HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-12-06, Page 4• 117i - :Fr110 asik 0 6' • zPOBox4OOJ-Lucknow mark) IMIHO .Establis bed 1873 f.-528482;'Pax1519)52841329 'Thornas-Thompson,Advettising -Manager Subscription 'Tates:advance: Ptiivingston— Beneral litanager 17I10 Dutsice:Conaris46000 —.Editor --$I4411 outsioeconaoglUlmorziozen 'evandlass-mailing Irqg -no . '0847 -Adverbsingisaceeptectonlhacondibmtbat in lbevvent otalypographicalfertor;the-por- bon of ihezdverbsing space foocupiedlbyibe-erroneous iterilogaiherwith:a -.reasonable beidatailowancelonsignatnre00111-notbaohargedlor, burthelpalanceoftheadverbsernentwill Ihwapplicatde Tates. Editors note: for Themext three issues 2of The Siontincio auberdsiskons by area students - stories or -poems - !occupy this liditotiotapors. May, Ate go allot rilor assuay, 7/o.6crliffIe.jiturtit. ',AbOdict�fphoApr Aka& Ipo tto,-TiOnd Atha 7,-Intporloot Ablaut Abe way t-tinit !Jesus stook, :71novi is the ground 4bot fikod Aaiun cuss risorn Flat ..rafiff..3-acrrittity .124y. Barn inu baft rAfidlere we*, 311111.1':.ttimitis fU1Icliitilhidr.MForassid Arno. AissvAiliammenfilatosAscrsdE- - To jihre ,Adlotimer cAlary a hlpinjj'7411Thi• Emu, 41=40 'f,strous rao 3studi flung• to 'nm. We moot r.mffik.r<.!lthat Mitirtitt Ash:be:30m Who oststruid z&1410s,lor 'iTsoAltgat we coon Ague 7freddoso. • ?Tobrinii ApitiCitylasitkingdont. 'Thot!sraidtot AiludiiEforAnc. ,Viciaffivearattay Asith An Anew tiaras rand tirdtts, &141t ,altbuitdure awe 'Fiiroutondutin %hit 41ms' tbitth Itoodial The-iitnisensuctirtiroji dStatiiiistnons. 'AsliketlithIth ,f.T.Of Aeons tVbilltil ickvoEhini a t: 11c16411,::not -.39fith cpart. itatboto .ta11.4wr;prilisants. ,:aimidilteastlilfacrionertftif Do,;.....yoau tikclo;surost tboi9h J Aaron LObborsa Toroidal "211. Jourkitow itiStrist dcoad Tabristico ,Spithoolo sIO-Yeitublig0 -Earollitat Xirrrice - Aliso h.piece lean vroPertY -,lohenged lands over iloWirorts:Toniotdri -.1044itek-ir -Price 'As 4400d:Qbemg rtinin- -ty. e COf ennhMoEibe 444-vut -.Mar Turgill. abIy Oavre.ann:in Bu MCI .ab teten. e is a:sx e- VALIttitt: cmlLer 111&116tv :111-ertifatiV3 *UMW AV :area Arra trAdy-iMpriiiibed.brautb Pelts,ex- •4filriah1y Army -4164gus .on 111n the Anuidep'lbUslinakhlg secretary ,to atstuilly In voyage. Iliesivonderftd.z_scenes'reirifortelorme justAwssidlylititkineLanin110,54irai. bo,ytscretnieniber-lirt3peririd in riblic sChool?1 .4o! a .rinavividJy7me• prositing 4lvt With 'trepidation. ',It seemed'..1:Wits Abe4)nlyImo Who „IaCked inutgiruitionitridlite.iibdity:to-put:aven- rtn i-Ar-pocr :and TrMe Alp mith,lustie mark bfAritijy-'1aVoorltelitaltbY was a :house, ccoltitgete W.ftt windows, -door, chimney, ftrying -sidewift.add :the little-. ylhat -wasaupposedlo.repre- sent-a r_ • 1. Iwam.eveia.gootinougI`to traw in thebricks or. the !house .an. make 'the . appear as if it was made T -of 'round 'flat rocks. Thank ;goodness we alidn't 'have art time :too limn. I mean how many limes can Fun :pass .the same type of picture off to • teacher. At Thristmastime.1 really let my im- aginatiorcrun mild and .my :pencil would fly across Ahevaperldrawinl a.inas tree. 1 .never did master middaz ,each aide Of=itheltreelook,theaarne.lanellide -was .alwayslitiger,ArgaLlopsided,Ol- fect.Timoilldversevereanitaketeh.inthe ornaments amtthen diithiilly odour it. mas,!good roblourirg ! Adways islayed inside :the lines. Wow, -what ai ac- :comlilisinnent .for a Add *those chow voiducedmotirs afoot Iretniffe- eZantalllauslomeindeers.a ;was over- joyed wiien:I :walked it was not :man- tatorylormel,Olake,artlalligharboOl. ' Those ,wears of drawing louses and lusiblicachoolmere art" Tealtyouarlistsoutlherelveilly, 14 ; 1N :- I4attiVitOsitin witty yOtVy6tir '481eitts. lit 'haft ,-off 41) you! Itio*etticelt lot* tabled a AvonderfuLlittle:pott,eartillutt I Itniteluid Asp 'AWE* It mivos frau Immo tutibgrtitierApsdkagAltoichitcrmoiths iti wtutrierAiinites. My. ilistippointinstit was aidelitlollelloWYSS as alre4106 It was4cilly It** ittail *am 41 4tittait nuiluzine-s legatitnetft. NIA& tit is sa Arorid.vublicatiou, we lave zot ailbscribeid to it lot Aft leyrs, but ludityats ve,areAill lonrilrmading list. ilovrinsury/if ,youlaereadvisettlitscwok that yoi were 4eieeted to Atceived Specia1lionus and to *show fhtir .cpreciation .yon would 'be receiving a °special ,gift rertificatel I await with an- ticipation to see what our 'Ire gift" will le. Maybe theyll zend us a fur coat we ran all take toms wearing! This little lid bit is for all 'tractor trailer truckers and haulers of trailers. The .Ontario Ministry of •Tranwortation :has :advised that it TM endorse new truck length standards Of 25 moans for tractor trailers and 53 feet tor trailers. am mot sure if the ,goverrunent is attemp- tng 'to appease nt Tesidenis by using metres midifeet or if it is simply that 53 'feet :does mot convert .to an Even 'metric number. likewise, 25 metres toes not =avert to ai even number of feet. Whatever --youlrnekers and 'haulers had teen advised. The LliEnistry of r*CIIISTMINIT midsear- vorate ,Affairs :Ballade .bas advised that apparently another travel ..club lebonaiiretingdrand isAln the go again in ZOlithWeliki711:ktario. Please:he moue Of theseanti:10 not give ffourferedft vardout. 1mb- llama= toolaud le le true, usuEdlY ' A The ..:wkwore -of the Royal folooslion /.1.0gionl,Poivosesi YAM �d, wa WP- C,Pej40115yere,44thwaglAt, ffkettiw-oftheAoreAl-braDth bY r y. i:Nwsloththp140* . , 50/4110P: "fist, *Jon *tow '90041 cPubilg Aritit 1100,11) 1 109 ,e-t:intriebigg. 0: 414081, ...belOtee fue lvsen law 4, 1r of the liontiu140 POP yiwr A.coitthillikeo- -lior 1. 100 1441 o. t