The Signal, 1936-4-16, Page 1I i I t..., "wb;+'....,+. ri letste - h sse • • READ THE ESTI la• ENTS IN THE SIGNAL AND SHOP WHIRL YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP! —il `r 4, f.-_,..w.., r 4.1 READ THE AMOUNTS INTHE SIGNAL AND SHOP WHERE YOU ARE ` INVITED TO SHOP! .1016647060. - MIGHTY -NINTH YEAR. NO. 16 GODERICH, ONTARIO, DAY, APRIL 16, 1936 THE SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED, Publishers The Dolls Were Out in All Their Glory NNW Parade under Woes Club Amiss' Wu a Colorful Affair In spite of threatening Wee the kiddies of Goderich turned out in full forest on Saturday afternoon, when shout seventy-five took part la the Master doll parade on the Square, with Rrtttly decorated carriages and tri- als§ and beautifully dressed dolls. felled to -tuna one, tto the beaded by Chlet of k'o' - It., with whom were w 1- affil, Palma Player and nary Pridham, dressed es Master bun- :* - and riding tricycles. Many and • colorful were _thee remaining vehicles. and la spin of tie bet that the dolls were of every nationality and color, &reed In silks or rags, each one was a wiaver in the eyes of its owner. And aver; Yale girl received a prise. an Raster egg, from members of the Lions Gab, which organisation sponsored •o aftatr. i. ' • pelrs[tartlss were of &Mows : Llai Rutty anon, Marjory Liu "mitis. Isabel McLean. Howells* rag .Leis Campbell. MON la arse--Arylese Rouse. Betty Taylor, Mickey Kidd. DeeM�ated carrtege with doll-Etea- rre Nark. Marjorie Hays, Ludt. Qetlaberttos. D•eoraad trite/dem-Palma Plater. Mary Barry HIM. #: m wee. �.� =a �- Ueda twat `msyter. LOMA Lea* the Lions WU L the Ea elle'vere items B. liMebo•se, Dr. I. A. Graham. W. J. Raker, H. S. Orli. C. K. Saunders, P. J. Little and S. Z. McDowell. Lion I. D. Zeetman was chairman of the eim mtttse- COUNTY FRUMP 2141111T • new feature la 1)laspset tet met Osdsrieb fall fair this year is es e: - Wt br the Huron County lydt- mewerw Association. For some years tie Aatociaties held an exhletloa la tie lets a et on Tuesday by Mr. Clayton site, who Is one of the promin- ent fruit -growers of the county. ViCTORLA IfT. W. Y. S. flee Victoria street W.M.B. met at time home of Mrs F. W. Cralk on Mon- day, oo-dy, April 18th. There were eighteen members present and two visitors. An Beater program was gives under the esavener.hip of Mrs. T. Tabb. Eau ter hymnwere sang. and prayers were offered by Mrs. 8. Allis and Mrs. it. T. Phillips. The Scripture lesson. Msttben 98, was read by Mrs L. West. brook. The following program was Oren: Reading. "lee Resurrection," kg Mrs. B. Wilson; solo. Mrs. H. San- derson; ao-derson; reeding. Mrs. 0. W. Buech- ler, "A Day In a Manchurian Hospi- tal:" reading, Rev. F. W. Craik, 'The Land of Immortality." Yrs. H, `Breen bad charge of the Medusas, Sad the various omcers gave their reports. Letters were reed from members who had been remembered In sickness and bereavement. Rev. F. W. Craft closed the meeting with prayer, and the teethe served loath. NORTH ST. ANNIVERSARY M. Dr. 'Thornton of Torsed* le th- ew Pulpit Next Shim/fay The people of North street United chrch are looking forward to their sufversery services, to be held on Aaoday next. The special preacher for the day will he Rev. P. Bruce Thornton. D.D., of Toronto. who will occupy the pulpit at both services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. On Monday evening, at R o'clock, Dr. Thornton will give his celebrated lecture, "Around the World with Note- book otebook and Camera." This lecture will be beautifully Illustrated and will us- dssbtedli be of unusual interest. For the Monday morelces special music has been arranged by Mr. R. F. Tteyer. choirmaster and organist, as fellows: ide Organ Prelude --"Andante Mendota" (4th Concerto) Handel dolt -"i Will Sing of Thy Power" Sullivan Miss E. Hume, soloist Contralto Solo -selected Miss Margaret Pentland Organ ORertory-"Souvenir" Drdla Baritone Bolo -"Phe King of Love My Shepherd iV' Ocunod Mr. Leelle Hanna Organ Poattude-"Grand Cboear" Oaliment Organ Pr.lnde-"Meditation Mympho thyme" Vincent (bole -"•Ming a Song of Praise" !Rainer piano -Orgies Offertory --"Jean. Joy of Man's Desiring" Bach Maw Helen Lane, Mr. R. F. Player Tenor Solo-"Ahe Thanks and Sing" Wardle Mr. Gerald Seabrook. London (Botr-"Te Dente" Reck -' ielk,-MIM E. Hntr., Mims H. haw•, Mr. S. McDowell, Mr. L. Hanna Depth Postiede- "Sortie Festive" Belot MUNICIPAL SPRING CLEANING The Square and Court House Park were not forgotten woes U raw. to sprint cleaning. R. Oswald, tree surgeon, Is once more et work on the tress la the park, and Hydro employees We commenced painting the lamp standards oD the Square. Bass and top are done In aiominum and the column itself la in an attractive dark green. The work of redecorating the council chamber at the town ball Is progressing rapidly. ORGAMZING GIRL GUIDIS e arm step In the move to form a tri Guide group ta Goderich, • meeting on Tuesday afternoon, indi- cated that prospects for the group were bright. Fifty-two girls attended raTdat%a e tlosee until , athtlI��were placed on "iRfe'tbaia....�ihathe cad of which time the company will be or- ganized. The $tri der the leadership of With Wateol, assisted by Mimi_ Wilke* CAR STOLEN AT ZURICH Police yesterday afternoon watched roads into Goderich for a green Pon- tiac car. 1936 model, with Reese num- ber FW246. The car, owned by Sam Burt., of Wroxeter, was stolen from in front of a Zurich hotel It le said the. or beaded- west &sward tit! Water_ highway. Although no particulars were gives. local police were informed on Wed- nesday evening that the car had been recovered. MRS. LAUDER TAIL'S THEATRE The Mount Forest Confederate has the following reference to the opening of the theatre which has been built Mrs. Lauder Pitt. formerly of God- erich, In that town: On Wednesday of last week the commodious and finely equipped Dew theatre of the town was opened with crowded houses. The Funeral of King George and the Dionne Quintu- plets were attractions that appealed to everybody and the feature picture, Muse Goes Round, was also popular. Tbs programs bo be well Patronized during *the week and new . . shown this week es ad Mayor Beast, even- ing, y klh .1f' tended Met t age maw MthismaNT Atte NM* Bathe* Being Shipped from Oedeieh Elevator An order has been received for the shipment by rail of one million bushels of No. 2 Northern wheat from the bins of the Goderich Elevator k Transit Company to the Atlantic seaboard. The grain, which has bees In storage here for three years, has been purchased by New York exporters The parti- cular bread, a new 'Garnet" wheat, did not meet with the approval of millers who are In the market. The grain will be skipped by C.N.R. ID cars of 2,000 bushels each, and at the expected rate of forty to dfby ears shipped out each day the order will help keep the railway people busy for the next two weeks. PAVILION OPENING ammo C meseeee 8atsise Night -- Once t -- Once more and In a nee/decorated. black and white Pavilion, the lovers of dance music and dancing will hear the familiar strains of "Row Room," the theme song of the hand under the leadership of Tony Harz, "she local boy who endo ped " Although the -deeortitlntt wN sot be complete, the Pavilion will be open to the public for the first time on Saturday night, and Tony's seven -man band will provide the latest dance hits. - The orchestra Isbell, stands, railings and lattice work will be In black and white and new lighting will be in- stalled. There will be no lights over the dance door, but the area will be surrounded by a string of colored lights. The members of the band are as fol- lows: Drums, Tony Farr; piano, Tom Harrison; base viol, Harry Schram; first saxophone. Jack Evans; tenor saxophone, Frank McLeod; third saxophone, Tom Murdock ; trumpet and vocalist, Bob Darling. TEl "ANIILILAO" -t- "Annamac" has teen chosen as the name of Harbormaster Bert MacDoeald'a new launch, the name having been submitted by an anonymous entrant in the contest which dosed on Monda). The word evidently was mug - B ested by the name of the har- bormaster's lately eteeessed mother. it le intended to make the christening somewhat of an *vest. it will probably take place on Friday or Saturday of next week and will be performed by the young lady who is voted most pgaler It the eta of the "Jol- liet," the musical revue to he pr.s.eted nett week et the Open Hoses. Chas. C. Lee Heads Board of Trade Moors for 1938 Fleeted at Ad. journed Annual Meeting Last Night K The attendance et the adjourned an- nual meeting of the Board of Trade, held at the town hall last evening, wall again disappointingly small, but this might base been attributed to wet night it was decided to proceed with the business left over from the meefa last.. ..-.- - In abrin err d. lag president.. NAM _Ma lIWIS oc- cupied acupied the chair and after the pre- liminary business called for the elec- tion of omcers, which resulted as fol- lows: President -Chas. C. Les. Vice -president -F. K. Bingkam. Secretary -Nelson Hi1L Tre*Isrer-F. J. Little. Council-Oeo. W. Schaefer, C. K Saunders. 0. L. Parsons, G. H.•Jack- son, W. H. Robertson, F. I. Hibbert, . A. MaeRwaa,- D..-V.-Qsslaad, Z. Wigle, Cho. lam; -T "'1t J. W. ifraser l -I ililsbsik Geo. Westbrook. The president, vice-president, secre- tary and G. W. Schaefer were consti- tuted a striking committee to emelt a draft of standing committees for the year at the next meeting of the Board, which will be held on Monday, April 27th. 77—PAINFULLY INJURED Mrs. Wm. Bropbey was painfully in- jured on Wedcesday when she caught the fingers of one hand le the rollers of her washing machine. No hones were broken, but the fingers were bad- ly bruised. New Launch Is to Be the "Annamac" CAN, The picture was quickly late Albert J. people handed one being Mr. A. Mr. Peltridp. - harness boslae* wake. aa&for some commeiL The comparatively years before Mr. away while still ju Mrs. Peltrldge air sow In California. of the family, M+t;r1l lie Pentland of NIM This week we p1 identified picture. US the name HIM? eek's Signal that of the Sersral me, the int a. -- - conducted a milton street, of Goderich S. u4 tbt Win !eras takes ti a As1 age, some Piltridge passed the prime of life. Iia son Billy are tel the daughter Is Mrs. Lee- r another un - anyone give The Victoria Pia>' opus. "Lighthouse which packed. the, L ham Tuesday night, the Wingha= FIJe presented their to an audience ball et Wing- er auspices of de. Lane Neither et Nasus Auk ' mined is aebetanstse MaoDonald's Contest After poring over 117 names for More than one hoar on Monday, the judges appointed to select a name for Harbormaster Bert MacDonald's new thirty-foot launch chose the name "An- tic," a derivation of Bert's moth- er's name, Annie MacDonald. Keen Interest was shown in the im- promptu contest for the naming of lbs popular harbormaster's craft. ON person sent in fourteen names, a sent in twelve. Although the vagi 3111- Jority of Letters"wen• from r' persons, others were received teem Te. redo, Kitchener and Chlcage. The judges' decision placed this In somewhat of a dilemma, for when they checked the name with the letter it was discovered the entry with signed merely "A Friend." An effort will be made to learn the ',Identity lT "A Erich&." He or sale staked is woke onto agaircicalliks duplicating the original letter as near- ly as possible to prove his or her identity. It was the only letter among the acorea of entr.es which did pot contain the seeder's name. s If the identity of "A Friend" Is not made known by Monday of next weed, a draw will be made for the one to receive the prise, but the name "Anna - mac" Will be retained. - For the judging. a fourth party pre- pared a numbered list of the suggested names, duplicating the number on the letter. The judges, Sandy Hamden, Capt. It. Morrison and J. W. Fraser, chose the winner from the listed names. AT THE WATERFRONT The crew of the Kincardine fishing tag "Donald Mac,* which was forced to sell acroS the lake to Harbor Beach when cut eft by WI floes on this side, ve retorted in Hier ship to Ktncar- T e mu bled out of Harbor Beech for twelve days. Although the ben has thinned con- siderably in Lie Huron at this point, fishing tugs still find It is,peemble. Thi MacKay Brea. tried to make a trip out with seta on Wednesday, but were unable to tette a way through Lb* small ice6iN. They will try again today. equipped with poles to assist them to forge a passage through the Ice. CAl L IN DITCH Douglas Dickie, Qoderich traveller, escaped serious tdury when his car overturned In a itch five miler from Kincardine on TuMday morning, but a passenger with Ma, Eric Martin, of Toronto, was sedately injured and wall taken to the Kialardlse hospital. Both men were moldered; unoow- sclous when the car struck a soft shoulder on the read somersaulted into the ditch. M Dickie was brought to Ooderleh oar and has been confined to Ms beipritlrtng from shock, painful bruises lead cuts. The car was wreck&d. - - TTI>< #7rJtTlli6R Temperatures wed warranted the wearing of spring apparel dropped un- comfortably yesterday, when rain in a waft snow - the afternoon thllse4 fall at night. Thee eorreepM� and the correyp year were es feRo the last week week of last 1935 -Mai Min. Mart= Mia. Thurs., April 9........48 34 Be 35 Fri, April 10 ........68 38 57 42 Sat., April 11 .,......43 35 Sun., April 12 ,,,....41 32 Mon.; Apr11 13 ,, _..46 29 Tues., April 14 Wed., April 15 ,:,.....61 70 :: Persona Mr. Jack Abell was up m to for the holiday week -end. Mr. Earl Elliott, ofonto, visited with `bb father last week . Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Nico and fam- ily spent the week -end at Toronto. Mr. R. J. Deachmen, M.P., was in town for a few days the past week. Miss Eileen O'Brien, who is teaching at Oakville, is holidaying at her home here. Miss Anne McDonald, of Lacknow, spent the week -end with friends is town. Miss Beslys dart Is Dome this week'Srom Genteella, where she school. Mies Louvain ,Bloomfield spent Sat- urday visiting her sister Mabel at St. Marys. Miss Phyllis Taylor, of Galt, visited with Miss Bernice Hoggerth at the week -end. Donald Morison. of Osgood• Hall. Toronto, spent "the week -end at Me home here. - Miss Margaret Reddltt, of Oakville, is speeding the Sister holiday at her home here.- Mlas"TAIIan Mberson. county re- gistrar, spent the weekend with rela- tives at Fingal. Misses Viola and Irene Bloomdeld. of London, spent Easter it their home on Huron road. Mr. A:ex. MacVicar, eft• Western Vsiverslty, London, spenttbrweek-end at his home here. Donald Lane, of Shaw's College, To- ronto, was a week -end visitor at the home of his parents. Mr. Reg. Fisher, of Western Uni- versity, London, spent the Easter boll - days at his home here. Miss Gladys Greenlet, of London, spent the week -end et the home of Miss Catharine Murray. Ir. Reg. Pinder, of Oshawa, Is spending the week at the parental home, St. David's street Mrs. Bruce Durfee, of Detroit, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. }towrie, over the week -end. Miss Grace Strang. of Guelph Col- legiate Institute, is spending the Eas- ter vacation at her home here. Mr. Lorne J. Jewell, of the Royal Bank staff, Woodstock, visited at his home here over the week -end. Mrs. F. R. Larkin. of Windsor, was with ter mother. Mrs. Jas. Hamilton, for several days the past week. Miss Gwendolyn Colborne, of Toron- to, was at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. H. Colborne, for }Oester. Mr. Wm. Black, of Marnta, spent the week -end at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Black. Mr. and Mrs. W. Acbeson and twin eons, of Lindsay, spent the tarter week -end with their relatives here. Mrs. Reward Stinson and daughter, of Mitchell, visited the former's moth- er, Mrs. Joseph McGraw, last week- end. Jack Calder, of (Tatham. and I Franklin Calder, of Hamilton. spent the Easter week -end with their par- ents. Miss Olive Goldthorpe, of Toronto, spent Easter holidays in tow*, the guest of bee sitter, Mrs. W. 0. Mac - Mr a s. acSwan. • ention fp 4. bee parent•; Black. Miss Violet Henry, Park street, is spending the Faster holidays with. hex. grandmother, Mrs. Heatley, of Kin- cardine. Mr. W. A. Conitharat is spending the week in Toronto attending the O.E.A. Mrs. Coulthurst accompanied him to the city. Misses Mary and Helen Bisset, of the Unlvereitr of Toronto, were Eas- ter visitors at their home at Saltford Heights. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Beacom are visit - at New York City with Mrs. Bea- com's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Yrs. E. Stouffer. Mr. Donald Philmont, of London. spent the week -end at the home of his uncle •nd aunt, Mr. Said. Mrs. Charles Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Ted White. of Toron- to, visited the lady's parents. Mr. amid Mrs. W. P. Abell. Elgin avenue, over the week -end. Miss Marlon Davis, of Toronto, is the guest of her rade and hunt, Mr. mi• - a. J. MacVicar, Cambria road. Yee the holiday!. •- _ . -- Hr. and Mr. lames Parsons, John Parsons end Miss l'eggy Parsons, all of Toronto, spent the week -end at their home on West street Mrs. Wm, Moran. Salt and daughter. Bruce and Lenore, iii plaiting with Mee. Moron's nwteee, Drs. A. G. Smith, Rayfleld road. Mine Ethel (bandy, of London, and Mrs. Victor Bell, of Walkerton. spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Randy,. Mr. and Mrs Colin Patterson, Gloucester Terrace. announce the birth of a son to their daughter, Mrs. Marion P. Gilhem, of iirantford. Mr. and Mrs. lhldrnm Cult, of To- ronto, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. ('ate. mother. Mrs. R. H. Cutt, Montreal street. Miss Mary %ebc•on, of Alms Col- lege, Rt. Thomas. Is. spending the Fas- ter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Acheson. C. Kenneth Hunter, of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, and Colin Hunter, of Western University. London, spent the Easter week -end At their home here. Mr. M. I. Sanderson, of the West- ern Canada Floarlls Co., Toronto. netted the pest wee at the home of his mother, Mrs. 9. Sanderson. East street. Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Young and daughter, Marion. Meet the week -end at Brantford at the home of Mr and Mrs. A. E. Brown. parents of Ira. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cranston. of St. Marys, visited -East. Friday with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Annie.% Palmerston street, and Mr. and Mrs Jar. Cranston. Hay- field road. Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Harrison and Roddy, of Detroit, visited with Mrs. Harrison's parents. Mr. and Mrs, Brownie. i2ghthnnse street. over the holiday. Mr. and Mr. I' C. Pinkney and family, of Stratford[ were week -end visitors at the hoar of Mrs. Rink - trey's parent, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Win- ter. Maple street P. W. Stephenson and W. A. John - homes at--Kingevtlie__ anti over the week -end. ' Mrs. John Routltl*, Me. aid Mrs. Thomas Routliffe, Mrs. EEchard Week: ens and Miss Ruth Comrie, all of To- ronto, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brophey. Mr. Wilson Oke, his daughter. Miss Eleanor, and eons, Jack and Ray, of Windsor, visited at the home Of Mr. Oke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marler Oke, Britannia road, over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moss, of Paris, ()rot., spent the week -end with Mrs. Moss' mother, Mrs. M. Ohler, Cambria road. Their niece, little Joyce John- ston, accompanied them on their re- turn. Mr. J. T. Goldthorpe, of Goldthorpe, Ont., spent several days of the past week with his relatives here. J. T. is as enthusiastic se ever over the north country and predict• a great future for it. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Smith, of Brant- ford, spent the week -end here with the former's mother, Mrs. Tansley. They were accompanied by Miss May 'Thor - low, also pf Brantford, who visited her mother here. Mrs. J. F. Wyatt, Mrs. Mary Wyatt, her daughter and son, Miss Charlotte Wyatt end Mr. Melvin Wyatt, and live Beta Wyatt, all of Stratford, were guests of Mrs. A. 0. Smith, Hay- field road, on Sunday. Mr. Duncan Marshall, who suc- ceeds Mr. William Strang as teller at the tloderich branch of the 'Royal Bank, comes from the Yonge and Richmond street branch of the Bank at Toronto. Mr. Marshall is a nephew of the Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. Rev. C. F. and Mrs. Clarke hid as their guests for the Easter term their daughter, Miss Mary Clarke, of Toron- to, their sons, Douglas, of the ('on - naught Laboratories, University of To- ronto, and Stanley, of the Bank of Commerce. Dunnville: also Miss Mur- iel Langstrath, N.A., of Montreal. Among former G.-('. I. students home from Stratford Normal School for the Faster holidays are Mine Margaret Mason, Miss Jean Robertson and Misa JP6u1e Mathieson, of Goderich; Misses Margaret Ferguson, Bernice Lawson and Jean itoceeton, of Auburn ; ,]Liss Alms Sallows, of Colborne township, and Ernest Crawford, of Port Albert. Among Ogderich teachers attending the edit -rational convention at Toron- to this week are Principal It. Stone- henge and. Misses Hume, MacDonald. Jobnston and Wiggins, all of Victoria public school ; and Miss I. Bathe, Mimi G. McDowell and Mies I). Duren, of Central puttee school. Mr. H. M. Shackleton, principal of Central school, was et Toronto, but has returned to Goderich. Mr. end Mr. Wesley Welker had a large family party for the Easter week -end. Mr and Mrs. Leighton S Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Moniker and son. John, were here from Toronto. Mr. Roland Walker bas tak- en s position temporarily in the To- ronto office of Thos. Cook A Son, Ltd.. the -"Cook's-tour" -people. _ _Yr._ 01ar-. epee L. Walker, who is now in the Port Dover branch of the Royal Rank, completed. Me party. p 39 1113 38 48 33 54 28 50 23 1'ICTORIA'/PRZET W. A. The regular reeothly meeting of the Woman's Assoc United church of Ire. F. W. Thursday. mbefs. Deem was added. Cha n If Victoria street Ipld at the Lome Victoria street. 1th (wenty-four new member til n W11s0n had net exercises. pea The re. brook read a leaflet entitled "'Cal Last Supper."" yrs' G. Wdrthy hadillarge of the business and final arrenps`ents were made for the play, "Her Honor the Mayor," to be ereseated shortly. Rev.. F. W. Craik closed the meeting wtth_,prayer,after, which the hostess (served lunch. Getting Ready for Baseball Season Judge Costello, Presided1- e d Other Moses Looted Tuns -- day Night At a meeting at the town ball on Tuesday night the Goderich Baseball Club was organised for the year 1976. Big things were planned for this sea- son, and hope. were high for a team that will be a success on the dlamood and at the box office. J. H. Lauder presided over the meeting, at which Judge T. M. Costel- lo was the unanimous choirs for the presidency. Other officials elected are: Hen orary presidents, Mayor H. J. A. Mae - Ewan, B. J. Deachman, M.P., James Ballantyne, Y.Y.P., J. B. Reynolds. L W. Fraser, Ches. Warteie; let vice-president, J. H. Lauder; id vice- president, E. Drenthe; secretary, A. S. Taylor; treasurer, H. A. Young; executive committee, D. R. Nairn, H. Murney, I. Graf and W. O. Brydge; transportation committee, H. R. Lsni W. H. -Robertson, M. IC MacHsmald, A. L. Cole; grounds committee, Harry Sturdy, Chas. Black, O. L_PArtiosa.I. J. Moser, Dick Welch, ace hurler. wag the Er animons choice - as player cee - manager. Messrs. Cole, Sturdy and MacDea- ald have power to add to their sub her for assistance in finding mesas to provide a financial foundation for the dub. It was suggested that the Vic- Aorta ic Aorta -_ -Is pretest Lighthouse jvin,'r a popular three -act comedy. in behalf of the club. Delegates were appointed to a meet - fag at Clinton last night, for the purpose of forming a Huron Baseball League. Those appointed were K. Drennan, M. N. MacDonald, D. Welch, D. Johnston and A. S. Taylor. A committee meeting. will be 'held on Tuesday evening inert at the tows hall at 8 o'clock. G. C. I. LITERARY MRSTQiG On Wednesday afternoon, April 8, the student body of the Goderich Col- legiate institute assembled for the Easter meeting of the Literary Society. Under the successful leadership of Bernice Duren. several students to - operated to make the meeting most entertaining. After a few pleaag remarks by Miss Durnin. several girls, clad in their blue and white romper uniforms and directed by Miss Lane, danced to the tune of "Believe it, Beloved," accompanied by Mart alive. . This was followed by the Joursai, which was prepared and delivered by Vera MacLeod. Margaret Nicol talked on the "current events" of the past year. While the stage was being set for the play, the student. enjoyed a piano duct by Mary Howard and Helen Archer. A most amusing presentation of "Much Ado About Loving" then fel- lowed. The scene of the action was the office of a divorce lawyer.. -The story involved a young married couple (renre.ented by Jack Weir and Ber- bera Thomson) who had quarreled about di•clpllning "Baby." The divorce lawyer (Howard Wilkin) en- deavored to straighten things out by arousing jealousy In the hearts of each and nsin¢ hl, -tenographer (Mary Thnrnetee) as the "other woman." Just as he is show Ina the young husband "how" his wife (Margaret McMehen) enters uipdh the scene. and more com- plications arise Everything Is finally straightened out. however, •nd spring hats and .cooking sets are used as peace -ma kers All the phn'ers took their parts exceptionally well and did much credit to their dlreetr. ••, Roberta Johnston. After the meeting there was an hoar of dancing. for which Ramona Whitely supplied the music. NO COUNCIL MEETING There will be no meeting of the town council this week. The work of re -decorating at the town hall W still proceeding and the Council charpber I. dlsord - i .1 . -- lie Presbyterian MMIIMO, Oo street, was the scene quiert il1i�' ding on Wednesday. April 8th, when Abigail Cousins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Drinkwalter, of Goderich, was united In marriage to Fred D. Wat- son, of Goderich, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson. Rev. D. J. Lane officiated. The couple left on a wedding trip after the ceremony, the bride wearing a pretty blue ensemble They will reside at the groom's home on Elgls avenge. IN MAYORAL ATTIRE A transient left town the other day boasting he was oc- cupying the place formerly held by the Mayor of Goderich. Ho was wearing the Mayor's trous- ers. The "ham" wan walking around town when he saw a pair of trousers hanging on a line. He was badly in need of a pair and the kind-hearted Mayor afire them to him. "How anent the coat to match?' Ills Worship was stoked. "A man got that some time ago," replied the Mayor, "hut tee 'Mat Is here for the newt • - man.". a MATES_ IS ALL RIGHT Citizens Relieved by News atter Bod- ing Water ter Several Dears The town drinking water supply N in Al condition once more. A sample was- to the London laboratories of tie Department of Health on Fri- day last, •nd a report received this week shows that there are no colon bacilli in 50 cubic centimeters of the water. It is doubtful if there was anything wrong with the water in the first place, but officials could not take a chance, so ordered that all drinking water should be boiled. The departmental report showed a sample sent from here was unfit for drinking, but it is now thought the water may have been contaminated accidentally after it was taken from the tap and before it was sent away. "THE JOLLIES OP 1936" A Smart and Colorful EateetaM eat "The Jollies of 1986," to be pre- sented at Victoria Opera House next Wednesday and Thursday, will be an unusual entertainment, and the great- est ever presented on a Goelerlcb stage. Desire J. Bourque, who produced shows here in 1928 and 1929, is direct- ing "The Jollies." "Bourque shows" have greatly improved during the past seven years. The costumes for this show are of the finest and Mr. Bour- que brought here in his huge cable fl trailer complete stage equipment - switchboard, footlights, overhead lights, spotlights and the stage settings for the reverse. Opera House in Good Condition The Operd Mate tnaua'gemeat TM Gently had the licenses renewed and the hail naturally had to pass lbs necessary Inspection; therefore the Opera Hoose is not condemned as rumored. Owing to the large east and the extent of scenery and sage propels- ties, roperties, the Opera House Is the only place in town where the Jollies could be staged. "The Jollies of 1936" are cinder the auspices of the Goderich blobs Cleo and the fund• will he used for their neral good work. The "Jollies" contest is relating eonslderahle Interest end the advase* Hetet sale is bitting the high spots Flans of the Opera lions. for Matta nights will epos on Tuesday morning at reepbell'a Peng Store. A special r llWreiee matinee will be given on Weds.adey afterimes. ;, 44. .r t�K