HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-12-13, Page 16Page 14—Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 13, 1989 The mow School Concert Band, true its reputatiiou, once again thrilled the wd with their superb musical ability. the opening strains of Rodgers and tebn's, The Sound of Music to the closing hymn, Silent Night, all of the young people involved in the Christmas Youth Music Night reinforced in our minds why Lueknow and area is such a great place to live. The support of the youth, was especially appreciated by the coordinators of the Lucknow Christmas and Benevolent Fund, as the donations de Thursday evening will go towards making Christmas a little more pleasant for those less fortunate. (Pat Livingston toll Christmas Youth Music Night The Lueknow School Choir, under the direction of Joan Black, accompanied by Jo Ann Scott, pleased the crowd with their offerings of Sing, Frosty the Snowman and Suzy Snowflake. The Lueknow Christian School Choir per- formed 0' Come Little Children and Mary's Boy Child. Director was Henritt Van der lei with pianist, Carol Van Ankum. Brookside School Choir, under the direc- tion of John Myers, performed Both Sides Now, Away in the manger and Winter Wonderland. South Kinloss WMS president presides for final meeting The South Kinloss Women's Missionary. Society held their Christmas and Annual meeting at the church December 5. Love- ly desserts and decorations prepared by hostess, Shirley Colwell and directors, Rena Forster Roely deBoer and Doris MacKinnon greeted the members present. Pressding as president for her final meeting in term was Wilma Clarke, welcoming all: Christ and Christmas was the choice reading. Christmas hymns interspersed the evening, as well as a wonderful trio number by Ruth Bell, Rena Forster and Shirley Colwell. Mark on your calendar the Sunday School Christmas Concert held at 12:30 p.m. s • • „ber 17. The new railing was remarked upon favourably with many thanks to Barry Hackett. Mary Laois was presented with a bir- thday gift from the choir. Rollcall, a Christmas memory, was shared and many recollections were enjoyed. Roely .deBoer read inspiration from the Bible relating to the meditation theme taken up by Doris MacKinnon entitled, How to Keep Christmas. Rena Forster gave a reading entitled, Let Us Live Christmas Everyday. it ' concluded the study with prayer. The offering was collected and offertory prayer given by Vera Sclunidt. Mrs. Clarke presented interesting items from tHrl 'lad Tidings and the Recor-. Ems, a t:n ' i Rha i with the group the Malawi u .o ry b story as heard .;it, the Ifbitechnr eh service. annual meeting began with the 1988 minutes being read and approved. The yearend reports were handed in by all ofikers. Mrs. Clarke ended her chair manship with a speech welcoming incum- bent President Ruth Bell to the chair Olive Needham gave the nominating report and the officers were installed by Margaret Keith concluding with prayer. Mrs. Forster gave the courtesy remarks and Mrs. deBoer concluded the year-end meeting ° with prayer. The January meeting will be held at the Sepoy Apartments with Eva Burt as hostess. Make note of the time being 7:30. Our new Mission Study, the Tehama, will begin the New Year. MAN OF SENSE —May love with abandon, but not like a fool. —May fight recklessly, but he always counts the cost. —May take risks, but he does his thinking beforehand. —May laugh at difficulties, but he does not ignore them. —May seem conservative, but he does not close his mind. -May seem slow, but he seldom has to retrace his steps. —May seem cautious, but he has fewer mistakes to apologize for. THERE COMES A TIME —When our friendships are our greatest fortune. —When a good reputation is priceless. —When a clear conscience is like the en- dorsation of heaven. —When silence is cowardice. —When faith sees farther than logic. —When money is about the most helpless friend we have. --When prayer semis the most natural thing in the world. McEwan - Straatman Kenneth Arnold McEwan, of Stratford and Johanna Marian Straatman, of R. 7, Alvinston were united in marriage on June 10, 1989, in St. Philips Roman Catholic Church, Petrolia, by Father Rick Dales. Ken is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James McEwan of 319 Mechanics Avenue, Kincardine. Marian is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Straat- man of R. 7, Alvinstoi. Matron of honour eras Rhonda Jackson of Amherst, Nova Scotia. Shari McPhail of Inwood, Barbara Weed of London and Kim Watson of Windsor were ,bridesmaids. Ringbearer was Tyler Straatman of R. 7, Alv%wtoa. Assisting the groom °Isere" best xnan James Reeler of Fps groOMPlaea, John Heard of T ander Bay, Alexander McEwan of K aloes TowaShip ailid James McEwan of' Mississauga; ushers, Tony &Mtmin and Garry Straatman of R. 7, Alvinston. The reception was held at the Polish Hall in Sarnia. The couple honey- mooned in Europe and now reside in Stratford where Ken is employed by OMAF and Marian is a Public Health Nurse in Perth County.