The Signal, 1936-4-16, Page 2•-•t ',WAY HIIIMMthellgeremejnetwerqattr- • THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. 2 -Thursday, Apra Nth, 1908 theramasione 111411 Aeiweiaales Published every Thursday morning. subscription price $2.00 per year, $1.50 if paid in advance. Subeeribers in United 8tates will please add 50c tor postage. TffE SIGNAL PRINTING 00, LTD. W. H. liontlirrn011„ Editor and Manager Telephone 35 : GoderIch, Ont. • Tbursday, April 16th. 1938 you Coma to- welting it correctly? it wan awed as g spelling test recently with studeuts of the Toronto Nbrmal School and tbe College of Education. Ninety-six Normal School students had 203 mietakes, an average -et ovetrilS0 and thirteen College „ pf Education etudents had 4hArty-sld mistakes, an average of ocirly three. You have t go away for a while iirtues of your own TO SPEND SEVENTY-FIVE ON RELIEF AND E The Provincial Legislature concluded the business of tbe session on Tburs- day last and adjourned for another year. The outstanding features of the session were the budget, including the provision of an Income tax, and the school tax legislation. Mr Hep- burn was able to show eome progress; towards falfilimeut of his promise to thengh this involves a new Provincial tax on incomes the prospect of a stop to tbe process of debt 'screen will be received With approval by the people ----WPITerif the school UK -hi ner as to assure the separate schools ot a larger preportion it the total levy wa, the cause of the sharpest division of the session. In eome quar- ters there is strong, if not bitter, dim- appeonak.of tbs. ineastre.. anti -Atoms -of the womb= toOk -their politicalllYes in their hands in supporting ft. Thire were three "bolters" on the Gevern- - scent side of the House, the memhers Goderich and Fort William voting with the Con-lifornia tell of for North Wellington. Rainy River eservative Opposition against it. The climate. the , the beauty of • bill was carried, however. by a large ; amazing to eintredate home. Editor . `dent of The Signal) 1 Mr. Meighen Mild the conservative Marys, has ju ad this fact broug home to him a a dye weeke motor Ottawa, April 13. --Parliament took Senators 'would ao, %..te It down, be - trip through the:tufted States to Call- Easter recess on Wednesday until cause the Govensniont was committed torrid and retains, stun named, and bad a mandate to on- to the ettahliahment of the commie - Ile Sa W m•ny won- April 20 with only a small part of its derse-bet-imelanke that be visited few eted after two months' sl: - Milts Reports are beard 'that the genate 14080.-41a..ggl „cotoPere with MAIM With the result that nearly every- one expecte the scission to run dose ke Conservative majority inteade to toodi- ern Ontario as an agricultural district-. prime minister mar. fy considerable,. Qovernment bills re - He wondera if aby place on the globe Dominion pay. c,„binet min- larding abollt* of the C.N.R. trus- t -an compare witb tits pert of our own kende King and other ProvinCe. Many internees have latent must be through and ready to tional Harbors Board and re -organ - asked the sanaa• queetion and almost participeje in Ithe Canadian Legion isation of the *oink of Canada. A invariably have eotne to the conclusion pilgrimage to Vitny in July, when. it merry battle my etym.. Mr. Meigh- en takes the quesidered Position that that, acre for acre, thlre is nothing is hoped, His Majesty King Edward • • • VIII will unveil Canada's war mem A- - - considered legislation from the Com - res, La.+ area-eassathille' 111. Ottawa Government Tackling Canada's Nod Big Way -What Will the Conaorvetive Be merit Ideasures7-Budget Possibilities Takes Recess until April 20 , Home, Special Cerrespond vitals of lednindal or political inn," BONS OYMENT ng Problem in a Do with GOVOIS- asserted the ti,as not go "to the " RUG SPECIALS " SIZES. Also Borderlem Rugs, first qualit superior anywhere oriel tbere. Ira a side wager that rnanardell:thi Discussion on Canada's most per- mcm IncLident II , committees' are British war digit wishes at timer that slecut and most perplexing problem- king InactuYitilla loatote tbe q los of the impossible could happen and tbat relief and unemployment--occupled tbe interest rates. particularly die szorbi- a squadron of fighting airman coati half -week before the recess. attention of the House during the teat rates chow by wee empinies The under Inederal darter, amt IMP tail operation of the _Grovenammillatil- Employment Commlitilol got through tie. Art with a view to the sod the commission will likely Ae rates and lowering the maxim of King announced the Government wit'. - Y nit e. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Penman 's rut. Comb ins tions. N stock in superior quality. Sizes 36 p 75 to 44. Suit CASI1MERE SOCKS Pure all -wool fancy, medium and heavy weight. Sizes 10 to 12V2. Pair TAM &MIS • Colored border, Irish all Linen Table Cloths, heavy weight. Note the size, 66 z 72 inches. Regular $2.25. Each $1.38 SEM SPECIAL Heavy bleached Waimea° Sheeting. SO inches wtde. Yard 59C FLOOR RUGS KNIT1ED SUITS Beautifully made of fine all -wool, ID 3 -piece, in dainty shades -no two alike. All colors. Sizes 32 to 44. Specially t 1 A Cfl priced Dory appear peer Italian bom few black Italians were is the -11111r ty years ago. it possible that they have improved so much under Mur of P.S3Ctinft that they are reel/ worthy of the decora- tions which they are winning in Africa? Their `righting" against an un- arnaell Ing.jg hp lutilereus as was Don except to the" on the ground below. piderbet wads these heft about hi Oil a their (*Edam ▪ impasah majority. Tbe reports that the three "bolter were to be "read oat of tb-e-t bera party" because of their action may, perhaps, be dismissed as newepaperlwhite race without de talk. While the meaaure can be !tool - such matters •rose out of the pact of ,Confedera- hanwn fled as clarifying a situation which tion, there was room for serious dif- The northern such as mak ference of opinion regarding it. tbe three members In question be- lieved that they represented the con- science of their constituencies In vot- ing as they did DO fault can be found with them by a party which believes as a fundamental principle in the re- cognition of differences of opinion. It is much to be hoped that the se- ttee of the Legislature will be re - Math as town • bring down emergency "Mil:nate& run- Brithb Finemes ning 75 million dollars, or more, for Premier T. D. Pattulle of British relief and employment. Columbia has been here for' private This total, which indicates the gra- discussions with Mr Dunalag touch - wit', of the sitnatIon and the magni- Ing $3.500,000 maturities of that tude of the problem, will include Province due se May 15, Mr. Pattui- around 25 million dollars of grants -in- 10 is ,Agported to he aglinst concur - aid -40.11e 1Teediums-toe- direct r0111.-1t'U the lams .0tint.4/ piste, but it to help them assist the municipalities; Would appear,- after the situation possibly lef million dollars to Fomplete whirh deretellot if' Mkt*, ea APHI bonding. and works started by the 125.00 W. ACHESON & SON I. no Federal assistance will be forth - or% to Southern Call- Previous Bennett regime. many of them coming unless be dtlell subecribe to i Mrs. E._ Smith and cnildren and Mita Elide Webster, all of Toronto; Mies Dorothy Webster and Mies Doreen. of Carlow, are spending holidays at the home of Mrs. John Webster. Junetion: is with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webster, for the holkilair MA FEKING April 14. -Mr. gai 3Irc. Painter Kilpatrick, Toronto, are spending the Easter holidays with their parents hire and at Bennsiller. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Swan and MIMI EMI. St. Helens, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Jos. Webster's. tdatefferre and irtat nu/ -- BIM of week. Brantford- etc eigendlag the Easter Jirmory joilt1 ; and the! that ides. Thee sill tell. Neely Todd, of London. firligNi Mr. and Mr. Herb. McQuillIn. Sam lbalance embracing construction ot 1 Canadian Legion representatives , at the home of big primate, Mr._ and 1 and Carman. lacknow, spent Sunday • Pe°Ple' 1 highways to open up mining areas or have been endow Isefore the speciallMrs. D. Todd. ii witb Mr. ami Ara Hugh dense he country and the Mr. Hyde has a. ateliers Mr. Cecil Miss Bernice Black, of the Nether': ' to tempt tourist traffic. reforestation. I peeetens committee that the Govern - of a land which less elimination of railway grade cross- Went place the age for special assist.; , Uyde and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ilyde . ... _ _II•niversity, spent the week -end at her year. ago was an int& development and coneervation of 'Ince to war veterans, under the reor- and family' of Kineartlint' The one great natural resources, droughadiarnaf area vieleouarkia gentled Vetere's'. Allowance Board, ai I heMrs. J. B. Rutherford has erne nee , r Miss W. D. Rutherterdsi home here. Miss Jean Anderson. of Stratford uneaswered, Can e there permanently public works. Is the Problem Inieluisle? ration? Experts on ...Mr. King warned the House that 1 that this will not be trade and industry cannot be revived !fraught down _mtp-h before April 30. boye, Is •t hie old home. , hundred YOU.- the unemployment problem appears in-! than one hu miestion Is In /similar t rapidly dev floss, only ta the climate to be the fate ern California Those who fifty years of saa. instead of eixty, as d=g; he a good thieg to take such men off Was Irene Woods 01-Wit-YOEMC-171-a—nya with h4.1. parent,. the labor matrbet st the earlier age. Mendinit holidays with beflauthets. Mr. and Mrs. B. 9tethere aadi ad Mrs Robinson Woods. f II f Arthur spent part of the Mr. Charles McQuillin, of glandes -1 y' ° • e of the white race. soluble and the only alternative would tap the majority ot the be for Parliament to continue to vote buge sums of money for relief. Can - ye taken up their abode tem in days past, have arde is already facing the need of de- ciding how much the national debt can eldendld be increased without Impairing the The TarittAilliard has still to report its finding% eller int extended inquir- wich, is visiting her father, Mr. John , lee on tariffs touching automobiles. Mr. •nd Mrs. McKenzie Webb and , en/online. textiles and furniture. At tended the funeral at Guelph of their ' are that the forcrnment In the budget nish as the effects of natural flow of business. he added. i will lower ettlating tariffs on autouso- i rela "VP' M"' jiirk Houle. I me apparent. Is this 1 Finance Minister Dunning pictured 1 hues i,... 1 f i ,,,,,, ist Mr and Mrs. W. Jansen have re- f ahlte men in South- , Canada's chief need as confidence. 1 and 'as"wse'll-'6,,,,,,,-"'...„,ar,mh. utilei:;:hme::: turned home from Kitchener. where "I /or peopie •re noted for their ability i •""r-- '-` ---- "'- Ithey made • visit with friends terrace on boa sad steel products. - ! and probably lexti.es. Tariffs on cut The W 11.8. held their monthly . flower* and patatoes may be Int -reamed hat, the balance in Aft° ertrest.MTIS United States trade it plachs IWO. Two list. No redaction Oily time w "--i- - • to tribe out for themselves," bar, ob- er not yet read "The , R. J. Deschman. Liberal. HorAh I, Huron. decrying pessimism. eabl King's Grace. by John Bucban, our finestiff which edr, would be well looked With contideace 40 Ryeturn Inselve administrations at Toronto fOr 11°.t''''' to get - - ---- -- —lb"' It is a reasoned, unimpassioned sum- billion -dollar level. Advising sdber- '''"'" "'' •. la looked ror in thia hatiget on the one many years. The alternative would ence to orthodox financing. Mr. Desch- n., ...... .s...,,,, tss ss ... r . th. , Dr. W. V. Johnetosk of Locknow, who mary of the leading events of th , ' man warned that attempts to turn the ' ee- v- `--- -- - ---- • --- nn- gave au Inspiring adder*. on "Tbe Educative Training of Our Young and Older 'People." The Scripture. lesson was read by Mr W. A Miller. Mr. Keel Dwain closed the meeting with prayer. meeting on Wedneeday at the home of lira D. Phillips. The Mission Band will meet next Ttetwasi*.IITI:hish see their epeeist epeaker on Sunday evening be an agitation which wenld wren. tuate religious difference. In a n -it reign of King George and coutaltoi Rank of Canada into a money factory that could only be deplored . many shrewd, eveu profound Omens- meant nothing but inflation. tions on events of tbe mose stIrr.h.t 011 the other hand, Mayor D. G Mc - time In the Empire's history. t I oos, Liberal, Vanconver-Burrard, ...cemnly warned the Government that lacks the gloomy pemlinism %bleb ha. the municipalities and Provincer could marked the wildest, of so many Eng - no longer continue to carry the relief lish authors during the led few years. load they have been, because so many The writer does tat 11•01ge le the of them are on the verge of bankruptcy. cheap criticism of IntliffIlt nitthority The Government has been receiving am et aocient wish* has mast Protege Ithout the fifteen Per bola sr, freely indulged th by writers eent. cut on April grants-in-aid to the 4st lesser note, not does he &hit over the Obvious faults of people or things. This &mite the fact that the reduced His faith in the future of the Bettie& grant la fifty per cent. higber than people La profound, being based fiSok. IfirP11 by the Bennett Government last April, whereas the relief rolls show about five pet cent. fewer on rellef in the Dominion. The &sate Opposition come tax schedules are likely to remain unchanged, unless it be some Increase in the higher brackets only; and It'is thought tbe sales tax will he an- thanged at six per cent., tbough some talk has been heard It may be raised one per cent Some items n the list of exemptions under the sale. tax may be withdrawn Rome criticiam has been heard of the Government's steles in appointing Madame IL 8, Deland, widow of • former Liberal Cabinet Oldster Senator. ast hostilas kg the lom- at of megahera their wimp eat -tow- lie% wane la Ottawa. activi- ties this meson have bees amiewhat curtailed became of ofielsal imams( for the late King George. Ilea. Ernest !update, Minister of Jostle& Is on a Wier omen voyage to Fraser. while near other Mahal" EDITORIAL NOTES The Baltford Rage opines that the horrors of war are rivalled oals by • And mow Ur. Absehart is te stye every Mime M Alberta a job winds two adellbe At NI per month? It le mid that the revenue from maple syrup last year amounted to some SAA00.000 cona4a. mars ly ou the wild ground af historical seigbty sweet money. achievement. while tbe British people Of every dollar of revenue it col- • • • Iota the Canadian Government vowel Sooe the Queen Mary will start on Wee ems torte meta to peplogsg. osiber ere voyage &crows tire Atlentic. Rbe or Slay sot win back the: blue Senate Opposition Leader Meighen will risk their Mess or the United said some caustic things about the States turns, the MOM helm bill "Futility Is written across every tine of this aeries se pose. n austawg to think about. • • • iribbon of the Atlattic for British skip- ern eve. this comodsdee." be geld. building, but it is safe to say thit bee !The bill contained "the tentage of fol - and was "tilled with statutory hot socomt of the last war. That la I fate will not be that of the Titanic IY" air " he added. He believed an ex - dime New Jersey precincts -lib -1a for siglettba sent out columns of matter ch• ief figure out of GM way. the patine ; the Queen Mary is believed to be no , the appointment of a tbe tartest. the largest. the safest ves-IlteentaPlished 111 lesion of new ma. While he which foundered lug ritalti-fmtr aminaties of the unemployment preb- her day was puppared to be everything !parliamentarians of the Renate would be f ore value than what could be • , set afloat. Nothiag less than an lee- iefimm will quickly turn to same other SW • • • I berg could have sank ber, but her very I — consumption of 400 eggs per capita, I ficers just a trifle careless Tbe maw I UV. Se R. McClung Advocates a Canaidtans, gem an ...me =mid sine and preetamed safety made her of- R..., are the greatest egg -eaters in the ter of the Queen Mary will not be I • world. The Toronto Star's punster careless' and there will be no icebergs TOO 111111 MaeGregor sod limpborsou decided to become teetotallers. bat MacGregor thought It would be beet if they had one bottle of whiskey to pet In the cupboard. in ease of After three days, Maepherson eouid stand it so longer end be mid: "Mac - "Too late. Macpherson, I was verra sick mewl' all day yesterday!" Luster holidays with lir. and Mrs. a. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Altos and fane lly, of London, spent the weeksegth visiting relatives bore. Miss Pearl Irvine, of !Albion, spent the week -end at her home here. Miss Olive Anderson is visiting friend. ln London. Mr •nd Mrs. thmere Phillips spent Sunday with Mr. Jos. Alton. Godeekb. Mr, Clifford Kelley. at St. Andes - tine, spent last weei with hie Mothers Mr. Finlay Shackleton, of Arthur. is visiting his parents, Mr. •nri Mrs. Norman Shackleton. Miss Grace Blake. of Arkona, is spending the Raider vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Twamiey and children. of Chatham, spent a few days this week with the former's hall orb Friday *voting. The If.P.S. are having a social in the Bey! I can breathe now!" just a few deeps of VIcks Ta-tees-wei tip dears stuffiness. brings prewipt read - Used in time. hsilas Prwrwat Cab' VICKS LEEBURN LEADURN. April 14. -Mrs. A. Chemist and daughter Willena. of Lisitiew, who were on their way home en at rich on Thursday aad motet • few days with Mrs. A. Mutton and Mr. and Mrs. H. Clutton. returning to Lackfiew on Monday. Master Earl Bogie. of Ooderieb. apent tbeholiday at tbe home of his grandparents. Mr. aod Mrs. J. D. Tar - We are hearing the Mow of the threshing machibe again. Emirs. Hugh and Wm. Chieboim are agate busy cutting up their logs. . Rev. Father Harry Ohishalli."Wallr London, visited biz parental ben lad week. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Potter, from Clinton, and the fonaees dater, Mrs. Kemp, from Mitchell, called on Mr. and Mrs. JOS Cook en Saturday for a short time. Masten' Don and Keith Mason, of Torontth are spending their Easter holidays at tbe home of their grand- mother. Miss Ruth Shaw Is km triiirtrii; ronto for her Easter holiday,. Mr.. A. Chinon •nd Mrs. H. Chlittall motored. to Stratford islet Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Cook and daugh- ter Isabel, from near Woodstock, mo- tored uri to pee the former'm parents Proper Observance of Good Fnday will surely not mime the opportunity in her path. Theme are now watched of attributing to this fact the well- known benergy Canadian -ii. Newspapera ha VP been featuring pic- ture, of the anti war parade in London and shepherded by veissele of the! and other relatives on Sunday. We Ameriellti eontrtguard and the work IP Editor The Signal. it is Iniquity, e% en the solemn meeting."' i are glad to report that Mr. Jos. Cook I body of MPII that ne vessel has been I privilege through your PaPer of draw- OW often it may bat just tins, but A I Ntalre again. Yes. it Is so, if it iD only outward. All no efficiently dent by that spkmdi•I Dear leir,--thay I loe granted the . i has Improved and ht able to he down- ; the contrary Mrs. Max Locke and son Lloyd, froth 1 nth to the attention of the people Of Plead not for snch, God forbid. On I Injured by ice on the North Atlantic .1 this community something thin I be- I *IC If there he 11° 1 Beech•ille, and Mr and Mrs. 'Pierson 1 lieve to he very. Important? And at outward obeer‘aece is there an inner? and children, front Listowel, were at the onteet may I also state that I do I know that It /11 pOOSI hie that an In- their parents' home here for Mester I not want to he misunderstood as be- ner commemoratiets may he a "carry snnday. Mr. Wes Moore •nd broth- lievins this community to be "sinners ovvr" for onc. sad perhapa for two, ! er Joe also were here end at their above ali men" in this matter/ generitiens, hot I am positive that It brother's at Nile for Easter. • - I am thinking of our observance of There was a good attendance at the yew not continue for ail time. Tb• *ether similar scenes la Germany. Nor vouches comes out of Alton and just Good Friday, tbe anniversary of the Apestle Jaime was right. it Is neves- Easter lerVICP on Sunday. The paw in Italy. either, come to think of it. about takes first piece among jua ma- (fay that God In Child Jesuit died upon WI to show our Stith by our works; tor's subject was "The Power of an son's crop. A farmer near Alton the cruel croee of Calvary to redeem Endless Life." The choir gang ma Beverly Raster WWI that Anthony heard some wild reels from one of sinful man. Good Falday-the day "Pre(' at ou 6; War.__ m meeting Piaster 'hymn Next Stanchly Mr. Pottle - Idea inherits. In some measure, the the ram fent" mad, looking out the of Mir POOttleipatioti -WWI WP a Chns- roy is beginning • eeriest of sermons eta lanes time tbe tragedy of th• In which women and men representing Titanic. an anti -war organization carried pia- -- -- earth, whirls reed. "Germany offers peace. Iet us accept peace." TM' A nature story, for die truth of papers d4ti not show any pictures de- I which The i „weal. swine - - MARTIN'S - - SPECIAL ORDER CLOTHES Ar. Priced From $19.50 to $35.00 Custom Made $40.00 to $55.00 ir Tett LOOMING FOR STYLE AnD'uffillOP AR "-- sr" ESOP HERR TOO. WE'LL SHOW TQU PATTERNS TUAT ARE MOS TRUSfril AND MIMS ...NIB categarm. CHICK UT ON YOUR FASHION NoTINFAND LET MARTIN DO THIS UWE AlAMUNG. =maw, airoitwo mo) Possum Frank H. Martin WNW NUM MOS very Article Well Known! You may need one or more of the Sams Sited Speoial Prices fer Week of AprIl 17th to 24th (inclusive) terrible temper which kept Ma father oat of public life. }IP has it well under control, bet, according to Mr. Baxter, be lost it on one oceaftioe when talking to Mussolini. An accur- ate report ot that Intefriew ought to make most Interesting reading. Wren to kaow that II Dare heard the an- vorelented troth at least once ix a window, SSW his tabby perched on the hack of a big Jackrabbit. Tatthy's claws managed to keep her aboard. Gan country, a Christian community, a predominantly Nonconformist people, and as such boasting of onr adrance but that was not what she Rant . ID the Christian religion. and we par - Rhe %ante!! to get a and didn't know ado on "bosrd" walke we deck our - how to do it. me jerk. too, Ras selves, out In the finest pnint, powder up against something be knew nothing and clothes, we go TI•ItIng. we go non. shout and was frantically bouncing deylng- all !hie on the day that Christ about the yard. trytag to dislodge the died on Calrary's cross for our attire - +noodling ereature *bleb had climbed tIon Yes, and moreoct•r. we house - aboard. hut me,•y•ie claws dug deeper clean. we heat rims, RP rake lawns, and deeper Finsiir n desperate buck did we work enr gardens en this holy day. tear the cat troop esd the jack headed Is this tbe measure of our thanks to Almighty God for His love? I wonder, dld I hear the Master's voice ogee again saying. "Wbei, creed ye not watch with Me one honr?" I know thet someone may (plots Isaiah and eict, "The new moram and sabhatlia, I cannot, away with SIM" for a nearby salts.. 'all oat. Aarannwi Perth". net a"mber' relieved eat •-srrid tate tbe bare. n suppneed that tabby thought she bad a large and sacore meal In proineet when she tackled the illek• 0.17 hod that she Alai attempted more than she was swill for mewed cobbler *Ulla fa a cemetery atheirleg the symmetry et his nns-Ws e alidee with unparalleled eestacy ma Boo this trantemes up • l000ly • 411 a Alia 410t. bow mar mold may rat. ta. fie last Good Friday that our Noneoaformist churches of Goderieft are closed. Can we not unite on this day and numbly and in all sin- eerity and trutilfalmes come together foe the whole titres hours that our with the purpose of helping his heer- era to ilve in fuller co-operation with Gad by reason of • better knowledge of His laws. teacber, Mr. David Anderson. took pupil, to the Mentes) In (kid- prich last Wedneatiay afternoon to see night is Montreal ter hr. "II orle-ha“ church hamment. Rev D Pomeroy hearth and for tbe tbestre Ca° Ire Ras leader. Mies Evelyn Gorton gave do any tem on this day for Cbrist tb• ow topic which wan Oft the 23rd ReviourT Psalm. Arrangements were made for study at two beam It w•s also ar• Yours elements!, ranged for the peeler to give a Wenn) S. 11. Merl/CMG. at the church Os Thursday evening. a lunch to be served in/TRIM% COL(iATE'S TOOTH PAsTE A tube, lee ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS. lb. tan the lb. 23e Adheolvt• I" 5 yds. lie reedit ler Tincture Iodine the ; April 1908. GIN PILLS He FACREILE MO Sheets 23e MATING CREAM Hair Tank the KRI'SCHEN SALTS Maid else the FACIAL SOAP 1 mime Vie HIND* HONEY - ALMOND CRRAM Small 23e Ithems 47. WAIWPOLICS MLR OF MAGNESIA M for tie fie Jar far 15e Daggett a Ramada PERFECT VANISH- ING CREAM SAL HEPATICA &mall the PTLIMIK DEVELOPING . PRINTING PEPSODIENT ANTISEPTIC 2 arty -0,W Wiles fee See THIS IR GOOD MEDICINE proem the amid de- egathside lad aide to treat es.", wow alm.bus mink Machias. Vesstarb mid Erma treediem emmismiy goad mW reenmeml. — - BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUGSTORE — Lauder's Dunlop's Drugstore Drugstore Campbell's Wigle's Drugstore Dregallove