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The Signal, 1936-4-30, Page 4
4-Ohe meat.. _Al wn Seib. MI - THE SIGNAL - Dollar Day ,Specials FRIDAY AND SATURDAY --MAY let and 2nd - FASHION -CRAFT SUITS, MadetoMeasure FASHION -CRAFT READY-MADE, Two pant SUIT& w- T►. season's goods LIGHT TWEED SUITS .. GREY FLANNEL SUITS.+.,.r-.._- THIS 18 YOUR OPPORTUNITY -DON'T MISS IT! $23.50 $23.50 $12.00 $15.00 `/�/. __C• Pridham & Son Phone 57 The SgaiXq Goderich Capital Phone 47 i•hiciiig-"Bar _t11 Rides Agaltt•.. with i1'ithait. Boyd SOUND Ekc'Arkk SYSTEM Theatre Goderech MONI)% . Tl ES11.11 and WEDNF.'SIIAI- FRED ASTAIRE and GINGER ROGERS - NImbh-foatted rulers In the tra1n4of rhythmic entertainment, bring. Ing another dazzling fun show A twenty-four dun tealnteTo'tlte Mirth of a- Nation Mettle .t1-R-1.YRiCA-\RY IRl'IN(: BERLIN BAYFIELD I}AYFIELD, April 2S. -Thomas and Robert MoCurdy and sister, Miss Annie, of Stratford, arrived last week sad are at their summer home on the lake front south of the village. They are always early arrivals. Mrs. Brown. of Clinton, Iowa, ar- rived last week and is at her slaters, Mrs. Archie Armstrong's. Mrs. Douglas Gemelnhardt returned on aunlay from Toronto, where she GODERICH, ONT. II -SPORT NEWS - HURON -PERTH LEAGUE Five (Tubs Will Play la Greer Mils Neaasa-Media[ at Clinks Gudcrieh, Clinton, t(eaforth, Zur- ich and Ntafta Joined then IarouPPertb Baseball League at a meeting at Clin- ton on Friday night last. .\ lengthy argument ensued when it bad been for the pest month. wsuggested that the group be spilt Miss Mlldrwl l'atttetmt, Of j>tietrolt N two clauses of tall, "It" and "C" the guest "t her flair", Suss E. Comer-Uh Goderich and Clinton playing Otl. fur a few' warl•s. :as ball M. N.-Siaclkouald, Gtxler- `Tbe new' butcher zhoR ne=t to the�1YWrreutatkte, abll'<'ta%1 atruagly to new. We ls'sts'-4 for the proprietors, tbis suggestion, `itis `('lliiton [hbught they should play -'B" ball, alone, if d M4CIHI•ra aed f Messrs. eekner an y necessary. The matter was vot ou liberal patronage. Mr. and Mrn. pOrd King, and sop, of Toronto. were guests of the form- er'+ parents over the week -end. Mr. Thornton Mustard and son Nell, of Toronto, were at their cottage over the week -end. Mrs. W. Alftn. better known as Flns- Rle Atwood. who .'pent the past alit Ittontlta here, left on Tuesday for her home at Renown, cask. Well Baby Clink. -Dr. Fowler an- nounces a well baby clinic at his of - flee on the first It"ttilncxlny in May by the representatives. It was de- cided that there should be one class of bill in the group. and that the class should be "C." • odertetrt Mission Bi Mrs. J. B. Presbyterial W. M. SI Townend; 1(elgrave; Baby Randa, Mrs H J Pat Meets at Clinton (Continued from page 1) titillative to Communism" by Stanley Jones. Mrs. Cumming rove • tine addrma on Christian stewardship which the. members appreciated very much. Mrs. Mantel, strangers' secretary, reported that fifty -live of the sixty- three auxlllarlert have strangers secre- taries. Mrs. H. Fowler gave the closing prayer at wile morning aeasloo and the *diet werewawusrah., abyss au exceileut dinner was served by the ladles pf the church. the gentlemen of the Presbytery mmbtg over from Wealey.Wlllla church to partake also of the ample provision ret out. Afternoon Session terson Bengali; asso- ciate helpers, Mrs. W. M. ALken, (11n - tun: leresa, Mira Annie Ferguson. Sea - forth ; supply, Mrs nolelough, Blyth; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. W. Pickard, (Minton; *trousers'. Mn. Mautel, Rue- ter: literature, Mrs. ©. W. Layton, Exeter; temperance. Mrs. J. G. Gilles - fie; Wfitteehurek ; ateaabera of caeca - tire without portfolios: Mrs. Colborne, U-odcrleh : Mrs Hamilton, Goderk•b 1 Mot. Wilson, Wingham, Rev. I). 3. Issue, nelnieter of Knox Presbyterian church, and Mr. F. 0 I Weir, representative elder of tike 1- ehafe6a are. &Randle; the Medal of lie Synod o"f 'TT ii ton --illi ' at Niagara Valls this week,. A change has been made among the Atter file devotional period In the club representatives. so that the flat atterucwn, Mrs. Greer spoke of the! now 'Is as follows: Goderich, M. N. many changes experienced as the MacDonald; Clinton, Andy Steep; Years go by, She said the W.Y.S. Seaforth. C. M. Smith; Zurich, W. ale- I was proving to ben real Tome, 514- herr : Stag*, K. Drake. Ing to Its members a wider viewpoint. The gathering at Clinton wits ad- new friendships, a greater knowledge dressed by W. A. 'Smith. prealdLnt of of the mliodouarlea and their work.. the 0.B.A.A.. of Galt, and an executive I Mra. Shlpiey "puke of those on the f Kitchener program Malay who were he rr tetl o ars ago. and read letters from some and continuing each Wednesday a[tlf� Representatives of the Goderleh I JS noon. Mothers of pre-school children and infants may bring their children for examination. weighing and advice for which there is no charge. . Sports Meeting. --A meeting was held Monday evening 1n..tbe._tuwn ball of these interested in sports. when it added to have. a softball and alt* a Soetball team this year. The follow. beg officers for the softball club were 14 appointed : Manager; Ilr• W. Fowler. _! treasurer John Pes'W;_seeretar DT. Fowler; grounds keeper, N. Sfargeoe. Jrnr t�e. foo thn►1 tenor : Ifanaretr, C. Cemeinbardt aislstata -Manager, 7. preava of the othrrrs who were absent who club unending the meeting were M. N. held office, Mrs. Gardiner, Miss Con- ataeDuuaW, H. C. Marney, Dick Welsh mitt. MIas, Hume, Miss Mooney. Mrs. and A. S. Taylor. Johns. Mrs. Archibald and Mrs. (lark. SOF'[SALL MES'i'lltia Tboee present were asked to speak. i' The church softball lea/t-r#WI-. �-former .presidents, Yrs. J. E. re -organ a _____ the first ufti•r. n Otl. d Mrs. Moilard, hate now proal ou. a awning at the lata el oa ]i Al*1.- Jura. Lane and Mrs. Gardiner. former night, May 4th.• at' $ •'dock. s. tr presidents, spoke briefly. tereated pmtss are asked to attend. Sera. Lana•, speaking of I('aderahtp BASEBALL �A�.r- training. rer-nmmendcd wflet.laere*-ai�•t Although baseball aspirant. have Alain College Summer School August ; been banging away at Agricultural 24.214-.(te the program are the names t Iir. .w Mrs Forbes, Mlssth'H 'va i 'ct for tbo HAS saaaoa at Hoag. president. THI'R(D t1, FRID 11 and RATI RD.11•- ANNE SHIRLEY, PHILLIPS HOLMES and ERIK RHODES in a vibrant a.iid r•freshiug take woven aropud'11 atage•struek red heod You're going to 111.0 "CHATTERBOX'-._' TERBOX' \1_�TINI'1'N iriaiwsd+lc and :(atvr4nrnt 3 p.m. - r „tuoyr- \Lrt:i on theRoosty." with (barks Lain[lito0.. TAXI _�4.IN►1t( sF:R\'Ic'I - WM. 1. ERM AN' PHONE 118 WEST STREET THE PLAY "Lighthouse Nan" WILT, Ito: I'ILF:St:\l'KD IN MacKAY HALL -1-1111011e3D MAY 7th - Park the last few day*. getting the " r. re n, Pease: trenstirer.Fowler: F. hon. presid facer"- kinks out of arm+ and legs and the tiltbe ant Mrs. Rutherford. tan. Dr. Fowl('r: president. (1• batting eye sharpened. they lace not 1! Mir. Partiil then read a ngniher of Plan keeper, : 4wptaln. . Thompoun: grounds".bad an ?tined prxMk•e rs past 'T"t original {so1•nu•, whish greatly he keeper, J. Parker. A nnmiser of (.h,., h -manager Dick Welsh has called tereatlel and churned the ladies. new players among the real- the drat practl ' for Tuesday after- An Impre*aI%4 .and .Irautpful mem dents ars now ncsllalsie, than doth[ ,,testy next, and a large turnout is e:- orlal Menke was held for tho,e who away with the help of outside players. tirrtrd. 'bad tw - r site rL too higher:gamier dor is‘ii itbk•h, meant mush t ruble sad ex -Jr k JpyLtte mee•tleg will be held short• tug the year,. Mr, lone. Hamilton _ _ ' ie i ce+rtttm fist[ B. ---Mrs.- Nei nYd ,11>eDeath et Mrs. R; tintithe-The death lc is draw up a double Iiiieda or names. Sirs. Greer placed ilowere la t the five teams in tlwe HIIMP-Perth • ......rums! at Aiesiialra hospital, Gode- 1 getierifl i4i --- - -•--'e ■'t•••kn et rrlt[ _risk o. alsorir'h-mr� �F•3ralrrtl'�atara:rr>et-tial . , tzo Km!: Under atl,Ypiees Ot the ' (lettttrich Baseball Club fE 3tt.2hniJtr wE,11ts ley..re.. eslilp, Itter aroy ninth rear" M.•" was at[pg,tal the Lor'" r , ,.•r oo JpprLglift4tit Speaks Lindsay. ;psis. bruit In Statile): Inwn t `thlete He Knew ,►r.. J. McCrea, Presilent of the, _-- ship. May lial'.46i, and when a child I A I.nrnlntt conference. Branch. -Caw an _j r ]ler Maly. who was tux daughter of Ed. Bradley on ,c(ee,n.. i, Ij t oiii 1 t Cite late Margaret Brown and James Permanent Wave Special ON A NEW - Helene- Cards. Machine 1'fttt.F - ¶6.00, $4.53 ,end $3.00 Betty's Beauty Shoppe 64 Elgin Ave., E. Phone 340 Upholstering! AUTO TRIMMING OF ALL KINDS BY P. A. Zimmerman CORNER NELSON AND CAMBRIA ROAD 9 YEARS IN GODERICH Repairing - Refinishing ALSO HAND -TAILORED SLIP COVERS. LARGE RANGE OF UPHOLSTERY COVERINGS TO CHOOSE FROM. FREE ESTIMATES. RADIO and FIRESIDE SENORES, FOOTSTOOLS and OTTOMANS for Needlepoint LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN I-? movedwith txxrr TttfteY►fs-iw 8aderk'h t township. m In ilia else was arried to 11 Richard air t -fli w do died remember the Sanble line. where they lived until Itc a[ iOOM Of the Sportsmen !ta field tier Si 111.r hos t=. HAL They settled on a farm on 'Linter fres_ T>� Reminds Him rowing to f • Moil .. di•drafts airs Wraith trot . lnMet Theretrtr-eq i - ' two rural- malt -Conte+ out of Ihtvtield. i ' Surviving tire two SOUK, 'Janes of Ilul- 1 F:.Iwanl Brad 1y. Bennett street. Ilett uud i.11111•417,*111 1101111.: a sister., gat a surprise on Thursday. April 23rd. Nits. --AV. W. Misting. Zen"-brorh.,-. WIIen be rere4vw4-4'-letter true far -„rt Georges and '-3ohtn---Lindsey, Goderle•h , India from Major -G 1 Il. F Salt, township. The funeral, whirls was .('.14., 4' d11. 14.5.4.). Mr, Bradley says �Iamete -astearie4-waa=Jwld=!runt Ow . ill* is the Irrt time 1* bas beard from tvstdeo ce on Thursday afternoon. when miss .friend mince he left India twenty - Her. It. M. r:al.•, of St. Andrew's CM- fve years ago. Ile ■nd the MaJor- tai chnreh. conductrsi the service. In- neral played In the same field hockey terwent was in hayfield e('ut'tery• team for several seeawtne in different t'ghe pailbearrrs-were o1- 4=6eta nt itldia and the test mg aeries" liugh McKay. Harold Stinson. Percywhich they played, together was Weston.Herjsert lta�ltteeat. Waiter1.1n for the Northern India cup at Rawal Westlake.- - - ----'PIndi. T'be Meter -General. says Mr, ' Bradley was an exceptionally tact V1(TORIA sorrRAI LliB At a meeting of the Victoria street Pape! church softball team. held on Monday evening, Russell Bloomtield was again elected manager. with George Currell captain and Charlie -Larder coach. There was a gold turnout of the boys for practice. and the prospects of another good team this year are the very best. wing man. This letter reminded the Godetteb man of old times and I.- thinks India is the finest sporting country in the world, haying tururd out .c•verai c11ampiois such as Bombardier 11111y Wells, who foiled Georges ('arpentler for the heavyweight boxing champion- ' fp hampion-f.bfp of the world and who was sta- tioned with Bradley at Rowel Midi. Wells wits in a mca:Red'ittt Iirry hit= it�l•i*tttg 6444 lnteredina addreeaa. She -,,i.,liwentrd the Huron Presbyterial on .coining first ill"--itiP conferrnee-` There was now In the roufcrence a weinberabip of 21014: a 5155113- num- ber of devoted women. The depre- , pion. no .Pain. halt, wide -trio -ft -frit even In the chnreh. hut the Christian church had kcpt up letter than any other organixatien. Ahs regretted that n her of porkers. Willi(' worker.. hail had to he droppd owing to 1a••, f fonds. She said 11e Dominion pre.44ent had slid that when times lu•proreel the litzt thing-ttonld be to restore to the',nilaslonirl.••' the sal- aries which had been depressed In the depression- The DOIIth itoi_.1Nrard-brill recommended the drop{tttg of alloca- tions. hut she geld she thought an al- location was -an incentive. The people should he told 11x need and then asked "----� to rise Writ -Aw_fttrressr et ten-iwr rent. had been .eked for this year, but ' -only a three per -teat. ---increase bad !been raiser. She hoped the ten per rent. might he reached this year.• She told of same experiences abe met with In the Weft. We here knew little of sacrificial giving. she said. and told of one auxiliary which oat of Its pov- erty nave $e(iane woman came with 'five eentg, whtrh she said .ibe-was fere at Ramal rind!. Then there was ashamed to offer. hit which she was Dollar Days at-:ornfie1d's, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY l st and 2nd LADIES' SPRING COATS Tweeds in plaids, cheeks and monotones. Fitted and swagger styles. Sands, greys and navys. Sizes 14 to 40: IS% to (12yi. -Regular *12.95. DOLLAR DAYS $9.95 LADIES' SUITS The season's smau-test garment. Large assortment of styles and tweeds. DAYS $12.95 and $15.95 LADIES' DRESSES Printed Crepe Dresses, smart styles. lovely_designs. DOLLAR DAYS $2.49 Pastel Prints in ne\W spring styles, bright patterns. A11 sii.ea. DOLLAR DAYS $3.95 11,,• Belter_ 1!restlei4 in newest anll smartest Myles; Styles and sizes for matron and miss. Reg $6 95 to $10.91, MEN'S TOPCOATS that otter tough tett' Gunner Moir, urged to glee. That was the sort of who also fought for the heavyweight giving which counted. when pejiplei championship of the world with Tom- Rare until 1t hurt. my Barna of 4'/nada. Bradley .met : Mrs. W. A. Oakes favored the coin - Gunner Moir. In 1916 at Le 'thavre, ; piny with a lovely solo, "Shadows," Fan's: wan he was on military poi- and this teas followed by the hymn. __ter dote Were and anti a gunner. "Jesus Shall Reign, sung by the Then there was that fatuous Indian, company. Mrs. E, Wendort, the Genie. who cane to .ttnerlca to win ;church organist. presided at the organ. i the wrestling championship of. the i Two missionaries. Miss Wellwood of -world. 14(+ home- In India was La- f China and MIsv Martin of India. were bore. the e•apital of the Punjab. .Brad- ,called to the platform and MIs. Weil- :: leTwtn.tattrtneed-them-,wo.presee lale••%awed-.wbn.sOJAnRaa.L9.6ar,.Rark In the used to see Gama train. Gama gen- autumn. spoke briefly. She had Jest rally had returned fourteen or sixteen totrgb returd froth a conference at Clifton men liocd op and he would just maul Springs. Ste said the medical work open doors In -foreign the whole hooch one at a time until served to maderlt pools ale wheat* a•ere all done. Game taking no un rest intervals between. the people. htAissNtrael__hbe he - Greetings that t'reabpytery - Great Savings in SptinjMerchandise-- 1 pe Spring ToostiI tailored of English tweeds in greys and browns. -mew styles .o,l of11oo,1 finality. Reg. $12.95 DOLLAR DAYS $9.95 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS New Suits in a large assortment of all ool worsteds in ueW Spring designs. Smart nn,drl% for then and young Men. Two pair trouser. . Regi2;. itL. DOLLAR DAYS $19.50 YOUTHS' SUITS Oxford greys. navy% and browns in all wool worsteds. Two pair trousers Excel lent value. Sizes 'I:I to :t(i Hew. • 1150 to $19.50. DOLLAR DAYS $12.95 MEN'S FELT HATS Sprint[ F'eli' ill new ',a,lcv if it1, , an,l 1•,n DOLLAR DAYS $4.95 DOLLAR DAYS $1.95 tM Alum Jolt. Atq(>Qt sad Seete,•btir this store will ebs•n• W.•lerslav `alf-holiday CORNVIL'D "Shop where you are Invited to shop" Phone 418 1. Wallpaper Time Springtime Is Wallpaper Time Get that room decorated nowt. The newest designs In Wall- pa{s•ra. Sample designs to choose tram. T. H. Carrick EXPERT PAPE111iANOER --_-_ANP DECORATOR Call Carrick for a good clean Job .-.PHONE 157- 21 Vietoels St. Ooderich Hydro Store IF YOU EVER HAD ONE IDEA OF INSTALLING AN Electric Range NOW a YOUR OPPORTUNITY The (Deal Hideo Ccumadeition is making the following r`A-eonsumer installing a new three -wire service with , - an Electric Range from now_i up to ,lul,' tat, '1936. will be allowed two months' eleet'!'it"- , enrrent free of charge." ' -Cook With Electriclty- -Q Oth"us, Qaol -tom konomical )it �ti:llles CeallewMt, GODERICH Bargain Fares MAY 7, front GOD - - .TTICIeettt ohm wntd at alt adjacent ('.N,R. Statlewat Pref•. of Butte*: New Brumawlib: Rhee Edward lalastd: Neva $testis Tot.�.ii. MTATT')NS in -MARITIME PR4)VIN(''1 MAY 8 and 9 -To • OTTAWA $7.55; MONTREAL $8.80; QUEBEC CITY $11.85; STE. ANNE DE BEAUPRE $12.45 ROUND TRIP FARESTickets. Farren, Transit Limits and Information (rout .tge tits O= \sic for IlaudbilL TI(IlA CANADIAN NATI NAL= RAISE HUSKY BOYS AND WIOL780YE GIRLS ON - MILK- MkDg--BREADEA HL Q -NUTRITIOUS •MADE Ill Ol'R OWN BAKESHOP (' TRS FOR CAKES. AND PASTRIES U. CLEVELAND WENT II PHONE 114 • • IRO I was readies in the paper t;Nev. F. F'r fritts Tut?inr of the. !other day about finding A .new 'white convention chnreh, brought greetings '-hope for lee Lowis," said Mr. itradley.. from the Presbytery, which was tmeet- "1 played hockey. kgnin,t one man at Ing In Wesley -Willis chnreh. anti Mrz. Hovel Neill who was rhe 'strongest McCrea spoke nppreelati•Ply of Sirs. white nuns In Italia. hy'the name of Greer. Mrs. Page, convener of the re- Jii C: Ttaiwl o•s. Another heavy nrtl)- solutions v emmlttes.. Introduced the lery mutt tend he fought in the heavy- resolutions, thanking nil who had con- tte•Ight tins. In, nu amateur loosing, Whined to- make 1114 gat he ring_a sne- competitinny, 11e Ail hl,• men only One Pees. blow and out he went. He then fought t- The nominating committee for text for the open e6nfttpdonaliip 'Of India year Ia' n- follows: Mrs. J. Gowdy, ani .(ii tTiT+ -i1 a1 yktlte(t hisser prelpenl -Wrestler: Mrsr ('. 11. (lough. !trios, Lith one punch and wag debarred held: tor-. Cross, 1'1,nsa11: Mrs. from porting another boiing'tTMve nn, Strnturha m Althorn. boiig- piked "superhuman. .That Flnsncc nonnnitt,' : Mrs. ('bristle, ',tell strong man of the wOrld,'Fn- Exeter: \Hs'. R. Strengthen. It usse•I' .•1.114 S -endow, cattle to India to Mee Mhos E. M.-Mlnlnn. fort Albert : Mrs. t:1 k ifnwke•, and found that in only - ('nmmliat. Walton. • • earl of the body could Shadow I Delegates to Landon Conference ',•n1 IMin-1,p, fin ineisittrement-that ltrnneh hee•ting to be held In Sernix e.as Inc one-luilf In, -h hf the bleeps. In %lay : Maw M. 4'. Rutherford, St. Eocene Satoh's% truce-_.glawkeg the Helens; Mn. 11. ltl.,SMorrow•, Seaforth: S;oolow,gold niRflnl ona'i ' tame snot Mrs. RObt, -Allen, Ashfield : Miss Annie of insh Jerk Ilnwkea' measurement ('onsltt. HeiM11; ptra. A. Chapman. around the bleep.. ens 161/2 lashes $eatortb. and his hotly aleevue were made ow-. Olken Riveted tally, as uo ready !limit. tunic world 1 Tie na'eers for the .year are as fol - go over his arm. There ens sore one Ina: white hope, the killing kind that Peat preaideut, Mrs. W. A. (:ar- im(r1(nn. like, and Gil.. laird was diner. inmdeshoro; president, Mrs. W. known as Ilnhy Ilawkes." J. /freer, Minchnm: rice -presidents, Looking hark at nisi times Bradley , Mrs. Robt. SloKensie. Egmondrllle; sera he often thinks of our own (dal- ' Mrs. Wm. i.aldtnw, Myth: Mr,. Cbaa. erleh atldctes hating to go out of town Johns, F:ilmvlll('; Mrs. W. Weliwond, to get jobs Stoeldart. Marling and Winghsta: Mr.. C. W. D. ('ozena, others. "Worrier* MacKay *ex at ane Cllntoa; recoiling secretary, Miss M. 1 l type of athlete sa i ever saw as a 'Milne. Iti,th ; eortesuponding seeretary, runner. 1 often need 10 NOP him run Mrs. R. Nay. Fordwieh : trAanrer. round oar rpcw trim* With no trainer Mise J. Murdoch, tlederleh: zsaeretar- to toinly him the nM trirkg of the mime ; to -- hrtsitaw etbw'erdabip, Min Law-. hent en- nit he ne"st"ed to ls• an ex- dy. Young. i.ondeaboro; evening Sail - pert liki that ?amens nld Goderteh F.gmoadt111I; wnrrlor that we all admire, Scotty Mission (lrelee, Mrs W. P. issue, \lu donznll." (irolerk•h : (' A 1.T., mks M. Rani., I This coming Mother'LDay, Sunday, May - - -- Nothing finer t? mend Mother than a fine hunch of Flowers or a Flowering Plant, and if she is gone wear a white Flower in her metnory. • We calf &Aver Tlowen to over 40 Nationalities 1Yf have • Arte stock of fewer livergreens (foreign varieties) ,- - - to deeorate . the bone surroaadings. Phone 105. STEWART FLOC Ooderich, Ont. NOTICE ! - t Having taken over the ('button Monument Works. i wish to inform the public.that I ant prepared to Neil al moat ma- %onahle preen. l,et me give you estimates before you bur.' --('EMETERY LETTERING A SPECIALITY - If not eonvenient to call at works, a post cart will bring no to your hustle. •-' - ALi, WORK (IITARANTEEi) JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS CLINTON