The Signal, 1936-4-23, Page 8t e • r y, April IRM, 11M l�i�:tfllir NITURE e MICRO ROABONABLO Come McKay David's fit, J Remodelled and Upholstered GUARANTEED nti Later are list mem N•tlemen ; they are the op. pain Mows what he L a(sut T 'tr Jitney Dancing v Y SATURDAY ETI AT TEl PAT! TONY FARR'S BAND ADS11SBIO11 10c itliw MANAGISIENT fr lvntaia M -a.-'i Sahel A N i GODER11A NOTICE owners and occupiers of are hereby settled that garbage, etc., must be re- g moved frogs their premises by May 1st, 1906 yr Amtebs t Ss•Rary Inspector. Saturday Specials ! &was YOUNG KUTTON Lip to Roast 191% inset to Stew .......... 6c Shoulder to Bails .10c 0o'pg to Fry ..... ahi3. 23c lssw1 Steak ! lbs. 36c IMs& Steak 2 Its. 35o Who; Steak 2 I. 35c Spry Meat Muket —THOS. LEGO— Phone 486 Hamilton it. Bee WM, Meads S1U he pleased to bare that Mise Ruth Curwen has Passed tbe Civil B.rvler examiaatluw with loans. The mouthly meeting. Pf the Sala Former at the home of Mrs. IL Morris on Mont Thursday, April 30. • The regular monthly MPettag et the SIGNAL -7 'esse .a..."rs*nes V. Lesslie ! s OBITUARY Protects Canadian He7W1TT ford Hospital AuxmUaty will be held at Brockville George GEORGIC Heory Hewitt, a satire of kville Shipping on Lakes nHENRY Brantford wbo for many years bad resided on a Goderkb townadp farm, ]Ea�agar of Bank Of died ou Tuesday morning, In his Montreal Here—Result of eighty-fourth year. Mr. Hewitt, who A was a sun of George Hewitt and So- Maitt Attack plea Pearsons, was 'blind the last 01- ty years. but because of hisdcdhertul (loderich Womens Huapl •l Auxiliary BROCKVII-t.E, April 16.—The sud- outlook be was highly reg 1 z.�. :w urn est the m.aplle library on wide circle of friends. Surviving, Monday, April 27, at 4 o'clo�"- -Tdz" t1''tb at, it Yan "um 14°41_ le' besides 41a widow, formerly Aanla Keep Thursday evening April 30, manager of the Bank of Iteotreii:0' Hesyen, are tour children: Frank, for '•Oorossdo." a musks' picture at Brockville for the oast seven years, of tetrattord; Mrs. Wm. McAllister. the Capital Theatre sudet the auspices which occurred 3 o'clock this morn- of Detroit; Mrs. Patterson, of Port of the Uodsrlcdt Women'. Hospital ling W bin gee, occasioned a deep Huron, and Mrs. Harry Langlois, who Auxiliary. i sense of pass here. He suffered a in visiting her daughter is ( Utorsta. The Victoria street United church I bow attack. Interment will take place •t Malt- The will eireeeut their play, -Her I Born In Kingston, Mr. t.esalie was' land cemetery title (Thursday) after- Honor, tter Honor, The M.yor,i In MacKay Hall, • sun of the late Captain William B. noon• oe April 30th and May list. Adults- ',unite, a widely -known mariner, and sloe--AduIs 30c, student• tic• 1 hie wife, who before ber marriage was aver/one is faulted 10 the tea 10 be I Xis* Laura Marion Bre. k. The let- betd •t the residence of Mn. H. L Vier survives. In tile early life the Barnes, Church street, by, the Mar- u� Yr. Leea►le um au Pateruslastle MRS. WM. J. McNP'VIN Three days after suffering a stroke, Mary 1Ylnale) Stokes, widow of the lite Welham 3. McNevtu, passed away garet Seager Club of St. Georges ' athlete, particularly In rowing, hockey at Alexandra bospltal on Thursday church, on Saturday, April 25, from I and rugby football. Ile rowed $ )Oat. The news of her death was re - 4 to 6. Tea, 25c. I Brockville during the Canadian Hen- estved wltb sorrow by a wide circle Hear Mrs. (Dr.) Hearn ant Mn ley In 1808, as a member of the Ot- et trleadr and acquaintances. Mn. •(Dr.) Oakes, Clinton vocalletr, at taws Rowing Club. He entered the McNevin, who had been la poor health North street t'nitee churcb Monday ; tervlee of the Bank of Moate el forty- for some time, was in her seventieth evening next, when the '11110. '"Phe Ohl I two years ago, and early in his bank- year. She was born in Goderieb f'eaboly Pew," will be pre.euted. Ad ; Ing career was atetlomed In Brockville' township, a daughter of Sandford misstou 2.K• and 13c. ' when the late W. R. Travers was Stokes and his wife Mary Lawrence, Mrs. Robert Motet. president of manager. He rapidly ad,nnced In and was united In marriage to Mr. Vktorla' Rome ant} Sehoot club: Mrs. euecesr•Ive positions with the hunk. and McNevin la Guderich thirty-three years W. F. Saunders, president of Central wt)s manager at Goderi h, logersoll ago. Her husband dkd to 1924 from Home and R.pnol Club. and Mrs. Jen- ,and Weyburn, Sask. He came here' iujurles received In en accident while king, of (thine, president of the Ilur- , scree years ago from Goderich. I working at the Western Canada Flour on Council of Home and School Clubs,' Besides bis wife, who I�efore tier Mills. Surviving are two stepdaugb- have returned from Toronto, where marriage was Mies ]label Gertrude tern, Mn A. H. Hord, of Wolseley, they attended the 0 E.A. convention Sinclair Brownfield of Kine too, he ! Soak., and Mn. R. H. Tye, of Col- ima ob haat week. is survived by Ills aged mother of Tb i borne, Ont. There are three nephews The Goderlch Township Ho'rpttal rooto; two eons. Gentleman Cadet John and two nieces, children of a brother, ,Auxtllary met at the home of Hrs. Broomfield Lesal a of the Royal Mill- Fred, who was killed In France on Geo. Johnston, Stanley street, on tory College, Kingston, sod Wililam September 27, 1918. Mrs. McNevin Thursday Last, with fourteen members Van Arnam Lesslle, at home. He a1- was ■ member of NOrtb street United premed. Miss McLean presided. The so leaves a brother, Brig. -Gen. W. B. eharch and was actively Interested fn proceeds of the recent sale of baking Legate. O.M.Q., D.S.�..R.&, Basing - were $17. Mrs. Rnbt. Deer, Bayfield stoke, Eng. life -mew road, won the lucky ticket for the af- The funeral service will be conducted chin and ptllow, drawn by Kelso John- Saturday afternoon, and Interment will aeon of Kelso, Ont., son of the bbet- be IA Kbytes. eau. It was decided to give a shower — of fruit to the hospital t tbe annual _ ROYALTON LEAVES birthday' party to lay -- - -` --- Flrst Freighter 0•t e1 [isderieh Har- bor This Year Canada Shipping Act Will Come into Effect on August 1st 1OWT.—AT NILE, LAST WNOK. be YORKSHIRE SOW, no tall. Will pay for keep JOHN FEAGAN, R.R. 3, Auburn. Dinner .14 Sets WANTED Hart WANTBD.—MAID TOR GENWEAL ee housework. Most be good plain cook. ApplyA, St. Ottawali'April 20.—The Canada Vincent street. Slipping t, one of the most volume- — MAC AL irXeii( ilr passed by the Cheadle■ ANTED.—MAN TOR (ALES DIS - Parliament, will come into force on 1TR1BUTlON. Food prodteetq d4 August 1, Marine Minister Howe rect to consumer. $50 cask •siro stated tonight Amendments will be Bary. Exceptional proposition. Write fade meanwhile to meet some of the 'TIED, Fdstoc ums PILtario. B' LIY objections levelled at the meseuret by ITED, Woodstock, Ontario. salt water flsbermea. The act. after' two years' study, passed through Parliament la 1184 but was not brought tato force. One of Its pre:miaow was that 1t would come Into effect only op proclamation. Tbe order -In -council proclaiming it on August 1 bas been passed. One of the moat important changer Mkt act will make will be to protect anadtan Great Laken *sipping from 'United States competition. It b be- lieved it will prevent United States boats from carrying tgraln from the bead of the Ickes to Montreal. The shipping act now in force was intended to du *that when it provided that a foreign boat could not carry goods or passenger from one Canadian FIBRE BRED CHICKS—We batch port to another Canadian port. How- ever, it did not prove effective, because the finest Chicks from the herr United States boats could load at Port stock in Canada, Daly large eggs fto. Arthur or Fort William, trinshlp in - equipped, best layer. Our hatchery Is well to other hoary at Buffalo and send equipped, clean, and up-to-date. We thi- ther cargo to Montreal. can sell Chicks cheaper because the eggs hatch better In this part of Cana 1fAUTIQAL YARNS da, our stock being on range earlie.. Over ten years of selective breedl.,c and seven years of blood testing. Harlow Habitues assail IIalghable Standard quality Tom Harron type Events of the past White Leghorns 9c; Barred Racks 10c. Extra quality Chicks Bre 2c more. This stock one. pound teenier when matured, and batched from 24 to 30 -oz. eggs. Four -week-old White Leghorn pullets 40c. Essex Hatcbery Starting l2lLcnlL Order from GEORGE C. RYAN, -Britannia Road God 1 h. DISTRESS SALE DUR8UANT TO THE AS(3ESSM1CNT Act, 1927, chap. 238 and ■tnend- meots thereto, I will sed the following goods belonging to the Estate of Rob- ert McLean at public auction on SATURDAY. MAY 2nd, at 2 p.m.. at the home of the late Robert Me - Leen, Huron road: A quantity of hounebotd furniture. A. F. SOMERSALL, Bailiff tor' the Tax Collector of the Town of God- erlch. ase. • BAST > BALI - the work of the Wowen'r Missionary The coming christening of the launch Society, of which she was aAnaamac" has set tbe old-timers her. reminisclsg on similar events of the Tbe funeral service was conducted ANOTHER POSTPONEMENT Tie trim of J. Howard Robertson, former tax collector charged with the ('ooverSlon of munleipel funds, which was to be held on Tuesday of this week. has been adjourned once more. until May .12, by arrangement between defence counsel and the A$Irney-I General's Department. - _ - BROUGHT TO HOSPITAL HERZ (bus. Stowe, East street, who wait Injured In a fall while painting on the steamer Aradlallte .t Port Colborne• about two week,( ago. was brought to Goderleh on Friday night last and i• now at Alexandra ho'pital. Mr. Stowe fell from a scaRnldIng to the deck of the strip and suffered internal �. injuries and an Injured hack. • • • • i by Rev. W. P. Lane, minister of North past. Tbe: boyo at the harbor have street united et.Breh, anointed by Edw.not changed with the passing years. C. F. Clarke, at the home of deceased They Bp�rctiated a lobi •241151111-51. o*-WeUNngto*--•street- ea -BaiaMap-• i�'-aa•jay do mw. afternoon Interment Area_ -is Matt- AL.one christening et a aa's�l- land cemetery, the patlbearers being the assembled crowd watched eaga George Stokes, Chane+ Stokes, Wal- expectantly. Tbe skipper raised ■ bottle and, his face wrestled In smiles as be was the cynosure of all eyes, Ot, Saturday morning last the first for Heitman. George Buchanan, Cliff. freighter to leave (loderich this year Webb and Clarence Robertson. crowded Rs way through soft Ice Among the out-of-town relatives and packed in the harbor and beaded for friends attending the funeral were Toledo tor coal. The ship was the Mrs. W. G. McNevin and Miss Dorothy Royalton (Capt. C. Abinson). The McNevin, of Toronto; Mrs. A. H. Hord. Royalton, w bleb wintered at this her of Wol eley, Baa .. Mfrs. R. H. Tye. hoer-sbitr-here bad several ab�ut 9 area. �a M0. W. Dessidass 1 moved for repairs. Rbe left about 9 and daughter, of Stratford; Yr. and o'clock Saturdaypest morning. Mrs. C. B. Stokes and Mr. and Mrs. Br 1. Wilson, of ltrussel%, au Mrs. L. The steamer Superior, stitch was Wetsster, of SeatorW. expected here last week -end for a _ cargo of anal from the (Ioderieb Sal( OODERICH MARKET PRICES Company's warehouse, bas been held ted •p by Ice at Ytdlind. It it expected --- A from Fowl week Hens, 5 Its., 13e; iens, 4-3 lbs., 11c; bens under 4 lbs.. 10e. Butter the ship will be elle to ear Midland the latter part of this for the trip to this port. minefOMINION STORES -- 4 -t. • , These special values effective April 23rd to 25th 'Delusive. .. • . . a 'n CONNOR'S CHICKEN i 5ADDIES 1a 6 'Pr29< ' a, TO t Tiro e 4 . 0000 QtiratTV '{'•-• Choice Relfila 2 Tbs 25( Brno 1 Stfnty-+;Wen sir' C es fub� tr y •• ,1 • • • • TONA WISH, ■ ■ ■� 225, t . STANDARD QUALITY PEAS 3 Tis. 25 MAGIC If AKING POWDER .Cash & Curvy EI�- r • • ■ • • • t • • • • • ■ ■ • • • • • • 1 • Eggs and Egg', per doses, 11c1Ge; batter, dairy, ib., '20e ; butter, creamery, lb.. 24c . ' __ film Stealer_ 4t34e—Ie; veal, N. le: iamb, 1 Graf . Wheat, per bas., 65e -76c; bitch - wheat. per bow. age -3111c; oatsr per bus., 255 30c; barlq, per has. >- 136c. Orlgetables Potatoes. per bag. $1.25: tontine, per �, rear ant illbei 1fe•u, bag. it 100.1k. .10-41.15; aborts, 100 -lb. bag. per—$1.30; Mani- toba flour, 100.1b. bag. $2.85-121.26. e 4 95 pieces MT/MAL PAZTSRSLTO CSOOSS 7R0Y AT A SPECIAL PIKS $14.95 each Cole's look Store Oodorir Ont. 1OMM-a Via. 4 fr DITOMe NOTIOW'1O CORDITORS. Noting 1s hereby given to all pili• sons baring claims against tbf! 41i tate of Jane McLarty, late of the township of Colborne, In the county et Huron, widow, deceased, to sand the some duly verified to the undersigned on or before the 14th day a[ May, 1331, after which date the executor wil proceed to distribute the said estate among the persons entitled thereto. having regard only to bbe claims et which be then shall have bad pods, and that he wife not be liable for the proceeds of the estate so distributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not by then have been received. F. It. DARRO W, Goderlch, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. as - er c I ACOOI NTANTS FOR HALE OR RENT } W. MONTEITH, _ Chartered Accountant - TO RE VT.-1TELD8 FOR PAST[JRRj99 Ontario street, Stratford. Ontario 1 or crop at Carson House. Apply to I (Member Ftntbrook. McLeod lbw kdth, Toronto, Ontario.) ,� at gently tapped the bow of the boat.A. F. C. LIVROOW, 264 Dune street.l• - Nothing happened, except that the Toronto. man laughed away, his embarrassment. for the bottle did not break. He I VOR RENT.—HOUSE ON TRAPAL• as took a arm grip on the neck of the THOMAS OUNDRY, GODmRICH, bottle and banged heartily. -The eerie- GAR street between North and VI' -t teeth was not yet fulfilled. toric. Hardwood floors, garage and LIVE STOCK AND GONERAL g garden. Apply M. W. HOWELL. AUCTIONEER Determined to shatter the bottle. bei Telephone No 119 struck again. firmly, then angrily. then MYR RENT.—APARTMENT TB -#ulna attended to anywhere and eves, fiercely, before he realised the pret- f rent on ground floor, Colborne 'Wert made to give setistactiote 01y -wrapped bottle was made of' Apartments. Hamilton street. Apply ,Farmer' sale notes discounted. cement. to ROBERT JOHNSTON, Court HottK At another ebvlsteaing two young- - Phone 131. VE'1'6RIIYA1<Y SUMMON decided to stow away and take the maiden trip. They concealed�O diate RENT.—MACFARLAND FARM DR. O. E. MYERS, V.S., B.Y.8e, themselves under the foredeck and 1 on Bayfield road. Immediate pox VETERINARY SURGOON wafted patiently. They waited eager- session. For further particulars ap Graduate of the University of Tee ly. They welted hourly. But the ply to HAYS & HAYS, Barristers, etc., rondo and Ontario Veterinary College. ebrlatening had been postponed. Tbe Goderieb, Ont a youth sneaked our as Inconepteuously Omce at T. T Murphy's, Hamilton as possfbte.UOt,'RF: FOR SALE. --TWO-STORY �W Phones: Day 200: reddeges _ Matt house ou Nelson street. Eight $A1?AI/iON REUNION rooms and bathroom. Good location. -*Meld A. Young, of the of the Would exchange for Dnogaiow or cot. Goderlch branch of the Bank of Mon- tags. Apply at SiGNAL OFTICIIt treat. will be the vole local repreeen- __ - - _ _ - tative at the two-day reunion of tee DASTURE FARM TO RENT NEAR 4th Canadian Infantry Battalion at C Renmfler, or will sell on easy terms. Toronto on Saturday and Sunday Apply to MRS. RUTH THOMPSON, next. Headquarters for the two days 13368 Chelsea street, Detroit Mich., will be at the Prune George hotel. or to HARVEY FISHER, BR. 6. Goderleb, Ontario. Canada. Lady—"Well. I'll take a pound of those sausages. Are UM Drtt111b7" I roR SALE.—THRIVING BUSINESS. Botcher—"Yea,. meda tba- 9d I- operating four pool tablas. two old bulldog broad".,, , "' snooker tables, two bowling alters, la AUCTIONSIBRING • • • • • • • • Blue iabei—Black Tea • • • • • GOLDEN TIP • • MACAROON DOMINO BLE" VC 22, pk.43( Pkg Yellow so 1-1b. Tin 69C WAFERS 20-Wafe CATCHUP 211g le( • WAX BEANS 25( • • • Bunch • • MOM 40: Clever Brand No. 1 White HON EY 39( • • • \Cleanser 311-14(1! HAW E S' Ili FLOOR WAX • • • Good Hu111110, 23( • • • The New (Frornenty) Cereal 5 11411011•11 3112 dim Drops 0 : Walnut 27c1 Pieces lb DOMINION Kellogira. !EP Br are popular with active then. They contain extra bran to be mildly laxa- tive. Always ready to eat. Delicious with milk or cream. Buy a package from your grocer. Enjoy these better bran flakes for breakfast, lunch or sup- per. Made hi Kellogg i• Lowboy OM. Tuesday, April 21M, George H. Hewitt, beloved Irusband of Annie Heryen, In hie 85th year PITELADO —In loving memory of ilt dear wife aed mother, Margaret 'White 'alibied°, who passed away 23, 1935. It all the world wete ours Ma glec Toles. toeing emile again *. *t mar door, &SP oft there commi-before us Your dear face kW mud true. 1111f death rem never take away Our memories, deer Mother, of you. —HUSBAND AND FAMILY. I Keay' street Red brick, good eon- dition, seven rooms Including three- piece batbroom. Ilardwood floor. throughout, modern lighting, storm windows all round. Easily heated by furnace. I u hie garage INtrIl lot with young fruit orchard ascribes for quick sale. Apply -it- Ems GARD DV THANKS HRS. WILLIAM DOYLE. JR., AND 0/1 FAMILY, MR. AND MRS. WIL- LIAM DOYLE, 811., AND FAMILY of- fer sineere thanka to their many friends and acquaintances for kindness and sympathy 'shown in tbetk recent sad Iola of a toeing husband, son and brother. They are eepecially grateful to Rev. Fathers Nagle and Fallon, to Dr. John Wallace. to tbe neighbors who gave their assistance. tliose who so kindly sent mass cards and flowers or who loaned their ears for tbe FOS SALS CURING CLEARANCE SALE OF ,L7 1-FIED I'IANOS Such well known Marion & Riach. Weber and others at reesionahle prices and terms Write 1110INT7,11AN k C1). 242 Donde* St , Lcandon, for farther perticulars. No eatione hall leather retch; one with electric lights; Mandl one drop -head like new ; ton bridge tempo litifiri 3.t LE.—BY APPOINTMENT no 'solid oak dining -room ume Web; four Wilton large rag, 3% yds. tithes; one writ - k one ttee There W111 be offered ter sale by public asetfon at the premises. SATURDAY, APRIL 2511), 1936 commencing at 1.30 o'clock p.a. the household goods of the late Mrs. H. Hill. eomprising: Settee ; buffet ; Treasure Quebec est* store: Happy Thought cook stove; new Perfection oil Move; two bedroom suites. aprings and mattresses; lee -box; Raymond sewing machine; two elec- tric radios; earpet 'weeper; vac -nuts cleaner; iron kettle; 250 -gallon under- gronnd tank ; 40 -gallon steel barrel; C•nleman lantern; dining and kltelien furniture; cooking utensils; garden tools. and other articled numerona to mention T. GUNDRY & PON, Auctioneers. NELSON HILL, Executor. MEDICAL Late House Surgeon New Yee& Ophtbalmic and Anna Hospital. as- sistant at Moorefield Eye Hoepitd1 and Golden liqui.re Throat Hospital, London. Eng. ETFIS TESTED, GLASSES Burman 1-• 58 Waterloo Streit -11tosatead. May 21, at Bedford Hotel. 1. DrITLEY STEEP, DMINISTRATRIX' SALE OP FARM LAND. WIlliem J Hogan, 'late of the Town- ship of Aehtleki In the County of Ha run. will offer for *air by public gee thin. et the Ale, at nays Flays. Hamilton Street. Goderieh, on RATURDAY, APRII• 25th, 1996 at the hour of 12 o'cloek, noon. the west half of Isk Two (2) In C011- rogratIon Eleven, Pl. D., Township of Ash- field. In which there is situate • brick house sod a large harn. ferVO ran be given in Arafil, 19117. chow pries. at the time of the SSW, and the balance within /10 days there ftirthee merttenters apply to liton street, Goderieh. One Ontario. A nett rimers. • • LAS )12.1RN, -Rartister and Solicitor 0.4 'Haintitie. Street, Alederlegt. Barrister a Sas lAin Build1ht Adelaide aid, Wit': torts Sorts, 'Forme. 114 Teleplonolgillt 660L DRUGIRSS PRACTITIONER THERAPIST Equipped with olortro-ousnwie baths. Electronic electric trestmesta and chiropractic. Chroule, riptide, e and nervous diseases. Lady la at• to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Frida1 •na order. and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a•m• only. or consultatioa may be bad by •ppolotment. Monday and Thursday at Mitres& A. N. ATKINSON Residence mid offIce—Corner South /Suet and Britannia road. 910 INSURANCE. ETC. licKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE MUM- = ASCE CO—rarm and Isolated town property insured. Serforth; John K. Pepper, Vito -Pea/ - dent. Brneefield; M. A. Reid, Secre- tary -Treasurer, Sou forth. Directors- -A lex. Bros drool, Rea - forth ; Jame* Sholdice, Walton ; Wm. Knox. Londeshoro; George Leonhardt. Dublin; John E. Pepper. Brneedeld James Connolly, Goderich; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Arehtbald. Reaforth; Alex. Mc -Ewing, Birth Agents—W. J. Yeo, R.R. 3, Centres James Watt, Blyth; John K. Pepper. FUR. 1, Dotal.; Mao F. Hewitt, Fla - holm :— Policy holders can make se paymesal and get their cards receipt/A at tbe Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Claes J. H. Reld'a General Store, Bs yeesd. •