HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-4-16, Page 44--Tlarsday, April lath, 1906
'1)irder Thar Fashion -Craft -Suit
or Topcoat -HOW !
$24.50 to $35.00
READZ3IADE SUITS with Extra Trousers, $MAO to
_ __._Bijysive but not ezpenaiwe __.
W. C. Pridham & Sones
The Square
Phone 57
Hydro Store
The local Hydro Commission
is making the following
offer :—
"A consumer installing a
Mew three -wire aett'iee-with
an Electric Range from now
up to July 1st, 1936, will be
allowed two months' electric
current free of charge•"
—Gook !I!Se Electricity—
Aida, Cool and
Public Utilities Caminito
The London Conference of the United
Cheveh- aH.ee..eae• Dr aleisseolitaa
United church, London, oa Tuesday,
June 2nd, sad the sessions will con-
tinue throughout the week.
The regular meeting of the Arthur
Circle will be beld at Knox church on
Monday. April 20, at 8 o'clock. This
will be the thaukuffering meeting and
Mrs. Albert Taylor will be the speaker.
The Easter thankoffertng meeting/ of
the Keox Truytcrier. W.M-9. will b
I : held lu the lecture room on Tueeda7,
April 21st, at E o'clock. The meeting
will be In charge ut Mrs. Redditt's
group. Mrs. A. Taylor will give an
Easter manage, Tea will be served
at the close of the meeting. All
indite to the congregation are Invited
to attend.
AUBURN, April 14.—Mr. J. R. Roes
has purchased a new Oldsmobile and
left on Saturday to visit his parents
at Beaverton, accompanied by Mr. T.
Johnston and Miss Phillips.
Mrs. F. Roo and Donato are vWtr
lug friends aa Detroit -
Ml's J. Weir le visiting relatives at
News o
Notes a
The imports
carload be etre
experiment ear
at the Central
shoe' tett
peas seeded as
ready to work
when sown at
age Weaved of
that sown two
teen bushels f'
els for wheat
Weal 0
At the recent
Canadian Co-op
Hon. Duncan
he Farm
menta on
ELEOTVVC. CO11? PRZ1 dere Emma Btu rgee Waal.
Ella aay,
Margaret proves, Mrs. J. O. &M -
tee Two IHaIY M c_—s who thorpe, Mrs. 8. 1leLwaa, Leslie Elliott,
Istatall a Be CZharles (lett•eluhae'dt, Obules Par-
ker and Ttomss, 8eptebmer, YW
i�lp'ti--seMsiFaadsA.it the ragntnr.rLuslg_W6eode mown ,FiM' �. The .
meeting of the pi blit utilities commis- play Is to be given in Varna on Wed -
sloe on Thursday alert last, power � ueada7 evening ..t nett week,
coneumere who install • new threo- The Misses Murle7. of Detroit, are
wire service with an electric ranee Iapendlag a few d•y at their cottage.
Eddy beforeJuly Lt thin year will be al- YI*a Jetwle Mittal! Here with them
of early seeding lowed two ponthr' rlectkkc cvreetzt and le vl'ltlDg her mother.
I Mrs. McIntosh, of Ilatdlton. Is
duo strongly. An (free of charge.
on for ten yearnI A euggestloa , from the H7dro-1 Tutting daughter, Mr.. J. O. Gold
psrimental Farm Electric Power Commission of Ontario, thurpe.
ta barley and; wblcb 61d not meet with the approval Yr. sui Yrs. W. R. Juwrtt arrived
u as the land is or tae meal :o:.>^'islon, was that the houw on Yuudn7 after •pending tot
higher yields than I local body should include the coot of 'wlI,sesMrr In at Florida.
dates, The aver- a three wire strvlce enlr*nee and con' I Toledo,—The death took
n sown early over nectlons at no Gust to the consumer, , plane on Sancta,. Aprh 5th, at Mercy
hot as a part of the distr11)4loh jhoapllat, Toledo, of Mrs. Myrtle Craw-
ford. Deceased wan born In Bagfield,
A second letter from H > `•• �tt daugbter of John and Adelaide
outlining a pod Yei,eod. Several years ago lobe went
• range campaign, was filet I to it at Toledo, Ohio, and was there
A communication from M. P. Ga1-
ers Animal cS nlarrigd 4. Yr, Charles Crawford, who
h❑s1 meeting of the health, of the Canadian Pacific Tele- ! met his de 4h by drowning
g a few years
tire Wool (rower•, graph DepartlDent, contained a pro -
Ste is survhed by two eon•,
poral, which was accompanied by William ■nd Treak; one brother, Roy
• blueprints, to place the C. Y. telegraph Mel.eod of Toledo' two sisters. Cecil
e wires on tie Hydro poles. The letter McLeod, of Bayard,. and "Mrs, Knee-
n was laid over Datil the next meeting. sbaw, or Goderieb, and her mother,
Lions Root. Johnston, C. K. Satin -
Mrs. Adelaide McLeod, of Bayfield•
ew dere and Nelson 1101 asked and were The funeral was held on April 8th at
M granted a water and light eervlce for 1 Toledo.
the Opera House during the presents -
sea- I
tion of a musical revue on April 22
spoke and 23, sponsored by the Oodertch
a An application from C. O. Lee for
r• water service at his store and o1Dce
f at the harbor was passed.
re- W. M. Johnston, Park street, asked
the to have an electric light placed ---la
g front of till residence. He wan
to asked to meet with the commingle.
s-fater was tour-
leJ, eighteen bush-
faur buabele for
T nail, Ontario MUD
later of AgricaMare. referred to thl
organisation as Vie anent co-operativ
marketing lnetitHlou ever built up 1
(],nada," and t the organisation
�s of untold and benefit la
venting looses armee' on the en
tsarStrathroy. of their wool t" On the esme o0
lett. and Mra. Sheppard and family citation Mr. A. A. Ieiteh, former
are visiting at Sarnia, Ion Marketing /Mei chemise,
Meeting ad C7irpa Last / Visitors at Auburn bower over the of the Co-operatlipe $ work as "nate
ark di Nay Inter week -end were Mr. Eugene Doble. of I and of paramort importance as a
Ottawa: Mr. and Mrs. G. Paterson and example ofd e c Mntive ma
eD o
London stated la his prudential
port that the weal clip had been
hest In recent years. A very Aron
financial statement was presented
the meeting.
At Clinton laat night a meeting was
bekt for the ora101utlon of a Huron -
Perth Baseball League, Representa-
tives were preset from Clinton. Sea-
ford), Zurich. Wingham and Goderick.
Mitchell also may come Into tie league.
Although the 'gingham and °oder-
Ml's Ftoreuce, of Toronto, at Dr,
Weir's; Mr. 8. Breckin and Mr. Jas.
Breckln, of Toronto; Mrs. 11. Chesney
and three children, of Tuekersmith ;
Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Manning and Phyllis.
at Mr. J. 1). Howatt',; MRS Martha
filedelegates were unable to commit Adamsot Kitchener, at Mr. T. Adams .
themselves, •s y are to attettrd a The W.Y.S. of Knox
monthly meetingJt
Braer League... nlsation tloMtt'g A.harch fillet lea
tonletrt, the ntativea of the r4- the home of Mra-J. D. Howatt. with -The etut of tteathsg warble gr
maining three tonins }Rated they would a targe'ittendgnee. Mrs. Wardlew lnfeetei cattle Ilse bccn very low, a
like to forma Huron League. Taylor, of 0oderbeh, Bare an inspiring cresting leas .0iw cent per a
At any rate it was decided to form
Easter message and Mies bath ' mal per treats The rate has bee
lower " been
monthly dertaken on falen<hip 'scale. 0
to the
pound of warble powder will treat
grub Infested stens on the backs
welcome. I twenty-five cattlethnetimes.
Itlyth II It your toaratre is rt
11 take 1 tion for warllr-telaret.' do
Ball's cemetery on Wedade �R Ilerd as well w_ o
vette, termer J Yl
blm seven
Theo •Season
( Oath end (
Easter Servieea—T'he three-hude de-
votions on the Seven Words from tie
Oros', were well attended In Tr a1ty'
church, Brgfield. en Good Friday. The
church was well filled with worship-
pers from the entire pariahs which
includes Mlddletoa's and Varna. The
whole service was conducted by the
rector, Rev. W. G. Bugler. On !taster
Sunday six services were cooducted
I in the parish, al1 well attended. A
CARLOW morning euchartat wan celebrated 1n
Ieach of the three and evensong in two
of them. The 11 a.m. service in
CARLOW, April 14.—We • welcome Bayfield was the barged of all. The
ub Mrs. Robert Bean, jr., and little dangh- i church was we!l filled, many taking
r- ter home from the hospital, on Mon- communion. The choir sang Mer-
ul- day last. ,frisk'* setting "f the Eucharist with
I Those who are making maple eYrttp the "Gloria In Fccel'ta" by Smart, and
nn- report a very good run of sap. although during the o fertory "Why Seek Ye
the hiving ng tbe Dead?" At
ne' It is somewhat clow' at times. this service tin+„rector distributed the
the The Ladles' Abd met at the home of (is for
of Mre. A F.rrington on Tueeduy, April prizes to Sunday school puD
woe -the- ..'.t,t,proficiency and attendance aa follows:
1 udass he_Qtt�IWti
or- buiaaaa. �,_ - -+Attendance--AuJtky Sturgeon. Bernard
of I MBs Rabb -Young. Mrd A: W1Be ugter, Gordon Heard, James Atwood.
rth- sod hire_ lientiersowgt-teOded the Ear General prod lency—Audrey Sturgeon,
efie estnrrtBIl,- -Efs'
i;Teo`rge Heard, Bernard 'Begley.
an ezeeutive, leaving committee pod- Straughan rendered an appropr ate where work ha
tion. epee for ive's.WinJeaHuG roderon- (The B.Y•P,1', will hold it+
Pe re league attv'c•- lI
Perth league wt�t to affifated with meeting mezt Supday eyeulnR
h Ecrrytady w
d D
ef each town vole Tes+O even if e
he 11.B,A.A. Bapust curler .
Ed. Gaacbo, eft Zurich, past (veli- Mr. Aaron Bennett died in
ant, was In charge of the meeting on Monday, and the funeral *1 ganiza
and 1�_`�T>•Ft ' fvier, . cted
s secretary. - - s . lits � �
while results can le obtained In
The following executive was elected. Straugban, l,redec'eased
control of the pest in you, own b
two representatives the neighbors
--CA 1 --
Sint D. g L Y
>» Cameros 8Ged Oe+«'B•
Baptist Churc
„CI Idlnlhtee
11 a.m.
7 p.m.
Are they worse than-ilisld
the ter thankofferins tneeting 1 t the Untt0!'
erd .•hT.
over, Auburn, on April 7th. M
neglect th
Ing: President. Tem Churchill, et :� Tremae monthly meeting of the Warble files do Dot live very long
• ill be held on
April 21st. when the district president,
iOHuton fat videpresident, J. J. Hugs- W ass Institute w
gard of Sealer?*: 2nd vice-president,
Lee Hoffman, of Zurich:- secretary, M.
Monteith, of Melon: treasurer. D. H.
Wilson of Seatorth: executive coin -
mitten, C. M. faith, of Seaforth; E.
(laaebo, of Zurich; Andy Steep, of
The league entry fee was set at 110,
with an addltlaaal guarantee of 410.
_--This Sale will continue until the entire ' ' •h fid_
Special showings this week in Ladies' Spring 'otwear an
Men's Spring Footwear.
Also Boy's', Misses' and Childrens;
117!'. Bale wad (Words. Selling out at
-_. $1.49, $1.813, -ijt S and $218 71'.
Saws' and Children's. Selling out at
88c,98or$1.48and $1.98 1-1.,•
Phone 43w
Ire I -Vex- Young also clefted Auburn
nor friends.
hey travel very far. This be
Ing' Misee,t Ruth and Grace Lawson are
our• I visiting their grandmother. Yra. I_
the ease a farmer curl. working a1
Yrs. Oster of Blyth. will address the ' pretty well get rid of the pest from
meeting. Exchange of flower slips or 1 owe herd. It would be letter,
'seeds for roll call, hostesses, Mrs' Louise, if all• cattle were treated
Keyes. Mrs. Jas. Raithby�Mrs. Glen; that complete c di ,tion could be
Ralthby. talutd.
Don't Miss T'bIs!—hills are out an- I All ruffle owner.+ are urged to
aounebng a novelty supper and min- ,troy the a arble grubs and thereb
steel show to be given on Friday even- Imove a very costly pest from the
fog. April 17th. under the auseices of stock industry. Milk produetl
the Y.Y.It, a[ Knox 1'nitrd charch. ! &ecreased. hides are seriously In.)
Supper will be nerved In the basement I beef carcasses Wonst, the gr
of the church, and the minstrel pro- , of Toting animals Wriest.
and'by inter
gram will be given afterwards la the with► Cattle aresadded and unmet
Foreseen' Hall 147p�ed la theft fright and at
I ilest� irveetey Pateesae'" req t awij ftp the '
I Sarah Jane Gorier, wife of the late I flies. t
"There has never been SS itiaeb
freedom as most Americans probe
m but, such as It baa
his u- evil . la Toronto this week. been. today it la rapidly disappearing."
01 The sebool teachers are spending the ' _Brine Bllven.
as 1 holidays at their respective homes
at- Miss D- Webster, of No. 1, at Se.
Helens: Meas -L Oameron, of No. 3..
de- near Tiverton, boll Miss Irene Stoll, of
7 re-; East Wawano*h, at Carlow.
live I Measles have been very prevalent
• 1s 1n this district. There have been some
ured. I quite aertous cases. hut they are al-
owth most all better again.
"nee Ghali, R.N., have both been very 111
tempt with "flu." but are Improving.
Chards Notes.—The thenkof-
tering meeting of the W.M.B. was betd
Mrs. Mash and Mice Margaret Mit-
Beverley Paterson, palmed away on
Monday evening in her stxte-third an
year. Mrs. Paterson. who had been ea
In poor health for some time, suffered
a stroke on WedoQ,sdey last. She
WISP born on the Base line near An-
burn, a daugbter of the _ Lw_ John
f:ovier and Sophia Matthews. Sbe „-
:+s united In marriage to the late I ural mllllon dollars saved to the
Beverley Paterson thirty-five years ago lino ',Anat.,.
and since then had resided in Auburn. • • •
Two slaters survive, Mrs. H. McBrben,' Han Martad Seed
q saatIst matt* 10 In the in the church on Sunday Meg. Rev-
$ of the' that care for the George Wylie was In charge and gave
011e,. If all will do their duty lie_ a fine address on "What God will do
ward their cattle by kiiho the warble with a than who is willing to let Him
and heel fly grubs as tkey appear, work," as In the case of the Rev. Dr.
there can be no mere flies et the elaM Robert Moffatt. one of the early :Ma-
to torment and injure .the_ cattle. i atonarles to Central Africa- A quer-
ole losses will then wase lhnd Pay-' tette sang 'The Old Rugged Cross"
aDI- I aidles Amelia Yellwaln gave ■ solo•d The Lord's flnpper wilt be era
served In the United church next Sun-
day at 3 p.m The series of pre -
Easter servkes in the Carlow and
Benmiller 'churches was helpful and
Instructive. Rev. W. J. Patton on
Tuesday night spoke from the text,
"And he made as tbough be would
hare gone farther," showing that
Christ Is able and willing to do more
than we ark. On Tbmrsday Rev. W.
the past two months a large carryover 1' Ione, of (ktderlch, spoke on 17br1st's
is anticipated. Alfalfa hay L moving question: "When 1 sent los, lacked
fair? rapidly from the Georgian Bal I you anything' and they said. Nothing."
near for get purr'
sand ndint purs and some Special murk: was provided at all the
alfalfa meal has been exported. servtcea.
prices being paid growers in south-
western Ontario are: For timothy$11.No.oBAYFIELD
2 and si44.30:47.50 a. to
to �' BAYFIrLLD, Apmu 14.=-Mra S.
quality and locality. 44 to t1U; oat
Cleave and daughter. Mrs Gingrich,
Mad wheat strew. 12.50 to VI.00. left ea Sunday, for Mrs. Gingrteb's
• • •
Mouldy Hag DaasgnwRams s to Has home at Had Axe, Mich.. Mr. Paul
'Prepared by 1.. Stsvennon, Provtslclal Cleave taking them to Port Huron.
1l�si) where they were stet by Mr. Gingrich.
Reports are telae frequently—Teel Mt. sed Mrs. Harold King and 13ar-
teived telling of the sickness and loss old Attwood, of Sarnia, and Mrs. G.
Of horses, Tbl. is not new. as every Smith and family, of London. were
spring season wbring la report ofl here Faster Sunday. Mrs. King and
10*s. Loof horses
ses due to foragee•
Mrs. Smith remained to spend • week
poisoning has been greater than usual. I with their parents, Mr. and lire
Mouldy hay when fed to horses Is I Carles r-- and Mrs. Parker. V- Bnrt ane family, of
kotoo. many
fact has en who' London. spent Faster with Mrs. Burt's
knownre hose horsemen—menefrom
trents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker.
have seen Inv horse
from the use of ; MI
mouldy bay as horse feed. 1811stPr. Buddy and Margaret are re
This broadcast Is being made hoping I staining for • week•
that those borer owner'who may to Mr. Frank Erwin and Master Boh-
n hit earelees alsont the quality of the ,ole Sauder, of Kitchener, apent a few
hay being fed their bersee will take hours on Sunday with their aunt, Mrs.
lift m mouldy hay F. A. Edwards.
heed and see 1 it eddy I Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paull. of Hind-
monldc 1s used as
sor, spent a few days thin week as
�Ihorse fPPd. nese. of Mrs. M. Woods. Mr. II/111
T11P baying 4' I r e 1 ''I was not •t:
n farnrahiP orae for tbP s*vtng of hay ' Mrs. f+:. Blmhafl ■rad son, rat' L.loyd-
Rank., who visited Mra•
len • e1oon dry rnadltlnn. Tons 7 Woods, left for home on Monday. Mr.
Intheh poorly 'sired Y7 wan epnd away
In learns last July -he�rlM the ,and Mrs. W. Buchan and son. of Dmr-
tronble and prnrplct of trouble , ham, and Mra. (Dr.) Lewis, of Te-
ennditlon of rondo, are guests of Mrs. Woods -
at this then. 'PM hay was Mr. K. McOfllivray and Mr- E, Back-
mneh of the newly et(10Ttd rowth of ser have mos ed 8.r. from Yonne
I soar twat promoted.
tl0ld R !Forest and rented premises next to
mnnM was &drain stoMes. wbere they parpnee car -
the lowering of the level of the bay 1 tying on a butcher shop. We welcome
storage, the evidenPe eft mould nn the I these people to Bayfield and wink them
hay become* greeter. Hay that bas auecm.
kern stored shove s stable nature rattle I Mr. St , of Se•forth. has moved
bare ?tete kept all winter may Inonld Ito Mr. John Tippet's enttage and is
• rad beenme darlreroea to horses- The handling bread. Anna, rakes, etc.. see -
warm damp stable air penetrating the plied from McDonald's bakery of Pea-
*luted bay furnishes the modifies forth seat has as his place of WWidnes.
n eeds/airy Mr ioixnrlaat meld Rrnwth. `the eornet store next to J. Tippet's
1f Toa are reennadlMP for the feed- harness d "hoe nano Brnt1►'te�-I A a freer
Ing of bones, look 1110 hay or other i
whore forage over ver, eimstp ter evidence of *tore last summer We wish btm
*100(4- ESamtn. ,staph Mlto44wa in •ee'e'wsa
rad an an Px• TAP t t�f' 1, "18. Night
paed tier lin rant depr Owl.•• was to the town halt en
f d room
made In a pnnbe mouldy
lighted I Mnadai evening he memters of TenIty
teed 111 al barn a .,syr moDMenet ( (borer Dramatx_Csmp•ny and proved
hay will kill IrAr•au 'e!d nate less of moat latereetree• 'it was a mystery
botot form visas h gibe epproaeh at pins end hold the attention of the
.pr n power. with l!0
spring *P*ding. its perlorra. (land straitens* to the end. The characters
horse. are raid to rgwM it Inst. were all welt taken 'Thom taking part
of Detroit, and Mrs. A. C. Jackson. ?
of Goderlch. The late Mrs. Paterson Tlie market In central and ca
Ontario has continued very du
was associated with the Auburn United bind supplies for city stables ar
church. The funeral service will be being perrbaeed at iE per ton a
held from the United cbnrch on Wed -1 ping ((tats. Demand is alar
11 edgy afternoon to Ball's cemetery, In southwestern Ontario at tot
11 and
e still
t ship•
h ter-
minal markets and countrydistrict"
and despite the bearT daring
WAflflSlE $UI
• An -important Feature in Ladies -Suits.
2 -pig Suit beneath a matching Topcoat
Tailored of fine tweeds, well finished with a
nicety of detail that Means mucnth tf
a Suit. Both Jackets ar ed.Sizes"
to 20• SPECIAL
Smartly tailored Coats of all -wool tweeds
Single or double-breasted models with
flare or half belt atylea. All have
matching ila4 and Purse. (p'/�olora blue. sand.
n: '
rose and gree'ilea 7 $6 ;7,5a
to to Set
Spring Coats for Tiny Tots
Smart little Coats, simply made, beautifully
finished with matching Hat. Sizes •95
2to6. Set. 4
Printed *ilk Dressers in smart styles. Darla
grounds with Tight bright patterns
Sixes 14 to 2(1 Special
ere you are invite+? to shop" Phone 418
Young Men's 2 -Trouser
Coats show a variety of apart atylea.
Single or double-t►reaated. Good
quality woollen., in a wide choice of
patterns in blies, greys and browns.'
$12•95 and up
Men's Spring Topcoats
A varied stock of fashion -right Coats
tailored of English tweeds, New
features in style, fahrie and color
and at a low price.
Prices ' Se
Cile •he� �`
demes t•s tiro Orders WA
before ad.aea• In the Pries of
Ari push A the price et roofing.
lss•era Steel Pr sirs taro
ore* velure* Ihtal lAs•da 1 Rib -
la aadTn►L•n'Zech hrouter
fru betatronea*
weather -
do = .'.�a.� sheat t81.
�' try the fonmeet
-Eat 5.re masseheesear
IA 15 trees inimiaskiegi AWL
Wogs el /swes.w saissaem-_-
oaew seal • Paslsa.04,
Holland Remedy No11
Many longstanding cases
obtained relief.
Testimonial' are available for
l+O r lnapectlea.
William Reid-,
All kinds of Upholstering expert-
ly done at reasonable prices
Chesterfield Suites
I Mo lode -to -
needle -point
12 Yearn' Rzperlenee
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Ceaaptete lbw et latest Covert.
—ewe Estimates Glveo—
Wednesday and Thursday
Reserve Your Sesta Early
Don't Take A Chance
Plana Open at Campbell's
Drugstore next Tuesday
This ad. worth 95 votes for
DON'T MISS THE J011•/118 I
"The Show Hit of the Samoa"
This Ad. attaebed to two 50c
ticket coupons Is worth
500 Votn
0Sooss1E8 and PROVISO'S
A Very Special 5c Cake -Sale.
Meadow Glade Farm
When you get Meadow Glade
S. C. White Leghorn Chicks
roil get Chicks from our own stock and from err own stock only.
For high flock production they are outstanding- We have built tip
our flock by using high prndue•tien pedigreed rnrkerela for the
pest ten years, The flock Is celled M • Government expert aad
to blood-te!ete,l. We rase only lame ewe 24 to AM1os. per dozen, and
our oew f ett ee cmtperray l B
mere of previous lbaes have ordered all oar ectric Incubator hatelves big husky
up to April :al.
Price 10c each After May 15th, 9c each
With Pcrr l (Tleit Starter P give '2a lbs
"teria or Menai.") tree.
(1 yeas •-Ish to mecum straw of these high-grade (hicks do not de-
naIt to ending In Tier rMl+r