The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-12-20, Page 22.2111111v- :P41igP_tvyw Atmotinremeills UNCL Tat PHOTO&T1J yan lave -an -.nnelainied•phote-at theSedina 3rnled.like it.11am . bath, big Wa Zaliliteep-Iliella indefinitely. Musa -drop in to /Him mid €1i iLic/Moto soam-----32tfm 39. Etriaxcrilorml D131310.., 19% guide to stustAllime Car- respnrov s-A-cce Diploma eallIrSeS for Trealit • ear- ours; Aecomtirtg, Almon- :ditto:7151g , -z.00ki-ceeptaig 0-7911tartailNeFtrwites, Legalalaiteal SarlrEatarY, -Psyclitaw, MUM", Griat - (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Tiraro_14i0tlaig.ILTS2-450ha MARE =Tit matorniG et the Southimstern Qatario School d tonsuring Aleut class: Fly ai?-17/131 For lintairmatiam contwt- Southmstern o School Anataneerlog, ELbt. 5 Woodstock, (bacteria, 1q4S 7779 (51g)1337-2:1157-44bc 1.1r0Witkil 46. in Memoriam 1 CLAM in loving memory :of a 4ienr fAttrer, Ams- banthand.grandfather Artimr, who pRNs- away 25 years ago, Dec 15, 1W. Matting today s we wished before, God could have _spared you many MOM, With silent thrught and deep regret, Loving memories we sal limner forget. Loviii!iy -remembered by the Mirk F, mat ,--51-7-ce V 47. Card of Thanks ARE The 1Farnily of theiate-±larly Carr -wishes -to express their _sincere appreciation to relatWes, friends and meighboors forth& expressions Lof sympathy, yards, Ihmal tributes, -memorial -donations and food sent to our home We vmuld_alsoiike to thRok JoariPellard i)f the libiegmvie Nicereath Funeral Mame for her Itind- ness, Rev. Peggricinsmam for her 'CUM - forting -words, -and the „Ladies id the Lucknow Presbyterian thumb for pro- -viding the lunch after the frmeral. Your thoughtfulness and iciorinpcs were wry lmwki appreciated. lva 1St Edgar Carr, Nieces ISE Nephews -41x 'THANK -YOU The Itucknovv Rosiness AssociatiOn would like to- thank thepeople of lAicknownd area for their support inuring lour Christmas projects especially -those who gave their time and talents for made donations. We -would Nieto acknowledge the following; Mrs. Eve Rider for donating the large 'Christmas tree, Lucknow Village 'Market for 'the hot chocolate ot the'Tze e „lighting, -,Pat Liv- ingston, Delores !Cross, Brendaliranen- burg, -Gwen Campbell for- wmping-cara- fly, Allan Andrew for tdon-e eauslY,bags, All those whoparticipated_in the varade we- liad_the best trithe well _.done folks, Aanta's helpers Michelle Cross .antl Sherya Vieghorz- M*xtra lois thanks to Saute :super job GX31, tie parade judges „Bev. 'Thompson and. Janet Cook, 'The ituckaow _Kinsmen !club for their help in iso•gair' ging the parade and Donald Maeliinuon to help get it Oarted, Ake Jeo,Alurray „and Rpger Elluhahaker and their RaY -ride teants,Aand the -Girl Guides for _Singing •'wols. if we -missed 5maeone Thank you for YO -Or itelP• -411-1e Ltudiaaw Basile ation. Merry Ciaisicias =and A floppy New Yeor.-41ar YOUN.0 A ,:ancere tiaas to !eaeh ,!one wo fertrieraheW our LOOth 'Wedding ikum:ver- :fiarY:rititirllovv_em, varsis Anatittoi..Aod • iambi :-4gul,Trelatives .75V110. :CAW .to ltWr OPe•E 71QW.:tOrtilejtP ..118 VeAgbrat, AteViallha t s :to- r :11*.MaY.1111:0-:.W,Q0ed 59:41ard 40:-.MaiceAist i:A-10M9,0ble MMIL- W Y -14QMINS We would to iblItik-eVersone for ticir .g$5i5tance ,AIK7 may _At _Vie ;Wm vf c.kottne's-.-oeVitlmt-vaior !gora5.0 -letters, ane OIL% llowers,--prayers -and visits *King Jr *OW tap aud'.1I4co cern- ing 110Mgerr27 ilaP- 13Y New YeAr..40Amine And 4_01)11.-51N liESORE, -woulii illteto-eigrass.bw: -tion ferthe, _aixts., Hewers, tsvidgifts thglimer Ain. birth. $pedal 'thanks to Dr. C411111,il,Sharon -ml all ths 0,13. -staff. !red, Margamt -atd TAME 11 would Eke tolthanh-Thy family, friends and neighbours for -al 'th 'eards, E&wr an ir' iciness shown ine CtErtig y .stidy apThiversityospital omol sfrize retizzilio tionre Seasons rt „g amits, 1 JOHNSTON Many Itt,irtg for the -many V.Mt- gr. ow "Ard-ry mrd IreeeiVRA. As for CiThigtmaS =rids Iran friends and meiglibucrs. test -wishes for tap- py 'as and New Year and the RiK9t 18911). Cali :mil 13erid.,51 4E. Comirt Ivents SMILES DANCE Stray, Dezember al, White jada, Bdmesxue. Dv: r dr g 91 'Wager" t2W VigARig MILE -No ..leann Pleas -51 (61 t . IMO DUNGatNNON4 SOME= ANNUAL MEELLING Thies - day January 23 at itargalmon-Wit..61tD pzn.--social 7:110-pun.-12kit Iznik zap- per .follosed by -ivideo iof MIE) -Fair and Taraily Min Days, meeting at fiaD Everptee Nv.eironier-2,3r /el Pa, It; IMAM MESTAIHINAT walls Restaurant wEl 'he closed December 25 lz 26., open December .27. We mull also he open December Bland • anary _1. Thine Emorgasbard.6:1.: 3:0D 2,84.453,-,751 • • limg017 Clity boars: Open • Dec 2U1429,it Opma. Closed .Dec. 24,25,20=1 and:Jan _1st. Begular flours 'resume Jail 'Fir more iinfennatima v�ii '524-26115.---514.2 MIZE -THE at the 6tThiarmual Minden Sled Dog Derby . Sponsored by Aladin -Pet-Foods. Itofessional itms. ,122,100-vmse.--Fim for the ,whole iarnily 'Free or spectators. January 13 z14, Minden, Ontario. or more information 140045117677,---Mbc -CHRISIMAS "TLIKKEY 2 _SuperScoop.,Allihettiimmings, Wedues- &lay Decemiter_20,11:10,aau. -11304um. Cast 45.:75 aign _up .st Super Scoop 52843017.--061ar BLYTE MONS DABBER JUNG° every 'Tuesday at Tao pan- .13134.11 :and District -Community Ventm, WOO Zat it:tusk-go- Over SAM in-pilms.-43tf • ,D21021 BINGO Luellmowndilishict Ios tlub,"Dabber Ango, ,every SundaY Actight, Lackllaw Cornnumity -Centre. Doors *pen EU5 Binge at 7:15 Pan- Air VoilditiOnted, - wheelchair iaccessible. Potexitial Prize board veer .041000.114100 jadlpot -on 54 igals iess-1400-inust-goiL4Enar St. .:eters Anglican 'Church --Tactittoai Atkinight Servicw lezaellA AiRMS IWO ti9/YrifgninuOiOn EVERYONE WELCOME Cas ; ROYAL IIVINT ER RIM - to right is rik- Ithaekez., showniaughip judge„iiri Walbi Mom inalwer el the Royal inner Pair. In the Natimal Jamie? Helfer Show with1 ns vilaceC first AU tier is; took R Coniumer- dal lieNer; Senior Showman; aliti was 'National Stoma= for Canada. ay Ito go lam! ' tt 1,1 4 a, ROYAL *MEL Bilame Mack Betnive, manlier n the Locirnow Calf Ilia, ire the iber weight iliniShon class the 11;tueen's main for 45.50fib. lt. law. Debbie'Itiatatd-placed third in Ibis class, ventig •11.11.71h. /ram Marl .Augas Freezer Meat. • R�YMd WINTER:AW Diarktie Black BeIghave, ,43 luelober of the Afwow Ulf ash mon the -.Reserve Ciimapieu ita her weight Ovation in the Queen's Vows& Her steer Aitaid *�r %fib. to Br uates Meats A _ 114SXAT 7