HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-4-30, Page 1amwo e -•.:* • READ THE AD r - • 'READ -THE ADVERTISEMENTS-- IN DTIS -- IN THE SIGNAL AND SHO? WHERE YOU ARE ' n i-VITED TO SHOP 1 HIG•H•PY-NiNTIt YEAR, NO. 18 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1936 Presbyterial L. M. S. Meets at Clinton Mrs. W. J. Greer of Wingham Is the New President -Many Good Rapala CLINTON, April 29. -The tenth annual meeting of the Huron Presbyterial W. M. S. of the United Church of Canada convened to Ontario street church, Clinton. where the first gathering was held ten years ago, on Tuesday. Tbere was a good attendance, although the morning was very wet. Mrs. W. J. Greer •t Wing - ham, president, presided. One minute of silence was obakrved -is memory of the late King George a Use National Anthem was sung. I]<re. F. G. FarrllL of the Oeteelo street church gave the address of welcome, in welch she referred to Miss Sybil Courtier, who was brought up to the church and who had been for many )ears a representative of tbe W.M.S. in Japen. Mrs. McKen- zie cKeeate of legmondvllle_ responded appro- priately. An invitation was received from James street church, Exeter, for the 193S meeting, one from North street church, Godertch, being accepted for 1937. The roll call of auxiliaries was an - veered by the several secretaries, an lucrease In membership being repdrenL Itayfield and.Brtasley report hundred per amt. laerease. In Blatta and Oresa-di orebge vIs a ery wonan in the•conOe mem- ber of the W.M.8. Thirteen anxBBevies participated In tbe Kingdom of God movement re- sulting In greater interest and devo- tion to the work for whkh the W.11.11. stand,. A tweety per cent. increase was to rted in systematic giving. and Win - PERSONAL MENTION Cot. D. Hudson TGets the Chapeau --- pec irlenaa are pleased t:. tee Mrs. L. ra- L. L. Krieg out again after a severe illness of some weeks. Miss Carrie O'NeUI spent a few day. -- - the past week visiting with relatives Superior Berths Wednesday Even - at London and at. Marys. Tint Arrival of Bastes Mr. John Mott of London was in big - town for the. week -end on a visit to at This Port his broths!, Mr. Geo. M. Elliott' Miss Kathleen Sullivan, of Cbleago. has returned to town and will Wend the summer with tier sister, Mrs. Rich- ard Phelan. Miss Jean Proctor has returned home after spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. W. Itlehardson, Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McLeod and son Robert, of Detroit, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las McKensle. ices. A. and Mrs. Gregson. of Me- dina, U.S.A., visited last week wl(h their aunt, Mrs. E. J. Matthews), St. Vincent street. -r ler. Thomas Pritchard returned last week from London, where he bad spent over three months at Westmin- ster hospital. Mr. Douglas McKenzie left for Port Colborne !on Tuesday morning to as- sume bis duties as chief engineer of the steamer Loekwell, Mrs. Richard Phelan list returned hone after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Jobe Brennan. and her family at Paw Paw, Mich. Mr. and Mr.. W. J. Powell returned last week from Florida. Mr. and Mra. J. B. Swaffleld also are home after i winter in the tunny State. • --thy, (Somerville, Miss Eva Somer- A large number of townspeople were at the harbor Ia.t eight to see the lrst steamer of the year enter title port at \8.30 o'clock. The Map was the Superior (Capt. Dalton Hudson), nd Jas. Donaldson, returned to Ooderleb on Monday evening after spending the winter In Florida. Priced! ib Goderich are sorry -10 learn of the serious illness of Mrs. Mee) J. A. Anderson of Ottawa, who belrllet>• in hospltal there for some t1iN. _-: ',-1Od Mrs. Percy Proctor and baby 4rolen, of Detroit, repent the week♦td with the former's parents. tbrop auxiliary reported baving ez- Mr. and 'Mrs, -W hooter, Gibbons seeded Its allocation. An tnterest and strut attendance at the aeetlonal meetings Mr. and Hills Charles Morris, Of was urged. Detroit, .peak -..the week -end at the ter Marjorie have returned t0 now Mrs. McKenzie reported five evening home of the latier's parents, Mr. and home on Keays street after a eves' the window to loot for the ball, lto ost aunt -tries: North street, Goderleb, Mrs. D. Menasha. Mete Morris L years' absence. Mrs. Hetheffigigten his balance and -tumbled headlong to Seaforth, lived at Wingham and spent the last the floor. Kenneth -wee Gerrie; ;James street, Exeter; remaining and Mrs. W. HwBaker returned winter at Toronto with her daughter, four bours, but tela ,turd, strength sed r. Lane who had been teaching for a while in pulled him through safely. He was lire Lase reincrea seventeenof mise t week from Tpart n where Way Northern Ontario - taken to bas home on Saturday. Mon develop d increase four. One Mspent the greater part of the forwPortr. Miss Hetherington claims the north Although his ewes were affected by had developed into an evening sue Mr. Baker leaves this duties country is tar from wild. "I did not flee flap, one ha! stra(ghumed, and Bary during the year. The Tout! 8tasley to resm►te eel duals. for tie see a wild creature all the time 1 was hopea are that the other will become people stressed the wperiod it summer. teaching," she said. "except tae normal In time. their meetings; somee rreeported in- Dr. W. J. iteld and Mrs. Reid ar- Is." __ creased givinP• rived in town this week from Detroit p1pl THE WEDNESDAY HALF-1iLO1.iDAY Miss Balite sent her report: Two to take rip their resldencr permanent- ANNUAL SCOUT 11 BTING ly In their home nu St. George's Cres- newt fated field Commencing Wednesday of next new l' (i 1sT. • groups, also' Idcrsednt W. A. Speed, y app° week, Godertch drygooda merchants Interest and effort. Brussels,Pant- oilers they lave already ape Beeler, North street. Gexle[kh. Os' several mimmera. -"- secretary of Western Ontario, came to and the majority bf grocers, butchers mu- Mr. and Mrs, _Arnold McConnell Goderlch from the Boy (Scout head - and saket7r, with .others. will close, tanto street and WiolbaWUUs. ton, Dengannon, Wingham and Ben- visited with the former's parents, Mr. Quarters at London on Monday. fo their mere of 12.:~0 p.m. for the weal miller each have a group. and Mrs. W. J. MtCobnell, at Wood- visit with local Scout officials. As • summer mad -week 'half -holiday. The wen. was la repo Speed'sWednesday m half -holiday will continue, reported thirty- !stock last week end. end lira. McCon- result of Mr. visit the annual ds, four new ns ncll, jr., went on to T-oronte rlr;npemt Smut teener which hes been post with exceptions tieing to other dr seven mls benWW1 with her mother, Mrs. J. pored trequentlp, will be held nn May Glared builders, through -)fit• June, (tirInerebs year, t fifteen life -members. a few dap* July, August and September, I21. The field secretary will he here Worldar) Increase of thirty Shand pttuN to 11. Marshall.se Friends, eight hands ou the elkA Josephine Saunders ' haste re to take part In the meeting. congratulated the Scout honor roll. Those reporUog quarterly turned from a visit to her brother, Mr. I Mr. Speed strong BIG CATCHES OF SUCKERS and ding a correct annual report Walter L. /launder/. atOttawa. While officiate here for baying a The s e kir rum Is in full swing• are a itled to a place ou the honor fit the rapital she aaw some of the centre, "w -el` above meth average." eraand ! Daily now scores of the fisb are being roll. The Band at the ltrlek church flnalm In the Drama League contest, ere are fifty Scouts I taken from the Maitland River. On 1v ouletanding, reporting an Increase and she also -Went three afternoons. In Qoder&eh fever.}Sunday two llttle boya (he older one of two hundred per rent_ In girl the House hf Common. !tstening to SIGNATURE being about thlrte!'n Tears of age, tad two members going five atlathe debate on aAe,pployment relief. 11.01ID i'wEED81RtJIk$ Ibel.ng eighty-five Ash from the river. mcr•tl Rs. The Iemdrslr,xu hand is I --, I . Mr. Glen C. Lodge, ecnutmaster o! Many catches of over one hundred held In a achoet house, the toucher be- KiNTAIL CAMP DATES Me 2nd Goderie6 Boy Spout troop, on suckers are reported. lag the leader. Date. are anpouncrd fur the cartons I \Velnrdap received a servant bearing From Port Elgin it Is reported that Mat J. M. 80athcnu repsrtesl twenty- °rips at the j(Irttall camp Rrounde'the signature "TyrPetlsmulr:" i000 ge era 'were taken from the river a (luring Church f the The warrant one overdt►e, is a a >]tarty at that point. eight baby of the y ht h certifies [hat sits by which arrived from Midland. The trip, ordinarily a fifteen -hour run, was completed In 3241y hours by the Sup- erior, uperior, which encountered dense fog all the way. The ttuperlof would have been here a week ago, but was locked In ice at Midland. ss Mayor MrcEwan is out of town lady (Thursday), the presentation of a hitt To Captain Hudson will' be made on Friday before the departure of the boat. The Superior this year is just two weeks later than her first sffr IT"bere In 1935. • The Superior is taking on a cargo of 1500 tons of salt from the Goderlch Salt Company's witeehouse for the head of the Lakes. • • • The steamers J. B. Foote and Te. B. Hanna cleared from this port early Wednesday morning for the Coifing - wood dry docks for inspection. The steamers Cedarton and Outadoc are ready to leave and may clear this evening. The Bricoldoc was outfitting for an early trip, but was delayed a split bollaa,• -- WHO IS THIS? Celebrate Theit 25th Anniversary. Mr. and Mra. Albert Taylor Re- ceive Congratulations and Good Wishes CAN YOU NAJI3 HIM? Rev. Austin L. Budge of Hagerevtlle, klgdii: ukea time from alis duties as moderator _°Lthe Presbyterian Bynod of Hamilton and London 'to inform The Signal that the portrait In last week's issue w•as that of Rev. I1. Ken- nedy Palmer, D.1)., minister of St. Paul's Presbyterian church, Prince Al- bert, Sask., formerly of New West- minster. nee week we have another uniden- tified picture. Can anyone tell who It is? INJURED BY PAIL ., W. L DISTRICT MEETING At a meeting of the executive of the .West Huron Women's Institute, held et Blyth on April 22nd, arrange - meets were made for the annual dis- trict s. ""__ _w. - to be held at Londe. born Friday, May 22nd. • HOME AGAIN Mrs. O. J. Hetherington an ' Boy teberty - Mr. nil Iles. Albert Taylor, Koays street, were" the recipients of/many congratulatory cards and messages, aLso flowers and beautiful and practi- cal gift!, 'on Wednesday, wheu tbey quietly celebrated the twenty-fifth an- ofversar! of their wedding. AND SHOP WM1113 YOU ARE • INVITED TO QOP 1' THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers AT THE WATERFRONT 1 Fatal Midnight Crash at Mimics On Wednesday three million white- fish fry from the Sarnia hatcheries .were deare in the lake oft this port. • • • On Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, Horace Horton, Son of Mr. and the trim launch built during the Win- terOnothe months by Bert liac1h,nald will P officially become the "Anuamac." 1 The ebristening will be a regal mony, as It will be performed by the "Queen of the Jollies," )Llai Martina Hauer. The couple, ',bo have resided in Goderlch the last ae'enteeu Fears. arg natives of Boltuu, Eugland. Mr. Tay-_ lor, who was born lu 181(5, same to Canada in 1910 to prepare a-luthr at Toronto and bits bride -tube, Leah Iaelwe, who is a few mouths his senior, joined tam In 1911. They were Married tea--aprtt - ..., 1911, at the former St. Martin.; church, Toronto. The ceremony was perfurmed by Res, 8. 1)..taweatman. Mrs. Grace Ottaway was the brldrs. maid and Mr. Albert Brvwlley, I.T Raglan street, Toronto, ens grooms- After -impending three days at Atee- andra hospital with a slight concus- slbn resulting from a sax -Lout fall to a cement floor, Kenneth Hutchins, three-year-old sou of Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchins, Trafalgar street, 1s once more at his home, welt ou the 'Way to recovery. The little buy was playing with a on Thursday last when throned t roiled la a Adler window. He peeped man. The couple are highly regarded re- sidents of Goderich and are valued members of Knox I'reabyteriau church. Mrs. Taylor received a lite-newberabip certificate In the W.M.S. tri Klee church to 1924 and one of the mostt$Ameti Cnitel church, Peterborough. valued gifts she receli•ed on the ocra- Mr.Craik has endeared himself in the sloe of her annlveraary wu a life- hearts of many Ia this town and dee he membership . pin from the same society. trlct during his pastorate here and his The pin lathe highest honor the removal would be regretted. 11P, S. can confer. 3lta.,, aFtoZ ti■a ; t•i-a9d LOST THEIR BEARINGS q:1-ties,- • • • Local fishermen have had poor re- sults With their lifts of net* they bad set a few days previously. Lifting ou Monday, -Mac MacDonald had only e.isty-five pounds of trout, and MacKay Bros. had 170 pouede. "Reddy" Mac- Donald has pot lifted his nets yet, al- though he bas several gangs out • • • Bill Young claims that draegermen have nothing on him after a job he had ou Tuesday. Bill, who Is Ave tout MI of s° and weighs 1tk) pounds, was eramwed under the afterdeck of the Annamae In a hole so email that he had to roll up in a ball to get into tt.' - Hill had a long sud tiresome job uda, sawing through two The gaopte of Coderich were tt teril- to learn of the terrible aeeldent oa the highway at Mimko early Sunday morning last, re.ultlug In the death of four young men, one of whom was Horace Horton, younger sun of Mr. and Mrs. Philip 11. Murton of aware sea, near Tertinto. The bereaved parent. are butt padres of teetered' and members of well-known families of this town, Mrs. Horton being the former Miss Eva Acheson, ulster of Mr. R. J. Acheson, and Mr. Horton being a brother of Mrs. Gamble, Mrs. (Canon) G. C. 11111 and Mrs. Edith Baker. Itealdes the parents, au older broth- er and a slater survive the young mai whose death occurred so tragically. The Fatal (Yash Toronto, Aprtl 27. -Four young men, three from Menke. and one from Swan - bolts to release a block. He walked ren were almost Instantly k like the hunchback of Notre Dame for Louisa, street and the Lake Shore high au hour after he withdrew from the wa). in Mimic* at 12.20 Sunday morn- ing when the right sedan automobile In which they were driving eastward 011.1. TO REL'. F. W. CRAIK ymashel head-on Into a westbound Rev. F. R. Otefk, who is completing trolley car rounding the bend at fhb his fifth year at Victoria street United point. church, has received a call from St. The dead are: Horace Horton, driver of the 111 -fated automobile, aged twenty-five, of 8 Ellis road, Swansea; Desmond Robson, aged twenty-six, of 19 Alexander street, Mlmlco; George Radmore, aged twenty-seven, of 111 Mlwlc° avenue, Mimic°; James Forbes, aged twentyjjail, of Mt Alexander steel,-M1mlt ll folli were unwar- The impact of the automobile against the trolley was terrine, the crash being audible fur blocks along the highway. An eyewitness, according to The Globe, estimated -tie -speed of the automobile at the time of the crash as sixty miles in hour: Police found the speedometer jammer! at sixty-seven miles an hour. qre-`ls dent of tie:aeoleF aux! also Is a past president of the choir of Knox church, and conducts a C.G.},T. group and a Sunday school ou Mrs. Taylor also has Interests. the church, and was for more than one term prtvekient of Victoria laps and Sebool Club. She 15 lie,-presitieet of the Huron Council -ll of Hume tied School Clubs. She 1s loved by many for her work moues the poor in town, and was a member of the tMle wel- fare board for two years. Mr. Taylor is wee knowh thfongb- Desjardinw out Western Outarlo se a top-ranking "LIGHTHOUSE NAN" lawn bowler. He won his first Sawn IOn Thursday evening next the inwling championship at Bolton when! play ''Lighthouse Nan," which was el his early twenties,. He wrs fro - la td before a capacity house at elected sear wasand sdhrflu •t district unNo. `l Wlneham [sweetly, wlll be presented at 4 last year and c finalist 1 Torun. j MacKay Hall under the aueplces of to for the Provincial chanrllo0shlp• the lloderlcb Baseball Club. He also was skip of a natal -finalist rink This three -set comedy Qyatgf is the for the Eaton gold cup at Toronto three years ago. Mr. Taylor has won Dum- erous smaller tropbles and todrneys. .11e is a me _ r of the Anclent Or- der of Foresters. and 1s chief mechanic it the Goieetal lirator and Transit Company. There see two sans, Joseph W. Tay- lor, C.N.R. apprentice, at Stretford. t nd, ..Sttialey Taylor, of Goderich. Three Grand Bead fishermen mew t¢e-cause-of no Tittle concern -on -Ned, e.Aday whets tbeywereetost-1n a fog and- were ieegroverdue on a net -setting trip in Lake Huron. tate Wednesday afternoon the trio, titter Ts ettlie`fe were located off 8t. Joaepb. north of Grand Bend. So com- pletely bad they lost their direction that they thought they were south of 0rend Bend, of Pert Franks. The brothers are Joe, Ed., and Fred TOWN WATER IS Al 1n order to mnke sure that (ioilerich drinking water was fit for use, al- though It has been murky the last few daje. three samples were sent to the London laboratories' last ees•k-ehti, onn Fr-4ey, Saturdae anddlondny. sample was given a first-aria+s rating, there being no colon Willi pre¢nt ht :10 cable centimeters of the water. NOOSE RIVER RESCUE FUND bands, five new one. Presbyterian uhrc or the sear,: sl membership of :.4I1'and an epwInR Retailer ;The boys: camp will document w c The sum of >Ftft., ctsntrlbnt g steYsve sixty 1 nccu tbe-i1'b» tits retreweak-tleetle./ hedge is (Achill', recognised fie hell* Aw'1'6RNOON TEA ierich has trt46 temtnteltted tq Me.. Increase In ghlags. 1 position. He Sas sae life-members.fourofher One grandmother nlnR my 2pd. The 'spmmer school capable of occupying the p°A The members of the Margaret F. J. tattle of the ('taadhn Bast of madt at grandchildren life- will be beld. July 9 to 10 and the was a pstrol leader at the ot'ganlsatlon tr (int of St. George's church enter' l)nmtneree to the Red Cross for tbe ,. meadbere. The Brick church, one of i girls' camp will follow fur n week• ' to the Go n active troops eight years ago. tamed a large number ata delightful loose River Rescuers' ods Mr. -ale. l set eueillerles, has 4 Mission 1 ane was to worker in the form- afternoon tea at the home of Mrs. H• I Harold 1'. Williams, spi0sor of tate Baa* and a R+1b7 Band. L]Oi11S' AC'IRtyiTiRg of the pre. _ He were mase ted .wBswrday -fecal fund. asks The Signal to thank ing t L. Barnes, street, treasurer, MIs. Ferguson, r. y the local commltteeAve atthnsoon. Thr guests were r(rehcMall who confriretelpts of tp4,200.t1d; 414,110.00Iltn1'ecoutmsster by r ' (' ides de ar Lot - 'T ag 1 •-sent-,.-the bataicb-treak •w with ---1s[et---- iii '- Lions H. T. Edwards, F. S. Ribbert d Nelson 11111 were at Hamilton o Monday atteddfnA"the distriPt' of Lions. A feature of the meeting was an Interesting address by Mel- ville indeed at Jones of Chicago, International hounds having been sent from the MI- , secretary-general of Lions (antra. UC ,u{Ilftles c°mmissslon on ThursalaJ gram was to Phatte oT MIss I Thla is charter nicht for the mewls- last deputation of town coun- rent organizations. nised Leona ClubofClinton,aster, of neon- I[rs, W. Pickard reorganised h Is in prospect. A ,cross rte engineer. toted. The amount war ma up acted at Opera iloctk Aptll years ago. _yard TReedansulr,1,, Scout of Canada, is Chief Stout for Mill"" Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. A. . a homCw4a Prettilg e eeureted bowls and silver baskets of daffod Mrs. It. ('. IIayl Batt Sint. J. M. tic erts enured tear incise/ere e/ere assisted by raembers of Ibe A musical pro, de TN supply committee, Mrs. (olelou , Sin in charge, reported supplies $2,000.00 and weighing 3(157 ?l,'BLIC UTILITIES CON.MISSION At the regular 1sleting of the Pub- Downhill ub - There is a sll ghtly Geode grade 'for an eastbound automobile at this point In the highway, and this fac- tor. together with the ear's alleged lilgh speed and the fact that the driv- er, Horton, had just swung out on t* the car tracks to pass another east- bound auto, Is believed to have bees responsible for the death car's course to the left of tbe centre of the car work of the Victoria Players under tracks anti Into the front of the west- bound trolley. the direction of Mrs. J. E. Match. The automobile was completely de- stroyed. Disintegrated parts were strewn for many feet around. The wreckage careened forty feet, isosrer- sanIted twice, and came to rest os Its aide. Three of the young men melds died -Instantaneously. There was no and also the club by the purchase I movement, ed nwitbreathing. when pas.- - -alsobeep themselve@. ersby reached them within a few sec - of ticket-leDodi One of them- which one, wit- --- -• -T+ to an even entertainment ATTEMP- T TO FORM UNION Shiploadery hold Organize(' Meet- ing-Want eet ing-Want More l'ay and shorted Hours mer ver thre*ore men who aro ems, ployed from time to time at tthe harbor In loading and unloading )pe have signed a petition which was clr- utated for the formation of a teem - Their productions, as their many fol- lowers know. are oL high order and are presented la as engaging manner. "Lighthouse -14m" !e -no exception. r .t ticket-selllOS eoatest is open to the young ladies Of tbe town, and clauses are asked to help their friend■ ne"ees were unable to say -lived a few !dente., then died. Forte.. and Itadmere were throw's out on the pavement. The others were In the wrvs•knge of the automo- bile. -. ho.loree of the collision swan such that It buekled almost in two steel fender on the front of the street car and smashe(l the windows In the front. and aides. The street car motormen. Peter Da- ehoremmn's Union, with the object of lenient, lti Aster nvennr, Toronto, !a obtaining more pay and shorter bours.'I caved injure, and only one pnasepjet hours• Ist In made in working for thhrtl i 0a_tbe trolley received cuts about the honrs straight, at times, for thirty f face when the mhcw k knocked Me bead cents an hour. was held An organization meeting on -/Tuesday night. Awl It Is said on executive of the union was appointed,' inn• ite-reileitee An _whom the men were depending to back their Inteb rats felled tto show taokip tsf e•patle Les.der. Kather- ine •Oflas. .._ _ p ha4 lama chums since chihl peer* at the harbor N+gelln*' hi against the window pone, smashing 1t identified by Brother Supported by an officer. Travers Hor- ton ldentltiel the dismembered body of his brother. _. "My (Lod." he exclaimed. "biotdtett M I don't went her tb see that." •wigs -asst . deed ._ to 1 tions Qi too and night a T I \VNkes. d ported for the svgs I dllora with (•. C. letssionary Barlett take Monthly, Monthly, -seven tail- a big time to, dlstriet Hydro-EleM Marlen take tbe Mopt hly, 1054 ,ub.crip or more of Gnderich IAons will attend, dl•cpmae(i with {he r6mmtedon the IV- contingents are expected I Int ie Itoe Oohs, an Increase of eighty-one. World I and levee vlsabflky, of having p° I tfrom Stratford, London and other I consdrucdon 10 climinAte one row of l Friend.+, thirty-four panda, 429 sob -1 ,rots. poles on North, Deet and Victoria scrlptfu 3. en increase of lslzty three. (Pt - 1 pupate ami oath. la road. • Mrs. J. 'Gowdy repertelf 330 fifty I The depilation was ` informed the members in associated helpers and fift eubsrrlid nor n so Increase of thtrtsefive. Eighteen members have become active members. Mbe thanked the auxiliaries for co- operation in senditvg reports- 430.4.701 bad been con r n h associate Another Camp for commission would be peesel to co I into the matter further with the 1011 Lake Huron Beach I Telephone Company. The superintendent was empowered L to pnrdbAse materials to repaint the a Comes from I.ak( nr"'Oenntal lamp standards on the Clamp Orendag Wpnare. it was reported that the t t M1.slonary Monthly t a ste(1 by bet re an increase of twenty per sept; Ilensall, (MP of the moat n11Ceess- fel In aoeoelate helpers' work, showed an Ineresse of 100 per Mrs. Gillespie, tempernner secre- tary, reported sending out fifty-seven clip sheets and recommendtsnnhthe mem- bers to increased courage fastness'• . said Mies Murray, press sec'reterl`! it mild to advertise. Elbe 'had sent a report of the Presbyterial to all le Pere to the London also la the county, dallies and to the Conference Branch had also sent so ar- secretary• ^11e Exeter, jubi- leeon the Jame street, ihh lee ;servicees last rummer. At title juncture Mian Marlon Gib- bing/I' and Mlle Elva Wiltse sang a et, Heard the Voice of sewing deed, JeOnm Roy." _ Mama M. sMurdoch,d literature ot books, e - tart', had a Peeples -five per Pant. Incr'ea.e. There are eighty-seven recommended by the oatamended to Mmember *specially Al - r. (Continued on page 4) Erie Shore to Site North sedimentation basin end wells were be- ing thnronghly salting from the aping freshets. W. WEIR TO BE ORDAINED At Huntsville Tomorrow --Gift from Knox CMmeh, Gederieh William Weir, son of Mr. and Mre. F. G. Weir, East street. will be or- dained to the mintetry at St. Andrew's l'resbTterian church. Huntsville, to- 1 morrow 1 Friday I. htr. Weir graduated at Knox College, Toronto, on April 715, having crvmpleted a A,PTPn-yPat courts in slit years and won two (whet- I arships. ile le In him second year et Ilnnt*ville. ,)t the ordination (rremnnl Mr. Weir Will lop preeer.ted with a reference Bible, the gift of the evasion of Knox Presbyterian church, Gnderleb, in be- half of the congregation. Mr. Weir la the fire young man from Knox cltnreb to enter the intalstre In Wine years. f de{ssdda re - of Bayfield Tmadnn, April 29. -Announcements are being sent out this week by the Y.W.C.A. retarding the new camp site for Orendag* this summer. After mneh eonmlderatlnn hJ the camp com- mittee it ham been derided to transfer the ramp alto from Lake Erie to Teke Huron, three m11P. north of LtaTATid. A terraced ellff 1eatls from the beach to the playing field on a tempos neer the lodge. Tents are to be arranged on the level nr In the wooded bank. New 1,nterest is being created In the temp this summer in view of Use feet that there Are new moots to explore and the program of events will lnclnde many new feetllrOR. Mien Ilene Mcleod is the temp di- rector foethe season. From 8 to 11kt5 inclnalre Oren- daga was *Heated nn the shote of Lake este east of Port Wesly. +1 • *-• Dollar Days in -Gederic Aga n (itstertch merchants are joining in a Cienmuntty Sale. for which 0dr•'rtldng sheets have Iss•n dlstrlh0tied titer a wide ter- ritory. The dates ere Friday and Sat- urday. May 1 and 2, and the bust- easy firma co-operating are: W. A('IIESON A SON (). W. R,1E('HLER W. H. RI.A('KSTONE • CAMPBELL'S DRUG STOVE A. CORNFIELD MRM. K. EV'ANS, W. HERN F. E. IUBRERT HlI)KOSTORE PEOPLE'S STORK W. ('. PRII►HAM • SON M. ROBERTSON M. ROBINS 6E0. W. S(' 'FHR SIGNAL RTEDEiiRA TALBOT • 3. W. TRU Cflll ctel at Opera' -House April Zi Collected box, H. C. Marine office Collected at Canadian Bapk of ("omtnerce ' (iolie•red at Collected at Signal office Collected at Star ((mcI- _' The men were pr bond and were almost Inge/wire 15 7g lest night when the steamer Supurior 1, ee o'etabm of their fatal ensthouad broke{, and there one n wild struggle I drive along the Lake Shore hlgh*a/ 71)2 • for n short time, but It was only the w s to wn to the ,lumber for 8 19 sed to woiTTil■t. , Th ---1 15 the Beene before work retar . learned that, 1n order men fighting to get cheer -In tickets to r *wichrs. Forbes had alt g o to work. Horton earlier to the evening at glewdrrm sat meet, however, d the hirhwae. 1 50 and rete Horton It was who snggcsted that they ted rm. nl)arhvetc, And Rn to 1114; Amboy the the drove of alone. Soenreney they met the other two on the way through the town of Minden. George Radmore was estrcttley well anon In Mlmle•n nn eery the n rhes y po (Continued on tinge 5) under __-- - General Connell of l ilei Church it has 446 48 to ktepe pay uniform with other • floret, ", he Men here have been el - J. P. HUME NAMED lowed n raise to thirty-five cents an Incur. It is believed this will knock 1 polm 1 1 weakened supporta from ik By Presbytery as Commissioner lei 1 the proposed urtton _ At a meeting of Huron Presbytery of the halted Church held in Wesley - Willis church, l'linton, on, Tuesday, Mr. J. 1'. Home, representative elder of Mirth street United.ehurch. (iodcr- Ich,' has 1101010116.4a, lay commis- sioner to the General t.ouneil of the United -Cbnrch to be held at Ottawa In September. Rev. F. G. Verrill, of Clinton, chairman of the Presby- tery, was nominated as minlsterlal commIssiefer. • ld - truc'efle• , Kee. W. A. •Itremnrr, of 1 wax the Preabytery's nominee for the office df president of the London Con- f,•renee. Rey, Malt. Cumming, of Walloon. and ' Mr. Fred 1. Sauvage, of Seaforth, were nominated. as the Premhytery's repre- sentatives on the settlement commit- tee for the coming Conference year. About sixty persons attended the i'red,ytery meeting, Rev. W. P. Lone. end keens. .1. 1'. Hume and A. H. Rnlwrtmna repreeent'Ing North street United ehnrlh, and Rev. T. W.'Cretk attending from Victoria street United church.._.._. - -. _-- Forty Years After, Schoolboy Actors - -. Play Their Parts in Real Life Felitnr The Signal. tin a resent v14.(to Godertfi, 1 hail a ploReent meeting with a well- known old-time citizen, Ph -Sheriff Lteynel,l+. 1 found ham hale and hearty end bearing lightly the reepon- slhllity- of his fonrscnre years. (lie t I I1 eightieth birthday oa they +Segel a tms•k trial to whici► Bob Reynolds took the part of the sheriff : George itlackmtcwek, son of the North mlre.t MPthudlst minister. wag the pruwenttng attorney. and Graeme ('bInc s„n, son 411M. (•'. Camerem, was the hawser for the defence. The via - Ore of the make-believe trial tall its ,s lebr,t r, hie I result 9 re immaterial; but forty year. April Rth. , later there was a r.$1 tweeter trial 1. At Nil boys of (1nderieh (bummer I Gawlerleh- the Jardine ease --in w5Ml School and (ialerl•h illgh Sehool we two of these "boys" played a part wen. swapping ',infirm, and he coorvel Tool in that trial the G. county Reynolds, the r was one that [ think shonid Me 1M 1 attorney for the Crown was George T. filers it to in the old Grammar Reboot on Blaeicstock. K.C., of Toronto- a re - North 'street which Mr. Reynolds at- ' markable example of schoolboy octet, tended under .PrtI cip.l Preston Rnd ' meeting again in real life. 16LLidlT later under Mr. thing, Hwy had lit- erary ezerctsee, ! - at one widen , tendon, Ont •