HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-4-23, Page 4relay. A' • t ti 23rd, ll� er Your washion Graf: Suit orTopcoat -I -- NIDE SELECTION OF ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLLENS AWAIT YOUR APPROVAL HAND -TAILORED MADE -TO -MEASURE $24.50% $35.00=='`-; READY-MADE SUITS with Extra Trousers, $25.00 to $38.50 YOU WILL LIKE FASHION ('RAFT CLOTHES Exclusive.- hutnotexpensive -...._ - STETSON HATS - FORSYTH SHIRTS THE SIGNAL PARAMOUNT .1 PARAMOUNT, April 21.—Mr. Norval Rk•barda Is tome for the summer after finishing his second year at the U.A.C.. ,,AbeetpA new piano has been installed in the Paramount hall. Miss Beulah Sandy, of Goderieb, sighed for a few days with Mho Anne MacDonald. Mie Lyia Richards, of Toronto, spent the week -end at her home here. Miss Ethel Martin attended the lo- cal leaders' meetings held in Wing - 42 MondA_y and Tuesdays_ W. C. Pridham Son. Thu Square Gosiedik— Phone 67 Hydro Store IT=II EVER HAD ONE MIL OF INSTALLING AE Electric Range NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY The local Hydro Commission itYtingtbe , f UOWing j "A consumer installing a new three -wire service with an Electric Range from now up to July 1st, 1936, will be allowed two months' electric Atrreat tree of sherds" —Cook with Quick, QIeaB Coil' and Economical Public Utilities Caminito. GODERICH GODERICH TOWNSHIP___ GODERiCH TOWNSHIP. April 21. —The May meeting of the Union Dra- matic (Rub will be held at the home of Mrs. Mary Phillips on Tuesday evening, May 5. A debate will be the special feature of the program. term. Union school, No. ft, re -opened on - Monday after the holidays. There TOWNSHIP COUNCIL were four beginners, Doreen Orr, Kenneth Sowerby, George Bell and Douglas Fuller. [iOLBORNE TOWNSHIP The township council met In the hail April 14th, with all the mem- bers present. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings read and approved. .1. E. Howard, from Clinton, repro-. renting Merchant's insurance Co., and Mr. Bond, representing IAoyd's In- surance. o-surance. 'England, placed tenders) be- fore the council for insurance on the township roads. The latter com- pany being the one the township dealt with last year, the council on mo - I tion derided to get the insurance from d this company. rXL name "hod Rev. W. P. Lane, of Goderich, appeared before the mill- i ell regarding the assessment of the United Church summer Reboot. O. motion this matter wee left ov'et M.-. the_-e'ourt of revision in June. jlh 11111 addressed the coun- cil snttgeetlfrit few improvements :for- the for the baclr-Part of the new cemetery._ As a result it was moved that the seIIpcfl Meet in the cemetery_sarbt May. Mr. J. J. Robertson, school atteslE dance officer, gave a verbal report on his work. • The collector's time was extended one month. It was moved) that Mr. Tho.. Shields eeeure paper for the ceiling of the living -room in the township hall and ISO the work of papering. Tire following accounts were ordered rpaid; Read superintendent, vouch- -ets. $299.71; Win. Watson, taxes on _lbmwnship preterit. $7.12: Municipal World. account. $4.49; Geo. Mattieenn, welding stove for township hall, 35c; Bruce Grigg, bay for relief, $5: Wm. Preen. valuing sheets $4.50: Gordon Smith. relief account, $9.58: Win. Wat- son. salary and expenses, $77.90; God- erieh Star, account, $5: Bank of Cons - metre, Auburn. collecting taxes. $2; J. J. Robertson. school attendance lcer. salary, $10; hospital tangent patient, Colborne's share, $78.75. Council adjourned to meet May 12th, at 2 p.m. WM. 'ALLOWS, Gert. CREWE GODERICH, ONT. SNAPSHOT CUlL ---At Home With TemeXalnere. --CREWE. April 21.—Mr. and Mrs Jee Day, of Hamilton. and Mr. and Bra Kenneth ()(Impish and family. of Detroit, visited during the aw+o er holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs J. Menary. Miss ida McQuold, of Whitechurch, is speeding a few days with Miss 'Mabel Reid and visiting friends in the community. Miss Annie Mt -Quote:. formerly of t'algary, ler visiting at Mr. R. Mc - W himsey's. School re -opened on Monday after the Baster vacation with Shirley Sherwood and Jack Reid as beginners. .The Crewe Y.P.U. are holding a pie social ea Dtilday evening. A debate will he to main feature of the pro- gra°G-.- • C[ . Mr, �- wsoster aa� BaTO i4e7.• rents hZlss Ida McQuoid's farm for a Mr. Geo. Mefwain and sons are busy putting in the crop on the farm of VIM 1.1115 llcMath of Toronto oil the 4th concession, formerly owned by Mr. Art Tichborne. Seeding operations tins.,corn...eel in this district. Mr. Chris. Johustou i. not enjoying the hest of health. His many [riendb hope fur a speedy recovery_ Union Chttrdt Netts.—There was a large nmeher of communicants prcr•- cut at Union on Sunday. The pastor. Rev. F. W. Craik. delivered a helpful sermon from the text, "Peace I leave *Mb' yeti: my peace I rive unto Intl: not as the world giveth. give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled. neither let --it be afraid" (St. John 14 :27 ).......Sunday -. May 10th, is Moth- er'a Day. A special serviee held at Union and a haptiseg l see - vie for anyone wishing it.......I(est Sunday, services will be as tis°aL Sunday school at 2 p.m.; presebtmg service at 3 Fes- -.Tiers watt - no young people's meeting on —TACO evening. owing to the small atteede ace PLAY and DANCE in Kingsbridge Hall ' Tuesday Evening, April 28th Tbe three -act farce, "THE ANTICS OF ANDREW," will be presented by the Lochalsh Dramatic Club, under the direction of Ed. Sennett. Dance Altar lay Music by Hogan's Orchestra N TO PLAY AND DANCE, 35c '`,LUNCH BOOTH , WIIIIMIM=11111 C FROCKS Pastel Prints in Dainty Styles. eyted delightful Qresses, \bright as a Spring morning Net rts, organdie trimming,�ng or short sleeves Sizes 16' to 20 an( 16 1-2 v. 22 1-24' P S ecial at$3.95 and*Os t BLOUSES! Washable Crepe B ' 1o uses in white egg- shell, pink, yellow and blue The tailored mode and the frilly bong y feminine. g or short sleeves. Sizes 14 to VI Special $1.95 spz ew.1 - SPECIAL 1 Rs Iugaisette .Curtains Sheer Marquisette Curtains in Pri.eilla style to give your window. a fluffy, airy look in cream or white. 30 inches by 21 yards • Special Sic pr. Men's New Spring Suits ALL WOOL FABRICS! TASTF•:Fe'l'l, ARRAY OF NEW PATTERNS AND WEAVES Excellent tailoring and good work - 'matlship itest quality lining& and trimmings AT LOW COST THAT SAVES YOU DOLLARS A. CORNFIELD "Shop where you are Invited to shop" Phone 418 This room his medltu. Motored ware and a variety of tones In the fur- nishings. Taken at 20 asoond, Jssr Ions fooueed at 1$ feet. FURNITURE dealers report a sob side of the camera It. as sometimes atantlal increase in businsss. Aro happens, a sunny window 1s in a you numbing among than who have particular part of the house you want returnLW a room or added new to take, you can eliminate sun -glare furaltIWILle decorations? by a very simple trick. Pull the shade It so you should take a picture of of that particular window clear down this rejuvenated room. Instead of and keep it down for an exposure merely writing friends or relatives long enough to give you the other about the new dining room, bedroom features and details. Then, close the or living room snit you can send shutter and run the shade up to its he them pictures. Maybe you have a new normal position. Now. go back to the ay camera and, without changing the nursery! Alm or tie) camera's position, open Don't put off taking these pictures the shutter again for a half second any longer for making them Is not longer. at all difficult; in fact you will en- It is a good idea to use a very small Joy it. Here are a few pointers that lens atop in taking indoor pictures, may help you in making your brat became you want detalL Focus on a shots. point about half -way between the If you take your Iintarier plebe... camera and the far side of the room; in the daytime the chances are that then, when the lens is stopped down you will have to take a time ex- you will find that practically every- poaure unless your camera is thing is in charp focus, equipped with a very fast lens, say Avoid including large piece. of 1.3.5 or faster, If a time exposure is furniture in the foreground, lest they necessary you will have to use a tri- take up more space to the picture pod or else place the cantfra on some than they deserve. solid support suck as a table. Even h;xpoeue Uma.4011 liar,--of'courne— some substantial suiniort for your htI -- POPULAR az= Dh By Betty Barclay Spring is here when the juvenile population bursts forth with skipping ropes and gam of hopscotch...) Ocing Is here when the man of the bone can't find his favorite pipe, not lost but mislaid in the topsy-turvy of spring cleaning. WW wives will turn a soft sneerer to righteous masculine wrath by eery- lug eraIng their lords something "extra spe- cial" ut dinner. Here are a few of the recipe Ieealwtn" with which poor weak woman may arm herself and re- •swre nomesrtc tranquillity. with an 1.3.1 Few Tse should camera for you will probably find 11 necessary to take your shot at 1/6th or 1/10th of a second, and at speeds slower than 1/26th of a second it is sztrs®ely difficult to hold the camera steidy. Any movement of the camera -wr1B cause a blurred picture. The secret of success in indoor pit- tures lies in controlling the light reaching the various parts of the room to be pictured. To begin with, never point your camera directly at the window or door through which the greatest amount of light is com- ing. Keep the light behind or to the degree to which the walls FOR !FIRST-CLASS ROOFING and REPAIRING --CALL-- B. H. LINDSAY W (*sena Street Oederieh CHURCH NOTES The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Association of North street United church will be held at the church on Thursday. April 30, at 3 o'clock. Pineapple Pie 'rhe regular meeting of the Missies 1 package lemon -flavored gelatin i circle of North *street United church 2 tablespoons sugar i will he held at the home of Miss teaspoon salt ' Emilie Buchanan on Wednesday eves- 1 ves 1 cup boiling water lug, April 29th, at 8 o'clock. Y egg seeks — At Knox Presbyterian church os 1 sup pineapple-juic ----- Sunday six newel elected cedars were 1% cup drained, crumbed pineapple inthoted into the session of the 1 baked 9 -inch pie shell church in an impressive service at the morning diet of worship. The Combine gelatin, sugar, salt and two tablespoons water. Add egg yolks service was conducted by the minister, • and stir well. Add remaining water Rev. D. J. Lane. The new elders are gradually, stirring until gelatin Is dl.. Messrs E. C. Beacom, (leo. W. SchaM• solved. Add pineapple ,$nice. Caul. fes• John Bell, Jaa Bisset, J. B. When slightly thickened, fold in pine- Milne and Wm. Austin. chappll e. untiTurn minto cold rpiewitshhell manrd- of TheHuraonnnaPresblmeeteirnyg ofof thte WUnMitedS. ingue, or top with whipped cream. , Church will be held at Ostarto street Man Roils. United church, Clinton. on Tuesday, eviled 2 tops sifted flour April 98. This will be the special 2 teaspoons double-aetial baking tenth anniversary meeting, and a large powder attendance Is expected. The morning % teaspoon salt session will begin at 6.80 o'eloek, the 4 tat.lespoons butter or other afternoon session at 1.30 o'clock. Mrs. shortening Jae. McCrea. president of the London % cup milk (about) • 1 cup deviled ham heft flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift again. Cut l ST. PETER'S ALTAR SOCIETY In shortening. Add milk gradually, stirring angle soh dough Is formed.It the Altar Society of St. Peter's Turn out en slightly floured board and+ -church aa t the recent election of o- _.-..-'--- knead thirty seconds, or enough to errs Other (Akers are Mrs. M. Tobin, shape. Roll one-eighth of ■n inch vice-president, and Mrs. Frsnk'Pbelan. I thick and cut in two-inch squares. seeretary.treasurer. Place about one teaspoon deviled ham + in the centre of each square. Fold We are told that no credit is al - dough over ham, pinch edges togeth- lowed in the . -house furnishing trade. er, and shape into roll; then seal Rut they allow tick in the bedding de - Conference branch, will address the gathering at the afternoon session. limey was elected president ends. Place seam -side. down on no- part own'. greased baking sheet : bake In hot oven (450" t'.1 twelve to fifteen min-' rtes. Makes thirty-six rolls. Strawberryisttar$ Psi i Z�yysrKted cakt_goar - 2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder - t or other reflect light. On a bright day, pie F tures in a predominantly light col- tenon Galt ored room can be taken with an es- - ta1tvtgoo.s Niter —-----whercentng= pos.ry of Sr. or ten seconds On der -7 1 cup sugar days, in dark rooms having only one window, you will need an much as five minutes, with the lens at 1.16. Interior pictures serve, too, as "memory insurance" for in years to come when members of your family have "grown up" they will enjoy looking at the snaps of the "old homestead" taken wh-'n they were youngsters. to JOHN VAN GUILDER BASEBALL EXECUTIVE At a meeting of the executive of the Godeelcb Baseball Club held at the town hall on Tuesday night ft was decided that Geodesic's should enter the Huron -Perth League with (to --ante) Clinton, Seafortb and Zurich. ' 1L X.' MacDonald reported regard- ingl 1Meting at Kincardine em Thurs- day night last, at which It was sug- gested by Mr. MacDonald that Goder- ich would be better off In a southern group, as Allenford. northernmost Bruce League town, is nearly seventy allies from Goder'Icb. It was accordingly decided that Goderieb should join the H.ron-Pettis League. Mr. MacDonald was appointed to represent the Goderieb club on the executive of the League. The play. "Lighthouse Nan," will be presented here In May under the au- spices sspices of the Daft c-tnh • A committee of M. N. MaeDsaald, A.- L. --age and H. Sturdy ' s is charge of all Arlene - nett tit rrange- meets RACE MEET CONDITIONS Lslptti Id from U.rudeen's Standpoint, Says Termite Star Writer The conditions announced by the BAYFIELD - - -- Js.a.—flood evening. old ells* i BA7 DF Apra 22. Ilan - iehw 'Hbs I'd drop's' a.d.e. Yee sheet Polk" _wk h.ia spent boat et the the book you haus wsi flew me last winter with her daughter; Mrs. Stew- week." art, at Hamilton, was home last week Brown -•Very sorry, old man, but accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Stew- i lent it to a friend of mine. Ware art and Mr. Stewart, er. AR left you wanting It?" --- --- for Hamilton on Sunday. Jones—"Wei, i waw'e w edag Ilk Dr. W. Fow)er, who located here but the chap I borrowed It rasa atria recently. has opened an office In Varna the owner wants it." and is there each Tuesday meed Fri - 1 cup milk - 54 teaspoon vanilla Sift flour once, measure, add bak- ing powder and salt- and sift again. Cheam butter. add sugar gradually. and cream together well. Add flour, alternately with milk, a small amount at ■ time, besting after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla. Bake in greased pan. Rx$x2 inches. In moder- ate oven (350 F.) fifty to -sixty mus , utes, or until done. Serve with fence of sweetened. erushert strawherrieel drained, folded into whipped cream. 1 day from 2 to 8 o'clock. Mrs. Thomas King and Mr and Mrs. Hugh Herres of London, were guests of friends over the weekend. Mrs. R. H. I'. Gairdner and daugh- ter Betty have returned to London after the Laster vacation. During that time Betty had as her guests Mins Peggy Orr of Stratford. Miss D. Morrison and Miss D. Bishop of Lou- don. Mr. James Cameron and son Evan, of Toronto, were here for the holidays. Dr. E. P. Lewis. of Toronto, was here for the week -end, Mrs Lewis Is returning with him on Monday after visiting Mrs. N. W. Woods for the week. Masquerade Car.ivaL—O.e-of the most largely attended and most inter- Goderieb Trotting and Pacing Aso- eating erases of the season was the rtsttow-is -,,,nect1on with the sivia tansy drew tsaagnernde put on by the holiday stake races meet with the Agricultural Society Wednesday even- in*. April 1.l, at the town halt. Near- ly fifty were in costume and they made a very pretty sight as they were di- rected through the various movements approval of "Ital. B.." Th. Toronto Star's harness racing expert. In last night's Star "Hal. B." nays: , The entry forms for the banner I race meeting to be held at Goderlch of the grand march by Carl'HOnston, on August 3 base been received. En- floor manager. The prises were tales etoie MI 7( �12300 la beingas follows: iedyiare.cy— oRered fnY Arte races.a8lofrn. R. Gairdner, "Spanish Lady;" awarded Five classes will be carded for the Elisabeth Snowden, "1935 Harvest.' afternoon, consisting of a 2.14 pace, Lady's come—Mrs. N. W. -Woods, 2.20 and 2.28 pars. each for a parse "Scotch Piper:" Mrs. Smith (finder - of $.null. In these events the !Patters leh), 'lady with Rustle." Gent's will be allowed five second.. In ad- fancy—Mrs. E. P. Lewis, "Spanish dltion to thew stake inset* there will Gentleman ;•• Francis Powell, "Pirate." be engagements for the three -year-olds. Gent's comic—Card Diehl, "Scotch a pace and ■ trot, each for *100. Woman ;" Peggy Orr. "Mickey Mouse." The tonditinna governing thew pent maple--Llllan and Alvin Elliott, events are much bfrom a horwe• "Bux! (lm :" garet Gro �ttln's point. of view,etter ns (tie entire cmlride .leanaWoodron,., "HawalleMarn Girlsves." nee is only six per tent., three Beet sial--Olorin Westlake. "Easter payable on May 1.1 and the L• ily:" Eugene Castle. 'vilrl (ksmlc" t ; n June 1:5, with nn tleettueMan coming longest distsner.- -itcbrert land r to this year the entrance Aherhart. ltarrle. Lady coming long - pretty tout!,,, at tl►is trwcfing were est distance—Mrs. E. P. Lewis. Tarim - Another ` the campaigning horse- to. Excellent music we. tarnished by Another chthe itsyfleld orchestra. A Ane lunch that all race: the mnditMns is was served shoot midnight. The th ee-heat tolan, eveT,aa.tested nn the judges were Mr. James Comte -on. To - Rats ends with the th� a ran. roto: Mise Morley and Mi -a h - two or more horse. are e; unless Detroit ninnnary at -the end of the tt,MM fire in which rage a fourth hest sew MISS HI'ME ELECTED Hone to decide a winner. til At the meeting of the Ontario Edn- tions will he straws for each heat. 1wtMnal Asscwiatlnn at Toronto last OHMS TO ORATE p/las Esther Ilnme, of Ooderk•h. An nrntorlcal contest tar the girls �,eat«L fn the conhe of tore kln- of Vlctoris public school will be held M �aeectlnn of the AwsmLtlon at the regular meeting of the Victoria l llaw.el. ' eerh hOokindergarten e !Home and School Club on Thursday. , April :10th, at R p.m. A musket pro- "Dad." salt ` igram will be presented. j they will ever ihr. "do yon think —i - gasoline?" • tebstknte for Doctor "Ton here something rade- "They love one age,. }calls wrong a Hh ynnr digestive or i wish you'd give It I a• end IltaDs" 'Oh!' queriedthe son I Patient "Welt, considering my four "I've never heard of It_ WINK daughtere are learning to cook, it is anyway?" lo 1< hardly to be ...mimed at'" ' Shoe leather," explained Dad Permanent Wave Special ON A NEW WIN& Ousels Ileebtae —PRICE— $6.00, $4 50 and $3.00 Betty's Beaoly Shoppe 64 Elgin Ave., E. Phone 340 THE Baptist Church Rev. 8, R. Mc('lutg. Minister 10_ ma. BIBLE SCHOOL 11 a "lb Zily Spirit and the Scriptures." 7 p.m. "Resections on the Hine Rescue." THE MAPLE LEAF BAKERY GROCERIES and PROVISIONS A Very Special 5c Cake Sale YOi' WiLT. ENJOY THIS FRESH DELICIOUS -FLAVORED CARE SHOP EARLY SHOP OFTEN —OUR BROWN BREAD LS HEALTH ITSELF— ASH FOR A LOAF Th. Square MAPLE LEAP BAKERY Phone 110W - - e Capital Phone 47 SOUND SYSTVel Theatre -- Gotha '. Now Playing—William Powell and Myrna Loy, In "The Thin Man." MONi)AY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY— The Dionne Quintuplets in the picture you've waited for "The Country D thr" Canada's euddlesome five, with Jean Hersholt and Dorothy Petersen. In w tale of rural adventure. 81im Summerville heads a rare supporting cast. THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY --APRIL >a Ai'SI'i('ES WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY ALiCE WHITE, BETTY BURGESS, LEON ERROL. is "COROrAUO" Hear Eddie Ihtehin and his ervtnstra In this mast glorious Musical Fein►.t\ and SATI'RDAY— WiLLIAM BOYD, iN "BAR 20 RiDES AGAIN" At'TION ANTI THRiLi.S APLENTY MATINEES—Wednss� day and Saturday at 3 p.m. Coming --Astaire and Roger* in "Follow the Fleet." DOW TO "KEEP EDUCATED" Rand Daily she Irevid-Wide Csowee ave haws I. TER CHRISTIAN S(UR1rf:R MONIITOR 4w latareedolesud Duey Nat.es.M 141 sod rev 1,••••••y •.a• Mr oa .•m"TM 1,••••••• O '�... N • Ow obbolleolli•• loins ese. tee •••• se emirs ~r•,. •.. Oa Min ma.,has Meamasst *batt, Ia•a•Moi ~5s oor , .Mem hN•n1•r _.q+a•a..Ju..1sMIss, ••w OM a. am IMO minr T1s Ohrietlaa a10•00a PiWIshlnh a.eIK, A". Mesar Wink e•Kes. Y••rM,s•nta Flea cess Or mar rlatIM to Ta. mers.d ., aeNaw hews*.. tw :arra a aswNh. M MW a ,esMhees M 1 1 ,M T wow IwM.Mne Meta.'• a•et155 I rear In M. I ta.er ran num are'r f.5 w .Y.+. • y;,.. • J