HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-4-16, Page 7C�unDitrjct
Cliatou's tax rate for 11166 Is 44
Hereafter tt.ere wilt be no Division i
Court at Ripley. Cases from that
district will be heard at Ktocardfne, I
Dr. Harry Beldon, son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. G. Beldon, Exeter, has dis-
posed of his medical practice at Mbar -
h t his taken a
the staff of the Mayo Bros. hospital at
Rochester, Klan.
Ed. Coward war thrown from a load
of hay oa the farm of Nelson Hunkin,
in Ueborne, and broke both bones in
his left leg below the knee. The frac-
tures were reduced sad the patient
is said to be prog_ressitng favorably.
• Geed Horse Priem
District reports are to the effect
that the demand for good horses Is
quits brisk, with fair prices prevailing.
The A. E. Johnston auction, In West
Wawanosh, some days ago, Is reported
to have been enccesdnl, twenty horses
going under the hammer at prices iv -
freesias $155. One mare,. twenty
=oaths old, brought $167.
The Presbyteriaan manse, Cromarty,
was the scene on Tuesday, April 7th,
of the marriage of Margaret Beatrice,
daughter of Mr. sad Mee. Robert Cole-
man, to William Walton, only son of
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Caldwell. of near
Rracsaeld. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Janie Reidte. The
coati* will reside on the groom's farm
in Stanley township. _�
Motors Hi. Hundredth Year
Peter Sitteils of Am ierley, the
"grand old man" of Huron township,
on Sunday last celebrated his ninety-
n inth birthday. A native of Scotland,
be came to this country at the age of
twenty years, and he is now the last
of the pioneers of Huron township.
Him wife died about twenty years ago,
but he has a family of eight sods and
Brncedeld United Sweeeb'-•wilt -cake
best, its "diamond jubilee" from Sep
tember 20th to September 27th, inclu-
sive. Daring these eight days the
acted traditions_ nL_shsrst,.—�tty La
Bruoedeki will be reviewed, from the
days of the "sold kirk," ministered to
by that grand old man, Rev. John
Ross, the "Man with the Book," down
through the time of the original
Methodist church, the original Preaby-
terlau church and the present United
Death at G. A. Maclennan
George A. Maclwuuan, Prominent ,
n Bled et his hose I
there on Wednesday of last week after
a rather lengthy illness. His family
has served the people of Clinton for
more than sixty years, hie father, the
late Robert Maclwonau, having be-
queathed his buslnese to his widow
and son. Deceased Was a lifelong Lib-
eral and a member of the i'reabyter-
Ian church, also latterly acting OW
Near* of the peace. His widow sad'
three slaters survive.
New Cetatwnity Hall 1
Ratepayers of Exeter voted by a
majority of eighty-six to build the
new skating rink, corm/malty hall and
fair build!ng rombined which has been
agitating that community for some
weeks. Considerable feeling was
aroused durlag the campaign and some
stiff opposition developed. it is ex-
pected that the building will be erected
for less than $10,000 and will provide
much needed facilities in the village.
A large vote resulted free the
ons work of the tsctielat Ilhr-- Me- -.
against the project. —._- _ ---
Pressat fee Ex.Trss.m'il
George Turner, who was treasurer
of the township of Tuekeremith for
over thirty -eve years, was the recipient
of a pipe and an electric reading lamp
when be appeared at the meeting of
the council on Saturday, April 4th.
Reeve W. R. Archibald arranged the
presentation, sceompanyin4lt with a
fine tribute to the long sod excellent
services contributed l v Mr. Turner.
Clerk D. F. McGregor made the ac-
tual presentation while the members
applauded. Mr. Turner replied fit -
tingle. although obviously taken by
etid7flte�. _ Riga Ars -"
Carl Geiger, of ilowick township,
BENMILLR, April 14.—Holiday
visitors in the neighborhood were:
ideals Oka, his wife and children. of
Wrath, with hts-suelier; -Mrs
Oke; Edgar Vaustout. of Toronto.
with his mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Van -
stone, and other relatives; Mr. and
Mrs. Keu Bowden and daughter, of
Long Branch, and Mrs. Bowden, of To-
roato, with J. W. Gledhill and family;
Benson Straughan, of Toronto. and
Miss Helen Straughan, of Kitchener,
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
M. sod Mfrs A L, Wllatuft, Mrs.
Ralph Million end family, of Strat-
tordvtlle, spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. Moore and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee. Jervis add fam-
ily, of Hoteeevi le, spent Sunday with
Mn. Polly Walters.
.Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick, of
and Hrs. Doug. O shag and fatally,
of Dederick, spent mday with Mr.
and Mrs. Russell HMI.es
Our school teach . Mr. Sidney
Brown and Miss Dorothy Henderson,
OM spending Metey,lulays at their
reepecttve home* is Remitter-and
Mr. Verne Gledhill neat the week-
end at Ann Arbor, :Warning on Mon-
day and moving into the house vacated
recently by Mr. Pette
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 11.•Whlnney, of
Gtslerlc'h, spent FridaY in the village.
Mr. Dick McWbianeY. Mr. Roy
hiBlame Mr
Whinney and Miss e Page, of
ttslerich, spent SnndaY with Mr. and
Mrs. tare hers. i.
"The Good Samaritan has always
fascinated me. What fun he must
have had !"—Sir Wilfred Grenfell.
"Nothing In the world can make
Toronto, are emend their holidays you canneloni of failure se unlappl-
bae and in ----- perunless you teakWoe: it."—
Mr. and Mrs. Job" Grates sea Mr. Mary Pickford.
Council met on April Sib with all
the members present. Minutes of se
last meeting were ed and approved.
Communications from the Depart-
ment of Health, the Department of
Municipal Affairs, the Highways De-
partment and Thus. Sandy, Ooderich,
were read and ordered tiled.
The Reeve and road superintendent
reported ou proeeedinge which had
taken place at meetings held In the
Interests of good roads which they hid
attended since last meeting In London
and Tumid()respectively.
A number of tend** were received
for operating the stone crusher, also
the trucking of gravel from rams this
coming season. The tender- of Crus.
Robinson for crushing gravel, at 19
cents a cubic yard to the bin, was ac-
cepted, as was also the tender of Gor-
don Godkin for traekiiig material from
crusher at 10 telets-a- yu+-=or .the first
mule and 11 cents per yard for each
additional mile.
The clerk was isstrgcted to advM
the for tendert, for the construction of
the Meguillan drain, tenders to be co
withered at next meeting of council.
laegeboompnt of 105.3 taxes
still unpaid, the collator's tutee for
collection of same was again extended
till next meeting, Illy 4th. Delin-
quent taxpayers will purrs': note that
after ,that date ne furncer extension
or leniency will be Int"•tt by cooed/
and all taxes unpaid at tout time will
forwarded on to the .,aunty for col -
Tux following account. were paid -
The Advance -Times, al,erti.lug con-
tracts, $3.80; Machos Bros. tin box
for assessor, $3.73: Trite !Myth Tele-
phone System, balance of telephone
assessments. $44S; a McBurney, re-
pairs. salary and expense, to Good
Road. Association meeting, $21.25.
' Council adjourned to meet again on
Monday, May 4th. ..... __,
Thursday, April 10th, 19687
to ITS
Plumbing, Heating
Repairs for all makes of
stoves or furnaces
Prompt service mid reasonable
John Pinder
Phew 137 P. O. Box 131
ON-'1Ws 7igial s Advertising Oolamss
see relieved byi`e
Brophey Bros,
Ambulance service at all hears.
day or might
PHONES : Store ltl6. Tri. m
I. R Wheeler
PolandDhMtw and Elmbaiesr
All salla promptly s"—ded M
day or sight
--AMINO AMall Manta—
Stem INS asibess rr
Wolter Marlton
alrnssrAMersa Oil K
eh Casal +ice~MEM*
18510 West Warren Ave..
Orsiniitelspbosis UN
Spring Suits!
Sprint Samples For the
Man are !fere
They are the very best.
Everything that's new in
Men'a Wear at thu time
of the year.
Chas. Black
I East Street and Square
West Street
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
El ttric Wiring of all
Estimates ghee se appliesties
Telephone 112 — Gaderieh
met with a painful oust dlaabling acct-'
dent last week when he stepped on a
eased stick of wood, throwing him off
balance and causing his right arm ta4 ' .
come In contact with a circular saw.'
The arm was cut and slashed from
the wrist f6 -lbs elbow, several chords
being *MOW In company with a
number Jtlssd, Carl was cutting
firewood 'ben the accident happened..'
His uncle quickly applied a tourniquet
to the member and medical atmtetanee
was called. lie was rushed to Pal-
merston hospital. where he remains.
lie will be disabled for months.
Town Geis Thrill
Elmira was all keyed up for a bank
robbery on Monday of last week and
some of the more pugnacious citizens
appear still to regret that nothing hap-
pened. Word was flashed into the vil-
lage in the morning that suspicious
characters were riding about the coun-
try in a large automobile, headed to-
wards Elmira. They looked capable
of bank robbery or anything else. The
banks In the village tightened their
defences, the Provincial pollee got in-
to strategic positions and about noon
the suspected car arrived. Instead of
attempting to hold up a bank the oc-
cupants of the vehicle bought lunch at
a local restaurant, looked the place
over and west away. Nothing more
has been heard of them. It is agreed
Out they looked desperate and may
have had robbery la ailed, but if so
they mast have become suspicious of
the place and decided that they would
possibly get more than cash if they
started anythlag. Certainly prepara-
tions wive complete to give them a
warm reception.
Report of fifth dans of Auburn
Sr. V—Galea ■erguson 60, Donald
Rose ii. Bob Craig 40
Jr. V --Mary Ignore 78, Ter" Law-
lor 7S. Betty lunette 73, Ila Craig 71,
Ruth Arthur 66, Douglas McMillan 50.
Earl Mugford 58 -
a a a
Sr. iV—Agnea Lednor 70.7$, Norma
Murray 64.2. Helen McGee 58.8.
Jr. iV—Eleanor Petri 61.5, Horace
Crawford 60.9.
Sr. III—Roderick McKenaie 65.8,
Verna Petrie 60.2, Phyllis McCrelgbt
118.1, Harold Adam. (lel (absent for
some examinations!, Joe McGee 52.7,
Jr. LII—Pv.nces MtCreight 68.2,
Dorothy Pearson 68.', Rose Murray
61.6, Leroy Draper 3.4, Gordon Mar-
tin 55.2, Harold McGee 58.5.
• Sr. ii—Charlie Adams 82.6, Har-
burn Adams 56.
i—Isobel Ledaor, Maxine McGee.
George Barger, Vida McCrelght, E1 -
win Petrie, Earl Martin (very good).
Primer—Margaret Adams (very
good) .
The following report Is for the term
January. February and March:
Sr. iV—Mary Cantwell 73%. Jack
Wilson 64, Elwin Ryan 81. Arnold
Young 51.
Jr. ry—Ruth Cantwell 74%, Mar-
garet McKnight Mt, Ruby Wilson lip,
Lilian Cantwell M.
Sr. I11—Verna Cantwell 63%, Vio-
let Tree 64, Harry leagan 61, Helen
Free tt6.
Jr. 11i—Mary Fes gan 72%. F1'Aen
Tooag 70.
Sr. I1—Lola Feagan 80%, Bernie.
Matthews 72. •Wilma Pentland IMI.
Jr. Ii—Donald Wilson 65%, Tommy
Cantwell 60, Roy McKnight 118, Harold
Weight 50.
Sr. i—Elwyn Teagan 75%, 'Percy
Mcllwain 65, *Gordon Matthews 60.
'Donald !Detain 66.
Sr. Primer• --Billy i night 'lflb, Mar.
jorle I've, 70, Bnalah Knight 70, •Jena
reagan 65.
Number on roll, 211 Those marked
(1'1 have edsred a. week: as. more.
T. MacDONALD, Teacher.
If you are subject to the Dominion btcome Tax,
you .are also subject to the Ontario Income Tax.
-You-eire-requirecLto fill out ONE FORM ONLY --
TI -1935. 's for for#s combines both your Ones
and Dominion IncAtte Tax Returns.
You slosh! *tads three copies of this fora freta ese of the
fellest el seeress:
1. Arty office of "The Inspector of Dominion Income Tsui Thew offices
are Isesbd at Ottawa, Belleville, Kingston. Toronto, Hamilton, Landon
and Port William.
2. Any Post Office.
3. Any Province of Ontario Eseinea Office.
On or before April 30th, you must file
two copies of this form TI -1938. (or form
T1A-1935, if you are a farmer or rancher)
at the nearest office of "The Inspector of
Dlisnigtdort Income Tax". The third copy
Should be retained for your own rafirefie.
in riling' this combined return of Ontario
and Dominion Income Taxes, attach a
certified cheque or money order, payable to
the Receiver General of Canada, for at
least one quarter of the total tax payable.
Because the Ontario and Dominion Income
Taxes are combined, there is only one
form—only one cheque or money order
required. This arrangement greatly
simplifies your returns and your payments.
Your taxable income is also the same, with
two exceptions: (I) you deduct the amount of
your Dominion Income Tax. (2) You add
all income received from Dominion of
Canada Bonds.
The main purpose of the Ontario Income
Tax is to enable your Government to adopt
a "Pay-as-you-go" policy. By helping the
Province, you help yourself.