HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-12-20, Page 9UNGANNO:N by Bonnie Hodges miNiMmoussommoommami Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bokkers and family on the birth of a son, Tyler, on December 9th. The Community wishes Lou Brindley a speedy recovery. She was a patient at Stratford Hospital and underwent surgery. Glen Weaver of Port Albert was a pa- tient at University Hospital and is now recovering at Goderich Hospital and do- ing well. The weather certainly cooperated for the sleigh -ride around Dungannon with Bauer's singing Christmas Carols on Sunday. The Dungannon United. Church women met at the church on Tuesday for a potluck dinner. A Christmas carol program followed with Rev. Robert J. Roberts accompany- ing ccompanying on the piano. Narration was by President Gloria Pearson, with scripture and readings by Helen Dawson, Margaret Errington, Karen Roberts and Willetta McWhinney. Gladys Rivett, 95, of Huronview formerly of Dungannon passed away. was Sunday from McCallum and Funeral Home, Goderich. Survived by nieces and nephews. "Merry Christmas and Happy new Year to all my "readers" and my "helpers". Luelwow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 20, 1989 -Page 9 Times Are Not 'a Changin' Marion McFarlane When I was a gal in Lueknow town And Saturdays were quiet and still Charlie, Ida and I would walk around And end up at Treleaven's Mill. There Frank and the pipers would prac- tice their songs With a groan, a grunt and a wail. Ida could only stand the noise for so long Then we'd head for the river and sail. But the government said the boats had to go They weren't used enough you see, Unless the Pipers practised 7 days in a row 'We would have no place to flee "Oh Dear" said Ida, "We are in a fix", "Don't worry" said I with a grin Charlie will find a solution right quick Or poor Frank will run out of wind, So up to Ottawa Charlie did go He had the way and the will For he got in a boat and he did row All the way to Parliament Hill So the government sent trains to Lucknow town Said Charlie "This is a thrill" When the Pipers are wailing - a new escape route we've found We can hop a train to Richmond Hill. But the trains were stopped and the buses arrived Modern times were upon us at last s -c<4 C. -<e4 Lep-W. SAVOURYOURHOLIDAyMEMORIES WITH QUALITY PHOTOFINISHING from 411 But our Bag Pipers - would they sur tve? Or like the train - a thing of the past. Years have past and the buses are few You can catch a cold much quicker If you can't drive a car - what do you do? Buy a horse and call it Flicka? There will come a day when we'll stay put Just like in great grandma's day you want to travel - go by foot hanks Mare as they used to say r maybe our Pipers will get no renown t the government will supply a jet For engagements away from Lucknow Town And we'll all be aboard, you can bet. eiet„ Studio 1 KcasrA \\citorarch systerm ••e®••s•••■ee•e■•e•essse••••• �At-0 X1.00 OFF Dungannon Senior Citizens Card party held on Wednesday, December 13th at Senior Centre with 12 tables. High lady - Tie between Kathleen Glen and Aileen Trommer with score of 85 - Kathleen coming out the winner. Low lady, Eileen Wagner. High man, tie between Tom Young and Clarence Allin with score of 80 - Tom coming out the winner. Low man,. Tom Culbert. Dungannon Union Pastoral Charge Service was held on Sunday -at Dungan- non with Rev. Albert Cook presiding. In .the lighting of the Advent Wreath, the first two candles were relighted by Robbie Roberts and Jason Caesar, the third candle was lit by Tenille Cranston. Dungannon Willing Workers held , a draw on Christmas Dinner Hamper with the winner being Sherri Nicholson of Holyrood. Second prize was -a Door Hang- ing won by Kathy Curran. Communion to .be served in Dungannon Church, Dec. 31st. PROCESSING One Coupon pe! tilm Expires Jan 31 90 • 6i • i • • • • 19 • • • f • ■ • • ■ • e ■ e e e e e Studio 12 Exposures $7.99 15 Exposures $9.99 Xodak Cobrwatch system ft emeamismemolion o o o 11 24 Exposures $11.99 36 Exposures $15.99 e•■ E E■ e■■ s 3■■ e• s s e e■ e■■ e e■ e e e 0 2N D SETT $ 10 0 0 oliFIF One Coupon per film Expirrs Jim, 31 90 • • •__IL_, r_s e ■ e • • e • • • • e ■ • e e • E ■ • • ■ ■ • .00111, dor WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Dungannon Women's •Institute Christmas meeting was held Dec. 7 at the Candlelight. Mary Robson, president welcomed everyone. Institute Grace was sung. Nineteen members and six visitors sat down to .a lovely dinner. dio 0 -- Use our after hours film drop ... . So you can have your holiday mem- ories right after Christmas. Our lab will be developing films Dec. 27, 28, 29 & 30 offering one day service. (35 mm only) 0 O They're here! Kodak KolorKins Easy to get. Fun to have. Collect them all. Award winningOoto finishing by the Kodak Color Watch System The roll call was answered with some very humorous readings. The cor- respondence was dealt with, including thank you's" from Seniors Day Care Centre from Wingham and the McNee family. Roberta Linskill presented Cora Sher- wood herwood of Dungannon with a gift to show our appreciation for all she has done for our institute over the years,Cora thank- ed the Institute. Instead of a gift exchange money was given to "Family and Children's Services". Christmas carols were sung accom- panied by Roberta Linskill on her actor dian. Bev Feilder gave a reading, "Christmas Concerts", and also one she had written entitled "Christmas At Our House". Illa Crozier read a poem "Winter Chores". Mary Rob onthanked the branch direc- tors, lila Crosier, bra Ation and Bev Fender, for doing such.a : good job. Bev Fender had a beautiful Nativity Scene she had made on lay. The'meeting was adjourned. ENTER for a chance to WIN a Giant Kodak Kolorkin or a Pedal Car, when you purchase ,Kodak Products 1st Prize: Pedal Car 2nd Prize: Kizmo Draw date: Feb. 3rd Details at counter Quality at Economy Prices POKICIUCTS Kodak 1 / • `? 1 ()Niter Hours Film Drop) Wirigham 3574 851 Open 6 days a week- 9-6 ollea FRES :albumsheets w th -.ch film processed at $nyclers • ere , • .rr.✓I ...r>U _ !)'->>>>,%01/4#