HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-12-20, Page 20:11111P- 1Ve166.4AeknowSestlimel, Deadline - Mon. at 12 noon 1. Articles 'iftw Sole TIEVKICB3Wan. 'ffling hardwood, .appro- irmitely,onezordistartazt4.15119.per bun- '8284303;--51tf -usED "moan RAW. 24iro4v24 Virtually indestructable. • 'Worth 42900 new, Judy 4799,09. Also used photocopier. Call -Mayne .at 1.4100;265-3I9E-1 OVEN ILEGADY Geese and -Ducks, rail 528;Ya54,--51 CHRISTMAS ...11MUktiVELONS tiff. Gift wuchers-available_mt liar= ln _laickaavr1294247,-41ar ARTHRITIC PAIN9 Aching tack? Stiff joints? Nieciping Iamb? 'Mesh& Dal” idps!Senc132. for trocharefinformation: Beulah _Land, _Bo z .1086, -Portage _La rairie, Ilan.,1311N G =Miff for sale. WS10 -tutitil main mudlhgual .„keyhoird Inns dontsFpins r4this 11208,matput.,,Mkingla0,1810. Anderson (4.16)--c allEINIRODSAREES Form :fitted -NeltTo lastening dpers, superior mixtorhentlioingianchatherderby meessOries, 1hauj1irnt. EeSthO1z .3964194-Xf k.ISHER Grandma Wood _Stove, "asking :or best lifter, phone 52810,-51,1ac SONY co vs,' yebr, _I -asking 4150. -phone :528e1523,441,511xe APPLES TorThrittmas at the AppieTlase Spy, Ida Med, Macintosh 9 Detidaus, Appleautter ANDREW 7ORCHARDS yarinite -,souttr_oflucknowxarmas :BITS D* TODD ..•21111.6. BANNER JUTS 1,13PPYIHNNER 4.ite.:-$41/16Z NNER =OMER -BALANCF ;FOD a SWIFT'S pw..xpAc j,DOTOOD no.:$13,118 . 0-KG.15V) VATTOSN3 x&G.--$7141 Sunflower 50_1;0::$1.87-5 Tverye iPes 1160 In-' (10M SIMMS 40-11f cL, 1. -Articles for Sale L _RESIT-BUILDINGliUYS Save thousands - TWinter'Works Special. Rep :keep --foe- tal, :busy -durft winter miariths. Avoid upcoming price increase. _Limited ,Rteel. Paragon..24, haus. 1410M83849,1 -4912v ATPINE AM/F2 cassette deck -with 49 wattamp.„-Awo 6-x. 9 speakem. Excellent condition. Asking 4350.10. Thom 5197/036 after 5 pan:-47tfnxe MEDILIBIMEDwooderfilog_house-12111; -wooden safety gate, never -mt V5:00. 'Phone 15294036 Jefter 543ach-47thme IIABYlaIGGY -.121te7new mondition-with stroller-AlbwhrnPst. Ea114529-74211.after, 129-7888,anythne;-447tfmce MBE IIREENHOUSEL8thIlydroponiminc., 63 The Eideroad, _lzwdon,thIL, NW 5W7, 019) A5248a9.. Completealkdropanic ystms. Wedo1Tiirordes..Send11100 lor-vataloigue.,42:00 Tehale,:inuyour list purrhase.,---42bc 17R1r-Ci&M' killifintiltEolewand ms - .Ad. D1 rzodedch, ,Z244231.-41tfar 311MiNT 'FAX. The incknow SentMel AnawAloes-ImistomlatimMroplaitnditee .orIcaA1128;2822;71orliill'il NEW AND .1(SED_satA1fte msbmis, rent or lease to own with Amy _monthly ,pa; 21SO, =Min :to _all makes, IAEA .„Southwest Satellile,xiay or might •249544tf 33.1.% CO "A Di'4‘ w Di I into a chipmaws, recoplete-•withi-propeuelryers, -0211, Actitust systan, Tefriigerator, 1 lieep Item, maelvreffster, AWE,* voithoords curtains. _Owner will Lerrtify. 1990 con- -tracts ardulableior,qualified buyer. Call 2442U -56 lifter -51244248,45tinxe BUILDING • JSIWIALS RAMIE! Auonaet44015045;899; Model k!s"7-15110 43A5n straightwAlLiteadetsee1 30321545M9 h dwall.eThe stieIvry IVilagen 31/50. rtertailVareSSWIMItire a ter cgawge4tt. rkieber (vast TactierY pAWes..R.looteet:Wteozoopen 14104.100 (24ors),-.41he 131,TroliEfl All_KNW -528.2242 S. ' likonsimisalmoko Now ,,nr -Hams Hams 3 Black Forest , G. 1- AR. Sewilki4.1tAltiolloos Si* Art 5. bars for &ILE 1982- CAPRI - speed, sun -roof, 4315 r.ertified, 1979 Cougar -_Loaded, 1990 Cougar --V-0 _auto, VW. raffled, 1975 GMC 1 lowas is, cab and rhassi nnly, 4995., 17Firellicd-V.6 auto, -red, .good rendition, 32495. certified, i Pond 1/2 ton -6 y1, auto, certified, nail 523.3503-450,51n GOLD 19804tontiac esindhia,sewlorakes, Pvcellentlires, Zoo&winter vehicle. Buy mit is. Best ifffer. :Phone 5297/036 ,-,after -5 lamk--47tfure 16. -Trucks -for Stile J .1116MCKZUPERLINER:s450,4-valve !Mack, .15 speedrii0" ',mimed, Jen*, ;headache mark :store& steps land ,whisk. Excellent imndition„ many lie - :fres. 439500 ORO. Thane (519) 5244496:---217tEuxe .1977 :MAC YM -Tare jump model, -vey good coaditiori.21dakes-PrceliPnt rawer, MAIO rnile, =MOM rertffied. 241517 Ploderiebt/ifter 401L--44tinx I71. ',Rec. Vehicles -1C-arnpes -Trailers EONAIRE.V.-s, Camels, tram, lard - top, tent,riftlewheel, Iravel„ 4iarkenodeis, memories: new& Baal. End of season prices. Large selection. 7ibreline fihenlassiodmninmntruck caps. Royal trailerAzILV. Centrein'Teviatdale, lkit. (519)443-21,51he 1983 MIRTY-71VE foot CitationArailer, -tialble Artie, irkkge and stove,,,ropane hswar, Iwo :bedrooms, broadloom. rail anytime 416435V/90.--43thixe DOMEILING 'FARMS vox JAIVESTOCC - -14eplacement lter boef -vale lir Vit atudign, -AO II 1NgperAt11941M6,-43tf JOUNIATURE BMW- ;For ,unique =and Arable rblintmasot. APRIA-mit'atemd- Sbovatia.110 Cantact Fiandation,-Earws R R 1, Distottio, 1kit- 1111*. 240 (519) 1344121 ,or (519) 13148165,41hc 1111. T;.Form 'Series LYNN _141).WY-, FARM MTEMS -JHR 1 _IClitcardine, ,Ontorto. FOrAll,YOUr rillillilire„locd land cgrain boilitling ikOSIOnts ,Cd1,:,39546,15* 403116.16, or see its Amberley. -hail& *.xerAbing SNAP ST4B1(0109. ,E9.10IPAINNT atom's, ,..monore PIMP% vgittilatiOn 190Bowat.-,opg-gooment.-cotogt Lloyd .,,Ao ---1101yrwl, Onthrio. Mule -61W1R-1,ST,FA1M OPP/Or - PAtz„..),tho -MOW Jolt ts, ,gouveY0t7s, ilo . Fex. Q(IWP wet nrn nftnewn, nnnann•nnn_,n,n -Nino -ysten3,5 • tienn,nnr. wymn.vnnann4+4Pon'imon,41,444orntia•nnenannurre,,,tnanon—nnannn•nrmynnwnon 140 ACItN$ P4141ire fr ren, 'CAW ati-7304.-4,14)1 .•••••.• an.n.C.....nannbannn, 1 12. ilea 11 tstatetoirSok RIVATE SALE 10 YEAR OLt MICE bunga/ow near .Saaforth (gmandville), 1109 sq. It, 1101011ml 'MC TOM, interlocking brick patio, :0 .20 sundeck, -central air, central vac, -20 m, 30 'heated garage. Phone 5224493 -after -6.-80hute IIIVERMILL VILLAGE - luxury can- 4nmininm.an banks of Scugog River, Lindsay. eamerota Suite - 0105 sq. IL M -*tic .2 bed. with vast living area and balcony. Mester rte bas table sep. shower stall and whirlpool tub. Utood -storage apace. From $190,900. Sports :and Tecceetkmal Amenities at -restored Carew M11IL 'Under construction for 1990 _occupancies. pa Tipper eanatta Lakes imo46.1452L-zobe •SUDOEINEY ITSZOLD" , Masan licilley 4113201371 ) MOWN 124tHourSerelaq 1 411111N1ISTInerlitest wirmniash, malts 118workable,-traut blimuurand 10ocres hard- woadbush. 5O ACRES: nenen:10 ,putpase 1artn, near .Auburri. gaad4 "bedroom irOme borne, lots 1 ..Of itulidirms . . sin AIM: 10th Line .-Ashfield. 410 =cm =workable, 15 luxes ltardwiaccl lush. No .kuildiri,gs. 1 AILIAMININ: 1 'A 'Haar harneokbedroaism. tame Jammer fat, ander$40,1X103X). JIIIMIAILDINSMIlleandetixtre. -1111010:11/15: Ashfileki 'Township, impressive -hatne.liaaclompiolushigattleandliassizglis. -Additional land socaliable. 1111111STAURANT: Licanottri Aar AO, apartment above, meatusltmatiora in busy limn. nAUBMITA12003141b •it4 SKIAPSNIP4 to, f imay highway garriar.-Inclaslitsvaad boakelan Aurae vicopar_ty.Pfice xeslu. 15A1:111115:tar.raatian iantianlitaitiandliver • ..nearfratleetth - Klairadslivarlfssiblile-C10953 Joalls/ino ARO. txgallent ifishinj;.Ttival al airily ;$90=0,330. 14. Vacation MAX AWAY ,FloridaYebruary Mar) 3. AotitOlboad Aid .attrAc- '144)310,04e. Molly lools, ealooce few, Artd ,.extres Antlotiesi- fto0 Awe "Ale Toms (.1116) 014944. Tolltree 14111104041102-4Ibe Von,* 'Criiises -to .-stenic Trentor)tvero Waterway 'axe lticitoi3 'Cowl .obearc] AAWARTHA VOYAUNIJIt; ;i3rivate ..doterotifis; all 'Meals; tree brOOlire from Vptaiu ARM V9Z Ii4, P r- 4oroo0 K9J H7...-Siie SOUTH fo ST Tour wili'filscinete I,rO..O•',P1448115L,cStlf.Opo.fzo,,Xaio$A. NOW ,14)0g..,Fosorte4140,04,09.10 -etP044 Air101,tUrAll vsiti *00 fellOok Mrc, 10.-V011 (416) MAW. -Toilfree 149.0.404#09. Vlore :Burt -Tuurs.--401c VAWATiON pworr vrilag9, d, 16-404cro ioitguno eplifitrgoa *A -pat New493 /ft. :pow 1199r-rAnelloYfun walk,930 tiorpips, 2 lI batlpen vonf?,,epit;,kklion, 1ivwf-4044:11010$41w. 'ug -04Y "PAO. -001 siorq 019r -4,39r0,4**,Rfx