The Signal, 1936-4-30, Page 22- Thursday, April $OIb. 193e
Mweismalum tate
itsusbor of Coosalob Weskit, II iniNIMINPery
Published every Thursday leaning.
Subscription price $2.00 per year,
$1.50 If paid in advanee. Subscribers
la United States will please add 50c
Ise postage.
W. H. Rasszersom, Editor rind Manager
Telephone 115 : Goderich. Out.
Thureday, April 30th, 1036
A statement issued by the Caned
Postmasters' Aissociation pays a warm
tribute to the Hon. J. O. Fillott, Post-
master -General in the King Govern-
ment, for his attitude towards distills -
Ma la Ms Department. Mr. Venlot,
Postmaster -General in the petreloue
Klee Government, dismissed & 1Via
number it paltmesters for alleged po-
litical atstivity, and Mr. &eve, who
succeeded him as heed of the Poet -
°Wee Department in the Bennett Gov-
* entmeut, "equalled, if not exceeded, the
record set by Mr. Veniot."
The change of Government last
year gave cause for renewed apprehen-
sion, partleulerly,on the part of coun-
try, village and small-town postmas-
ters, anti • deputation reereacuthel the
PostmastersAssociation waited upon
Mr. Elliott, tbe new Postmaster-Geuer-
This year Vancouver celebrates her
al, to learn his attitude. The result
fiftieth birtibday. From a tiny clear -
is thus stated: leg in a dense forest to a proud city
4:"They were pleasantly anirprieed to
!a 300,000 souls in i short 111fettme
find a new type of man holding the of- ,
ace of Poetmester-General, who bad Its au extraordinary achievement and
already refused to 'disco's.. small coun-Ithe people tbere are justly proud of
try postmaters wholesale without any It. The cerentonies probably .ark tbe
cbarges being laid against them, or , end of a ma. The eam •weete et
without the actneed being given a0 '
!human beings w,bich for * .centety
opportunity of defending themselves
rolled in ever increasing numbers OW4
W ired any political ifarges which '
might have been made by tbose-dealrithe -free lends of the West baye struck
*us of obtaining their paitiouts" an ineurmountable barrier in the Pact -
The statement of tbe Pootonesters: it ocean, There is no once
• • •
Farmers are becoming somewhat
alarmed about the backwertineas of the
spring. Almost no pLOWing has been
dope and seeding is weeks beklud.
Certainly we are having a late spring,
hut nature usually manages to isalance
thing* pretty well in thla part of the
world. If peel experience is anything
to go by, we are likely to witness a
sudden descent of warm weather with
letity of moisture at the right ti
(Listowel Banner)
It timed to be thought that It was
better fpr a man to be In business for
himself than to work for someone else.
Dude' the depreedion rears the lucky
one has been the person who has been
on a salary and has been able to keep
hia job. Most auy wage-earuer has
had an envier time of it than the own-
er during the paid five year*.
(Milverton Sun)
Coutrary to a generally prevailleg
in Presentation to Newly -Weds. --The
embers of the Ladles' Aid and the
Crops have a way of making up for tentlon throughout Canada per-
POJIT AUDIDRT, April 27.-illes
!retie Graham has entered Alexandra
hospital, tioderIch, as • nuree-tn-train-
Mr. Ernest Crawford. Meer .pending
a week of practice teaching in the
Dungannon school, has returned to
/Watford, wbere be is •ttendirrg Nor-
Miss Grace Mason. of Goderich,
went the week -end at the blame of
her friend, Miss Ruth Foster.
ge of people In the Dominion of NV M.S. of St. Andrew's United church,
lost (flaw tney get ele.4_1yeutei tweet origin hes beeo gradual- with their fatuities. assembled at the
courageineut. I ly dectosesiait i--*- bonus of_Mx_. and Mrs. 11 1. newt Oa
• • • bers. In 1871 ageordiug to the first Friday evening late. After a short
'program, condisting of a reading by
Another traffic problem which will '!".u,soth.ea Pertsentute tu "'hitt" tu
roialea the attention of 04 ostsrio aiiiiiittwaLau30.77,1 30.07; I. .1sel, 30.03, ; Mrs. Percy Graham and amide by
n 1911, Zeal: le lir-1, Messrs. Bob and Earl twee. • Period
author ea if that of tbestdtId trw'k 27.91; 1* 111L I2
on the highways. The fate of Mrs. T.
F. moody, or %Ingham, who wee TOO MITE CENTRALIZATION NOW
killed on the highway north of Elgiu- lebeeley Enterprise)
tieltl when ber hueband's car crashed It the annual coeeting of the O.F.A.
Into a stalled. trauryort last *eel,
brings up the queation again. Them
vehicles onght. to be inspected fre-
quently tad if not fit for the roade
rhould be ruled off. Eveu when run
to the side of the road when they
break down they are frequently s
huge that tbey bulge over the pavement
and take up too much WIC!. When
they stop right on the highway they
are that much more of a, menace.
eks in ood condition will not stall
and only such shoold be allowed the
use of the reads.
• • •
Assoclattun continues. -
"Since that Htne Mr. Elliott has
g allantly carried un his Melt, with
tbe twilit that very few postmasters
have resigned or been dismissed and
there is a greater eense_o
the postal service today than boa erer
been known before.
"If the ROIL Mr. Elliott- ean stick
with his guns and withatand the pres-
gure_lleere. is no dpubt that he will
have donea gretiticiind bls name will
ever be remembered the pedal ser-
vice as tbe man who killed patronage.
The postal oervice is. without doubt,
the greatest business in Canada, enter-
ing intimately into the lives of every
citizen. and the dierutattng effect on this
great business. machine can readily be
understood when over eight hundred
postmaters loot their positione after
act change of Government and were
replaced by luexPerienced men."
the fo-o-tioose to go. 11 1* sald that the
hundreds of thousands of people who
Ur( "pertganently on wheels, always
moving from place o p
•ontInent, are those who would Pater-
nity people any uew lands if &iieb re
mained. One may wonder what would -
happen if throe restless hordes bad no
autoindbile in which to work out their
surples___energles, their untamable
spirits. Theirs is the stuff of
revolutions are made.
in Toronto last week the presit en
the Trustees and Ratepayers' Asso-
ciation advocated the Ontario Govern-
ment take over the entire financial
support of primary and secondary
schools to which at present the muni -
Opaline. contribute forty millions
and the Government six
rush and 00110Analle: There is too
mut% centralization already govern-
ments. There would be •u orgy of
educational expenditure if the local
boards did not have the control over
school taxation. Besides, with some
14 minions of a Provintial defielt in
the last fiscal year Where -would the
extra forty Millions come from If the
Provincial budget is to be halanced?
The president of the Trusteel and
Ratepayers' Association is not demo-
cratic in his ideas'of local control of
school- Luuds and dues not seem to
have even a fair grasp of Provineial
Great weather for erase.
• • •
If Mussolini would take a few min-
utes out from admiring himself to
read eomething about the Moose Riv-
er mine rescue, he eaight change his
' views somewhat as to the decadence
of the Bridal peoples.
. .
---Elle-Alancardlne papers _bet walks
Le anttelpation of the old boys' No
*Mon to be held in that town dis
stunner, issued • special -souvenir
aumber" of twenty-four pages. It is
a credit to tbe pobllebers and Will
of ponee under the leadership of Rev.
D. W. Fosterer was eirjoyed. A pleas-
ing feature of the evening was a pres-
entation to Mr. and Mrs. Reed, who
recently were married, of a fernery. a
rose bowl, and a potted plant in bloom.
The address wag read by Mrs. Bert
Johnston and the presentation made
by Mrs. Charles Crawford end Mrs.
Jaime Metlienzie.
(Cbristlau Seience Monitor)
The irif-sacrliking berolotu aud Ink
Analog restitution of a cempany of -
Nora Bootie minere has triumphed and
the peoW �f1 colithrent -and beyond
--rejoice wkh them in the reecue of
--tweitirrivose se. Wag luipriagmast
the Moose River gold mine- _
It Is an c4d but alsays Inspiring
-Dir. and Mrs. Ahem McAllieter mid
Kenneth, of Clinton, *pent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mc-
Mrs. Robt. lleAllieter and Kali spent
Monday in Chilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Art. Tichborne and
family have moved to the Barfield
road, to the farm recentty vaested by
t'ari Sowerby.
The May meeting of the Dramatic
Club will be held on Tuesday. May lith.
at the home a Mee. M. Plitilips. _
The Ladies' Aid of Zion church,
Taylor's Corner. will meet at the home
of Mrs. Kenneth Holmes on %educe
day afternoon. May 6th. at 2 o'clock.
Miss Marlon Porter returned home
MI fillalliM from tbe Goderich hompitall,
loillate ids. had been the past week. eh -
'Milli( Weetment after au attack at
: messiest- ;
; Lid* OMR filaisso-Oaly • small
1 •Glillt-olt
i__ -.14_.•r_ r- - •
Craft, lingtired a belpfat address- on
tale. this disregard of all pereonal riok I
on tire part of Milers ellen compan-
ions are in thinger. like the meo
tbat go down to the ma in ships tbe
-who dig down tbe bowels of the
perform superhuman feats of m-
end courage when things IP
wrong. They always bave--before
radio was dborovered to record tbe
is scene ated_tieelV unfold.*
The touch of nature that ma es
whole world kin le the tomb of
Right here in the very melte of tbe
ONE THING AFTER ANOTHER cyiikistn and discouragement invading
• to be reminded that
The Donald mac wawa. Tug. I the elemental principle guiding men is
lore. Strange that mankind doe* not
Having a /Rieman NUM 'more often give it rein. Strange that
The fishing tug Donald Mac. of the • world wilt pray fo-------- of
the tem; 1•4 ear debtor both to the
the wise end to the unwise (Romani
1:14) The regular assadagsg-tim
1.t.11. will be Acid ne..11141ffewolting-
It in hoped e isailrilfeestatiou of
be members 111 be prevent. Sunday. ,
May itith,_firltotber's Day. A special I
progreis hasbeen outlined. A imp- I
Hemel service will be held for anyone
1Sb1ng It.
Moftboll Ilvgby Preassited.-LA box
socI•1 'sponsored by tbe Union softball
' team was held in the Orange Hall on
Friday evening A program consist-
ing of -muldrel selection, by Reg. Me-
MIchsel and Mr. Robertson of Goder-
lade readings Eric McAllister. Maur-
ice Frame mei Marton Colwell were
Morgan Floh1ng company, Bineardkte, I two human lives today aid stand by enjoyed. The umpire of tbe team
bas had an eventful season thus far. , supinety watching preparations for George GreenrOade, gave a resume of
It WSS tbe first ship out of Goderich. murder in the num. the team's activities nod a diecourse
after-oriutering bere-itills locked I Happily, mach epioodes tbilit Wit- on sefthan. Reeve Witutot Haacke
out of ;Kincardine by tee ea its return ',maw at moom, River nem- sow pretreated the cup to Captain Morris
from.* fishing trip and had to mall mad -a commence and asannanee tam
feet of armed hoots ant
across Lake Huron. sed.fielead out of the matching
Harbor Beach. Met., for ten days. the mishap* gun, m,ver can day aha
The Donald Mac returnee and en-
tered Kincardine barber. which was
then open, only to hare the Ice. elate
In on bet and lock her In for five
days. She finally forced a way out Rev. W. J. !cote of Fleeberton. Oat -
sad ran down to Goderieb on Sunday at a recent meeting of his of5c1a1
night, expecting to thd) OW of this port. board, mated that having courpletad a
Favorable winds blew up, however, geren-years' peatorate, which he eon -
and idle returned to Kincardine. hop-
ing the ice would Mee been blown_etet
by tbe mild breeze.
;Greeks. Wei to the barbarians; both to
.Seamless Axminster Etu-gs
Special Sizes (Barrymoor make)
Rise 21/4 x 3 yards $19 and $25 Size 3 x 3 yards $24 and $30
$25 and $35 Size 3 I 31142 yard& $29 and $35
$30, $35 and $49
Size 21/4 x 31/2 yards
Size 3 x 4 yards
4 5 yards. Regular $22 00
2, 21/2 and 3 yards wide. 50c and 60c
Square yard
"KNIT -TO -FIT" and :-DUTZX''
A large and beautiful range in all Spring
ti adeS Sizes 32 el 44 $7.00 $12.00
l'nees range
All wool tweeds, silk. $14.50 t° $24.00
lined. Sizes 34 to 44... . .
This Store will close every Wednesday afternoon at 12.30 o'clock
Young Couple Tak- eo intalOmobaly at
Blyth se Mott MOW
W• ESTFIFYLD, April 216. -MM' Edyth
McDowell spent over the week -end On the afternoon of the day on
with Mro. Nelson Lear. of Hallett. whieh word was eat out for their ale
Mr. Glenn NNCIII, of London, spent pr uhrliS1011. a Iffirala young couple
the week -end uuder the parental roof uere taken Into custody on Friday
Misses Edna Vincent and My-rle An- last at Myth by County Constable
"Jerson, of Beigrave, were week -end I ye,ra„„n. „f andmieh, and raw J.
! Cowan, of !Myth.
guests with Zella Cook.
On Friday morning police In this
Miss Frances Crozier, of Crewe. Is
district were notified that Mr. and Mrs.
visiting her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.
'Frank Irwin. driving a Ford
W- Ot arpbell.
1,1eoupe. were wanted at Sarnia for the
- MISS Bernier. Lawson. Id Auburn.
Uinta at the 3r4 line sc134,01 last week•Itbeft of bed clothing and money from
a- Sarnia boarding house.. The officers
SOd Mho Margaret Ferguson, of Au-
burn. taught at the Westfield school. at 1413-th recognized the ter anal gave
WMalahr. 031'144eallilith andel6Mits ichiria:riiitheaardoiungnd°ffa ttheibx•Pek raenu;dloPillocikrinbg1
CArmilhelt 449•10"3 - -attend the tbe road with the police car.
pewee of love. Becense its origin II
awaken interest in the big event to AUFKIRN. April 28.-Itre. J. Medd.
lake place August 204, Ind, et% and in re„imotry,
formerly of Auburn, is visiting friends
Rh. Mrs. E. Thompson and two (laugh-
• • . ters, of Bingham. and Mr. Gallaher,
"Jerry" McGeer. Vaneouver's ener- of Holyrood, visited et tbe home of
pas :mum, la mains a name for Mr. 1.. D. Hawed on Sueday.
11r. end Mrs. R. A. MdKessie, of
In Parliament as a tatter. I/ungannon, and Mr. and Mai, Otto
*Praakter• King gently retninded hint the Popp, of Loodon, visited at OM DOW
other -Rey thnt ligeslost was belagiof lir. Web Plunkett- nee_411_!-X!MIk-
3' prolongedlir ille garrul"5 • Mr. and Mrs Wm. Matti *1111 Wu `Huron Lodgie. No. (et, 1.0.0.F., at. Harry McCool and family are aorry
trodniass end.
The trouble with 44 iman_phe takes
Dorothy Mundt. of ("Upton, visited re- tended divine service et Knox Pre dry- to tome them from this community, children. of Lorhools% ristited oa Rut -
himself and kis ideas too eeriously I eh rch on Sunday operable, We heartily extend our good wishes, day at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Th MeCreight
alders an ideal term, be would auk for
• change at the end of the Oonference
year. An unfortunate error in this
connection appeared in tbe daily press.
wilier, *Med that Mr. *vet was re-
signing because of Ill -health, and that
be bad bent advised by his physician
to tale. a years rest. There is ab-
solutely no truth in tbls report. Kr.
1Scott being in the best of beekb.
The above paragraph from The New
Outlook refers to • sotehelaw of the
late Rev. J. E. Ford Godortch.
Huron Ledge Massa Pradlybr-
lam Chores Soodlay
Preehplarje aasstIlklr"--1W-0011196. 0111p)Ode allegedly sestet) were found in
Tuesday. 1 the hack of the car
orIir., ante! vrois.iGte7. Copia sad. Seedily, 1
I an untThe mil tilternira.vegrollreld baYrrtegirliro
Fred J. Cook on $unday. hours later.
M Ateseld---Cast_wIll be ow of 1
the vontestente taking Part -IR W111001 FU)
Arttlerlaets the whol
-where patienee, hasser,-'
humanity, 4-alut fortitude. take
and strongly flourish. -Mallet.
musical festival liffiiifor
neoday. lie will -be -gene
hie tercets, lir. and lire.
Cook. and Mr. A. E. Cook. his merleal
instructor. We wish Arnold the beet
of success.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell. Miss
10c and 15c
GALVANIZED PAILS 12 sine. Special 23c
Hard Boiled Little Girl--Glmme
Whinlfred and Mrs. Howard tamp
one tickee and make it snappy.
bell and baby Lolei visited on Saturday
Ticket Clerk -"But. honey, there are
with Mr. and Mrs. It. estonehouse of
two ot you. HOW about rite other
Mrs, .1. J. Reit. after spending the
past tyro montbS-wItts her mother.
Mrs. John Redmond. who has been 111.
Is returning to her home at Clare.
holm. Alberta. Mrs. Redmond is
Miss Jewel Buller, MT. SOW Mya
htckuHaynes and Mr. and MM. Ferguson.
of the Union team, whkeb played
lof Ridgetown, visited- Mffs# Juba. Red -
twenty -four league games and won 1
. _
twenty. Tbe lucky ticket for tbe silk 111°D4 0d2 "uudsif'
bedspread wait held by Mrs. Howard
Mulholland. George Elliott of Clio- WHITECHURCH
ton auctioned off the boxes, the sate
of which totalled about $30. Dancing
was enjoyed after lands
1-0)1.ME8VILLE, April 28. -Mrs.
Wm. Mulholland, wbo has been spend-
ing tbe winter in Detroit with ber
daughters, returned home to the VI) -
on Saturday. We welcome Mrs.
Mulholland back to our midst.
Mr. O. W. Millar is, •t time of writ-
ing, very IS at bia home, but we bope
that he may begin to !approve now that
warmer weather is here.
Several ladies from Holoseaville
chorch attended the W.M.S. convention
of the Heron Presbytery wbich wag
held In Ontario street church. Clinton,
ou Tuesday.
Mr. Donald Palmer bas been Visit-
ing wHb relatives In Detroit.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
little girl with your
_ H. B. L. (1.--Aw, ain't we half-
-Asters? Add dat up!"
WHITECHtillICH, April 28. -Mrs.
Will Reid. ot Paris, spent last w•eek
with Mrs. Merray.
Mr. and Mrs. Riebard Wightman,
of Romeo. Mich., and Mr. WWI NM
White and sons, of Detroit,
week -end at tbe home Of _We_ WOW%
brother, Mr. Chas. Wisbramaa. sad**,
win visit with other relater,* In tide
district for the nest few days.
Mbar adith ItiTlenasluin. a Bel -
grave, spent tbe week -end Isere al tbe
home of her uncle. Mr. Wm Barbour.
Mi. Jas. Morrison left oa bleadiey
to work for Mr. Ferguson of Amber -
Mr. Thos. Inglis and hie aoo gee
of Hoy/Vetted one day IAA week
at the of Mr and Mrs. Fred
• ille-itaindaitoss returned from Wog -
ham hospital on Thursday last, but
it. still in • weakened condition.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy litCretetit est
CLOTHES PINS 40 for 10c
Gordon Tebbutt
-Smart Clothes -
for Cfrecd Dressers_
custom Made $40.00 to $55.00 rsi
Specid :_o • $1 9.5 0 t0435.00
that be le amenable neither to reason
nor to suggestion.
• • •
In explanatiee et a word Which fig-
ared prominently in the menunts of
the Moose River mine affair, 11 1. said
that "draegermen- is derived froro the
mime of German scientist, Dimeger,
cently with Mrs. John Arthur. rerau
Mr. anti Mrs. Cowan and Mr. and commemorating the 117th anniversary which will follow them to their new .
Mee Wsugh, of tendon, visited at 1 of the foundlirg of the Order. About home near Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw mei sons.
tee home of Mr. kamuel Doerr oYer eighty brethren marched to the church, The W. A. eincert which wan given at Kenneth and Elroy. were in Blyth last
the week -end. I led by George Mathiesion, N.0, and De. Porter's Hill op Thursday last was Wednesday attending the celebration
Mr. and Mrir.- frerdeit-Hiffitt1 -Ind F. G. Thompson, D.DJ11.11., Of Mee- keenly enjoyed by a full bonne. The of tbe twentieth anniversary of the
Miss Peggy, of Milverton. visited st ton. • ',- program Mao already been described 1 wedding of Mr. *14 Mrs. George Cow -
the home of Mre Smith's mother:Sirs. I A full choir rendered' medal vitiate, 'In these column's an we need not en-
IngJohn McLeod. on Sunday. , sing"The Magnificat," with lier- large upon It at this time. Rev. R.1 Mr and lira. Aldin Purdon slotted
. 1 I •rt tireen Ss 1101010t- Mre. C. Kerr M. Gale made a very fine chairman and last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. (tet-
te, Johnoton and Mr. and Mro. Rob -
;home of Mr. ilmiciel Phillip.. , -Love Divine." I held the delighted audience spellbound.' ert-iewedeem Duross-a•41.1turteLxIs11214
- At the chew delightful refreshments ' at the Mole of Mr. and Mrs. Genre*
Mr. Herman Neisofl 100 Mr. 0
who invented the oxYgen sPParatusl Mr., ('tin. of Lticknow, visited at the Stewart and ?dr. Frkok Riley sang the various number? on the progress
that these Men terry when conducting
Mrs. Bradnock Visited friende in 1 The minister, Rev. D. J. Lane,
rescue work in geefilled coal mines. b t •hleh were ',erred by the Porter'e Hill ladies, Walter, of Font Rawanosh.
Their special equipment war nut re-
quired at Moose fia gas deep met my_ !tatted his parents at 'Port Elgin friendship and brotherhood. His charming hostesses.
-develop in gold MIMS; as it d lay. text was the %Tree: -And 'Jonathan! Mies Manure, Grieve, of Figmond-
Mr. and Mrs .1. D. Iteecroft, Flor-
coal mines. Mr. and "Mrs. Fred Flastear end 'awed David to awear again. because ville, a popular ex-tcacher of our vil-
Ayr one day last week. - prt:11 alpruDrIatCIy 011
NI On- %meat and fam- forms the foundation of the order- , who did jatice to their reputation ao
Mias Bertha MacKay. of Stratford.
spent the week -end here with her par-
ent. Mr and Mrs lieetor MaeKay.
• • • family were Mount Forest vit4tors Da 1 he toyed hint: for he loved him se he loge whop!, called at the home of Mims encs' and Ernest, of this place, also
There Is general sympathy In Gisler- Suinliar. i M. Acheson on Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Oliver Kirk, of Itirm-
Illoved his own soul."
• ich for the parent* of Horace Horton, se s. . Ingham. Mich.. and Mrs. Laura ("relish-
Mr..anti Mrs. 'Wellington Wilonn.. of j Mr. [ADC pointed out the unselfish -I V. P. U. Notts. -Me meeting on Frl
nraree iril:tinitingunnWith ,h1.0' elster.4.ness and greatness of such friendahlre I day night wan ander (be direefinn of ton, l'eari and Thelma, of Detroit,
Inc of the young men who lost their I xaMirtlie."'Glien. IS* those which bound 'eloweiy together Sfiso Norma Potter. metal convener. ament Sunday at the home of their
Elves In the terrible at -eldest At Mimi- Mrs. Immo. flowson And Mr. and 1 Jonathan and Duette Damon and Him A. Finlay Wag piantut for the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk,
eo on Seturday night. Both Ur and Jiro. R. D. Phillip) vielted at the bows Pith's.. Jesus end the apostle John. evening. Miss 'Marione Trewertha of Senforth.
Mrs. P. H. Horton are natives of God- The most of the mapis-syrtipinsiters
1, of Mr. Niel. Jewell. Colborne. recently. Ali much friendships have made an In- read the Seripture len. Mr. Her -
*rich and their eon Imre a name that heart- week., This hes been a rerY good
In flee dintrict polled the epees late
Mie Dorothy Craig. nurse -In -train- delible impression so deep that men bert and Rill ptayed a beautiful duet
le closely associated with the history
of Goderleti, eel mandfather. liorace
Horton, having been many time.* Itaybr
of Goderleh, and also for a dm,
member of Parliament for ne dierki.
• • •
The •nnuel dirtappearance of the 1,,
ill the lake is n phylum'
POWS tO many. One day the whole aur -
Ing have at Stratford. is eonraleocing et still are insp ri y . - v o n a m •
1flI& W•0 the home of has parents. Mr. and Mr*. !meeker. This erotherly feeling 1188111y applauded and it lo hoped they
MIs Annie Strom/ban. of floderIch, kr ancient appeal lino men with Ow ligra. R. Walter gave an Intereeting the year.
spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. 1 &mire to mould their lives In like fa- talk on "The bight of the World." A eery successful social evening was
and Mr. W. if. Stranghan. j shion. • Mrs. Lots. Jerrie in her "oat good I held In the 17nIted ehnreh here on
We are rorry to report that Mr. 1 "There are some. who love only for a voice contributed A 111r,10 which was I Friday la•t• when the run't f°1kill nt
aer are eontinell at home with mesaler. I Well. 11 lo POWY to do that, hut when This. MO, 1441'Pleed vrell-dertercerl ap• '1111PI414'd a good program of misdeal
by Miss Norms Ootter.. vt. Heien# church were here. They
Reg Aarmith and Miss lEeelyn Meet- 1 little while, so long a* all thing* go accompanied
• - - , n win loriun another AA himself tile [flange. In the shrew. of the priest- nombera. Mr. E. W. Rice had charge ef
%WANK1 eords are not en.ity broken," said Mr. , dent. Miss Jean Webster. Mr. Norman the topic, and Mr. DurnIn told the
h ram all
fraide Marties
Teleplasee 317
West Strost
Thalkinel Imbasda•Varap ierAdiertisieg am! Job Priadog
of the water is covered sift an 1 "Annie Mae." said the miletrem of bane. I Trewertha took eharge of the post. 1 A I, y,
1 Hip house. -finally Idring Stray to enr• I "In your ilres there moo be tote ' nen. Alnellnitifill OttrIng bit. onetal ! repeIrssl to the beeement. where gamest i
---r---011. , onr entirety grapefrnit hulls home with the way, the truth end the life In Itrondesotee' tbe V.P.C. paper. reed by guidance of Mrs. Victor Phoorwm •nd 1
-The 1 snd ciinteets were played under the 1
apparestly lumenetrahle mess of lee as .
'loser. "1 notice you hare been taking glirine JeTtair as the lion of God lo 1 a oinarng WA* held and
for •• *ye can see In any di Aeti
A tow day. later and It has dhoti): I Ten what do Yon do with nicinr Whimi the divinity of lore and truth , miss ,Norma Potter. Tide is always
i Mr. Bert coliimor. IAMeh W11111
peered, vsnisbed into the horison i The negro maid looked op it bet hi IPTIPMPlified." la poprilar fester, and is oosprip , served and a *oriel baff-bper _woes i
sista It never SPOION 10 mi+11 or to ; "tl'areq• with /1 etreepinh grim eye'. , At the roacInrion of the Terrier. the ' awaited hy the young people. enjoyed. _
Mr lane and the 4'bl/ref' official. I t to. ..velo Quoted hy Montaigne. I Mrid.iThil. osill.ageHeinildeittemnin... If TAII"Irel. I
goo tog Wore OM'S ey.-.. li 141*2 ye home. -.1'.. think they mike where • vote 01 thanka was tendered A powerful trasejaatlos produces anent the week-emi at Itat' tam° of
tastnam.- .114. admAttbe, er.o. boon etrer. brethren nuirelwri to the lodge rooms. - -- - --- —
iambi awsy gwietly and Ila•hIng earea my gamma. look an at rum,.,.
War Olds Dada
220TH lIZILLIR lb. 30o
SAPHO LIQUID .......715
MOTH BALLS lb. 10c
MOTH !LANNI...pkg. 10c
ens • 9843
SALTS 500, 51-00
own bottles lb. 260
2 only, 4Ik PIPSODINT
NOXZEKA, with Soo. 64c
LIVER amain... .51.00
• 25c, 30e, 98c
IPREEZONE, 315, ..for 20c
D. * R. CREAMS .....
Mks, for 211.
limes Tooth Nate Sea
10o; 3 for 250
Wigle's Dunlop's Lamler's Campbell's
Drosseoco Dragster. Dreguere Dreg.ter.