The Signal, 1936-4-30, Page 5THE SIGNAL •GODERICH, ONT. Dollar Days at Campbell's Drug Store! VINOWA l'AKTILE Clearance Eight of Linri'- F.11'E POWDEKl4, half -prier FKEE'LONE 33e, for 21tc TOOTH PAKTEN25e, for 19e BABY'S OWN TABLETS t5e, fur 22r /:I.1NT IUU SCHEN SALTS 69c DAGGETT It KAN4DELI: K l'KE.►1L� 3:w, for 29c 10 cakes for 35e (IO1Q'ACTS. %'*Jars to 60e 311e Values. 81.26. . for Rte I.t 'ENUEK SH.111N1: CREAM Reg. 25e CASTER'S PHIS 23e 1'F.PtRJ1I) T TISEPTIC . wo 49eANTbottles for 69e CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. Phone 90 22 The Square We Deliver Dance at the PAV! EVERY Saturday Night 'TWEE taxi service from West Street • -'off DANCING TILL .9.30 p.m. FIRST -('LASS RESTAURANT SERVICE 8�r rautvf aM HEADQUARTERS . -rule-- and PAINT AULCKAI1 PAL\TS are high In quality and low In price. You will dud Ural -class valuer 1p oar stock of FURNITURE and STOVES We positively save you money Fatal Midnight, Crash at Mimirco (Cuntluued from page 1) with all the younger boys of the community. lie bad been caddy mas- ter at the Lakeview gulf couree fur a number of years, and was a pruw'ineat golfer. lie was considered to be In lice sue promotion this sumluer to pru- tessioual at the course. Helped Capture Rebben - -- -• luuag Horton, suu of u former Mimi- ( co bunk manager, coed to work in a 1 bunk at New Taranto. Wille still a • youngster, reteral years ago, he was ligmagieptal in the ca a of toil_ armed bandits wheu t ey a c "' rob the New Toronto batik In which hewas then employed. An inquest will be held on Tburs- day, it was announced:"..'-" -: No trace of alcohol was found In Mno., April 27 ' any of the bodies, according to Dr. Tues., April 2e 541 4-1 tib Stewart, Miwleo, who performed an Wed., April 20 63 W-118--" 40 autopsy. "1'w quite sure the lads had - ------- out beeu drinking,' be said. ATTEND FUNERAL AT DETROIT Fur several yearn Itobeoa, Forbes The death occurred recently at De - and Radmore had supported their troll of Police •Sergeant harts, wltbee tawnier, their parenta revealed. AU wife, Margaret Mclvor, is a sister of were employed, liorton with a bank. Mrs. T. Warrener and Mrs. Banksof formerly to Mimic°, dtadmure as am- town. Sergeant Hartt was toyty-nine Blatant professional at the Lakeview years of age. Ile is eurvlved by his Golf Club, and tbe other two with e'Ity firms. The accident occurred Less than two blocks from Alexaader ave.. where Moth Forbes and Rutaon lived. They had been chum: for ten years. Urges Curve IfJlsaluatiou Elimination of what lue terms "the death-trap curve," tvbere the accident happened, will be asked of the Del pertinent of Highways by Robert Rob- son, brother of nue ut the dead men, Ike .t411d a newspaper man. • "1't•c ecru aceideut after accident 1 ANir. happen there, with nothing one to At the meeting of the Board of Inside cloy atm Clinton tea Mrs.II.Spiesl prevent their rceurreiw ," he stater. on Monday 'evening wh , report u andi ie ! MIs.. Courtney, Miss C. Pentland. Re,. 'The surface of the -road, together striking.Vn4J. avh' with a- dgwnward elope both to 'tile adopted. the staudlpit ,•,wmtttees for ' T. 1t. Turner. Mrs.--it..-A. westd the lend slake 1t its-' the year being ean•tituted a••fotluw•a• Mts. Wm. McClure and Mrs. .Arthur ant. Mrs. Manley Snell pnd pave of ighwa of hie curvy l vet,'thie fettle. Williams,F.E. A. 1 e.• L. arso • i-ittttr rtrrnghter Shirl.'... f SC-Ilelt•n.. ykr•e of highway. The curve is trey I H. C. 11'ws, A. L. l'u e. Snell'a Huls, .alfa. Its!., sharp, with two beaus towards the indu+trial -lieu. W. Schaefer, F•E. ttatcel Mrs. Tet there is no •sane:er' or -1 Rlughaw. J. W. l'raigtt.. H. Jackson. `%I re ion Tuesday. .111 o tL r, .• • et1 to tete highway to bold acar 111W C. Bays.. +Hots treeli a lit the Irlri•h .hall-:,,•, -{t* proper •pd.iUofl.. _lilt- 4tomentudt 1 Reti1J Merbant- -1 K. HIMtert. D• a,•iibtsi evening -11'111e he Anglican automatically throws It to the left, dr , SiO'Brien. u F: 4 (icreland; tiro• -Mae , iitl . (h1b of LInt-know nthe ter l.. In ♦1i it t _.11._Ho_bertanu. ntiq.t -ups Y llltt'r ITt air tjfS sAtg-.I the � _ � 17 . u ---ykyS„ P'-the•-+ttrerle<w"-'44 14 -trait; 1 L t -Ni iC ,,. nt4 a�rgt- �.- is -'i1ea�. _ working for a month at least. Meths* 1 drove -ter lipi%rtb, peint-dr oung - clared. The speedometer has not been work- ing for at least a week, said King Mc- Nlebul, of a llloor street W. service station, %V 110 saW tete speedometer ratite is still at his garage. "The speedometer showed sixty -lite miles bet -cruse the impact Jolted 1l. not because of excess spud," said Murray hong, a friend of Horton, who also Insisted that the tustrumeu1 was, out of cumuli.,iou. THE WEATHER Official temperatures of the test week and of the eorresponding week of last year were as follows: 18 .1:3 . 35 ?hurts, April 23 3S 26 55 Frt.. April 24 47 34 td Sat., April 25 57 33 55 Bob.,' April 26 -46 35 72 88 ' 62 ;14 87 52 Thursday, April 90th, 1988--5 DUNGANNON I't' • resulted in the appointing of eons - sutures to look tutu the matter. The tbnS.Jraa closed -with "God `save the •D(iy A�t!V ,•7aprht 29. -Mrs. IT. Kind ' Hall, Mrs. tk•baefer and little suu and Mr. Chas. Whitely, of (ioderlch, weft visitors with Mlrs L. Dreauey ou Fri- day. Mr. aud Mrs. Sans Swan and family were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mr.. Lloyd 'Stein have moved from the Swan, St. Helens, ou Sunday. Smith property. which George Brook, Mr. Ronald .Pentland assisted with purchased' anti at peeta'u( they aro the dully (mail oue_tlai• last_ week, bud with Mr. and airs. Andrew Stein, how? Mr. Great MaeDi•rmid motored to Mrs. Robs. Wilson. with her sou Rob- ert, Jr., and duutfhter Mildred, of Gdd- 1 h visited air 11 Sproule un liuu• PARAMOUNT PA'RAMOi'NT, April 2S. --Mr. and Landon last week with Mr. and Mrs. .flex. Macl)larmld and Mrs.. George er c v : .. Stxsckham from Detroit. Mrs. Alex. day. MacDlarmld remained In Victoria hoe - We are sorry to know that Mr. Mar- pltal fur treatment for a diabetic 'on- riu Durnln, near Crewe. has been bay- dittos. Ing very poor health lately. We hope There was a good crowd at the dance 30 Mr. and Mrs. Jock Foster, !tlas night. 40 Myrtle nud Mrs. John Sirens, of Was Phyllie MLtel)ouaId, R.N., from 38 Sheppardtun, visited Mr. and Mrs. 011- Woodstock, spent a few days with her 42 the Rretidw•y et •Goder .!USED CARS IF YOU WANT A REAL. GOOD 1.. -EI) CAR, WITH • SPECIAL Gl'APANTEE; SEE I S. --yt;,},-ot-44 CARS ARE IN F11t4T4'L•1SS t'e,Nl)ITIII\ -A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS- IY.:J I hrtrole•t Settles with trunk. only 7,809'dire 19:::, Terrapl:utc Sedan. only 6,I16e miles. 19:15 Tcrrtplartr Medan with "Electric Rand." tak 8 GQDERICHAMI P � J. E. Yason,. YgT. Goderich • SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL ENTIRE STOOK IS DISPOSED OF EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE ON SALE AT GREAT MONEY -SAVING PRICES (ET IN ON THIS SALE AT W. Heroin's Shoe Store Goderich ver Smith on Sunday. Mr. Harold Congrate, who was Otte 111 with an attack of meusbw, Is re. covering Uicely. Milia Wlwlltnvt Mc - ('lure was the nurse In attendances fur u few days. Mr. Colin Pentland, of Grlwsloy. visited his mother, Mrs. David lilrvlu. for a few days the first part of the week. - Miss Rebeeca Thompson Is quite 1st -it fitter -home on the 6(1. couecreduu West Wawauosh. Miss Alum Frc,. patents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mat-- Donald. ar Donald. We regret to uy that Mrs. Frank MalCharles has been a patient in 1Ciugham hoipltal for the pest week. site, three daughters and one son. R'+;, is the, nurse attending. Mrs. Banks, Mrs. M. Sutcliffe and Mr. ifeni Rotel. Armstrong. who 'broke Harohl Warrener attended the fun- two bones Jnst shove the wrest in her eral, which was conducted with the right arm, to Iwprovfng nicely. Tlv- honors of the city putts force. Mrs., nceident haIMoeniel about two wvek. Warrener, who has (sect 111 for several ago and it was not known Just whet I weeks, was not able to go to Detroit damage was done until an X-ray at -for-the funeral. - -- - - - - Materiel' hospital revealed the trouble.. The arm was Immediately •t't by aid -CO APPOINTED of the 1cta1 doctor and Miss M's (`Inre. 1t N At Bitted et Trade fleeting on Mopday , Those water attended the a tuiu:l l I NIM Inuron 1'rectteterial sleeting on Turs- FOR WSW -CLASS EOOTIG u& u Ai q --CALL- - -=�$. H. LINDSAY !6 Cameron Street • Goderich of an un K [Elliott. - as.1ble for an eastbound tssrturi.Lto. Finale* and Membership -F. 3.i P ala its iiia(ce it praetiest1 ' Pape I baek to the right aide except at u very moderate rate off- - supported Robson's sAatement was othersh know the locality. Reception -G. L. Parsons, L. L. home a�. Scheid ti'YIb.-Ttte ilei F. Donnelly'. ki4 i�rlss:.-4. 1► .4�annderr.' F. IN,nne 11$• -�- gamuts Dome and t1d-1*e>eri-tom- lu•id 1 i'u4rltclel- ii_i{oberUwn• ' A. Its mitnthlr meeting at the .sheat-r!T The Hag\ i - mitfee ' the t Per, anti •ereh _COWL a.l:,:.i•iri•is'r *t�t►r't'rliflfs?n. Wilkes, w o ° S W.Schaefer, • Bird Houses STiLL IN TIME I'OR YOU TO GET A BIRD HOUSE FOR YOUR GARDEN MADE BY P. A. ZIMMERMAN UP.HOLETICIt Fit tt Conner Nelson and Cambria Read There Is purity which only suffer- ing can Rupert: the Stream of Life beeromes snow-white wl,eu It dashes against the rocks. Holland Remedy No.1 FOR RHEUMATISM, NEURI- TIS, NEUTERITIS. Many long-standing cases hate obtained relief. Testimonials are available for your inspection. J. OSWOLD British Exchange Hotel 4 p.m. Friday. Tlta--moet1» nUentssi Steed H. Gra .liter. a r' wlth the singing of "O ('anadtf." :1 iTR thaf tete-116s(E3r far- 1 1T Clef Cttfb- [ottna.•d cur' hare been going at anything like aiz 'lie brat named on est'1s Coin late .ora 11 1e respondence was read, (minding an br ty�[ miles ata hour, m ..,1.eTS v von taper, fit{„¢ Sv Se•h,ol'('Inte, .Mr's. the Horton family stated that the i may add to its nntulcr. from the sem- lrMlerich Tlemeesed fpe dometer had been. out of order I bershlp of the Board as desired. (• Alton, converter -of the uu•wherehlp for several week', cited attem{rt. to Parlous manors with regard to the ,,,,nrrnitttee, gave a report and members I have 1t fixed in n Rleor street garage' buslneefs of the town were (De em:li d ctiyldled unto Irides for 'n drive and said several persons had Ari'en land were left in the secretary's hands made for new memhrr:. Mr. Kld gate In the ear since the speedometer for further aetinn.(• 1 11 talk no "itenetttr to is, Derived, from upped working. . 'Joining ( I 1 FREE - FREE - FREE pur.•hase of 25e or over, coupons will be given 1•.1• Kingsley Design English Dinnerware ter Rogers' Al Plus Service Plate table tlat ware. SPECIAL lli"• Kingsley Bread and Butter Plate and e,ru- - _--.-tuuut-1 1.1:1•: 1 , the tir•t t{1'tt , 1;•t, hies. Iain. L:1.ii g ¢1 or more Of n"•n•11,ns,G•,• .1t The Square MAPLE LEAF BAKERY =Phone 110W 1 BREAD. BUNS, PASTRY, GROCERI;Ti, ETC. ANNOUNCEMENT ! COMMENCING4TRIDAY, MAY 1st Harrison's Barber Shop T' 11.1. IIF: FNDF:K-THF:. MANAGEMENT OF MR. HARRY BOYD, formerly of Listowel and llamilton. Mr -Atop! ha. 12 years a periertee:gmei t l.ao.t��o sive -both ladies and gentlemen expert hair cutting service HAIRCUT 25c. Hewn $ a.m. to 8 p.m. SHAPE 15. Yu1 It PATRONAGE WILL ISE: AI'PNB('rAT1:D , -It was broken, for more than a month -gaud *Si taken In several tones to be axed," Travers Horton stated. ' It Is ridiculous to say, Ore ear could The new president, ('bas. . he lh,larlo )-'ederutlun." It presided. I calla shoved by airs. Turner, seconded 11•3- Mrs. Bradford, that the Club Juin OBITUARY ' the Federation and this was parried. Mhos Annette Stewart favored with n } MISS RF:TTA KUNT% s --recitation ",Vorkworn," by E. I'aulltie be 'going that fait atter picking up. Johnston. from n stopP ler a ..."• • d••••____ Mr.. l'atterson rend a away.- Mb* Resta Kuntz, seventeen -year - Theresa Krantz, chapter from f r "Angelo Intra on child "I know the speedotbe'ter hasn't been old daughter of Mrs. t and the life.. 1 discussion tangible e I ways And meads 1 18d Chester -street, Toronto, i (m t the school In the way o Thcf3ode►ich-Signal Offer • A Great Subscription Bargain that SAVES YOU MONF) (l f r! / 1,/I r i I ' 0lC l,ea'z -Iinii,� .:_ `1`fi -Hats is a real . that will save you money . • • Give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and entsttainment the whole year through ...This is all you have to do, F elect any 3 of these famous NIa miles Together with 1'(►ur loc.al•\'ett';pont'' and you will receive the whole 4 publica- tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon. Here is the amazing combination low price. ❑Maclean's (14 issuss)1 yr.' ❑ Chatelaine ❑ Canadian ❑ National Home Monthly 1 yr. 011ietsriel Review.. • .1er. InCanadian Horticulture and Home Magazine 1yr. on of making any to get. something 1 late Frank Kuntz. tiled on Tuesday f I morning after an Mame of four years. Mr. Luntz, h died Tas-f year, fexttter- amusements, such as swings, teeters, w o -":"11y fired In Colborne- tewwshis 4ed--Lis-f I wife, formerly Theresa Cbisbolm, 1s a sister of Mr. W. .7. Chisholm, Angle- sea street, town. and is a native of Goderich. ltesldes her mother, Mots Kuntz leaves a brother, Edward, of Toronto, and her grandmother, Mrs. , Jacob Kuntz. of Stratfonl, formerly of Colborne township. rThe remains vera -brought to God- erteh, to the home of Mr. W. 7. Cb1a- holm. A funeral service will' bb -eon- ducted there on Friday morning, tol- 1 lowed by the enuring of requiem high . 1 mss,. at St. Peter's church. Interment will be in Colborne R. l'. cemetery. • • • MISS SARAH CANTELa --' A uuti%e of Golerie6 and almost lifelong resident of (.'pluton and vicinity' dice! iu.Snnitay In the (arson of Mlss Sarah Cantelon. Miss Cantelon'r pass- heg orettrr'l at the house of David - .- C'antelas, Raglan -street. -.where she Our Guarantee to You This wonderful offer Is avail- able to old and new subscrib- ers to this newspaper. We guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subscriptions and you have positive assurance that this generous offer is exactly as represented. Re- newals will be extended for full term shown. MAIL COUPON TODAY Please clip list of Magazines after checking 3 Puhltca- tlons de.tred. Fill out coupon carefully. Oentlemen: i enclose f Please send me the three magazines checked with • year's subscription to yoer newspaper. NAME ' STREET TOWN AND PROVINCE Sets had TiVisTi,or a year +!tree the derath r - of her brnthe'er'41M" late H. H. Cantles- lon. Slie Wit.; Isom In Goderich on Derelnher 17: 18411. and was thea In v -seventh year. 91er pnrent• were the Tate x m ('nntelnn and Mar pry( Donley. Rhe spent the greeter portion of Iter life to (.,d -rlrli town - 11i4 suet fifteen sear. ago mereel '10 ('!intent. She hnd been In tallinz t.e'ith foe ' veer. Three brothers, r„e Tbnr lu (•Tinton. Ad(;m 111 Plaisot. Snsk 1'"'.',1 e.io; nt Stretford tool Mr. eeesei..C:haal) Taros(''. T1•i'lil ('111 .1f1:•1:•;!:. •1••l ±nt;il 1+ n lirriheritn-tar {•,,,, I1 horst' the ttuw'ril.wi• hell oc, Tn, d •' to ('1111t0t1 a"nn'"Tr! 41,'' 4'. w , 1 t t',.sens-...('f Wesley -1C 8ll' United etuirch, ,endnr�lag the serclr,• MRS. 1t. SWITZER • 'I'1e death neenrred nt Gnclph on Friday last et Mary Ann Taylnf. widow f Ih•nJftntn Switzer 'Anil for nian ,r+ 0 re•dill:nt of Materiel'. Mr. and )I,: Switzer came to Goderich about thirte it,r eenr• age after living to (;,tderh.l( township and Clinton, Anil re.hlc,l -on VI•tnrla street. Mr.. Switzer enntinnetl to live here for some time after her husband's denth, hat fotlhe la•t six year* akar had txe'n with' 13Pr rdwrrehter, Mrs• Oath. of 4R Arnold street. (Niel ph, where she passed sway at the great nee of ninety - ,'one years. -She le 'rsbred by one tison. lir. Alfred Switzer, of Ilamllton, and two daughter.. Mrs. A. W'. Wise. • Iof Tormtn, and Mr•. Albert Coln. of 1 it___ Guelph. The' booty ens tlrnnght to `,GrolerIeh on d iday for lnterrrwnt in ,i Attend cetnetery And was areom- imnifd,,,hy 1)r. !wltaer, Mr. Wine. Mr. and Mr. 4'0114'011and two sore!, siert and 1 I. Mori, y ('non. iter. W. T. Lane. n North street United e'leiteh. conducted the service at the. R'$VSsMe. and the palth.i rs wPtr the res. two anno-fn- law, two grandson. trag,,,_alr. RdC. Ii .,ber. MR. VIC HARRISON will conduct the -Beauty Shoppe. Firs -els.. serviei' 15 assured in all_tines of ladies' and wen's Hairdressing. • FINGER WAVES 35c. SHAMPOO 25c. HAIRCUT 25e. PERMANENT WAVES 53.50, 55.00, 57.50. PHONE 555W FOR APPOINTMENTS Goderich Beauty Shoppe 18 -WEST STREET GODERICH 1 Our Stock Di • sal Sale 7 Ends Sjurday,;May 2nd Just two more days in which to take a vantage of these exceptional prices PRINTS and PLAIN t 36 -inch W1U •� jk4DOIAOTH SILK Service-weight FLANNELETTE Reg. 20c Reg. 20c, for STOCKINGS 15c SILK DRESS CREPES Reg. to $2.00, for 98c Pair 16c Reg. 51.00 ' CHILDREN'S HOSE RID GLOVES Silk and Lisle 29c Seg. $2.95, for 27 -inch WHITE FLANNELETTE Reg. 15c 10C Only LADIES' CREPE I MISSES' SILK STOCKINGS 69c AU sizes $1.95 LADIES' VESTS and BLOOMERS Reg. 51.00 38 -inch Unbleached COTTON 19c Splendid quality 121c. WHITE RUFFLE PANTIES CURTAINS pr. 59c 69c ' Lace trim 39c Figured and Floral VOILES Peg. to 50c yard 33c LINEN TOWELLING Fancy Stripes 24c Reg. 29c Rc ;. 79c Service -weight STOCKINGS Reg. 75c 49c I Commencing May lst, this store will .close, every Wednesday afternoon during the Summer months. F. E. HIBBERT Goderich Phone 86. • • 5