The Signal, 1936-3-19, Page 7F y THE SIGNAL GODERICH) ONT. Tbrraday. March 19th, 1936- -mss arrival of a Dalry boy last Saturday. Flesherton, were weak -mud visitors CREWE, March 18. -Mina Grace with Mr• end - _� -- -- -- - ""Yf: "i"ne *�+trJrmea-Wwetdw e>` e 1 County and Djstrict (I �r MacGregor of KIntall is visiting with her friend, Miss Ruby Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson of Bel - grave spent a few days last week Mrs. H. Richards. Golden Wedding Cilebratiaor•A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Mary MacAuley when about thirty-six guests assembled to A. L. poailff►%ipal of the Wing- He attacked the ailmal and pulled with their daughter, Mrs. John Kllpat- do boar to Ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nam public acIloOl, is off duty for a It down before the hired man, who was rick. George Swan, on their gold,•n weddlug few weeks on account of Mimes. working near by, could Intervene. The Colin Oroaler of Lucknow High apnlverary lest Wednesday. March J. T. McKnight has taken the poet- doe was lean from poor feeding in School, who recently suffered an at- 11th. The color scheme ul table uud Mon of local manager fur the Jobn B. thewhiter andf 1 G measles, spent the carried out In gold 6 tablebeing centred by Mustard Goal Company at Clinton. The death of W. James K. Fergu- son, a former resident of Goderich tppwnsklp occurred on March 9th et. (ninton, where he had lived since he retired from farming a couple of years ago. Deceased was in his fifty-eighth became the ,Bride of James Clayton year. He was a native of Hallett Morton, run of Mrs. Horton and the }torus, of unborn, at News of Gram Notes and Comments on Agricultural Topics small woodlot will be destroyed anter Farm Horan Good horses of a weight and type suitable for farm work or for work on city streets are In good demand and h .St...11•4+» e1 - pensive to establish another woodlot by planting. If the farmer decides that a farm is better with a wo•xtiot he should manage the woodlot with the object of malutatning It la productive woodland in perpetultf'. An important phase in the manage- ment of the woodlot is the provision of small trees to take the place of the trees• that are cut, and die. The Constable Moore who tacit o the Gemini dining -room was young growth may be secured by week -cud at hie home ere, and white, the cru re planting or from natural reproduction, war tailed, disposed of Uu• Uody lu. bringing Roust prices the pre=set that is, started fn,m1 seed of trees stead of cutting it up for food as is Mr. John Kilpatrick, who has as a three-story wedding coke. After time. Many of the horses being of- growing to the wtlodlot or sprout usual. cepted a potation In Lucknow with the all had done ample justice to the wed- tend lack star refill development, which Planting is Marvel $a[[ta lompany, Behan work Blau-ddsaee neatest by s=r Say+d would aegis In macer :Mfr tv be ripe} ~ front 4'tw will likely & last week-: -Airs. Klllwtrick, Keith daughters, the family of lour snail as reqtve and wilt not be dune, �liargant Edna, daughter of Mr. and to Lack of proper development safest' as it requln+, labor nota tele• pleated Mn. Jas. A. Hay, of Tucker/smith, and Noreen will move to Lucknow and one daughter presented) their Anyone sling young bor=er at the land will not give returns for twenty In • few weeks. mother with a gold brooch and their resent time would be well advised to The March meeting of the Crewe father with a gold chain and locket. Vyears or more. • Natural reproduction grow them out well if they desire to may be seared very cheaply. The W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. The address was read by Mary (Mae. a most out of them at sale time. and the loss of township son of the tete Mr. see Mee into David Ferguson. Ile is survived by a nil d nurani( ceremony held at the his wife, one daughter. Mrs. Alvin bride'�tjj home en Saturday, March ltd Middleton of Lucan, and two Was. The ceremony was performed by U7,. Glen J. of the teaching staff of Whit- C. A. Malcolm, of Fguwndvllle. After by Collegiate Institute, and Oliver, of the ceremony, the young couple left Toronto. !for a week's honeymoon 1n Toronto Golden Wedding I and , `Niagara Falb. They will re - Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock, of odsr Thorne. Ustiorne, celebrated their golden wed- I A Half4at Baty ding anniversary at their home on i Teeswater d4,erit•t is boasting of a Monday of last week. About sixty twelve -mouths -old baby which weighs friends and relatives called and show- j just halt a ton. It Is explained that ered them with many mementoes of this prudiglour youngster la a colt, the occasion. The happy couple were owned by Andrew Detsler. The ques- married on March 8th, hoe6, at Mit- i thin appears to be, just bow big will then. Three daughters and one son. It be to another two years? Appar- Olive Andersen. of Ashfield, were all living, Messed the union. ently Its pituitary or adrenal or some guests with Mr. and Mn. Lorne Woods -- -- A Nasagenarlea other glands have received a "shot of and Mr. aid,Mts. Harvey Webb on Edward Campbell, ninety -three-year- hop" or by some other means have (;aturday. old rtslelbat of Ftudwlch, tiled at hla been made to function uncommonly The Harris Mission Band will meet home there on Wednesday of last week, well; at least, this Is the explanation on Saturday afternoon •t the home Mr. Campbell underwent an operation given when humans attain growth be- of Mrs. Lorne Woods. early in the winter and had been un- yond the average. At the Y.P.U. meeting on Sunday der the care of a nurse almost ever i lar Strikes Cutter evening the president, Stanley Todd, since. He was a pioneer of the die- I Mr. and Mrs. Archie Morgan, of Car. presided. The opening prayer was WK and helped to open It up many I borne, driving into Exeter In their given by Mrs. Gordon and, the Scrip- t re lesson was reed 'by Iona Swan. john Rivett oil Thursday, M•pab 3 2tacAnley i and ibe tylanoy agg gTee-h situation -'in- Losses. la eneh that O°� l expense is a fence with a good attendance. The press- made by George, the eldest son, andie the vsooaLut The farmers would be well advised to breed I pasture Is usually not very valuable. -ttonal exercises, after -whish Mrs. they were presented with Rowers by _1i t -6e tiDrennan took e,* br barge of the meeting. the three youngest grandchildren, Earlthey have to he[vjdsite Dorothy and Reta Swan. The re-, lions that are available during the n -deet, mew McWhlnaey.-.Jed. the devo- en behalf of twit sixteen grandchildren was ST. HELENS malnder of the evening spent with coming seaso. • • • music, cards and dancing. Guests Ontario Hog MuitetLKs KT. HELENS, March id. -Mr. and from a distance were Mr. Swan's eld- Mrs. John Swan and family attended I test sister, Mrs• Geo. Etherineton, and the golden wedding of Mr. Swan's I her husband, from Exeter, besides a father and mother, which was cele- few close friends and neighbors of the brated at the home of Mrr. MacAuley bride and groom. The family were on Wednesday last• all present for the occasion. Mr,r and Miss Olive Kilpatrick and Miss Mrs. Swan were the recipients of many presents and cards of congratulations. also of flowers, showing the high es- teem in which they are held. We all join in wishing them both many more years of married life and hope they all conditions surrounding production may be spa%d-to celebrate their din- and marketing have been highly mond wedding. stimulating. I'ndonbte-de Cy', however. • • • there should develop a substantial pick-up, and the survey Is useful in (Intended for last week) that it very definitely indicates pro - PARAMOUNT, March 10 -Wedding grewive upturn to production in every bells are ringing. county of the Province. Mr and Mrs. Dick Richards at. "Mortality, with few exceptions, -`=rate in the shade of trees is sparse, and not as nutritious as grass grown in sunlight. Weeds are often very plentiful in the open pastured wood lot. Tree seeds from last season were Based on the recent Ontario Pig scattered in the woodcut last fall, and Survey, estimator of marketing for the other species will have seed ripening period from January 1 to September in early spring. Many of these will 30, 1936, call for an Increase of from germinate and would grow into valu- twenty-four per cent. to thirty-two per able trees if the stock are kept out. tent, in •the output of hogs from that Stock browse the seedlings each year Hover those months Er- soon after they germinate. There is tracts Prence from the report go on to say : usually sufficient reproduction in a "This estimate appears to be over- woodlot that Is In with a cultivated high, even allowing for the fact that It u dew, one son and a daughter. I and tweet by the motor car driven by The Bil.lge character, Priscilla; was tended the funeral of Mrs Richards' baa apparently been remarkably fa( Death of Alex- Mime vett by Vera Taylor. and the to lc, Harold Broderick. Mrs. Morgan war given nephew, Mr. Cecil Patterson, at Rile prattle to a high percentage farrow- ing: the proses iotas teed situation was. of the county, died In Scott Memorial uucuuee-iuus, the horse. ran away and Todd. Rev. ,11• li: Wright ked the dis- Many from here attardcd the fun- and the actual feed situation now is lhonon Main cesufon and eloscd the meeting with eral of 'Mrs. Clarkson, from Wind- the test in some }cars; the price of hospital, ttaafurtb, on ',rutty, Mxrch rmastted into a teepe poleteh - �hsejd � t4aw• tbt - —13th. - _Rh. ` - Bbrn "tn' "Self fIlt it ••te iter site lived briely in West Wawanode. i• the village of Blyth. only to ret•ra to McEllbp where he lived on the years ago. He is survived by his el- cutter a few days ago, were run n o •t6GAlsieed-vilmesseasstiert.,_.__s aucir..for's'w" erhowdladlso0Prarrr, . _-, _ ,u►rrrtkh teas Mede Parllamesd.-An IcMjoyslde chur%ch, Luckliow. fist S•Turdsiy,: TTie prod. -were in moist areas_.3n the Pro- - :,Mat,_ Muria*,JefeLyi e recovered; Dr_ .Luc,,,�,�u� "Ng =.alike. where she retw•vered ME." _'� �pawepetntrat the /?nmtewtsWy halt Ciarkson famiir'lt sae -theft Rs'a't'e"'welt tfS11irI with their re• is now doing well. Mr. Morgan ' a•a5Tdn Priddy prentag, when the 1iareh in this community.f5a and ale butitah kr respect to peas=- said 'r.+ bnme" of the Women'■ Institute Another recent death of a former I duction, and have had amble uplstr- i 12th enncteaslon for forty years, ■t one I not Injured. The was hell. The program bad been Paramount resident occurred in 'Dr f, tundty to increase their otos • hold nKs• field. -as the stock are only in the woods for-chert-•;eried. Eight to,ten acres of woodland on a r00-RTe tats Is 'liSulrtly suet to supply the ordinary farm house' with fuel, but two or three acres are Metter than nothing. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL COLBORNE TOWNSHIP Thee township council met )n the hall ore March 10th, with all the meshes present. _mieweatexn Ontario, and fruit growers In �. ir_11W j - Heli' Mafia ahoald be- interested in hlw-addvesw. Hes-rsuniect be -"4leme Commentson the 1930 Spray Calen- der:"-shat.ltiutt;towers. and other interested yeteohsiscordially invited to ' be In attendanee at this meeting. REPAIRI 4 Before Prices R se NOW to the time to rent your i...::: uta: have �cr avoidably neatened during trying d•prwdon UIDK Order your mai lag before advances in the prise of steel push up the pricy of roofing. Eastern Steel Pr oilers two wait velum in MetalRoofing I Ron and Tim -lap! Bath has either We features guaranteeing weather- �tn.r and may &wile= Tiny do not warp eler, , r1, or bulge Ask alae about RBJP. • m• the foremost gsny-BuiBarnmanufacturer In Caned.. Sete Casae. -_-'s=inew and Moab beim et lemeseev yelp eedsment Cadre lest hats•. On. Factories also et Toronto and Montreal FRUIT GROWERS TO 1�ET AT CLINTON Armee l-Datbeeing to Be Held on Sat- urday in Agricultural Ore The annual meeting of the Huron County' Pratt Growers' Association is being held In the board room of the Agricultural onee, Clinton, on the afternoon of March 21st, at 2 p.m. The speaker in attendance at this meeting will be W. A. Roast, entomo- logist in charge of the entomological laboratory at the Dominion Experi- mental Station, Vineland. Mr. Ross-,,., is well and favorably known in South - re read and approved. " d" P ter from the itetlartment Of Ifighwaya: with' T4eard to the'-super- intenitentha eonvebtion tot this district. to be held lh Londoa•'March 24th' and 'ti h war read.' time carrying on the business of a have been caneedby the slippery-roads. chopping mill. Ills widow, one oda The tame Ek !L maeDam is -- __-- arranged bythe men, who put.on a Gotta Short time ago, in the person I **Summarizing the situation, we find Xing. • Itor■e to his last resting place b7 mock parliament, which- proved. inter- of Mr, Edmund Richards, r'ho used to I ample evidence from which to expect A cheque of $2 were received from ■ad one daughter survive. e„tlnR aw well as instructive. Rev vee oP ti!“, live on the farm just across from r very substantial erroRres*he Increase R. Macre, sern•tar}- treasurer of the .,�-�� of Mrs. Jobs Webster - 1 '11 r•. x !3d nig -netVAt • r• Wei •-Nunlrltrl ithiphoto. frui=t of_ room his six song. Donald S. MacDonald, , wIlt��fL,�,��._.-etrthetownstttp hall for 1935. Bon In Ireland but for many years Howse. A bill providing for the eAtrh ss Mary Cook returned home on `' t Seaforth, Mre. John daughter at Thornlwry on March 4th, : Ilahtnent -Or consolidated schools was Sunday atter • enrols' Mrs. Robt. I Farm Tests with Soybeans • Motions: That the Canadian Pact - to tanto a resided o was buried In South Kfhlors cemetery • ; Webster died at her home on Monday Introduced by Premier Harold Gantt.�iLdM at AmbYrls7 ilea for past two of last week Deceased was formerly on the following Friday. Deceased king fo tlfb Mit were the ` DLlmld I h and had I Those spec taoatM.• In each of the past seven years, the till-0O3riven perm p remove IO.A.C. has co-operated with farmeri-uards from railway crwal°gs in all parts of the Province In conduct - I the township of Colborne. tag omen us with soybeans, to That the township pay alt their own determine the viTae of this crop for reliefr-+efUMlg any aid from the•Pro- y and seed production in the differ= ries hal Government. ail -localities. Three hundred and That all relief be discontinued after j.slxtfiaeven farmers have assisted with March 14th. i the work and their reports for the 'That the anditors lie -given a boons E+whole period show the average 'yield of $4 each. _ _ of soybean seed to be more than twen- I That a cash isook be secured for Wm. Watson collector. married to John ('ole and lived In was in his sevesty-net year a member. of his teabieet. Lorne Woods, I it 'sad Mrs. Gnat the Beate of illlnols Atter her mar: been • highly esteemed resident of the I Gordon McPherson. in4_Poojlu were accent =lei KI less dlstrlct all his lite lie mar Webb aid 1Nfi Weathetl $1 Fred McQnlllln, ton with ( d antic - rlaRe to Mr. Webster she came with nMt'Kesale a Mr. and•Mrs James Blue at Ammer him to Canada and settled on a farm rind Mary Jane Mclv,rr of Huron had. Derain Phillips was the township in then and six sons and doer,ley. {a McKillop, remaining there until Ie•der of the Opposition and he was ( Congratulatiol�e are !2flh16ed to Yr daughters blessed the union. Oa! Ronald Henderson. oar lad salesman their removal to Seeforth some yearsted by. W. A. Humphre�WaB-- ago. Besides her husband, she leaves daughter, Keoalda, died in 19t8. t- lace Miller. Peter Watson, Ewart Me -!for the Wearever Aluminum, who won two da•getere a son and a stepson. 1•g the asst break la the family. alert Pherso•, Earl Darnl•, Ted Rice and I the Company's prise for having t! MacDonald died In 19.T2. Four of the 1 most demonstrations elect New Year's. Deg Bills DesFreak G. Todd. When the vote of fogs seem to feel themselves the sone served over Fived h - Crump ea n sick Heed Statutes. dared into the farm ear weeks That at erigg the Craig A esti Mese Anne tb yield of I week end the tawny dog sighted it red J D I mission to rent t average a Music for theI •k foraa ft ew r. Heid of ha ver 't obutheis per acre rtonsd elitR ar e. i ' That the clerk procure the 1935 Re- d h bee d of Archie dance 'y with a severe cold. sport* from twenty) demonstrations 1 seas, aug the House was taken the bill carried 11 reside in Ontario. Re ere sump to report th natural enemies of deer- A dee waa- freta sad alit fens McIntyre's farm near Lockney last that followed was au orchestra of St.Augustine and by Messrs. John Miller a D. Anderson. ,.a b • Brophey Bross QLAMING LD AND 11:11118ALIMINSI Ambulance service •t all hours, day or night TRONEB: Store LW Res. 117 GODERIOH ILL -Wheeler Tammi1 Director and Egabalmer All cells promptly attended to day or night --AMBULANCE SERVICE - PHONES Store 335 Residence 355w Hamilton Street, Goderich Walter Dalton Moron Old Boy. Graduate Goderich Collegiate institute 13510 West Warren Ave . DETROIT, MICH. Telephone Oregon 8568 ca SCHOOL REPORT HOLMESVIi.LE he fbtlowing Is the reperW winter term examinations in the lfoImesvIlle school. Asterisks after • name indicate number of tests for which the pupil was absent: Sr.-'tY'-Dourine Finlay 66.9, lest Jervis 56.8. . Jr. IF -Donald McCool 37•. a. - Sr. 111 -Donna Mudie 72•, .Melo Hanle 64.6, Maude MacMath 82•• Iva McCool 54.8. Lewis Dempsey 54.11. Jr. III -Betty Stock 70.6, Mary Jer- vis 68, Elva Pickard 47•. II -Donald Palmer' 77.7, Cleta Pot- ter 68, Delmer Potter S9. i -Jack, Utile. Nelda Pocock, Hitt Pickard, Walter Jervis, Eldon Glld- doa, Mitten Marool. Primer -Ford Little. Marie Gliddon, Billie Joe Palmer, Eileen Oliddon, Herbert Pocock. Edith Pickard. Perfect attendance in 1936 to date: Deaglas Finlay, Betty Stock, Marie and Eileen Gliddon. JEAN WEBSTER, Teacher. HOLMESVILLE HOLMESYiLLE, March 17. -We are sorry to hear that Mr. Edgar Treewurttw is laid up with lumbago at the present time. Mrs. Leslie Jervis, who hag been ill with an Wick of influence, Is recover - Ing again. MIs Jean Webster spent the week• end at her home near Seeforth. The young people are very busy pre- paring for their big March concert and tea. Owing to the road conditions, only a small eougreg*tion assembled to en- joy the tine sermon preached by Rev. J. %V. Herbert on Sunday. During the .ervie a pleasing duet was sung by Mrs Fred Potter and Mise Ruth Pot- ter. the accompanist being Miss Ada Finlay Two little girls of Mrs. Barry Walter's class presented an enjoyable program daring the Subdu=e school se+ Atm. Miss Clete Potter gave a re citation. Mlle Mary Jervis told a +tory. and together they rendered (Me of the (children's hymns. There was no V.P.C. meeting on I Friday on so -mint of the inclement weather. The citizenship convener. Miss Esther MacMath. io preparing thi• week's program. "So Ranting house in the world can thatch it scientific laboratory in the fe e•htatil,n of its gambling." -Harry i lemerwm Fosilck. PARAMOUNT PARAMOI'NT, March 17. -Miss MacNay, of Seatorth, Is a visitor this week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Peter MacNay. .-,Congratulatloms are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver MacCharles on the MacDonald spent a to 19:15 show an average ?seed be. scales at MeGaw week -end with friends in Toronto. 22.2 bushels per acre;,and reports from for the remainder of the year for $12. The Paramount people M fourteen. where ' "People must be tatyght to think hatred at _least ate, disc•rtrtitable as lftey 11 -�K 11Rt7--MAitns-iter=- Iry. "The tundameetal cense _of the trouble In the modern world today ie that the stupid are so cockapre, while the intelligent are full of doubt." --e Bertrand Russell. I held a ear- other prise party at the rest of Mr. ands the crop waa telt green for hay, give Mrs. Wm. MacGlll last'Thursday even- an aversle hay tietd of 2,T1 toes Ing An enjoyable evening was spent �sere. with cards and dancing. hunch was served by the hostess, assisted by friends... - - Mrs. Isaac Ensign was a visitor last week with her parents, Mr. and Xre. Dymer, in Kincardine. - 11 ar • e -Gordon Lindsay Smith" One of the first lobe for any regu- lar' Canadian gardener will be the or- dering and initial care of nursery stock. TMs Ia a distinctly early spring job. Most of the material. which includes perennial plants. rose bushes, shrubbery, vines and fruit and started_ With flowers, petunias, as- ters, .issue, marigolds are similarly treated. This early start (seed is planted In March) assures flowers or veeetablee weeks ahead of those plants whtcb_kfllTOwa in the ordinary way from seed outside. TM Method soybeans are now being grown on many Ontario farms. Some farmers use them as an annual hay crop, while others grow them to maturity and harvest the ripe seed to mix with oats and barley for stock feed. They are 'also grown as a cash crop. Many farmers use from fifteen per cent. to twenty per cent. soybeans ground with other grain in the ration for live stock. Soybean meal, where available, Is also being used. Soybeans are not d eUitto grow. They do`wellen land that will produce a good crop of corn. It le unwise to attempt to grow them es lied badly tuft -Wed with weeds. The seed should be sown about the middle of May in rows about twenty-eight inches apart (every fourth spout of ?he grain drill) using forty-five pounds of seed per acre. In order to keep weeds to check. the crop should be harrowed once or twice after the plants are nicely up. Subsequent cultivation should be about That this council authorise Wm. tune...., t., bare all 1935 uncollected - taxes in by October 1st, 1938, and that be be given 2%per cent. on all un- collected taxes of 1935. I That Mr. A. Somersall.be appointed bailiff. That the road superintendent's vouchers and other accounts be or- dered paid: Road superintendent's vouchers, 1P42.11; ('has. Asquith, Au. burn, street lights, Colborne's phare, $3: Goderich Star, account. $12; God- erich Signal, account, $15.13; Muni- cipal World. account, $2.41 ; Gordon Smith, relief account, $20.014: Frank Mctlwain, relief account, $5.77; Frank Mcliwain, supplies for township hall, $2.09; Jas. McIntyre, sheep killed. $9: Thos. Wilson. bonus for auditing. $4; Wm. Clark. bonus for auditing, $4. The council adjourned to meet April 14th, at 2 p.m. WM. SALLOWS. Clerk. the same as for corn. • • • BACKACII neater chenle.ilwars M Liver and Kidneys en ennui by DrtCNASE'S --lea's Clothes FOR WINTER Come in and look over our Winter Samples They are the very beat Everything that.'s new in Men's Wearat this time of the year. Chas. Black East Strad and Square GODERIOH Crop Survey Issuedornamental trees, should be planted The hotbed is n=eaps Mime7C weather conditions during win - just aft soon as the soil I fit to work. It consist* of • bed of fresh horse ter mod early spring remain normal, in order to avoid disappointment in manure, which supplies the heat, the Ontario farmer securing special varieties, orders about eighteen inches deep. On this no generalOntarfeast sten shouldP in experience With two or three inches of fine soil is placed the intention of Riving farmers assts and after the bed has bested up and tante in planning their program this then cooled, down again (a matter of I year. the Department has issued an three or four days) the seed b sownReport on Agriculture: I In rows a few Inches- apart, The bed-44444"makesno 'specific recommemdatio Is protected by rough boarding along easy arises last year's crops the side or heaped up earth and on The generally favorable growing top about ten to eighteen inches above season in 1935 did much to correct should be placed early. On receipt, it It is impossible to plant, the stock should be covered with damp earth or placed in some cool moist_gleesuntil moved to permanent quarters oat fee. In purchasing such material, authori- ties. emphasise the importance of ob- talning fresh atm* and from a reliable Canadian source. Roots and stems the bed le plod a window sash well the feed shortage whish existed in on good nursery etak ate mots[ and glamteot, and Moping towards the south. iine and 19.35. Timothy, elfulfa and pliable and in the case of shrubs and When the plants base developed their red clover produced excellent crops, vines the upper, growth will show eel• second wet of l.'ao" they are thinned while the proroducn of gr=in corn was denar of plenty of green lire buds, out and before being transplant, d out. Almost r►,/IIRI ion of s giertter thin iIte mu w'r growth off iIs well to trim Mak side they are harlcnwl fn a ,sold frame, in 19:t4, 1'rtd04.bntlon ret reate corn the upper fffsomewhat s offset whteh IA simply a h bed althout any last year was 44.000 tons ='renter than any sidle tog off of roots and it 1* not heating material c. ecernmeut halls lug cit le allow too much bloom- 1934 with quality above this' avenge' flus able revery- sf incetru The are More than thirty-nine per eerie f UIR of the plants the first year. mailable In every powtnce. The win- the population of the Province live Flowers tor Cutting dot' hotbed Is simply a shallo=w her the 1ont farms, a'r, Inst }live When an abundance of bouquets is two or three In>•'Iw' deep filled with. on ir agricultural000arsedproMe were . wanted experienced gardener. ad- I tine soil, kept well moistened. Vert Optarl at more than$3trl,ductr)fl. vise growing a portion of suitable an- 'early rxeiish anti -Tent lettuce may he lued a•rs seeded xlanrt third per email flowers in straight rows among planted In the hutbe,t and used direct - 1 from that. it 'regal, less fall wheat last autumn than the en Sow or inta specialignedcutting beds I y Where thea r eh.trietty is available I in 1934. but the crop entered the win- KArfed nnls well ile too of I t ter In better c•cendltion than for eel, � mixed nnnoala are spoiled if many special heating tetras are used in the � trAl years. Last summer's dry we*th• flowers are picked And then again ViAL! of manure l`er and the pressure of work in bar. there are certlin things, like sweet I 1'nmiwg Il.. 1.vestind spring essln mused the ruddier pen* for instance, that have little at• From March C�al! Coal! Coal! When buying Coal you naturally want the beat• What you want is ('mel free from slate and Coat that will stand a great beet without fusing (fusing mesas melting and forming clinked). We have this. __ Our Anthracite Coal b the D. R IL, Cone -cleaned, and is of square !recture. By square fracture we mean that there are no flat pieces that lie clearly topethe# aid stop the draft. Without draft there is no combustion and Without combustion you waste heat traits and us but _teal. Give us a trial order and prove what we say to hi' correct. DiSCO has proven very' popular. 'It is not like ether rote. the gases are left in It. ' _� prernrpt attentis* given- to all' Coal order*._ - CHAlS• C. LEE -COAL YARD AND OFFICE AT THE HARBOR - Phones -Office 22. House 112 Goderich uidil June Is It''' I acreage. season for prim- The oaf amp oven le. n larger area tractive foliage lint beautiful blooms. considereel the • - These might ac wall be grown behind line, but there arc a few specific ex- ' than any other cereal rind rhe 1038 the regular beds. Choice will largely Iceptlon*. Most of these are the early acreage should mime this le, e 1 t° depend upon Individual preference, hat blooming shrub.. such a+ the for. sump ..cellon* it aye+ not up to the nor - for those nnfemllitr with the subject syttlia. These •hculd be left until after mel •fe■dArd. the following may he used as a guide: I blooming. Grape must he pruned I inlet year's barley crop of 18,841 000 ionic-sMPmme#---Oladiolne, larkspur, early In March to avoid excessive hit het• was the largest gime 1930. snapdragon, dahlias. salpiglossis. I bleeding. Ba.lvherriea are pruned Th dry bean acreage Probably will Medinta-l'ermos. zinnia, poppies.' after the crop hue heen produced and til, greater than last year, het the tem scahlosa, sweet pea. e I then ell the yesrokl canes should port warned agaIn+f hbcreaMnR the 1)wtcalendula,e!, calliope's. mart• to n•nx,rerl, lenelnR only the new acreage of field peas beeanse the yield gold•, calendula, callMpda. •Iu,nls, fluctuated,from year to year. Where A 1mrRP number of PArly- � The main objet of pruning, .wheth• I • + • • HOW TO "KEEP EDUCATED" Read Deily the Weeid-Wide Cortrwetivs flew, in Ti 1 C'tmIATIAN S CBNcB NwNrTmt As IstseaaNatwl Dolly e, emsassaeev N atm A t . .m lammed•a e•r.M ao. bet Ism asa ,obit ..tat t 4 wil=d- ram PS W ..tem.. •err World'. sar'�ee• .t • W bow .•sr,. w W tsMresta.s noon•• mew bo on .tier• m wa Woad, taav,+ee ensile, ..item M tbart•eef•I .Mf. J a..,M. = sae smaSl �r'� MOM .a MEM tit_ wend a The Christian 'beNAe• Fh r. M uirt4 Ont• Mornay Street Y Maas Onto, til, sa .nslw is 'rca Ohrl.at.a aria*.. Mantes, tar - �•r�«��M I taenate an 1 month tIr �— MsRnO: I rest a.M. s Ssss s4 late,..• MN.... annoy, , •,.•,•e.. • 'agree Cee... &wow er It lie rose mem**, frnit trees or flowering shrubs. Is to open np the I I entre of the growth so that sun"hine and air may pet trate freely and *fstil 5f Mello, to predigtweittical -1 _ past. NetuSslip Mr dead or week an th "MA1Mk' busgd Sod alae rot rah last, each other w 'farted plants either of flowers or vegetables ate wanted. a hotleci 1e ad- vised. Smaller numbcre may get the epee early sort ley being 'frown In shallow hoaealn a ninny wTnd6WW. Nor'fnally. -in moat parts of Canada such `hi as tomstcee'elt leases, eanliflowt•rs, Mc, are so A Plan for tilt Wadi..(('ontinued ) (By J. C. Merritt h It takes wetly year'.tegranv a.ttea- d on this account lsrmerr a otild aider carefully the value of the aodlot, a• hI•tory shoe• that the branches that r ea McKinley's CHICKS (Stir llateher'y program Include.,(loveremeet . appjoved sixth ysmr bhs.l-testing for ffre years anti special feeding of Breeding Stock for vitality In the Chlcka.' i • It inelndl•ha• es the settlnt of dce•erga ea reftillyelbeeliatc,l anti hatched 4e preserve (heir vitality, it Alms includes a pnMlcal sanitation Urogram to protect their tplu th. THAT'S Will' 'tHE% 1.11 Y BF:TTRR. TH.1111. WHY THEY (:ROW BETTER. TH.1TK Win THEY BTE ETR. For further Information. call. 'phone or write. a The st iter)' le Is bated on the Goshen tier, Stanl{•y The 'phone number Is e7r1I, Hensull. The address is Zurich, Ont. 1Ye npprw late• ),•n' 4.11,111110.414.11,111110.41L and hu+trues- J. E. McKINEY. AO