HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-4-23, Page 5SPRINGTIME IS KODAK TI -E �. KODAKS $5.C3 ap, BROWNIE CAMERAS $125 up DEVELOPING - PRINTING AGENTS LAURA SWORD CANDIES CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 22 The Square We Deliver MAFEKING MAFIDSINO, April 21.- Mr. and yrs. Wm. Reed and sons ![wile and tdaoa, of Sault Ste. Merle, hare been visiting relatives Gere. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer /Clientele* have ,eturned to Toronto after speeding the holidays with their parent.. Mimes Lisle and Edith Boston, of Leebur'n, spent Sunday with Mr. and lira. Henry Horton. Mr. F. Shackleton left on Wednes• day for London. He was accompan- Specials for Saturday -BEET- Rolled Rib Roast 20c Pot Resat 14c Rib Boil 90 -VEAL- Boneless Shoulder Roast lee Breast for Stuffing 180 -PORK- Fresh Ham Roast ...... 20e Fresh Shoulder 16e. Rel' Market wh1.B as *t bible Ct WASH BOARDS Zinc Boards Glen Boards 29c 49c SCRUB BRUSHES 10c and 15c GALVANIZED PAILS ... No. 12 size. Special 23c FLOOR or WALL MOPS Sea it. Complete with 39c Beadle CLOTHES LINE WIRE IT'S RUST PROOF sett 7ltrad, Missy Wire . fir 1110 -ft. 74trand, heavy Wire .4k 1110 -ft. 7wNtad. heavy Wlre.,74e 1100 -ft. 7 strand, heavy Bite. , Itis marina PINS . 40 for 10c Gordon Tebbutt WNW SMOLT PHONIC MO led by lbuby and Leonard Alton and lioueld Mothers, who had spent the holidays with relative. Isere. -- Mr. and Mrs. Ham Cook spent Sa4 day with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. McQull- Ilu, Luekuow. Mr. and Mr.. Mantuan Reid and fam- ily, of Lueknuw, spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs. H. Menary. -J!!t!_!t_4dttson is spending the Meek with Miss Webster at Zion school. Mrs. •W.. Meter of Dungannon, I. spending a flei with her sons bare. Miss Grace Blake returned to Ar - kens on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reed and Mia. Anna. of Dungannon, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reed. of Whitecbarcb, spent a day last week with their mother, Mrs. Paul Reed, who was celebrating her ninety -nevoid birthday at the home of her daugl+ter, Mrs. Thos. Anderson. A UBVRN AUBI'RN, April 21. -Mrs. M. Allen, who visited her slater In Flint, Mich, returned home on Saturday. Visitors at the various homes in Auburn were Mr. and Mrs. C. McNeil. of Toronto, at Mr C. Asquith'n; Mr. and Mrs n;oldtlorpe, of Colbgrne, atilt Mr. tit Mrs. H. Andrews and enehtere; at Mr.--4e-Ilamiltos'a; Mrs. Stanlntrr ars} voter, of Holmes- Tille, et Mr. Amor Rail's; Mrs. Iliade- brsek and Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm, of tlhtteetrpsace. at -Mr. Wm, Doerr's ; Mr. mad -Ween. Keg- knit, of= '-irlth Mr. and Mrs. K J. Phil Mr. Eugene Doble returned to Ms school OD Friday: Misr Margaret JaSkwgto Toronto, and Miss Dolle. to Bhnevale. on T'baelrlral. April 16th, a power son and heir- arrived at the hoses Mr. and Mra, Frank ItaIthby. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Munro and daughters visited Mrs Munro'. niftier THE SIGNAL DUNGANNON DU'NGANNON, April 22. -Mr. and Mrs. Bray, formerly of the 6th coo cession, West Wawanoab, moved t the village on Tuesday and will occupy rectory, �lelile Spewart, whiff speaN•sea of the whiter months with her abate In Toronto, has returned to her born In the village. Mrs. Dobbs, of GUander, who ba been nursing her slater, Mrs. Chas Elliott, returned to her home last 'week Mr. Thos. Revell is having a scree verus+dah erected in front of Ills hotel aue.far]5J j . being rupptled by our local lumber darter, Meiv}ita tett bert, with carpenters Jack Curran and Geo. Pentland doing the work. Mies Nettie Sproule and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott visited on Sunday with the ladies' skKer, Mrs. Robe. Wil- son, Goderich. Mr. Frank Savage and !Clea June Heater, of Ridgeway, spent a few dela last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lerol SMngel. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stafford and little daughter, of Laoeing, a suburb of Toronto, were holiday visitors Easter week with Mrs. Stafford's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Hamilton. Master Jerry Shields, of Saitford, spent Easter holidays with his cousin. Norrie Bradford. Miss Pearl Thompson, of Belfast, Is engaged to help with the household duties at the home of Mr. Chas. El- lie "Orange" program h being bri*I .t Friday night, commencing at 8 o'clock, from 1013'P, Winaham, with some of our local artists taking part. Brown Bros., tnstrumentallets, and vocal numbers from Leslie Schnitz, our Scotch comedian, will be beard. The remodelling of Mr. H. J. L. Et•dy's store la nearing completion We understand that Mr. Fedy will stock a complete line of groceries. The earpentery alteration work was done by Jack Curran and the decorating by Roy Stengel. Mrs. Geo. Harris Is visiting for a GODERICH, ONT. t''RT X11."ER' IWEDDINGS] ° CROSS-ASHTON Announcement Is made of the war - Thursday. A i SCHOOL REPORTS 1 PORT ALBERT, April 21. -The S & NO. i, COLISOR\Til Report for 8.11. Nu. 1, Colborne, for United church W.M.B. meeting was February and March. Tiller marled heed at the borne of Mrs. Marry Led- (•1 have missed examiestiuua- . IV --Betty Young lei, Perna Yet. - 70 *hat AaL v nor on Thursday last. Sixteen ladle. were present. The tngetlug ope•nrd roan d t u till, •!.ban+.. e Aare et•')ieeeew t.sik , leethegi Feber*itfasetae and prayer by Rev. D. r cunei l2, of Meade Blanche. youngest :1:.aadi�l.,i{!,•CluUeriVatsuu oYa.Mar- W I'omerny. Mrs. D Atth111 read daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ihrmcw • •1 I 1 •, 'i the 1k ripture leesc?n. The devotional , , d est son of Mr, and Mrs. Harold erg" {raflet was rend illi Mrs, Lednor, The jr. IV--Mrr.hLll Fuwlrr 4(/. chapter !n the study book on "steles." 8r, III --Verna Fowler 70, • Meadow Lake. The wedding, which take•u up illi Mrs. Pomeroy, was very !Assentor 40, !n'al. ,swot ane itf 51 eldou Baxter A*'hton, to Harold Clifford Cross, hid rt 1 aittur Stoll 50.4 took glare In the Gospel chapel, was Int. -re -dine After bedtimes diseueelon i per'Rev.formed by 'Rev. Paul Gelatt. Jr, Fll---•.(lice Noel:014 . 1'h)IIL. The bride is the daughter of the the met -tine closed with singing and former. Miss Mary Walters, whose borne was, for'`t•any years, In Salt ford and Colborne township. • • • ELLIOTT--SMITH The borne of Mrs. Smith and the late Abraham G. Smith, hayfield road, was the scene of an interesting wed- dIng at aeon on Saturday. APrll 111th, when their youngest daughter, Elate Mabel, became the bride of Lewis Earl Elliott, youngest eon of Mr. and Mrs. I. Elliott, Trafalgar street, ()Meech. Rev. F. W. ('calk, of Vic - i torts street United church, officiated. ' The house was decorated with pretty' spring flowers. The bride, give" --r away by her brother. George, wore a becoming gown of white taffeta with white satin ielpgers. Her Bowers were Johanna Hill roses. During the dinner the bride and groom re- ,celved telegrams of congratulation. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott left by train for their honeymoon, the bride travelling in a blue eilvertone ensemble with blue aecessories. THROWN FROM BW'a C E Miss Marjorie Eastman was painful- ly bruised and abrken up on Tueedar. when she was thrown from a bicycle she was riding when nice struck a dog. It war at first feared her arm was isrokeu, but the fears were groundless -A In spit,• of her injuries Miss Eastman tta,k her ringing and denting role in gton, - Hou.e yesterday. day, April 17, to --Mr. and Mrs. 1VIl- LEEBURN W. prayer. Tbc iestess then served a Sr. 11-IOthei Turton rat. dainty lunch. 'I Jr, 11 -Ursula Laasaiine 50, Elginwl Meas Mary Gordon and Mrs. Kyle, i Feer AA • 4/f sOtsle Sieh, visited with Mrs r;nrlj a few drys the past week. Mr.. Harry Hawkins 'is cont'ined to her Md at present. We hope she will soon he watt again, Mr. and Kra. Will Reed, who re- side at the •-Roo, • tolled on friends and relatives here on Sunday. A social evening under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the United ctrurc•h will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs,'flticharvt Reed on Freda; evening, AplH 24th. Everyone wel- Maw ST. HELENS ST. HELENS, April 20. -Urs. Mc- Iutosh, of Vineland, is a visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd, de Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duruin, of Set - forth, were cent visitors with friends here, Thee_ were accompanied • by Mrs. Lyon of i oddesboro, a -ho - Milt" spend this week with her daughter, Jr, II -Arnold Fisher. Mrs. Earl Gaunt. I --Maitland Montgomery, Jimmie Mr. George McQueen is home from Biwa•(. Phyllis Steele. Marion Williams, the 0.A.C., Gnetph, Rev. T. C. Wilkinson and Murray, of Fingal, were callers in the village last week. Ree. !I. M. Wright, Muriel, !:lady's. Jean and Billy mere viaifers jird--wtwk at ('hathLamb' and te "Jollier, the of 111136''i6' et theOpera Born -In West Wawanosh on Fri - -i4iaer •sioli - Erataline -79r---Ysea!*GeorgeBean 44. *George Turton. 1)OItINE WEBST'ER, Teacher, • • • SA LTF'OR D The following Ly rite winter term report of the jwpits ojSaltford school, Those waded with an eatsrlsk were absent for two or more examinations: Sr. IV -Ernest Ryan 70.7, Doris Williams 61, Harry Westlake 601), Jim Denton 57.6, Jr. 1V -Lawrence Milliken 73.8, Pearl Westlake 70.9, Bill Clutton 68.4, /haute, Wan 65.1. Dan Walter 113.4, Glenn Williams 57.6, Dorothy Steels' 51.5, *Bob Dotkin, Sr. III- Audrey Pulling 76, Sandy Bisset 74, Jack Westlake 74. Jr. III --Jerry Shield?:7s.8, Bernice Jaekasan 62, Elda Cowl 61. Jean Ry- an 41.3. Sr. II---Cetcr Walter 89.7, Barbara i Den Obi, George Westlake 68, Clay- ton Steels 39 •Davfd Robinson. Leonard Dodkln, Ruth Fisher. Billy Ryan. Primer -Irene Ilennekl, 'Edward Clutton, Elaine Lamb. Nellie Robinson. Primer A -Welly Steels. R. DBIVICn: Teacher. feed Met/Wein. a daughter. - few days this week with her daughter.' MIA. Lila llumpbrty tuns s viriter I l i itiRN, April 21. Ines Bernier Mn. Elwyn....Mathleseu, Goderich. i NUR ES ALUMNAE DINNER will,ner,..•iat+•r, Mr.. w„1".r, P:a,t Cook. of Iioderiab. spent a few day. Sire Burton Roach spent : The Park Hontre provided a delight- Wile mind'. - Inst seek Wilk her morns, Era Horton Sunday slIn Gtrrich with Mr. and ' fnl setting Toe else annual dinner of Weneen's tttMrte'-Iseii-,ts-#Is_-__II, S. Hewitt at Miteleeli, visited Mrs. Reuben Brewer. ;cls• Nur-a•+ Alumnae on 1Vednerebry sinal at-homen+for the **sett under lite, I"'r fhs'r,-']2f. 111 -filldafon. add other Mr.. Ths. Itiveht I. unloading. Y night of last week, rt.- which the grail - auspices of the Women's. institute, re i cites In tha/ttitlff-p1Ptt of last week. einad_ of fittlllaer this week. !outing class of Alexantdtri Marine and laid on Friday evening, a short play.: Misses &lie and Ella beth Horton School re-optvie oa -VAlsf ey;t ftty shit- heseitaL ie�raslttelj.}_,Mrs, ��� ,itcrtain, the• wawa... are %inion Ibeir brother on the 9th iv -Faster secedes- with - a quieter ;The til des: apt- s'sesa � :. 1swittaGt Ki►1 filch week, _ - f beginners venturing out on the sea e.,rahsl In potpie a -gala,-tlle~hu1s-an'i en's' , r, ' }t>evt"WMIT of learning. They are Rutledge, itul ml 'es June u ge, p o .taken by Mrs. Duruln minium,. Others i two daughter+, from (;ederich, and Bertha Popp, Thelma Oasrle.-_Jaek l. The members Of the graduating etas•. taking part included Mrs.Idwart and Mi...Jrwir• l.tnthtter, from Ottawa,(Senn. Arthur Young. George Erring- arelllw--near.- Maeen, "Mtaw-lindred Mrs. Gordon MtI'herson, Mrs. Tom spent Wednesday nfteruoon of last ion and Kenneth Petrie.;-!----------- 3Yt1a(tp. �11!r Mildred Mae hay std raid, Slew. Frail Slctluiiiln, Mrs. E. t Werk etit•h Mr- and Sirs. Irving Hunter Mrs. Thos. Park visited irk itabt - MIPS Vary Win- W- -s- rfi xrnerzte-'Wetit,. .'-F 1616111•-._ - s .._. Saint In Wingbam on Monday. Mrs. .1. W. MaeVicar, president of borne Woods, Mrs. Chester Taylor„ Tire -leettue _-erten on TMired Mrs. Abraham Culbert was able to' the ,alumnae Aesoxlatton, was hostess Mrs. James, Nes 1V. A. Sealer, Miss evening be. •Itev, I) W Pomeroy In the R. A. R -Registered Opt Eyes itxandned U (17 years In Strati° Robertson's Jewelry "Satisfaction at !Rodent Permanent Wavi BY JEAN SMITH °RICE A'r BRITISH HOTEL Wednesday, April 29th PHONE 590 early to get appulntjtaent True Art 25.00 for $3.60 Oil of Tulip • _=7.60 for ;6.00 Realistic - -' - }O.00 for ;7,60 Holland Remedy Noa1 FOR RHEUMATISM. NF'I`RI TIS, NEIITER1TIS. Many long-standing ,Yaw's have obtained relief. Teetimoalals are available for your inspection, J. OS Old/ Britian Rxelisese Estee Wallpaper Time Springtime Is Wallpaper Time Get that room drnnrnted now. The newest designs In Wall- papers. Sample designs t , el oose from. T. H. Carsick EXPERT PAPERHANOIER • - -flair etre ek-for-a-gatttilesurieh - -PHOMI 111'r - so Victop1 At Goderich return to her home in the village, and welcomed the class into the alum- ' shun h was well worth hearing and at $ebringrille over tete week -end, Mildred Mrlin, Mira Annie Wet - after tains quite Ill with pneumonia nae. She milled Willy to a toast was eft Mr. and Yrs. W. T. Robison vIs1U•d stn, Miss Josephine Gaunt, Mies Ternjoyed by all. The Young Mrs. McCool in Clinton. Mrs J. J. Wilson was a London visitor last week, Mrs. J. Code, MIsere Doris and Jeanette, of London, were visitors with Miss S. Blair over the week -end. Students of Stratford Normal Schots who are teaching in the nearby schools are Suss Margaret Fergtason at West - fled school,-iflan Bernice Lawson at P.P. Ns, 16, and Meas. Jean Houston on the Oth of Colborne. Mr. anti Mrs, J;, Lawson and Mlss Bernice visited at $eafortb over the week -end. --- Mr. Robt. Dayman of Peafortb agent the week end with friends here. Motbee-"No. Jimmie, for the third time f tett you that you cannot have any more dessert." Jimmie -"All right: bot I don't see where dad gets the idea that you're _tiitseys ehaagtng ,star fand," ► It should have been an Irish paper. Ind was really a Scotch paper, ala which one read that "when the con- gregation stood ep to ming the opening Otero hymn ewas not an empty seat In the church" The lady who likes ebtldren was gushing over Mary, aged three, "Howell are you, darling?" abe asked. "I isn't old," said Mary. "I'm near- ly new." n for several weeks at tete tome of her proposed by Mina Chambers, and Miss son, W. A. Culbert, on the 4th maces- - Matheson, rupervlsor at the hospital, Won of A .hfleld. ;proposed a toast to the graduates, Mr. Harold Congram, son of Mr. I which was responded to by Mies and Mrs. Chas. Congram, ie suffering Mason. Taylor.---A4411ta-meeting the fntlow- t't,rple's Society were much pleased !ng prostrate Wits presented: Two , with the collection at the door. -choruses by the group, It solo by Mrs. W. K. S. Meeting. -The April meet - Jansen, a reading on the institute lug of the Women's Missionary Society (Ale by Mrs. McK. Webb, a violin was held at the parsonage, Nile, on from a hes attack of measles � A period of gamest was enjoyed,selection by Vert Taylor. a dance hi* j We"Inesday-afternoon, April 15th. The Mrs. Mei H. A. S. Yokes returned prises being won by Miss F:.. Finnigan 'lAarothy Webb ted a poem "A Retro president bad charge of the meeting to her home last week after a few ; and Miss M. MacKay. and the win- spp,,t••,glving a review of the Pt, and u•,d (tarte progm ttg days spent in Toronto with her moth -'Hers at "500"were )Ire. R. Brewer and Helens Womeq:ii Ingtitute-retlted by ge"t`"1 1° the Missionaofthry Monthly.raYrs,s- eY, Sirs. Hoskin, and other relatives. )lies Grace Masco. '' liken McDonald. 1 Hamilton (iutton led in the rrespon- sive reading and Mrs. D. W. Pomeroy 1 the devotional leaflet. A duet was KINGSBRIDGE 1 sung entitled, "I Am lie Tbet Liveth," Innd ai reading, "The Idttle Minister." was glyrn by the pastor, Elizabeth ( Horton was appointed as delegate to f the W.M.M. Presbyterial meeting at i(Tinton on April 28th. The meeting I was closed with prayer. All enjoyed l lunch .afterward. in the dining -room, and afterward" the birthday box was passed and created much merriment Miss Margaret Ryan spent the latter' part of last week with friends at imam AT DETROIT Southampton. Meas Margaret Pentland. home on I Losellit smogat Kingsbridge, His vacation from her school at South- ampton, assisted with anniversary . "'Mr H music at North street United church, ! KINGSBRIDGE. April 22. -The Goderteb, last Sunday ' funeral took place here this morning Mrs. Parkle Wiggins has returned of Leon Joy, whose death resulted home after an extended visit with from an autotnblle .evident at Detroit her mother. Mrs. Wark of Wyoming, n since the death of Mr. Ware. on Saturday night. _ Deceased, who KINGSBRIDGE, April 20.- _1pr11 seems to be quite a winter month, eh? Are our seasons not becoming some- what twisted? What a grand and glorious feeling we all experienced In March, after a long, cold winter, to be able to go all through our houses Mr. David Hardy Is employed to was thirty-three years of age, wail a without cap, cwt( or mitts and without work on the farm owned by Thos. Mc- son of Mrs. Joy and the late Thomas bearing that familiar holler, "Shut Lean. Joy of Detroit, former well-known re- that door!" Ob, we thought, spring Mrs Barkley is improving tier rest- silents of Kingebrfdte. He was torn is bere--but, alas! where did it got deuce by having a new verandah here but for some years had been liv- Rev. Father MeCardle, of Parkhill, erected. Mr. Milford Pentland is do• ing with others of the family at De- ''visited In Kitsgsbrldge a couple of leg the work. troll Besides his mother, two brotb- A number of the Home and School ere and seven sisters survive him. He Club members attended a social even- was not married. log In Clinton on Tuesdaight givenThe hod b ht h To y a y was rottg he on !s. by the Clinton Home and School Club. day by Walter Dalton of Detroit, and W. A. Meeting. -The Women's As' ' the fnneral service was held this morn - sedation of the United church met at Ing In St. Joseph's church, Rev. the tome of Mrs. Cecil Treleaven ea Father Ford o7 Strathroy, a consin Friday last, with the president in of the deceased, was the celebrant and charge. The meeting opened with a was assisted by Rev. Father Dalton hymn. The Scripture lesson was read of Windsor else a cousin and Rev by Mrs, Roach. The roil call was an- Father Quigley. The pallbearers The Signal's Clubbing Rates Save -Y*ioney The Signal and The Toronto Globe IMM The Signal era) The Mall and Empire #6.01► The Signal and The Toronto Daily Star 117.00 The Signal and The Toronto Telegram $6.23 The Signal and The London Adrertl.Pr 16.5(1 The Signal and The London Free Press $0.10' The Signal and The Stratford Beacon -Herald $5.50 The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star..,12.10 The Signal and The Canadian Home Journal 11240 The Signal and The Canadian Magazine 12.40 The Signal end Toronto Saturday Night 14.2:5 The Signal and The New Outlook $3.46 The Signet and Canadian Home's and Gardens The Pignas and The Catholic Record 11A 3.3 The Signal and MacLean's Magazinedtt The Slgiii4 and The Chatelaine ,t.,.�.•12.4(► The Signal and The Toronto Star Weekly 116.23 The Signal ■nd National Home Monthly *223 The Signal and Woman's Home Companion $3.00 CLUBBING RATES W iTH OTHER PERIODICALS MAY BE HAD ON APPI.tCATiON WE RAVE A RATE FOR PRACTICALLY EVERY WELL - K NOWN P'RRIODICAL ON THE CONTINENT sumo Th,e Signal NORTH STIRS? PRONE E6 t9OD*VVON swered by twenty members with a were two brother., Clarence and Thom- sen* of Scripture containing the word as. a brother-in-la•ry and three nephews. "Home." 'Plans were made for rede- There was a large attendance at the : I 11 ' Antics of Andrew" In the Kings- taorattng the vestry. -Mrs. W A, Cal. service and there were miter blwnti- bridge hall Tuesday, A days last week, Mr. Mike Hogan returned from California for Easter and thinks he came a little too soon after spending the winter so comfortably. Mrs. B. O'Loughl(n, who spent the winter in Detroit, has returned to her hoer. Ste: lentils Dalton, Misses Antoin- ette Dalton ;lid Irene 1.ambertna visited Walkerton friends on Sonday. Miss Gertrude Foley visited In Lon- don on Sunder. A full house Is exerted to watch bert and Mrs, R. A. Me'Kenale were no SUM offerings and rpibrlieal--pen- appointed conveners for Mrs. A. dnl- Wats. beetle end Sire. A. Roach's group, re- spectively. 'Me program was as tot- ''I haven't much time for meals," ipwe- Rending. "House! or Rome.," said the bus driver. "so -I generally by Mra. B. Roush; vocal duet, Misses have a bite at the wheel." Wilma and Lola Treleaven; reading,i '•That's a bit tough, I ahouId think. "The Home Altar," by Mrs. W. A. said hI, 1Iite'uer Culbert; rending, "The Bar of Jae• tern." try Miss Annette Stewart: roma Road Hog (to policeman who has duet, Evelyn and Cora Culbert; 'dapped himl-"i say all you don' rending. "How Presents (`an Teach j know nhout trnfi k would fill a book ' Themselves," by Mrs.. Turner, An Policeman --"And all you don't know even disenssioh followed on the topic!. about driving would till a hospital.' With a hymn and the Miepair blessing t'- the meeting a•• closed. A ten-rent Mtn- tea was served. The Msmeeting/1i will be held at the tome of Mrs. Rrbt.,i Treleaven, with Mrs. J. J, Ryan and Mrs. Meese In charge of the program. K.pgsbrid a again in was P R tx► II 26th. rken. 'Word y that-.. Leon Joy had been kill( 4,1"n Detroit. We'here no .further parflctilsra at present, but our heartfelt sn unpath goes to the aged mother, brother Misters, who et one time were •d family of Kingsbr Ray Dalton K:ngeshrldge 'vsaahIM HEADQUARTERS - FOR- FURNI'NRE and PAINT AULCRAFI PAINTS are high in quality and few in guise. You will find Brat -class values in our stock of 11111ENITVRE and STOViiS We positively save you massy W. II. Blackst "On the Broadway of ene.lal evening at der of fast wee iMrf ht a pr Neat see T CHILDREN'S AU) WORK On Tuesday evening the n rotor monthly meeting of the board of di- rectors of the T9tlldren's Aid Society was held In the superintendent's pence. Mr. H. T. Felwnrda, sauperintendent, 1e- i ported he tad made silty -tires' vete, 1, and Interview. during the la"t month.; Routine business was trail acted NIANCIIIM D. D. P. Mrs. Wm Li wrote*. P.N.G. of finder's -1r Rebekah Lodge Na. W0, was elected district deploy president of the Rebekah. at the .Pring illtietJng of the district held at Seaforth en Thnr•day night leaf. Repro/rota tire� were present from MIfrertnn. Rtn,t- ford. Clinton. Mltrhrtt, Gntferieh end feeefortb. After the meeting Innehe.n was served by the member" of the Sesforth belga. Thome present from Godertch. tae Ales Mra. Lawrence. weer Mrs. J Newcombe, Mrs. C. Tseedin Mrs. F, Creole, Mrs. W. Roopk, Sirs, A Pherw and Misses•F. [hirer an* M. Pell Ft WANTED-TENANTSj) Birds of every a -ell -knoon vat` (sty, and bine martins in -• solar, will find a home tlful surronndings at -home of George Howes.tneron street, the- year. In the past Mrjtnwra's power garden has beer? admired M net ny. amt sine, he beanie setting up bird bnnses tin tie premises his feathered 'trade hale added greatly to fife Nerdy of the plats.. One or two eight -room Alvei hma.•sa theft, winged .tmrl"ts, and there ark others down to a t•nmforiable one room bungalow, Matt a new aeMltion tops them all. it Is a towering. twenty -eight -room apartment whit -h tops a pole high In the sir The gloaming white house is designed for biue martins. Crvsrose•• ere nut In ell their purple amt void glory In Mr. Bnwra'• garden, and it Is ex - peeled tenants will soon arrive for the bird Meoses. til • n,t i trnn. ted in a ah on Tucs- on Friday took t Lin -know. lithe. -11e lure to of Andreas.' a three- ieh wilt Is' pr,-.cnted In the ridge hell on Tnrsth,y a, Ing. April 2Rth: The play will tli. sttiaged by members of the• LochalshhDne+tit' flub, unober the dirretlnn , of Rd. Sennett. who was an aetler ' member of the first i)ramatle filch 'c."N+bil-had in Kingsbrldge saous• ye•rts ' ago, , "The Antics of Andrew" Is a 1 store (tire for the ck•presrittt htnes or nor other kind. Andrewa plan to In- , rrn.e hid ntlowanet' from his everts tee wealthy tutode, and the compiles. Gans which arise when hits nmcle tsrtnrs to visit hlttf, mike this play one of , the meet Anmsinr of It. kind. Every ' tort Is well played and one funny situation follows another nate an odth•t front the hilarious tangle seems MVO .st impao••'jirle. The ball of fun Is kelit rnllht e.•tinrll all ass been sathafe,torlir metal/eel. but not before some of the fnnnlest eompltr estions tn,iglnnble have been evper. fenced. This play ha• Si ready helm presented by the "live troupe to large andfenc'ee in i relislilr and 1,neknoe. and nn one •lo,nid M• dlsappnlnted 1n attending Its perfornranee in Kings• bridge on Tnewhny night. There will be nolle anti singing htllweea acts. and a donee after the Ally. Music by Ilnawn's t►mhwtra. Admission to play end thane 33c-.__ Iitnebex hid RAISE HUSKY BOYS AND WHOLESOME MILK -MADE BR HEALTHFUL -APPETIZING - MADE IN OUR OWN TRY US CAKES AN Ova ASTRiES E. U. a EVELAND . WEST STREET - PI[OS>'s 114 LING Lai 'RILL ooNTnrvZ IS DISPOSED OS EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE ON BALI AT GREAT NONEY-SAVINCWRICFS GET iN ON THIS SALE AT W. ' Hern's Shoe Store Phoma 48w - Gollpich Ana, • This coming Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10 Nothing finer to send Wither than a fine bunch of H users or a Flowering Plant, and if she is gone wear a white Flower in her memory. We can deliver Plowers to over 40 Nationalities We have a fine stork of fano Evcrgreena (foreign varied,•. to tlrenraie the home surrouniiinlfs GEO. STEWART !hose 106. MONIST Ooderieb, Oat. 'S)