HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-4-16, Page 8tt -Thursday, April 10th, 1000 FURNITURE Repaired. Ra ood.11ad and Ophoidand WORE OULRANIIIIED PRICES REASONABLE George McKay Ac. David's Street, Ooderioh l HEADQUAEMLIL FURNITURE and PAINT AUIttRAIT PAINT'S are b1 its smelly anti Isw In pries. Yon will find arst ciam values In our stock of run: TURF and STOVES We positively save you money W. 1 k stone "On the 1lowiway of Goderleh" BRIEFS "Canadian Cowboys" at Oddbllows' 11.11 Tuesday, April 210. Dancing 9 pm. to 2 a.m. Perraeat Wavtn .-`--pedal-41.60 ware for $5.00; $5.00 wave for $3.50. Jean Smith Since will be at the Brit- ish Hotel barber shop os. April 22nd. WORLD'S :HAAYPION IT TAKES quality to sial at lbs top )ear year. For 30 ]ears s Corn Flakes -re beer ions. Today '.7 oohed all other ready -to - Ogg oesooks by millions d pack- a geve RIO* in s Mode andguarOyssd by Kellogg in Loudon, o'1.ejs. Refiling the pimp of b-1 r THE SIGNAL ChB Mr. Match at 1100 for appotatasfL The Victoria street United churns plasera will present their play, "Her Honor, The Mayor." to MacKay Iia11. on April 80th and May sat A play, "The Old 'Peabody Pew," will be presented at North street halted church Monday. Apell 27, by the Clio - ton Dramatic Club. Admission 25e. "Monday night Dr. Thornton took the large assembly around the world with picture and naming word. The moving pictures were most interesting. and the colored slides as beautiful as madxra art eon make Wham." -{your rler-Advocate, Trenton. Hear lis. Thornton at North street United church, oa Monday, AprU 20th. at 8 I o'clock. SON-IN-LAW SEVER/OA INJURED Ak ieeidut Wiicb weariest reeestly .. Tome *,en‘ Toronto, remelted to the death of tee Ned the serious injury of another, the last Deing Gor- don /terrorists, son-ln-law of Michael Ohter of Goderich. A sevea And- a -half -ton Hydro transformer 8.11 from a scaffold Into an excavatlos on the sidewalk, laltMing Injuries, which resulted In the death of George Wheel- er and William Burley. Seraombe'a lett leg was brakes In several places. The accident resulted from the breaking of the chain by which the transformer was being lowered. Mr. Obter has received word that 8ercombe will be in tbe hospital for three or four months. "The woman who wants to bold ber husband can do no better than study his mother!"-Pearhyn 8tan- lawa. CREWE. Fisalgan le and Rate this week. Mrn. 8 the week Mother. M Mr. Al Was Ber affil Colin might, of 'Sending ■pective Mr. Bill Albert Ca the ham DOD GODERICH, ONT. WE 13. -Mr. Raymond tendlag the Tradition,' convention at Toronto es, of Toronto, *peat t the home of her I. Blake. sly, teacher at Auburn, Lorain, of the G.C.L. and Fred Wahl- Dow atsCow High Behest, are Ildays at their re - k is mimeo wit* mg. or Donnybrook for .Hens, I ma Egm per n, ale` -life; butter, dairy, Ib., Or; butter, creamery, lb., 24e. Lee Steck Bacon ham ewt., $8; beef, lb, 404t be ; 11111. lb-, de -7c ; 'arab. lb., 7c --8e. Grata Wheat, war bus.. 85c -70c; back- boa., per , 33c ---86c; oat., per bas., 255 -I barky, per bus., Eic- 16c. Vegetable* Potatoes% pd. loss, $1.25; turnips, .Eert01Dt, 20a -410r Mgr sad Fest Y - - _ Eras, 1011) baa. SLIHl.2i; shorts, loo -It. bat. $l -we -WS; Mai; tuba Sour. M►ib. bag. *II -.$0,25. Dom�nion Tomato `l up 2 No. 2le 23 Ties Flour w=a--lba Spaghetcl 325 Made from Select Fruits and Pur. CON Sonar Campbelrs c JAMS � s Australian Sultana RAISINS surer F4S 223 Strawberry R Cowart 32.a Jar ZS` CHOOSE LI B BY'S PRODUCTS "Gentle Press" TOMATO Catchup 2> 2 7 "Gentle Prem" .1UI(S Tomato 3s-14 HORMEL CHICKEN ' 27( 11 ity Brand (No. 2 Squat Tin) taches 2 129` Ausstellen (10-.e. iia) (Salvos) Magic BA CR4 POWDER COWAN'SII Parfutiso Cocoa NUGGET POLISH 1 -Ib. Tin 28 Cads an;, Carry %-lb. T 1 -Lb. Tin For All Shoes Ga aw.e4 "Chaise" Diced Beets Gleaweed "Choice" Diced Carrots $tart•. ••Cheie. Diced Turnips Smart's "Choice" Diced Beets YOUR CHOICE 3 No. 2 tilt T ns SPECIAL _ Large Hsi. Lettuce . .11-c aAs�sr New Carrots Juicy Oranges Bunch Sc Dozen Value ISaective Usti, Saturday April ISM ge RES LIMITED'. t FANCY BLUE ROSE RIOE 3-19` HAND PKKED WHITE Bea�s 5 SOAP 1E PALMOLIVE Gives you that Schoolgirl Cssgtsai.s. Cakes 14` 4'P 1O i s4$ Colt's Aut.. LILAC - COLE() - IRIS For a ele*nhr, lovelier ee7npte=tsa use Col - gate's Toilet Soaps. 3 Cakes ' 4 i► . rincess Flakes a Wonderful for Silks and Woolens. 2 large 29C Pkg.. Super Suds 9c The only Soap crested specially for dishwashing. 1 urge Fkg A Meal in a ..Glass Chocolate �. TODDY -1b. Tin 1 -Ib. tin i c FOB 1.rn B11DS-TO-OS The die �Rt�0 1. *nd4 L Mrs. W. O Meeks* shower last n C whoa . Wining Workers ctass0 whoa street Unit d church Cwt 1* bopor of Miss Dale exattb, bride -elect of the month. The sateen guests had gath- ered In the darkened living room, and as Mime Smith came lato the room the lights were suddenly switched on and the Wedding March played. The seeat*g was spent In games and other amaseorats. Many useful kItcbea articles were presented to the guest anew wee served, sad the stake- ring broke up at a lata bout, each teadertag the bride-to-be best wishes for her future happtnese. BOORT STURDY. -At O*lrbra1d rim 001 - borne towns/tip, on Way. Adorn 10th, Ws Mr. tad Kra. Q..� a moa. DIED DOYLB.-At'Buffalo, on Friday, April 10t1, William Patrick Doyle, eon of Mr. and Mn. Wm. Doyle, of Gorier 'eh, aged 43 yearn. MtNIVIN. It Ale=aadra hospital, on Thursday. April 10th, Mary Stokes, widow of the late Woe. J. McNevhn. The funeral will take place os. Sat- urday at 2 pia from the bon of de- ceased on Wellington street. Inter- smut ntersmut In Maitland cemetery. IN I1><I/O$1AM J E W ISLL. -Tp the sweet and loving memory of oar ea ll child, Reginald Burton Jewell, wbo died Oil years ago -Good Friday, April 18th, 1030, aged 6 Fears and O months. T1mse'e a Sower In memory's garden, Thos plucked *hike In the bud. Ant never grew to mortality But west boon to lire with God. S• we walk through aae„ry's garden Month day. and chertak, se dear Ifs armories of whoa he was with Ire. Aad lore Ids as if ha were here. -as ams =lane by UM= AND DADDY. WANTND QOASDERB WANTED, BY DAY OR YYWE10E-[a private house, with modem conveniences Only .-hist* from the Square. MRS. St.= 1. 8RD0EDNRIDOE, 48 Newgate street FOR MI Pa BALE. -BRED BARLEY, grown from the competition Ant - prise crop of 19115. W. L. YOUNG. R.R. 5, Ooderieb. S EED BARLEY F08 SALE. -O. A. C. 21, grows from registered seed. A good aaaspie. R. J. GLEN, R.R. 0 Goderteh, . telephone Dungannon 16r14. - COR SAZZ-325 BUTS AN 8-P1ECZ ■■ dining -room suite of solid tamed oak, coexisting of buffet, with mirror: .1x realm, tncloding leather upbol- stered arm chair; round extension table. Apply BOX 20, SIGNAL OF- FICE. tFRING CLRARANC8 SALE OF USW nUIOk-finch well-known makes as - re -Osman, Nordbetmer, Mason & Rink, Weber and others at reasonable prices and thrum. Write HEINTZMAH & CO., 242 Dundas St, Leaden, for further particulars. No obligations. COR SALE. -BT AiP0tN17ANT ■ oply : One solid oak dtntng-roes. suite, dark fume finish; tour Wilton ball runners; one large reg, 3% yds. x 4 yds.; use eooe:ok.a rag. $ yds. : E yda.; two extension tables; one writ- ing desk, early English finish; one wood bed, 4 ft. 8 In.; several pteturea mantel mirror; hall >♦ietiert.Nfb; one leather couch; one iam tisk settee with electric lights; ems Umbrella stand; one dropbead sewing machine, like new; two bridge lamps; one serv- ing table, walnut; otos *erring table, oak ; one fire screen; several other articles. Apply WESLEY WALL IL Phone IP7. No appointments after May 1st. TOWN of GODENICH NollcE All owners and oceuplers of premises are hereby notified that ail gsrbage, etc.. must be re- moved from their premises by May lot 1836. 1. G. WZIR, Assistant Sanitary Inspector. Saturday Specials ! Breast Mutton lb. & Lad Milton lb. 15c Shoulder Mutton Ib. 12c Cholas Mutton Chops lb. 15c Home-made Head Meese... 2 lbs. for 25c Pare bird lb. 14c EXTRA SPECIAL Roaad Steak .... lb. 1 & Sirloin Steak . lb. 18c Prins Rib koala . >h 18c Suitary Mut Market -Tilos LIGO- Thoes 4116 Hasiltos St. WY (> POO MLS j'88SX RIGID O>a[OXIL-We hatch the Attest Chicks from the best stock In Canede, oats tarp egp from the best kayos% Our hatchery L well eQulpped, clean, and up-to-date. We can sell Chieks cheaper bectuse the eggs hatch better in Ms part of Cica- da. our stock being o* range tartlet. Over the years of eelective breeding and seven loan of blood teWag. Standard quality Tan Barron type White Legboras Oc ; Barred Rocks 10c. Extra Quatlty Chicks are 2c more. Thee stock ase pound heavier when matured, sad #startled troy 84 to 30rra eggs. Four -week-old White Leghorn pullets 40c. lane= .Hatchery Starting Mask $2.75 eget. Order from GEORGE C. RYAN, Britannia Road, Goderich, OSC:!* TENDERS WANTED VENDER.6 WILL BE RlCKI VED ll by lbs council of the Township of Hal for a drag -line equipment to be used In connection with the townabip crusher, up to 0 o'clock p.m., April 18th, 1016, with half -yard capacity bucket, Decease', shiers* and cede. Lowest or any ten- der not necewarlly accepted. Forward tandem to A. F. HESS, Clerk, Township of Hay. Zurich, Ont. FOR SAM OR RENT COR HINT.-BOVSD ON TRAPAL. a OAR street between Nortla sad Vic- toria. Hardwood floors, garage and garde. Apply M. W. HOWELL. 0R SALE 08 RENT.- 81X -ROOM • brick house on Trafalgar street Modern mnreateocee. Apply to ORAS 8. YOUNG, 11.8. 2, Godertch. Plow 14002. VOR RENT. -APARTMENT TO as rent oo ground floor, Colborne Apartaseats, Bsmlltoa street. Apply to ROBERT JOHNSTON, Court Home. Phone 131. '0R RENT. TWO UNTURNIBHED or partly tarnlabed rooms suitable for light housekeeping: *leo room and heard. Apply to J. E. BARNWILI Keen street. TO RE2Ml.-MACFARLAND FARM • os. 8ay8eld reel& Immediate pee seseloo. For farther particulars ap- ply to HATS A HATS, Barristers. sit„ Ooderich, Out. !MOUSE FOR SALE. -TWO-STORY brick house ea Nelson street. Elgbl rooms and bathroom. Good location. Would exchange for bungalow or cot- tage. Apply at SIGNAL OFTICE. DLASTURD .ABM TO BENT NEAR is BenmAler, or w111 sell oa tame terms. Apply to MR8. RUTH THOMPSON, 18388 Chelsea street, Detroit, Mick.. or to HARViIST F78Hg8, 8.8. e. Ooderlcli, Ontario, Qanada. VOR BALD. -THRIVING SUSI8DS8, [a operating tour pod tables, two shooter tables, two bowling alleys, is Western Ontario tows. Good reason for selling. First -claw !oeatlon. Ap- pty to TIM SIGNAL. Ooderlch. L`08 SALE.-BUWOALOW ON `l Keays street. Red brick, peg pa - dation. .evea rooms tacleding Orem piece bathroom Hardwood 'Ebbe, throughout, modern lighting, sterns windows all round. ltls*11y heated by furnace. Doable garage. Extra lot with young fruit orchard. Sacrifice for quick sale. Apply 47 Keays street. AUCTION LM AUCTION SALE OF BOU88 aVR. NIBH1N08. At R. Mc(te's show rooms, Hamp- ton street, Goderlcb, on SATURDAY. APRIL 18th, at 1.30 sharp Lvtag-rouses dlnia4Ftooe., bedroom and latches foraatare; sewing ma- chines ; ones; eev�ral pieces of wal- nut; hareem; iiogp, and numerous articles. T. GUNDRF & SON, Auctioneers. AUCTION 8A I. F; OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE There will be offered for_01e. by public auction at the premises. Auburn, on SATURDAY, APRiL 25th, INS commencing at 1.80 o'clock !Aly- - the household goods of the Lie Mea, H. 8. H111. comprising: Settee; betet ; Treasure Quebec cook stove; Happy Thought cook stove; new Perfection oil stove; two bedroom mattes, springs and mattresses ; ice -box ; Raymond sewing machine; two elec- tric radios; carpet sweeper; vaenam cleaner; iron kettle; 250 -gallon under- ground tank; 40 -gallon steel barrel; Coleman lantern; dining and kitchen furniture; cooking utensils; garden tools, and other articles too namerone to mention. TERM* --Cash. T. OUNDRY & SON, Auctioneer,. WRLSON HILL. Ntr.eutor, ADMiNIRTRATRiX' SALE or FARM LAND). The adminlstratrlx of the mate of William .1. Hogan, late of the Tows- ship owsship of Asbd.4d In the Coniy of He- ron, will offer for sale by pontic mon tion. at tie oleo of Heys h Hay,, Hamilton Street. GodMeh, on RATiIRDAY, APRIL 25th, 1090 at the hour of 12 o'eie k, Cam, the. west half of iot Two (1) la Ceara ceedon i8leves. iL P„ Township of Ash- field, In which there la situate a brick house and a large barn. The property will he put op at a re- serve Md. Pose don ma he given 1n April, 1O9T. '1'11'8141.-20 pet Best or taw pop- duos nrthose pries st the thaw of the Isle, she -Hs beams with% try days there - ad. For fernier particulate appy to HATS i HAY*, Hessian street. Qederlch, Out. THOMAS OiUNDRT & SON. Aod.ritl•. Outerto Anetion.eri. 1936 WALL PAPERS Now Showing O and up Cole's Book Store QOderloh Ont, o NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTION TO CRXDd1rOR& Notice 1s hereby given to all psraoas having any claim against the estate of DUs* *Inn, late of the Ware et Oodertcb 1* the county of Hares, wi- dow, who died on or about the lith dlty of March, 1008, to *sad same to the undersigned on or before the 2783 day of April, as on and atter that date the executrix harem will pre - Avid to sake dlmribatioa of the saki estate, having regard only to the claims of which she thea haa sales. Dated at Goderich thea Lt day of April, A.D. 1000. HAIR • HAYS, Ooderld, Out.. Soli- citors for the Executrix berets. CHARTISM ACCOUNTANTS J. W. ITbal471.247. Aecountaat 88 Ontario street, Stratford, Oatati. (Member Tiretbrook, McLeod • Mss With, Toronto, Ontario.) AUCTIO10111111110 TERIXIAS OIWDR>r, OODIRIOn. a LIVE SOCK AND 011111EIRAL AUQTLONl1S -Ti ij ilIRE--22t--_ - Salsa attssi.d to anywhere mai emir Alert made to give sedsfactisa. Farmers' sale notes dIsessatad. VR18&INART 8[7101038 DR 14 MYERS, VII.B.V.Sc, Y VITEBI1ARY SURGEON Graduate of tbe University et Ye - motto and Ontario Veterinary College. Oder at T. T Marpby's, Has/llra street Phases: Day 200; reddens, MOW. - 1riILDICAL DR. F. J. R. rORSTER, IED, LW (KOC THROAT. Late Hoose Surgeon New Yeak Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, me- natant ♦natant at Moorefield Eye .-- and Golden Speu.re Throat Leados. Inc - ETES TESTED, GLAMORS 8UPPLIRD Ns Waterloo Street 8.. Stretford. Telephotos 207. Next v5 t---Wedneoday, May 119. from 7 pm. to 1 pm. os There/ay. May 21, at Bedford Hotel. LEGAL DUDLEY M. HOLMES, Barrister, DWe, Ow/t-('ourt Hoose, Dederick. �o DOUGLAS R NAIRN, Barrister sad Sullen. Odea laatltom Street. Godwin' Telephone 012. ERNEST M. LED, LL Barrister and Solicitor Baa We Building, Adelaide Can{ Vic- toria Streets, Tereab 2. Telephotos Elgin 5101. ISSINUASS resonrsorain rliBOPRAC.YPOR AND DRUQIASB THDRAPUIT Godertch. Phone 141 1pped with electromagnetic Dlectronlc electric treatment' h chiropractic. Chronic, seven. and nervone diseases. Lady 8 at- teadanee. Odic. tours 2 4o 5 sad 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday, and on W.das.day 10 to !: a.m. toil, or eomsultation may be bed by appointment. Monday and Thursday at M1tN.11 A. 1Y. ATKINSON Residemee and odoe-Cors.r .f South street sad Britannia road. LOANS. OM McKiLLOP MUTUAL 1181 INSD$W 4801 00. -tarsi and Isolated town property Insured. Oder, -Alex. Broadfoot• Pnddeet, aanferth ; Jobs D. Pepper, Vacs-IPns4- deIt Breca4eld ; M. 4. Reid, Senn tary-Treasurer, **forth. Directors -Ales. Broadfoot Sea - forth ; James Rholdlce. Walton ; Wm. Kam. Load.sbero; George Leoeharet. Dublin; John D. Pepper, 8ruceMli Jima Ooanot17, (loderfeb ; Thomas Molten, Seaford); W. IL Archibald. Seaforth ; Asst. Mc8wing, 817th. Agents -W. 1. T. R.R. & Mosso ; James Watt, Blyth; John D. Pepper. RR. 1. RrucotkM ; R. r. 1 J.rdser. R.B. 1, Debits; Oho*. r. Hewitt E.ir cardia.; R. 0. Jarienth. R.R. 1. Been balm. Polley -holders can make all payola' sad get their reeds recelpted at the Regal Beak, Calstse ; Oalvta Oar. Orem?, Elaastes street OvAorIAh, or 5. 14. 814'. Osaauui Store, BayaeM. 1