HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-12-20, Page 7Commodity prices will rise, fall by Debbie SW WALKERTON—Commodity prices will have sharper valleys and peaks in the next 10 years, 'but Grey -Bruce farmers attending an information meeting in Walkerton last week now know of trends to watch -for. Robert Mercer, editor of the Broad water Newsletter, was one of three guest speakers at the second annual Royal Bank Agricultural centres c4salute to On- tario agriculture". About 200 farmers fill- ed the Walkerton 'Knights of Columbus Hall to hear what may be in store for them during the next decade. "The general economic policy may be more important than the farming policy we live with. Our dollar, recently trading at 86 cents U.S., has done more harm to exports than anything free trade could have done. It's made it harder to place exports in the United States," he said. He told farmers to "look for policies in the federal field which will be more market - and embrace alter native agriculture." From the prospect of the grower, Mercer said farmers should be storing their earn until prices are higher in Ju- ly. Fight out of the last 10 years has seen corn prices higher in this month, he said. Also, there is potential for next year's crop to be larger in Ontario. and it could easily put corn on an export hacis, he added. He mentioned the problem the United States has been encountering with transportation of corn to the Soviet Union. This means the US. does not need to buy any corn right now became they won't be ahle to ship it out until Jamiary or February. 'Pm not as negative on corn as you may think," he said. "There are just so many negatives on the market Mat it's time to act positively." The Victorian Inn invites you to a freasams, Item *ars-4 fgat The pork industry has not been the best to be in in recent years because of a pro blem of too much pork both north and south of the border. An October report oi the C4nadian industry indicates "the pro- duction spiral seems to be broken." Slaughter statistics show "we are only one cent under where we were last year, and with 2(1 per cent of our hogs leaving the country, its a very important market. Japan is becoming a major market for red meats." With cattle and politics moving into western Canada, the "beef market is go- ing to get very tough for Ontario farmers," he said. "We're defenseless against the change in the west because of advantages significant not only in cost production and gain, but also for expor- ting from the west coast." Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December NI, 19811—Past7 11101111141111110111,1111111111111.11111110111.111101111111141111 TON= VEMAIritill Phone 3574630for 24 hour movie information He's hip, he's cool and he's only 3 months old. He's got John Travolta's smile, Kirstie Alley's eyes. And the voice of Bruce Willis_ Now all he has to do is find himself the perfect daddy. PLAYING FROM FRIDAY DECEMBER 22nd TO THURSDAY JANUARY '4th SHOWTIMES: FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS AT 7:00 and 9:00 PM WEEKDAYS ONE SHOW EACH EVENING AT 800 PM THEATRE CLOSED CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS DAY AND NEW YEAR'S EVE 111101111111111111111111101110111/1116111,1111.111011911110111011111,1161111116111 Coming into December the prices of cattle were strong and unless there are major changes in government policy, Mercer said beef prices should hold strong until the new year. In the 1990s, Mercer said he sees water becoming a commodity. He recommend- ed farmers know how deep their wells are because "we could see a drought twice as bad as anything we've seen before." Changes on the farm have been hap- pening quickly, and now the retail sector is changing to meet demands of con- sumers. He told farmers how people in the United States are using fax machines to fax in grocery orders because of time limitations He also said the next car bought could have a microwave in it for "breakfast on the go" in order to save time. "1 see exciting times ahpad and I hope the commodity prices stay up." The Candlelight presents NEW YEAR'S DAY mg SMORGASBORD:. 0.• Monday, January ist • — served from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm *Top Sirloin Roast Beef *Tender Pork Chops *Battered Perch ALL YOU Plus_our famous Salad Bar, CAN EAT Kids t Dessert Table and Beverage. .:(0(A11•10f:*11100041PATt • 1: Lavish Preeklerts Buffet. Live entertainment arid dancing. 'Overnight accommodation- . ONLY *139.00 per couple, taxes •extra. Dinner, entertainment & dance $90.00 per couple, taxes extra. Can now for reservations: The Victorian Inn, 10 Romeo St. N., Stratford Ont.. (519) 271-4650 Fax (519) 271-2030. =KNOW A DISTRICT LIONS CLUB • Dabber Bingo Lucknow Community Centre No :Bingo Sunday, December 24th Sunday, December 31st Next Bingo January 7th, 1990 JERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL • ) Invites you to • come to the Best Party Around! Plan now to attend our Gala NEW YEAR'S EVE DINNER '""'"""'"'""r.""7-7r7.7""rrrrrrrrr4rrrr:r7 raw '. TheousitourThe Emma DINNER SERVED 630-10:30 DANCING 9-1 A.M. For those not wishing to stay for the New Year's Eve Dance, special seating will be made available until 9:30 p.rn. so you too may enjoy our Special New Year's Dinner Menu. Join us for a great feast. Reservations 'Required. Bridesmaids' Catalogue for 1990. Available at The Bridal. Suite Port Elgrn 3894100 For those who prefer... COME FOR OUR GALA DANCE ONLY! mans at SSG Am. A small cover •than"? of 35.00 *P1:41- 0 MISSION CHARGE WITH DINNER AND DANCE (SEASON'S GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES TO ALL \from our management and staff Two of 1..A:s top rival cops are going to have to work together... Even if it kills them. • "RESERVATIONS A MUST" Daft be tittUOppOklied. reSetve today tor this eclat DionertDance THE CANDLELIGHT "RESTAURANT& TAVERN oftlisist ad.0 coodertch 5244711 GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE AT TliF. BOX OFPICA MATINEE - TUES. • THURS. DEC. 2648 OT YOURS NOW! 2 PM DAILY AL. wriFAMILY LONG DISTANCE? CALL 140042654430 FOR TOIL FREE INFO.