuesday, may 5, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Jeffrey Brown, of London, will be the guest speaker, ber topic being "Child I'syebo- bgy" Group 1 of Central Home and School (Arab are holding a tea at the home of Mn. W. F. Saunders, Cambria road, on May 8. Tea served from 3.30 to e o'clock. The proceeds will be used for musical instruction and welfare work 1n the school. The annual meeting of tbe Women's Inatltute will be held in MacKay Hall on Thursday. May 7, at 3 o'clock - There will be the election of officers, and roll call to be answered by pay- ment of fess. Tbe hostesses are Yrs. Geo. Mathleson, Mrs. D. Mellwein, Mrs. R. Good, Mrs. W. Lawrence, Mrs. J. Howrle and Mrs. 8. MaoPhali. 'THE SWEETEST MAN" The Signal abaft again extends a vote of thank., to David McAllister of West Wawanosh. Dare and his sister, Miss J. L McAllieter, were In town on Fri- day btu and letve brought a treat of home-made maple sugar, of the AI 3,1e.Vilater brand. for everybody In the other. It 1111e appreciated. and will ue,( he forgotten -until Just about this time next .year. DOCKET SHORTENED Two ('aces Settled and One Adjourned at Court Sitting Three of five cases called by Mr.l Justice J. A. McEvoy at the Supreme Court session on Tuesday and Wed- gsoday tete week -have-been dieter- sed eft-wltboat at battle. Charles A. Lockhart, of Clinton, ob- tained a divorce decree nisi from his wife, Emma Susan Phillips Lockhart, of Toronto, who offered no defence. Custody of a twelve -year-old daughter was given to Mr. Lockhart. Two cases were settled out of court and one was adjourned until the next I 11101111101i et the 911111111.---- i Is---.-----.- The principals 1i an settee. David- son v. McLeod et ala, were given an opportunity to arrimeet an am4eabie settlement out of court. If a settle- ment 1s found impossible the case will be proceeded with today (Thursday), along with two eemaintng eases on the docket: Dawson v. Diwson and Fol_ ter v. Underwood. OODERICH MARKET PRICES Hens, 5 lbs., 13c; bees. 4-5 lbs., 11c; bens coder 4 lbs., lOc. - rugs sad Ratifier Eggs, per dozen, 12e -16e; butter, dairy, Ib., 20c; butter, creamery, lb., 24c. Cast sf "Joules" Entertaleed and Congratulated upn Perfertoanses After the closing performance of the "Jollies of 1936" uu Thursday night Let, welch, like the opening per- formance on Wednesday ulgbt, had a large audience, the cad, with a few friends and a number of the St. Marys cast of the show, who were here for ties presentation, enjoyed a luncheon and dance at the Masonle hall. Lion C. K. Saunders in a brief ad- dress congratulated the cast and called on a member of the 8t. Marys group to speak. air. Edgar Bell, of the Rt. Marys Athletic Society, which sponsored the "Jollied" at that town, responded, con- gratulating the Goderich cast on their eplendtd pigmentation under dimeultles. Miss Martina Hussey, "t.)ussn It the Jollies," also spoke briefly, t alining those who assisted her to obtalte"that honor. Mrs. W. F. Saunders was called upon, and after her few words of commendation for the cast the floor was cleared for dancing. Lions C. K. Saunders, W. F. Saun- ders, H. 8. ()tiff and Nelson H111 kind- ly supervised the luncheon dance. ACQUITTED AT SARVIA Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin, who were arrested at Blyth on Friday hy County Constable Ferguson and Chief Cowan, on Information f Sarnia, were ac- quitted at that elty when charged with the theft of bedding from a Sarnia boarding home.. • The couple satisfied the eamrt the bedding belonged to themselves. MAY CONTINL'E PAVING The hopes of residents of that part of the county that the paving of No. 4 highway will he continued from Blyth towards Wtngbam this year, have been strengthened by the pres- ence of surveyors on the road near Blyth. The surveyors have been working for some time now. - The road ha. been paved from Clinton to within a mile of Blyth, and there is a stretch of about twelve miles to Wing - Lam. CREWE CREWE. April 28. -Mr. and --MIs, Cbanbers, of Woodstoek, and-- Mt. and Mrs. Gray, of Goderich, melted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Met - thew Sbackleton. - - Miss Anna Mae Treieieen, of Luck - now, spent the week -end at her home here. Miss Oraee Cempbe 1. -et Lanes, visited over AA_ Week -mid with her mend, rectt1w .te------ Mr. M. Shackleton Is attending the Presbytery meeting in Clinton today. A nus" ---ii of the W.M.S. ladles accom- panied him to attend their Presbyter- ial meeting, which is also being beid in the same town. "Tbe Challenge of the Oross," which was presented on ilunday afternoon last by a number of the young ladles of Dungannon under the leadership_ of Yrs. (Rev.) Turner, wan very apprectated by all who bad the prl.I- lege of listening to R. Mr. and Mrs. Herble Begley, of Ham- ilton, amIlton, visited over Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Men- ary, and other friends. KINGSBRIDGE Live SMek Bacon hogs, cwt., 58; beef, lb., KlNCSBltll)t;F.. April 29th --There wan a large attendance in Kingsbridge 4lee- -,s•; veal, lb., 6c -7e; lamb, IMMINENT= EY CLINTON TALrRHT On Mooday evening a large audience new a eplendld presentation of the humorous play, "The Old Peabody Pew," In the schoolroom of North street United church. The play was presented by the Clinton Dramatic Club, under the auspices of group 1 of the W. A. of North street church, Rev. W. P. Jane was chairman and Introducta tjy. play, whish was well received. Vocal solos by Mrs. W. A. Oakes and Mrs. P. [learn, accomeanied by Mrs. M. J. Agnew, all of Clinton, pleas- antly occupied the lnterm1wioos. At the conelu.ton of the play the members of the east and thele friends from Clinton were entertained by members of the W. A. at luncheon. BORN WOOD. -At Woman's hospital, De- troit, on April 13th, to Mr. and Mrs, Earl J. Wood (nee Madeline McKa7), a daughter, Carolyn Jean. DIED SWITZER.-At Guelph, Ont., on Fri- day, April 24, Mary Ann Taylor, widow of the late Benjamin Switzer of Goderich, aged 91 yearn. KUNTZ.-At Toronto, on Tuesday Apell 28th, Retts Kuntz, daughter of Mrs. Theresa Kuntz, of Toronto, and the late Frank Runts, aged 17 years. MORTON.--Spddenly, at • Mlmteo, as result of strident, Sunday, April 26, Horace, dearly beloved son of Philip H. Horton and Eva M. Acheron, 8 Ellie Park road, Swansea, aged 25 ,years. Dinner Sets 95, pieces SEVERAL PATTERNS TO CHOOSE ?ROM ATA SPECIAL PRICE OF $14.95 each Cole's Book Store Goderich Ont. IaOR SALE COR SALE. -PERMANENT WAVE a- machine and dryer for sale cheap. BOX 22, 4S1GNAL OFFICE, Goderich. CS4EY Ct)A011 P011 SALE AT &s Bradley's garage. Excellent condi- tion. Two new tires, battery and top. Newly painted. 450 each. LOW' OR FOUND EED HARLEY POR $ALE.-O.A.C. )r,OUND.-AUTO RUG. OWNER MAY 60 21, grown from registered seed. A ■■ have same en proving property and good trample. FRANK L. YOUNG, Paying for this ad. Atrpty at BIG- R.R. 5, Goderich. Telephone Carlow NAL OFFICE. 208. PUBLIC NOTICE LAWN MOWERS POWER GROUND and repaired. Recoodltloned mow- ers and bicycles for Nle or exchange. General repairs. A. GUHR., 107 Que- bec street. aAKD of THANIan -- CARD OF THANKS HT. EDWVARDS AND Y188 MABEL AL EI)WARDS wish to. tender their grateful thanks for the many kindness- es eztended.during the )mess of their beloved wife end mother and kiss fur expressions of sympathy assistance in the time of AUerIONKEA Telepbooe No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give wastes-ties.Farmers' sale notes discounted. CaEED BARLEY FOR SALB.--o.A-C. No. 21, grown from the competition tlrst-pregis- tered crop of 1935 and from re tered seed. W. L. YOUNG, R.R. 6, Goderich. CHAMITss1D ACCOUNTANTS 1RiFNTMITIC ___�' Chartered Accountant - /3e Ontario street, Stratford, Ontario (Member Firatbrook, Mcleod & Mon- teith, Toronto, Ontarla) AUCTIONEEZINO and kind TH theirbe• 1 LIVE STOCK AND GBINCRAL OMAS GUNDRY, OODIRICH, JOHN REDMOND AN'D FAM- rLY, Mita. 7. 3. BELL, 3(788 GRACE REDMOND AND Yin. R. R. REDMOND, wish to express their gratitude to their neighbors and friends, also the Women's Institutes of Auburn and St. Attgnstlne, for ' the many acts of ktndneas received during the Illness of Mae: Redmond. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTilll TO CRKDITOBS. Notice is hereby given to all persons haring claims against the Estate of William Hill, late of the Torn of Goderich, In the Oternty of Sarco, gentleman, deceased, to send thi>Rae duly verified to tete uuderetgned on or before the 23rd day of May, 1936, after , o., et•-et•.which date the I•)xe•utorr will proceed Grain hall last night to are the play 'The to distribute the said estate among the males of Andrew," presented by the Wheat, per bus., 63e -70c; bock- males hrlsh Dramatic Club under the di- pen)ons entitled thereto, baying regard wheat, per buL, oete, flet only to the cIiimm of which they titers ' :' neake' of Ed. Sennett. All eu ilei boa., 2--30e; 5erlel, lams.. 33t-- It very -Much. The play was int of rha(t•have had notice, and that they '• •mystery 1941 laughter and the .a,3lrng will not be liable for the proceeds of Vel ~' wag eiPlptfonsIty good. the estate eo distributed to any perann Potatoes. per bay, 51.25; • turnips, A large. number from this neinhbpr-• of whose claim notice shall not by tben Lint tea.. 25c -30c._ '•baud en}uyel the-'J(tlllsfe' prKort�tefloe have been' received. • Fleur sad -yet which was put onin the .l}ed1tr141,. F. $.,ARROW, Goderlch, Ontario, Bran, 100-18. hag,-=l.ld-41.15; Opera House Wedaesdae: ttttd '!'hors •Boflcltor for the Executors. day nights of last trivet, aborts, 100.1b. bag, $1.23-4120; Mani- toba flour, 100-1b. bag, $2.85-$3.25. To tine good is east. I'Inutune. , Press ou,-but remember that .the swifter and deeper you advance, the -more important l xome .pour linea of comniunbatlon.-R. Pyke. -- The (net that our joys rarely COMP Cry to anticipations Is more than e•earnte rbalaoce1 by the fact that our _ troubles are never as bad as we autleipate. CHANCES i ''How about asking PoOk to ' euro' neat time ounce their arrival were pre- ls ken party?"Centel wltb a one Holler hill for their With the wife he's gotf Seri He savings atrount. They were Joseph hat as much Chanes of going a alae Arnold, tittle son of Mt. and Mrs. T. as one of the Siamese twins." • .1. ihennan, and the tifhnt denghter of Mr. and Mrs. Bain McDonald. Goal dmay many doI- A larges number t'. friths!' eon% partied the Joy family from- Detroit for the funeral of the late IRon Joy, which took place here last Wedneteley. Rev. Father Dalton of \Tindsor gave a tine talk to the large assembly atter the solemn mass. Mr. Norman t r'('onnor and 'his par- ents last Sunday visited Mr. P. M. O'Reilly, who Is critically 111 at his home -le •Eden Greve. Some members from-tter, errerrdrd' the meeting of the Kintall Women's Institute which was held at the home of Mrs. 11111 McDonald last Friday evening. The babies whose mothers itmtte met fns the attended the Inst to any person of whose claim notice *hall not by then have been received. F. R. DARROW, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. • CNOTICE TO CREDITOR° Notice la tlerebry given to ■11 per- Barrister. EM. sons having claims against the es.Ot6ee-4'ourt HOtttfe, Ooderfch. tate of Jame-lieLarty, late of the Telephone 53. ' 'd= - township of Colborne, In the county of 'Huron, widow, deceased, to send the DOUGLAS 1I)SNAiRN. an ss duly verified to the undersigned Barrister and Solicitor on or before the 14th clay of May, 1936, Ogee B*i llten Streel. Goderleb after - which date the executor will 1 Telephone 512.,, .Proe.ed to-distrlbwte..the -saki_ estate among the persons entitled tbereto,s having regard only to the claimof 'which he then shall have had notice, and that he will not he liable for the proeeeds of the estate so distributed VETERINARY SURGEON DR. G. E. MYERS, V.S.. VETERINARY SURGMON Graduate of the University of To- - -- rooto and Ontario Veterinary Odlegs. Once at T. T. Mmrphy'a, Hamilton street. Phones: Day 206; residence 249W. MEDICAL �t 1.7.1. FORSTER. MYE, EAB, mtiO -JR. THROAT. Iate Amuse Surgeon New Perk Ophthalmk sad Aural Hospital, as - ye tloapiMl and Golden 8gte.re Throat Hosp;tal. London, Eng. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 58 Waterloo Street S., Stretford.o Telepbue 287. Next visit -Wednesday, May 30, ,, �-• from 7 p.m. to 1 m. on Tburnlay. May 21, at Isedtbtd jiotel. i• LEGAL —_-- DUKY 1. II DLOLIi1B,�' SPREADLNG THE GOSPEL The Gideon, report that ft takes about 25,000 Bibles annually to replace Ones. stolen from hotel rooms. On which side of the ledger does the re- cording angel enter the act of stealing a Bible? KITCHEN FRFEDOM Kellogg's Corn Flakes open the door to leisure -save hours for dings you like to do. Every- body loves their crisp, delicious flavor, and they're readyto serve. No cooking. Get el- Iogg's today at your grocer's —oven -fresh. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. NotANI takes dee place e1 feehh#1 comma= luck to the babies, an larahe thrown at them In their journey r,OR RENT. -HOUSE ON TRAFAI. through life. I GAR street between North and Vie- torta. Hardwood floors, garage and 1 garden. Apply M. W. HOWELL. FOR SALE OR RENT THEE SILVER WEDDING Mir. and Mrs, W..1. Reddest Married at Leaden. England, in 1911 Mr. anted Mrs, W. J. Ituddo•k, es- teemetT residents of Goderich, on April 18th celebrated the twenty-fifth snot- ettlrodding. They were married in 1911 at Lembo', England, and Came to Canada n year Jater. They Came over In the stenmer Teu- tonic, sinter ship of the 111 fated Ti- tanic. two weeks after the tragic inking of the latter ship. The Tsu- tonle stopped in grid -Atlantic at the point at which the Titanic had monk, and the Crew strewed' flowers over the water%. Mr. nod Mrs. Ruddock lived at ['ort Albert for six years; then %lien war tttokc out Mr. Ruddock enlisted and spent two and a -half years in over.eas service. On his return they made their home in God- erich, where they have sinew lived. They have a.Tamlly of three daugh- ters and twd sons: Mrs. George Ilowra,. Cameron street; Mrs. ^Dona. more Willis, South street; Yrs. Robert Barre., of Toronto; William Ruddock, Ilincka atreet, and James Reddock, at Loyal. All ekcept Mrs. Barrie were lxmrent al the *flyer wedding cele- bration, wwhieh was a quirt *rale. but w.11h tkt. Ague' accontpaaltaaata of wedding cake, messages of eongratnta- tlon, good wishes and gifts from Mee- tly and Bleeds. TO RENT.-MACFARLAND FARM on Bayfield road. Immediate Poe - session. For further particulara ap- ply to HAYS & HAYS, Barrister& see.. Goderich, Ont. , u)Clin FOR SALE. --TWO-STORY brick hone. on Nelson street. light rooms and bathroom. Good location., Would exehange for hung*low or cot- tage. Apply at RIONAL OFFiCPi. PASTURE FARM TO RENT NEAR Renmlller, or will sell on easy terms. Apply to MRS. RUTH THOMPSON, 13368 Chelsea street, Detroit, Mich., or to HARVEY 118111414, R.R. 6, Goderich, Ontario, Canada. R RALE. -THRIVING BUSiNESS. ■f operating four pool tables, two snooker tables, two bowling alleys, In Western Ontario town. Gond reason Mr selling. First-class location. Ap- ply to THt ATONAL, Godcrich. FOR t4At.E.-BWWNGAf.OW ON Resys street. Red brick, good rne- ddtlon, recon rooms 'minding three- ploee bathroom. Hardwood floors throughout. modern lighting. storm windows all ronnd. Easily heated hy fumes. "'Tnnhle-garege: - Vries lot with yeeng halt or'c'hard. earrinee for quick sols. Apply 47 Remy' street SEsT M. L, - Barrlster and Solicitor Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Vic- toria Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Bigio 5301. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER rHIHOPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THRRAPIST Goderich, Phone 341 Equipped with electromagnetic bathe. Electronic eleetric treatmeatw and chiropractic. Chronic, organic, and nervous diseases. Lady in at- tendance. Ofllce tours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Friday and Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. only, or consultation may be bad by appointment. Monday and looney at Mitchell. A. N. A KiNSON t Residenee and office -Corner of BOOM street and Britannia road. • INSURANCE, LOANS. tiTC. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO. -Farm and Isolated town property insured. Officers --Alex. Broadfoot, Prealdest, Seaforth; John E. Pepper, Vice-Prssh dent. Brueefleld ; M. A. Reid, Secre- tary -Treasurer,' $e'atorth. i)reetors-Ales. Broadfoot, Sea - forth ; James Sho101ce, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londe*hore; George Leonhardt, Dublin; John E. Pepper. Broorfield : James Connolly, Goderich; Thomas Moylan, Seaferth ; W. R. Archibald. 8eaforth; Ales. MrEwing, Blyth. Agents -W. J. Yeo, R.R. 3, Cllnten; James Watt, Myth; John E. Pepper, R it. 1, Rruecfleld ; R. F. McKereber, R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kia- cardlne; R. G. Jarmuth, R.R. 1, Born- hol m. Pelk7-hoWlrs ran make all payment and tpf heir cards recelpted-et "the aayal(D61. 811t1k, f tuft sleet, Oriderleit. or Ordesry, K1aR� 3. H. Reed's Qeneral Store, BaMield.