HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-12-13, Page 11Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 13, 1969 P ge 9
—Never think any enemy insignificant.
—Never discount any hazard.
—Never look at any temptation with
—Never waste time boasting off their
—Never ask for favorable odds.
—Never overestimate their own strength.
—Never hesitate, no matter what the odds,
if their cause is just.
—No handicap that can keep a determined
man down.
—No misfortune too great for a great soul
to overcome.
—No illness that does not teach some
lesson. •
—No misfortune that cannot be made to
yield a dividend.
—No tragedy that does not have some
humorous aspect.
—No tears that do not hold some
U Chnrch Women hold annual meeting
The annual meeting of Lucknow United
Church 'Women meeting was held
December 5, in the fellowship room of
the church, with the executive in charge.
The evening began with dessert and
The Christmas worship, prepared by
Marion McFarlane, took the form of a
candle lighting service. The Christmas
story, from scripture, poems and
readings were given by Mary Boyle, Ber-
nadean Ritchie, Noma Campbell, Mary
Black, Margaret Finlay, Elaine Steer,
Kay Crawford, Jean Whitby, Jane
Treleaven, Laura Lee Cayley and Laura
Hare. Mrs. Boyle lit the candle of God's
gift; Mrs. Campbell, the candle off joy;
Mrs. Finlay, the candle of seeking; Mrs.
Crawford, the candle off faith; Mrs.
Treleaven, the candle of giving and shar-
ing; and Laura Hare, the candle of
Christmas Following the lighting of each
candle, an appropriate carol was sung,
with Mrs. McFarlane singing the solo,
"Calypso Carol" after the candle of seek-
ing was lit_Laura Hare gave the benedic-
tion. The worship service closed by sing-
ing "Silent Night."
The president, Mrs. Cayley chaired the
business portion of the meeting . and ex-
pressed her pleasure with the good, atten-
dance. The minutes were read and atten-
dance taken by units. Correspondence
was read followed by the treasurer's
report, which showed the yearly budget
being fulfilled leaving a good balance.
Board of Ed...
Recotmuendations from the finance com-
mittee were approved as follows. Our
Mission and Service commitment for 1990
is to be raised from ') l to $4100. A
$1000 donation to be given to M. and S.,
over the above our 1969 objective and
$1500 to the building fund of our church.
Unit and committee reports were given,
showing a very active and successful
year. The ladies were asked to save
Canadian Tire money to be us for
equipment at Silver Lake Camp. Camp-
bell soup labels, Knechtel and Zehr tapes
are to 'be saved also. We were reminded
to give groceries for Friendship House in
Regulation nursery furniture is needed,
for which the Young Women's group has
donated $50 toward the cost, with the
U.C.W. to pay the remainder. Donations
of safe toys and books are also needed
for the nursery.
Katrina Abbott very capably sang the
solos "A Letter to God" composed for the
Canadian Girls in Training 1969 Vesper
Service by Janes Whicher, March 1968.
The mission study for 1990 is "Multi
Culturalisrn and Racial Relations". A
general meeting will be held January 30,
at 2 p.ttn. and the spring thankoffering
April 22 when Betty Sergeant of Tillson-
burg will speak on "Sleeping Children
Around The World".
Mrs. Cayley thanked the ladies for
their participation in the meeting and
everyone for making the past year a suc-
cess. She dos by reading a portion of
a letter from our area co-ordinator, Wilda
Thompson, which was in the form of a
prayer for the new year.
• from page 7
new schools in both Huron Township and
Port Elgin by 1995."
The forecast adopted last Tuesday calls
for a four -room addition in Port. Elgin-
Saugeen in 1991 and a new "limited
school" with four classrooms and a
smaller -size gym in either Port Elgin or
Huron Township in 1995.
Inglis said the board will finance the
ambitious list with provincial grants and
a combination of debentures and mill
rate increases.
"I think that's the way to go," Inglis
said, noting that debentures help keep the
mill rate increase down and give the
board a stable idea of what its expenses
Estimates are if all the projects are
approved, the board will have to deben-
ture $6 million by 1995 in addition to the
$2.75 million debentured in October of
this year.
Don Stobo, Teeswater trustee, said he
fears the financial load of debenturing
means an uncertain future for the board.
"My concern is where the financial
future of our board is going," he said. "I
wonder whether we can afford where we
are going. Debenturing is an added cost
to the board."
Trustees were told the capital forecast
will mean an extra expense of $2 to $2.5
million a year for the board. Part of that
will be offset by increased grants from
enrolment growth. The board's 1989
budget was $53 million.
"It's a lot of money, but if we're going
to have the increased growth and some
of the programs that are being mandated
on us, I don't know what choice we
have," said Alvin Thompson, outgoing
chairman. He noted all projects depend
on provincial grants.
"If the money isn't available maybe
some of the things will have to be pared
down," Thompson said.
The forecast calls for additions at
Wiarton Public, Amabel Hepworth and
Arran Tara schools, along with a new
"limited school" to serve Sauble Beach in
the 'next, two years.
Other projections are for a six -room
addition at Kincardine District in 1992; a
<four -roots addition at Walkerton Public in
1993; a .four -roam addition :at Lucknow
Central, and six rooms at ;Kincardine
'Township -Tiverton Public in 1994; four
rooms ,at 'Northport in Port 'Elgin, four
MOMS at Saugeen District and a "limited
school" for Port Elgin or Huron
'Township in 1995.
Martindale emphasized that the
forecast, especially in the third to fifth
year :phases,'doesn't mean that the board
will get ;the funds ,for the :projects. It on-
ly indicates to the Ministry of Education
that the .board is ,expecting continued
tgrawth and -seeds to replace portables.
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