The Signal, 1936-4-23, Page 3{
Goderich'a Progressive
are represented in The Signal's
Advertising Columns
we __ilealtheir elle _ahpp
where yon are invited to chop.
Make Your Dollars Go
by reading carefully the advertlseme
in this issue of The Signal and n
the values offered by our progressly
J. Craigie
iriven saJ- Iasi --,
'rte and
■vieigal ids
PHONE It 0011111111/CH
The 0. F. Carey Ca.
Fire, Accident and Meter Car
Repreeeotative London Life
lawmetx Co.
Once: -Masonic Temple, West
Street, Goderich
Nelms HIII, Manager. Timms EU
Geo. Williams & Son
lire, Accident, Automobile and
Game Insurance Agents
pyo sk • . oedema
For Sale at tostart
Nlee4y lasdld CMtMs Les
ii_11 baa feet
-Also Houses to Town -
rliln on .ase in
Last Week's Court
Attracts Many Spectators from
That Town -Charge Reduced
to "Disorderly"
The Magistrate's Count on Thurs-
day last eras attended by more time
Afty spectators, the majority of whom
bad driven from Clinton to hear the
ease of Chief of Police A. E. lt'remltn
against Cecil Holmes, sop of Mayor
W. S. R. Holmes of tbe town.
If the spectators expected areworb
they were disappointed, for the charge
agaltast Holmes, of assault, was
changed by the complainant a few
minutes before court opened to one
of disorderly coadaet. Holmes
pleaded guilty and .Y7ned 1110 and
It is alleged words were exchanged
by Holmes and the Chief whets tbe
latter ordered the youth Jg_t_lieve
along" on Sunday night, April 12. It
was generally agreed by these Me -
est that "somebody swung first: but
the fracas ended with the (Mier flat
on his back. straddled by Holmes.
"I would like It understood at Clin-
ton." said Crown Attorney D. E.
Holmes• "that the police are appointed
fur the maintenance of taw and are
not to be subjected to disorderly con-
Holmes was bonded lea- the sum of
`100 to keep the peace fox six months.
Joe Lester, of Goderich, pleaded
guilty to charges of tbe theft of •
flashlight and other articles from an
eutosvoblle owned by Arthur Curry,
and of the theft of a flashlight bite
[tank McArthur'. car,
"It -Wil 7 flret offence ofd
wuuldo't have happened aide 1 Wee
tight." explained Lester. '
Sergeant Ross stated that when be
_ to
i arrsWetl_the.Tu4
rulge la Identitynt-illtriErtnneeieeir
" "'Taldiff•know bine protested
ter. - "He was a stronger from tkrat-
ford. 1 picked him up In a beverage
Lester was remanded a week for
Konter-lmersai--rmieui.,«-: sf Di-
plomas and Sees
The Easter program of the tialtford
ttunday 'Moot was *ppertally interest-
ing. After she peeing song and pray-
er, the superintendent, Mr. J. E. Haim -
well, reviewed briefly the work of the
past year. thanking tbe teaehers, WS-
acera and pupils for the spiendld atten-
dance and their co-operation In the
good work.
After the reading of the Easter les-
son, and a few recitations and songs
rendered be pupils, the superlolendeat
celled upon the guest speaker, Mrs.
Jas. Hamilton, wtto had recently re-
ttuned home from her winter vacation.
She gave a most interesting and in-
structive address on the subject "Mot-
toes." pointing out tbe great Import-
ance of having a good motto to follow
through life, and of making every ef-
fort to attain or fulfil tt+e motto as
far as possible in making life a sue -
ewe) +
The following diplomas and
were then presented by the ruperintlo-
dent for tbe year 1885:
Diplomas -Doris Williams, Lawrence
Williams. Glen Wilttaths.
Seals for aecpnd year -Jean Ryan.
Mrs. Ryan. Stanley Ryan, Ernest Ry-
an, Billy Ryan. Rena Wilson.
Seals for third year -Jimmy Bisset,
Mrs. G. Bisset. Miss A. Bisset, Mrs.
R. Walter, 'Mrs. it. Frit ley, Mr. J.
Seals for fourth year -Peter Wal-
ter, Sandy Bisset.
Seals for fifth year -Dan Walter,
Betty Bisset. Gordon Walter.
Atter a few words of commendation
by jbe superintendent and the einem'
of a hymn the school was dismissed
with the benediction.
lesaraace and Real Estate
Guarantee Bonds, Low Rates with
Aheolute Financial Strength
Mtetnai .Life Assurance Ca., owned b
The Polley Holders
LOW BATES -Best of Settlements
laforeaten-gladl7..#i1-- W. w -
or phone 184
Annual Meeting
of Baptist -Church
Congregation in Flourishing' Q-4'
ditioa wilds pastae s*i-ee -
Announce Vessel
Off ifor 1136
The annual meeting of the Goderich
llaptlat churcb was held on Wednes-
day, April 15th, with a fair represen-
tatiou of the membership aeewer'lag
the roll call. The church clerk re
ported a slightly decreased member-
ship, der to tewuvalor. The only
toes by death wits that of life -deacon
William MAL and tele loss is deeply
Sarnia ly m -
Presented at Wiogbase by Victoria
-Pfetytee at 4ederfeb._
From The Wingham Advance-Tiwes
of last week:
The town hall waw [tiled to capacity
on Tuesday evening to witness the
-tartanat"-Lighthouse NW' ti
the Victoria Players of Goderich un-
der the auspices of the Wel lire de-
partment. This is the third time that
the Victoria Players have staged a
play here and each time they have
drltghted the ■udienee.
Nan was a little roustabout girl who
lived w•kh her supposed grandparents
at a lighthouse on the Carolina coast.
City people whose motor tout broke
down were forced to spend aurae time
at the llghthoure, and Hon. John En -
low took w paternal interest in Van
and sent her to boarding school. Nan
felt.turns out to be his daughter who was
During the year a change war made kidnapped years before and everything
lu pastors, Rev. W. T. Bunt leaving turns out splendidly for her. It war
In May and Rev. S. H. McClung comlug a very pleasing plot and the.cast poo-
1n July. The present pastor lu his trayed the various chhric[ec•Ts R de -
report urged a higher standard of the
Christian life, and pointed out the pos-
sibilities of work and asked for a
greater seal and enthusiasm on the
part of all membere. The congrega-
tions have been very good, and plana
were laid for a more progressive and
aegresalve work to be done.
A motion was peened recommending
the drawing up of a more definite con-
stitution for the church.
Another motion was passed recom-
mending the purchase of an extension
to the parsonage lot. Hltberto this
was not possible. The purchase is
to be arranged by the trustees.
So far as ordteary expeodlture was
concerned there was a surplus, but
tMs was applied to the building of the
study at the parsonage. This lett
a email deficit on the total expendi-
ture for the year. The addition of
the study, however, has completed the
parsonage mei made It highly 'astir
fee•tory. Much interior decorating
wits done by the Ladies' Aid at the pas -
Izatto•til showed the followlpg - Although the uganaon club was
Ilghtful manner.
Between the acts the audience were
entertained by two tap -dancers, Miss
M. felly anti -Y1a<Ruth Solman of
Stratford, and Mhos L. Grit( Of Guder-
leh, rololat , ----
}terve F. L. Davidson. ou behalf of
the firemen. thanked the citizens for
their splendid attendance and the
Goderich cast for presenting their
play here.
The following were the winners at
tbe weekly duplicate bridge toerea-
meat head on Monday night:
lot, Mr. N. C. Lanaway and Mr. Jas.
Jtume. Moe 11; 2nd, Yrs--T. MU`
world. (-hell and Mises E. MaiNaugtitos. phos
R; 3rd, Mr. I. D. Eastman and Mr. 1F.
Doullelly, plus 4.
Q!9t Disposai Sal
- will continue for
One More Week
Owing,,to the continued cold welter wellaVe decided
to continue this Sale until Saturday, May 2nd.
If you have not already taken advantage of the extra-
ordinary savings we are offering, you are missing a real
opportunity to save.
Shop Early aria -Often
F. E. Hibbert
"It is Lmposatble to accomplish "War 1s the conventional of
lasting and useful work in this r'ee to satisfy some national
without helping one. another." regrrdlemce of conseq
-Halle Scituate. A. A. Milne:
On Tuesday night about 'forty s s -
hers of Goderich and Dungannon Home
and 'School Clubs dere the guests et
the Clinton Club. - - lieafoftb. oleo was
invited, but metnh era from that town
The reports of the curium/ oral- were unable to attend.
yp ! Du
'"" T-tte•41~ li caeattnuIn theft hut recently organised, it has twenty-
- Minus. Bead of 'gc,,,,l-word dorirtg tlm 7/er pros' one members. The members were con -
Sarnia Sgattashlpa, announces the fol- ti. ally paid all expenses or the tar- gratulatcrl upon their enthusiasm.
lowing appointments of captains and
"'Midge. exeepting, of course• the build- A *hart program was provided by
chief engineers for Sarni', Colonial dug of the study. The Sr. Women's the Goderich Indies. as follows: Duel.
Huron and McKellar Steamships year and sent a lap
A flue of S2 anti .vists was Imposed Limited, ve+nete for t season. sidnary riot . ra. ss ..
cenm.e, and there was a similar engineer follow In that order. >rnt W the mission in India. The I1. C. Lawson, of Clinton, was enjoyed,
went in a exec of trapping without • No appointments have been made Young Ladles' Mission l'Ir le also did atter which refreahmenb were served
good work and eonert nited to the I+y the Clinton ladles.
*ti-'oiomary Circle had a very good Mri+:-7'udfor4 end Mre. A. Smith: piano
leudid sum to mite selections, Mrs. J. W. Fraser; solo,
sentence Thek Y (' H 'Humber re. R. RIl-
IIl F Hume; readingp, ,fit
in two cases of bunting without a Il• of thevessel captain and chief wits made a life member A box was woo. A contest. in Ararge• of Mrs.
Court at Winchesfor the (Awaiting, one of the Ilurun
At Wingham on Thor•.lay morning Itoyalton-C. R. Albinson, Victor
Magistrate Makins found Robert Bacon- Parker ; Mathewston-W. J. Hodes, Wit.
mu guilty of unlawfully selling liquor ltam Ityemw; Berryton-J. E. Stewart''
liked sentenced n bito two manilla to Owen Willams; 84006-3. H. Glass,
• I I of Detroit, ---C E. Mire-
fined t2 un being fours., guiltyspeaking
nor, J. L. Campbell; Riverton -D. ''.!•• ele•akiuq and doing the Mort' of their
of unlawfully consuming liquor. Kennedy, L. B Cronk ; Northton-J. organization and w.' preparipR theta
Jobe G. ('atter was fluted fl and Horley. Wasson Emerlek; Eaetoa Inions for future work to tltl -burgh•
-'rnsri: for fallittg to have Ms radio 11- George Hindman. J. Irwin; Yorkton e The averuge attendance of the Stin-
ts -low
cense renewed. John Dennis, J. T. Taylor. day sch,e.l has fallen somewhat, though
- Sarnia Steamship...Molted :-Scott uhf, primary school hes grown COMM -
Y. P. CONVENTION Miwener-L. H. Burmtater, Charles erawy During the year the Krxdld
missionary enterprise, as well as send-
ing a box of clothing to Western One "1 hear Rowley Is getting married '
oda. The Nigglers Band, upder the next week."
leadership of Mr*. Wilfrid Donaldson Good! I never tilted the Tallow.";
had 'a good year. The B.Y.P.C. has
jail Victor Camp /e K. B DemIlle Laketon . been currying on end the pe pectin
gaining a good a;perience in
Held; L G. Mc$dlar-J. V ♦ la. templets were intntdneed to the younger
Columns For London Cosaferenre to 1114, Bed William Chambers; C. H. Bourbon -4. 1.1/11PNI.S all.1 met with approval. The
Ken's Heavy Kos. blue denim
Well made and guaranteed
Regular price $2.25
Special for one week only -
eissi 34 to 4t
Agent for Tip Top Tailors
Phone 384 Goderich
at (baton Oct 2, 3, 4 0. Beaudoin, George Barrett; Ralph Stinday enhool also contributes well
Plans for the annual I ,,nnmities et
ford; J. P. Burke -Stan. Pleamnee, to inirevionary worK
tbe Lorltion Conference Yining People's The church missionary treieurer
Ji nen Caivert; Rahane-Harry ported $174.00 forwarded to the mis-
11"niou of the United borch were
made at SO exec/111%e meeting in Lon-
don on Saturday. Tbe tenveation
thin year will be held Octel..r '2, 3 and
4, in Wesley -Willis chur,h, Clinton.
The executive members it/ charge in-
clude Hug'h Leamiegton, Con-
ference president: Jw1( l'itteado,
-E. Harman, Vincent Reeve.
Huron Steamships Limited: -Star- Elertisa of Officers
weli-Norma n Scott. Alex. Kinnear: The following (Akers were eieeted:
Locke/ell-Murder Smith, D. McKen- Truetee Ito fill vacancy teemed by the
ale; Portwell-Jameo Walton, John death of Mr. Win. Hillr-Mr. George
rin149: Fair River -J. W. Howe,. MRIer. Deateene (for A three-year
Godetieb, convention manager; Gladys
Stewart. David Barclay. Hamilton Clutton. Treasurer -Mr.
McKellar Stettennhipat Limited:- Fred Beeters. Missionary trea,nrer-
Livingston-E. R. Miley, A. McLaren; Mr. H. S. ileiff. Financial eecretary
Waterton -D. L. Witeon, FA. Shaw. -Mr. Glen Lodge. Tellere--Missee Al -
Oldham. Banes : Itolly flroad, Spring- !write Osebrildestou and Julia Beevers:
Seke; Joanne Russ, Blenheim; Bill Impetial 011
Meams. Stewart tirlff and Edgar
The Imperial 011 Compeny has an -
/tiller, London. Warrack. Church clerk -Mr. George
• Dates for summer schools were eet flounced Its appointinagts of chief et -
Miller. Sunday mebool superintendent
-as fel me: Altos Cor liege, ,Taty 4-13; Beene as follows: .
erIntendent -Br. it. 8. °riff. Organ -
Apure 1-10. It wee erratum* also to G. Vollick, chief engineer. 1st -Mrs. witteld Donald000 : toolotent
hold a Christian education night at lusperoyel--E. A. Miles. captain ,
London June 2, when King (Jordon 11. Knox, chief engineer.
Itee on the constitUtion--The deacons
(son of Ralph Connor) will speak, locolite-ft. Knight, captain;
I.% and Mr. Gordon Iamb. Ceberse-eon-
and the Alpba ehoristere of Stratford Pringle, chief engineer. t ever, Mr. Jas. A. Ca mpbeil ; assistents,
will sing. Ward Bolton, St. Marys, Ottetwalite-•-le. C. Smith, captain ; , Niessrs. Alhert Wilkins, Hamilton Clue
anoonneed that the citizenship de- t .n Erie Grill', Edgar Warraek.
partment of the Union' wi41 promote
• ttrama-writing content next year to
further peace propaganda. From the
winning six the individual Noddies
will weed their presentations, for next
year's drama festival.
Save Money By
Tovm of Goderich 1936 Taxes
Taxpayers may purchase Tax Prepayment Receipts for 1936
Taxes at favorable discounts
AMOUNT Apr. 1 to Apr. 15 May 1 to 15
$ 9.89 $ 9.93
50.00 49.45 49.65
Prepayment Receipt* must he presented along with 1936
Tax Bills during the first inttallment period.
Bank interest is only 2 per cent. Purehhte your Pre
payment R.eceipta early and have your motley earning 5 per
cent. interest.
June Dieeounts will be allowed in addition.
Neil R. MacKay, Tax Collector
W. Stuclair. chief engineer.
Ridesulite--H. L. Thomas, captain;
S. lelauetivtIlte, chief engineer.
Itoyallte-J. VIckere, captain; J. 11.
Holler, chief engineer.
Davideon, captain; J.
Buimer, chief engineer.
Sarnolite-0. D. Williams. captain:
8. H. I'hillipa, chief engineer.
Windsolite-C. R. Inon, captain:
W. R. Oakes, chief engineer
Delegates to Assueiational meetings --
HOW Clutton: alternative delegate
Mrs. Thos. Walters
Mr. Jno. Campbell then Noose on the
Midget for the conking year and urged
greater use of the "reel'', enveh'Py
Mr. II, S. Griff hreagitt In • report
on the deflelt for the post two years
c„,,,esalee awl
Algoma 8, 8. Co. and gave "owe vere
Livingstone. Collingwood ; engineer, A.
mei effort t.. clear
AppoIntmenot of tbe Algoma S. in the
Cm. foe Boa arc annOtineeti as folios- the next few.w., HI! arr.,' . very-
Allfoeell-Flagahlp. Captain, M. A. ollf• to make a .P,'
(lore }MY; engineer, Frank Lawmaker,
Sarnia. •1
lor .1 -Captain, Bert itiackwell, To -
route; engineer, Donald MeConnell,
Algorall (formerly llome Smith).. --
Captain, James Kritea, Victor Mr -
hour; engineer, Bert Meier,
The fir* three ships wistered la
Sarnia, vrhile the wig laid
up In Toronto harbor. Tne coMPtio1
expects to have tame hosts in the
roe' trade freer Toledo tO Sault Ste.
Ikt..ti,-.. noel tee leo ts gone nut of
Lake Suparter•
Tem year the steamer Home Smith
will be Strewn a• the Algorall and the
ase. AR mar he noticed, all the names
are SWOP np from Gist of the company
Atari branch& of its operation. •
The meeting then adjourned with
thio ile
Reset eeremonico were Ob.erved
roserday and Sunday hoe by mem.
hers of the Rose Croix Chapter of the
'Valley of North Bay. the ArriAtt and
Aeeepted Scottish Rite of Free Mason -
Writer ceremonial *tided Therrelay
with the extinamishing of the lights.
with the Maundy Thursday affair st
North WA4 In charge of the other
eeremonife. The Exeter eunday morn-
ing ceremonie. started at 10 O'clock,
tvith Mr. Duff presiding. There Wits
a large ailentlenee.-North Bay Nug-
Mr Cox, mentioneet 81114, -Til a
een-known Goderich tows** "old
--When You-- Buy CO A L
buy -D,'& D, CONI :-l'I.E.\NED ANTIHRACITE, the low -ash. clinker- -
IeeglLel.!het masters every weather condition.
We net only reowmend It. wen guarantee It. lone -cleaned meant; a
pro ess of Rotation; the slate being the heavier naturally •inks suit
the (-nal Soots. therefore you are buying coal, not slate..
Our Pocahontas ('4i.%I. is from the No 4 vein of the mines
owned and operated by the Valley Camp Coal Company and is of
very firm structure, hew In ash and free.btttadng. -
DISCO is a Poke with the pees left to and has become very
popular Tiy some.
I'r .napt, courteous delivery
Phones -Office 22. House 112 Goderich
)0014' SR.: "Weil, son, I'm sled you are
doing so well with the outfit. You are going
through my old experiences of hard but
satisfying work. We are happy now to rest."
JOHN JR.: -You deserve ro rest after all
your years of hard work and I realize I owe
of the business." sumccesthsfeurl
she was with the pouluy and dairying end
JoriN Sa.: -Thank you, son, but we don't
deserve all the credit. In 1900 when we had
only a homestead and preemption, with shack
and barn, and had to haul water 61re miles
Ind drive 20 males to market, the Bank of
Montreal merle me the seasonal loans I
needed to carry on. In five years we had
dear title ro the 320 acres and three years
later owned 640, with good buildings and
equipment. The bank kept on lending for
harvest;ng ind feeding, because I carried out
my contracts and kept my credit good. You
remember, Son, we sold out in 1919 for -
cash, and were able to retire. You were lucky
to rent the old place, for it's a good one."
JOHN JR.: -I am lucky, father, and 1 am try.
infr to live up .0 your reputation
Some of the Bank's services to farmers and
ranchers: Business chequing accounts; sav-
ings accounts; safekeeping of securities and
documents; loans for seeding, harvesting,
equipment, feeding, purchasing (ceders, etc.;
money orders; financtng shipments; advice
on credits; banking by mail.
Claderids Brandi: A. A. NICOL, Manager
TN* OUTCOME AY its Ylalls• kirrfal‘Ft11. 011itRARtrist